Ink Slings. —Remember registration ends on the 8th of September. -—Ycu cannot depend upon party lines asa means of catching political suckers. —1It is no sign that an editor is pu- gilistically inclined when he puts a head on his editorials, —Every day that the strike continues GroVER CLEVELAND'S chances of elec- tion improve. —A woman who can’t mind her own business always finds plenty who are willing to help her. —Some enterprising newspaper cor- respondent should interview Mr. REID on the rail-road strike in his state. —The insatiety of man is demonstra- ted in the fellow, who, when he gets a swallow is not satisfied until he has a lark. —The knowledge that disturbs presi- dent HARRISON’s moments of reflection is that he is not the Nancy Hanks of the political turf. —Girls at the sea shore all take kind- ly to fishing smacks. Anything that sounds like a kiss seems to have a par- ticular charm for them, —-The man who steps on a “live” wire purely for curiosity’s sake seldom tarries long enough to publish his ex- perience in pamphlet form. —If the people on the other side pay the duties what becomes of the $180.- 000,000 contribution whick we annu- ally drop into the MCKINLEY slot? —When the Farmers’ Alliance con- clude to beard the monopolist in hi- den, we presume it will do so by pre senting him with Senator PEFFER. —The Republicans of Lycoming county don’t expect to win in the po~ litical game this fall, notwithstanding they turned up a TruMmP inthe deal for nominations. —Mr. BLAINE is sticking at home with a tenacity that gloats in there. quiem that the nation is chanting, forthe administration which caused his politi- cal demise. —To preserve harmony and an unini- mity of feeling, when your wife bangs you on one side of the head with a rolling pin, turn the other and be bang- ed thereupon. —The fellow who fails to register by the 8th of September, may feel like reg- istering himself, for the balance of the season, as a nimcompoop or some other kind of a nonentity. —1I¢ is reasonable to suppose that if GrovER CLEVELAND is not elected president of the United States, in Nov- ember, Canada will have annexed us be- fore that time. —The blue heads are usually very sulphurous and decidedly disagreeable, but in the end tbe matches which are longest coming to light make the hap- piest marriages. —JERRY SIMPsoN has nothing to do with the recently formed buckwheat trust, though it might have been politic for him to have seized this opportunity to stimulate his constituents trust in him. -—The autograph quilt is the latest fad with young women who are given to fancy needle work. Mammas are perplexed however, to know whether it isjust the proper thing to have their daughters asleep with the ‘hands’ of their gentlemen friends as a cover. --Congressman MCALEER seems to have prepared a larger political meal than his followers can digest. He may be able to perform the gastronomical feat of eating it all himself, however, for his past record seems to indicate that he believes the district belongs to Mo- ALEER and MCALEER to himself. —4“The West is more tillable than the East” says Stinson HUTCHINS. You bet it is and we are going to farm” it for all itis worth. And the East ig not half so bad as some people think. The Democratic tariff reform roller is breaking up high protection clods in a way that is making its Republican soil a veritable hot bed of Dem- ocratic fruit. —When the Pittsburg Dispatch made the statement that the McKINLEY bill has no effect on the price of food stuffs, it might as well have called Senator ALDRICH an unmigated liar. In his great (7) speech he said that it made them cheaper: Where is Mr, CARTER ? His organization is not complete until he gets his workers puliing better to- gether than this. —When telling the people of Indian- apolis; in his speech the other night, that ‘WasaINGTON had signed the first tariff bill, and that JEFFERSON bad formulated | it, Mr. Reip, the Republican aspirant | for Vice Presidential honors, forgot | wa —O > STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. _VOL. 37. BELLEFONTE, PA., AUG. 26, 1892. NO. 33. The Infamous Force Bill. Never befere ia the history of this country has a proposition, so infamous in its purposes or so dangerousin its de- signs, been submitted to the people of this country for their endorsement or rejection, as the Force bill, which the Republican party endorses, and pro- poses under the guise of securing fair elections. With its adoption, and it will be- come a law if the Republican party is successtul in November next, the pow- er of the people to control their own elections would cease. The polls in every precinct of the United States would be taken charge of by the Federal adminis{ration. Registrars who were not residents of, or voters in, election districts, and who would be appointed by the party hav- ing control of the administration, would prepare the list of voters. To this list no name could be added in any way though half the qualified voters of the district had been inten. tionally left off, nor could any court take from it a single name, no matter how many fraudulent registrations had been made. These registrars, strangers to the people and the community, assisted by four inspectors, appointed by the same power that named the registrars, would take charge of the election, receive the