Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 05, 1892, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 5, 1892.
To CoRRESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Knowing that this fall’s campaign will
be one of education we have arranged
to give the people of Centre county the
wo best Democratic newspapers in the
Jountry at a phenomenally low price.
From the present time until after the
slection the WATCHMAN and the New
York weekly World will besent to any
address upon the receipt of seyenty (70)
cents. Think ofit. Such an opportun-
ity has never before been offered you
and if you do not avail yourself of this
chance to get all the latest and most re-
liable campaign news as well as a com-
plete weekly resume of the doings of
the world you certainly can have no one
to blame but yourself.
the New York World five months for
70cts. Subscribe at once.
Warp Caucus MEeEgTINGS. — The
Democratic caucuses for the different
wards of Bellefonte will be held this
Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the fol-
lowing places. North ward in the Ar-
bitration room of the Court House.
South ward in the law office of W. C*
Heinle. West ward in the WATCH-
MAX office. A large turnout is earnest-
ly desired.
— Are we to have a circus this
year ?
——Monday morning’s
quite wet.
——The Tyrone base club will be
here on the 13th. :
——Bellefonte merchants say business
is picking up.
——Base ball at the Park this after-
noon, Philipsburg and Bellefonte will
——Miss Nan Dickey, of Lancaster
is visiting Miss Martha Keller, on Linn
——Be sure you are registered. You
only have until the 1st of September in
which to do it.
rain was
——General Hastings is expected
home from his European tour by the
latter part of next week.
——Phil. Linn, the ex Harvard cap-
tain, will play 2nd base for Bellefonte at
the Park this afternoon.
— Lillian Kennedy is followed at
the opera house by Vreeland’s minstrels
which will be here August 23rd.
——After a short but pleasant visit to
Miss Hiltner, in Tyrone, Miss Rosa Fox
has returned to her home in thisj place.
——Go up to the Park to-day and en-
courage the boys to beat Philipsburg
out of its position as leader of the
——Many Commanderies off the
Knights of the Golden Eagle are get-
ting ready to participate in the big day
here on the 18th.
~——The train which has been run-
ning between this place and Coburn,
over the I, & T. has been taken off,
owing to lack of passenger trafic.
—— Some of Bellefonte’s young peo-
ple will dance this evening in Bush's
Arcade. Stopper & Fiske’s Williams-
port orchestra will furnish the music,
——Don’t imagine that the 18th of
August will be a calendar freak because
it will have so many Knights in Belle-
fonte. The day will not be gloomy
——Bellefonte needs more ‘‘git up
and git’ in her make up. Let every
citizen dig up the weeds in front of his
own property and then our streets won't
look like pasture fields for cows.
—— Merchant Moyer Lyon left for
Philadelphia and points east on Wednes-
day morning. He will combine busi-
ness with pleasure and buy one of the
finest lines of dry goods ever brought to
the town.
—— Mr. John Fortney, of Boalsburg,
who is at present engaged in the carpen-
tering business at State College, came
down with Tuesday morning's big rain.
He didn’t look very wet however wher
he called on us.
——John Walker, the popular young
book keeper for McCalmont & Co., who
has been spending the last few weeks at
Atlantic City, for the benefit of his
health, has returned to his friends and
his desk much improved.
———On Sunday morning at 10 o’clock
the new Evangelical church, Willow-
bank street, will be dedicated. A spe-
cial train will be run from State Col-
lege, over the Bellefonte Central, in
time for the morning services.
committee of arrangements take pleasure
in inviting the public to the 19th an-
nual encampment and exhibition of the
Patrons of Husbandry of Central Penn-
sylvania to be held at Grange Park,
Centre Hall, on the line of the Lewis-
burg and Tyrone railroad, the 12th,
18th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th of Septem-
ber, 1892.
