Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 02, 1892, Image 5

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    The Cholera In New York Harbor.
New York, August 31.—Tweniy-
two deaths, attributed by the ship's
surgeon to cholerine, occurred on board
the steamship Moravia during her trip
from Hamburg to this port, which she
reached last night. She left Hamburg
on August 18, the day on which chol-
era was first discovered in that city.
The ship is now in quarantine with
the yellow flag flying, and it is believed
this dread scourge, that is now devasta-
ting eastern Europe can be confined to
the vessel that brought it over. The
physician Lere, fear no further spread
of it.
The Looted Treasury
We reprint from the Philadelphia
Ledger a Washington letter on the con-
dition of the National Treasury from
Mayor Carson, one of its editors, who is
fully informed on the subject, and who
never permits party interests to suppress
or color the truth. This statement pre-
sents most appalling facts to the country
and let us soberly look them in the face.
They are as follows.
1. The surplus in the Treasury June
30, 1888. the close of the last fiscal year
of the Cleveland. administration, was
2. Since then Congrees made a forced
loan of $54,207,975 by converting into the
Treasury the special trust fund for the
redemption of national bank notes.
3- Since then the fractional silver coin
has been iumped into the assets of the
Treasury, although it was ommited from
assets before because not available,
4. For the first time since the war,
the payment to the sinking fund has
been suspended, under the present ad-
5. For the first time during the last
score of years,a small loan that matured
in September, 1891, had to be extended
because of the inability of the govern
ment to pay it.
6. With all these additions to the
assets of the Treasury the cash balance
in the Treasury on the 80th of last June,
the close of the fiscal year, was $27,050,
286; or only $12,897,228 exclu-ive of
fractional silver thatcannot be drawn
upon to pay government debts.
7. The appropriations of Congress for
the prescent fiscal year aggregate $508, -
000,000. Of these expenditures fully
$70,000,000 were absolute obligations
created by the previous Congress in pen-
sions, bounties, ete.
8. The revenues as estimated by the
Tressury department for the present
year will be $455,386,350.
9. The excess of expenditures over re-
ceipts this year will be $53,000,000 with
only $12,800,000 of available Treasury
surplus, even after a forced loan of over
$54,000,000, the suspension of thesinking
fund payments and tne extension of
bonds overdue,
10. The deficit for the present year,
even after taking the last dollar of avail-
able monev from the Treasury, must be
fully $40,000,000.
11. The steads increase of pensions au-
thorized by the Billion Congress, will
add not less than $30.000,000 more to
pensions next year, with many more
millions demanded for growing bounties
and almost countless public buildings
already under contract.
Such are the sober facts as to our
looted Treasury. The surplus of over
$55,000,000 left by Cleveland is gone
the forced loan of the bank note re-
demption fu d amounting to over $54,
000,000 is gone ; the payments to the
sink ng furd are suspended ; the bonds
of the nation due are unpaid for want of
money ; exclusive of fractional silver
that is not available, the surplus at the
only |
close of the fiscal year was
$12,800,000; the appropriations made
for the present vear are $53,000,000 in
excess of the estimated receipts, and of
these appropriations $70,000,000 were to |
meet obligations created by the previous
Republican Congress.
Taking the appropriations and the es-
timated revenues for the present year,
and adding the available surplus to the
revenues, the present fiscal year will |
leave the Treasury bankrupt not less
than $40,000,000, with growing pensions,
bounties, etc., to swell the deficit for
some years tocome. The Treasury is
looted and bankrupted, and the people
must choose between increased taxes or
honest, economical government. Which
shall it be ?
The employes of the Scranton
button factory struck foran increase of
wages on Monday. The male em-
ployes have been earning from 40 to 60
cents a day, and the females from 15
to 25 cents a day. They demand a
dollar a day. The button factory is
heavily protected by the McKinley
tariff law, but the employes are not.
If they do not want to work for the
starvation wages now paid them, their
places will be filled by the “pauper
labor of Europe,” who can come to our
shores without molestation. This is a
tariff picture which the McKinley or-
gans will not print.— Williamsport Sun.
——The 4th general reunion of the
45th Pennsylvania regiment will be held
during the National encampment of the
G. A. R. in Washington City, at the
headquarters of the 1st Brigade, 2d
Division of the 9th Army Corps on the
‘White Lot,at 10 o'clock, Wednesday
the 21st, where all members should re-
port on their arrival.
Dr. THEO. 8. CHRIsT, Staff.
