"BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —If you areon the fence, sit there until you decide to vote the Democratic ticket. 3 —Maine and Vermont have been heard from, so have Florida and Georgia. —The foundling asylum is an in- fant industry which Mr. McKINLEY forgot to protect. —What has the Republican press to say of Judge WALTER Q. GRERHAM’S change of front. —If any one asks you what Democra- cy is, tell them that itis the antidote for all the evils of Republicanism. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 37. BELLEFONTE, PA., OCT. 7, 1892. NO. 39. A Give Away, The strenuous efforts the Repulican managers are making to raise an unlim- ited corruption fund is a complete give away of the condition of the campaign, —The Republicans are said to be run- i from their point of view. It is only by ning a “still hunt” campaign in the | the use of money that they can win. south. It looks like an all winter job. —Why the Honorable PATRICK EGAN is home from Chili. Can it be that the Democrats have intimidated Dave MARTIN in New York? -~If no other good comes from the use of the Baker ballot, on November 8th, by figuring the percentage of votes polled to the number of voters we may geta fair idea as to the general intelli- gence of a community. —Statistics show that the increased duties of the McKINLEY bill have not di minished importations. Therefore they have not afforded a home market for our products, and we have been robbed by a theory which provesa ‘fake’ in practice. — With such men as Judge GRESHAM, WayNE McVEAGH and Judge COOLEY deserting their party, for the better prin- ciples of Democracy, is it not a propos to ask if HARRISON has become partic- ularly anxious about the telegraph com- munications with Barr Harbor ? —Under the protectionist’s theory an increase of wages comes from an in- crease of tariff, but an increase in wages increases the cost of production and thus makes prices higher. Farmers do you see it? Your market is, abroad and the tariff does not affect you, except to make you pay more for your clothing and implements than you should. —Mr. McKINLEY has protected the hens of our country to the extent of five cents per dozen on their product, but when we tell their owners that nearly eight million dozen more eggs are export- ed than imported they will doubtless be- gin to lay away some antique specimens for use on the heads of the campaign liars, who try to make them believe that they receive any benefit from the tariff. —*“The tariff is made for the benefit (?) of the wage-worker and American me- chanics.” Oh, yes! and the party that makes it has gone still further in its benevolent pursuits and Punted up a protected few to hold the benefits (?) in trust for the irresponsible (?) wage- worker and American mechanic. ‘Won't it be a halcyon day when Demo- cracy will have turned over the great trust fund to its proper owners. —It seems extremely ridiculous for a man like Generai SNOWDEN to be con- - tinually bringing himself before the public as he does. His part in the TAMS business, and the universal censure it re- ceived, should have sufficed, but now he appears as having instigated the arrest of the Homestead workers on the charge of treason. Surely such an one is unfit for the position he holds and guilty of a gross unjustice to his fellow men. —According to McKINLEY ‘‘there can be no permanently successful place in America for a party which appeals to passion and prejudice and ignorance.’ And that is exactly the reason that there is no longer room for a party which relies on the ‘‘ignorance’ of the people toimpose a tariff tax which makes mil- lionaires out of a few ‘at the expense of the many ; upon the “prejudice” of a people to wave the bloody shirt and keep open the rankling sores of section- alism and upon the “passion” of a peo- ple to obliterate the frcedom of the bal- lot from our statutes by the imposition of an infamous Force bill. —The immigration question is one which neither party has had the cour- age to take up nor isit likely that they ever will inaugurate proceedings which will stop the awful influx of undesirable foreigners which threatens the perma- nance of American institutions. You may say that to close Castle Garden would be to rob our government of that sentiment of freedom which gave it birth: But many of those who have en- tered through its gates—miserable, grovelling wretches and nurtured to prosperity by the beneficence of our blessed land, instead of returning the love which such open