Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 02, 1892, Image 8

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Er T_T
Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 2, 1892.
ma CC — —
To CorrESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Knowing that this fall’s campaign will
be one of education we have arranged
‘0 give the people of Centre county the
wo best Democratic newspapers in the
Jountry at a phenomenally low. price.
From the present time until after the
slection the WaTcHMAN and the New
York weekly World will besent to any
address upon the receipt of fifty (50)
cents. Think ofit. Such an opportun-
ity has never before been offered you
and if you do not avail yourself of this
chance to get all the latest and most re-
liable campaign news as well as a com-
plete weekly resume of the doings of
the world you certainly can have no one
to blame but yourself.
the New York World five months for
50cts. - Subscribe at once.
——Mr. William Humes took a short
business trip to Philadelphia this week.
——James Cornelly is selling a four-
leafed clover Cleveland, campaign pin,
that is a dandy.
——Miss Margaret Potier, of La
Crosse, Michigan, is the guest of Mrs.
George L. Potter.
— Mrs. Holcombe, of Ohio, with
her two little children, is visiting Major
‘W. F. Reynolds.
—— Mr. and Mrs. George Van Tries
are now settled in their new rooms over
the “Gazette Office.”
——Mr. Charles McCafferty of Wash-
ington D. C. is visiting among his old
friends in Bellefonte.
——General and Mrs. Hastings were
called home Wednesday by the illness
of their daughter Helen.
—— Fewer people were in attendance
at Court during the present week, than
for any term in many years.
———Mrs. Judge Christian, of Rich-
mond, Va., .and Miss Sue Jack, of
Washington, are visiting friends in
Centre county.
——Mrs. W. S. Zeller, who has been
at Atlantic City, for some weeks for the
benefit of her health is reported as
much improved.
~—Mrs. Albert Mattern of Tyrone
and Miss Kate Gardner of Pittsburg
are visiting their niece Miss Katie
Gilliland at Oak Hall,
—— Andrew Morrison’s little child,
that died in Williamsport, of Typhoid
fevea, was brought to town Wednesday
morning for burial.
—— Mrs. George M. Glenn of South
‘Williamsport with her little son Ran-
dolph is visiting ber mother Mrs. Sarah
L. Gray of Half Moon.
——Mr. John Hendrickson and family
who have bzen spending the summer in
Bellefonte, left last week for their home
in Middletown, New Jersey.
—— The music at the Episcopal
church on'Sabbath last is said to have
excelled anything of the kind Belle-
fonte has enjoyed for a long time.
——Tom Glenn, of Filmore, who
graduated last June at the State College
has gone to Cincinnati to attend lectures
at the Cincinnati medical institute.
——This evening Mrs. Reuben Lou-
rle, a returned missionary from China,
will address the Woman's Foreign
Missionary Society of the Presbyterian
—-Col. John P. Linton one of the
best known, influential and respected
citizen of Western Pennsylvania died
at his home in Johnstown of pneu-
monia, on Wednesday.
——Mr. John Foreman, an aged citi-
zen of Potter township, sustained in-
juries by being thrown from his horse,
last week, from which it is feared he
will never fully recover.
——A birthday surprise party was
given to Mrs. McKeaty of Unionville
on Tuesday evening last, in which many
of the good people of Unionville partic-
ipated. A royal good time is reported
te have been enjoyed by all.
——=Among the welcome eallers at
the WaTcHMAN office on Monday last,
were Dr. J. H. Allport, of Philipsburg,
Dr. Dixon, of Pittsburg, and Superin-
tendent Patterson, of the State College,
all geritlemen that it is a pleasure to
meet at any time.
——Rev. Dr. Monroe, of Altoona,
s-ent a few moments’ time in Bellefonte
on Tuesday, on his way to officiate at
the Miller— Patterson wedding at the
Siate College. The Dr. looks as if Al-
teona air and preaching Methodism
agreed with him, and will alwags find a
warn: welcome among the friends he
made while stationed in this place,
{For more than five years the Presbyter-
ian church has appeared unsightly in the
eye of man and ‘unbecoming as the
House of God ; but this state of affairs
is undergoing a change, both radical
and sudden. Improvements are about
to be made and innovations introduced
0 that the church will soon become ‘‘a
thing of beauty and a joy forever.”
The congregation has empowered a
committee of five members to raise the
necessary funds and has given them
practically unlimited authority as to the
design and scope of theimprovements
The committee during the past two
weeks has given constant and zealous
attention to the financial part of their
labors and, although many person in
the congration have not as yet been
visited, the magnificent sum of $9,500
has been subscribed. This fact, per se,
attests the generosity and enthusiasm of
the church in this undertaking.
