a oe Demopealic lata, Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 5, 1892. mmm —— Queer Tribes on the Orinoco. South American Natives Who Fish with a Bow and Arrow. «Twelve hundred miles from the mouth of the Orinoco River was as far as lextended my explorations towards the sourses of that great stream,” said Ensign Roger Welles, who has just returned to Washington from the region mentioned. He is the only white man that has penetrated these wilds, at all events since the days of the early Spaniards. . «The Orinoco is one of the biggest rivers in the world, as you may see by glancing ata map of South America. 1 tis dotted all along its course with unmerous small islands, and its upper waters are obstructed by many cataracts. During my long journey towards its sources my canoe had often to be carried overland around impassable falls. By {he the time one reaches the Rio Meta, which is the largest tributary of the Orinoco, navigation is further inter- ferred with by the wi'd and savage In- dians who use poisoned arrows, so that traders who buy and sell goods along the stream anchor the sailing scows out in the middle of it at night, keeping guard with rifles against possible sur- rise «In that part of the country and be- yond er the interior, whither I penetrated, nakedness is the rule among the natives, neither men nor women wearing anything besides a loin cloth of the most restricted dimensions. The loin cloth is but a rectangular scrap of beadwork fastened by a string. The beadwork, however, is very beautiful, being done in an exquisite pattern. Two hundred miles beyond the mouth af the Rio Meta the Infrida River enters the Orinoco. I started up that stream with my canoe loaded with trinkets for exchange with the natives, who live in a condition of extreme savagery, al- though they are amiably disposed and usually harmless, They go entirely nude, save for the loin cloths, as I have described, and get their subsistence by hunting and fishing, chiefly the Ilaiter. «] was much interested in their method of taking fish by the use of the bow and arrow. For this purpose they employ arrows six feet in length, made of reeds tipped with iron. Whilea ca- noe is paddled gently along in the shal- lows a marksman stands ready with his arrow on the string of the bow. As soon as a large fish is seen, if the ap- proach can be made within range, the arrow is let fly, and rarely fails to strike the prey. These Indians hunt with blowguns made out of the young stalks of a certain kind of palm, from which the pith is removed. The arrows em- ployed as projectiles are simply splinters of reed, sharpened at one end, the other end being wrapped with enough silk cotton obtained from another kind of palm to fill up the bore of the blowgun. The arrows are about ten inches long and very light. They are tipped with the famous and deadly ‘woorari’ poison. Used by one of these naked savages, the blow gun is a weapon of great accuracy and effectiveness, even a small bird on a tree being brought down by a skilled sharpshooter with reasonable certainty at the first try. : “These primitive aborigines dwell in, huts built of palm leaves mostly. Each family has its little garden patch, which is chiefly devoted to raising the root from which cassava is made. They de- pend upon this root almost entirely for food, apart from what they get by hunt- ing and fishing. It 1s prepared by grating, to begin with. The grater em- ployed is of the most primitive possible description, being simply a plank with Perforation small sharp pieces of flint eing inserted in the hole. Being re- duced to a sort of a meal by rubbing on the grater, the cassava is pressed to get the water out of it, because the root is as watery as the potato. Then it is sifted and formed for cooking into what looks like an enormous griddle cake, two or three feet in diameter. The cake is baked on a flat piece of earthenware of corresponding size. : “An Indian will go oft for a week’s hanting with no other food than a quantity of cassava prepared in this fash- ion. I myself was obliged to live upon it almost wholly for months. At first I did not find it palatable, but after a while I acquired the taste and became quite fond of it. The chief trouble was that it was cooked on the bare ground, and always contained a considerable percentage of dirt, However, one must not be too particular about one’s diet when travelling in the wilds. These savages are quite cleanly, so far as bath- ing is concerned, but their