W. C. VanvaLiw, Co. A.
EvcenE BeAvae, Co. G.
Grounds for His Argument.
From the Port Allegheny Reporter.
McKinley is telling the Nebraska
farmers they have good grounds for
backing up the monopoly tariff. But
he took care not to mention the mortga-
ges on the grounds.
Working With and Without a Mask,
From the New York World.
The greatest difference between train
robbery and tariff robbery is the fact’
that the train robber faces his victim.
New Ballot Law.
Acts That Subject the Offenders to Severe Punish-
Tuere are some things, which, if
done, will, under the new ballot law,
suhject the offender to punishment.
Here are the _flenses against the law
as culled trom section 31 to 35:
Aihwing a ballot to be seen, with ap-
parent intention of showing marks,
Cast or attempting to cast an unoffi
cial ballot, or one improperly obtained,
Intertering »ith voters.
Inducing voters to show ballot.
Uncovering numbers,
Defacing, destroying or removing of-
ficiai lists of candidates, cards of in
struction, specimen ballots or supplies
tor marking,
Hiundering voters.
Forging, defacing, destroying or sup.
pressing nomination certificates or pa
per= or letiers ot withdrawal,
Filing false certificates or papers or
Signing nominaiion papers when
not qualified.
Forging endorsements to ballots,
Destroying, defacing or delaying the
delivery ot ballots. :
Willtal or negligent non-pertormance
, or mis performance of official duty.
Willtul misteasance of printer of bel:
Appropriation or improper disposi-
tion of ballots by printers.
Haviog ballots in possession outside
of voting room.
Counterfeiting ballots or having coun-
terfeits in possession. :
Violating any provision ot the act.
Please Ask Bill McKinley.
$1 avd $1.05 a bushel,
sell for $1 a bushel and in the protect
ed United Siates for 70 cents a bushel,
whut good is a protective tariff to the
American farmer? How does protec-
tion ; protect 2— Exchange.
Harvey Hile, formerly of Belle-
: fonte but for five years a student at the
| State College, where he made a super-
{ior record both asa scholar and an
athlete, started Thursday morning for
| Madison Wis. where he will enter the
Mechanical Engineering Department,
of the University on a fellowship which
| he received through the excellence of
his graduation thesis at the college.
of the Executive Committee of the Mt.
Gretna Farmers’ Encampment, held at
| Mt. Gretna, Aug 25th, 1892, tke follow-
ing was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we hereby tender
the Pennsylvania State College and Ex-
periment Station a note of sincere
thank for their autractive and instruc-
tive display of varieties of wheat and re-
sults of experimental work made at our
Exhibition this year and we extend a
cordial invitation to the College to
make a display of its work at our Ex-
hibitions hereafter.
~—— Mr. James David, one of the old-
est and probably one of the best known
citizens of Clinton county died at his
home in Beech Creek on Monday morn-
ing last. To many of the people of
this county Mr. David was well known,
as he was by those of his own county.
In his way he was a character, and had
many friends who will be sorry to learn
of his death. He was a man of many
good qualities, brusque, honest and with-
out deception ; had filled the office of
county commissioner and other public
positions, creditably, and died, leaving
no one to say an unkind word of any
act he preformed during life.
KEeLar 1s Coming.--The greatest
of all magicians will appear at Gar-
man Opera H juse Sept. 7th and with
him his latest wonder, ‘‘Cagliostro’
This remarkable production electrified
when it was introduced for the first
time during the magician’s phenomen-
al run there. Itisa wonderful con-
bination of scientific skill and clever
conjuring, and its effect upon an aud-
ience said to be truly remarkable.
Kellar also brings his masterpiece of
magic, “Oh I" the truly astonishing As-
tarte, Nana Sahib, the Hindoo won-
der worker, and a host of other carious
and wonderful things calculated to as-
tonish and mystify.
ing the past week, taken from the dock-
J. J. Sents, of Williamsport and Em-
ma Leathers of Mt. Eagle.
U. Si: Grant Coble, and Ella M, Dale
of Houserville.
A. Lawrence Miller, of Riverside, and
E. Blanche Patterson of State Col-
lege. !
Cyrus Watson and Sarah Kissel, both
of Union Twp. (98K
James P. Nolan and Mollie E. Pow-
ers, both of Bellefonte.
John Robert and Ida Parents, both of
Benjamin Meek and Minnie Spatzer,
both of Rush Twp.
William 8. Walker and Hattie B.
Malone, both of Snow Shoe,
John Brown of Spring Mills, and Sa.
die Frazier of Bellefonte.