On Tuesday evening a contract was
executed with Hook and Hastings, the
well known Organ firm of Boston, for
the purchase of a $5,000 pipe organ.
This instrument will contain two (2)
manuals, 32 stops and 15-89 pipes.
Such an organ as is expected to ‘raise
mortals to the skies or bring angels
A Second feature, another balm in
Gilead, will be the frescoing of the walls
of the church and the decoration of the
ceiling. Particular care and judgment
have been exercised in this department
of the work, but no contract has yet
been signed since various firms are com-
peting and the designs submitted have
not been finally approved. It is the
desire of the committee that both oil
and water colors shall be used and that
the colors and shades adopted shall re-
ceive hearty approbation, both in har-
mony and delicacy of touch and tone ;
while at the same time sufficient bright-
ness shall be given to transfer the pre-
sent cold, gloomy, lifeless structure into
a beautiful Temple wherein the people
of God may delight to’ dwell.
No one can behold the old cathedral(?)
glass windows, punctured by lapse of
time and then repaired by a novice,
without suffering at once from an opti-
cal stigmatism. Twelve magnificent
windows of glass, suitable in quality
and color to harmonize with the inter-
ior decorations will be purchased; but
an opportunity is offered to any one to
insert a memorial window as the incli-
nation may influence.
To obviate the danger of taking cold
in the side pews, it has been decided to
rearrange the seating of the congrega-
tion. This will be accomplished by put-
ting the aisle along each wall, thereby
increasing the number of aisles and
making three blocks of pews. The
plan of the church will hereafter be
semi-circular ~~ This fact necessitates
some changes in the steam heat appara-
Not satisfied with making the old
church new, there is great probability
that some bright color will be applied
to the walls of the chapel.
During the progress of the work the
congregation will worship in the chapej
but all contracts declare that the church
shall be completed in every respect by
Christmas, when one or two organ recit-
als will be given and once more the con-
gregation will ‘‘enter into His gates
with thanksgiving and into His courts
with praise.”
FASIG.—Died suddenly on the evening of the
26th, Mr. Jerrmiah Fasig, at his howe on
Reynolds Ave.
sir. Fasig, well as usual, had eaten
his supper and gone over town to trans-
act some business, when all at once he
felt deathly sick and started to return
home. Unable to get farther than
across the bridge at Mr. Willam Mus-
ser’s he called for heip. Mr. Musser
hearing him ran to his assistance and
with the aid of several of the neighbors,
carried” him home. Restoratives were
given him and every thing was done
that human knowledge could suggest ;
but all without the desired effect, for 1n
less than twenty minutes from the time
he was found he was dead. The doctors
pronounced it heart trouble as usual;
but had he died in a sea board town no
doubt they would have said it was chol-
era for to an inexperienced spectator the
symptoms were a good deal more like
billious colic or pvison than heart fail-
ure. Mr. Fasig was born and raised
in Reading but has been a resident of
Bellefonte most of the 68 years of his
life. Asa man he had the respect of
the entire community for his quiet,
honest and upright character, and as a
mechanic thera is scarcely a building in
the town that does not bear evidence to
his skill as a painter and grainer.
His wife and five children, George,’
Clare, Elizabeth (Mrs. Garman), Edith
and Henry survive him. His tuneral
“which took placeSunday afternoon from
the Evangelical church, was largely at-
tended showing the general esteem in
which he was held.
—-——John G. Mitebell of Minneago-
lis Minn. is enjoying his vacation at the!
college with his father Mr. Joseph
Mitchell. Evidently the counting room
agress with John as weld as base ball did,
for he is as fine looking as ever, and bas
the mien of a western ‘‘hustler.”
' !
‘and was a caristian lady in every sense
——Hon. Leonard Rhone delivered |
the opening address at the Willliams’ |
‘Grove picnic on Monday.
——Mr. Tonner, of Canton, Ohio, is
visiting his cousin Mr. Wilbur Harris,
who goes back to Washington this week.
—— Mrs. Bright of Pottsville, with her
two sons, Harris Linn and Stanley, is
visiting her sister Mrs. Edmund Blan-
——Harry Hoy left town Wednesday
morning for Philadelphia and then he
goes to Fort Wayne, Illinois, where he
has secured a position in the car shops.