habits of liv- ing, otherwise, are not such as to pro- mote the virtue which is next to godli- ness. So far as the virtue of the women is concerned it is of a high order. Some of them are fairly good-looking and have excellent figures, but their comeiness is nearly always spoiled by badly decayed teeth. «I assisted unintentionally in quite a romance on one occasion. When my canoe was on the point of leaving a na- tive village, where we had been sojourn- ing, young a Indian girl seemed to be considerably agitated, and manifested #0 evident desire to accompany me. My pilot, against my wish, permitted er to get aboard, and she came with us down the stream to our next halting lace. Shortly after we made cur next anding the mother of the girl made her appearance in a canoe, having followed ns to get back her daughter, whom she took away with her. The pilot was very melancholy after this occurrence. and subsequently confessed to me that ke had brought the young lady away for the purpose making her his wife. “Matrimonial methods are extremely simply among these natives. When a young mar. and woman wish to marry they go to housekeeping together, and that is all there is of it. Oftena youth of one village will woo and win a maid- en of a village a hundreds of miles dis- tant along the river. As a rule they seem to enjoy as uninterrupted a domes- tic felicity as civilized couples obtain. The Indians are gradually retiring to- wards the higher sources of the 0 inoco because of harsh and dishonest treat- ment which they recive at the hands of the white men and half castes of Vene- zuela. They can never get fair prices for the cassava which they produce and sell to the Venezuelans. Cassavais an important food of the poorer classes all through Venezuela, being ground by machine in factories. “Among the curiosities which I ob- tained .ron. these savages are a number of musical instruments, such as reed fiutes and drums nade out of a kind of corkwood. I intended to speak of the remarkable pattern in which the bead- work of the loin cloths 1s alway made. This pattern, is in a geometric form peculiarly Greek, and the mystery is where these people got it from. Not least strange is the fact that the cassava graters are always made with the sharp pieces of flint arranged in precisely the same design, which doubtless had some original significance long lost even to trabition.” : STI MA Salad Dressing. Almost every one likes a lettuce salad and more would if it were dressed pro- perly. A lettuce salad made as follows is almost sure to tempt the most fasti- dious palate: Selecta good solid head let it be ice cold, pick off and throw away the coarse outside leaves, break off the other leaves from the stalk, wash them thoroughly and drain them for five minutesin a wire basket— a cro- quette basket will do. When drained tear the leaves one by one into small pieces. This is rather a tedious opera- tion, but you are amply repaid, as the lettuce is much nicer this way than when cut up. The dressing is the most important part of a salad and should be attended to with care, as too much or too little of any of the ingredients will spoil it. The rule given is a tried one: Three tablespoonfuls of oil, one salt spoonful of salt and one half saltspoon- ful of pepper should be mixed thor- oughly in a saucer and a tablespoonful of wine vinegar added. Pour the mix- ture over the lettuce and toss it thor- oughly with the hands. Serve at once. Goop Looks.—Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be inactive, you have a Bilious Look, if your stomach be disord- ed you have a Dyspeptic Look and if your Kidneys be affected you havea Pinched Look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bit- ters is the great alterative and Tonic that acts directly on these vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at Parrish’s Drugstore, 50c. per bottle. Ice Cream for Stomach Troubles. The value of ice cream as a remedy for certain intestinal troubles is being con- siderably advanced. Some,indeed most, physicians permit it through typhoid tever, always insisting it shall be of the purest make. To the story recently going the rounds in print of the entire cure of a case of ulcer of the stomach by the sole and persistent use of ice cream may be added that ofa woman known to the writer. She suffered from a serious affection of the eyes directly traceable to digestive disturbance, and her physician finally put her on ice cream as a scle diet. For eleven months she