Grange Park is a delightful picnic
ground of nearly 30 acres situated on
the watershed of the beautiful Penns-
valley, the waters flowing east and west
from this point—being 1272 feet above
sea level and the highest point on the
Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad, being
810 feet above Lewisburg, 365 feet
higher than Tyrone, 528 feet above
Bellefonte and 527 feet higher than
Many improvements have been made
to the ground which will add to the
pleasure and comfort of those attending;
others will be added as rapidly as they
can be provided,
A number of canopy top tents will be
erected and provided with seats for the
full use of the public, thus forming num-
erous pavilions where people can congre-
gate with their friends, being protected
from the sun and storm, which will add
greatly to the comfort of all those in
A daily paper will be published on
the ground and & newspapermen’s pa-
villion provided for visiting editors.
The Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad
runs through Grange Park, all trains
stopping on the ground during picnic ;
railroad, telegraph, telephone, express
and distributing postoffices will be on
the ground ; all mail matter directed to
Grange Park, Centre Hall, will regular-
ly be delivered during the picnic.
Those coming from the east and south
should come by the Pennsylvania,
Northern Central, Philadelphia & Erie
R. R. changing at Montandon for Cen-
tre Hall. Those from the north by
Lock Haven and Bellefonte; those
from the west by Tyrone and Bellefonte.
The Lewisburg and Tyrone, Pennsyl-
vania, Bald Eagle Valley, Philadelphia
& Erie and all other branches of the
Pennsylvania system of railroads will
sell excursion tickets at one fare for the
round trip to Centre Hall and return
on card orders September 9th to 17th,
good to return until September 20th in-
clusive: (Apply to L. Rhone, Centre
Hall, for card orders). The above rail-
road companies will also sell tickets to
the public without card orders, Sep-
tember 12th to 17th, good to return un-
til September 20th, inclusive, at the
same rate from Clearfield, Altoona,
Lock Haven, and intermediate points
via Bellefonte. From Harrisburg, Riv-
erside, Shamokin, Lock Haven, and in-
termediate points, via Montandon, as
well as from all stations on the L. & T.
branch from Montandon to Bellefonte,
The committee has arranged for a
full supply of tents, having bought
many new and suitable ones, so that all
who desire can secure them at the fol-
lowing rates: 12x12 feet wall tents,
floored, $5.00 each ; 9x10 feet wall tents
floored, $2.50 each. To he assured of
tent accommodations, they should, as
much as possible, be engaged in ad-
vance. Tents will be put up by the
committee ready for tent holders on
their arrival on the grounds.
The most pleasant way to attend the
picnic is to engage tents and camp. It
is best for each family to secure tents
instead of so many going into one as to
be uncomfortable.
Bring with you camp equipage,
lamps, bed clothing, chaff ticks, &e.
The railroad company will carry camp
equipage free for those coming over the
Straw will be furnished at a nominal
price for filling bed-ticks, but no lose
straw will be allowed in tents.
Those who prefer can board them-
Boarding houses on the ground fur-
nishing good boarding at very reason- |
able rates.
Hotels with good accommodations
Lodging and boarding can also be
had at private houses by applying to
Hacks and carriages will be run at
stated hours to top of Nittany Moun-
tain and Penn Cave, affording a most
delightful ride of a few miles, or to any
other places parties may wish to visit.
The exhibition of implements, live
stock and other productions promises to
be large and creditable.
The State College and State experi-
ment station will have a special depart-
ment exhibiting the work of the station.
A large canvass tent will be erected
for an auditorium where public meet-
ings will be held.
The meetings in the auditorium will
be of the highest order. Eminent speak-
er have been engaged who will not only
discuss questions pertaining to agricul
ture, but government, literature, art and
science as it effects the welfare of the
Every evening musical and literary
entertainments will be given.
Religious services will be held in the
auditorium during Sabbath and Sub-
bath evening, to be under the auspices
of the christian denominations of Centre
The Temperance Union people Will
hold their meeting in the auditorium on
‘Wednesday, the 14th, to be addressed
by Mr. Van Bennett, of Kansas, and
The veterans of the late war will
camp with us and hold their meeting
on Friday, the 16th, under the manage-
ment of the Veteran’s club. Their
speakers will be men who rendered ser-
vice to their country ; closing with a
camp fire in the evening.
