Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 03, 1892, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., June 3, 1892.
To CorresPoNDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——Don’t forget the base ball on
Wednesday afternoon.
——Just one week from next Sunday
will be Baccalaureate Sabbath at the
Penna, State College.
~—Tyrone vs. Bellefonte at the
park Wednesday afternoon. A great
game is expected.
-— Photographer Harry Shaffer, + ~
this place, rode down to Lock Haven,
on Monday, on his bicycle.
——An ex-Bellefonte council man
undertook to paint Williamsport red on
Saturday night and his vermilion cost
$7.60 the next morning.
——The Junior class of the Pennsyl-
vania State College will give a farewell
Assembly to the classof’92, on Wednes-
day evening, June 15th.
——The Gazette says the Bellefonte
club is going to win the Mountain
League pendant. We wonder what our
boys will hang it on after they get it.
— On Wednesday morning “Dutch
Pete’ or Peter Schmidt, a Millheim
blacksmith, committed suicide by
drowning in the Wolf's dam near Cen-
tre Mills. Drink is assigned as the
——Will Herlinger, of Philipsburg,
wag in Bellefonte, on Saturday, and
passed the preliminary examinations
requisite to registering as a law student.
He wil] read with Atty, Zeigler of
——Mr. Archey Allison, the Junior
* partnerin the Logan Machine Works
company, of this place, will marry Miss
Rachel Humes, at her home, on North
Allegheny street, on Thursday evening,
June 9th, at 6-30 p. m.
In the language of our reporter
Dr. Geo. W. Atherton, president of the
Pennsylvania State College, “made a
fine talk” atthe memorial day services
at Pine Grove Miles” and every one
was carried away with him,
——Philipsburg has mapped out a
great time for her 4th of July celebra-
tion, but the projectors of the scheme
have been so liberal with committee-
ship honors that few citizens will be left
tostand along the streets to cheer the
—— Elsewhere in the columns of this
issue will be found a letter from a Ger-
man gentleman named Joe Wind. He
is from Easton, Northampton county,
and hig letter mentions many Centre
countains and is very interesting. Read
it if you ean.
—-Tyrone vs. Bellefonte next
Wednesday. The first League cham.
pionship game at the park. Special
train, over the Bellefonte Central, will
leave the station at 2.15 and return
immediately after the game. Excur-
sion rates from all points on the Cen-
tral railroad.
-— George Harpster, the ever jolly
and first class blacksmith, dropped in
for a short chat, on Tuesday morning.
He had just returned from Havana, N,
Y., where he has been building railroad
for the past thirteen months and looks as
though life in the Empire state had
agreed with him.
—~— Rev. Black and wife, of Boals-
burg, were stormed by a donation party
on last Thursday afternoon. The pres-
ent bearers were from his Boalsburg,
Pine Grove Mills, Pine Hall and Houser-
ville Reformed congregations and all had
a most enjoyable time, leaving the good
dominics’ larder overflowing,
—— The Zicn band sported natty new
uniforms on Decoration day and were
admired by everyone. It didn’t do quite
the square thing with the down town
people, however, as we didn’t get to
hear any of its always appreciable
music. The musicians from Pleasant
Gap were out strong and played with a
vigor that was refreshing.
—W. I. Fleming, Esq., bas been
appointed Grand Marshall of the Grand
Commandery K, T. of Pennsylvania,
one of the most honoralfle and desirable
positions the Knights of the Keystone
State confer. We congratulate Mr.
Fleming on his promotion to a such a
high office and congratulate the
Knights on having selected so distin.
guished a looking a gentleman to lead
—— The Bellefonte base-ball club
went to Philipsburg, on Monday, to
play an exhibition game and far out-
played the Philipsburg team, but the
umpire stalled them and they were de-
feated 4 to 1. The game was character-
ized by a number of pretty plays and
tie pitching of Saylor and Scott, both
of whom were exceptionally effective.
Bellefonte played with three errors.
On next Wednesday Tyrone will open
the championship season here and the
park will be ready.
