Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 16, 1892, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 16, 1892.
—— "
To CORRESPONDENTS. — No communication
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Sf ——
——Clean up.
— Base ball at the Park to-day.
— Miss Minnie Brew is visiting her
brother Harry in Tyrone.
— Will there be a Mountain
fseague next summer ?
——See that all decaying matter is
removed from your cellars.
— Miss Emma Montgomery, of
Bishop street, is visiting friends at Su-
perior, Michigan.
— Philipsburg versus Bellefonte, at
the Park, this afternoon, The last
League game of the season.
——On Tuesday night, Sep’t 20th,
«Silver King” company will hold the
boards at the opera house.
—— Mr. James Williams, the popular
clerk in Harris & Co’s hardware, is smil-
ing all over his face. It is a boy.
——Thus far this week old Probs
has been trying Lis best to give us the
most disagreable weather possible.
——Mr. Jacob Struble, who is em-
ployed by the Union Block and Signal
Switeh Co., is visiting his parents near
—— Mrs. John H. Herman, who lives
on the farm of Adam Wagner, near this
place, recently presented her husband
with twins.
——Mr. Guyer Mattern is attending
the Granger's picnic. He has been con-
nected with the Carnegie Homestead
mills for the past six weeks,
—The Pennsylvania State College
opened on Wednesday for the year
1892-3. The class rolls are considerably
larger than they have ever been.
—— Mr. D.C. Hall, of Fleming, was
a very pleasant visitor on Tuesday
morning. His call was one of those
kind which makes the printer's heart
——The gayest man at the picnic was
the fellow who was drunk with pleasure
at all the nice things he saw. Did some-
one remark that it could’nt have taken
much to get him full.
——Simeon Baum, who for such a
long time was connected with Mont.
gomery & Co. of this place, returned
home from Evanston, Indiana, on Tues-
day morning. Sim. don’t like the west.
——Rev. Houck gave the first of a
series of lectures on his trip abroad, on
Sunday night. His talk covered the
Atlantic ocean and London. Next
Sunday evening Paris will be his
theme. :
—— Eddie Brennan, the six year old
son of Joseph Brennan, of Sandy Ridge,
jumped off a train, on Monday, and his
right leg was cut off above the knee.
Will parents never learn to keep their
children away from the cars,
- — Miss Jane Coombs played ‘Bleak
House’ before a fair audience, in the
opera house, on Monday night. Her
rendition of the strong lines of Dicken’s
great play was wonderful. Every one
was delighted with the production.
——Mr. W. H. Frain, a former Belle-
fonte boy, but now an inspector of
passenger cars in the Altoona yards,
was in town on Wednesday greeting his
old friends. He looks as natural as can
be and is delighted with bis new home,
He was on his way to the picnic.
——The Young Men’s Christian As-
sociation held its meeting in the Court
House yard on last Sunday afternoon.
Quite a large crowd attended and the
novelty of an out door gathering, with
the Meyer’s orchestra as an additional
attraction, proved quite successful.
——Tobacco chewing is going out of
fashion, - An old citizen declares that
not more than one-third as many men
chew tobacco now as did a third of a
century ago. Butas chewing is put to
the rear among these necessary (?) ac-
complishments, smoking has rapidly
advanced, Doctors declare that chewing
is the filthier custom, but smoking the
more injurious.
—— Members of the G. A. R. whe
purpose attending the encampment at
Washington are notified that the loca-
tion assigned the Centre county mem-
bers has been changed from the grounds
in Monumental Square to Garfield Park,
between the P. R. R. and the capitol.
Comrades are expected to wear upon
their caps the mark of their respective
~— The WATcEMAN acknowledges
its receipt of an invitation and compli-
mentary to the eighth annual exhibition
of the Milton Driving Park and Fair
Association, September 27th to 30th.
‘We would be pleased to attend and en-
joy the sights, for Milton always has a
good show and plenty of fun, but for
fear we cannot get down, we would
advise the thousands of people, who
look to us for information about fairs as
everything else, to'go and see for them-
A Week With the Granger.
The 19th Annual Picnic and Exhibi-
tion at Grange Park.—Thousands of
Visitors.—Good-Times for All.—
Many Speakers of Note.—All
Kinds of Weather, But
the Tenters are Con-
Another cycle has been completed,
another milestone scored off by our
generation, and as if glad that the sea-
sons have flown with such speed our
farmer friends meet for their harvest
home picnics and to talk over the sum-
mer’s outcome and the future of their
calling. ’Tis always the last gala time
before winter sets in and with its mad
abandon comes thoughts of the brown
and seering autumn, when everything
is beginning to decay and summer has
lost all that bloom which has kept her
fresh and sweet to us all, The vari-
colored foliage; the browning nuts and
the chirp of the katydid, the inevita-
ble signs of fall, bring to mind that
when this week is over perhaps the last
out deor gathering of the year has taken
This, the third annual picnic and ex-
hibition held in Grange Park, at Cen-
tre Hall, under the direction of Centre
county Pomona Grange opened under
the most auspicious circumstances. For
months previous heralds and advertise-
ments had been proclaiming the beau-
ties and conveniences of the Park, both
for exhibitor and camper. What then
could one be surprised that when the
grounds were formally opened, on Sat-
urday afternoon a general rush for quar-
ters was the result.
Over one hundred tents were occupied
during Sunday and when Monday came
as many more were taken and quickly
filled by the merry campers. The de-
lightful weather of Saturday and Sun-
day made it very pleasant at the Park,
and church services, in the auditorium;
were well attended. In the morning
at 10 o’clock, Rev. W. E. Fisher, Luth-
eran pastor at Centre Hall, preached
from Gal. II, 20th. In the afternoon
Rev. Baskerville, the Presbyterian min-
ister occupied the auditorium pulpit
and delivered a very able sermon on
“Faith.” The third service for the day
was conducted by Rev. Eisenberg, of
the Reformed church, who preached
from Luke 10th and 23d.
Monday at the picnic did not amount
to much outside of a general hustle by
late comers for tents and of fakirs and
exhibitors for room. Those who had
gotten there on Saturday were comfort-
ably fixed up and enjoying themselves
and as the WATCHMAN correspondent
strolled around the grounds he noticed
every quarter alive with men who were
putting up sheds for exhibits and wares.
The scene was indeed one of activity.
It pleased the eye too to sce so much
fuss and hurry for it augured well for a
successful week. The threatening weath-
er of the morning kept a large crowd
trom gathering on the grounds, but
when the sun shown out clear in the af-
ternoon people became more venture-
some and the wide Park avenues be-
came fairly alive with gay strollers.
In the evening the formal services
which opened the picnic and exhibition
were held in the auditorium, at one end
of which a nicely decorated stage fur-
nished room for those who took part:
The grange motto: ‘Esto perpetua’’ in
flowers, is a prominent feature of the
decorations and it,with a handsome flor-
al cross, and some flags complete a very
pretty effect. A choir opened the ser-
vices. Hon. Leonard Rhone then de-
livered the address of welcome. Isaac
Frain, Master of the couaty grange “and
Prof. Neff, of Millheim, both spoke. A
number of other gentlemen made short
addresses and the meeting closed.
Reveille is not sounded on the
grounds and campers can sleep as long
as they want, but when one is accus-
tomed to rising early in the morning he
seldom makes an exception of a time
like this. The people who peeped out
of their tents on Tuesday morning saw
a heavy fog settled over the grounds and
and an ugly, drizzling rain falling. It
augured ill for a big day in camp and as
the rain continued during the entire day
there was not much done. People kept
to their tents. Visitors were few and in
general it was a tiresome day at the
Park. We took advantage cf the gen-
eral quiet to look around the grounds.
Outside the erection of a few shelter
tents and a new fence along the rail-
road there has been no improvement
made since last year. A few of the
large exhibits such as that of the Penn-
cylvania State College, Harry Chaapel,
florist, of Williamsport; Wolf & Craw-
ford’s Department store, of Centre Hall;
Harper & Kramer, of Centre Hall;
Boozer Bros., implements, of Centre
Hall; Lyon & Co., McCulmont &
Co., implements, of this place, and sev-
eral others attracted our attention, but
aside from them there was nothing on
the ground to incite interest. No stock,
no specially interesting implement ex-
hibits, or anything of the kind intended
to hold a crowd. And it was a wonder
tous that anyone came at all when
there was absolutely nothing to see.