Ariangements will be made with the
department at Washington to establish
a weather signal station on the grounds
in charge of a government officer.
A highly entertaini ng and instructive
free Stereoptican exhibition will be giv-
en in the evening under the manage-
ment of Mr. Royal Bussler, of Williams.
port, Pa.
Grand Pyrotechnic displays and il-
luminations at night with balloon as-
This promises to be the grandest and
most entertaining gathering ever held
in the central part of the State.
Many expect togo into camp Satuf-
day, the 10th of September, when all
tents will be in readiness.
Those desiring to camp should not de-
lay in sending in their orders for tents
so as to enable the committee to secure
the requisite number of tents to accom-
modate all.
Capt. G. M. Boal, Supt, of camp;
John Dauberman, Supt. of improve-
ments; George Dale, Supt, of exhibits
of implements (Lemont ;) George Ging-
rich, Supt. of exhibits of live stock, J. J.
Arney, Supt. of amusements, sutlers,ete.
For further information address to
heads of departments or chairman.
—— Philipsburg vs. Bellefonte at the
Park to-day.
——The Sheridan troop, of Tyrone,
has returned from Homestead,
— Frank Whorl, of ‘Harrisburg, is
visiting his friend Hugh Beaver.
Irvin Bussler, a 16 year old Clin-
ton county thief, has been held for Court
for swiping $22.75.
——A $1,000,000 mortgage was filed
in the Recorder's office, at Lock Haven,
the other day. It was from the Beech
Creek R. R. Co., to the Union Trust Co.
of New York.
——One of our exchanges prates away
about its town’s having two Bears, both
riding bicycles. ‘Why Bellefonte has a
Bush that straddles a wheel every day
and rides out with a Rush.
——Rob’t. Cole, the Bellefonte arcl is
tect, was the designer of the Lock Hav-
en Trust Co’s. new home, perhaps the
handsomest building which appeared
in the Democrat’s industrial edition.
——The John Anderson fishing club,
ntimbering about ajdozen whole souled
glass workers, is having a good time
down along the banks of the Bald Ea-
gle. They are catching bass, catfish,
colds and anything that comes in their
—— Alvin Bartley wife and two chil-
dren are visiting at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. Henry Bartley, on Willow-
bank street. They came up from their
home in Lock Haven to attend a birth-
day party given in honor ot Mr. Bart-
ly on Tuesday evening.
or Wednesday, was largely attenced
and according to promise a general gcod
time was had. A snug sum was netted
for the improvement of the school build-
ing. During the day the Undine hose
Co's. ball team played the High school
boys and was defeated 14 to 5.
——On Monday afternoon at two
o’clock all that was mortal of Mrs, Wil-
liam Alexander took on immortality and
left its earthly tabernacle. Deceased
was over 76 years of age and the latte:
years of her life have been spent with
her husband on their farm, which is sit-
uated on the very top of the Muncy
mountains beyond Coleville. During
her illness her neice, Miss May Barrett,
has tenderly looked after her care and
gratified her every desire. Mrs. Alex-
ander was a consistent Episcopalian,
and a sister of the late Thos. Burnside
and S. A. Brew of this place. Her fun-
eral was solemnized on Wednesday.
James Furron Drap.—Well ad-
vanced in his 65th year old Jimmy Ful-
ton, as he was familiarly known, passed
into that great beyond, on Tuesday af-
ternoon at three o'clock. A man of jn-
disputable integrity, whose labors were
among the laboring class of people, by
whom he was loved for the generous
dispesition which characterized his every
action, than whom no one could desire
a stauncher friend and the church no
more zealous supporter, he went to his
grave after having filled a place, in our
midst, which perhaps no one can take.