——Mrs. A. Wilson Norris, of Har-
risburg, and Miss Sarah Norris, of Mil-
ton, are among our summer visitors
who have recently left for their homes,
--~The Pennsylvania R.R. Company,
is negotiating for half of the Alexander
meadow above the Nail works, for the
purpose of making additional sidings
and shifting tracks.
——Mrs. Field, of Coatesville, with
her two nieces Miss May and Miss Alice
Hale, of Denver, Col,, who have been
visiting at Mr. Edward Humes’ return-
ad to Coatesville on last Saturday.
——The story that got into the news-
papers the last of last week to the effect
that Lawrence Brown, formerly of - this
place, had mysteriously disappeared,
turned out to be a newspaper sensation.
Mr. Brown is alive and attending to his
business affairs as usual.
—— Balser Weber, Esq., Howard’s
principal business man, and who spent
part of last week in Ridgway, nomina-
ting a candidate for Congress, was in
town on Tuesday, hopeful to the full-
est degree of Democratic success! all
around this year.
———Clearfield will have another mur-
der trial at its November term of court.
On Tuesday last Charles Hutchins and
wife (colored), of Irvona, were arrested
charged with the murder of Lizzie
Cusie, whose body was burned on Wed-
nesday night of last week. The war-
rant was sworn out by James Cusice, of
Rosebud, father ot the dead child.
Hutchins and his wife were sent to jail
at Clearfield to await trial.
——A mong the visitors from Tyrone
to the base ball game on Saturday last
was Fisk Conrad, Esq., the Democratic
nominee, up in Blair county, for the
Legislature. He was true to his town,
and bet his money on the good work
the Tyrone boys were expected to do.
The smile he carried home with him,
was of the character that we hope will
illumine the ‘‘phiz’’ of his Republican
competitor for Legislature after the re-
turns come in in November next.
——Bedford county has one of the
most interesting documents on record,
that is to be found among the archives
of any county in the State. It is a deed
for all the land now occupied by the
cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny,
made by the chiefs of the tribes of Indians
known as the Six Nations, to Garrent
Pendegrass, Sr., and dated 1770. The
sigratures of the Indians consist of
drawings of bugs of various kinds. It
would puzzle the brains of a natural
historian to define their species.
Mi:s Jennie Hartswick, only sur-
viving gister of Dr. J. G. Hartswick,
died at the residence of her brother in
this place, at 5:40 Tuesday morning,
the 23rd inst, aged 52 years. Deceased
was born near Boalsburg, Centre county
and for the past twelve years had made
her home with her brother here. She
was a member of the Lutheran church
of the word. Thecause of her death
was a severe attack of inflammation of
the stomach and bowels, which bafilad
all the physicians. The funeral was
held Thursday afternoon from the resi-
dence of Dr. Hartswick.—Clearfield Re-
——On Friday evening an entertain-
ment in the shape of a Musicale was
given at Judge Furst’s forthe benefit of
the repairs in the Presbyterian church.
In spite of bad weather the rooms were
crowded. Twenty-five cents admission
was charged and the result was about
$35. Very good music was rendered by
home talent and some musical visitors.
Mrs. T. R. Hayes sang first, a solo, then
Miss Harper and Miss Robbins accom-
panied by Miss Doran, of Lock Haven,
sang Schubert’s “Serenade”; Mr.
Evan Blanchard, with his daughter as
pianist, sang “I fear no foe,” and “The
Bridge,” two favorite songs ; Miss Fan-
nie and Miss Ella Twitmire gave, very
beautifully, “A. Night in Venice” ;
Miss Doran and Miss Schofield, who
both have a wonderful faculty of execu-
tion played instrumental solos; Lee
Woodéock rendered the popular
“Washington Post,” which delighted
the audience; Miss Robbins again sang,
| of intemperate habits, the prosecutor
this time a solo, and Mrs. Edmund
Blanchard, in a delightfully impromptu
way sang two sweet old song. After |
the music refreshments were served. J
The music was all excellent and the !
encores so numerous that the length of ;
the programme was doubled.
WEEK. — We stated last week that but
few if any cases of interest or impor-
tance were brought before the court up
to Thursday afternoon, when the
WATCHMAN closed its forms. After
that nothing of consequence was done.
