"Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 2, 1892. on An Adorable Array of Blondes. What History Reveals to the Eager and. Untiring - Searchers After Truth. Listen now to the adorable array of blondes history shows to us! Magdalen wiped the feet of Je sus with her blonde locks. Venus, god of beauty, mother of demigods and men, rinses the seafoam from her golden tresses. 7 The beautiful Cleonice supplants all: brunette rivals in the heart of her royal lover ; and, to do so, she had only to veil her pearly tears by the shining gold of her hair. : . = Julia, the immortal heroine of the “New Heloise,” was blonde; blonde also, Auora, when she opened with her rosy fingers the eastern doors to the triumphal chariot of the sun. Blonde, aldo were the three repre- sentative theological virtues, Faith, Hope, and Charity: The search for the golden fleece had not for its sole object the conquest of a mine, or precious fleece, or to rob the treasure so carefully heaped by avaricious Aetes: Those who composed it were at- tracted by a higher motive than gain, pillage, or adventurous piracy : they were drawn irresistibly by the ef- fulgeney of Medea, herself the mother of Circe, the omnipotent and ‘sub- tle blonde enchantress, who, the better to show her power upon men, went so far as to change thet into: grumting swine. : The beautiful Helen, whose carrying off caused the Trojan War, thus exert- ing an influence for centuries, was blonde. 4 { .. We must also ciass in the fair-haired «sisterhood Phryne, who when brought ‘before Areonagus, found an all-power- ful defense in the display - of her "charms as she threw aside her peplum ‘clad only in the waves of her beautiful . hair, «Her judges were so dazzled by the “sight of ‘such perfection that they “granted heran instant pardon. : i Dante’s Beatrice was blonde. ‘Armide of ‘Jerusalem Delivered” “was blonde also. ' iil] Tasso, when describing this heroine, was inspired by the fair and blonde Eleonore ’Este one of the most beau- tiful and remarkable women, with whom of ‘course, he was desperately in love, oa, Atiostbis Angelica, with her splendid hair floating in the wind, was also a member of the fair-haired tribe. The beautiful Panla of Toulouse was a blonde of an inimitable hue. The people were so enchanted by her ideal beauty that they followed her in crowds. She complained to the city magistrates, and they intheir wisdom decreed that she should not be annoyed _in this way ; but as her beauty, being a gift of Providence, did not belong exclusively to herself and people had ‘a right to bebold it, she was compelled to stand one hour every Sunday after- noon on her balcony in order that the people might gaze on her. Blonde also were Agnes Sorel, Diana of Poltiers, the beautiful Gabrielle of . Estrees, Anne of Austria, Marguerite of Navarre, La Duchesse de Chevreuse, Ninon de Lenclos, and Mme. de Main- tenon, the most precious conquest of Louis XIV. Mlle. de Montpensier, ‘Ja ‘grand mademoiselle,” says in regard tq ber- self in those piquant memoirs which she left to posterity, “I am so happy in : being a blonde. Mme. de Girardin, one of the most remarkable women of the century, was also one of the most perfect blondes ever seen. RAT. “Circus Coming, Mary.” How the Family Came to an Amicable Under- standing. The head of the family lingered over his coffee. Clearly, something lay heavy on kis mind. Now and then he darted a quick look ut the partner of his joys and sorrows across the table and coughed lightly, only to turn his gaze again into his cup. At length he spoke: “Circus coming, Mary.” He sought to create the impression that he was voicing a casual reflection. The demure lady across the table nod- ded affirmatively. “It’s ‘a good circus, I think,” He was playing with his fork absently It was several minutes before he had “anything further to say. | . “I guess,” he observed ''with an air ‘which was only a fair imitation of the “off-hand “that nothing is more instruc. tive than a good circus—" + The.close observer might have noticed “a'shadow setting upon the fine face of - the matron. No word fell from her lips, however. Tear “Especially for children. He was folding his napkin carefully. “I suppose,” he’signed, stimulating regret, ‘that I'll have to go with our children.” : : “William |” The partner-of his! joys'and sorrows threw large quantities of astonish. ment, chagrin and reproach into a single word. : “After such a strict religious training as you have had.” she exclaimed. As he rose from the table he