aly CLE ELEN a SIENA Ll -— Belle fonte, Pa., Sept. 30, 1892. Farm Notes. Color of the butter does not indicate its quality. Nearly all butter is artifi- ally colored before marketed. Cucumbers pared into long ribbons and dried in the sun on long bamboo sticks are used in soups and as an in- gredient of many other dishes by the Chinese. The cows should not be eating while being milked, but stand with eyes closed chewing their cuds and thinking of nothing but letting the milk come full head. Cows will stand much higher feeding in winter and yield a good profit there- by, if they have good pasture during the summer and are given a rest from grain food. Clover is rich in albuminoids, and for that reason it is the best food for cows, as it contains a larger proportion of the elements that compose milk than any other hay. By feeding a variety of food the ex- penses may be lessened. Even straw 1s an excellent food when cut fine, and then fed in connection with ground grain and linseed meal. It is claimed that mulberry trees make durable posts. As the mulberry is a quick growing tree this advantage in its favor of serving as posts should not be overlooked in planting trees for future use. There is but little difference in the feeding values of wheat bran and mid- dlings, and they are very much alike in composition, their proportions of al- bumoids, carbo-hydrates and fat being nearly equal. x To preserye the wagon wheels so that they need not be taken to the shop. heat linseed oil to the boiling point and pour it in a trough. Having enough to cover the felloes turn the wheel slowly through this boiling oil. Let any intelligent person go over the State, especially in winter, and taste the butter on the hotel tables. The re- sult will be surprising and will. chow the necessity for the establishicg of dairy schools in every school district. The most productive market gardens in the neighborhood of Paris are where the gardeners hire the right to put soil upon a piece of barren land ; providing in their lease for the right to take away | the soil when they give up the occu- pancy. Manure for trees siiould be well rot- ted. Experiments show that the use of fresh stable manure around fruit trees sometimes leads to disease, as well as providing harboring and feeding places for many insects, the manure protect ing them from frost. The surest way to make a profit is to keep down the cost. There should be no hesitation in procuring that which is needed, but waste should not be al- lowed. The cost may be lessened by doing all work at the proper time and by the use of the best implements. Dairymen are advocating the feeding of skim milk to cows. Some cows will reject 1t unless ic is added to the ground grain ration. It is doubtful if it pays to feed it to cows if there are young pigs on the farm, as no food will force pigs eo rapidly in growth as skim milk, ‘When feeding grain to fowls do not uge a trough, but scatter the grain, so as to compel the hens to scratch for their food. When grain is fed from a trough some of the hens secure more than their share, which is not condu- cive to a full quota of eggs from each hen. Experiments at the Wieconsin sta- tion show that the gooseberry mildew is one of the easiest fungi to destroy. The disease yields readily to copper so- lutions, which should be applied till the fruit is half grown ; after that the use of potassium sulphide is more de- _ sirable. Do not put more cows on to your hired men’s hands than they can milk without physical discomfort. Some men can milk 12 cows comfortably while others would have tired hands at the eighthamimal. Tired human mus. cles canpot properly drain the milk from the cow’s udder. One of the most important things to do isto take the herd of September and October milkers and eo handle them during the autumn as not to ma- terially lessen the yield of milk. In the stables for the winter, with regular feed and care, good cows will milk for months, and when grass comes, keep on for weeke, Professor Shaw says; Scrub cattle are in all probability the most expen: sive luxury by far that the farmers of the United States have to-day. They cost them more than all the monopo- lists combined can ever hope to wring out of them. Scrub stock is the leech that sucks away at their prosperity 365 days in the year. The economist who in the early part of this century feared a growth of pop ulation which could only be checked by: war, pestilence and famine took no cognizance of agricultural chemistry. Apparently no limit can be placed to the product that may be put at the dis- posal of man, providing he keeps pace with'the methods of science. Gourds are susceptible of being trans- formed into beautiful house ornaments of real usefulness. Cut off carefully with a saw, after thoroughly drying they may be varnished, stained or paint- ed and made into vases for cut or.dried bouquets or into receptacles for pots of gryving plantas The fact that they old water makes them all the more valuable, TN EN TANI rr Business Notices, Children Cry for Piicher’s Ca toria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Cas- toria. 