armed generosity should have inspired, rally under the red flag of anarchy, nihilism and socialism to sink the knife of treach- ery into the vitals of the government which has given them life and hope. The immigration question should be put above the narrow confines of party doc- trines. The weal of our land is injeop- ardy and every one of our free institu- tions cries out against such license as our immigration laws give. ‘ It is upon the power of boodle and their ability to buy the mercenary that they hang their hopes. They feel that to appeal to the rea- son of the people is futile; they know no promise they can make will be re- lied upon; they understand that their tariff policy is condemned by every in- terest in the country, outside of the fav- ored few for whose benefit it is intend- ed, and realize that public sentiment is aroused against their force bills, their extravagances, and their onerous taxa- tion. Knowing these facts, they pul their reliance on money, and their ef- forts to raise it, gives their tariff policy, as well as their political condition,com- pletely away. When a Republican speaker or the Republican press argues to the public of the benefits of a protective tariff, they attempt to make believe that such policy is for the the good of all classes, workingmen,farmers,mechanics,trades- men and professions of all kinds. If such was the case, why would that party not demand of all these interests a contribution to secure the continua- tion of such a policy? Surely if the workingmen and farmers and mechan- ics and others were all benefited by the enforcement of protective dogmas, the party, representing and favoring this policy, could confidently look to them for support in the hour of need, and for assistance in the time of its distress. But it does not, and the very fact thai it centres its hopes on, and makes its demands of, the favored few whom its policy is intended to protect and enrich, is a complete give away of that policy, and a direct pointer to the beneficiaries of protection. The oune fact that it is upon the man- ufacturers of Philadelphia and] Pitts- burg—the Doran's and the DisTon’s, the CARNEGIE’s and the Pripps’—that the Republicans rely for the money that is to buy the re-election of Harrison and the continuation of a robber tariff, ‘shows exactly the parties and interests its policy benefits, and for whose ad- vantage such measures as the McKin- LEY bill is intended. If the benefits of protection were for the whole people the party favoring that policy would not fail to depend upon the people for its support. As it is not, it relies upon the pocket books it has filled, for the means that will buy the mercenary, and enable it to continue its policy of robbing the masses for the benefit of the few. Itis its effort to raise money, and the parties on whom it feels it has a right to make demands for boodle, that gives its condition and policy away. Progressing. There was a time ounce in this coun- try when only an attempt to overthrow the government was considered trea- son, but now, under the benign and beneficent effects of a high tariff,and the blooming success of Republican doc trine and dogmas, an attempt, on the part of workingmen, to secure living |' wages,or an effortito protect themselves from the outrages of a hired mob of armed detectives, ‘constitutes that high crime. Surely our country progresses —towards a despotism of capital, and the days of feudal lords. The new Republican doctrine as attempted to be enforced. by Republi- can employers, as interpreted by Re- publican courts and as supported by the Republican press, makes fealty to organized labor, or opposition to PiNkERTON detectives, treason, If the workingmen are ready to endorse this monstrous doctrine, they can show their approval by voting for the party, that by the action of its representatives, attempts to enforce it. ———When men like Judge GREsHAM and Hoo. Wayne Me Veacn, find cause to leave the Republican party, is it not time for other decent people to get away from its corrupting embrace ? —1If you fail to pay your taxes you may tail to get a vote. To-morrow, Saturday, is the last day. A Party of Inconsistencies and Hy- pocrisy. It is queer inconsistency and shame- less hypocrisy that political conditions and party necessities require Republi can speakers and the Republican press to be guilty of. They proclaim their party in favor of civil service, and endorse,its giving the offices to men who have furnished ¢boodle’” as did WaNaMakER, or