sighed in earnest. Standing irresolutely by! the window he stared at the landscape, half in sadness, half in shame. “William.” Her voice was something softer thun before. “William --" She came and trustingly twined her arms about his neck. “I think—’ She kissed his forehead fondly, “It will need both of us to take the children to the circus. : He strained her to his breast and their souls united in a community of purpose. | ——1 was troubled with catarrh for seven years previous to commencing the use of Ely’s .Cream Balm. It has done for me what other so-called cures haye failed to’do—cured me. The effect of the Balm seemed magical. Clarence L. Huff, Biddeford, Me. results. Words of Wisdom. A little sin is as black as a big one. If you want to feel right, do right. Every little act is the child of a great principle. No deed can be small when the pur- pose is great. Nobody wants to go back until they first look back. A sure way to punish yourself is to hate other people. . The higher men rise the more depend - ent they become. To be close-fisted with money is the highest kind of distrust. A preacher with a warm heart will not long have a cold church. It is well to hope for success, but it is much better to deserve it. The blindest men are the ones who think they have no faults. The truth always gives life to those who take it to their hearts. No matter where we walk we are sure to be followed by somebody. It never makes the day any brighter to growl at the cloudy weuther. Prepare for litle trials and you will never be overcome by big ones. / It is hard to overcome a man who be- lieves he is working for eternity. The man who knows a great deal knows better than to try to tell: it all. To be slow to anger is better than to own the best kind of a seven shooter. People who pray right don’t have very much trouble about living right. Statutes are molded with little touches Characters are formed in the same way. Higher criticism has not yet done a thing to make men more patient on washday. The man who never makes any mis- takes never does any work that will out- live him. The hypocrite never tries to behave himself when he thinks that he is being watched. —Indiapolis, (Ind) - Ram’s Horn. . Married Women Set Free. . Governor. Flower of New York, has signed the bill which permits married women to make ccntracts in her own name as freely as man may do. Thus disappears from the statute book of New York the last trace of a Middle- Aged barbarian. The laws on this subject originated in the theory once everywhere accepted that the wife was a chattel, the property of the husband. Long after that theory disappeared the law still maintained many of the disab- ilities of married moman which could be justified only by theabandoned con- ception. Thelaw is alwaysslow to recognize changes in society and civili- zation, and it has been peculiarly slow and conserative in this. But our generation has been very restless under these anachronisms of the law. One after another these disabili- ties of married women have been remov- ed, until the last of them is blotted out in New York, and law now fully recog- nizes the married moman as an indivi- dual with a will, a capacity and natural rights of her own. It is well. How soon will Pennsylvania follow ? Her married women arestill under many legal disabilities. — A LeADER.—Since its first introduc- ing, Electric Bitters has gained rap- idly in popular favor, until now itis clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives—containing noth- tion which permits its use as a beverage or intoxieant, 1t is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys.—It will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con- stipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satisfaction, guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be re- funded. Price only 20c. per bottle. Sold by C. M. Parrish. Not the Man’s Fault. “That man is utterly devoid of feel- ing.” How do you know ?” ‘‘He sat on my hat and didn’t know it until I told bim.” “Straw hat. wasn't it ?’ “Yes ; but what of that?" “Nothing, only I thought it couldn’t be felt.” ; ——Capt. W. A. Abbott, who has long been with Messrs, Percival and Hatton, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Des Moines, Iowa, and iis one of the best known and most respected business men in that city : “I can tes- tify to the good qualities of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. Having used it in my family for the past eight years I can safely say it has noequal for either colds or croup.