tickets, count up the result, and make out and certify to the returns. In addition to these six appointed, registrars and inspectors,who under the law assume and exercise the power and duties of election officers, the marshall of the district is to appoint a deputy for each voting precinct, and, upon the alligation of a stated number of citizens that trouble was anticipated, could, if the exinginces of the party to which he owed his position demanded, surround the polls with United States soldiers, under the appellation of additional de- puties. Under the operations of euch a law, what rights would citizens enjoy ? The voters would be designated by the tools wi the party in power. The elections would be conducted and controled by the same authority. The returns would be made out and certified to by those who fixed the list of voters,and manipulated the elections. And if the people, the voters of the district, protested against such usurpations, soldiers would be called in to force them into acquiscease, and to compell the recognition of the rights of their paid tools to determine who should vote and what the result should be. And these are afew of the infamous provisions of an elections law that the Republican yarty proposes and the Re- publican platform endorses. It is this kind of legiclation they would fasten upon the country to perpetuate their power and control the action of the people. Are the voters ready to surrender all their rights and liberties ? Too Thin to Decelve even a Fool. The Clearfield Republicans at their county convention last week passed resolutions ‘pointing with pride to the condition of trade” under the Mo- KinvLey bill, but failed to tell where the trade was or who was being bene- fitted by it. In their own county at present there is alittle boom caused by railroad building; but if the good Lord had not filled their hills with coal, which capitalists, who had earned and saved their money before the Mc- KinLey bill was thought of, are now anxious to secure, business of all kinds out there would be as flat as is their attempt to deceive the public. With strikes or lock-outs, in nearly every in- dustry 1n the counutry that is fostered by protection, and with the militia un- der arms in five states of the Union, assisting to enforce order where difficul- ties have grown out of an attempt to reduce wages, it is a poor time for any- body to blow about prosperous business conditions or prospering people. The stupidity of any Republican who be- lieves that any sensible man will be fooled with such blabber is beyond con- ception. ——Do you know that you have only The Proof, if Proof is Necessary. There is no one whose memory 18 so short that he does not recollect how persistent the Republican press and Republican speakers were, four years ago, in asserting that a protective tar- iff was the great panacea tor all the ills inadequate wages to workingmen pro- duced. During that campaign little else was heard than Republican claims about the benefit protection would be to labor, and the blessings it would shower upon the country. Workingmen took the Republican party at its word and voted for Harr1 sox. The first congress after his inau- guration gave us the McKinley bill. At the time it was passed the country was in a most prosperous condition. Labor had steady employment. Wa- ges were reasonably high. Industries ofall kinds werein operation. Strikes were unknown and lock-outs unheard of. In fact, business in all lines, was go prosperous that it is a question if ever better times were enjoyed by all classes, and all interests, than during the closing year of President CLEVE- LAND’s administration. But it had cost the Republican par- ty piles of money and unlimited prom- ises to secure success, as against the prosperity that Democratic rule had brought. Manufacturers were bled for funds and were promised a return in increased profits that are increased protective tariff would insure. Work- ingmen were cajoled into favoring a a change with the assurance, and in the belief, that higher protection meant higher wages. Capitalists were led to believe that security for their invest- ments could be found only in increased duties and more stringent prohibitory tariff legislation, To repay manufacturers, who had contributed to their campaign fund, the miquitous and oppressive McKINLEY bill was enacted into a law. The pri- The man who had a family and was paid more in proportion, for what he costlier clothing and daintier food. The poor man felt its effects in the increased price he had io pay for the necessities tion it brought in his wages. led to believe it would, in every in- stance, and in every industry that the tariff protected, the wages of working- men went down. In the Iron trade that enjoyed the highest amount of pro- tection the decrease was greatest. Whether the result of the greed of those who had paid so liberally for the party success that promised so much for protection ; whether the effect of over production ; or whether ascribable to some other cause, laborers have fouud that “protection” has not benefitted them, norjhas the promisesfheldjout by the Republican party, of steady work at higher wages, been fulfilled. In proof of this fact, if proof were necessary, the WarcaMaN this week gives a partial list of wage reductions in the Iron trade, to which it asks