literally lived upon ice cream with the result of effecting a complete and apparently permanent cure. The theory is that the cream furnishes ample nourishment, while the diseased intestines, chilled from the low temperate of the food, are prevented from getting up inflamma- tion during the process of digestion car- ried on by the healthy parts. ——Mr. John Carpenter, of Goodland Ind., says: “I tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy, for diarrhea and severe cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels with the best results. In the worst cases I never had to give more than the third dose to’effect a cure. In most cases one dose will do. Besides its other good qualities it is pleasant to take.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Frank P. Green. . ——=She (reading) —‘‘Joe, this paper says that out in Oregon they have just discovered footprints three feet long, supposed to belong to a lost race.” He —“I don’t see how a race of people that made footprints three feet long could ever get lost.” BuckLEN'S ARNIC SALVE.-~The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corng, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos- itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion, or morey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C M. Parrish. ——Freddic had fallen down and hurt himself. He was trying manfully to suppress his feelings, but his uncle, who happened to be near, said: “What's the matter? Crying?” “N—no; I— I ain't crying. I guess maybe my eyes are perspiring.”’ ——For three weeks I was suffering from a severe cold in my head, accom- panied by a pain in the templ:s. Ely’s Cream Balm was recommended to me. After only six applications of the Balm every trace of my cold was removed.— Henry C. Clark, New York appraizser’s ce. SKILLFUL AcCOUNTANT.—Monsieur Calino was boasting of the skill of a friend of his who is an accountant in a bank. : “Why,” said he. “I’ve seen him take a great package of $10 hills, and count them off like lightning, and never make a mistake,” “What! Neverany mistakeat all ?”’ “Weli, never more than five or ten cents.” ~——During the dog-day season, the drain of nervous and vital energy may be counteracted by the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. In purifying the blood, it acts as a superb corrective and tonic, { and enables the system to defy malarial and other climatic influences. A. B. Hepburn for Comptroller. The President Nominates the Successor of Mr. Lacey. W asHINGTON, D. C., July 26.—The President this afternoon nominated A. B. Hepburn, of New York, to be Comptroller of the Currency, vice E. S. Lacey, resigned. The nominee is the resent Examiner of National Banks in ew York city, a position he has held for about three years. Prior to that he was Superintendent of State Banks of New York. He is about 50 years of age and is a resident of Canton, St. Lawrence Coun- ty, N. Y. He isa man of wide exper- ience in the banking business and is re- garded as specially qualified to perform the duties of his new office. He was very strongly indorsed for the position by bankers and business men in all parts of the country. Itis remarked as somewhat singular that this is the first appointment of any importance in the Treasury Department that has given to the State of New York by the present administration. Why She Didn’t Laugh. Mrs. Harlem Heights—You must not laugh and make fun of everybody, Mamie. Mamie—I don’t, mamma. The other day a little girl fell off a board fence and all the other children laughed, but I didn’t, “That was right.” “Yes, I was the little girl that fell off the fence. I cried” Charters Granted Yesterday. HARRISBURG, Pa. July 25.—Charters were granted to-day to the Pittsburg roller car axle company of Pittsburg, capital $5,000 ; Rawshorne Engraving and Printing company, Pittsburg, capi- tal $15,000. —~—Klein’s Silver Age, Duquesne and Bear Creek Whiskies, together with all the leading Pennsylvania Ryes, bottled by Max Klein, are the most reliable whiskies sold. See that Klein's signature is on every label, and his name blown in the bottle. Itis a guarantee of purity. For sale by S. Shloss, wholesale agent, Williamsport, Pa. 37-30 New Advertisements. Fr CONSTIPATION. Ayer's Pills, For Dyspepsia Ayer’s Pills, For Biliousness Ayer’s Pills, For Sick Headache Ayer’s Pills, For Liver Complaint Ayer’s Pills, For Jaundice Ayer’s Pills, For Loss of Appetite Ayer’s Pills, For Rheumatism Ayer’s Pills, For Colds Ayer's Pills, For Fevers Ayer’s Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, 37-10 EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE ‘Tourists. Homeseeker’s Excursions. Two Grand Excursions via Union Pacific on August 30th and Sept. 27th, 1892, to points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Wyoming Utah, Idaho, New Mexico and Montana. This is a great opportunity to see the magnificent tracts of land offered for sale by the Union Pacific at low prices and on ten years time. For thisoccasion the Union Pacific will sell tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip. See your nearest ticket agent. 