36 14 2y ——What shall it prcfit a man if he gain the whole world and then has the dyspepsia so bad that he can’t enjoy any of the good things it contains ? He won’t have dyspepsia if he takes DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.—C. M. Parrish. ——Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Wik Hazel Salve will cure therm.—C. M. Par- rish. ——DIED.—In this city of consumption. A familiar headline isn’t it? It’s boy risky to neglect a cold or cough. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant safe and sure.—C. M. Parrish. It’s not very plesant to cough and hack, To suffer pain in chest and back, Many people could stop it, for sure By Noe using One Minute Cough Cure.—C. M. Parrish. ——Have tried almost every known remedy for Itching Piles without success, finally bought a box of De Witt’s Witeh Hazel Salve and it has cured me. C. D. Haskias, Peoria 11L.—C. M. Parrish. —A gentleman of this country who has ex- cellent judgment remarked to us the other day that he knew of no pill so good for con- stipation, dyspepsia and liver complaint as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.—C. M. Parrish, ——There is no use talking, neither Harri- son or Cleveland will be elected unless they take De .Witt’s Little Early Risers. They have a “get there” quality possessed by no oth- er pill.—C. M. Parrish. — Dyspepsia, distress after eating, sour stomach, Joer appetite, bad taste, coated tongue and heartburn are cured by De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.—C. M. Parrish. : 37-34-1y Leaf by Leaf. The dropping of the leaves is not always caused by the ending of summer, or the ad- vent of the fall season, but indeed by many causes. So with the health and life of the hu- man being. One by one they are carried to an early grave. You take a cold and say, “Oh, well, it is nothing but a cold,” and so it is, bug if not checked in time and neglected, it leads to consumption and other diseases. Prevent it, stop it, by using a pure rye whisky. Minis- ters, physician and hospital superintendents agree in recommending as a perfect stimulent, Klein's Silver Age or Duquesne Ryes. The former sells at $1.50 and the latter at §1.25 per full quart sold by 8. Shloss, Williamsport, Pa New Advertisements, HEEKS A RAW SORE LITTLE BOY'S SUFFERING FROM ECZE- MA. GREW WORSE UNDER 3 DOC- TORS. CURED BY CUTICURA. For one year my little boy was troubled with eczema. After trying three eminent Physi cians, the disease grew worse; both cheeks became a raw sore. Then spots began to break out on his body; and I am of an opinion that if I had not tried Cuticura Remedies. my boy would to-day have been covered from: head to foot with the terribte disease. After using the remedies for two months, he was entirely cured, and is now as fair as any boy. I send you this testimonial, in hopes some poor afflicted one may see this cure and cob- tain Cuticura Remedies at once, J. WILLARD CASE, Shelter Island Heights, N. Y. SKIN DISEASE FOR YEARS I haveread a good deal about the Cuticura Remedies, but I did not take any stock in them until I saw it with my own eyes. My sister had skin disease for a large number of years. It broke out all over her body and face. Doc- tor did her no good. Tried everything. Used one set of Cuticuras. It has all disappeared. You ean take this for a testimonial, Miss MARY McCARTHY, 74 New York Ave., Ogdensburg, N.Y* CUTICURA RESOLVENT The new Blood and Skin Purifier and greatest ot Humor Remedies, internally (to cleanse the blood of all impurities, and thus remove the cause), and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite skin Beautifier, externally (to clear the skin and scalp and re- store the hair), cure every species of agoniz- ing, itching, burning, scaly, and Jiu dis- ease of the skin, scalp, and blood. Cuticura Remedies are the greatest Skin Cures, Blood Purifiers, and Humor Remedier of modern times, and daily make more great cures than all other blood and skin remedies combined. Sold everywhere. Price, Curicura 50c.; Soap, 25¢.; ResoLvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Por- TER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. Bgy=Send for “ How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. Pra black-heads, red rough - chapped, and oily skin cured by Cuti- cura Soap. CAN'T BREATHE. Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakness, Hack- ‘ing Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy, and Inflamma- tion relieved in one minute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. Nothing like it for Weak Lungs. 37-38-4t Druggist. PE JAS. A, THOMPSON & CO. aror HECARIES, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. ~se—DEALERS IN=——— PURE }{ DRUGS, { MEDICINES TOILET { ARTICLES and every thing kept in a first class*Drug Store. 87 14 6m Philadelphia Card. Jo waRD W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &C 429 Market Street: 15 1 i PHILADELPHIA, PA. Gas Fitting. M. GALBRAITH, Plumber anc | by steam, copver smithing, rebronz Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa Pays purticular attentien to heating bulidinge x fi ruest, &c. 02 The trains of the Bellefonte fo oo a ERE TO EA New Advertisements, ee REWERY FORSALEORRENT. —The subseriber offers her Brewery property, situated cne miles west of Bellefonte for sgle or rent on easy terms. It consists of a large Brew House, with kettles, vals and every- thing complete, an excellent vault for stor- ing beer, two dwelling houses, large stable out houses and two acres of land. Term will be easy and price or rent low. Apply on the premises to MRS. L. HAAS. Cobar 37-36-3m Por iLess DYES. $13 FAST DARK GREEN, Guaranteed. SAMPLE PACKAGE 10c. At Drug Stores, or ELMIEA, N. Y. 36 37 2m ais C. MILLER PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. - Rentsor Sells property of all kinds. Does & eneral collection business, opens or closes ooks for firms or individuals. Special attention given to collection rents and business accounts. If you have any real estate for sale.or rent ot wish to rent or buy property, call and see me at room 13, Criders Exchange, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 37-13-61 ANCY HANKS N at Lately lowered all previous records of trotting, and it is thought she can yet beat her own record. So with us are all our previous re- cords in business sugpassed, and we hope by our persistent and honest ef- forts to still increase until our present record shall dwindle into obscurity, and we ask your assistance in this by giving us a call when in need of any- thing in the —GROCERY LIN EBE—— RG IARIMER,: ow iwi, = South Allegheny Street, 37 353m Bellefonte, Pa. Grocer, 3 : GO TO Cookers BON MARCHE For Dry Goods and Notions, Ladies and Gents furnishing goods. Hosiery and Underwear a specialty. We are agents fora 1 DYING { ESTABLISHMENT 1} also for the EQUOPOISE WAIST AND JENNESS MIL- LER MODAL BODICE. No. 19 West Bishop St. Bellefonte, Pa. 37 3€-3m rene BARGAIN SALE.— Beginning Thursday, June 30, we will offer at about one half price 560 yard of white goods; 1 lot of leather belts, and 1 lot of fine fans. These will be immense bargains. Threedays only, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday. CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street, 36 49 1y ellefonte, Pa. UNTER’S PARK, — The new Pleasure Resort of Centre county, is situated on the line of the Bellefonte Central Railroad, 6 miles from Bellefonte, at an eleva- tion of 1000 feet above tide. The Park com- prises FIFTEEN ACRES OF WOODLAND, with abundant drinking water. A LAKE, A FINE DANCING PAVILION, A SWISS KITCHEN, TABLES, SWINGS, SEATS, ete. This is the finest Pleasure Grounds to be found between Philadelphia and Pittsbur, Tne new Athletic Grounds of the Railroad’ ad- join the Park, and a number of interestin. Ball games will be played ring the season. entral R. R. leave from the P. R. R. Station, at Bellefonte For time tables, rates, and other information address THOS. A, SHOEMAKER, Sup’t., 37 26 3m: Bellefonte, Pa. HERIFF'S SALE! y virture of Sundry writs of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Coramon Pleas of Centre county and to me directed there will be exposed at Pablic Sale, at the Court House, in Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, THE 8th DAY OF OCTOBER A. D. 1892 beginning at 1 o'clock p.m., the following described real estate : All the right, title and interest of Chester Munson