The case of E. J. Swaverly, which was
on trial, ended with a verdict of ‘not
guilty,” and in that ot John Mulfinger
charged with furnishing liquor to men
was made to pay the costs. Samuel
Dixon found guilty of selling liquor
without license, had his case continued
on a motion for a new trial. Sentences
were imposed as follows: On Oscar
Harm, assault and battery, $20 fine and
costs of prosecution ; on Andrew Hoff-
man, felonious assault, two years in the
Western Peniteatiary and costs of prose-
cution. This ended the work for the
week and on Thursday afternoon, the
jury was discharged and ‘court adjourn-
The attendance in town on Mecnday
for the second week of court, was small,
like the list of work that had been laid |
out for the week. Some way or other,
and we don’t know whether it is the
Judge,the lawyers or their clients faults,
the trial list is made as short as possible
and when(it comes to court a greater |
portion of the cases are continued, and
about two days actual work constitutes |
the entire business that is done during |
an ordinary court week. While the
people pay jurors, and constables and |
witnesses for coming here and going |
‘| away, and while every thing, so far as
the public is concerned, is done that is
necessary for a full week of work, some
manipulation somewhere, always cuts
that work downto a few days, while
the tax-payers are put to all the expense
that an entire week of court would incur, |
and this too,notwithstanding the fact that |
the business of the court is back from two |
to three years, and there is a most urgent
demand for energetic work on the part
of those who have charge of our courts.
and are generally supposed to have the
power to expedite or delay business, as
they see proper.
‘When the above was written,on Mon-
day, the writer had no idea but that
something would be done during the
week that could be recorded as Court
proceedings. But the facts that the
Judge accepted any kind of explana-
tion made for the continuation of cases
on the list, and that others were com-
promised before coming to trial, left no-
thing to do, and the jury was was sent
home on Tuesday afternoon, thus put-
ting the county to the expense of a
week's court (excepting the pay of jur-
ors) for a single day’s work.
MILLER—PATTERSON.—At the residence
of the bride’s parents, Mr.and Mrs. W. C.
Patterson,at State College, on August 30, by
Dr. D.8. Monroe, A. Lawrence Miller to
Blanche E. Patterson.
This little notice no doubt will create
some surprise throughout this commun-
ity where the bride is very well known,
for even her most intimate friends had
not been informed that the happy event
was to take place so soon. And al-
though it was one of the most sensible
and pretty weddings that have been
solemnized in this county for years, it
was somewhat of a disappointment to
those who are always interested in other
people’s affairs, for they had neither an
opportunity to anticipate the event nor
to discuss the preparations. ]
Miss Blanche is eminently fitted for a
Methodist minister's wife. Accomplish-
ed and bright, she has been a promin-
ent leader in all social and church work .
at the College ever since she graduated ;
and we most heartily congratulate Mr.
Miller on his having secured so charm-
ing a companion. Mr. Miller is origin-
aily from Philadelphia but came to
Bellefonte four or five years ago to ac-
cept a position with the Bellefonte Fur-
nace Company. While here he decided |
to enter the ministry and was sent on to
tbe Pine Grove Circuit, from there he
entered the Boston Theological school,
and now is stationed at Riverside, in
Montour county, where the happy cou-
ple will make their home after a months*
visit to the Eastern watering places.
otro eid
——There was no'fire ‘works or bands
or hel-la-ba-loo at the depot, but’ there
was a very full congregation of delight-
ed friends awaiting in the M. E. church
until the arrival of the nine o’clock
train, on Wednesday evening, to extend
hearty greeting to the Rev. Mr. W. A]
Houck, on his safe return from Europe.
On his arrivalat the church, Rev. Wood-
cock on the part of the congregation,
W. L. Reeder for the Sunday school,
John G. Love for the board of Stewards,
Gen. Hastings for the board of Trustees
and Mr. Harvey for the Epworth
League, all made short speeches of
welcome to which Mr. Houck replied
in a feeling manner, giving a brief
account of the places he visited and
what impressions he formed of European
manners and methods while absent.
During the evening the choir rendered
some excellent music, and taking it all
in all, while not as pretentious or as
costly as the recent reception given one
of Bellefonte’s distinguished citizens, it
was fully as pleasant and certainly as
——Two hundred men’s winter coats
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Lyon & Co. |
— Mrs. John Bradley, offers her
valaable property on the corner of Lo-
gan and Spring street consisting of four
dwellings, at private sale. 3t
——One special great barzain in
men’s cassimere pants, a lot of odds and
ends, at $1.50, reduced from $2.50 and
$3.00. Lyon & Co.
We cordially agree with a con-
temporary that there is more joy in a
print shop over one sinner who pays in
advance and abuses the editor on every
occasion, than over the ninety and nice
Who steal the paper and sing its praises
without paying a cent toward keeping
him out of the poorhouse.