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Frank P. Green. ‘THE BruTE.—“Do you love me,” she asked. He looked at her reproachfully, and remarked: ‘Look here, if you expect to be hugged aby harder, I guess you’d better hire a bear.”’ : ————————————————————— BUCKLEN’S ARNIC SALVE.—The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and pos- itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion, or money refunded. cents’ per box. For sale by C. M. Parrish. ET RTA ~——By judicious marketing the South Carolina melon growers have made the 950 carlcads which they have shipped this year pay. them $71,500, twice as much as they received for 1169 carloads: shipped last year. ——Many people, not aware of the dangers of constipation, neglect the pro- per remedy till the habit becomes chronie, or inflammation or stoppage A dose ortwu of Ayer’s Pills in the beginning would have prevented all all this. He took her out for an ice-cream treat. His" préity’ blue-eyed Sal, But fainted when he read the sign, Cream .ninety cents a gal. Price 25], Bits Abount The Bismark William, Not Herbet, the Iron Chancellor's Favorite Son. Prince Bismark’s favorite son, is not, as most folk’s believe, the elder Count Her- bert, but the younger Count William popularly called “Bill,” who is Presi- dent of the Council in Hanover. Count Bill” is the image of his father, al- though not so tall or massively built. At the Presidenits House of Hanover there are two busts—one of Prince Bismarck at 40 and one of William Bismsrck at about the same age. It is tho genial Count “Bill’s” little joke to get his guests to commit themselves to a decla- ration as to which is that of his father. It is impossible from a back view to tell which is which. Count “Bill” is married to his first cousin, Prince Bismarck’s only child. It has been a great disappointment to the ex Chancellor that no male child has been born of this union,the Count- ess having blessed her husband with two girls. When the first child, Irene, was born at Hanover, Count Bill’ announced the fact to his father as follows. “This time a girl.” To which the Prince re- plied.’ “I forgive you this time; but next time see it is a boy.” Prince Bismarck spells his name “Bis- mar k;’’ his sons Bismarck. Saw Mill Employes Strike. MINNEAPOLIS, August 22.—A St.Clair, Wis., special says: About a thousand saw mill employes struck for ten hours and eleven hours pay, and the plants of five hour mills, are idle. No definite reply has been made by the mill owners to the committees, but there are no in- dications that the demand will be gran- ted. The’'mills shut down are the Em- pire, the valley, the Dells and the Miss- issippi logging company. The strikers are orderly. ? —XKlein’s Silver Age, Duquesne and Bear Creek Whiskies, together with all the leading Pennsylvania Ryes, bottled by Max Klein, are the most reliable whiskies sold. See that Klein’s signature is on every label, and his name blown in the bottle. Itis a guarantee of purity. For sale by 8. Shloss, wholesale agent, Williamsport, Pa. 37-30 New Advertisements. x HAND In a dangerous emergency, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is prompt to act and sure to cure. A dose taken on the first symptoms of Croup or Bronchitis, checks further pro- gress of these complaints, It soft- ens the phlegm, soothes the inflam- ed membrane, and induces sleep. Asa remedy for colds, coughs, loss of voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and even consumption, in its early stages. AYERS CHERRY PECTORAL excels all similar preparations, It is endorsed by leading physicians, is agreeable to the taste,does not interfere with digestion, and n ceds to be taken usually in small doses. “From repeated tests in my own family, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a very efficient reme- dy for colds, coughs, and the var- ious disorders of the throat and lungs.”—A. W. Barlett, Pittsburg, N.Y “For the last 25 years I Lave been taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and am assured that its use has SAVEDMY LIFE I have recommended it to hun- dreds. I find the most effective way of taking this medicine is in small and frequent doses.”—T. M. Matthews, P. M.. Sherman Ohio. # “My wife suffered from a cold ; nothing helped her but Ayer's Cherry Pectorel which effected a cure.”