DART IV RR Bema atc, Bellefonte, Pa., July I, 1892, «La Santa De Csbora, Something About the Young Mexican Girl Whose Powers of Healing are so Wonderful. A despatch from the City of Mexico says: Considerable excitement has been created at Guaymas, in the State of Sonora, by the arrest of a young girl called Teresa Urrea, who for some time past, has, on account of the marvellous cures effected by her, been an object of veneration in that primitive locality Teresa is now twenty years of age, of tall, slight and delicate build, with a dark olive complexion, and singularly expressive and penetrating black eyes. Cabora, her native place, is a small vil- lage of some three hundred inhabitants buried in the heart of the Sierra Madre. Her father is a well-to-do farmer, who has been it is said, almost impoverished by the crowds of pilgrims who have as- sembled from all parts of Sonora and Lower California, and have claimed his bounty. The most conspicuous edifice in the village is the parish church of San An- tonio de Pardua, one of the old mission stations established in the colonial per- iod by Franciscan Friars. Teresa, as a child, used to remain for hours praying in this church, but it ap- pears that nothing in her condition dis- tinguished her from other girls in her position, She was quiet and industrious and dutiful, and somewhat given to re- ligious contemplation. Her curing powers were developed some two years ago, and soon her fame spread far and wide over the Pacific Slope of this Re- public. Crowds of pilgrims trooped to the once quiet village of Cabora to re- ceive Teresa’s hearling touch. Indians from neighboring States often encamp- ed in thousands on the hillsides, as house accommodation in the village proved totally insufficient for the crowd of devotees. Eminent medical authorities testify the completeness and permanency of many cures wrought by this remarkable young girl, Some physicians who have studied the case say that Teresa is capable of self hypnotization. At all events, her touch was a cure. Her very lance alleviated painful symptoms, er pale, ‘spirtuelle face, her magical touch, the inspiration which glowed in her young face, Spies fascinated all who approached her, Throughout rural Mexico there is a widespread be- lief in witches, the Indians resorting to “las Brujas,” as they are called for light on mysteries, remedies for disease and fortune-telling. There is also much dread of the spells which these witches may east over people who ‘have incurred their enmity ; so, in Sonora, those were not wanting who regarded Teresa Utrrea as one of the most power- ful of witches. She had been seen at nightfall ascending to the clouds, disap- pearing above them, and it was even said, she rode on forked lighting. She was, it has been related, cousin to a mighty spirit, who had given her power over earth, air, and fire. Her fame has spread over the country and her gifts are not doubted by those who have examined all the evidence. She appears to be a girl ofa singularly sweet nature, given to meditation and mystic dreams and visions. n the course of time the authorities of the State of Sonora began to grow distrustful and jealous of the increasing authority and influence acquired by Teresa over the large masses of Indians. The gathering of large numbers of na- native tribes in whom discontent is latent and who still keep alive the flerce spirit of their ancestors and are in constant intercourse with the Yaquis and Mayos, who periodically rise in open revolt against the Mexican authorities, began to be reconsidered a menace to public tranquillity, more es- pecially as the Indians assembled at abora, under the magical influence of Teresa, were constantly wrought up to a high pitch of religious excitement, in which it would not have been difficult for a bold leader to engage them in any desperate und dangerous enterprise. Not long ago a group of 300 Mayo Indians attacked thelittle town of Nav- ajo, and it was observed that during their assault on the place their war cry was “Viva Teresa! Viva la Santa de Gabora!” Tt is not known that Teresa instigated this movement, or that sche even had any knowledge of it, It is more probable that the Indians used her name merely on account of the venera- tion with which they regard her, and in the belief that it would act as a pass- word to the triumph of their rebellion against the duly constituted authori- ties. _ But the authorities of Sonora deemed it wise to attempt to break the influence of which Teressa was the centre, and with the view of investigating whether she had any actual share in the Maro rebellion she was arrested and taken for the first time from her native village to Port Guaymas. Thence she was con- ducted, accompanied by her father, Thomas Urrea, to Nogales, on the American frontier, and itis now re- ported that she will be brought to this city. It is now hoped that by the re- moval of Teressa the ferment of popu- lar excitement which’ for the past two years has been growing more and more active in the neighborhood of Cabora and, indeed, all over the State of Sano- ra, will gradually subside. All for a Barley Corn. LaFontaine, in one of his fables, tells of a barnyard fowl that scratched up a gem, while scratching for corn. Not knowing its value, he gave it to a stone cutter for a barley corn Thus do many persons throw away the priceless pearl of health. A ‘‘trifling” cough is neg- lected, then comes Consumption, then death. Stay the cough or look out for a coffin, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will cure catarrh in the head, bronchial or throat affections, ‘or lung scrofula (commonly known as the con- sumption of the lungs.) If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it will cure, or the money paid for it will be refund- ed. Tt is the only guaranteed cure. ~——Java has more thunder storms than any other region in the world. A Wise Young Woman. Young Adolphus Fitzwilliam, he loved a fair maid, But to ask her to marry him he was afraid, Because of catarrh, which she had very bad; So much so that often the youth was quite lad To Ont at the parting, the kiss of the lover. The reason of this she set out to discover, *Cotsih makes me loathsome. It's fatal to ove. 0, darling Adolphus, by all that's above I vow I'll not lose thee if something there is To drive out catarrh and to sweeten a kiss.” So this wise young woman began searching for a cure, and good luck at- tended her. She found Dr. Sage’s Ca- tarrh Remedy, at the drug store, and felt convinced that a preparation which the proprietors had such confidence in that they were willing to offer to pay $500 for a case they cannot cure, must be worth trying. She bought it. She tried it. It cured her. Ard when Adolphus kissed her at the altar last week, her kiss was as sweet and pure as roses in June. Girls, a word of advice: If you want a lover to stay a lover, you must get rid of catarrh. Do as this sensible girl did, and get the only sure remedy for this disgusting and dangerous disease— Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. An Armless Painter. There is an armless man living in Ant- werp who paints, using his toes, and who is above the average as a copyist. Injthe gallery he is as much of a show as are the pictures. His indifference to surroundings leads an observer to for- get this is a creature of flesh and blood and soul. Butone woman saw deeper. She was sitting near when a letter was handed the artist. He took it in one foot and a dexterous toe of the other slit a side of the envelope open. The letter came and was read, with a visibly fallen face and distressed look. The armless man evidently had bad news. He refolded the sheet, a toe gliding along the edges creasing them exactly a3 you use your thumb when in a medi- tative mood. Then the foot came up to the breast pocket and tucked the letter in, This was all done so easily that it seemed impossible these feet were not hands, but when a foot flew up to the face and with the back of the big toe brushed a tear from the armless man’s eye, then, indeed, he ceased to be a ma- chine. His sorrow seemed deeper than other men’s sorrows. He arose Slipped his feet into low shoes and went sadly out. It was a pathetic picture, to be always hung in the memory gallery be- side the Rubens and the Quentin Mal- sys canvasses of the Antwerp Musem, A LirrLE GIRL'S EXPERIENCE IN A LieETHOUSE.—Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are keepers of the Gov. Light- house at Sand Beach Mich. and are blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Measles, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was & mere ‘handful of bones.””—Then she tried Dr. King’s New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King’s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a bot- tle fres at Parrish’s Drugstore. A Cloud Burst. Lock Haven, Pa., June 20.—A cloudburst in Gorman valley, this coun- ty, last night caused great damage to crops and swept away fences, bridges and outbuildings on farms. On Plum run Robert Kalenbach and family were fleeing from their home which was in- undated. He had his 6-months-old child in his arms and fell. The child was recovered this morning half a mile away. No other lives were lost. The barn of George Thompson, in Dunsta- ble township, was struck by lightning and burned with its contents, including two horses. The loss is estimated at $4,000, Partly insured. The loss to farmers cannot be estimated as only meager particulars have been received so far. ~——Cholera infantum has lost its ter- rors since the introduction of Chamber- berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. When that remedy is used and the treatment as directed with each bottle is followed, a cureis certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent mer- chant at Waltersburg, Ill., says: “It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after several other remedies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any medicine.” 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. P. Green, Druggist. Excursion CLUB TO ATTEND THE WorLp’s FAIR. —If you have any de- sire to visit the World’s Fair at Chicago bear in mind that the United World’s Fair Excursion Co. is asound organi- zation, with ample capital to fulfill their promises. The company sells tickets on the installment plan. Apply to A. H. Roby Sect. 403 Exchange Building Boston. ——My catarrh was very bad. For thirty years I have been troubled with it—have tried a number of remedies without relief. A druggist advised Ely’s Cream Balm. I have used only one bottle and I can say I feel like a new man. I make this voluntary state- ment that others may know of the Balm.—J. W. Mathewson, (Lawyer), Pawtucket, R, I. ATE, A sort of a betwixt and between hat is asort of rolling sailor, with a top crown set on over a puff of silk, and trimmed with stiff spikes of flowers or the coque’s plumes that are coming in- to form once more in slender curling rings under the title‘of Mephisto aigrettes. ——Have you read how Mr. W. D. Wentz, of Geneva, N. Y., was cured of the severest form of dyspepsia? He says everything he ate seemed like pour. ing melted lead into his stomach. Hood’s Sarsaparilla effected a perfect cure. Full particulars will be sent if you write C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, ——Salt removes fruit stains from the | bands if moistened with a little lemon juice, BuckLEN’S ARNIC SALVE.—The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos- itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. M. Parrish. Business Notices. “ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria: When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Cas- toria. 86 14 2y ERSTE REE Eminent Facts. The questlon is often asked and scarcely ever answered, why whiskey made now is not as pure and reliable as it was forty years ago. It is nevertheless a fact that it is made purer and better to-day than at time. With the im- proved methods fusil oil and other impurities are entirely eliminated. A sworn statement as to the purity age and quality of the whisky sold is furnished by one dealer who advertises full quarts, six year old pure Penn’a Rye, ag $1.00 per quart. Duquesne $1.25 per quart. Port, Sherry, Sweet California Wines at 50c A complete catalogue and price list of all for. eign and domestic iiquors mailed on applica- tion b; y MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal street, 87-10 1y Allegheny, Pa. New Advertisements. ITCHING CHILDREN NO SLEEP AT NIGHT. NO REST BY DAY. HOW THESE LITTLE ONES HAD TO SUFFER. CUTICURA TOOK ALL OF THIS ITCH OUT OF THEIR SKINS IN SIX WEEKS. LEFT NOT A BLEMISH. My children, nine in number, were all troub- led with an itching of the skin. They could not sleep at night, and through the day my wife felt ashamed to see the way those little ones had to suffer. So we concluded to try Cuticura Remedies, and believe if we had not used your valuable remedies our little family would not have n cured yet. Outicura Remedies took all of this itch out of their skins inside of six weeks. My wife then bought more, and kept on giving it to the children, and thank God an your valuable Cuticura Remedies, my children have not got a blemish on them ROBERT SHUMAN, president Bricklayers Union No. 18, Elizabeth CZEMA 10 YEARS CURED I purchased and used Cuticura with the most gratifying results. I was troubled with ecze- ma in the form of salt rheum for ten years,and had quite despaired of being cured. Cuticura with the help of the Cuticura Soap and Cuticu- ra Resolvent, has permanently removed my oi and left my flesh sound and ealthy. JAMES T. WILSON, Manufacturing Chemist, 62 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. CUTICURA REMEDIES If the thousands of little babies who have been cured of agonizing, itching, burning bleeping, scaly, and blotchy skin and scalp diseases could write, what a host of letters would be received by the proprietors of the Cuticura Remedies. Few can appreciate the azony these little ones suffer, and when these creat remedies relieve in a ‘single application the most distressing eczemae and itching and burning skin disease, and point to a speedy and permanent cure, it is positively jinhuman not to use them without a moment's delay. Sold everywhere. Price, Curicura 50c.; Soap, 25¢.; RESOLVENT, $1.00. Prepared by the Por- TER DRUG AND CHEMICAL ComrproRATION, Boston. A%~Send for “ How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. and beautified by Cuticura Soap. Ab- BAe Skin and Scalp purified solutely pure. In one minute the Cuticura Anti-Pain aster relieves rheumatic, sciatic, hip, kid- ney, chest, and muscular pains and weak- nesses. Sn Hr, FROM RHEUMATISM.,— | Farmer's Supplies. {)OUTH BEND CHILLED PLOWS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GRAIN DRILLS, ASPINWALL POTATO PLANTER PRICES REDUCED. Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse Cultivator, with two rowed Corn Planter Attachment. PRICES REDUCED. Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surreys of the finest quality. PRICES REDUCED. CONKLIN WAGONS, CHAMPION WAGONS, FARM CARTS, WHEEL-BARROWS. PRICES REDUCED. Champion Rock Crusher and Champion Road Machines, BARBED WIRE, both link and hog wire. PRICES REDUCED. CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, PUMPS, FEED CUTTERS, ‘LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS, FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. The best Implements for the least money guaranteed. Office and Store in the Hale building. 36 4 McCALMONT & CO. Gas Fitting. M. GALBRAITH, Plumber and Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa. Pays perticular attentien to heatin; buildings by steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix ruest, &e. 20 26 Sechler & Co. Pure Malt Whisky. Fhe SELECTED —=——=BLENDED TEAS .==— Jo[ 1t is a pretty well settled principal with all ex- pert tea men that the highest perfection in tea can- not be attained from any one kind or variety of tea plant. But that the best value and choicest flavor can be obtained only by a skillful blending of care- Jully selected high grade goods of different varieties. When teas are perfectly blended the original flav- or of each variety disappears in the blend, and from the combination we get something entirely new and much finer than any of the original flavors. We have a new blend of our own. In the prepa- ration of which we have spent considerable time and labor and have also had the aid and counsel of sev- eral as good tea men as are to be found in the Unit- ed States. It is with entire confidence that we of- Jer the goods for sale and unhesitatingly claim them 20 be very superior both in value and flavor. If you want a cup of ROYAL TEA, try our new blended goods. We also carry a full line of Teas, Oolongs, Ja- pan, Young Hyson, Imperials, Gunpowder, Eng- lish Breakfast, also several grades of blended goods, and can suit the trade on anything in the tea line. You may not be exactly suited on the goods you are using, and we feel confident that you will be able to get from us just what you are wanting. We sell Jine teas at very reasonable prices. Try them. We have a clean dry sugar 80s for jocts. the cheapest sugar ever sold in Bellefonte. Respectfully, SECHLER & CO. 36-45 BELLEFONTE, Pa. Liquors. Qcvipr BUILDING.— o—THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLE TE—o ~+||——WINE, LIQUOR AND CIGAR HOUSE fl+~ {——IN THE UNITED STATES,~} o——ESTABLISHED 1836. 0 | DISTILLER o AND o JOBBER 1—OF—t FINE— 8 —WHISKIES. Telephone No. 662, em () meen IMPORTER OF G. W. SCHMIDT, WINES, LIQUORSANDC CIGARS, No. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. mp ree A-All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. 36-21-1yr; Printing. Printing. oe JOB PRINTING. Fine Job Printing Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job|Printing. Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING} Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Joh Printing. Fine Job Printing. —far THE WATCHMAN OFFICE.{— 262115 — PEiayes PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY] DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, and all wasting diseases can be ENTIRELY CURED BY IT. Malaria is completely eradicated frem he system by its use. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY revives the energies of those worn with exces. sive bodily or mental effort, It acts as a SAFE GUARD de exposure in the wet and rigo- rous weather. Take part of a wineglassful on your home ar the labors of the day Tr gid quantity before your breakfast. Being chemi- cally pure, it commends itself to the medica. profession. WATCH THE LABEL. None genuine unless bearing the signature , of the rn on the label. z M. & J. 8. PERRINE, 8136 1y 88)N. Third 8t., Philadelphia, Book Bindery. urease BOOK BINDERY. [Established 1852.] Havjne the latest improved machinery I am repared to BIND BOOKS AND MAGAZINES of A or 3 ind od bed, pecial attention given e ru paper and manufacture of BLANK BOOKS. Orders will be received at this office, or ad- dress F. L. HUTT ; Book Binder, Third and Market > 25 18 Harrisburg, Pa. Saddlery. SCHOFIELD NEW HARNESS HOUSE. We extend a most cordial invitation to pax patrons and the public, in general, to witnees one of the GRANDEST DISPLAYS OF Light and Heavy Harness ever put on the Bellefonte marked; which, wii be made in the large room, formerly occup by H r Bros., on Spring street. It has bee: added I my factory and will be used exclu- sively for the sale of harness, being the first exclusive salesroom ever used in Ole town, as heretofore the custom has been to sell goods in the room in which they were made. This elegant room has been refitted and furnished with glass cases in which the harness can be nicely displayed and still kept away from heat and dust, the enemies of long wear in leather. Our factory now occupies a room 16x74 feet and the store 20x60 added makes i$ the largest establishment of its kind outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. We are prepared to offer better bargains tn the future than we have done in the past and we want everyone to see our goods and get prices for when you do this, out of self defense ip will buy. - Our profits are not large, but y selling lots of goods we can afford to live in Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle philanthropy. It is purely business. We are not making much, but trade is growing and that is what we are interested in now. ofits will take care of themselves. When other houses discharged their work- men during the winter they were all put to work in my factory, nevertheless the bi a houses of this city and county would smile we compared ourselves to them, but we do no mean to be so odious, except to venture the as- section that none of them can say, as we can say “NO ONE OWES US A CENT THAT WE CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story. The following are Fehioonsandy on hand. 50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, prices from $8.00 to $15.00 and upwards, LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY HARNESS per set $25.00 and dpwards, 500 HORS COLLARS from $1,50 to $5,00 each, over $100.00 worth of HARNESS OILS and AXLE GREASE, $400 worth of Fly Nete sold cheap $150 worth of whips from 15¢ to $3.00 each, Horse Brushes,Cury Combs Sponges, Chamois, RIDING SADDLES, LADY SIDESADDLES Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25¢ ger pound. We Lg everything to be found ina FIRST CLASS HARNESS STORE—no chang- ing, over 20years in the same room. No two shops in the same town to catch trade—NO SELLING OUT for the want of trade or prices. Four harness-makers at steady work this win. ter, This is our idea of protection to labor, when other houses discharged their hands, they soon found work with us. JAS. SCHOFIELD, Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa. 33 37 Illuminating Oil. e ROWN ACME. THE BEST BURNING OIL FHAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives 4 Brilliant Light. It will not Smoke the Chimney. It will Not Char the Wick. It has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode, It is without an equal AS A SAFETY FAMILY OIL. We stake our reputation as refiners that IT I8 THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by ACME OIL CO,, 84 85 1y Williamsport, Pa. For sale a reiaillby W, T. TWITMIRE,