—— We are all ready for fall and
winter, The grandest line of children
misses and ladies coats just opened. Ly-
on & Co.
A new disease it is said is now
prevailing among horses out about
Philipsburg. The lower portion of
their legs swell in some instances to an
enormous size, and in most cases the
animal looses its appetite and at times
appears crazy. No remedy for the trou-
ble has been discovered.
——The greatest line; of children’s
and misses coats from $1.25 to $10.00.
Lyon & Co.
——Mahlon Fryberger, brother of
Capt. C. T. Fryberger, a young man of
thirty-two years, of excellent character
and highly esteemed, died at his home
in Philipsburg, on Monday ‘morning
last. He had been ill for quite a} while
with Typhoid fever, but was thought to
be improving when hemorrhages began
and the end came. The remains,” ac-
companied by many sorrowing friends,
and delegations from the orders, of . the
Royal Arcanum, and Wheelmen’s “club,
were brought to thisiplace jon? Wednes-
day, and interred in the Union -ceme-
tery. Revs. Wilcox, of Philipsburg,
ard Darah, of York, officiating, assisted
by Revs. Laurie and Noll, of this place.
Base BALL.—The most exciting
game of ball that has ever been enjoyed
by the lovers of good sport in this vicin-
ity was that played by Bellefonte and
Tyrone, the close rivals, for first place
in th Mountain League race, on the
park grounds, on Saturday afternoon.
The Tyrone nine with an escort of some
two hundred enthusiasts came down on
a special train with a purpose in their
hearts to “do ordie.”” When they appear-
ed on the grounds they found the un-
daunted home team, and an audience of
eight hundred loyal sypporters, in anx-
lous waiting for the contest to. eom-
mence. After some dispute jas to who
should umpire. Mr. Ray of Tyrone
and Mr. J. R, Hughes; ot Bellefonte
were selected to officiate, and it is due to
them, to say that their work was satis-
factory generally. Bellefonte; started
the scoring in the first inning but Ty-
rone tied the score in the second inning.
In the third both sides, were blanked
and Bellefonte received goose eggs also
in the fourth and fifth innings,
Tyrone scored a run in each, securing a
lead of two runs. At this junction it
looked a little blue for the home team as
Tyrone was playing great ball. How-
ever the agony was relieved amidst the
greatest shoating and blowing of horns
when the Bellefonte boys with one of
their characteristic spurts batted out two
runsin the sixth and tied thescore. And
the crowd went wild with enthusiasm
again, when four more;runs were scored
in theseventh by good hitting} and the
errors of the Tyroners. Blanks were
continued to the visitors in the eight
and ninth innings and the score ended
in favor of Bellefonte 7—3, A great
I deal of noise prevailed during the game
but 1t came from the supporters of the
Tyroners as fast as from the home erowd
Wetzel and Goodhart did good work for
Tyrone while Roberts, Stewart, Shields
and Moss played excellently for the
home team.
Score by in nings.
Tyrone 0101100003
Bellefonte1 0 0 0 0 2 4 0,x--7
——ULock Haven sent a nine to
Bellefonte on Tuesday to cross bats with
the home team, and to show them how
to play ball, to win a mountain league
pennant, but they ram against a big snag
on the Park grounds'and didn’t realize
what was the matter until the game
was over and they jwere informed that
they had been beaten in a game of ball
by a score of 23-2. A small crowd wit-
nessed the contest which was entirely
too one sided to be interesting. Dunkle
was knocked out of the box in the
fourth inning and was succeeded by
Petrikin, a recent player of the Cape
May nine, but he was also easy for
the home sluggers. Saylor and Ather-
ton kept the visitors guessing throughout
the game. Shields ade a beautiful
drive for four bases and the playing of
the Bellefonters generally was excellent
in fielding and in batting. Mr Hughes
——1In their game with Clearfield, on
the Clearfield ball grounds, on Tuesday,
the Bellefonte boys were defeated by a
scoreof 3 to 1.
—— Ladies fur trimmed jackets and
reefers from $4.75 to $15.00. Lyon & Co.
contained the same number of sheaves.
PusLic ScaooL Notes.--The High
school in this place will open Monday
September 19. All the other schools
will open next Tuesday, the 6th. Stu-
dents who were absent or sick last
spring when examinations for promotion
were held, will be examined by the
principle, this Friday afternoon, in the
new. school building. County Super-
intendent Etters takes the place of
Principal of the borough schools, made
vacant by the resignation of Prof Lieb
on account of illness.