—R. Amero, Plympton, N. S. AYERS CHERRY PECTORAA Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure. 37-33 ‘Tourists. Homeseeker’s Excursions. Two Grand Excursions via Union Pacific on August 30th and Sept. 27th, 1892, to points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Wyoming Utah, Idaho, New Mexico and Montana. This is a great opportunity to see the magnificent tracts of land offered for sale by the Union Pacific at low prices and on ten’ years time. ‘For thisoccasion the Union Pacific will sell tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip. See your nearest ticket agent. = 37-30-8t A — Harvest Excursions—Half Rates. August 30th and Sept. 27th. The Burlington Route will: sell round trip tickets at half rates, good 20 days to the cities and farming regions of the West, Northwest and Southwest. Eastern Ticket Agents wil] sell through tickets on: the same plan. See that they read over the Burlington Route, the best line from Chicago, Peoria, Quincy and St Louis. For further information write P. 8’ Eustis, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. f 1 ) 37 28'10t ——————————— The Titan of Chasms. A Mile Deep, 13 Miles. Wide, 217 Miles Long, and Painted Like a Flower. vi The Grand Canen of the Colorado River, in Arizona, is now for the first time easily access- ible to tourists. A regular stage line has been esiablished from I lagstaff, Arizona, on the At- lantic & Pacific Railroad, making the trip from Flagstaff to the most imposing part of the Can. on in less than 12 hours. The stage fare for i the round trip is only $20.00, and meals and comfortable lodgings are provided throughout the trip at a reasonable price. The view of the Grand Canon afforded at the terminus of the stage route is the most stupendous panora, ma known in nature. There is also a trail at, this point leading down the Canon wall, more than 6,000 feet vertically, to the river below. The descent of the trail is a grander experi- ence than climbing the Alps, for in the bottom of this terrific and snblime chasm are hun dreds of mountains greater than any of the Al pine range. A book describing the trip to the Grand Canon, illustrated by many full page engrav- ings from special photographs, and all needful information, may obtained free up on application to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chieago, Ill. 37-30-3m furnishing |, ‘Tourists. Insurance. Railway Guide. Two Harvest Excursions. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry on Tuesday, August 30th, and September 27, 1892. Where the grasses are kissed by the wan- d’ring breeze, And the fields are rich with golden grain : Where the schooner ploughs through the prai- rie seas, To its destined port on the western plain; Where homes may never be sought in vain, And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows; Where man may ever his rights maintain. And lana 1s as free as the wind that blows. For further particulars apply to the nearest Ticket agent, or address John R. Pott, District passenger agent, 486 William street, Williams- port, Pa. Speaking of Flying. Some run, some fly, and some are limited in mcre senses than one, buf the new fast trains on the Union Pacific 8: stem are out of sigh while the other fellows are getting their wingst fixed. The remarkable time of 13 hours and 25 minutes from Omaha to Denver made by the “*Denver Fast Mail” is specially commend ed to people who wish to “get there. To Portland in 65 hours via Omaha and the Union Pacific System, you save fifteen hours and fifty minutes over all competition ; to San Francisco in 67 hours via Omaha and the Union Pacific System, you save twelve hours and thirty min: utes over all competition. For tickets via the Union Pacific or any information call on your nearest ticket agent or E. L. Lomax, i Pass. & Ticket Agt., Omaha, Neb. t a ———————— In the First Place. “The Overland Flyer” of the Union Pacific System is to-day as it has been for years, ithe most popular as well as the fastest Daily Trans Continental Train. The flyer is asolid vesti-" buled train composed of Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars and Free Reclining, Chair Cars No change of coach Chicago to Denver, Ogden’ San Francisco or Portland. Note our common sense time table : “THE OVERLAND FLYER.” Arrive | Arrive Ogden [Portland 1.00 A. M.|7.25 A.M. SaltLake Sin Fran 300 A ».[9.15 A. m1. Leave | Leave | Arrive Chicago | Omaha [Denver 10.30 p.m (2.15 P. M.|7.40 A. M. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed, Thu. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Tue, Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Wed. 1hu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Thu. Fri, Sat. Sun. Mon. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. For tickets or any additional information call on your nearest Ticket Agent, or address, E.L. Lomad, G. P.& T. A, U. P. System, Om- aha, Neb. tf Wanted. Flouring Mills at Reynolds. N. D. ($2,000 bonus); and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn., and Williston N. D. Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafton, N. D (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops, Lumber Yards, Tail or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks," Carpenter Shops, Saw Miil, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &c. needed and solicited by citizens in new and growing towns in Minnesota, the Dalkzotas and Montana. Free sites water pow er for factories at various places, No charges whatever for information which may lead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acre produces $20.to $30. worth of grain. Fines sheep, cattleand horse country in America Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and publications sent free by F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. Suggestion for a Summer Trip. If you wish to take the trip of a liffe- time, purchase the low rate excursion tickets sold by all principal lines in the United States and Canada via the Northern Pacific Railroad to Yellowstone National Park, Pacific coast and Alaska. The trip is made with the highest degree of comfort in the elegant vestibuled trains of the Northern Pacific Railroad, which earry dining cars are luxurious Pullman sleeping cars from Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis 10 Montana and the Pacifi coast, without change, and special Pullman sleepers from 8t. Pu.l and Minneapolis to Yellowstone Park. The scenery en route is the most magnificent to be found in the seven states through which the road passes. Beautiful mountains, rivers valleys, lakes and piains follow each other in rapid succession to delight the tourist, who will also find interest in the agricultural, min- ing, lumbering, industrial and other interests associated with the development of the great Northwest. “ The erowning glory of the trip through the Northwest, however, is the visit to Yellowstone Park, the land of hot springs, geysers and gor- geous canons, and to Alaska with its endless oceans channels, snowcapped peaks, Indian villages and giant glaciers. i If you wish to investigate this suggestion further send to Charles 8. Fee, General Pag senger Agent, N, P, k, R., St. Paul, Minp,, for copies of the handsomely illustrated “Wonder- lard” book; Yellowstone and Alaska folders. J C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE e Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3412 1y Gro L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli: cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason: able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 225 Bienes INSURANCE! {—FIRE AND ACCIDENT,—} FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILA. PA., NATIONAL OF HARTFORD, CONN, CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORK, And other leading strong companies. Travel- er’s Accident of Hartford, Conn. o—THE OLDEST AND BEST.--o0 All business promptly and carefully attended to. Office, Conrad House,Bellefonte, Pa. 3636 1y CHAS. SMITH, Agt. Vy HY WE REPRESENT THE NORTHWESTERN. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. —IT IS A STRONG COM PANY. Total assets.. $42,353,912.96 Total liabiliti 821, 35,821,587.98 Net surplus 4 per ct II.—IT IS A PROSPEROUS COMPANY. Ins. in force Jan. 1, "91.......... $238,988.807.00 Increase during 1890....... 36,502,884.00 Increase in assets in 1890. 5,237,042.65 Increase in surplus in 1890..... 891,377.65 Total income in 1890... . 11,119,278.05 Increase over 1889 . 1,739,819.05 IIIL—IT IS A CAREFUL COMPANY. Death-loss incurred during Jevaes 1890, per $1,000 insured.. $9.60 Ditto, next lowest Co . 11.40 Average of the 9 largest...... competing companies........... 14.90 Death loss at $9.60 per §1.000...... 2,122,290.25 Death loss had rate been $14.90 3,289.749.50 Amount saved...oecicnseenrenrni senses 1,167,259.25 Assets in first mortgage bonds =~ 3 per ct Ditto, 9 largest competing co's 36 © Assets in railroad and other fluctueting securities. ........... None Ditto in 9 largest competing 0 B.rieriierion susiosrianronssitin. 32 per ct The nine leading competing companies above referred to are Equitable, N. Y. Mutual Life N.Y. New York Life, N.Y. Connecticut Mutual. Mutual Benefit. New England Mutual. Mass. Mutual. Penn. Mutual. Aitna. IV.