Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 01, 1892, Image 5

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Are You' a Jaror?
, Following is the listof Jurors drawn for the
nextterm of court, commencing the fourth
Monday of August, 1892.
He Ryman, gentleman Milesburg.
ig blacksmith, Millheim.
Philip Iddings, farmer, Union twp.
Andrew Kreamer, Miiesburg.
Jos, J. Mitchell, postmaster, College
Thomas Bramgart, farmer, Miles.
Wm. Horne, laborer, Spring
yg: _F. P. Bower, farmer, Haines.
© TFS, Albright; bl
W. E. Bair, carpenter, Miles: ,
M. H. Seigfreid, laborer, Rush.
+ Di G. Stewart, gentleman, Barnside.
Wm. M. Florey, shoemaker, Spring,
Calvin Riley, laborer, Harris.
Samuel Laurie, laborer, Union.
Wm. Hall, furngeeman, Spring.
«Wm. Nyman, laborer, Boggs.
«A. E. Clemson, gentleman, Ferguson.
J. W. Stover, merchants Mi‘Theim.
John B,. Hite: laborer, Howard.
LuthenDale, farmer; Col! lege.
J.D. Tanyer, farmer, Furguson.
ii Henry Meleher,, farmer, Worth,
Charles, Orndory, laborer, Haines.
George W. Wythes, clerk, Philipsburg.
F. K. White, dentist, Philipsburg.
° Cyrus Goss, gentleman, Harris,
J. Z. Loder, lab_rer, Howard.
M.L. “Beck, farmer, Walker.
David 8 Squires, laborer, Rush.
John C, Gates, farmer, Ferguson.
Wm. Biddle, laborer, Half Moon.
Wm, P. Catherman, wagon maker, Millheim.
Samuel Wagner, laborer, Potter.
‘John Hendershot, laborer, Spring.
H. W. Beehtol, teacher, Howard.
Israel Hoover, "farmer, Union.
Wm. P. Hoffman, farmer, Spring.
Alfred Lucas, laborer, Snow Shoe.
Jas. Li, Marlo, wagon maker, Worth.
Thomas W indslow, farmer, Liberty.
Daniel Zeigler, farmer, Gregg.
Levi Pennington, laborer, Bellefonte.
H. E. Ellenberger, laborer, Rush.
W. Dauchenbach, farmer, Howard twp.
M. C. Gephart, mérchant, Millheim.
H. M. McClain, farmer, Gregg.
W.G. Kishing, laborer, Snow Shoe.
Malin Boek, lumberman, Philipsburg,
George Sanford, agent
Jacob Meliss, farmer, Potter.
John C. Henderson, farmer, Huston.
~~. a Pifer, farmer, Marion.
“Jas. I. Lytle, farmer, College.
: Jonn TF. Waite, weaver, Miles.
Robt. M. H Henderson, farmer, Benner.
. A.J. Swartz, farmer, Sp Hing.
¥ Jabob Runkle, an ellefonte.
: Jacob Weaver. farmer. Walker.
ghemith, Nivfisin.
’ Win. Kenin, farmer, Burnside.
“ Wm. A. Toon Tateer, Bellefonte.
Jacob Strohm, farmer, £'otter.
* Jno. McCloskey, miller,Curtin.
* Robert M; Park, laborer, Snow Shoe,
John'GuiSer, tarmer, Walker,
* Ruben Crust, farmer, Benner.
D. W, Orr, tarmer, Marion.
. D. Thomas, , farmer, Patton.
“S.C. ishop, laborer, Rush.
; Bling Neff, laborer, Walker.
A. C. Bower, farmer, Liberty.
Elias Weaver, farmer, Gregg:
James T. Wagner,laborer, Liberty.
IS. M. Campbell, undertaker, Miliheim.
Thomas; ‘Schaeffer, farmer, Miles. .°
George &hessley, shoemaker, Marion.
L. G. Kessler, merchant, Fhiljpsbure.
Jacob Cole, merchant, Sy
Herman Sheely, miner, Rus
J. K. Leathers, farmer, Howard twp.
Howard Musser. laborer, Haines."
MeGirk, farmer, College,
Austin Cartin, ‘gentleman, Boggs.
«Wiliam Musser, farmer, Penn.
John Williams, carpenter, Walker.
John W. Biddle, farmer, Fer guson.
