Sechler & Co. Druorric adm Bellefonte, Pa., July 22, 1892. Farm Notes. Keep the garden clean. Teach the colts to eat grain. Give the sheep change of pasture. There is too little money in cattle. Down with the combine. Thistles will soon form seed. Cut the root off below the crown. Put covered salt boxes in the pasture fields, and keep them full. Sow rye in the corn land. It is a fairly good fertilizer when plowed un der. ; The prices of wools are not very sat- isfactory. Still sheep are the best stock for the grazier at present. There is no hope for the cattle feed- er until the friends of the trusts and combines are sent to the rear. Threshing wheat out in the field is growing in popularity, but itis ricky work in wet weather. Don’t burn the hay. A wind re moves the outside moisture better than a hot sun. If sun ie burning hot, wind- row and cock within a few hours after cutting. Peas are rapidly coming into favor asa food for milk cows, especially in, the winter production of milk, as they are easily grown and worth twice and a half their weight in bran. Use the Canadian field pea. Sow two and a quarter bushels per acre. Many years ago it was the belief of gardeners that to take hold of a cab- bage and pull it strong enough to break a few of its roots, aided it to form a larger head. This accords with recent experiments in a United States station, which resulted in showing that cabbages slightly tilted over with the plow in the fall produced large heads. ‘Estimations of copper on grapes after spraying have been made at one of our experiment stations to test whether the application of .a!/certain’ ‘coppe? 'mix- ture to, the , vines; ‘affects the, fruit or makes it unsafe as food. One. sample of the fruit was covered in spots with copper salt in great abundance, so that the test was distinctly and disagreebly metallic. ‘Doubtless eitherthe appear- ance or the taste of the fruit would have condemned it on the market. . Analy- sis showed to be present about 47 parts of the copper per million, lese than has been found in some articles of food ad- mitted to be healthful, as beef and liv- er. Hence it seems reasonable to re: gard as safe in respect to the poisonous action of copper salts any sample of fruit treated with the mixture in ques- tion, provided the taste is not marked- ly and disagreeably metallic. ‘In oth- er words, the tongue is a safeguard against eating fruit that contains this copper salt in poisonous quantities. Few farmers fail to useenodgh oil on farm machinery, ‘it may be, but most of it is wasted by. pouring on too much at one time. The bearing or axle of a wheel can hold but little oil at |! a time; the excess is thrown off, and either coats the wheel or drops to the ground. « Then the machine is: often driven until some bearings are dry, and the steel is cutting. More machines | are worn out through lack of proper || oiling than amount of work done: When & boxing once becomes hot it is a difficult matter forever afterward to keep it from cutting. 1f farm machinery was kept carefully oiled; its usefulness would be increased 50 per cent. A little wear and loose- ness leads to rapid wear. If a careless driver has allowed the boxing of mow- er or reaper to become loose, it should bé repaired at ounce if possible, as bo amount of oil can prevent. wear to a, great extent. Then use a good grade of oil often: Strange such advice is needed, when the buying of new ma- chinery is'so burdensome to all of us, |! but the rattle and creaking of many | farm implements makes such counsel seem necessary. A few drops of oil ap plied every half hour are worth more to a bearing than 10 times that amount applied every ‘two hours. Tt pays to oil often. iam 1191 It is a common practice to haul out the barnyard manure ‘after harvest, | spreading it on land. intended for fall |i sown crops. Ihe ground is usually dry, and less damage by tramping is done than when manure is hauled in the spring. Manure is much more ef- | fective for fall sown grass and wheat when used as a top-dressing than when plowed under. It is needed on or near the surface, 80 that it can feed the, plants as soon as the first roots are formed ! Top-dressing almost invaria- bly gives the best resuits on small grains.’ ios But there is mu¢n in the way of ap: plying the manure. A single large forkful in the centre of a square yard of ground is not worth one-fourth as much as an equal’ amount thoroughly finer and incorporated with all the sur- face toil of that square yard. Herein is one of the advantages of commercial fertilizers. They are spread evenly, and their effect is greater partly for this reason. Each plant gets its due share of the food, while the coarse manure feeds only ‘a part ‘of them. To ‘render the manure available for all the plants it must be put close to them. For this reason it is advisable to | scatter manure on plowed ground as evenly as possibly, and then use ‘the harrow freely. The fining and scat: tering done by the teeth or discs of ithe | barrow add much to the availability |i of the mapnre, This method is pref- | erable to top-dressing after seeding, and a few testa by our readers will make the fact ‘apparent. = If’ barnyard man ures could be ‘incorporated with the soil as evenly and perfectly as com mercial fertilizers, results would follow that would occasion surprise to many. The Pennsylvania Railroad's Twelve- day Excursicas to the Shore. The success of the first Pennsylva- nia Railroad Seashore tour, indicates a large party on the others leaving July 21st, August 4th and 18th. The tickets include the choicest points on the coast, and are available for Cape May, Atlantic City, Sea Isle City or Ocean City at the same rate. The excursion tickets, good for twelve days, are to be sold at a rate of $10,00 from Pittsburg, and at corres- pondingly low rates irom otherstations. A special train of Parlor Cars and Day Coaches will leave Pittsburg at - P=5.8 50 a. m., for Philadelphia, stopping at all important junction points, where connections will be made with trains from branch lines. Passengers will spend the night in Philadelphia and proceed to the seashore by regular trains of the next day. Tickets will be sold from stations named below, and train schedule will be as follows: — AROONB...ciineerieiiinnnn lined 00 12.55 P.M. Hollidaysburg. .. 8 00 11.10 A.M. Bellwood ..... .. 800 1.06 P.M. Clearfield..... . 890 940 A.M. Philipsburg.. A 8:35 1032; & Osceola..... “825 1045 ° Bellefonte. . 8 65 1025 '“ Tyrone...... 7 65 1.18 P.M. Cumberland. 8 51 8.15 A.M. Bedford.... 8 50 O40" 14% P.M. 7.16; ¢ 44 Tickets will also ‘be sold from East Liberty, Irwin, Uniontown, Connells: ville, Scottdale, Alverton, Greensburg, and Johnstown for regular trains leav- ing Pittsburg 4.30 and 8.10 p. m., with Pullman Sleeping Cars attached, ar- riving in Philadelphia next morning, whence passengers will proceed to the shore by any regular train of that day. Application for information and tick- ets should be made to nearest ticket Agent or T. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District; Pittsburg, Pa. Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. ‘Will Peruna cure Bright's Disease of the kidneys? The best answer to this question that can be made is the testi- mony of the thousands of patients * who have béen cured by 1t. A singlé dem- onstration of a fact is worth many theory | coneerning it. The following letter is a specimen of what ‘'weare receiving from this class of patients: GILMER, TEXAS, July 18, 1891 The Peruna Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, O,—Gents: As my medi- cine has done me ‘so much’ good I thought I would writé to you ‘and tell yon about it. You can publish it if you like. I bought eighteen bottles of Peruna and Manalin. I would not have lived a month longer if it had not been for your medicine. Yours truly, i H. Gr MoCULLOUGH. All person desiring further details * as to the above cure are requested to write Mr. McCullough, who will, cheerfully answer all letters of inquiry. There is no form of kidney or urinary disease for which Peruna is nota reliable remedy. Gravel, catarrh of the bladder, diabetes, pain or weakness in the back or hips, dropsy, puffness of the face or feet; smarting, scalding or scantiness are ‘all curablé'by Peruna. This’ remedy can be obtained at most drng-stores. In all cases where there is also. constipation or irregularity of the bowels Manalin should be taken in addition to Peruna. A new publication on diseases: of the kidneys and all kindred ailments. sent free by The Peruna Drug Manufacturing ‘Company, Columbus, O. ,, ay GUARANTEED CURE. We author- ize our advertised ‘druggist to ‘sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, upon this’ condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, ‘and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no enefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. "We could not make this offer did we not know ‘that Dr. King’s New Discovery could be relied on. It never Sissppolaa. Trial [bottle’s free at Parrish’s Drug Store. Large size 50c* and $1.00. phe New Advertisements. SE————— Em Druggist. i i D* JAS. A. THOMPSON & CO. [APOTHECARIES, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. =—=DEALERS IN—— 4 PURE ] DRUGS, i MEDICINES ‘TOILET } ARTICLES and every thing kept ina first class Drug ¢ Store. : y §7 14 6m 1A ” \ ‘Machinery. gee & LINGLE, [Successors tc W. P. Duncan & Co,] BELLEFONTE, PA, RON FOUNDERS \} and MACHINISTS, f Manufacturers of the | VULOAN CUSHIONED POWER HAMMER BELLEFONTE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, FLOURING MILLS, ROLLING MILLS, &C., &C. 2 or ° Works near P, R. R. Depot. 11 60 1y Business Notices. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Cas- toria. 36 14 2y ———— Eminent Facts. The questlon is often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. It is nevertheless a fact that it is made purer and better to-day than ‘at time. With the im- proved methods fusil oil and other impurities are entirely eliminated. A sworn statement as to the purity age and quality of the whisky sold is furnished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure Penn’a Rye, at $1.00 per quart. Duquesne $1.25 per quart. Port, Sherry, Sweet California Wines at 50c A complete catalogue and price list of all for- eign and domestic iiquors mailed on applica” tion b; 7 MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. 37-10 1y New Advertisements. ITCHING CHILDREN BE NO SLEEP AT NIGHT. NO REST BY DAY. HOW THESE LITTLE ONES HAD TO SUFFER. CUTICURA TOOK ALL OF THIS ITCH OUT OF THEIR SKINS IN SIX WEEKS. LEFT NOT A BLEMISH. My children, nine in number, were all troub- led with an itching of the skin. They could not sleep at night, and through the day my wife felt ashamed to see the way those little ones had ‘to suffer. So we concluded to try Cuticura Remedies, and believe if we had not used your valuable remedies our little family would not have been cured yet. Cuticura Remedies took all of this itch out of their skins inside of six weeks. My wife then bought more, and kept on giving it to the children, and thank God and your valuable Cutieura Remedies, my children have not got a blemish on them BERT SHUMAN. DreSidem Bricklayers Union No. 18, Elizabeth TR ~NCZEMA 10 YEARS CURED purchased and used Culicura with the most gratifying results. Iwas troubled with eecze- ma in the form of salt rheum for ten years,and had quite despaired of being cured. Cuticura with the help of the Cuticura Soap and Cuticu- ra Resolvent, has permanently removed my gomplaing, and left my flesh sound and ealthy. y JAMES T. WILSON, Manufacturing Chemist, 52 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y, CUTICURA REMEDIES If the thousands of little babies who have been cured of agonizing, itching, burning bleeping, scaly, and blotchy skin and scalp diseases could write, what a host of letters would be received by the proprietors of the Cuticura Remedies. . Few can appreciate the agony these little ones suffer, and when these great remedies relieve in a ‘single application the most distressing eczemae and itching and burning skin disease, and point to a speedy and permanent cure, it is positively jinhuman not to use them without « moment's delay. Sold everywhere. Price, CuticurA 50¢.; S0AP, 25¢.; REsoLvenT, $1.00. Prepared by the! Por. TER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Boston. AaSend for “ How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. ABY’S Skin and Scalp purified rand beautified by Cuticura Soap. Ab: solutely ‘pure. a REE FROM RHEUMATISM.— In one minute the Cuticura Anti-Pain laster relieves rheumatie, sciatic, hip, kid- ney, chest, and muscular paine and weak- nesses. Farmer's Supplies. QouTH BEND CHILLED PLOWS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GRAIN DRILLS, ASPINWALL POTATO PLANTER PRICES REDUCED. Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse Cultivator, with two rowed Corn Planter Attachment. PRICES REDUCED. Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surréys of the finest quality. : PRICES REDUCED. CONKLIN WAGONS, CHAMPION WAGONS, FARM CARTS, WHEEL-BARROWS. PRICES REDUCED. Champion Rock Crusher and Champion Road Machines, BARBED WIRE, both link and hog wire.’ PRICES REDUCED. CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, PUMPS, FEED CUTTERS, LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS, FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. The best Implements for the least money guaranteed. ’ Office and Store in the Hale building. 46 4 McCALMONT & 0O. Philadelphia Card. EPWARD W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO., , Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &C. : | 420 Market Street: 156 1 ©HILADELPHIA, PA. : : Gas Fitting. ‘M. GALBRAITH, Plumber and : Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa. Pays perticular attention to heatin buildings by steam, copoer smithing, rebronz ruest, &c. Mew | Pure Malt Whisky, se SELECTED Jo[ D TEAS ——— - It is a pretty well settled principal with all ex- pert tea men that the highest perfection in tea can- not be attained from any one kind or variety of tea plant. But that the best value and choicest flavor can be obtained only by a skillful blending of care- Sully selected high grade goods of different varieties. When teas are perfectly blended the original flav- or of each variety disappears in the blend, and from the combination we get something entirely new and much finer than any of the original flavors. . We have a new blend of our own. In the prepa- ration of which we have spent considerable time and labor and have also had the aid and counsel of sev- eral as good fea men as are to be found in the Unit- ed States. It 1s with entire confidence that we. of- fer the goods for sale and unhesitatingly claim them 20 be very superior both in value and flavor. If you want a cup of new blended goods. We also carry a full line pan, Young Hyson, Impe ROYAL TEA, try our of Teas, QOolongsy Ja- rials, Gunpowder, Eng- lish Breakfast, also several grades of blended goods, and can suit the trade on ‘anything in. the tea line. You may not be exactly suited on the goods you ‘are using, and we feel confident that you will ‘be able to get from us just what you are wanting, We sell. fine teas at very reasonable prices. We have a clean dry ‘sugar, 81bs for zocts. the cheapest sugar ever sold in Bellefonte. : Try them... ., Respectfully, a SECHLER-& CO. 36-45 BELLEFONTE, PA. Printing. Printing. Eon don TRIN. Fine Job Printing... .. Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. _ Fine Job{Printing: : Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. -ifine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING} rates) Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine J ob Printing. _ Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. ; Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. } ~ —{AT THE WATCHMAN QFFICE{— , a. yy ‘Oculists and Opticians. 7 { ‘Music Boxes. 36211 REE EYE EXAMINATION. ee QU Bom EYE SPECIALIST willbe in | ==—BELLEFONTE,— —WEDNESDAY, JULY 27,— at the BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, from 8.30 A. M. to 5 P.. M., and will make xo . CHARGE to examine your eyes. Persons who have headache or whose eyes i are causing Specialis| discomfort should eall upon our and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to éxamine your eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered is guaranteed to be satisfactory. QUEEN & CO, 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa y and they will receive intelligent | EE LATEST INVENTION IN $——SWISS. MUSIC BOXES.—i They are the sweetest, most complete, dur- able, and pertect Musical Boxes made, (warranted in every respect) and any number of tunes can be obtained i or them. | PAT. IN SWITZERLAND AND THE U.S. We manufacture especially for direct "fam i- ly trade and we guarantee our instruments far superior to the Music. Boxes usually made for the wholesale trade, and sold'by general Merchandise, Drygoods or Music Stores; Gem Concert Roller Organs. Lowest prices. Old Music Boxes carefully repaired’ and im® Prove H. GAUTSCHI & SONS, Manufacturers, Salesrooms, 1030 Chestnut Street, 36 46-18m Philadelphia. | sively forthe sale of harness, bein ‘| heat and /| ing, over 20 years in P=onmks PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY! _ DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, | nd all wasting diseases can be ENTIRELY CURED BY IT, Malaria is completely eradicated frem he system by its use. orn PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY revives the energies of those worn with exces- sive bodily or mental effort. It acts as a SAFE GUARD against exposure in the wet and rigo- rous weather. Take of a wineglassful on your arrival home r the labors of the day and the same quantity before your breakfast. Being chemi: cally pure, it commends itself to the medica. profession. lov WATCH THE LABEL. None genuine unleds bearing of the firm on the label. i ol . 