Wm. Richner ard E. I. Heatan,both
of Boggs Twps
Thos. A. Auman and Sallie Bierly,
both of Rebersburg.
In London wheat is now selling at |
; In Chicago |
wheat is Soa Ey eas 2 | delphia, that he was in constant receipt
¢ togland, wh
04d Fellows lodges from Boalsburg and
the Philadelphia public last season, |
on ail
— There are fifteen counties in the
sinte that have no debt. There used to
be sixteen in the list, until the Republi-
cans snceeeded in electing a board of
Commissioners for this county who
manipulated the finances in such a way
that 1t was but a few months after they
succeeded to office, until Centre was
placed among the number that borrow-
ed money to pay their debts.
— Saturday last was a big day up at
the Park, if crowds and a good time go
to make up big days. In addition to
the crowd that went to see the ball
game between the Bellefonte and Ty-
rone clubs, in which the former did up
the latter in such fine style, there wasa
huif a dozen car loads. of people from
H ward and down the Bald Eagle. The
Siate College and scores of other folks
who went just to see what the crowds
already there, were doing. It was a
nice day. Everybody had a good time
and all returned in the evening highly
pleased, except the Tyrone visitors who
bet their money on the wrong side of
the ball game,
THe Prince oF Macic.—Keller is
coming, The man of mystery as usu-
al, always has something new. This
time it is *‘Cagliostro,” which is sad to
be the most astonishing trick ever pro-
duced. In this illusion Keller is said
to eclipse all his former inventions, in
fact so great was the hit it made when
first produced at the Magician’s Egyp-
tian Hall, during his long run in Phila-
of letters requesting him to continue it
upon the programme, and only retired
it when absolutely forced to by the pres-
sure of other productions.
“Ob!” another Egyptian Hall suc-
cess, will also be seen. The effect of
this trick upon an audience is said to
be really startling, and hardly one can
repress the involuntary exclamation
from which it derives its name.
The Hindoo mystifier, Nana Sahib,
astoniching Astarte, and numerous
other novel features, will also be seen
at Garmans opera house, Wednesday,
Sept. 7.
——Many of the patrons of the
WarcaMAN along with the good people
of the Southern side of Clinton county,
enjoyed vhemselves at the Odd Fellows
picnic at Loganton on Saturday last.
Great preparation had been made for
the occasion, and when the long proces-
son of visiting orders, bands and citizens
marched through the pretty streets of
that hospitable town, there was no one
but pronounced the gathering a decided
success, and when the day was over,
voted that Loganton was the place to
visit {0 receive cordial greeting and gen-
erous entertainment.
As representatives of the order in Cen-
tre county, the Rebersburg and Mill-
heim lodges accompanied by Brush
Valley and Millheim bards were in at-
tendance, and added much to the suc-
cess of the picnic. Scores of citizens
from Brush and Penns Valleys were
over and not one, on returning had any- |
thing but the kindest words, for the
royal welcome and hospitable treatment
extended them by the big hLearted peo- |
ple of Sugar Valley and Logarton.
GrRANGERS PicNic.—The committee |
has leased additional land adjoining the |
railroad, which is well shaded, underd
which will be placed tables and seats for
picnic parties that may wish toset their
tables under the trees by themselves.
This will also greatly improve the ap-
pearance from the railroad side as the
under brush has been cleaned away.
Prof. H. L. Ball, ofthe weather
signal service Philadelphia, will estab-
lish at the Park a Meteorological station
equipped with instruments and the
necessary signal outfit. He has also
arranged for a convention of weather
observers during the week on the
Arrangemente have been completed
whereby!all can be accommodated with |
tents that may desire to’ camp. Orders
should be sent in without delay.
Trains will be run every few hours to
and from the Park.
Col, Mullen bas been appointed
Chief of Police with full authority to
guarantee ample protection to all camp-
ing on the ground.
Arrangements have been completed
so that there will be telephone and, tele-
graph connection for the accommoda-
tions of those in attendance.
A distributing post office will be open-
ed on the ground under the -manage-
ment of Mr. Brisbin, post master at
Centre Hall.
rected to Grange Pack, Centre Hall,
will be promptly delivered at Headquar-
ters. bg
Those who prefer can board them-
selves. Boarding houses on the ground
under the management of Mr. James
A. Keller, of Centre Hall, and satisfac-
tory’boarding guaranteed at reasonable
Hotels with good accommodations.