© P. N, Barnhart, laborer, Spring. 3 7
i Henry’ Gentzel, farmer, Spring. Ey
Frdnk Ingram, farmer, "Union. |
Jacob Neidigh, farmer, Haines.
Chatles Decker, farmer, College. i
George Vantries, elerk, Bellefonte. 16}
© Samuel Ellenberger* farmer, Half Moon. s
D. W. Herring, farmer, Liberty.
Ruben: Stover, farmer,’ Miles.
. John Gowland. foundryman, Philipsbare.
* Michael Stover, Jarmeh Haines.
| W.W. Neese, farmer, G ress:
Frank Lukenbach, clerk ilipsburg.
Joseph Eck ley, farmer, Union.
Frank Fishburn, farmer, College.
+ Robert V. Miller, boss, Bellefonte.
T. Irwin, farmer, Rus dua
Blige; Burd, plasterer, Raines. !
! John C. Bible, farmer, Potter. |
! Wm. Gentzel, "farmer, Penn. v
! David Fulton, laborer, College. !
£0 } 3|§on Rohs laborer, Rush.
A Bald d Eagle Barn Raising.
i~ 7/« Martha, Pa., June 24, 1802.
Editors Democratic WATCHMAN,
Gentlemen :—Permit me space to report an,
« occurrance; which ‘for- broke: the mon"
‘otony of our peaceful, quiet valley, It was cur
"pleasure to attéhd the “barn ’ raising” on’ the.
farm of our old friend and staunch Democrat,
Samuel! Gingery, who for 40 years Has lived on
the same farm. The barn itself will be a
“handsome bank overshoot, 50x75 feet:
'* J.8! Fredericks, of Unionville, contractor
and builder, was certainly the happiest man of
the day and should be as every joint, mortise
‘tenden went together as ‘though shaped by
hands divine, and as he marshaled the forces
of neighbors and friends whe numbered two
Yausted, he certainly ‘proved to. all that he
was the right man dn the right place. The”
work! went on smoothly piece by piece being’
added to the structure when at, 11.30 dinner
was announced, | when to our rie our eyes
' feasted upon 4 long tables set in the old barn |
: ladetted with delichcies whichonly the ladies
. of Bald Eagle Valley can prepare.
To say all enjoyed the dinner ir very mild-
When We think of seeing the pie eating fran
ernily from Stormstown headed by P. Burket
and Geo. Louner:
' men“was certainly ©.8. Miles, of Port Matilda
" closely followed by W. Cronister and A. Wood
ring and we thought of the passage of Scrip’
ture where it says “the lion and lamb shall lie
down together.” We think the Scripture ha$
been: verified, but we pity the lamb,
Among others who worked hard (at the ta-
...ble) was Aaron Williams, Esq, 8. R. Pringle
and'Rev. Young. Suffice togsay all did justice
to the excellent dinner “when all went to work | sme FH
and at5 p.m. the structure was completed:
Supper was served in thie same good ‘manner,
‘When the old time custom, of elevating the
contractor, head cook, etd, were gone through |.
with; with much fun for rILY
The evening wag spent by. the young people
with music and singing, while older: friends
and neighbors talked of former days and relat”
“eats tricks” of their youih.” When all de.
parted tor their respective homes feeling fa Pp
py over the day so pleasantly spent. €
——— oe ——s—
.—The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O. June, 20 1892.
“Dr. 0B. Cameron, Mrs. Jane Campbell, G.
8. Clements, Amos A. Elliott, James och, L.
R. Leech, E. M. Staric, Mrs Rachel Stine.
June 27.—Mrs. Nellie Dural, Edward Mor-
! gan Alice Naller, Miss A. Ju Woodford, Johnny
eyers, John J. Meyers, William GC. Meyers.
* When! called for’pleasé say advertised.
‘ : JA. FIEDLER, P: M.
Pine Grove Mentions. :
* Sheriff Port is" looking Rranoi for. a Hoe.
* Mrs. Wolf, of Coburn, sting her brother
Justice J. H Miller. i:
Our jolly townsman W. E. Mook, is improy
ing slowly, but we hope surely, from 4 com
plication of diseases caused by grippe,
Mr. Alexander Tanyer, who some years ago
took Greely’ s or somebody else's ‘advice and
went west, a few days ago returned. tos his pa-
rental roof. FF:
Jacob Krumrine antl Foi’ Reed "are Boasts
“ ing bf additions to their sdmijlies’ that will
not need to be registered to vote until the 13th
year of the 20th century.