cor- rupt voters, as did Dave MARTIN. They enact a robber tariff, to ‘‘check” imports and protect home monopolists, and then claim credit for increasing imports and enlarging our business transactions with foreign countries. They howl ‘free trade” at every Democrat, and then boast of the bene- fits of “reciprocity,’”’ which is the rank- est “free trade,” that any country ever attempted. They blow about “free elections and an honest count,” and propose’ for the country an election law that will put every precinct, in the United States, in the power of their political heelers, and the ballot boxes at the mercy of the most disreputable scamps to be found in a congressional district. They talk eternally about bettering the condition of workingmen,; and en- dorse and support the monopolies they have built up in turning loose upon them armed hirelings, to force them to submit to reduced wages, or suffer for want of work. Sach are the inconsistencies and hy- pocrisy of the Republican party and ite advocates, What honest m#h can support it, or what decent citizen have respect for the promises or pledges of those who speak for it? #3,260,000 Profits. The actual cost of a ton of armor plate is said to be forty dollars, The price paid by the government to Car- NEGIE & Co. is $600 a ton. The amount for which their contract calls is 6.000 tons. It don't take much of an arith- metician to figure up the fact, that on this one contract, that was given with- out a letting or competition, these fav. orités of a Republican administration, will pocket the snug sum of $3,360,000, —three million three hundred and sixty thousand dollars! Is it any wonder that CARNEGIE can buy castles in Scotland; that Prrbes can purchase baronial estates in Eng- land, or that their company ‘can em- ploy an army of armed detectives to force their employees to accept less wages or no work ? : It is from this class of favored indus- tries that Republicans “fry the fat” that greases their rickety and rotten ma- chine, and supplies them with funds to buy the mercenary, to continue them- selves in power. It is from this kind of robbery that the people are asked to save them- selves by voting out of power a party whose policy gives to CarNEGIE & Co. $3,360,000 profits on one contract and reduces the farmers’ wheat to 70cts a bushel. —Do you know any Democrat who has not paid his tax? If so see that he attends to it before to-morrow, Saturday, night. Your Last Chance. Saturday of this week, Oct. 8, closes the time in which the payment of a State or county tax can be made to se- cure the privilege of voting. From the time you see this notice until it will be too late to get a tax-receipt that will entitle you to vote at the presidential election in November, is but a few hours at the longest. In this matter you have no time to spare. By failing to attend to it at once, you may neglect it entirely, and thus lose your vote. Don’t delay a moment. Go straight to the collector of your district and if you can't pay both, pay either a state or county tax and take a receipt for the payment. It will entitle you to vote. If you do not have the money go to some good Democratic neighbor, tell him frankly your situation, and ask him to lend you the amount needed. It won't be much. Any good Democrat will assist you in this way ; but be sure that you pay the loan back. Don’t fail in this, It is of the utmost impor: tance. morrow, Saturday, night. ——-The time in which you can pay your taxes and secure a vote, closes to- ! Disgracing the Courts. Of all the cowardly attempts to break the Homestead sirike and frighten the men back into the employ of CARrNE- GIE and Co., on CarNgEcIE & Co's. terms, that have been made since the trouble at that place began, that of arresting them for “treason,” on Saturday last, is the shallowest and most contempti- ble. While it may appear to monopolists, who, under the favoritism of a Repub- lican tariff policy, have come to be: lieve that not only the opportunities and wealth of the country, but the country itself, is their own particular property, sensible people of every shade of opinion will look upon the charge of “treason” preferred against the Homestead workingmen, as a further attempt to persecute, or a palpa- ble effort to frighten them into sub- mission. Treason in this country can be com- mitted only by levying war against the government or adhering to its enemies, It would take a peculiar condition of the human mind to imaging the Pink- erton detectives, against whom these workingmen