All mail that will be di- |
Convenient lodging and boarding can |
also be had at private houses by apply- !
ing to the committee. :
a tm aa
——Miss Robbins a sister of Mrs.
Harry Schroyer is here now. Miss
Robbins has a very fine contralto voice
and sings in St John’s Church Phila-
Firry in Gorp.—Last night four
K. G. E. men came down from Belle-
fonte to personally present the prize
awarded to Crescent Commandery, of
this city, ot fifty dollars in gold for being
the best drilled commandery at Belle-
fonte at the recent reunion. To prop-
erly celebrate the event the ‘buzzards’
gathered and flapped their wings. The
Good Templar band played sweet strains
and all were delighted. The cash, two
twenty-dollar gold pieces and a ten—
(eagles and double eagles)-—were enough
to razzle dazzle the eye of the laymen,
but the Eagle men were expecting it
and of course were not bewildered.
They had prepared for their feathered
friends and gave them a royal reception
for which they are famous, as all K. G.
E. peopleand newspapers throughout
the State will say. It is a source of great
pleasure on our part to see that the prize
was won by a home commandery, and
furthermore that it was delivered by
such an agreeable quartette. The re-
ceipt for the gold reads: “$50. Au-
gust 27th 1892. Received of J. W. Al-
exander, fifty dollars in gold, prize
awarded to Crescent. Commandery, Aug.
18th, in the competitive drill at Belle-
onte.—Lock Haven Democat.
CanADA THISTLES.—Last week in a
short note we called attention to the
neglect of duty in township officials,
who failed to enforce the Act requiring
the destruction of Canada Thistles.
In connection herewith we give in full
the law designating whose duty it is to
see that they are cut, and fixing the pen-
alties for failure to perform that duty.
That lands in this county are becoming
more and more polluted with them
every year is a tact that every one will
admit ; that when they once become
thoroughly rooted it is almost impossi-
ble to get rid of them, and in places
render the land worthless is equally
true. And yet in the face of these facts,
many farmers and others pay little at-
tention to them, allowing them to go on
spreading from year to year, until whole
fields are covered with them and to erad-
icate them thoroughly will cost more
time and trouble than it did to original-
ly clear the land. Some owners may
not know that they are liable to a fine,
for allowing these thistles to grow, with-
out an effort to destroy them. If there
are any, ignorant of the requirements of
the law, their attention is called to the
provision of the Act as here given :
1. It shall be the duty of every per-
son or persons, and of every corporation
holding land or lands in any county or
counties of this commonwealth, either
by lease or otherwise, on which any
Canada thistles or weeds commonly
known as Canada thistles may be grow-
ing to cut the same so as to prevent such
thistles or weeds from going to seed and
the seed of the same from ripening, and
every person Or persons, or corporation
as aforesaid, who shall or may have
land as aforesaid, and who shall neglect
or refuse to comply with the provisions
of this act, shall forfeit and pay a fine of
| fifteen dollars to the treasurer of the
| school district in which sach land may
| be situated, to be recovered the same as
| debts of like amount are now by law re-
2. If any person or persons, or corpo-
rations, so holding lands aforesaid, on
which any Canada thistles, or the weeds
commonly known as such, shall be
growing, and likely to ripen seed there-
on, shall neglect or refuse to cut and
destroy the sameso as to prevent the
seed thereof from ripening, it’ shall and
may be lawful for any person or persons,
who may consider themselves aggrieved
| or about to be injured by such neglect
| or refusal, to inform by written notice
any constable or supervisor of the said
Canada thistles or weeds may be grow-
ing, whose duty, it shall then be to give
five days’ notice in writing to such per:
80D or persons, or corporation, to cut
and destroy such thistles or weeds, and
on their neglect or refusal to cut and
destroy the same at the end of five days,
it shall be the duty of the officer giving
such notice to enter upon such premises,
with such other person or persons as he
may employ, and cut down and destroy
such Canada thistles, and the said
officers or other persons so employed
shall be entitled to recover from such
‘person Or persons or corporation own-
ing or holding land as aforesaid, com-
‘pensation at the rate of $2 50 per day,
and the officer serving such notice shall
likewise be entitled to a fee of 50 cents,
together with six cents mileage for each
mile, circular, necessarily travelled, to
be recovered as debts of like amount be-
fore any justice or court in said counties.
8 It shatibe-the duty of the road
supervisor or. supervisors of the public
roads or highways in every township or
district as aforesaid, to ‘cut and destroy
in the same manner all such Canada
thistles or weeds on or along such roads,
and in case of unseated or mountain
lands, whenever it shall come to the
knowledge of either the supervisor or
‘constable of the existance of any such
Canada thistles or weeds thereon, it
shall be his duty to notify the owner, or
owners, or agents of said lands in writ-
ing, giving ten days notice to cut and
destroy the same as aforesaid, and upon
| failure to comply at the end of ten days
such officer, or any person or persons
employed by him, shall proceed in the
manner hereinbefore provided, with like
fees and compensation, and if any such
constable or supervisor shall neglect or
refuse to perform his duties as prescribed
by this act, he shall be liable to a fine of
ten dollars, the same to be sued for
and recovered as aforesaid, by the party
or parties aggrieved or about to be in-
jured by such neglect or refusal.
Not the Year for Fools.
From the Butler Herald.
The Republican stump speaker is
now prone to run counter to plain mani-
festations of Providence, The R. s. s.
will claim in order to show what plump
grains of wheat, and what big ears of
corn has come out of Harrison’s ad-
ministration and the McKinley tariff,
but Providence will more than likely
come out first best in impressions on
the sensible farmer. It looks as if in
this year of grace fact may get the bet-
ter of clap-trap.
Business Notices.
\r=——What shall it profit a man if he gain the
whole world and then has the dyspepsia so
bad that he can’t enjoy any of the good things
it contains ? He won’t have dyspepsia if he
{use ey Little Early Risers.—C. M
arrish. ]
——Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's
Wish Hazel Salve will cure thern.—C. M.Par-
——DIED.—In this city of consumption. A
familiar headline isn’t it? It’s Fey risky to
neglect a cold or cough. One Minute Cough
Cure is pleasant safe and sure.~C. M. Parrish.
—It’s not very plesant to cough and hack,’
To suffer pain in’'ehest and back,
Many people could stop it, for sure <
By simply using One Minute Cough Cure.—C.
M. Parrish. ir
——Have tried almost every known remedy |
for Itching ' Piles without success, finally
bought a box of De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve
and it has cured me. C. D. Haskias, Peoria
I11.—C. M. Parrish.
——A gentleman of this country who has ex-
cellent judgment remarked tous the other
day that he knew of no piil so good for con-
stipation, dyspepsia PW liver complaint as
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.—~C. M.. Parrish.
——There is no use talking, neither Harri- |
- son or Cleveland will be elected unless they |
take De Witt’s Little Early Risers. They
have a ‘““get there” quality possessed by no oth-
er pill.—C. M. Parrish.
—Dyspepsia, distress after eating, sour
stomach, pho appetite, bad taste, coated
tongue and heartburn are cured by De Witt’s
Little Early Risers, the famous Little pills.—C.
M. Parrish. © 8T-341y
New Advertisements,
ARM TO. RENT.—That large
and productive farm in Furguson
township, Centre county, on the hite
Hall road, near Pennsylvania Furnace
Station, is now up for rent, fram April next.
Apply to Franklin Bowersox, tenant] in charge
or to . y
37-35tf 805 North 17th Street, Philadelphia.
WORK.—J. E. Barry is the Agent of
the Bellefonte branch of joi
of Williamsport, with office in Dunham’s
News Depot High street. Work called for at
residences and delivered, patéhing and mend-
ing free of charge. Promptness and high grade
work guaranteed. Remember the place, Dun-
hams News and Fruit Depot, High Street.
87-24.3t% JAMES E. BARRY,
OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel
phia, on business or pleasure, from
this section, will find pleasant rooms and good
boarding either by the day or week, at 1211
Greene Street. Centrall, located. Pleasant
surroundings 37-32.
' Letters of administration on tue es-
tate of Geo. Ard, laté of Ferguson township de-
ceased, having been granted to the undersign-
| ed he requests. all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to said esrate to'make imm. d
iate payment, and those having claims auvainst
the same, to present them duly authenticated
for settlement
37-34-6t Pine Grove Mills.
Notice is hereby given thata special appeal
on the triennial assessment of unseated lands
for the year 1892, wi 1 ba held in the Commis:
sioners Office in Bellefonte, Pa., for the sever-
al assessment districts, as follows: fie
Rush, Spring, Potter, Harris, College, Benner,
Ferguson, Half Moon, Patton and Worth
townships, , 1
Snow Shoe, Taylor, Union, Huston, Boggs,
Toward: Liberty, Marion and Walker town-
ships. )
Burnside, Curtin, Gregg, Penn, Haines and
Miles towraiios,
Attest, J. R.STROHM,
Rost. F. HunTER, Clerk. 37-33-3t
OTICE.—Notice is hereby given
au that sundry ‘inhabitants of Centre
county will, on Tuesday, the 4th day of October
1892, present their petition to the Court ef
Quarter Sessions of Centre County, represent
ing that “The Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley.
Turnpike,” leading from a point at or near |
Shank’s bri ge, now Howard Dam bridge, on
Bald Eagle Creek,in Howard township, to a
ointon the Bellefonte and Great Islan road,
etween James Hutchison’s and the Black
Horse Tavern, (now near Charles Yearick’s
house,) in Marion township, is wholly located
in Centre County, and that it would be for the
best interests of the people of the county that
the said Turnpike should become a public
road, free from tolls and toll-gates, and pray-
ing the Court to appoint as well a’ master as a
jury of five reputable citizens of the county to
view and condemn the above mentioned Turn-
pike, for public use, free from tolls and toll
gates.and to assess the damages; if any, to
which the owners of said Turnpike may be en-
titled, agreeably to the provisions of the Act of
Assembly, a proved June 2nd, 1887. }
New Advertisements.
Best Machinery at Lowest Prices.
A. B. FARQUHAR CO., York, Pa. 37 22-3
No other School can do as much for young.
Men and Women as :
1709 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. You pay
us $50. We educate and assist yen to a Goop
SITUATION. Can you ask more? realars free
if you name this paper. 137 28 3m.
Beginning Thursday, June
30, we will offer at about
one half price 500 yard of
white goods; 1 lot of leather
belts, and 1 lot of fine fans.
These will be immense
bargains. Threedays only,
Thursday, Friday and Sat-
: No. 9, Spring Street,
3649 1y |
i ellefonte, Pa.
OF ;
* * BUSINESS * *
A high class commercial school affording
complete equipment for business Ife. Also
French and German for travel as well as for
business. Commercial Geography has beer
added to the business course of instruction,
and a specially effective system of ventilation
has been introduced with new furniture, &e.
Office open all summer for examination and en-
rollment of students. Falland Winter term be-
gins Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 1892 Application
blanks now ready. Early enroliment necessa-
ry. For College Annual, Shorthand Ant. ounce~
ment, Graduating Exer isés, call or 'addiess’
‘imos. May Pierce, Ph. D. Principal and
Founder, Record Building, 917-919 Chestaut
St., Philadelphia, Pa, 37 32-13.
Rentsor Sells property of all kind«. Does a
eneral collection business, opens or closes
oks tor firms or indi duals.
Speciat attention given to collection rents
and business accounts.
If you have any real estate for sale or rent of
wish to rent or buy property, call and see me
at room 13, Criders kxchange, Allegheny
street, Bellefonte, Pa. 37-13-6m
will open its schools en Wednesday
September 7, 1892.
J. P. HUGHES, teacher of Mathematics and
Natural Scie ces
J R. HUGHES, teacher of ancient and mod-
ern languages.
Miss JULIA L. REED, teacher in young
Jad es room. . :
Miss. CAROLINE R. HUNTER, teacher in
primary room. ' ;
Mise EMMA S. HUGHES, teacher of music
and calisthenics,
Students tickets on Bellefonte Central Rail-
fou reduced. Eachround trip for a single
Miss Hunter, teacher in the rimary room
is a graduate of State College, class of 88, and
has been teaching successfully since her grad-
nation. 37 31. tf.
UNTER'S PARK, — The new
Pleasure Resort of Centre county, ie
situated on the line of'the Bellefonte Central
Railroad, 6 miles from Bellefonte, at an eleva-
tion of 1000 feet above tide. The Park com-
with abundant drinking water.
SEATS, etc.
This is the finest Pleasure’ Grounds to be
found between Philadelphia and Pittsbur,
The new Athletic Grounds of the Railroad ad-
join the Park, and a number of interestin.
Baill games will be played during the season.
The trains of the Bellefonte Central R. R.
leave from the P. R. R. Station, at Bellefonte
For time tables, rates, and other information
87-33-4t A WILLIAMS. address THOS. A. SHOEMAKER, 8up’t.,
Attorney for Petitioner. 87 26 3m: ' Bellefonte, Pa.
Liquors. ? oa
oO .
7 »
El, f Ward CHM I DT,
ESTABLISHED 1886.5. ' Lit ars
Telephone No. 666. |
nrsstte (eens
No. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue,
AF~All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention.
ns RBI rg TTR