37-30-8t Harvest Excursions—Half Rates. August 30th and Sept. 27th. The Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets at half rates, good 20 days to the cities and farming regions of the West, Northwest and Southwest, Eastern Ticket Agents wil] sell through tickets on the same plan. See that they read over the Burlington Route, the best line from Chicago, Peoria, Quincy and St, Louis. For further information write P. S. Eustis, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. 37 28 10t The Titan of Chasms. A Mile Deep, 13 Miles Wide, 217 Miles Long, and Painted Like a Flower. The Grand Canon of the Colorado River, in Arizona, is now for the first time easily access- ible to tourists. A regular stage line has been esiablished from Flagstaff, Arizona, on the At- lantic & Pacific Railroad, making the trip from Flagstaff to the most imposing part of the Can- on in less than 12 hours. The stage fare for the round trip is only $2.00, and meals and comfortab'e lodgings are provided throughout the trip at a reasonable price. The view of the Grand Canon afforded at the terminus of the stage route is the most stupendous panora ma known in nature. There is also a trail at’ this point leading down the Cenon wall, more’ than 6,000 feet vertica'ly, to the river below. The descent of the trail is a grander experi- ence theu climbing the Alps, for in the bettom of this terrific a~d snblime chasm are hun- dreds of mountains greater than any of the Al” pine range. A book describing the trip to the Grand Canon, illustrated by many full-page engrav- ings from special photographs, and furnishing all needful information, may obtained free up on application to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Iil. 37-30-3m Tourists. Insurance. Railway Guide. Two Harvest Excursions. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R’y on Tuesday, August 30th, and September 27, 1892. Where the grasses are kissed by the wan- d'ring breeze, And the fields are rich with golden grain : Where the schooner ploughs through the prai- rie seas, To its destined port on the western plain; Where homes may never be sought in vain, And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows; Where man ma= ever his rights maintain. And lana 1s as free as the wind that blows. For further particulars apply to the nearest Ticket agent, or address John R. Pott, District passenger agent, 486 William street, Williams- port, Pa. Speaking of Flying. Some run, some fly, and some are limited in mcre senses than one, but the new fast trains on the Union Pacific Sy stem are out of sigh while the other fellows are getting their wingst fixed. The remarkable time of 13 hours and 25 minutes from Omaha to Denver made by the “Denver Fast Mail”, is specially commend ed to people who wish to “get there.v To Portland in 65 hours via Omaha and the Union Pacific System, you save fifteen hours and fifty minutes over all competition; to San Francisco in 67 hours via Omaha and the Union Pacific System, you save twelve hours and thirty min: utes over all competition. For tickets via the Union Pacific or any information call ;on your nearest ticket agent or E. L. Lomax, Genl, Pass. & Ticket Agt., Omaha, Neb. t —— ——— In the First Place. “The Overland Flyer” of the Union Pacific System is to-day as it has been for years, [the most popular as well as the fastest Daily Trans Continental Train. The flyer is asolid vesti-- buled train composed of Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars and Free Reclining’ Chair Cars No change of coach Chicago to Denver, Ogden’ San Francisco or Portland. Note our common sense time table: “THE OVERLAND FLYER.” Leave | Leave Arrive Arrive | Arrive Chicago | Omaha {Denver | Ogden: (Portland 10.30 px. [2.15 P. M.|7.40 A. M. [1.00 A. M.|7.25 A.M. |SaltLake [San Fran {300 A. ».19.15 A. M_ Sun. | Mon. Tue. Wel. Thu. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Tue, Wed. |Thu. Fri. Sat. Wed. 1 hu. | Fri. Sat. Sun. Thu. Fri. Sat. {Sun. Mon. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. For tickets or any additional information call on your nearest Ticket Agent, or address, E. L. Lomad, G. P.& T. A, U. P. System, Om- aha, Neb. tf Wanted. Flouring Mills at Reynolds. N. D. ($2,000 bonus); and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn., and Williston N. Db. ; Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafton, N. D (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops, Lumber Yards, Tail or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks,"Carpenter Shops, Saw Mill, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &e. needed and solicited by ‘citizens in new and grewing towns in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana. Free sites “water pow er for factories at various places. No charges whatever for information which may jlead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acre produces $20.to $30. worth of grain. Fines sheep, cattleand horse country in America Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and publications sent free by F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. Suggestion for a Summer Trip. If you wish to take the trip of a liffe- time, purchase the low rate excursion tickets sold by all-principal lines in the United States and Canada via the Northern Pacific Railroad to Yellowstone National Park, Pacific coast and Alaska. The trip is made with the highest degree of comfort in the elegant vestibuled trains of the Northern Pacific Railroad, whieh carry dining cars are luxurious Pullman sleeping cars from Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis {o Montana and the Pacifi coast, without change, and special Pullman sleepers from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Yellowstone Park. The scenery en route is the most magnificent to be found in the seven states through which the road passes. Beautiful mountains, rivers valleys, lakes and plains follow each other in rapid succession to delight the tourist, who will also find interest in the agricultural, min- ing, lumbering, industrial and other interests associated with the development of the great Northwest. The crowning glory of the trip through the Northwest, however, is the visit to Yellowstone Park, the land of hot springs, geysers and gor- geous canons, and to Alaska with its endless oceans channels, snowcapped peaks, Indian villages and giant glaciers. If you wish to investigate this suggestion further send to Charles S. Fee, General Pas- senger Agent, N. P. } . R,, St. Paul, Minn, for copies of the handsomely illustrated “Wonder- Jar d” book, Yellowstone and Alaska folders. C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3412 1y EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli: cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason: able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 22 6 ELIABLE INSURANCE! 1——FIRE AND ACCIDENT,—i FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILA, PA, NATIONAL OF HARTFORD, CONN, CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORK, And other leading strong companies. Travel- er’s Accident of Hartford, Conn. o—THE OLDEST AND BEST.--o0 All business promptly and carefully attended to. Office, Ccnrad House,Bellefonte, Pa. 3636 1y CHAS. SMITH, Agt. WwW WE REPRESENT THE NORTHWESTERN. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. —IT IS A STRONG COM PANY. Total assets.. $12,353,912.96 Total liabilit 821, 35,821,587.98 ....$6,5632,324.98 Net surplus 4 per ct.. II.—IT IS A PROSPEROUS COMPANY. Ins. in force Jan. 1, "91..........$238,988.807.00 Increase during 1860..... .. 86,502,884.00 Increase in assets in 1890....... 5,237,042.65 Increase in surplus in 1890..... 891,377.65 Total income in 1890..... . 11,119,278.05 Increase over 1889.....cccevreneeees 1,739,819.05 IIL.—IT IS A CAREFUL COMPANY. Death-loss incurred during...... 1890, per $1,000 insured... £9.60 Ditto, next lowest Co......... 11.40 Average of the 9 largest competing companies...., 14.90 Death loss at $9.60 per §1.000 2,122,290.25 Death loss had rate been $14.90 3,289,549.50 Amount saved............seereraennenns 1,167,259.25 Assets in first mortgage bonds 3 per ct Ditto, 9 largest competing cos 36 Assets in railroad and other fluctue ting securities....c.e.... None Ditto in 9 largest competing COS. etrenristsisetssersnnessnenses 32 per ct The nine leading competing companies above referred to are Equitable, N. Y. Mutual Life N.Y. New York Life, N.Y. Connecticut Mutual. Mutual Benefit. New England Mutual. Mass. Mutual. Penn. Mutual. Atna. IV.—IT ISA WELL MANAGED COMPANY Tr, et. Rate of interest earned in ’90... P 5.92 Average rate of 9 leading com- 11:10 170) fC EO ees 5.15 Interest income at 5.92 per ct... $2,196.503 Interestincome had rate been 5.15 Per Ch..cccsecsrrsrssirenans 1,910,958 Interest gained... 285,545 V.—IT PAYS THE LARGEST DIVIDENDS. The NorRTHWESTERN “is the only company which, in recent years, has published her dividends. In 1885 and in 1887 the Company published lists of nearly 300 policies, embrac- ing every kind issued, and challenged all companies to produce policies, alike as to age, date and kind, showing like results. No ref- erence or reply to this challenge has ever been made by any officer or agent of any company, so far as known. PEiisTiyasia RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Nov. 16th, 1891. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Belleionte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.55 a. m., at Altocna, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts burg, 12.45 p. m. Leave Rellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone 11.558. m at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts ourg, 6.50 p: m Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.56. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a.m., arrive at Tyrone 6.55, at Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philadel: phia, 1.25 p.m. Leave Belietonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. mat Phiiadelphis, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6..40 at Harrisburg at 10.t0 p. m., at Phila: delphia, 4.25 a. m.. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.45 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.54 p. m, arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.45, leave Williamsport, 12.30 p.m. at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphi at 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m., at Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha" ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 5 m., leave Harrisburg,3.456 a. m., arrive at hiladelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis burg at 9.10 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.35 a. ma, Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.00 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila. delphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. | EASTWARD. B = I] B 5 5 bP =u z | Nova, > gl = FE Z 2g 1891. & AE 3 2 | 2° 8 PM. AM [Am /Arr. Lv.a Mm |p. P. M. 6 40| 11 55! 6 55/...Tyrone....| 7 55/3 10| 7 25 6 33] 11 48] 6 48/.E.Tyrone.| 802/317 732 629) 11 43| 6 44/......Vail.....| 8053 20| 7 36 6 25 11 33) 6 40 Bald Eagle| 8103 24 7 41 619| 11 32! 6 33|......Dix.....| 815/330] 747 6 15 11 29 6 30|... Fowler...| 8 17/333 7 50 6 13| 11 26! 6 28|..Hannah...| 8 21|3 37| 7 54 6 06 11 17 6 21 Pt. Matilda.| 8 28/3 44; 8 01 559| 11 09 6 13|...Martha....| 8 36/3 52| 8 10 550) 10 59! 6 03....Julian...., 844/14 01| 820 541 10 48 5 65. Unionville. 8 55/4 10{ 8 30 533] 10 38 5 48/...S.S. [nt...| 9 034 17| 8 40 530] 10 35| 5 46 .Milesburg | 9 07/4 20| 8 44 520| 10 25, 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 17/4 30, 8 54 510| 10 11| 5 25 .Mileshurg.| 9 32/4 40, 9 04 502) 958 518/..Curtin.... 9 46/447 913 455 951 5 14/.Mt. Eagle.| 9511455 919 449) 9 44, 5 07|...Howard...| 10 01|5 02| 9 28 4 40 936 4 59 .Eagleville.| 10 15/5 10, 9 40 438) 933 456 Bch. Creek. 10 205 13| 9 45 426| 921 4 46/.Mil Hall..| 10 35/5 24| 10 01 423 9 18) 4 43 Flemin’ton.| 10 395 27| 10 05 420| 915 4 40 Lek. Haven| 11 45/5 30| 10 10 PMA M.A M| lA. [Am P.M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD. SOUTHWARD, BIE | 5 5 RR | 2 Nov. 16, 5 ° & = El g= | E 1891. § 8 | PL P.M. A. M. | Lv. Ar. ia. M.A. M [P.M 730 315 800)..Tyrone...| 650 11 45/617 737 322 807.E. Tyrone.| 6 43] 11 38/6 10 743 327) 814...Vail... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 7 53] 336] 8 21.Vanscoyoc., 6 27 11 25/5 53 800 342 825 .Gardners.. 625 11 21/553 807 349 835 Mt.Pleasant| 616 11 12(5 43 8 15| 3 54 845 ..Summit..| 609) 1 05/5 30 819 359 8 50Sand.Ridge| 6 05| 10 58/5 27 821 401 852... Retort 6 03{ 10 54/5 25 824 4 2 8 55|..Powelto 6 01] 10 52{5 23 8 30! 4.08] 9 04|...0sceol 5 52| 10 4015 11 8 41 4 a 13\.. Boynton...| 5 45 10 33/5 (3 845! 418 9 17[..8ainers..