waged war for the period of one day, to be the government. We know that Republican teachings have caused some queer ideas to be enter- tained, as to what is the government; that. Republican dogmas have given birth to outrageous beliefs on this sub- ject, and that Republican promises have created hopes in the breasts of greedy capitalists, that stop at noth- ing short of absolute and domineering supremacy in all things, but with all these crazy, crooked and demoralizing doctrines, there is no one wild enough to look upon PINKERTON’s hirelings, as the goverment, or the effort of the iron workers in CArRNEGIE mills, to secure the wages promised them by Republi: can speakers and press, in return for their votes for a ‘protective’ tariff, as treason. Republican courts, at the dictation of Republican millionaires, who have had the “fat” fried out of them for the purpose of increasing the Republican corruption fund, may lend themselves to this effort to force workingmen into actepting less pay than was promised them under Republican “protection,” but in the end it will only result in contempt for a judiciary that can thus be used, and to the disgrace of the courts over which they preside. i ——— Take Precautions for the Future. The appearance of frost seems to have put an end to the cholera scare, for the time being, but health authori- ties in large cities, where the germs of the fell scourge are likely to be carried, should not relax the stringent measures which they have undertaken, to pre- vent its entry into our country. There is great danger that the relief, from the scare, occasioned by the approach of cold weather, will tend to bring negli gence about a careful inspection of all possible ways by which cholera germs might be carried in. While a fall in the temperature is likely to prevent further infection this year, there is no degree of certainty that the disease might not break out again in the Spring. Observations of scientists have proven beyond a doubt that cold has no effect on the living germs of the disease, that nothing but a temperature higher than the boiling point will destroy them. Therefore it is of vital importance that every pre- caution be taken to prevent the entry of anything in which such germs might be carried. The strictest quarantine should be kept up until all possible chance of its entry has been forestalled. Republicans say that it.is over production that makes the price of wheat but 70 cents per bushel. But, why should their be over-production of wheat in this country while famine ravages entire sections of Hurope ? Be bonest. Put the blame where it properly belongs; to a restricted market caused by a Republican policy that attempts to protect a few manufac: tures, and leaves the farmer's products atthe mercy of a home demand. —— Read Wayne MoVeacn's aw- ful arraignment of the Republican party. It will appear on the inside of next week's issue. While you are read- ing it remember, if you please, that he was Attorney General in GARFIELD'S cabinet. ‘| mittee : Is Choice of His Company: From the Philadelphia Herald. It is pretty rough on the Republicans when men selected for elector-at-large in the Harrison interest decline the questionable honor. This has happened in the case of Judge Hare, a lifelong Republican, who wants to be taken off the Harrison electoral ticket in Oregon for the reason thus tersely stated in his letter of declination set to the State Com- “You have passed a high tar- iff, as you claim, for the the protecti of labor, yet I have sean more t manufacturing establishments the price of labor of the workingmen,”’ The Judge evidently takes no stock in Peck’s statistics, or may be those re- markable “figgers’’ have not yet pene- trated the wilds of Oregon. —— Abundantly Able to Judge. From the St. Louis Republican. With our agricultural products de- clining, manufactured goods are “stiffen ing.” All cotton goods are rising in price as cotton falls—an anomaly that could not exist except under the unnat- ural condition produced by the McKin- ley bill. “The day of the prophet of calamity has been succeeded by that of the trade reporter,” said President Har- rison, in defending the McKin'ey bill, in his letter of acceptance. “We are now fortunately able to judge of ils in- fluence upon production and prices by the market reports.” So are we. The people who have wheat and cotton to sell are judging by the market reports, and Mr. Harrison will hear from them before long. ———— Childs on Cleveland. From the Public Ledger. His (Cleveland's) administration has been free from official or personal scan- dal ; has been honest and clean. There have been no Star Route robberies; no navy jobberies; no War Depart- ment corruptions ; no profligate waste by United States Marshals; no Treas- ury combinations or speculations; no corrupt operations in or through the Land Office. No American at home or abroad has had occasion to droop his eyes inshame because of any such things under Mr Cleveland’s administration. On the contrary, there has been a reso- lute effort to promote honest govern- ment, to increase efficiency and to les- sen expenses. A The Right Fellow to Defeat. From the Media Record, Rep. . Quay is the best man in Pennsylva- nia to defeat for the senatorship. He has pandered to ever intertest in the state and has been false to all. He is not a representative Pennsylvanian, nor a representative politician, nor, in the opinion of reputable partisans, a re- presentative Republican, and should not represent the people of the state. He has used his power egainst workingmen upon many occasions. Another and a better man should succeed him. He is simply a spoilsman, and utterly un- worthy to represent the great common- wealth of Pennsylvania. They Knew by Experience. From the Meadville Messenger. No longer can the Republicans pull the wool over the eyes of the farmers. Ever since the McKinley tariff bill be- came a law the price of wool has steadi- ly declined. But this is not all. ‘What the farmer loses in selling his wool, he is also a loser in the purchasing of his supplies . Genuine woolen goods ‘have increased in price. Even shoddy clothing, made out of old woolen rags, cow and dog hair, moss, ete., are higher in price. The tariff does not raise the price of what the farmer has to sell, but 1t does increase on articles the tarmer buys. Need of Extraordinary Effort, From the New York World. Reports from Ohio indicate a state of alarm among Republicans. The leaders have not yet been able to arouse even a simulation of interest in the rank and file of the party, and they are ‘asking each other: “Where are we at?’ Sher- man, McKinley, Foraker and all the spelibinders are to be put to work in the State at once to see if is not possible to arouse some enthuisasm for the two Ohioans-—Harrison and Reid Halstead should be called home and Keifer sum- moned from the political graveyard. A Matter They are Dcul:iiless Grateful For. From the Emporium Independent. The noble band of harmonizers and fat-friers at Mr. Carter's headquarters may be thankful that no ‘more North- ern States are to vote before November. One big Samp? then and all will be over, but this slumping on the instal- ment plan is terribly trying fo the nerves. He Objects to Shams. From the Kansas City Star. * If it were not for wilful misrepresenta- tion of his enemies there would be no necessity for any one to declare that Mr. Cleveland is as firm a friend of the old soldiers as any one in America. ‘What he has objected to, in this case as in all others, has been shams. A Problem for The Organs. From the Philadelphia Times. t 4 If Eurepe is in-the pauperized condi- tion claimed by the organs, where in the world do they go the money over there to pay all the duties on imports, Spawls from the Keystone, —Ashland is on half water rations. —By falling under a car at, St. Clair, Frank Yeager was fatally hurt. —Foreign capitalists will} establish a 50,000 ° barrel brewery at Lancaster. —A Montrose man advises farmers to plant chestnut instead of apple orchards. —A fall of coal crushed Joseph Marekeldege at York Farm Colliery, near Pottsville. —The pheasant season in this State opened Saturday and many a bird was bagged. —Frank Curry, a farm laborer near Bryn Mawr, was killed by a train at Chester. — Berks County farmers say ag.ples make less cider this year than last, but it is better. —Touching the trigger with a ramrod, Gus* tav Reibie, of Meyersdale, blew off his head. —A blacksnake nine feet four inches long was shot near Birdsboroby Charles Hughes. —The 130 girls in the Tamaqua woolen mills have accepted a ten per cent. reduction in wa- ges. —A little daughter of Mrs. Miller, Strouds- burg, played with matches and was roasted alive. —Farmer William Dewald, of Landingville, committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. —Black diphtheria has broken out among Polanders at Avondale, and three victims are dead. : —Judge Yerkes, of Doylestown, says the in- crease of crime is due to the luxury of modern prisons. —Reading’s cigar output amounts to $30,000,e 000 a year and leads by three to one any other industry. —Postmaster General Wanamaker addressed a meeting Monday evening of Allentown busi- ness men. —The new warrant clerk at the Auditor General's office at Harrisburg is Jenkin Hill, of Reading. —Delamaters finished their case Saturday by an avalanche of testimony as to their good character. —The Philadelphia and Reading’s coal busi- ness is so heavy at Pottsville that there is a gearcity of cars. —The trial of Jacob McAllister for the mur, der of William McLaughlin, at Highspire, is on at Harrisburg. —A charter has been received for the Hano- ver and McSherrytown Electric Railroad, with a capital of $3000. —A driver found the body of Edward Martin, who with Isaac Workheise was drowned at Easton on Monday. —From carrying a heavy load of chicken coops last week at a fair, Lewis Fritz, an Allen+ town veteran is dead. —In a fog on the river at Pittsburg, the boat was upset and Julia Rice a prominent W. C. T. U. woman perished. —After a train ran over Charles Boyle, cf Scranton, he was so horribly cut chat'!jhe was gathered up in a basket. —Jacob McAllister, who killed William Mee Laughlin, was convicted at Harrisbnrg of murs der in the second degree. —While practicing football at, Washington, William W. Lyon, a Washington and Jefterson student, was fatally hurt. —Some miners in the Schuylkill region have made $100 a month since the advanced schedule went into effect. —There is a scheme on foot to increase Pitts. burg’s population to 800,000 by annexing the rest of Allegheny County. —Eight-year-old Joe Griek, who was accused of killing George Reddinger, of Shamokin, with a stone, was released. ¥ —An attack of the grip made Warren H. Moore, an Altoona contractor, despondent and he puta bullet into his brain. —A revolving screen at Tunnel Ridge Col- Hery, Mahonoy City, nearly ‘mangled out the life of Frederick Brocker. --In Schuylkill County miners and mechan- ics pay 65 cents to vote ; laborers. 45 cents, and infirm and old men, 23 cents. —The life-saving bureau of the Treasury Department will have a life-saving station and apparatus at the World’s Fair. —Pittsburg thinks of damming Indian Creek 43 miles away to get a supply of water, if need: ed, of 150,000,000 gallons a day. —The strike of 800 employes of the Catasaus= qua Rolling Mills, Allentown, begun on July 1, 1891, was declared off Monday. . —A verdict of $8120 was awarded Saul & Geib against the city of Reading because a street had been cut through their ice dam. —William Lloyd, 80 years old, of Minersville has disappeared, and it is feared he has fallen into some of the mine breaches near by. —Lycoming County Commissioners have stirred up a hullabaloo by the sale and repur- chase of o Id files, with a neat profit, it is alleged —The workingmen's train at Steelton ran in, ‘| to an open switch Monday and was wrecked. Conductor Quigley only being slightly Injured —After falling 30 feet from a tree at Shamo- kin, John Gieruntz landed on a sharp piece of timber. His stomach was torn open, and he will die. —The meeting of the Pennsylvania Tax Con. ference, which was to have been held in Har- risburg Wednesday has been postponed until October 12. —Damages to the amount of $2200 were awarded at Scranton to Mrs. Annie Maloney for the killing of her son in a street railway accident. —There will soon be celebrated at Scranton the golden jubilee of Bishop O'Hara, with one exception the oldest Catholic priest in this country. . —The Monday morning Harrisburg Morning Call was published by E. L. Mumma and R. B, Zeigler,and was changed froma Republican to an independent paper. i —Rather than live with her husband and child, Mrs. Baldwin, of Johnstown, works as a domestic at Greensburg to furnizh luxuries to a lover who is in jail. : —~Only two of the Mud Run disaster claims are unpaid. Claimant James 'Jénnings got a $5000 verdict at Scranton, but the Lehigh Vale ley was granted a new trial. —These Pennsylvania fourth class post mas ters were appointed Monday : I. A.'Rowé, Blua Ridge ; Mrs. E. B. Ingram, Décatur j'M. R. Sil- baugh, Dumas; H. F. Barnett, Gideon. —Colonel James Young, of Middletown, who owns the biggest farm in Pennsylvania, told the Reading Board of Trade it was!standing in its own light when it oppo:ed trolley railways. —Members of the Apollinaris, Columbia and Union League Clubs, of Philadelphia, visited the Gettysburg battlefield Sunday and gave a history of the Eighteenth Regiment to Penns sylvania College.