Sacred to the memory of our heroic
dead is the 30th of May, when nature is
blossoming into the beauties of summer
and brings forth her most fragrant
flowers. ‘We pluck them; consecrate
them to the memory of loved ones, who
slumber in the sombre city of the dead,
and the day is done.” Time rolls on and
when another day will have come more
saddened hearts will be weeping over
newly made graves and new sorrows
will have come to those who on Monday
had naught of their owm to commemo-
The day dawned threating and foggy
and everyone feared that we were to
have the showery day which has charac-
terized the Memorial for years, but by
10 o’clock the sun began to peep
through the clouds, the mist cleared
away and by noon everything was
bright and pleasant #s a typical May
day. The morning trains brought
many strangers fo town, who found dif-
ferent means of amusement. Fishing
base ball, cycling, promenading and
other pastimes kept most engaged until
2-30 when the parade was formed. All
morning Gregg post rooms were a scene
of bustle, for ’twas there that the flow-
ers were being prepared for use at the
different cemeteries.
Promptly at 2-80 the parade moved
off from the Diamond. The Pleasant
Gap band struck up a lively quickstep
and when the chief marshall cried “for-
ward, march” the line took step and
proceeded over the route given in the
‘WATCHMAN several weeks ago. After
the Gap band the order was as follows :
A carriage containing Gen. J.P. S.
Gobin, of Lebanen, the orator of the day
ex-Governor Curtin and Jas. H. Ran-
kinBsq,; ® A. B. posts; Co. B,
5th Reg. XN. G. P.; Zion band; Camp
447, P. 0. S. of A. and camp 839 P. O.
S. of A. These organizations made a
very flne showing and the parade was
enjoyed by all who saw it, though the
absence of the fire companies was notic-
ed. They usually take part and add
much to the beauty of the line und as
this was the first year they have missed
for some time it was natural that their
absence should have been noted.
‘When the Union cemetery was reach-
ed a hollow square was formed and a
preliminary seryice of decorating four
graves was gone through with, after
which Gen. Gobin delivered the oration
All of the soldier mounds were then
marked and the parade visited the Cath-
olic and Quaker burying grounds to per-
form memorial services over the graves
of heroes there interred. The different
organizations then returned. to their
quarters and dismissed.
Special to the WATcEMAN--This
city and the town of Milesburg united
in the decoration of the scldiers graves
at this place, the Advent church and
Cuartin’s Works. Tha morning was very
foggy with every indication of a rainy
day yet the admirers of flowers and
loving kindness were early and busily
engaged in culling choice specimens for
the occasion and conveying them to
Wetzler’s hall, where fair ladies and
sweet maidens planned choicest bouquets
and wreaths for departed ones. The
day however proved to be a delightful
one except that it was very warm in the
sun. Thebard and the different organ-
izations of the place were fully equipped
and did full horor to the occasion. In
the morning the Advent cemetery was
visited and a pleasant impromptu ad-
dress was made by Rav. Woodcock, of
Bellefonte, after strewing of flowers up-
on the graves of the deceased soldiers.
In the afternoon, at 2 o’clock, the Cur-
tin cemetery was visited and the party
returned to this place at 4 o'clock and
marched to the DMilesburg cemetery
where similar ceremonies were engaged
in and concluded by an oration from C,
M. Bower Esq., of Bellefonte, in a touch-
ing and eloquent manner. His beautiful
flights into the flowery world were
charming and captivated every lover of
the true and beautiful. His words of
kindness were alike ameliorating to the
friends of the deceased soldiers and to
the friends of the lost cause and his con-
clusions admirably tended to cement to-
gether the affections of the whole na-
tion, making it one and in separable, we
trust, for all time. He delivered the
same oration at Curtins cemetery at 2
o'clock. A large concourse of people at-
tended with full gratification in those
Out at the Gap the memorial services
were held athalf past nine o’clock in the
morning so that the people from there
could-help celebrate at this place al-
80. The Lutheran church was the
meeting place for all the people and a
goodly crowd assembled to hear the
services in its cemetery, Revs. Trostle
and Leidy officiating. The latter deliv-
ering the oration. After all of the
graves at that place had been marked
the band played an appropriate air and
the line paraded to the Methodist church
where similar services were held and R.
W. Alexander orated over the soldier
graves at that place. The day was
quietly spent and the cher'shed memo-
ries of loved ones linger with them.
Special to the WATCHMAN. —Memor-
ial day was very appropriately observed,
throughout the township, by Capt.