He was born near Curtin’s Works in
1825 and spent all of his life in this com-
munity. Before the Nittany Valley
railroad was built and while the Valen-
tines were operating their old charcoal
furnaces he engaged in hauling ore up
from the Gatesburg and Nigh banks.
at this business he accumulated quite a
substantial pittance and when the ad-
vances of age made it necessary for” him
to quit work himself he still contracted
for hauling and his teams have worked
about Bellefonte all the time. He was
generous to a fault, always having sn
open hand for those in need.
As a soldier “Jimmy” knew not the
meaning of fear. All through the
Mexican war he wore the blue and when
civil dissension threatened our downfall
he was ready again to take up arms for
the country he loved so dear. March 13,
1847 he enlisted in Co. D. 12th Reg. with
which he served honorably until Aug.
16th, 1848, when he was given his dis-
charge. Again in 1861 he enlisted and
in '63 re-enlisted and served till the close
of the war.
Three children survive him. Two of
whom are married. The third, {Miss
Mattie, has kept house for her father
ever since the death of her mother and
three sisters, which occurred about five
years ago. Before his death he request-
ed that he be buried from the Union
church at the Forge, with military hon-
ors, and that Rev. G. P. Sarvis, who for
five years was his pastor, be called from
Ansonville to officiate. The funeral
will take place this afternoon.
Waar Councrit Dip AT 11s MEET-
ING. —On Monday evening council met
in its chamber for the transaction of the
regular semi-monthly business which
came up as follows :
After refusing an Italian trinket ven-
der the right to sell his ware on the
streets, clerk Mitchell read a volumi-
nous report of the Street committee,
which made the inspection of our thor-
oughfares last week. If we are to judge
from its length there is much to do in
the way of fixing up about town and
we sincerely hope council will have the
backbone to order it done and then see
that its order is carried out to the letter.
The Water committee reported hav-
ing put in a hydrant at the Evangelical
church, on Willow bank street; the Fire
and Police committee failed to make
itself heard and the Finance committee
reported, through Mr. Garman, that its
affairs were in good shape.
Borough solicitor Clement Dale then
read the law on the legality of the meet-
ing, which was held last month, at which
business was transacted without 8
quorum. Tt was plainly an illegal pro-
ceeding, but the members present could
find no other way out of the difficulty
than to approve the bills before them
without hunting their delinquent fel-
low councilmen. Solicitor Dale read a
clause from the law which surprised
some of them. It wasthe fixing of a
fine upon councilmen for not attending
to the duties of their office. It this
clause was enforced perhaps it might
havea very salutory effect upon the
conditions of Bellefonte finances. For
councilmen would then take the iater-
est they have sworn to take and the
municipal affairs would not be left to
conduct themselves as is too often done,
With our councilmen always in their
chairs—unless sickness or the like pre-
vents—and ready to grasp every chance
for improvement, Bellefonte’s govern
mental wheels will go round with out
the friction which has deterred their
progress for so long.
Has Nor WITHDRAWN. -Reports,
we understand, are in circulation in
parts of the county to the effect that W.
J. Singer Esq., has withdrawn from the
contest as a candidate for district attor-
ney. This is incorrect. Mr. Singer is
a candidate, but is confined to his bed
with sickness, and unable to visit the
different districts. He is consequently
compelled to rely upon the good-will of
the Democrats, rather than upon any
canvassing he may do, for such support
2s he may receive at the delegate elec-
tions. We make this correction in jus-
tice to Mr. Singer.
WANTED.—A good boy to do stable
and general work about a yard and
house. Good wages, steady employ-
ment and an excellent home for the
right boy. An opportunity of attending
school will be given also. Apply at
thie office.
——Philipsburg is excited over a
cock fight which occurred on her prirci-
ple business thoroughfare the other day.
The fact that chickens rendezvous on
her corners speaks stronger than words
that her other roosters must be at work.
——Photographer Charles Glenn has
the exclusive right to take pictures up
"at the Park.
——On last Friday the Coroner of
Clinton county was culled upon to serve
a warrant on the Sheriff,
| ——The State College and Pine Hall
| Methogist Sunday schools picnicked at
the Park on Saturday. There was near-
i ly 800 of them.