On the 16th inst., yx W. Seigle was throwh
The lion of the hungry |
him, causing internal injuries and a large
scalp wound. For some, days Dr. Woods, his
medical attendant, had but little hopes of ‘his
recovery from concussion of the brain, but’ at
this writing he is a little batter.
u last Monday p. m. a heavy rain and elec.
tric storm, accompanied with hail, passed over
this section: A valuable cow belonging to
town and was instantly killed by lighting.
"i he fresn plowed fiélds and newly made roads
are badly washed, so much so that, the road
supervisors’ will be compelled to levy an-addi- |
tional millage.
Tuesday of this week was at day for
Ferguson twp. at the east precinct election
house. Commissioners Goodhart and Adams
represented the board. Outside of some few
minor errors but yery few red ink figures were
made. This'is ‘thers time in many years
that the Commissioners were induced to come
to our township and we were surprised to see
50 few taxpayers present.
Messrs. Keller : and Brown have moved their
saw mill into the montain gap just south of
our town where, for the next year, they will
engage in cifting add sawing lumber. Hav-
ing purchased all of the Tyrone Mining and
Manufacturing Company’s timber lands from
that point west to Graysville, which will re-
quire some six years sawing. This means
bad roads and higher road tax and should
mean a stone crusher.
Little George Bekley recently met ‘with a
narrow escape from death. His father: had
gone. to the haymew, in the evening, to throw
hay down and the little boy, in a playful mood
crawled under the hay. When kis father
dropped the fork down on the hay before
coming down the ladder he saw something]
move when to his, horror he found his boy
pinned to the floor one of the fork prongs
glanced along the skull and through the skin
on the back of the head causing but little in-
jury to the'child, but a number of frightened
neighbors were S001 on ‘hand to sympathize
with the almost crazed parents.
On'thé 16th inst., reaper death entered, the}
first;time , into the home of the venerable; Pat
terson Irvin and veiy suddenly - bere? the
family of a loving husband ‘and indulgent fath-
and the county a good citizen and the Presby-
terian” church one .of ‘its’ oldest members.
Brain trouble caused his death, in his seven-
ty-sixth year. An aged wife, two; daughters.
and five sons, witha large chain of relatives
and friends; mourn the loss of one of the’ old-
est land marks of" the vicinity of Baileyville,
where he spent all the years of an honest and
honest life.
ciated 4nd his remains were laid away in the
Penna. Furnace. cemetery on the 18th inst.
‘Last Sunday morning Children’s: Day was
observed by the ‘Littherans. ‘The expreises
throughout * were fine and impressive, with
elegant music. Rev. c. yh Aikens had, ¢harge
of the exercises which were ‘witnessed by la
crowded house. The entire front of the
church was tastefully’ decorated with the
choicest flowers centered by a large ¢ross. In
the evening our M, E. friends held their;
young people's exercises. Long hefore the,
hour of beginning the house was crowded and,
those who failed to go early had the. pleasure
of standing and that room was all taken up
very soon. The exercises were conducted
very successfully by the pastor Mr. Glover,
We were led to think they tried to outstripour
Lutheran brethern in the morning. The,
charch was. tastfully decorated and’ the’ cross
at the prop=r time’ was Adorned with a crown
ty little Miss, who} is tobe ‘commended’ for the,
manner in which she did it: All of ‘the’ schol-
ars who took part in the day’ s exercises are to
be highly commended and their performance,
‘}'will ever remain as ‘a' Rag gem in their |
crowns. AE vats
Last Sai iaviiog as lel Sol poured out |
‘his'hot rays in splendor the bugle sound was
‘heard calling for a. long looked for picnic.
steeds and carriages ladened, with young folks
who were apparently well pledsed with them-
selves, - It was soon discovered that Shady-
side Park was the objective point, And there
shut out from the world,but not from Shingle-
town, they did have a royal good time. The
happy faces we chanced to see, as they passed
wera: H. M. Krebs: and, Miss Theresa
Aikens, Frank Bailey, . Arvilla Bloom; Laura
Musser, Ada Sausserman, John Bailey, Mary
Ward, Clay Campbell, Newt Krebs, Elsie and
Annie Fortney, Nannie and yr Campbell;
| George Gardner, J- B. and Musser Heberling,
Effie and Sadie Markle, George and Cal. Bat’
ley, Alka, Musser, Hewitt Meyers, Minnie Bot
torf, Bella Confer, C. M. and J. W. Fry, Mary
Bailey, MG. Me Williams, Nannie Bailey,
Laura Fry, Ina Krebs, James Ward, Etta. Kel-
ler, Alvin Musser, Mary Gardner, George
Weaver, Maggie and Annie Be aed Strus'-
ser, and Baker Krebs, from this place, and a
aumber from Shingletown swelled the erow dy
: Marriage.
June 21,1842, by Rev. A. P. Wharton, Mr.
John W, McKivison and ‘Miss Hattie Wil-
-liams, both of Scotia.
New Advertisements.
WANED. io i Avera:
Huntingdon, Pa.
Steady work and good wages.
37 26 4t*
Notice is hereby given that an application will
be made to’ the "Governor on the Common-
wealth of formas on the 16th day of
July, A. D, 1892, under the co-operation
amendment Act of 1893, for the allowance and
approval of an amendment to the charter of
the D. Wilcox Manufacturing Co., of Howard
Centre:county, Pa. fo as to chiange the locas
tion of the place of business of. company from
Howard, Céntre county, Pa., to Mechanics-
burg, Cumberland county, Pa.
37. 25-3t ~ Solicitor.
hereby given that an application will
be made tothe Governor of the State of Penn-
sylvania, on Monday, the 25 day of July, 1892,
by John W. Stuart, W. C. Patterson, Win. Fos.
ter, Jr., Thomas Foster, Wm. Whitmer and J.
‘D, ShuBarts, under the Act of Assembly of the
[Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled “An
act to provide for the incorporation snd regu-
lation of" certain corporations.” Ap Toved
April 20,1874, and the s upplemonts ereto,
for tile charger rok an intended" corporation, to
be called "The Si
dte College Water CotipaAy,
the character and object whereof isto supply
water to the public, at thie township of College,
in the county of Centre, and to such persons,
artnerships and corporations 1seiding there-
in and adjacent thereto as may desire the same
and for these purposes to have, possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of
the said Act of Assembly and its su lements.
37 26 2t, Solicitor.
Stamm, Estella Heberling, Milt Keller, Mary
| from his horsebadl wards, ths horse falling on |
Joseph Gates'was stan ding under a tree; near
- His pastor Rev. Ermentrout, offi” |"
‘Very {soon the road'was- lined ‘with prancing |
McKIVISON—WILLIAMS.—At Scotia, Pa., on |
+ Announcements.
The following, gre. the prices clarged for au
nrouncements in this column : Congress $10.00 ;
Assembly $8.00 ; Prothonotary $3.00 ; District
Attorney. $5.00; dssociate Judge $5.00. Al
candidates are required to pledge themselves to
abide the decision of the Demwcratic county
We are authorized to announce’ Charles R.
Kurtz, of Centre Hall, a candidate for Pro-
thonofary. Subject to . the | decision of the
| Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized. to announce Ww. F. Smith
of Penn township as a candidate for Doe
tary, subject to the decision of the Democia-
tie county, convention.
We are autharized to announce > C. 1". Hoffer
of Philipsburg as a eandidate for Prothonotary |
subject to the decision of the Democratfe
county convention.
We are autnorized to announce M. I. Gard
‘ner, of Bellefonte, a candidate for prothono |
tary. Subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic County Convention.
‘We are anthorized to announce David R.
Foreman, of Potter township, as a candidate
for Prothonotary. Subject to the decisicn, of
the Democratic County Convention.
We ‘are’ authorized to announce Samuel
Decker Esq., of Walker township as a candi
date for Associate Judge. subject to the decis-
ion of the Democratic county Convention.
We are authorized to aunounce H. L, Har-
vey, of Boggs township a candidate for Asso-
ciate judge. Subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
We are autlidrized td anfbunce C. A. Faulk-
ner, Esq., of Philipsburg as a candidate for As-
sociate Judge. ‘Subject to the decision of the
Democratic county convention.
We are authorized to annoancs W. I. Sin-
ger a candidate for “District Attorney. Suab-
ject to the decision of the Democratic County
Convention. “
We are authorized to" ‘announce John M
Keichline, of Bellefonte, for Distriet Attorney
Subject to. the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
"We ate authorized to announce James Scho-,
field, of Bellefonte, Pa., a candidate for Legis-
lature. Subject tothe decision of the Demo-
cratic County Convention.