Campbell Post, 272 or by detail at each
place the Sunday school children and
citizens took much interest and piles of
flowers and wreathes bedecked the
graves of our fallen comrades.
In the early morning rain was falling
and continued until 8 o'clock. Not-
withstanding the inclement weather the
roads were lined with conveyances lead-
ing to the various cemeteries and by 9
o’clock the clouds raised, the rays of old
Sol poured down the near way and the
balance of the day was all that could
have been desired: 10 o’clock found the
Post boys at Fairbrook cemetery, where
a good sprinkling of citizens assembled
to witness the ceremonies, under com-
mand of Commander Port. Elegant
music was furnished, by the Fairbrook
choir, which is always ready for ‘an
emergency, with Miss Campbell as or-
ganist. Rev. Glover, of Stata, College
delivered a very elegant address of 80
minutes length, during which time he
held the audience spell bound and every
body was pleased.
2 o'clock p. m. found the boys at Pine
Grove cemetery, where they were assist-
ed by a large number of Sunday school
scholars. The Pine Grove band had
the right of column that escorted Presi-
dent G. W. Atherton, of State College,
and others to the cemetery where they
were greeted with elegant music, fur-
nished by a well trained choir, in charge
of W. J. Meyer, with Miss Mary Ward
as organist. The Decoration services
gone through with Dr. Atherton was
introduced and for forty minutes ad-
dressed the large assemblege that had
gathered to hear him. Rev. Aikens
invoked the divine blessing and Rev.
Glover pronounced the benediction and
the May day services were over.
The next objective point was Pine
Hall, at 6 o'clock, where details of Capt.
Foster pcst and Capt. Campbell post
joined by State College P, O. 8. of A:
in full regalia beautified the procession,
which was headed by Lemont Drum
Corps and the State College band.
Chaplain Sauers invoked the divine
blessing. Commander Port had charge
of services. Prof. Roop, of State College,
and Rev. C. T. Aikens orated and held
the audience for an hour or more with
interesting reminiscences of
The ties of comrades love once made
Mark the graves where they are laid.
Post services over, the College band
then garlanded a deceased member’s
grave. Rev. Glover pronounced the
benediction when ranks were broken
and every body retired well pleased with
the day they had spent.
——The Democrat, of Lock Haven,
says the Normal school base ball club
defeated the State Cullege team,last Sat-
urday,which is a mistake. The Normal
school team couldn’t touch the College
club. The game it won was from the
R. M. Fosters, an amatuer organization,
made up of boys in the village.
———1It seems too bad that a more
friendly relaticn does not exist between
the young people of this place and those
of Milesburg. They never come into
contact with each other without a fight
and such a condition of aftairs is cer-
tainly to be deplored, We are not posi-
tive which are to blame; but it looks as
though Milesburg’s boys acted in a very
discourteous manner toward the High
school ball club on Monday.
—On Tuesday a Clearfield lock
smith opened the safe in which Robert
Taylor, the Philipsburg hotel keeper,
had placed his valuables before his
death which occurred nearly two years
ago: Noone knew the combination
and afteraboutan hour and a half’s
hard work the expert shot back the
bolts and the door swung open. The
books in the safe were covered with
green mould and a whole family of
spiders held forth with webs of varied
sizes. Mr. Taylor's diamonds and watch,
together with all his papers, were there
Mrs. Emanuel Brown died very sudden-
ly at her home, at the Fountain house,
on Saturday evening. All day she
had been going about as usual and just
a few moments before sho was stricken
she walked over to her husband's gro-
cery store a few doorsawsy. Returning
she sat down in the office of the hotel
for a few minutes and when she went to
get up a faintness caused her to cry
for help, Her daughter Jennie and a
Miss Campbell responded and every-
thing possible was done to save her,
but she died in the arms of Miss Camp-
bell. Heart disease from which she had
been suffering for some time was the
Deceased was a daughter of John
Frank, deceased, of Aaronsburg, and
was one of fourteen children all of
whom preceded her to the grave except
Thos. Frank who still lives on the old
homestead. She was sixty years old
and a most excellent woman indeed.
Always kind to a fault and faithful in
her attendance at the Lutheran cburch.
A husband and four children are left
to moura her sudden demise. They are
Mrs. J. A. Feidler, Messrs. John and
Clayton and Miss Jennie Brown.
Bie Fire AT Scorria.—The insurance
companies had been having a hard
+ time of it in this county last week, and
this one started off in a way that must
have made them feel a trifle blue. The
losses of companies represented by “one
agent in this place will foot up to $48,-
000 and many others, were in it too.
Early Sunday morning the ore town
of Scotia was startled by the cry of
“fire” and a response showed that the
general merchandise store of Hoover &
Emerick was fast being consumed by
flames. The fire originated about as
follows: Mr. Hoover, the senior part.
ner, had gotten up about four o’clock
in the morning with the intention of
driving his wife over to Unionville, for
breakfast with Mr. Emerick’s family,
and before starting went to oil his bug-
gv. Asit wes not yet daylight he lit a
lamp in tha ware room of the store so he
could see tu get the oil and the “Jack”
for his buggy. The things were found
and he started out, intending to leave
the lamp burning until he should return
with them. After he had been at the
stable for some time, and while in the
act of harnessing the horse, he noticed it
becoming uneasy. Finally its snorts
and jumping aroused his curiosity and
he went to the stable door to look out,
when he beheld smoke pouring out of
roof just above the place he had left the
lamp, He raninto the building, but
the flames had made such headway that
nothing could be done. The books were
all that was saved.
Mr. Hoover’s house stood about twen-
ty feet distant and the flames quickly
spread to it, but the household effects
were nearly all gotten out.
The buildings belonged to Jno. Mat-
tern and it is not known whether they
were insured or not. Hoover & Emer-
ick’s $3,000 worth of stock was fully in-
Mgrs. MARY SHROM.—AY fifteen min-
utes before two o’clock, on Saturday
morning, the death of this most esteem-
ed woman occurred, at her home, on east
Lamb street. After an illness of months
she was called from this scene of labor
and trouble into eternal life, and her
sleep in the grave will be one of rest and
peace, for when the trumpet of the
Archangel shall call ail tothe judgment
her soul will respond with the assurance
that its Maker is waiting to take it.
She was a daughter of the late Jos. 1.
Pruner, one the pioneers of Central
Pennsylvania and was born in this place
December 16th, 1829. She was one of a
family of eight children, only the fol-
lowing surviving : Edward J., of Ty-
rone; Joseph D., and Mrs, Sarah E.
Hoffer, of Bellefonte, and the following
children—Ed ward, of Bellefonte ; Dav-
id, in the far west; Mrs. Frank Gilbert,
of Brooklyn ; Mrs. Margaret Skeins, of
Pottstown ; Mrs. Martin Haines and
John, of Gazzam, Clearfield county ;
Mrs. Joseph Cowdrick, of Johnstown ;
Mrs. Charles Watson, of Snow Shoe,
and Misses Lizzie and Clara, who made
their home with their mother on’ Lamb
street. Funeral services were held at
her late home Tuesday morning at 10
a. m., and were conducted by the Rev.
W. A. Houck, of the Methodist Episco-
pal church, Rev. Mr. Noll of the Ger-
man Reform church assisting. Mrs.
Schrom had been a life-long, consistent
member of the Methodist Episcopal
church, in which faith she died.
A Narrow Escape.--Oa Monday
evening, about six o’clock, Wash. Stine,
of Pleasant Gap, met with an accident
which came very nearly ending his life,
The Pleasant Gap band had been here
all day playing for the Memorial services
and the boys were returning in their
long hack. Everyone was jubilant af-
ter the day’s outing and they were sing-
ing and enjoying themselves until the
toll house on the Lewistown pike,
was reached. Just after the team was
driven through a trace came loose and
Stine, the driver, jumped off to fasten it
again. When he had slipped it on the
singletree be hit the two mules, which
were at the pole, a siap and started to
jump up to hisseat. Unfortunately the
team started off at & trot and Stine’s
toot slipped off the hub and in between
the spokes; like a flash he was whirled
around with the wheel ; making several
revolutions before the wagon could be
stopped. When he was picked up he
presented a most distressing sight.
Blood was flowing from bruises and cuts
at every part of his body and the poor
fellow had become unconscious from his
awful suffering. He was carried into
the toll house, where they kept him un-
til Tuesday morning when he was taken
home. At first he was thought to have
been fatally injured, but later informa-
tion is to the effect that he will recover.