——Don’t forget the phenograph con-
I cert in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium to
{ night. It will be novel and interesting.
i No ear tubes are used.
| —— Philipsburg was beaten at Clear-
' field, on Wednesday, by the score 10 to
This is the second time the Philips-
burger’s have been shut out this season.
succeed A. W. Brumgard resigned by
——John D. Rishel, at one time a
clerk in Harris’ drug store in this place,
but now the owner of a large pharmacy
on Market street, in Philadelphia, was
in town on Monday.
——The interior of the Presbyterian
church in this place will be remodelled
soon. Ata recent congregational meet-
ing it was decided to change the seating
arrangement and put in a pipe organ.
——On last Saturday Theodore Wil-
liams died quite suddenly at his parents
home in Julian. Deceased was 14 years
old and a son of Abednego Williams.
Funeral services were held on Monday.
_ ——The State College band will hold
a festival Friday and Saturday evenings
of next week. People in that commu-
nity should encourage their excellent
musical organization by a liberal pat-
——The new Methodist church at
Munson, Ciearfield county, will be dedi-
cated on Sunday, August 14th, Rev.
Wilcox, of Philipsburg and Rev. Dr.
Hamlin, of Altoona, Presiding Elder of
this District will officiate.
Won Lost P.C
Philipsburg 8 5 615
Bellefonte 8 6 571
Tyrone 7 6 538
Houtzdale 5 8 385
Clearfield 5 8 384
——A number of people assembled at
the home of Mrs. C. T. Gerberich, on
North Thomas street, on Sunday even-
ing, to see. her night blooming ceres in
flower. It issaid to have been a beau-
tiful sight. She also had bloomers on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
——Friday afternoon’s rain storm
played havoc with fields und fences at
Pleasant Gap and Lemont. The pike
between the former place and the Ross
farm, a distance of about } mile, was
entirely submerged, the water being al-
most hub deep. Iields were badly
washed and many fences carried away.
—— West Clearfield was visited by a
destruetive fire last Friday morning. G.
C. Hackman’s furniture store, Stewart
& Spackman’s groeery, the butcher shop
of Conklin & Ogden and a building oc-
cupied by Samuel Gearhart were totally
destroyed. The origin of the fire is a
—— Walter Lembkey, of Washing-
ton, D. C.,spent Saturday with his re-
latives and friends in this place. He is
the same congenial fellow who left here
three years ago to accept a position un-
der the Harrison administration and is
improving his extra moments, in the
Capital city, by study at the Columbia
law school. He has been spending a
few days at Cresson.
——The annual Harvest services will
be held in the Reformed churches of the
Boalsburg charge as follows: Houser-
ville, Aug. 7; Pine Grove Mills, Aug.
14; Boalsburg, Aug. 21; and Pine Hall,
Aug. 28. The services will begin at 10
o'clock a. m., and a cordial invitation
is extended to every body in the respec-
tive communities to attend.
——An exchange remarks that the
generally evil effests of excessive indul-
gence in ice water is due to the ammo-
nia it contains, that creating a thirst,
the more water a person drinks, so that
there is neither refreshment nor satisfac-
tion in it. An excellent way of cooling
water for hot weather consumption is to
fill bottles or jars with it and keep them
on ice. In this way a cooling draught
is had which has no bad effects in it for
——A private reception was given
the new Y. M. C. A. Secretary Mr Ei-
liot Harvey, in the Rooms of the As-
sociation, last evening. The board
of directors was present, with State
Secretary Hurlburt and Gilbert A.
Beaver, his assistant. Mr. Harvey
made a very favorable impression and it
is altogether probabls that his stay with
us will result in much good to the com-
munity. Since Mr. Bursley’s departure
the rooms have not been open sll of the
time and such a condition of affairs was
much deplored: Hereafter you will al-
ways find a cheery welcome.
—T. T. Abrams Esq., an able | } ! 2
Democratic attorney of Clinton county, , of the Middle precinct will vote in a
| has been appointed District Attorney to
; burg.