1. A WOOL M. & J. 8. PERRINE, 38.N. Third 8t., Philadelphia. z the signature 3136 1y Book; Bindery. Hees BOOK BINDERY, [Established 1852.] Having the latest improved machinery repared to ; ’ etl BIND BOOKS AND MAGAZINES of all descriptions, or to rebind eld books, Special rs to the rull 2 of paper and manufacture-of BLANK BOOKS, Orders will be received af this office; or ad- dress LL. “FL. BUTTER, © ‘Book Binder, Third and Market Streets, 2518. i «0 7. .. Harrisburg, Pa, 1am enmmm—— QCHOFIELD'S NEW : HARNESS HOUSE. We extend a most cordial invitation to our patrons and. the public, in general, to witness one of the Cire qin svar GRANDEST DISPLAYS OF Light and Heavy Harness ever put on the Bellefonte market, which: will! be made in‘the large room, formerly. occupied by Harper Bros, on Spring street.. It has been. added to my factory and. will. be. used éxclu- the: first exclusive salesroom ever used in: this town, as heretofore the custom. has been to sell goods" in the room in which. they were made. This elegant room has been refitted and furnished with glass cases in which the harness can' be nicely displayed ‘and still kept away from’ ust, the enemies of long wear in’ Jeathers Jus aon. oy. Dec: ie a py 6X74. and the store 20x60 added makes i the largest estal A. of its kind ih of Philadelphia and Pittshurg. § rn Weare prepared to offer-beiter bargains in the future than we have done in the past and ‘we want everyone to~8éé oti’ goods and get ‘prices for when you do this, out of self defense od will buy. * Our profits are not large, but y selling lots of goods we can afford to live in Bellefonte. We are noi indulging in idle philanthropy. 'Itis purely business. We are not making much, but. trade is growing and 'that is what we are intrested in now. "Profits will take care of themseives. | ts When other houses discharged ‘their work: men during the winter they were all put to work in my factory, nevertheless the bi Q houses of this city'and county would smile “if: | 'we compared ourselyes to them, but we do not mean to be so odious, except to venture the as- section that none of them can So as We. oa say “NO ONE OWES US A CENT THAT CAN'T GET. This is the whole story. : The following are kept constantly on. hand. 50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, prices fram $8.00 to $15.00 and upward ARGE STOCK OF HEAVY HARNESS B= set$25.00 and ubRards, 500 HORS. + COLLARS from $150 to: $5,00 each, over $100.00 worth of t HARNESS OILS and : AXLE GREASE, : $400 worth of Fy Nete sold cheap | $150 worth of whips : from 15¢ to $3.00 each Horse Brushes ,Cury Combs Sponges Chamois, RIDING SADDLES, LADY SIDESADDLES ° Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low | prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand for sale, ares Lealiny $37 10W:8 Ze Jer: ‘pound. ‘We keep eve: Dn; oun a Da oLass HARNESS STORE no chang. the same room. No two hans in the same town to catch trade—NO SELLING QUT for the want of trade or prices. ‘Four harness-makers at steady work this wine ter,” This is our idea ‘of protection to: labor, when other houses discharged their hands, they soon found work with us. : JAS. SCHOFIELD, 33 31 Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa. + Illuminating Oil. Crown ACME. . msn, THE BEST BURNING OIL CHAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. i gives a Brilliant Light, t will not Smoke the Chimney. It will Not Char the Wick. It has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode. i It is without an equal (AS A SAFETY FAMILY OIL. re, y : vil} 11300 sha , IT 18 THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. We stake our reputation as refiners Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by _ ACME OIL 00,, 84 85 1y - Williamsport, Pa. For sale a retail by W, T. TWITMIRE,