We are authorized {o announce Jno. Me-
Cormick, of Ferguson township, a LH
for Legislature. Subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce P. S. Fisher,
of Zion, a candidatd for. Legislature. Subjets,
to the decision of thé Democratic County Con-
New Advertisements.
ANTED:—=Two good men to act
as salesmen and collectors in State
College and Snow Shoe this county. Salary
and commission paid to parties in ean fur-
nish horse and harness, Addrgssy W . A
hoana, Pay quid bu 87 WL %
ANTED:—A number of female
r attendants atthe State Hospital for
the Insane, Danville, Pa. Applicants must he |i
shel referable between 20 and 30 years of
age and well recommended. ' For ‘pavtisulats
apply to
gr234t |, HB, MEREDITH, Supt.
accommodation of those deririvg to
Epeitd the evening of July 4th in Bellefonte,
e B.C. R. R. will run a train from Bellefonte
leaving at 9:30 p. m. for State College, Scotia
and Stormstown. Excursion Hokers will be
sold from all stations and oa train
‘3726 1t. ; Sup't.
. Office of the Valentine Iron. Co.,-
Bellefonte, Pa., June 20th, 189
meeting of this company will he ‘held at its of-
fice in Bellefonte, Pa., of Thursday, July 14th,
1892, at ten o’clock a. ‘m., for the purpose of
electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing
Year and the transaction of other business.’
37-25-26 t hy i yd
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of Mary Ann Gilmore deceased haying
been granted to the undersigned, he requests’
all peisons knowing themselves indebted to
those having claims against the same to pre-
sent them duly a authenticated for settlement.
: erly man, healthy and strong, who'can
speak French, English and Italian, wishes a
situation as a Cook i ina hotel. or restaurant,
city or country, and not DAs about
wages. | Will also give a week’s trial and fat
the end, if not satisfactory on either side, no
remuneration will be asked, Will also go in
‘partnership with anyone of the same capacity,
having in cash a certain amount to opeu a place | Ey
of business as a restaurant, ice cream saloon,
: ee The party must be of steady habits sand
likewise itnfal to his work. Please address:
37 23 tf. Democratic WATCHMAN.
keeps constantly improv- |
ing in - practical qualities,
hence its constantly in-
creasing popalaniy, in the
markets of the world.
834 Chestnut St., Phila. Pa.
87 26 Im
] UNTER’S PARK, — The new
Pleasure Resort of Centre county, is,
situated on the line of the Bellefonte Central
Railroad, 6 miles from Beliefonte, at an eleva-
yon of 1000 feet above tide. The Park com-
with abundant drinking water.
. BEATS, ete.
This is the finest Pleasure Grounds to be
found between Philadelphia and Pittsbun
The new Athletic Grounds of the Railroad ad-
join the Park, and a number of interestin.
all games will be played during the season.
The trains of the Bellefonte Central R. R.
leave from the P. R. R. Station, at Bellefonte
For time tables, rates, and other information
address THOS. SHOEMAKER, Sup’t.,
The annual):
New Advertisements, |
The best line of Spring
Jackets, tan and black Reef-
and Blazers from $3.50 up
to $15,00,we guarantee them
the best made and best fitting
goods i in the market. Wraps,
Medici Collars plain and jet
trimmed from $5.00 to $10.00
Carpet, cheap ones, 15cts per
yard, Cotton Ingrain 26, 25,
30, 36cts. Heavy, part wool
Ingrains, 35, 38, 40, 4dcts,
{all wool Ingrains 50, 55, GO,
T5cts, Brussels from 48c to
$1.25 per yard. Matting
from 124 to 50cts: per. yard,
We have Sst as a
very large line of children’ 8
knee pants, suits $1.25 up to
the best. Child’s knee pants
from 25cts. up to. the best.
Mens’ black, Cheviot ‘suits
from $6. 00 up, Men’s brown
mixed Cheviot suits 6.00, 7.-
0a: £60; 710,00, $12, 00.
Men's wood brown’ Cheviot
suits same prices.
Our’ Shoe Department is
the most complete in 'the
county. Men's dress shoesfor.
$2.00 are the, best two. ‘Gollar.
shoe ‘we ever saw, “Men's
dress shoe for $2: 50 as fife as
finest kid and very durable.
| Men’s. dress shoes’ for’ 2,00,
1,75; 1.50 and down addy
as $1.25. £5 !