MiLes AND GrEGG TowxsuIrs.—In
Miles and Gregg townships, this county,
the voting places have been changed
somewhat as a result of their increased
populations. Gregg township will here-
after have three precincts, viz: East,
West and North, Voters in the Bast
precinct will vote at the house now oc.
cupied by David Sower, at Penn Hall ;
those of the West precinct, at the hotel
of David Rhule, in Spring Mills; and of
the Northern precinct at the old place
of voting.
In Miles township there will be three
precincts hereafter instead of one, viz:
Eastern, Western and Middle. Eastern
prezinet voters will vote at Wolfs’ Store,
in the house occupied by Jasper Wolf;
those of the Western precinct will vote
in the empty store room in the Elias
Miller hotel,at Madinsonburg,and those
school house, now not used, in Rebers-
Viewers were appointed to divide the
North ward of Bellefonte into two pre-
cinets and recommended such a division,
but as the court has not made a decree
nor appointed election officers, North
ward voters will go [to their usual pol-
ling place.
The Spring Mills castle of Knights of
the Golden Eagle held a festival and
picnic at that place, on last Saturday,
which was attended by members of the
order from all over the county. Among
the visiting Knights was the Bellefonte
castle, 40 members strong, which left
here on the two o'clock train and re-
turned at 880. When it arrived at
Spring Mills it was met by a large dele-
gation and the Aaronsburg band. A
parade was formed which moved to the
picnic ground. There an address of
welcome was delivered by Jas. C. Noll
Esq., after which Rev. Aurand, of
Madisonburg, delivered an excellent
The Bellefonte Eagles report having
had a delightful time. Their opinion of
the brothers they met at Spring Mills is
of the best and they were more than
pleased with the way the day was spent.
The entertainers are to be congratulated
on their success at such things.
——The Annnal Inspection of En-
campment No. 59, Union Veteran Le-
gion, will occur on Wednesday evening,
August 10th. Comrade T. S. McCahan
of Encampment No. 80, is detailed as
the Inspecting officer and will conduct
it with all tke rigidity for which the
Veteran Legion is famous,
A full and prompt attendance is earn-
estly requested.
——Williamsport lumberman are
dickering for the river boom at Lock
Haven. The steady decrease in the log-
ging business has rendered it unnecessa-
ry and it is likely to be done away with.
Furniture For Sale—Cheap.
An antique oak side board, with plain mirror
and half a dozen dining chairs to match will
be sold cheap. Also 8 dining chairs, in solid
walnut. All in the best of condition. Inquire
at this office. tf.
For RENT.—A good stable near the
passenger station. Rent cheap. Inquire
at this office.
——Don’t miss seeing those $10 suits
at Fauble’s.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00-
MontcoMERY & Co., Tailors.
Rellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White whect...........ees.. 80
Old wheat, per bush 85
Red wheat, per bushel... 85
Rye, per bushel......cuuuieeuenieciieniiiiinnn 45
Corn, ears, per bushel...... 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel 40
Qats—new, per bushel. 32
Barley, per bushel....... 65
Ground laster, per ton 9 580
Buckwheat per bushel.....cuciiieiiinne 50
Cloverseed, per bushes. $4 00 to 86 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel rs 60
Eggs, per dozen. 15
Lard, per pound 8
CountryShoulders. 8
S1de8 ...ccecenrierrrnrersssseirraaseeessssessse 8
Hams....... a 124
Tallow, per pound. .
Butter, per pound.. 15
The Demeociraiic Watchman,
Published every Friday Therning in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
jis g by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
|3m | 6m ly
One inch (12 lines this type........ $5188 (811
TWO INehes i... oi 1: {20:1 18
‘Three Inches usec 1015 | 20
Quarter Column (434 inch 12 | 20 | 80
Half Column ( 9 inches).... 20 | 36 | Bb
One Column (19 inches)...... 35 | 65 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line. ... b cts.
uoeal notices, per line....
Business notices, per line. 7
Job Printing of every kind done with neags
ness and dispatch. The WarcumAn office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
bé executed in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor