A Statement Denied. HoMESTEAD, Pa., September 6.—The statement that one hundred Slavs re- turned to work yesterday was denied to-day by the strikers and also by offi- cials of the company. There was much indignation among the locked out men . over the report, as the foreigners, they claim, were exemplary in their firmness and have braced many English speak- ing workers who were growing weak- kneed. Affairs in the neighborhood of Carnegie’s Pittsburg mills have assumed and old time appearance. The force of police and detectives on duty there for many weeks has been withdrawn and the management apprehend no further trouble. Both plants are now in opera- tion. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Blair county teacher’s are hold- ing institute at Altoona this week. Forepaugh’s circus will exhibit in Altoona on the 17th. It was tohave come to Bellefonte, but for some reason or other it will not visit us this season. ——Mr. E. P. Campbell, chief of the Auditing dep’t. of the New York and Erie. rail road, accompanied py Mrs. Campbell spent last week,” visiting Mr. Campbell’s mother at Milesburg, and his brother-in-law, Commissioner Ad- ams, in this place, ——Mr. Thomas Foster, ot Philadel- phia, and his brother William, of Lew- isburg, after spending Sunday with their mother at State Collegs, and assisting to organize the new water company, that is to supply every body up there with an abundance of water, paid Bellefonte a short visit on their return, on Monday. ——We are indebted to Dr. Hafer for the pleasure of beholding and possessing the most perfect specimen of that mag- nificent flower—Cereus Grandiflorus—we have ever seen. It measured about 8 inches in diameter and was the first in- stance, in the Dr's. experience, of this nocturnal flower expanding in daytime. ——The following letters remain uncalled for in the Bellefonte P.O. Aug. 8, 1892. Mrs. C. V. Alexander, Georgiana Beck, L. 8. Franklin, Mrs. Kate Gibbony, W. G. Kishling, John Rubel Love, W. F. Summers, Mrs. Alice Walker, E. N. Weaver. ‘When called for please say advertised. J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. Pine Grove Mentions. Grandmother Keichline who has been suff- ering from a billious attack is able to be in her easy chair. The late rains have put the soil in excellent eondition for seeding, and quitea number of our forenoon farmers are well on. Miss Sadie Hess is again able to be about af- ter a serious time with seratches and bruises sustained from a runaway team. G. W. McWilliams, N. E, Hess and Bertie Meek were the representatives from this sec- tion at Williams’ Grove picnic last week. Rev. Mr. Ellworth after a brief vacation which he spent at Bedford Springs returned to his people with renewed vigor and zeal. F. E. Meek, of Altoona, spent a day or two with Grandmother Glenn, the oldest lady in this section, who is suffering with erysipelas on the face. M. C. Dunlap, of Gettysburg college, is spend- ing his vacation at his old home here. Milt. ‘still has one more year before he can Le donned in the ministerial mantle. Our special friend R. G. Bailey, who for the past year has been suffering from spinal troub- le, has accepted a clerical position in Altoona. He and his wife took leave of their legion of friends heieabouts in the beginning cf last week. Dr. L. C. Thomas of Latrobe, Pa. is at pres. -ent visiting his old home here. ‘It was at the old Academy of which his father, Prof. J. E. Thomas, was prineipal where the Dr. laid the foundation of his educalion and used to stump his toes and make wry faces on our streets. Our Young People’s "Society, at a recent meeting, in auditing the treasurer's accounts found a handsome surplus which they were not long about divining a plan to get rid of, which was done by purchasing .a ‘new Bible and Hymn Book for the pulpit. The balance donated to the Wellington Mission, Kansas. Early last Monday morning messages were sent ovt to the venerable Peter Keichline’s near relatives summoning them to his bedside as he was suffering from a paralytic attack whieh left him speechless. But we are glad to say under the medical treatment of Dr. G H. Woods the old gentleman is improving and is able to talk a little now. Last week we omitted tonote the death of one of our former Centre county ladies. Miss Sallie Williams died at the home of a friend in Sinking Valley, Blair county, of a complica- tion of diseases at the age of 50 years. She was the third daughter of the late Robt. Williams, and was a devout christian lady. She leaves a number of sisters and many sineere friends, to mourn her death. The remains were brought by rail to Penn. Furnace, thence con- veyed to the Graysville cemetery, followed by a large procession, to witness a true and kind friend laid to reston the 18th ult. Pursuant to a call our school board met on the 27 ult, and reconsidered the estab. lishing of a graded school at this place, that at a previous meeting was agreed to. In the White Hall district Frank Bailey and Miss Marion Snyder were the applicants. After a heated debate which almost led to a Kilkenny fight both applicants;|were set aside and Miss Beckie Bolinger was elected, and Mr. Bailey was elected to the Penn, Furnace school. The Pine Grove Grammar is yet to be supplied: Some wag of a boy tolled the bell and when asked who had died, replied the school board. Mr. William Erb, of Springfield, Il, sudden- ly put in bis appearance at Pine Grove afte, an absence of eight years in the Sugker state. Father Time has touched him gent although his locks are sprinkled with silver gray, he is hale and hearty and has the indications of be- ing well preserved for a man of 68 years. Mr. Erbis a Mexican survivor, and a veteran of the late war, for meritorious services he is the possessor of a valued silver medal which, ow- ing to his modesty, he carries down in his pants pocket, and only by request does he ex hibit it to his old associates; He with four oth. er Mexican Veterans attended the 31st an- niversary ot Co.E.43,P, V.on the 2nd inst at Loveville. In behalf of the survivors of Co. E. 45th Reg- P. V. at their 31st anniversary held on the 2nd inst we extend to the Warcuman our thanks for the printing of cards and badges which were gotten up in elegant style for the ccea sion. The reunion of Co. E., the color company the 45th Regt. P. V. Vols. took place on the 2nd inst, near Loveville, in Stevens’ Grove, under the personal auspices of Capt. Henry Stevens the company’s first Capt. in 1861. It was a gratifying success in every particular. The survivors with their families and friends gwelled the crowd up into the hundreds and they spent the day most joyously listening to appropriate addresses good music and above all the hearty greetings of the old veterans who had not met since the surrender of Lee and Johnson, The day was all that could be desired and boys in blue grouped together and recalled the memorable Sep. 2nd 1861 when the Compa- ny started out in defence of the nation. All the morning was taken up with the review of where they marched and trudged, bivouaced on southern soil to defend and honor our coun- try’s flag. One would imagine they fell again the elbow touch away down in the sunny south on James Island 8: C., Fort Pulaski, Georgia, and at South’ Mountain, Antietim, Fredericksburg, Spottslyvania, Bethesday Chureh, Petersburg, Vicksburg, Jackson, Cum- berland Gap, Blue Springs, Campbell Station, Knoxville and down ;to Appomattox, in all 23 engagements. Their faces were ifrequently clouded with sadness because of the mention of some brave comrade who had been left on far distant bat- tle fields and the many who since have an- swered to the last roll call. The Company numbered 193 men—of this number about 38 survive. We almost failed to mention that after the siege of Knoxville, the command joined Grant and whenever the army of the Potomac fought it was found. It was mustered out of service on the 12th of July ’65 at Alexandria, Va. and paid off at Harrisburg at midnight July 17. The meeting organized by electing Capt. Stevens Chairman and Comrade Wm. Ellen. ber and Comrade Biglow W.C., Vice Presidents the latter a Mexican survivor, Rev. Wharton invoked the divine blessing while the boys in blue stood at parade rest. The Penna. Fur- nace band interspersed the exercises with grand music. The address of welcome was de- livered and very ably to by Rev. A. P. Whar- ton of Halfmoon, Comrade J.G. Love was in- troduced and made the response in behalf of Co. E. It was a brief but most eloquent ad- dress and was complimented on all sides. Letters of regret were read by the Adj. from Gen’l James A. Beaver, Capt. John Beck and Capt. W {C. Vanvalin. The next order was dinner which was gladly received and prompt, ly obeyed as Company E. was never known to disobey orders. TheCompany was the special guests of their Captain and therefore found on the colors unfurled to the breeze by J. G. Heb- erling whose step is still quick and light as of yore—20 members of the Company and 32 members of other commands filed along the Captain’s table which was most bounteously laden with all that the farm and the market could produce, to say it was preferable to hard tack would be putting it mildly. The order fiil up,not close up was given. Comrade Musser for_ got his failing although not feeling at all wel] and tarried for the second table. Dinner over the line of march was resumed tothe speaker's stand where Deg. £tam of Tyrone took a kodak of the audience just when Comrade Hamilton was in the act of leaving the Captain with an elegant $18 gold headed cane which bore the inscription presented to Capt. Henry Stevens: 1st Captain of Co. E. 45 P. V,, by the survivors of the Company. The Capt. responded in a neat cut speech thanking his old Comrades tor their kind re- membrance. The roll being called by Adj.t. Fry when the following named Comrades re- sponded—W. H. Musser, Milesburg; J. R. Lem’ on, Shelby Alabama; W. H. Crider, Tyrone’ Jacob Beck, Loveville; F. H. Weston, New Camp ; Graffius Weston, Port Matilda; Perry Cupp, Cole rain ; J. G. Rider, Gatesburg ; J. R Pheasant, Mt. Eagle ; G. W. Loner, Halfmoon ; Wm. Ellenberger, Guyer; Henry Barto, Guy- er ; W. H. Poorman, Bellefonte ; David Love, Bellefonte ; Henry Stevens, Loveville; Henry Irvin, Altoona; J. G. Heberling, Pine Grove Mills ; Christ Ellenberger, Port Matilda; W. H. Fry, Pine Grove Mills. The afternoon was devoted to addresses made by Clem. Dale Esq., Gen. Curtain, J. G. Love, W. C. Dunlap, Conrad Hamilton and oth- ers. The Penna. Furnace band and the Half- moon drum corps kept the people generally livened up. Some of the marked features of the day was the rendering of some stirring war tunes by the Halfmoon drum corps in ‘which the venerable Henry Garner, one of Company E.’s original fifers in 1861 participat. ed. We were exceedingly sorry that Messrs. J. J. Goheen, A. E. Clemson and J. H. Leaver the original drum corps failed to get there to render some old time music. Comrade Hamilton in a breezy little speech complimented Capt. Stevens for his generous hospitality and his cordial greeting to all which a gentleman and a soldier could do so successfully ; when everybody broke ranks and enjoyed a good social time in the grove In connection with Co. Es 81st anniversary’ the Captain enjoyed a tamily reunion, and af- ter he had received the congratulations of his legion of friends, .he modestly bowed and re- tired to his mansion home near by where the family were photoed, consisting of the Capt. and his wife who is a well proserved lady, con- sidering her age, and the mother of 10 chil- dren, 8 sons and 2 daughters. The following members of the family were photographed with the parents. Blair Stevens, Murray, Pa: L. C. Stevens, McCartney, Pa; George Stevens, Fleming, Pa; Mrs. W. R. Mattern, Port Matil- da, Pa; Mrs. E, J. Stover, |; Tyrone, Pa: T. V. Stevens, Ansonville, Pa, T he Captain isa native of Huntingdon coun- ty, and was born about six miles west of where he now lives,on one of the bestarranged homes and farms in Halfmoon township, where he is best known as a farmer and gentleman of re, finement, and has the courage! of his convie. tions. He is a survivor of the war with Mexi- co he was discharged on expiration of time at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. During that cam- paign he contracted chronic disease which is slowly ebbing away his life. In the spring of 1861, when Sumpter was fired upon, he set about and raised a military company in this immediate section, the company was com- prised mostly of young men. The Company after being formed and thoroughly drilled was titled the Scott Guard of which” he had the honor to be the first Captain, and on the 2nd day of September, started in wagons from Daileysille for Penna. R. R. at Spruce Creek. The Company was sworn intoservice by Squire A. G. Ewing, at that time a Justice of the Peace at Franklinville. From the Captains’ former military experience at Mexico he was not long in fitting his command at Camp Curtin,when he offered his service to Gov. Curtin and was as- Signed as Color Company of the 45th P.V. V. eg i Owing to failing health caused by chronic disease contracted in Mexido, he was advised by his medical attendant to resign sooner than risk the burning rays of the sun in the Caroli- na to which place he bad gone with the ex- pedition on the sea. J. Oliver Campbell, John Beck, A. W. Har- Yer, making in ali four Captains for Co. E., the atter for a time commanded