Down along tho railroad there was
some signs of activity for despite the rain
the peanut booths and fakirs were ply-
ing their trade with some hearty young-
sters for whom the water and the pros-
pects of a cold had no terrors. Down
in that locality is the only place where
any amusement can be had, aud if you
want it there you must make it for
yourself, by trying your luck with the
swinging ball, the travelling marble or
fortune cards. It comes high some-
times, but they all must have it.
The signal service on the grounds
proved interesting to those who cared
to investigate the method of taking ob-
servations on the weather. Prof. Ball’s
fair weather flag caused much enjoy-
ment as it looked as though it would
like to crawl down the pole on Tuesday.
In the morning at nine o'clock a
meeting was held in the auditorium,un-
der the auspices of the women of the
State Grange. At 10 o’clock Hon. S.
R. Downing, of West Chester, and D.
C. Kennedy addressed the meeting.
The afternoon meeting was quite well
attended, The people had to havea
place to go and they all went to the
auditorium. Dr. H. P. Armsby, Di-
rector of the Penna. State College Ex-
periment Station was introduced and
had gotten well along with a very en-
tertaining talk, when a big storm came
up and threatened to demolish the tent.
Half of it blew down causing a panic
among the audience. The Doctor’s
speech was brought to an abrupt end
and everybody fled. The storm only
lasted for a few moments, however, and
things were straightway fixed up. Hon.
Giles D. Price, of Erie, was then intro-
duced to the frightened people, who
couldn’t sit still long enough to hear his
excellent talk on “money and curren-
In the evening a musicale and liter-
ary entertainment was given under the
direction of Miss Emma Brewer, of
Deleware county. This concluded a
dull though memorable day at the pic-
nic. All those who didn’t get wet got
mad and vowed that they would never
go to another picnic, but when next
year comes around they’ll be the first
fellows on the grounds. With all its
discomfits there's fun it too.
Contrary to expectations the third
day did not turn out a very large crowd.
The threatening weather had a bad
effect on the inclinations of those who
had perhaps intended going and though
it was Temperance day the blue ribbo n-
ed army of Centre county must have
concluded that water was all right when
taken internally, but entirely out of
place for external application. How-
ever it did not rain until evening and
those who did go; had a very pleasant
time. Occasional peeps of sunshine
added to the pleasure of the day for old
Sol. has been very chary with his rays
during the whole week. The Aarors-
burg band kept up a continual +‘toot,” the
fakirs did a land office business and the
“dago” with'the monkey had all the
girls on the grounds after him.
In the big auditorium the ladies held
sway during the morning, Their meet-
ings were well attended and quite enter-
taining. During the afternoon and
evening the Temperance people held
the boards. Rev. Zeigler is always on
hand with a lot of forcible speakers. If
the grangers were as good as he isat
carrying out advertised programs we are
certain that disappointments would not
be of such frequent occurrence. He had
‘Hon. H, T. Ames, of Williamsport, and
Rev. J. T. McCrory, of Pittsburg, both
of whom delivered most excellent talks
on the license question. These meetings,
though usually supposed to be dry,
proved as entertaining as any that
were held on the ground.
There was a general stampede for the
trains about six o'clock when a wind
squall came up and threatened the
camp with distruction. The crowd soon
thinned out, but only a little rain fell
and the evening in camp turned out to
be quite pleasant, notwithstanding the
cold, A pyrotechinic display, made at
Supt. Westfall’s tent, attracted many to
that quarter and the band concerts at
various parts of the grounds amused
True to the WATCHMAN’S prediction,
yestefday was the biggest day thus far.