GRANGE PARK.—Wednesday, Sept.
14, 1892, will be Temperance Day, at
the Grange Picnic, at Centre Hall, Cen-
tre county, Pa., Mr. M. Van B. Ben-
nett, popularly known as “the Kansas
Cyclone," will speak at 2 o'clock, p. m.;
and Rev. J. T. McCrory, an eloquent
orator from Pittsburg, will cccupy the
evening. Other prominent speaker are
also expected to be present. Temper-
ance and other public questions will be
considered from a Prohibition stand-
point. Come and hear.
J. ZrIGLER, Manager.
——Special, great big bargains in
boys suits at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Lyon
& Co.
—— We call the attention of farmers
seeking farms, or wishing to change, to
the adverticement in to days paper, of a
large and productive farm in Ferguson
Township, this county for rent from
April next. An opportunity is now
offered to a first class farmer who is
strong handed, to obtain a long lease
and an exceptionally good bargain. We
know that the fences and buildings are
in good condition with every conven-
ience upon the premises and fine fruit.
——The State has paid to Treasurer
Gramley $1,149.74, the cost of booths,
chairs and ballot boxes, for the county,
under the new election law. The addi-
tional expense it entails must be born
by the county.
——Miss Arnold of Williamsport is
visiting at the home of Mr. Graffius
——Mr. Harry Shivery, one of the best farm -
ers in Benner towuship purchased some of
McCalmont & Co’s., Champion $2500 Ammon-
iated Bone Super-Phosphate and applied one
hundred pounds to the acre, to a portion of
the field in sowing his oats last spring. He re-
cently threshed three loads of oats, one of which
was taken from thefertilized ground and the twe
loads from the un-fertilized ground-each loa d
two loads yielded fifty-three bushels, the one
load from the fertilized ground yielded fitty
bushels showing that the fertilized ground
yielded nearly twice as much oats to the straw
as was yielded by the un-fertilized ground ;
hence One Dollar and twenty-five cents worth
of McCalmont & Co's. Champion fertiliz er, one
hundred pounds to the acre, produced about
Seven Dollars worth of oats more, over and
above the yield produced on the ground on
which no fertilizer was used, and which facts
Mr. Lewis Rearich, who helped thresh the oats
confirms. This Champion fertilizer is equally
as good to produce wheat,rye and a crop
of clover to follow The only remedy for»
farmers to overcome the low p rice of wheat, is
to grow two bushels of wheat at the least pos-
sible cost on the same ground where one
bushel grew. The application of Champion
Phosphate will render the necessary assis”
tance. Harrison Kline of Spring Township
and Emanuel Harter of Miles Township, as
well as many other farmers of Centre county
have used this Champion fertilizer with equal-
ly satisfactory results and we can assure our
farmer friends that the stock now offered for
sale is better than it was last year. 34 87
——Don’t miss seeing those $10 suits
at Fauble’s.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00-
7.00. -
LrAvE Your ORDER Now.
MonrtaoMERY & Co., Tailors,
Rellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
hite wheat 6
Old wheat, per bushel... 80
Red wheat, per bushel n 75
Rye, per bushel....... 45
Corn, ears, per bushe 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel 45
Oats—new, per bushel.... 32
Barley, per bushel.......... 43
Ground Plaster, per ton... 9 50
Buckwheat ‘per bushel...........c...iiiivvennn 50
Cloverseed, per bushei.... 00 to $6 0¢
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
| Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel .......... iii 50
Eggs, per dozen... . ees 1s
Lard, per pound...........cuiviiiciviiiiiin is 8
CountryShoulders 8
Sides... 8
Hams... 124
Tallow, per poun
Butter, per vound.. 15
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday Horning; in Belle:
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
.advance); $2.50, when not. paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration ofithe
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
publisher. y
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persens adver-
fising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
SPACE OCCUPIRD. [3m | 6m ly
One inch (12 lines this type......... $5 (88811
Two SA A ar Ji 7pe 21s
Three inches.... 16,| 20
uarter Column (424 20 | 30
alf Columu ( 9 inches) 35 | b8
One Column (19 inches)... . 55 | 100
Advertisements in
special column, 26 pez
cent. additional. .
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions.....,20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts
wocal notices, per line... sirens Cl
Business notices, per line......... PR I, 10 cis,
Job. Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The WArommAN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the Jrinting line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand s
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P, GRAY MEEK, Proprietor