—IT IS A WELL MANAGED COMPANY r. et. Rate of interest earned in *90... P 5.92 Average rate of 9 leading com- ii pebitors..ieeissisin ave grasvae ddvunne 5.15 Interest income at 5.92 per ct... $2,196.503 Interestincome had rate been dA per et. Llu Rind 1,910,958 Iuterest gained . 285,545 ee V.—IT PAYS THE LARGEST DIVIDENDS. The NorTHWESTERN is the only company which, in recent years, has published her dividends. In 1885 and in 1887 the Company published lists of nearly 300 policies, embrac- ing every kind issued, and challenged all companies to produce policies, alike as to age, date and kind, showing like results, No ref- erence or reply "to this challenge has ever been made by any officer or agent of any company, so far as known. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Nov. 16th, 1891. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.56 a. m., at Altocna, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. m. . Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.5668. m at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts- ourg, 6.50 p: m. Lesve Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.10, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone 6.55, at Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1.25 pa Leave Belletonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m.,at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40 at Harrisburg at 10.€0 p. m., at Phila~ delphia, 4.25 a. m.. © _ VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a, m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.45 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.5¢ p. m, arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCKE HAVEN~-EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.45, leave Williamsport, 12.30 p. m. at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6 50 p. m, Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m., at Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha" ven, 10,10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 B m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at hiladelphia at 6.50 a.m, ] “VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6,20 a. m., arrive at Lewis burg at 9.10 a, m., Harrisburg, 11.35 a. m, Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.00 p. m., arrive at Lewis. burg, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila. delphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD, EASTWARD. 5 x [R E 5 2 Nov. 16, Bong : E § x B 1891. F B = i P.M.[ A.M. | A. M, |p w | P.M. 6 40 11 55, 6 55 310, 72 6 33 11 48) 6 48. 317 732 629 1143] 6 44 3 20] 736 6 25 11 38) 6 40 324 741 6 19/ 11 32| 6 33 330 747 615 11 29| 6 30]. 333] 750 6 13 11 26/ 6 28|.. Hannah...| 8 21/3 37 7 54 6 06) 11 17| 6 21/Pt. Matilda.| 8 28/3 44{ 8 01 559) 11 09) 6 13|..Martha....| 8 36 352 810 5 50 10 59| 6 05|....Julian....| 8 44/4 01 8 20 5 41/ 10 48/ 5 55/.Unionville.| 8 55/4 10| 8 80 5 33| 10 38| 5 48|...S.8. Int...| 9 034 17 8 40 5 30/ 10 35] 5 45| .Milesburg | 9 07/4 20| 8 44 5 20| 10 25| 5 35[.Bellefonte.| 9 17/4 30! 8 54 510/10 11] 525 .Milesburg.| 9 324 40| 9 04 502 958 b518|..Curtin....| 9 46{4 47| 9 13 4 55] 951 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 951/455 9 19 449) 9 44] 5 07...Howard...| 10 01(5 02 9 28 4 401 936) 4 59|..Eagleville.| 10 15/5 10] 9 40 4 38) 933 4 56/Bch. Creek.| 10 20/5 13 9 45 426) 921 4 46|.Mill Hail...| 10 35/5 24| 10 01 4 23] 918 4 43/Flemin’ton.| 10 39/5 27 10 056 420 915 4 40Lck. Haven| 11 45/5 30 10 10 P.M. A M.A M A.M. [A.M.|P. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD, BH B.1{E EES Lo Nov. 16, BIE 3 § lB 1891. E & P.M.| P. M. | A. M. | Lv, Ar. fa. M.A. m [p.m 730 315 8 00|..Tyrone....| 6 x9 11 456 17 787| 322 8 O7|.E. Tyrone.| 6 43| 11 38/6 10 Vv 43! 327 81... ail...... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 7 83| 3 36| 8 21|.Vanscoyoc., 6 27| 11 25/5 53 8 00, 8 42| 8 25|.Gardners..| 6 25| 11 21/5 53 8 07| 8 49) 8 35/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16( 11 12/5 43 8 15 3 54| 8 45|..Summit...| 6 09] 13 05 5 30 8 19| 3 59| 8 50/Sand.Ridge| 6 05| 10 58/5 27 821 401) 852. Retort....| 60310 545 25 8 24| 4 02| 8 55|.Powelton...] 6 01] 10 52 5 23 8 30] 4.08 9 04]...0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11 8 41] #15] 2 13. Boynton... 5 45| 10 33/5 03 8 45 418] 9 17|..Bniners...| 5 43] 10 30/4 58 8 47| 4 22| 9 20|Phili shu’gl 5 41| 10 27/4 55 8 511 4 26] 9 24|..Graham,..