and all the coal and other minerals, with right to mine and ship in all those sever- al messuages and tracts of land, situate in the township of Rush, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, one thereof bounded on the south and east by lands lately of Chester Mun- son, now Wm. P. Duncan, on the north by the Bellefonte Pike and on the west by lsnds of A. Calhoun and others, containing one acre more or less. One other thereof bounded on the east by lands of Mrs. Seigfreid, on the north by lands of Cassanova’s heirs, on the west by lands of MecClellans estate, and on the south by Belle- fonte Pike, containing ten acres more or less. One other thereof, Yerinning at poston line of the Bellefonte turnpike, adjoining lands of John Williamson, thence south 141 perches to white oak south of Half Moon road, thence west along lands of Morgan, Hale & Co. 36 erches to a post, thence north along lands of fm. P. Duncan about 141 perches to the line of the Bellefonte turnpike, thence by the Bellefonte turnpike south 87 degrees east 38 perches to the place of begining, containing 32 acres more or less: Seized taken in execu- tion and to be sold as the property of Chester Munson, ALSO All that certain house and lot situate in the borough of Philipsburg, Centre eounty, Penn: sylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Rost on Beaver street, thence by same st. north east 50 feet to a post, thenc( at right angles south-east 66 feet to line of lof No. 99, thence by land of lot No. 99 south-wesf 50 feet to a post, thence at right angles north east 66 feet to the place of beginning, being a post of lot No. 98 in the general or plot of the orough of Philiprburg. Thereon erected a two-story dwelling house and other outbuild- ings, Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Walter Riddle. Trrus.—No deed will be acknowledged um- til purehase money is paid in full. W. A. ISHLER Sherift’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Sheriff, Sept. 13, 1892. § ENTRY i 14 HX ¥. SELECTED EE TR A TC YE Sechier & Co. Sr BLENDED TUHAS ———— LE Lt is a pretly well settled principal with all ex- pert tea men that the highest perfection in tea can- not be attained from any one kind or variety of tea Plant. But that the best value and choicest flavor can be obtained only by a skillful blending of care- Jully sclected high grade goods of different varieties. When teas are perfectly blended the original flav- or of each variety disqppears in the blend, and from the combination we get something entirely new and much finer than any of the or We have a new blend of our own. ginal flavors. In the prepa- ration of which we have spent considerable time and labor and have also had the aid and counsel of sev- eral as good tea men as are to be found in the Unit- ed States. It 1s with entire confidence that we of- Jer the goods for sale and unhesitatingly claim them 20 be very superior both in value and flavor. ff you want a cup of ROVAL TEA, try our new blended goods. We also carry a full line of Teas, Oolongs, Ja- pan, Young Hyson, Imperials, Gunpowder, Eng- lish Breakfast, also several grades of blended goods, and can suit the trade on anything in the tea line. You may not be exactly suited on the goods you are using, and we feel confident that you will be able 20 get from us just what you are wanting. We sell Jine teas af very reasonable prices. Try them. We have a clean dry sugar 8lbs for 3octs. the cheapest sugar ever sold in Bellefonte. Respectfully, SECHLER & CO. 36-45 BELLEFONTE, PA. Liquors, SCHMID? BUILDING. — 0—THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLE TE—o +||——WINE, LIQUOR AND CIGAR HOUSE——|-+~ {——IN THE UNITED STATES} 0o———ESTABLISHED 1836. 0 —ng {WL SCHMID T= DISTILLER 0 AND o JOBBER }—O0F—¢ FINE—3 —WHISKIES. Telephone No. 666. Sy, WE IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQUORSAND CIGARS, No. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenug, PITTSBURG, PA. —+ fo Zcg=All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Printing. Printing. 87-28-6m or JOB PRINTING. Fine Job Printing Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. ee —— Job Printing. Fine Job/Printing. Fine Job Printings Fine Job!Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING} Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing. —FAT THE WATCHMAN OFEICE.