“Qur stock is” donplate’” in
{all lines, the -largest stock
kept. outside - of New York
and Philufelphie,
LYONS $ ©.
30 15 3m.
i New Adv ertisements,
| Our Household Depart-
ment,located in the basement,
still leads any similar house
in Altoona in the variety and
low prices, and we intend to
keep it right there.” We do
not say thisin a spirit of
boasting, but simply: as an
{assertion of fact, for we do
not forget, as some’ do, that
no advertisement that pro-
mises more -than it can do,
and is misleading in state-
ments, can be of value to the
advertiser, but in the end
quite the reverse.
who has ever: visited our
basemant can deny that our
stock does not exeeed any-
thing ever shown in this city
"| betore for its wonderful var-
ticty and great beauty of many
things, or the reasonableness
of prices.
We are’ now selling out
our Japanese goods, much of |"
them of great beauty at less
such wares a chance for: un.
usual bargains. .. he!
We have some new. pieces
and widths ‘of Point a
things in Platte Valencien-
nes 12 inches, 10 to 25 cents,
Medium, = 15 to 32 cents,
Also a few pieces left of Em-
broidered = Demi-Flouncings,
very beautiful. In the Mil.
linery Department some very
handsome Silk = Mull . Hats
have been recéived this week.
| They. arg in white trimmed navy blue, cream
and red. Nothing prettier
of the kind have ever been
seen in’ this” city, and ‘they
will, rapidly follow the first
consignment 1 that Proved SO
: popula,
bascorys BALTZELLS,
Corner Elevefith Avenue
and Elevent street.
india . chads
Altoona, Pa,
sted Fauble's Clothing House. ,
estate to make immediate payment, and |
400 i RICES the fairest Hd
’k.'““have ever -known, «Ai; ov i
‘man’s all wool suit for $10,-°
; TT On
i a yx 7odO0RY The best in the U, 8, or, it oth ore
: the price,
mon . $7,00 buys an. all ey
: suit for your boy, such as will |
aes aoligon: ~ make. you wonder ‘how jist stu e/
4 i 5 | get ‘them.
rawirro-or $3,600 will
14 {I bi ago 1isn
('.. Forthe little Navsstio QRBE: Latin] tint
“who wear short pants, $3,00"'
dress them in
a nice new all wool garment,
fil-cent 01h rentost
+ Give us a call, ¥
everything that belongs to in
yor on have ever
We an is
our line, you can get what a
you want at’
Opposite Brockerhoff House.
37 26 3m. Bellefonte, Pa.
‘A.B. FARQUHAR CO., York, Pa.
No ouefn
than cost to get them out of,
| the way, as‘ We need the room.
This gives the ‘lovers ot all |
Ir. :
lande and some beautiful new |
with insertions to ‘match.
court of on Pleas;
"said court to report distribution “o
| work as good as
New Advertisements.
3 Tre r TIT
Is .in position at Bellefonte Centre
all and Millheim. /Ferritory in extent to suit
any parties.for the sale. of this valuable Gate
can be secured by SPTesonune with
37-24-4¢ Buffalo X Roads, Usion Co: Pa.
‘MILLE, i 10
Best Machinery at Lowest Prices.
- UDITOR’S : NOTICE.—In ithe
I Orphan’s Court of Centre county, Pa.,
in the matter of the estate of Barnhart Vieh:
dorfer, deceased, late of the township of
Burnside: The undersigned, having beerrap-
pointed an auditor by said Court, to hear and
pass upon the exceptions filed, restate the ac-
count, report advancements, if’ any, and ‘make
distribution of the funds to and amongst those
legally entitled to the same, gives notice that
© will attend to the duties of his appoint-
ment in the office of Orvis, Bower & Orvis, in
Bellefonte, Pa., on Friday, the 1st day of Th uly,
A.D. 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where
all patities interested are required to attend,
OHN F. POTTER, Auditor,
37- 22:3¢
In the assigned estate of Samuel RK.
Faust. Notice is hereby given that Samuel K.
Faust and vite have made a' general assign-
ment of the , Foperty of the former, in trust
for the benefit of his creditors to the under-
signed.’ All’ ‘persons indebted to the Waid
Samuel K, Faust are; uested to make pay-
ment, and those having c aims to Brosentt em
without, dela
ORMAN. Assignee, | 101,
Rebersburg, Pa:
Or, hig Sones,
| Bellefonte, Pa.