the regiment that owing to heavy losses, numbared but for- ty men and not a line officer left. Died. At Howard, Pa. Aug. 23, 1892, Mrs. Sarah C., Nie of William Lyons, aged 56 years and 20 Mrs. Lyons was the daughter of Samuel and Hannah Lyons, now living at Roland in this county, and was born in Clarion county Aug. 3, 1826. She was united in marriage to William Lyons Dee. 15, 1853, and the greater portion of her subsequent life was spent in this commu- nity, exemplifying the virtues of his faithful wife and careful mother. Twelve children were born to her, four of whom were carried over to the other shore in infaney, while six of those remainipg have honored her by growing to be industrious and useful citizens of this and neighboring communities. The twelfth and youngest, Harry, a bright and promising lad now lies very near death’s door under the in- fluence of the dread disease, typhoid fever which robbed him of his mother. Mrs. Lyons was domestic in her tastes, and gave her time and energies to the faithful care of husband, home and children, while not ne- glecting the kindly offices of neighber and friend. What other epitaph can woman have? Her life was inoffensive, her end peaceful and hopeful. i Honor to her memory, comfort to the lonely husband and returning health to the stricken son. L. Books, Magazines, Etc. The September Scribner contains the unusu- al number of seven elaborately illustrated arti cles. The first relates to the will of the late Sam. J, Tilden, giving facts never before made pub- lic, relating to the great library endowment and the ideas and wishes of Mr. Tilden, as to its proportions and management. The scheme, with its elaborate illustrations, is one of the most interesting ever laid before the public. “The Last of tha Buffalo,” Mr. George Bird Grinnell’s article in this number of the Magazine, is full of a true sportsman’s feeling, and recalls with picturesque vividness the days when the buffalo were found on the great plains in unnumbered thousands. Miss Isabel F. Hapgood writes of the iNevsky Prospekt in the sixth article on “The Great Streets of the World.” Mr. W. C. Brownell, whose book, “French Traits,” was received with so much favor, contributes the first of three articles on French Art, all to be illustrated. Mr. Charles F. Lummis, who has lived a number of years at the Pueblo of Isleta, writes with sympathy and enthusiasm of the Pueblo Indians in an ar. ticle on “The Indian who is not Poor.” In close relation with other articles on practical forms of philanthropy, which have appeared in the Magazine, is Mrs. Frederic R. Jones's pa- per on “The Education of the Blind.” The “Historic Moment” this month is “The Attain- ment of the Highest North,” by Sergeant, now Lieutenant, D. L. Brainard, of the Greely Ex- pedition, who with Lieutenant Lockwood and the Eskimo Thorlip reached the most north" ern point ever touched by man. The contents of the New England Magazine for September indicate that this popular young magazine is more skillfully edited than many of the older monthlies. Among the val- uable thought-producing features of this issue, are an able exposition of Nationalism and its programme, by the learned Rabbi Solomon Sceindler; a judicial examination of the prej- udices existing against the Germans, under the title of “A Plea for the German Element in America,” by W. L. Sheldon ; a resume by Nicholas Paine Gilman of the successes and failures of the various profit sharing commer- cial enterprises which have been started in the United States—and a consideration of the means whereby the construction of better roads may be brought about in this country by the well known sociological writer, E. P. Powell. “On the Shores of Buzzards Bay,” gives jentertaining glimpses into the homes ofand everyday life of several famous men, E. Benjamin Andrews contributes “Rhode Isl- and” in the series on New England States. Walter Blackburn Harte furnished the dis- tinctly literary paper of the number, in deal- ing with “The Author and Society.” Mary E. Allen contributes a gossipy account of “Old Deerfield.” Among the poets who contribute to the attractiveness of the number in this line are Arthur L. Salmon, P. McArthur, Edward W. Barnard, Elizabeth C. Cardoza, and James Buckham. Mrs. Helen Campbell is represen- ted by a good short story. Kate Gannett Wells is equally successful in “Mrs. Rex's Brahmin,” and Eben E. Rexford’s serial, “One of a Thou- sand,” increases in interest in a liberal instal- ment, Mr.Edwin D. Mead in his Editor's Table really contributes the most forcible ar- ticle in the number, dealing as he does with Homestead and the Press, the Pulpit and the Politicians. Hie article is one of the few can- did reviews ot the Homestead troubles which has appeared. ” ——The September Century is particularly interesting for its fiction. Two new writers are numbered among its contributors, John Fox, Jr., who publishes the first installment of a two-part story entitled “A Mountain Europa,” and Grace Wilbur Conant, who furnishes a hu- morous story, “Phyllida’s Mourning.” A Bach- elor’s Counsellings,” “Strange to Say,” “The Chosen Valley,” and Chatelaine of LaTrinte” constituted the other stories. A number of pages and illustrations are given to Antonio Dvorak, the distinguished composer who pur- poses locating in New York. There are two papers on American travel, one a packhorse town in Alaska, the other a visit to the Grand Falls of Labrador, both of which are of consid- erable interest. Then there are othersubjects almost without number discussed and illustra- ted, and poetry and editorials and “open let- ters,” and other matter such as only the Cen- tury can furnish, making it the most complete and acceptable high-class monthly that comes from the press. ——Besides the serials, which are now ecom- ing close to the grand transformation scene in the fifth act, Sr NicHoras has a large number of valuable papers to offer in the September number. The number opens with a careful study of “ A King without a Throne,” by Tudor Maurices. Jenk Thompson ghas a : poetical tribute to the great field naturalist, Alexander Wilson, and there is an interesting story of the sea by D. B. Waggener, a clever, practical ar- ticle upon how to keep a community of ants for purposes of study, a record by L. E. Stofiel of the curious custom of allowing a boy to ride upon the walking beam of the Mississippi steamboats, in order to draw custom for the boats, We may also mention, as rticularly worth reading, “A Kitten by Post,’’ “Nan’s Col- lecting,” and especially the bright article by Elbridge S. Brooks,” “The Last Conquistador,” with Ogden’s illustrations. No one will over- look Meredith Nugent's “Troublesome Model,” Laura E. Richard's verses “Mr. Somebody," nor John Richard’s funny “Mazeppa.” — etn New Ad vertisements, UDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, es- tate of Samuel Spangler, late of Potter ‘town- ship, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by said court an auditor to distri- bute the funds in the hands of the accountant in the said estate to and among those legally entitled thereto, will meet the parties in inter- est for the Jitposes of his appointment, at his office in Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 23, 1892, at 10 o'clock, a. m,, when and where those who de- sire may attend. J. C. MEYER, 37 35 3t Auditor, Business Notices. — What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and then has the dyspepsia so bad that he can’t enjoy any of the good things it contains ? He won’t have dyspepsia if he takes DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.—C. M Parrish. ——Piles of people have piles, but De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve will cure themn.—C. M. Par- rish. ~——DIED.—In this city of consumption. A familiar headline isn’t it? It’s pretty risky to neglect a cold or cough, One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant safe and sure.—C. M. Parrish, —It’s not very plesant to cough and hack, To suffer pain in chest and back, Many people could stop it, for sure By simply using One Minute Cough Cure.-C. M. Parrish. ——Have tried almost every known remedy or Itching Piles without success, finally bought a box of De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve and it has cured me. C. D. Haskias, Peoria IIl.—C. M. Parrish. ——A gentleman of this country who has ex- cellent judgment remarked tous the other day that he knew of no pill so good for con- stipation, dyspepsia iT liver complaint as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.—C. M. Parrish. ——There is no use talking, neither Harri- son or Cleveland will be elected unless they take De Witt's Little Early Risers. They have a “get there” quality possessed by no oth- er pill.—C. M. ent ——Dyspepsia, distress after eating, sour stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coated tongue ng heartburn are cured by De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.—C. M. Parrish. 37-3¢-1y New Advertisements. ARM TO RENT.—That large and productive farm in Furguson township, Centre county, on the hite Hall road, near Pennsylvania Furnace Station, is now up for rent, from April next. Apply to Franklin Bowersox, tenant in charge or to . AYRES, 37-35tf 805 North 17th Street, Philadelphia. UDITORS NOTICE.—In the matter of W.B. Rich use of D, 8. Kel- ler, ve. estate of William Montgomery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having been appointed auditor to distribute the funds in the hands of the sheriff arising from the sale on the above writ—will be in his office in Bellefonte for the duties of his said appoint- ment on September 30th, 1892, atten o'clock a.m. E. R. CHAMBERS. 37-35-3t. Auditor. OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel- phia, on business or pleasure, from this section, will find pleasant rooms and good boarding either by the day or week, at 1211 Greene Street. Centrally located. Pleasant surroundings. 37-32. DMINISTRATOR’'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the es- tate of Geo. Ard, late of Ferguson township de- ceased, having heen granted to the undersign- ed he requests all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate to make immed- iate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement P. F. BOTTORF, 37-34-6t Pine Grove Mills. N ANCY HANKS Lately lowered all previous records of trotting, and it is thought she can yet beat her own record. So with us are all our previous re- cords in business surpassed, and we hope by our persistent and honest ef- forts to still increase until our present record shall dwindle inte obscurity, and we ask your assistance in this by giving us a call when in need of any- thing in the —GROCERY LINE R.G. LARIMER, - - South Allegheny Street, 3m Bellefonte, Pa. Grocer, OTICE OF APPEALS. Notice is hereby given that a special Appes/ on the triennial assessment of unseated lands for the year 1892, will be held in the Commis- sioners Office, in Bellefonte, Pa., for the sever- al assessment districts, as follows: ON MONDAY, SEPT. 19th, Rush, Spring, Potter, Harris, College, Benner, Fergnson, Half Moon, Patton and Worth townships. ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 20th, Snow Shoe, Taylor, Union, Huston, Boggs, Howard, Liberty, Marion and Walker town- ships. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21st, Burnside, Curtin, Gregg, Penn, Haines and 8. Miles townshi EO. L. GOODHART, T. FRANK ADAMS, Com’s. Attest, J. R.STROHM, Rost. F. HUNTER, Clerk. 37-33-3t OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that sundry inhabitants of Centre county will, on Tuesday, the 4th day of October 1892, present their petition to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Centre County, represent. ing that “The Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley Turnpike,” leading from a point at or near Shank’s bridge, now Howard Dam bridge, on Bald Eagle Creek,in Howard township, to a ointon the Bellefonte and Great Island road, etween James Hutchison’s and the Black Horse Tavern, (now near Charles Yearick’s house,) in Marion township, is wholly located in Centre County, and that it would be for the best interests of the people of the county that the said Turnpike should become a “public road, free from tolls and Yolliksiey and pray- ing the Court to appoint as well a master as a jury of five reputable citizens of the county to view and condemn the above mentioned Turn- pike, for pull use, free from tolls and toll- gates.and to assess the damages, if any, to which the owners of said Turnpike may be en- titled, i to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved June 2nd, 1887. 37-33-48 : A. WILLIAMS. ! Attorney for Petitioner. a —— New Advertisements, IRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK.~J. E. Barry is the Agent of the Bellefonte branch of CITY STEAM LAUNDRY of Williamsport, with office in Dunham’s News Depot High street. Work called for at residences and delivered, patching and mend- ing Jee of charge. Promptness and high grade Wor] uaranteed. Remember the place, Dun- hams News and Fruit Depot, High Street. 87-84.3t% AMES E. BARRY, Py DOLLARS FOR } LIFE SCHOLARSHIP. { No other School can do as much for young Men and Women as —PALMS— ——BUSINESS COLLEGE— 1709 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. You pay us $50. We educate and assist you to a aoop SITUATION. Can you ask more? Circulars free if you name this paper. 28 3m. EYER'’S BARGAIN SALE.— rene Dsgiuning Thursday, June 30, we will offer at about one half price 500 yard of white goods; 1 lot of leather belts, and 1 lot of fine fans. These will be immense bargains. Threedays only, Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday. CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street, 36 49 1y ellefonte, Pa. Ppruce COLLEGE . OF * * BUSINESS * * AND 1 SHORTHAND 3 A high class commercial school affording complete equipment for business life. Also French and German for travel as well as for business. Commercial Geography has been added to the business course of instruction, and a specially effective system of ventilation has been introduced with new furniture, &e. Office open all summer for examination and en- rollment of students. Fall and Winter term be- gins Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 1892. Application blanks now ready. Early enrollment necessa- ry. For College Annual, Shorthand Ann ounce- ment, Graduating Exercises, call or address inos. MAY Pierce, Ph. D. Principal and Founder, Record Building, 917-919 Chestaut St., Philadelphia, Pa, 37-32-13t. J C. MILLER PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Rentsor Sells property of all kind«. Does a eneral collection business, opens or closes 00ks for firms or individuals. : Special attention Zien to collection rents and business accounts. If you have any real estate for sale or rent or wish to rent or bu Property call and see me at room 13, Criders Exchange, Allegheny street, Bellefonie, Pa. 37-13-68 HE BELLEFONTE ACADEMY _ will open its schools en Wednesday September 7, 1892. INSTRTCTORS. J. P. HUGHES, teacher of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. J. R. HUGHES, teacher of ancient and mod- ern [niger Miss JULIA L. REED, teacher in young ladies room. Miss CAROLINE R. HUNTER, teacher in primary room. Miss EMMA S. HUGHES, teacher of music and calisthenics, Students tickets on Bellefonte Central Rail- Youd reduced. Eachround trip for a single are. Miss Hunter, teacher in the rimary room is a graduate of State College, class of ’88, and has been teaching successfully since her grad- uation. 37 31 tf. UNTER'S PARK, — The new Pleasure Resort of Centre county, is situated on the line of the Bellefonte Central Railroad, 6 miles from Bellefonte, at an eleva- lion of 1000 feet above tide. The Park com- prises i FIFTEEN ACRES OF WOODLAND, with SHincanh drinking water. A LAKE, A FINE DANCING PAVILION, A SWISS KITCHEN, TABLES, SWINGS, BEATS, etc. This is the finest Pleasure Grounds to be found between Philadelphia and Pittsbur, The new Athletic Grounds of the Railroad ad- join the Park, and a number of interestin. Bail games will be played gafing the season. The trains of the Bellefonte Central R. R. leave from the P. R. R. Station, at Bellefonte For time tables, rates, and other information address THOS. A. SHOEMAKER, Sup't., 37 26 3m. . Bellefonte, Pa. —————————————————————— — = ———_— —————— — Liquors. {JOHMIDT BUILDING.— o—THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLE TE—o +l ” WINE, LIQUOR AND CIGAR HOUSE——||+ {—IN THE UNITED STA TES,~—% 0 G. ESTABLISHED 1836. I W.t1SCHMID T=—=—- 0 DISTILLER o AND o JOBBER {—OF—t FINE— 8 —WHISKIES. Telephone No. 666. ene (inn IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQUORSANDC CIGARS, No. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. ee mn R&~All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. EET A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING:FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D,, Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. —WILL BE AT THE— BUSH HOUSE,:BELLEFONTE, PA, ! —SATURDAYS— Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 12, Dec. 10 Jan. 7, Feb. 4, Mch. 4, April 1, : & 29, May 57, June 24. J ONE DAY ONLY. i i EXAMINATION AND CONSUL TATION FREE; TO EVERY-, BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS SEVERE EYE TROUBLE.} { I have been troubled with some Eye disease for some time. The pain was almost unhear- able at times, and I couldn't think of reading or sewing at any time, I put myself under the care of Dr. Salm, who visits Butler every foug weeks, and after only three months treat= ment, [ consider myself entirely cured, and I can safely say that my eyes feel better and have better vision than at any time within the last twelve years. \ Mgs\P, GOLDEN, Butler, Pa., W. Jefferson street. CROSS EYE OPERATION. . have been cross-eyed ever since infancy On August 27, 1890, I went to Dr. Salm, who visits Iudiana every four weeks. He operatéd on my eye with perfect success, without pain or loss of blood in about a minutes time. Respectfully, ; Kare KuNkig, * Parkwood, Indiana county, Pa.. Oct. 23, 1890 EAR TROUBLE AND CATARRH. ! I have been troubled with catarrhand desf- ness, ringing in the ears, about six years. Tried two different doctors in Pittsburg and ever so many patent medicines, without the least benefit. I have now been under Dr.Salm’ treatment four months, and the improvemen is remarkable, and I am certain that withing short time I'll be entirely cured. He is tha Doctor to go to, to get cured. i W. R. MILLE] Kelley Station, Armstrong Co., Pa. Oct. 3, 189C FISSURE, FISTULA AND ULCERATIO} OF RECTUM. After first treatment in the most intense pain had vanished as if by magic. For nearly five years I have suffered most fearfully from fis- tula, fissure and ulceration of rectum. The in produced by same was at times almost intolerable, and my doing any work was out of the question. After having had the first treat. ment from Dr. Salm, the relief was remank- able and the fearful pain of years’ standing had vanished as if by magic, and now after'a shert course of treatment I consider myselt entirely cured Gratefully, Jorn HorNEr, Indiana, Pa., March 11, 1891. i GROWTH REMOVED FROM THE EYE BALL. Dr. Salm has removed a hard, gristly growth from my left eye with perfect success snd Hut little pain. The sight has also improved to a great extent. Respectfully, } Mrs. ELMIRA ADAMS, Wick, Butler county, Pa., January 22, 1891. REMOVAL OF TUMOR FROM THE EYE- BALL. i A few months ago Dr. Salm removed from my left aye-ball a tumor size of a small hazel nut with perfect success and no pain whatever, and was not kept in the house a single day on account of the operation. Avice Work. Rochhster Mills, Indiana Co., Pa., Jan. 14, 1891. TUMOR REMOVED FROM THE EAR: DRUM. I have had a tumer growing in the ear al- most attached tothe drum. Dr, Salm remov- ed the same four weeks ago without any paig, and as I can see now, with splendid results. He is a great physician. 7 PETER ANMAN, Somerset, Pa., January 18, 1891. : PRIVATE DISEASES. On account of having been Attending Physi- cian at Hot Springs Dr. Salm has never failed to cure a case of Private Disease peculiar to either sex, no matter of what nature or ho long standing. 3 RUNNING OF THE EARS. Our little son Brinton has for the last five years had running of both ears, and the same was 80 offensive that it was almost impossible to be near him ; he became emaciated pale and puny, and was gary always crying on account of the pain. We had him treated in Linesville, Clarion and Oil City by the best home physicians, but no cure resulted and we might just as well have thrown our money in the fire. Dr. Salm has boen treating him for three months, and an entire and splendid cure has been made by him on Brinton. Mgs. R. V. McNavGHTEN, Kingsville, Clarion Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1891. LUNG TROUBLE CURED. In June of last year I Fi myself under tread- ment fora bad case of lung trouble. 1 was losing flesh rapidly and became weaker daily, 80 that my friends and myself became very much alarmed. Although treated by some jof our very best home physicians, [ began to sink more and more. At this date I consider myself entirely cured of all my Previous troub- 12, have once more a good appetite and can eat and sleep with pleasure, and am indeed yery much satisfied with the result. Dr. Salm has done all he promised. ) 8. E. RARIR, Blanco,’Armstrong Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1891. CATARACT SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED, Having heard of successful cataract opera. tions Dr. &alm has made, particulary of o ease of an old lady in Columbus, I decided have him operate on my Tigi eye, in which I was blind for nine years. The operation w: performed some time in July; the pain i J not worth mentioning and no chloroform wy given. Asaresult I can to-day see far an near, read and write again, and from havin been in ill health and puny, I am also rapidl improving in strength. I will gladly answu any correspondence and personal inquiry, mf garding this successful operation. I was¥ years of age when the operation was performe.. MARGARET KELLEY, Ashley, Delaware Co., Ohio, Address all communications to box 760, Cai umbus, O. OUR ADVERTISEMET WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. 8743 §