{— | 36-46-18m SOANESEIVIASIRRY Saddlery. QUHOFIELD'S NEW HARNESS HOUSE. We extend a most cordial invitation to our patrons and the public, in general, to witness one of the GRANDEST DISPLAYS OF Light and Heavy Harness ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will be made in the large room, formerly occupied by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has been added to my factory and will be used exclu- sively for the sale of harness, being the first exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as heretofore the custom has been to sell goods in the room in which they were made. This elegant room has been refitted and furnished with glass cases in which the harness can nicely displayed and still kept away from heat and dust, the enemies of long wear in leather. Our factory now occupies a room 16x74 feet and the store 20x60 added makes it the largest establishment of its kind outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. We are prepared to offer better bargains in the future than we have done in the past and we want everyone to see our goods and get prices for when you do this, out of self defense You will buy. Our profits are not large, but oy selling lots of goods we can afford to live in Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle philanthropy. It is purely business. We are not making much, but trade is growing and that is what we are interested in now. - Profits will take care of themselves. ’ When other houses discharged their works men during the winter they were all put to work in my factory, nevertheless the bi a houses of this city and county would smile we compared ourselves to them, but we do not mean to be so odious, except to venture the ase section that none of them can say, as we can say “NO ONE OWES US A CENT. THAT WE CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story. The following are kept constantly on hand. 50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, Ye from $8.00 to $15.00 and upwards, LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY HARNESS per set $25.00 and pearly, 500 HORSE COLLARS from $1,50 to $5,00 each, over $100.00 worth of HARNESS OILS and AXLE GREASE, $400 worth of Fly Nets sold cheap 8150 worth of whips from 15¢ to $3.00 each, Horse Brushes,Cury Combs Sponges,” Chamois, RIDING SADDLES, LADY SIDESADDLES Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand for Se on Heel as low as 25¢ pound. e keep everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS HARNESS STORE—no change ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two shops in the same town to catch trade—NO SELLING OUT for the want of trade or prices. Four harness-makers at steady work this wine ter, This is our idea of protection to labor, when other houses discharged their hands, they soon found work with us. JAS. SCHOFIELD, Svoring street, Bellefonte, Pa. wo 33 37 Illuminating ©il. orn ACME. THE BEST BURNING OT. THAT CAN BE MADF FROM PETROLEUM It gives a Brilliant Light. It will not Smoke the Chimney, It will Not Char the Wick. It has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode. It is without an equal AS A SAFETY FAMILY OIL. We stake our reputation as refiners that IT IS THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by THE ATLANTIS REFINING CO. Bellefonte Station Bellefonte, Pa. 37 372ly sn. — . .Oculists and Opticians. Fries EYE EXAMINATION. we OU Rr wee EYE SPECIALIST will be in ~——BELLEFONTE,—— —WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16,— at the BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, from 8.30 A. M. to 5 P. M., and will make xe CHARGE to examine your eyes. Persons who have headache or whose eyes are causing discomfort should call upon our Specialist, and they will receive intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE {0 examine your eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered is guaranteed to begsatisfactory. UEEN & CO, 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 36211 . rm " - . Music Boxes. Pus LATEST INVENTION IN $—SWISS MUSIC BOXES.—¢ They are the sweetest, most complete, dues able, and perfect Musical Boxes made, , (warranted in every respect) bossa and any number of tunes can be obtained for them. PAT. IN SWITZERLAND AND THE U. 8. We manufacture especially for direct famis ly trade and we guarantee our instruments far superior to the Music Boxes usually made { for the wholesale trade, and sold by general Merchandise, Drygoods or Music Stores. Gem Concert Roller Organs. Lowest prices, Old Music Boxes carefully repaired and ime proved. H. GAUTSEHI & SONS, sanutuctofi, Salesrooms, 1030 Chestnut Stree Philadelph , RE pd SNR 5 PTL SE memes rim