the unbiased attention of workingmen gen- erally, After they have read it, let them reflect calmly and honestly over the situation and determine whether it is not better for them to try to get back to the kind of times we were hav- ing, when the CLevELAND administra- tion went out of power, rather thas to continue in office a party that bas brought them nothing but a reduction in wages and higher prices for the nec- essities they are compelled to have. ——— They'll Miss it More Than Harmony. The Republican managers may bam- boozle BLAINE into making speeches for HARRISON ; they may placate Prat until he tskes a hand at helping them ; they may everjquiet Quay’s quibblings, and so far as harmony goes present the same united front they did in 88. But harmony didn’t win for them that year. It was Wanamaker’s $400,000 boodle that did" the job, And where is it to come from. this time? The Keystone bank is busted. BarpsLey is in the that GEORGE never told a lie, and conse- | a few days in which to see that you are | penitentiary. “Marsa is a fugitive, quently knew enough not to tell his properly registered. September the 8th | Certainly the prospects of Republican young Republic that “the higher the tariff, the higher the wages.” closes the list, and if you are not on it, you are left. success have a heavy cloud hanging over them. In place of increasing the price of his labor as promised and as he was A Word for The Deimnocratic State Com- mittee. We hope the report is true that chair- wan Wricat has concluded to make a fight for the legislature and for a Uni- ted States Senator to succeed Senator Quay. To many this may seem a hopeless undertaking, but to those who have kept the run of State politics, and who know of the dissentions within the Republican party,it has a different look entirely. There is scarcely a senatorial or leg- islative district in the State in which the Republican party has heretofore held sway, but is broken and distrac- ted by personal feuds add disrupted and disorganized by factional fights. In some the trouble is between the Quay and anti-QuAy elements of the party ; in others it is over the distribution of patronage ; while in others it is in con- sequence of the general dissatisfaction among workingmen and farmers with the results of Republican control. These combined difficulties leave the Repub- lican party in the condition of having to fight for everything it gets; to patch up peace iu every quarter, and to watch every district that an election is held in. In addition to these troubles,there is no question that the Republican people of Pennsylvania have grown tired of the domination of Quay ; there is no deny- ing it that they are thoroughly disgns- ted with the kind of Representation he has given them in the Senate; nor is there any doubt that hundreds of intel- ligent, right thinking, members of that organization are ready to join hands with any party that will make a united and determined effort to secure his de- feat. With this condition of affairs con- fronting the Republican organization it would be little less than criminal on the part of the Democracy, to fail to ces of everything that people eat or! wore, except farm products, went up. | uovable to buy the finer grades of goods, | used, than did the wealthy for their his family needed, and——in the reduc- | take advantage of the situation, and | make the fight on the lines promising | the surest and greatest results. Should the contest for a Democratic | majority on joint ballot at the next ses- - sivn of the Legislature, prove unsuccess- ful, there could be nothing lost in mak- ing it let the result be as it would. In case the Democracy failed to secure sufficient strength to elect a straight, untrammeled, Democrat, to succeed Quay, they might place it in the power of the anti-Quay element in the legis- lature to dictate the nominee, and in such an event, secure the election of a reputable Republican at least. And even should every effort to defeat Quay prove unavailing, such a fight against him, as should and could be made throughout the state, would require all the efforts, men and money the Repub- licans could command, to make his candidacy a success, and to this extent would aid the Democratic efforts in other sections of the country,by preven- ting the influence, men and money, that Pennsylvania Republicansusually furnish, being given to their party in the doubtful and contested states. A determined and aggressive fight here in Pennsylvania means much for the success of the Democratic presiden- tial ticket. It means thai Pennsylva- nia Republicans will find enough to do at home, and that Pennsylvania funds and Pennsylvania efforts will not deter: mine the result in states that are doubt- ful, as they have heretofore done. Let the State campaign be organized and made on this line. It will proye a success. | —— The other day when the French Minister intimated to President HAR- RISON, that the tearing down and de- struction of his country’s flag,by a fool policeman at Jeannette, was an insult that France would resent, we didn’t see any bristles raise along the back of the Republican administration,nor did any body observe any signs of fight any- where. But France is not weak, little Chili, vor insignificant and helpless Italy, and this rantin’, roarin’ HARRI RISON administration, that has carried a chip on its shoulder for every little government it could bully since it came into existence, simply turned its batteries on the policeman and had him removed. —— The 8th of September is not very far off, and that is the last day you can get upon the registry. The way to be sure that you are registered. and will have the right to vote this'fall, is to go and see that your name is upon the list NOW, ‘Wnat Republican Policy Has Done. From the Philadelphia Times. The fountain of industrial disorder in this country may be readily found by scanning the immigration statistics of the last few years. Here is the record of the flood-tide of Huns, Poles and Italians for three year : Year. Hun. Italian. Russ. Poles. Total. 