| 5 37 10 21/4 49 8 57| 432] 9 32|.Blue Ball..| 533] 10 17/4 44 9 03] 439 9 39 Wallaceton.| 5 28] 10 10/4 39 9 10| 4 47| 9 47|....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 01/4 31 917 452 954 £1 517 9 54/4 26 9 24 4 58) 10 02|..,Barrett....| 5 12| 9 47/4 20 9 28| 5 02) 10 07|..Leonard...| 5 09| 9 43/4 15 9 35| 5 08 10 14|.Clearfield..| 5 04| 9 36/4 07 9 40| 5 11| 10 24|..Riverview.| 5 00] 9 32/4 ¢2 9 47\ 5 16 10 29|Sus. Bridge| 4 54 9 24/3 56 9 55| 5 25 10 35/Curwensv’e| 4 50, 9 20/2 50 P.M. P. M. | A, M. A. M. | AM. PM. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov. 16, 1891. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday...... Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 15th, 1891. a A ———— Electric Belts. REE Trial, disease, Rheumatism, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, any kind of weakness, or other d Electricity will cure you and keep oa in health. J A S ELECTRIC BELT to any one on trial, free. Prices, $3, , $10, and 15, if satisfied. Also, Electric Trussess and Box Batteries. them. Can be regulated to suit, and guaranteed to last for years. A shock. Free Medical rove thie, I will send DR. JUDD bined, and produces sufficient Electricity to Give waist measure, price and full particulars, Agents Wanted. 37131ynr WESTWARD. EASTWARD. AG 111 | 103 114 112 SraTrONS, VIL—THE COMPANY'S INTEREST RE-| Fp'i%. oi) CEIPTS EXCEED HER DEATH CLAIMS. 220 620 445 Interest receipts in 1890.... $2,196,502 aa is Death claims in 1890 wee 2,122,200 230 6 87 237 6 4 32 VIL-IT 1S PURELY AMERICAN— | 217 ¢ LE By its charter it cannot insure in any For- 313) 7 4(2 eign country nor in Gulf states. Its wise and, ' conservative management in this, as well as 2383 795. 338 in other respects is heartily approved of by : a 7 i 732 318 i J 5 8 10]. 716/ 3 02 the practical business men of this eoniry, 195 sod vos 247 Rates, plans and further infor mation |fur- 434) 839 657 240 nished on request. 4 40| 8 37. 6 50 2 32 W. C. HEINLE, 445 842). 645 221 District Agent. BELLEFONTE, PA. : 2 2 5 : ’ 5 : 6:35-1y 5 02/ 9 00|......Pleasant Gap......| 6 28 2 08 5100 910 Bellefonte......... 620 200 H30 P. M. | A, M. A. M. | P.M. Machinery. : z LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD Bl B | Novis | 8 | B 7 Fring & LINGLE, " 2 1891, |B A ; I ga [Successors to W. P, Duncan & Co,] AMP AM | Pom 951 45]... Scotia....| 9 21| 4 47 BELLEFONTE, PA., 10 21] 5 17|..Fairbrook.| 9 09) 4 27|.. 10 28) 5 29|Pa.Furnace| 8 56 4 15 ‘RON FOUNDERS 10 34 5 36|...Hostler...| 8 50| 4 08 . 10 46, 5 42|..Marengo.| 8 43] 4 01 and 10 52| 5 49|.Loveville..| 8 87 3 55 ho opt sal 3 4 ISTS. 02 ungarvin.| 8 3 MACHINIST 11 10 : 3 a : ark..| 8 1 3 38 eu 11 20 ennington| 8 10| : 3 30 Manufacturersof the ~~ 1" 11 32) 6 32|...Stover....| 758) 318 a 11 40," 6 42|...Tyrone....[" 7 50| 3 10 VULCAN CUSHIONED POWER HAMMER | sec —— BELLEFONTE TURBINE ELLEFONTE CENTRAL eriifiy RAILROAD. ! WATER WHEEL, To take effect April 4, 1892. : : EASTWARD. WESTWARD. STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, Ac.| Ex. | Mail.! go Tiong. | AC] Ex | Mail, FLOURING MILLS, — —= ¥ ts k A : pa po da a JAR UV Lvlawl al mle. wm. "© ROLLING MILLS, &C., &C. =o 633 880 9 05|.Bellefonte.|3 a0| 10 30] 4 40 : 6 28 3 44 8 B9|..Coleville..|6 37| 10 35| 4 45 Works near P. R. R. Depot. 1M60ly |g 5 3 41| 8 56/....Morris,...!6 40! 10 38] 4 48 — 6 22" 3 38) 852|.Whitmer.,.|6 44| 10 43| 4 51 6 19 335 849... Linns.....|6 47| 10 46] 4 54 6 17| 3 33 8 47(.. Hunters...|6 80| 10 49| 4 56 6 14) 3 31] 8 44[..Fillmore,..[6 53| 10 52| 5 00 6 11) 8 28 8 40|....Sellers....(6 57| 10 56! 5 03 6 09] 3 268 88{w:Brialy....{7 00 10 58) 5 05 6 05 3 23] 8 35|...Waddle...|7 05 11 01| 5 10 6 02 320) 8 30/ Mattern Ju|7 08] 11 03] 5 12 551 308) 8 18.Krumrine..[7 21] 11 13] 5 24 548 305 8 14/...Struble...(7 24] 11 17| 5 27 5 45) 3 00] 8 10|StateColl'ge(7 30( 11 20{ 5 30 Why suffer from the bad effects of the La Grippe, Lame Baek, Kidney and Liver , when (Headache relieved in one minute.) Tec Costs nothing to try Belt and Battery com- Write to-day. Address OR. JUDD, Detroit, Mich. advice. On the Red Bank branch trains will run as follows : (GOING EAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at 8 00 a. m and 5 85 p.m Stormstown at 8 05 5 40 Mattern at 812 5 43 Graysdale at 8 17 5 46 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 58 GOING WEST WILL LEAVE: Mattern Ju. 7 14a. m, and5 13 p m Graysdale 7 19 5 16 Mattern T 24 5 20 Stormstown 7 29. 5 23 Red Bank 7 36 5 80 Taos. A. Swoumaxsx, Supt,