Jouy c. ‘MILLER bata sid
5 AGENCY. ns
Rentsor Sells property of all: Hind, Does a
general. .collection business, opens or, closes
0oks for firms or individuals.
peers! attention given to collection’ rents
business a¢eounts.
If you have any real estate for fala or Tent or
wish to rent or buy pro erty, call and’ see me
at! room 13, Criders ! Heiner Allegheny
street, Bellefonte, Pa. yics
O. P. Jones, cashier: v vs. Gheiter Munson.
In the court of Copied, Pleag, of Centre coun-
i, Jdgment ¥ 0. 120, May. term, 1891. Fi Fa,
No. 18, Jan. term, 1892.
Isaac Crawford. vs. Chester Munson, ‘Tn tho
of Centre county,
judgment No. 214, Nov. ‘term, 1801, 2 Fa. No.
hunter a dite ipted, b
e undersigned an au or p nted. by
3 Po the funds
in the hands of the Sheriff of Centre county
arising from the sale of the personal property
of Chester Munson under the above stated
writs of Fieri Facias hereby gives) notice that
he will meet: the parties interest,’ for the: du-
ties of his appointment, at his office, in. Belle-
onte, Pa., at 10 o'clock a. m. on Wednesday,
J une, 29, 1892. when and where all parties can
attend if they see proper. W. E. GRAY,
. 37 23 3t. Auditor,
Stationery, Furniture, Fuel, and other
n complianee : with: the Constitution and
laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
1 hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices be-
low maximum rates fixed in'schedules, to fur-
nish stationery, furniture, fuel and. other sup-
plies for the several departments of the State
Government, and for making repairs in the
several depaitments, and for the distribution
of the public documents. for the Joa ending
the first Monday of June,'A, D., 189.
Separate proposals will be Robstyen and sep-
arate contracts awaraed as announced in said
schedules. Each proposal must be accom-
panied by a bond with approved sureties, con:
ditioned for the faithful performance of the
contract, and addressed and delivered to, me
before twelve o'clock m. ., of Wednesday, the
28th day of June; A. D. 1892, at which time the
posts will be:opened and contracts award-
the Reception room of the Executive
Department, at Harrisbur, I
Blank bonds and schedules’ éontaining all
necessary information ean be obtained at this
; Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Beginning Thgrsday; J une
30, we will offer at about
one half price 560 yard of
white goods; 1 lot of leather
belts, and 1 lot of fine fans.
£9 ai)
These will be immense
bargai 8. ‘Three days only, |
Thur ay, Friday and Ser
urday. 4
Hi nou
No. 58 rine | Street
36/49 1y
oa 3 ( ellefonte, Pa.
IsTiightestin Weight," ''* Lightest in Draft,
Best and Most Dordnts Made."
Will pass through leven feet. No weight.
Ro Thellingand no Neok Weight. :
75 ly 28th, 1891,
AvLaaw, MiLLER & Co. .
‘Akron, Ohio:
DEAR Sir8 :—We the undersigned hav-
ing seen the Little Buckeye Banner Bind-
er, cut, take up, and tie standing and’lay-
ing and bad tangled grain, and it did the
ny machine that we
have ever seen. ours respectfully,
Prof. P. H. Melon! Boawt, Pa
Jacob Weber, 5 oy
Peter Kuhn, yi a A
Weber, bone
Samuel E.' ‘Weber, geil
W, L.Sellers, 14 j,i
David A. Stuart, 5
Ex. Treas, Cyrus! Goss, '¥
Cornelius Dale, Lemont, "0
J uly 28th, 1801,
Akron, Ohio:
"GENTS :—We the undersigned having
seen the Little Buckeye Banner Binder
cut, take up and tie standing, laying and
4 tangled grain, and the feel was dropped
forward and lower in laying grain, and
did the work better than any machine we
have seen, ours respectfully,
Cyrus Durst, Boalsburg, Centre ‘Co Pa.
“Wesley Meyer, G80 day
CH i Vober, {hom 1 yan
¥. W. Weber, has
A ahm Hess, a ah th
D. NV. Meyer. hx SE 1
Samuel Grove; i a
“David Bohn, # he
Wea invite the attention of PE Naruse
binders to give the Epilye Banner” a ria
Every machi ui
Soi, 0 Conte Cosy. Pe.
Akron, Ohio.
Branch Office—Harrisbu rg, Pa