1889 34,174 24,848 38,838 97,860. 1890 56,199 51,799 48,671 154,669. 1891 71,042 72,704 74,923 218,669. Total.iveenes Vinsssessisnsene nen 471,198, It is free trade in the pauper and criminal labor of Europe that is now disturbing the land, and it is the high- ly protected employers of the country who haveinvited it here. High taxes on the necessaries of life and of busi- ness have oppressed American labor, and free trade in pauper labor has in- fused into our industry the most law- less and dangerous elements. The 1nflux of this largely ignorant, vicious and lawless labor element to the appalling extent of 471.198 in three years, presents a grave problem for our statesmanship as well as for our American industries, and while there is free trade in pauper and criminal labor, there can be no protection by law to legitimate American working- men. Tariffs are mockeries of protec- tion while there is free trade in pauper workmen. The Magnanimity of Protection. From the St Louis Dispatch. There isa pearl-button factory at Chester, Ill, which was established by the McKinley tariff law, passed, it will be remembered, in the interest of free and self-respecting American labor. At Chester is located the Illinois Peni- tentiary, where labor is a drug on the market. The pearl-button people how- ever, do not depend wholly upon convict labor. In addition they employ about fitty young women tosew the buttons on cards. One of these young women sued the company for $2.55 for sorting and sewing on 9,000 buttons, which shows clearly the high wages prevailing in this patriotic industry. The tariff on pearl buttons, by the way, 13300 per cent. Feeble Shirt Flatter. From the Philadelphia Record. The Republicans of Minnesota have declared in favor of the Force bill; and yet it is pretended by party trimmers and double-dealers that the Force bill is not an issue in this presidential contest. In fact, the Republicans of Minnesota had no issue with which to go ghefore the people of the State other than the Force bill. after having nominated as their candidate for Governor Mr Nelson, a man who had voted for the Mills “Free Trade’ bill. The Force bill issue ¥ the last feeble flutter of “the bloody shirt.” What the Office Cost. From the Atlanta Constitution. “Well, you got the office ?”’ “Yes.” “What did it cost you ?”’ “That's a hard question. You see I broke my leg running for it, and that costs considerable; then my brother-in- law was killed making a speech for me, and I had to bury bim; then I barbecu- ed all my cattle, killed three mules ridin’ around the county, mortgaged the farm and got a divorce from the family; so, you see, it kinder foots up!” The Enemy Known by His Hoof. From the Nashville American. It is all very well to shout that the force bill is dead. It is all very well to cry aloud that the Republican party is now & party of love, having forgotten its old hatreds and wiped off the pages of its history the many former attempts to make the federal bayonet control the Southern ballot. Southern white men are not to be deceived, however. They know their ememy whether behind 2 domino or in the broad glare of electric- ity. Costly Contrariness. From the Gettysburg Complier, The Homestead strike is said to have already entailed a loss of more than one million dollars, divided as follows : Loss of wages to strikers, $100,000; loss of mill owners in profits, $300,000; to the state of Pennsylvania in afford- ing military protection to the Carnegie works, $600,000. A strike is an expen- sive luxury. Stevenson's ‘Handwriting. From the New York World. Republican editors have taken to making humorous remarks about the handwriting of Candidate Adlai E. tevenson—probably because they find it more amusing than the handwriting on the wall: Would Save the Disappointment of De- feat. From the Minneapolis Times. Benjamin Harrison hasn't formally accepted that nomination yet, and af-' ter a few more counties have been heard from he will perhaps see the comparative unimportance of doing so. ~——The WATCHMAN office is turning out better work than ever. Bring in your printing and let us make an esti- mate on it for you. Spawls from the Keystone, —Ashland people are living cn a half supply of water. —Easton people are fighting . the ‘slaughter houses. , —Footpads at Shamokin beat John Edwards nearly to death. —West Hamburg’s rolling mill has resumed with over 100 hands. —Williamsport will have a city hall, and Wilkesbarre wants one, too. —A copperhead’s bite has killed 13-year-old Francis Leddy, at Port Clinton. —Disastrous forest fires are raging cn the South Mountains, west of Carlisle. —William