| 5 43| 10 30/4 58 8 41 4 22 9 20 Philipsbu’g| 5 41| 10 27/4 55 8 51 4 26 9 24..Graham...| 5 37 10 21/4 49 8 57) 432 9 32|.Blue Ball.| 533] 10 17/4 44 9 03) 4 39] 9 39 Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10/4 39 910| 447) 947|...Bigler....| 522 1001/4 31 917 452) 954. Woodland..| 517 9 54/4 26 9 24| 4 58) 10 02|...Barrett....| 512) 9 474 20 9 28 5 02] 10 07. Leonard...| 509, 9 43/415 9 35 5 08] 10 14|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 36/4 07 9 10) 5 11| 10 24|..Riverview.| 5 00] 9 32|4 02 9 47! 5 16| 10 29/Sus. Bridge| 4 54| 9 24/3 56 9 55| 5 25( 10 35/Curwensv’e| 4 50] 9 20{2 50 P.M.| P. M. | A. M. A. M. | A. M. |P.M. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov. 16, 1891. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday.. .6 45 a. m: 00 p. m. 10 30 a. m. .5 25 p.m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 15th, 1891. Leave Bellefonte, except Sunda; VULCAN CUSHIONED POWER HAMMER BELLEFONTE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, FLOURING MILLS, » o ROLLING MILLS, &C., &C. o Works near P. R. R. Depot. 11 60 1y Electric Belts. REE Trial. Why suffer from the bad effects of the La Grippe, Lame Back, Kidney and Liver disease, Rheumatism, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Electricity will cure you and keep prove this, I will send DR. JUDD’S you in health. ELECTRIC BELT to any one on trial, free. any kind of weakness, or other disease, when (Headache relieved in one minute.) Tc Prices, $3, 86, $10, and 815, if satisfied. Also, Electric Trussess and Box Batteries. Costs nothing to try them. Can be regulated to suit, and guaranteed to last for years. A Beltand Battery com- bined, and produces sufficient Electricity to Give waist measure, price and full particulars, Agents Wanted. 3713 1ynr shock, Free Medical advice. Write to-day. Address DR. JUDD, Detroit, Mich. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. Gnemineioes 11 103 114 | 112 STATIONS. VI—THE COMPANY'S INTEREST RE-| PF MM |A 2X BM 2 05 5 50 .Montandon 4 55 CEIPTS EXCEED HER DEATH CLAIMS. 220 620....... Lewisburg. 445 Interest receipts in 1890.. sof eeer. Fair Ground...... looseness z Death claims in 1890... 30]. 437 6 35... 4 32 VIL—IT IS PURELY AMERICAN.— 5 1x 2 dg 7 00]... 4 09 By its charter it cannot insure in any For- 7 33 4(2 eign country nor in Gulf states. Its wise and conservative management in this, as well as 33% 119 338 in other respects is heartily approved of by | 3 58 7 53|........... CObUTN....ermee 318 the practical business men of this country. 4 15| 8 10|....Risin Seuss 302 Rates, plans and further inf)r mation fur 1z 3 2 ey Centre Hall...... 2 nished on request. 440 837... 2 32 W. C. HEINLE, 1 3 221 Tim? Ben 2 23 pin Agent. BELLEFONTE, Pa. 453 851. : 218 5 02) 9 00|......Pleasant Gap 2 08 " = - 510) 9 10 .......c Bellefonte......... 2 00 , P. M. Machinery. TE = ae i LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD = = I = 2 “ = Hon Nov. 16 ond = J ENEINS & LINGLE, FE wn | FB Fe $e £ ig {} | [Successors to W. P. Duncan & Co,] nln AM. Pw & 51] 4 57|....Scotia..... 9 21| 4 47|... BELLEFONTE, PA, 5 17|.Fairbrook.| 9 09 4 21. 5 29|Pa.Furnace| 8 56 4 15|, RON FOUNDERS 5 36|...Hostler...| 8 50 4 08]. 5 42... Marengo... 8 43| 4 C1}. and 5 49|..Loveville..| 8 37 3 55|. 5 56) FurnaceRd| 8 31| 3 49/. MACHINISTS. 6 06 Dungarvin.| 8 27| 3 46|. 6 10|..W. Mark..| 819 3 38. Manufacturers of the 2 2 Dehningin 3 » 3 2 6 a 7.500. 3.10}...... ELLEFONTE CE™TRAL RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1892. EASTWARD. WESTWARD, Ae] Ex. | Mail 3px, | Ac.| Bx | Mail. ol po. Pr. M.] Al mm. {Ar olin A MVP. M, 6 85 3 50{ 9 05|.Bellefonte.|: 30] 10 30] 4 40 628 344 8 A9|..Coleville..|6 37| 10 35| 4 45 625 341 8 58 Morris....|6 40} 10 38] 4 48 6 22 3 38) 6 14 10 43 4 51 619 335 6 47! 10 46, 4 54 617 333 4 56 614 331 5 00 611 528) 8 5 03 6 09| a 8: a 5 06 605 323 835. .. [7 05 510 6 02) 3 20| 8 30/|Mattern Jul|7 08] 11 03} 512 551 308 818.Krumrine.'7 21 1113] 5 24 548, 3 05] 8 14|....Struble... 7 24] 11 17| 527 545 3 vo| 8 10 StateColl'ge 7 30| 11 20, 5 30 On the Red Bank branch trains will run as follows : GOING EAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at8 00 a.m and 535 p.m Stormstown at 8 05. 5 40 5 43 Mattern at 8 12 Graysdale at 8 17 5 46 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 50 GOING WEST WILL LEAVE: Mattern Ju. 7 14 a.m. and 513 pm Graysdale 7 19 5 16 Mattern 724 5 20 Stormstown 7 29 523 Red Bank 7 35 5 30 Taos. A. SwoEMAKER, Supt.