Thousands of people packed the picnic
grounds. Every incoming train, from
early morning until noon, was packed
with people all eager to spend the day
away from home. The weather looked
very threatening in the morning, but by
eleven o'clock it cleared off nicely and
the day proved all that could possibly
have been expected. The crowds of
people, who thronged through the ave-
nues,the exhibition buildings, and down
past the ‘‘fakirs’’ stands, were merry and
contented as the day was long. There
must have been eight or ten thousand
people on the ground. Ti was indeed a
big day, though there was nothing more
for the people to do than to gorge them-
selves with peanuts and lemonade then
go and regret it on the merry-go-round.
The women were again supreme in
the auditorium, in the morning. Many
people went fo their meeting for want
of some place else to go. At 10 o'clock
Senator Brown, of York county, and |
Wm. Benninger, State Grange Deputy,
were the spokesmen. At 2o’clock Hon.
Mortimer Whitehead, National Grange
lecturer, Dr. Groff, of Bucknell Univer-
sity at Lewisburg, and Dr. Armsby, of
State College, entertained large crowds
of people wirh their instructive talks.
In the evening Miss Brewer entertained
the people with another of her delight-
fully arranged literary and musical en-
To-day the Veterans of the county
are having their annual reunion
and picnic. Ex-President Rutherford
B. Hayes and a number of other digni-
taries are supposed to be there.
Now that there remains but two more
days of this, the 19th annual picnic and
exhibition of the Grangers,we look back
over the four days that have passed and
ask ourselves what makes these gather-
ings assume the proportions that they do-
There is but one answer to our self put
question and that is,a natural desire for
an outing. When the 18th annual pic-
nic closed there was much complaint
made by visitors that those who had the
affair in charge had done nothing for
public comfort and many of the thous-
sands who were there last year were loud
in their professions that they would
never return® The same crowd has
been there this year, notwithstanding
the fact that little has been done to at-
tract, Thegrounds in themselves are
perfectly void of beauty ; there is not
an exhibit which one would care to go
out of his way to see; no amusements,
except one merry-go-round which
drives possible patrons away with a
wheezy organ that plays nothing but
Annie Rooney ; the auditorium is too
small for the crowds which would liketo
hear the few aavertised speakers who
get there; and to cap the climax the rail-
road company furnishes cars, for trans-
portation, which immigrants would not
ride in. Now this is a fair and unbias-
ed resume of the picnic yet we can-
not understand what attracts such
crowds day after day. ‘Tis true there
has been a very material falling off in
the attendance this year,but this we as-
cribe to the threatening weather rather
than to the fact that the managers, by
discrimination, high rates, and by offer -
ing no incentives for exhibitors, have
done everything in their power to lessen
ratker than;increase the interest.
Our good granger friends——for the
‘WATCHMAN is the best friend you have-
take our advice. Be more liberal next
year. Have good music, such as the
Milton band would make, Offer prizes
for exhibits. Encourage the legitimate
dealers of this and adjoining counties if
they desire to make display of their
wares, rect a large dancing pavillion,
and other such places of amusement.
Suppress the ‘‘fakirs’” and your picnic
will then assume the proportion and
degree of success you desire .to see it
meet with. Help amuse the people.
Nothing will be lost if your time and
money is expended on the ideas we sug-
gest. If a crowd is to beheld for a week
there must be something to attract it.
The following is the list of tent hold- °
ers on the ground :
Centre Hall—Samuel Durst, J. 8. Stahl, John
Sawyer, Sallie Kline, Mrs. M. A. Ross, L. Neff,
W. P. Shope, John Conley, Sallie McClenahan,
Andrew Gregg, D.C. Grove, Dr. Alexander,
Lowell Meyer, James A. Keller, W. F. Rearick
Shearer & Smeltzer, L. Rhone, John Dauber-
man, J. J. Arney, George M. Boal, George
Dale, Howard Harmon, J. S. Boal, W. A. Boal,
Gertie Floray, S. W. Reynolds, W. B. Mingle,
Huyett & Geiss, W. E. Fisher, E.G. VanPelt
Wm. Keller, Keller & Bradford, Jerry Miller,
Hyett, Myer & Boozer, A. J. Reeseman, Henry
Boozer, Mrs. Anna Van Pelt, W. A. Sandoe,
James Gregg, Philip Resides.
Pine Grove Mills.—Wm. Tanger, D. 8. Erb, A.
J. Musser, W. S. Smith, 8. A. Rishel, W. J.
Meyers, Jacob Keller, J. B. Krebs, The Waid
Girls, W. H. Blcom.
Coburn.—Willis Rishel, J. A. Kooney, George
Roland.—Jacob Confer, W. H. Jacobs, Harry
Sunbury.—Edward Showers, A. C. Allison,
Mr. Heilman.
Tusseyville—W. H. Moyer, Maggie Runkle,
Bella Slack, Adam Krumrine, David Frantz,
Levi Stump, Wm. Lee, James Spangler, C. W.
Swartz, F. D. Young, J. W. Weaver, Jacob P,
Ripka, Potter Tate, George Bradford, Joseph
Walker. ~Albert T. Orr, Lizzie McAuley,Mer-
win Betiz, J. J. Hoy, James W. Beck, George
Stover, Wm. Dolan.
Boalsburg.—Mrs. Agnes Crotger, George :
Glenn, W. T. Searson, S. F. Ishler, Mary Bail
ey, S. Mothersbaugh.
Potters Mills.—Altred Durst, T. F. Farner,
H. P. Sankey, Samuel Slack, John MecClena-
Fillmore.—C. Kephart, Mary E. Gray, 8. He
Musser, A. M. Reeser.
Fairbrook.—Nannie Campbell, Mattie M. Ew-
ing, D. G. Meek, D. W. Miller.
Salona.—H. F. Bartholomew.
Lock Haven.—A. Irvin Bloom.
Milesburg.—James Kreps, Daniel P. Shope,
Colonel Weaver, Irvin M. Harvey, Mrs. Annie
Centre Hill.—George Gondhart, Jerry Shref-
fler, W. A. Kerr, W. W. Royer.
Clintondale.~E. R. Krape.
Bellefonte.~J, W. Marshall, Charles Garis,
Mrs. O.M. Sheets, Mrs. Jennie Benner, Abe
Baum, John P. Seibert, C. Dale Jr. W,J. Dale»
Fire Iusurance Co. Isaac Miller, C. W. Bartley,
A. G. Longwell, James McCafferty, Ida Dolan,
8S. H. Hoy, J. J. Musser, S. H. Williams, H. I,
Barnes, 8. D. Geltig, James A. Fiedler, Amos
Mullen, Mrs. Etta Kline, Maggie Wian. L. A-
Shaffer. |
Linden Hall.—G. W. Campbell, J. 8. Tressler, |
Ezra Tressler, John From, John Huss.
Howard.—T. E. Hall.
Nittany Hall.—~John Nihart, H. D. Nihart.
State College.—~Albert Hoy, Joseph Hoy Sr !
W. E. Martz, Adam Hartswick, H. A. Evey, J.
J. Moser, Lizzie Miller, Mr. Winkleman.
Hublersburg.—T. 8. Kessinger.
Fleming.—0. J. Spotts, James Hoover, Alex:
ander & Kettley.
Farmers Mills.—M. 1. Rishell, George Gentz=
el, John Breon.
! brother-in-law, Mr.
Abdera~I1. 8. Frain.
Lemont.—Wm. Thompson, D. M. Tate, Ella Last Friday Mr, N. J. Bittner, of Beech
M. Glenn.
Stormstown.—J. A. Hunter,
Mary A. E. Way.
Pleasant Gap.—Herman Miiler, John Boal
A. J. Swartz, Robert Barnes, H.C. Gettig, Mrs.
Ottis Hile, W. C. Bell, Jerry Gill.
Spring Mills—C. P, Long, C. C. Bartges, I.
N. Leitzell, H. B. Frankenberger, Frank Rea’
Laurelton.—C. S. Katherman.
Rote.—~G. 8. Mauk, Cornet Band.
Viaduct.—~Frank Charles.
Madinsonburg.—~~A. J. Hazel.
Mt. Eagle—H. E. Leathers.
Milheim.—W. M. Hartman, D. P. Breon, F.
M. Stevenson, B. F. Nearhood.
Benore.—Jacob Rhone.
Milroy.—S. H. Davidson,
Altoona.—83. B. Miles.
Allensville.—]J. S. King.
Williamsport.—H. H. McEntire.
Aaronsburg.—T. W. Kreamer, J. P. Sylvis,
Aaronsburg Band.
Nittany.—Mattie Winkleman.
Lamar.~R. 8. Pifer, Mary Hurd.
Mifilinburg.—~S. B. Miller, W. R. Sance.
Beavertown.—W. I Brugaman:
Loveville—Isaac Beck, Miles Way.
Rock Springs.— Wm. Frantz, Oscar Bowersox.
Centre Mills.—H. T. Yearick, Mrs. Kline.
Parvin—W. S. Strunk.
Ennisville—R. W. DeArmitt.
——Don’t forget the “Silver King”
next Tuesday night.
——Two hundred men’s winter coats
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00Lyon & Co.
——Lock Haven had quite a confla-
gration on Saturday night. Four sta-
bles burned.
——Ladies fur trimmed jackets and
reefers from $4.75 to $15.00. Lyon & Co,
A very pleasant sociable and musicale
was held in the Y. M. C. A Gymna-
sium, on Saturday evening.
——Overcoats of all styles and grades
light, tan, brown, silk lined, silk faced
from $7.00 to $15.00. Lyon & Co.
——Everyone should turn out and
see Bellefonte down Philipsburg to-day
at the Park. It will bo the last game of
the season. .
——Ladies, misses and children’s
fall and winter coats all in, already, and
a great big line it is. Lyon & Co.
——The Lock Haven Democrat is
mad because the council of that town
buys limestone up here. Lock Haven
money is as good as any other even if it
does come under protest.
—We are all ready for fall and
winter. The grandest line of children
misses and ladies coats just opened. Ly-
on & Co,
——On Thursday evening of last
week Miss Dollie Caldwell, of Tyrone,
was married to Albert M. Wright, a
prominent young clothier of Clearfield.
The bride is well known in this
Boys cheviot suits for boys from
5 to 14 years double breasted cheviots
and single $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $4.00,
$5.00 and $6.00 nobby stylish good
goods in black, brown tan &c. Lyon
& Co,
———Adj. General Greenland was in
town, on Tuesday morning, between
trains. He was on his way to State
College where he expects to enter an
other son in that institution. The Gen-
eral has great faith in the College.
——Men’s cheviot suits in black,
brown, woodbrown, double breasted or
single $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00
and 12.00. The handsomest styles best
making and sewing, good goods and
nobby styles. Lyon & Co.
Scarcely a week}passes that some
one is not killed at the Pardee lumber
operation, on the line of the L. & T, rail-
road. On last Thursday Chas. Heim-
bach, engineer on the shifting engine,
was instantly killed by being thrown
down an embankment.
——We sincerely hope that there will
not be any person from this section who
will go to Altoona to see the Forepaugh
shows. If Mr. McCaddon, the mana-
ger, don’t think enough of Bellefonte,
though it has packed his tents on sever-
al occasions, to bring the show here, then
Bellefonters are fools if they travel clear
to Altoona to see it.
——We had a very pleasant call
from George White on Monday morn-
ing. He had just came down from Em-
| porium and dropped in to present Barney
Coyle’s best wishes, along with his own.
Geo. is attached to Mr. Coyle’s Commer-
cial hotel, which is said to be the lead.
ing house in Emporium, and likes his
new situation very much. His employ-
er is one of the best of landlords, which
accounts for his success, and a staunch
Democrat as well.
—— Mr. John Bechdel, formerly of
Liberty township, this county, but who
of late years has been engaged in busi-
ness at Manhatten, Kansag,jidied on
board the limited express coming east
on Tuesday last. In company with his
Fearon and wife,
‘and Mr. Jas. H. Lipton, he was return-
ing to his old home, in the hope that
the bracing air of the Alleghenies would
restore him to health, when stricken with
death while the train stopped in the de-
pot at Fort Wayne, Indiana. His re.
mains were brought on home and inter-
red in the family burying ground near
Beech Creek. :
A. J. Thompson, | Creek, cut the grass in the lawn in front
of his house and a young man living
with him gathered the grass and placed
it in a basket. He then picked up the
basket, but quickly dropped it on ac-
count of a sting on his finger from what
he supposed was a bee. Mr. Bittner, in
attempting to carry the basket, was also
stung on the leg. As it was about dusk’
neither knew exactly what caused the
trouble, but after getting a lantern they
discovered a good sized copperhead
snake, and they were not long in dis-
patching his snakeship.—ZLock Haven
-——0Our little girls winter coats all
beautiful styles with long caps $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00, $4.00, and up to $10.00
Lyon & Co.
Within the past three or four days the
colored population of Bellefonte has
been almost stampeded from fear of
cholera. Some one has evidently told
the darkies that the fell scourge was
imminent and that they would be es-
pecially susceptible to its germs, for
every drug store in the town reports
an unusual sale of camphor and asafeti-
da to colored buyers. The old spring
white wash bucket is being hauled “out
again and there is being such a clean-
ing up in colored quarters as has not
been made for years. A cholera scare
often might be good for the community.
——A beautiful line of ladies fall
coats in tan and other light shades and
black for $3.50 to $12.00. Lyon & Co.
IENCE.—This month the new postal
money orders will go into use. The
system is such that there is little or no
complication, and at the same time it is
a good way to send money. A sheet
calling for amounts from one cent to
$3.00 has been prepared, and which on
payment of one cent and the amount to
be sent, will be torn off about the same
as an express order. There will be no
writing on it by the post master, the
sender endorsing it as a check or draft.
The government guarantees its safe
transportation. It is thought that the
system will be used extensively by
senders of small amounts.
——Special, great big bargains in
bos suits at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Lyon
following is a list of game which may
be hunted in this section, with the dates
of 1ts season : —Turkey, Oct. 15 to Jan.
1; ducks, Sept. 1 to May 1; plover,
July 15 to Jan 1 ; woodcock, July 4 to
Jan, 1; quail, Nov. 1 to Dec. 15; ruf-
fled grouse or pheasants, Oct. 1 to Jan.
1; rail and reed birds, Sept. 1 to Dec.
15; elk and deer, Oct. 1 to Dec. 15;
squirrels, Sept. 1 to Jan. 1; hares and
rabbits, Nov. 1 to Jan. 1.
——The greatest line of children’s
and misses coats from $1.25 to $10.00.
Lyon & Co.
Sale Register.
Ocr. 22 —At the late residence of Aaron R.
Hall, deceased, in Union township. Horses,
Sage, sheep, farm implements etc. Sale at
0 a.m,
——Don’t miss seeing those $10 suits
at Fauble’s.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00-
MoxntaoMERY & Co., Tailors.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
os to press :
White wheat..........cceurenns
Old wheat, per bushel.
Red wheat, per bushel
Rye, per bushel...............
Corn, ears, per bushel..
Corn, shelled, per bushel.
Oats—new, per bushel....
Barley, per bushel.......
Ground Plaster, per ton...
Buckwheat per bushel
Cloverseed, per bushel.
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
- Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel .......cocrnisenrecssennes 50
Eggs, per dozen... 15
Lard, per pound. 8
CountryShoulde 8
Sides 8
Hams . 124
Tallow, per pound..
Butter, per pound.....uuiiiiiiisssenssssssns ves 20
The Deimnocratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle
fonte, Pa., at §2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
SPACE OCCUPIED. sm [6m | 1y
One inch (12 lines this ty L165 (88 |§11
Two inches. 7(10{ 18
10 (15 | 20
12120 ( 80
alf Column ( 9 inches). ..| 20] 85 | 86
One Column (19 inches)............... 356 | 55 | 108
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional. i
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... b eis.
Local notices, per line.....cueeeanenss +25 cts.
Business notices, per 1ine......ccauuniiieiinnn 10 cts,
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
Three inche
uarter Colum
ness and dispatch. The WaArcnmaN office has .
with Power Presses and New
rinting line can
been refitte
Type, and groryihing in the
be executed in the most artistic mannerand #
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters sheuld be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietoz
Sons EI SR EN uy Any.