Zarembo was cut in two oy the carg at the Henry Colliery, near Shamokin. —Corn and potatoes have suffered badly from drought in Cumberland and Perry Coun- ties. —For attempting to circulate a bogus $50 bill, Fred Clyde,of Pittsburg, was nabbed in Easton. —Talling from a second story window at Mahanoy City, little Gertrude Shrocik was fa- tally hurt. i oy —To stop the laying of a street railway track in McKeesport on Sunday, the Mayor arrested a score of workmen. * —Charles Davison escaped from the sheriff at Lancaster on Tuesday, aud was captured in Pittsburg on Saturday. : —The fatal grade crossing gathered in a victim at Wilkesbarre yesterday—John Hows ell, who was killed. ~Taxpayersof Hegins, Schuylkill county, have called a public meeting to overturn the heavy assessment levied. —A tamble from the second story of her house, in Lebanon, killed Mrs. Sallie Whit « man, who was 84 years old. —Friends are alarmed at the strange ab - sence trom Reading of Mrs. Pauline Lewis and Miss Maggie Kiefner. —A train struck and killed Edward Shewell and Ella Stauffer in their carriage, between Summit Grove and York. —A vicious horse which he was trying to ride fell upon Frank Savage, at West Chester nearly crushing his life out. —Carnegie’s Twenty-ninth street mill in Pittsburg did not resume operations as it was announced to do on Monday. : —The Philadelphia and Reading Railroa paymaster distributed $112,000 in wages to em- ployes in Reading on Saturday. —Anonymous and threatening letters have thrown Montgomery County officers on the trail of a mysterious incendiary. —Robbers at Bethlehem sandbagged W. E. Crane, a Philadelphia drummer, and stole $200+ They were captured, but broke jail. —The Wopsononock Railroad Station, at Al. toona, was struck by lightning yesterday and an unknown mau terribly shocked. —The oldest man in Sunbury, Daniel Keist- ling, aged 92, sat down on the railroad track and was hurled into the other world. —A chunk of coal, weighing 200 pounds, crashed-down a slope at Mahanoy City, struck Lyman Berger and tore off one leg. —One hundred and twenty“five men were thrown out of work Wednesday at Lancaster by the closing of Peacock & Thomas’ furnace. —Jumping in front of the target at which John Berg was shooting, the, little son of Daniel Clune, of Erie, was instantly killed. —Suit to recover excessive tolls charged by the Peoples ’Bridge at Harrisburg has been brought by Insurance Commissioner Luper. —Nearly all the members of Reading Couns cils, acco r.panied by their families, started on Tuesday to do New York and Coney Island. —Shafting in the Brooke Iron Works at Birdsboro tore every stitch of clothing from Courtlandt Hoffman’s body, but left him alive —The Reading artillerists who served at Homestead with the Third Brigade are exas- perated because they have not yet been paid . —A convention of the Deaf Advancement Society of Pennsylvania will be held at Harris- burg, August 24, and Governor Pattison will speak. —The famous rifles used by the Reading Railroad during the Mollie Maguire times and stored at Reading, have been ordered cleaned for use. : —A black snake near Bethel, Berks County, wound itself around the dog, which followed a party out huckleberrying, and crushed it to death. —A posse scoured the mountains at Tower City for a little son of Philip Shalaka, who all the while was snugly sleeping under the kitchen. —Patrick Cooney, a railroad brakeman at Blossburg, had his back broken eight months ago, and has just had the fractured bones suce cessfully removed. —A pony driven by Sue Cooper, daughter of Collector Thomas V. Cooper, ran away at Media, and threw the child to the ground fracturing her leg. ; —A Hungarian miner crawled into a hole to escape flying rocks from a'blase in a mine, at Hazleton, and was pulled out a corpse—a vie- tim of heart disease. —Relatives of John McNelis, who died in the Plymouth Poorhouse, think that a police« man caused the fatal injuries, and have had the body exhumed. —With a thousand dollars which he collect- ed Mike Barchak disappeared from Hazleton, on Thursday. Michael had been arrested for violating the liquor law. —The fatal dime novel converted Walter Shick, a 16-year-old Bethlehem lad, into a horse thief who has operated extensively in Lehigh and Bucks Counties. —The Philadelphia and Reading has such confidence in its ability to handle traffic that it has ordered the Shamokin agents to accept all freight to points north and west of Sayre. —A Coroner's jnry found that Fireman J. M. Cookes, of the steamboal George Shiras, of Pittsburg, fell overboard and was drowned owing to the crew's negligence. . —An eleeliric car so badly frightened W. M. Brooks’ horse, at Lebanon, that Mr. Brooks and A. C. Paine were thrown from their ecar- riage and she former was severely injured. —Senator Mylin, of Lancaster, turned de tective, and ran down Joseph Meyers at Hunt { ingdon, who was fraudulently dealing in the products of the Senator's Lebanon brewery. —The relatives of the late Sheriff Keller, of Dauphin county, have filed a protest against the granting of letters of adminis(ration on his estate to thé widow, with whom he did not live. 2 : —Governor Pattison has appointed ex-Post- master H. Wells Buser, of Hummelstown Sheriff of Dauphin County’ to succeed Sheriff Keller, who stepped {rom a train'to his death last week. { oa-