Joe W. Furey Our AcaIN.—Joe
W. Furey, editor of Lock Haven Dem-
ocrat, has recovered far enough from an
illness of almost four months’ duration
to be out again, much to the delight of
the brilliant gentleman’s many friends.
It is a source of pleasure to see Mr.
Furey moving about, and we know we
echo the sentiment of all when we say,
may his life from now on be as free of
sickness and sorrow as the falling snow
lie of blemish, We greet you, Mr.
! Furey, and in the words of Rip Van
{ Wrinkle, “may you live long and fros-,
‘per. —L. H. Democrat.
——Baseball at the park on Wednes
day afternoon:
——Ladies blazers in tans and other
light shades $3.00 $3.50 and upward.
Lyon & Co.
——The 5th Regiment N. G. P. will
encamp at Blairsville, Pa., from Au-
gust 6 to 14th inclusive.
——The Mountain League base ball
season opened, in Tyrone, on Monday
when the home team defeated the
Clearfield team by the score of 18 to 6.
——The best styles of mens dress
Pants B20, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5.00.
yon & Co.
——ZRudolf Shafer, a Huntingdon
brick layer, committed suicide, by shoot-
ing, in the cellar of Hazlett Bros. store,
on Saturday morning. Melancholia
was the cause.
—— Mens black dress suits $8.00, 8,50
9.00,10.00, 12.00 and 15.00. Lyon &
Co. ’
——W. H. Losch, of Larry’s Creek,
Pa., wrote the best article on ¢Good
Roads” and won the bicycle offered by
the Pope M'f’g. Co., for Pennsylvania's
best production. He is attending the
Lock Haven Normal school.
—— Boys suit $1.20 1.50 1.75 2.00
and upward Lyon & Co.
——Charles Cleary, the Renovo mur-
derer, whose sentence to be hanged
Governor Pattison last week commuted
to imprisonment for life, passed through
Bellefonte, on the day expressed, Wed-
nesday morning, He was on his way
to the Western penitentiary.
WANTED.—50,000 pounds of wool a
Lyon & Co’s. Unwashed preferred.
——Lock Haven is trying to get the
Beech Creek railroad extended from
Castanea to that place. The present
station is nearly two miles distant and
the Lock Haven people have an idea
that it the Beech Creek enters their town
it will forthwith prosper. $25,000 is re-
quired to build the road.
——We have a communication about
the reopening of the Evangelical church
at Lemont, which will take place on
Sunday, June 5th, at 10 o’cloock a. m.,
but our strict rule respecting anony-
mous communications forbids our pub-
lishing it. Will our friends kindly
sign their names and if they don’t care
tohave them appended to the article
we will cut them off, but we must know
who the contributor is.
——An exchange tells of the follow-
ing quick “nd easy way to cure gapes ;
—*‘‘Here is said to be a never failing
mode of curing gapes in chickens :
Hold the fowl in one hand, and with
the thumb and fore-finger of the other
compress the windpipe or trachea at the
lowest accessible point, almost but not
quite severely enough to choke. Then
remove the fingers and in a moment or
two repeat the performance a little
higher up. Keep on in the same way,
and as the head is approached the pa-
tient will throw up a mouthful of worms
—and the thing is done.
——A man, who does not read the ad-
vertisements in the newspapers, stepped
into McCalmont & Co.’s store the other
day and after looking over our imple-
ments, road carts, buggies and surries,
remarked to Mr. Isaac Underwood, that
“Iam just out $15.00 in the purchase of
a buggy.” He remarked further “thers
is a better buggy for $15.00 less than the
one I bought.” ¢“Thatis what a man
pays, for not looking around.” MecCal-
mont & Co., have a full line of fine road
carts, buggies and surries oan the bar-
gain counter. We are very sure if any
of our readers want anything in this line
they will get the best rigs for the least
money at McCalmont & Co.'s mam-
moth store room, where there is & large
stock to select from.
Tae Heprasorus BANQUET. —In our
last week’s issue wo mentioned the fact
that J. N. Tillard, Achron of the Al-
toona conclave of the Improved Order
of Heptasophs, had come to Bellefonte
for the purpose of incepting a chapter
in this place. His efforts were satisfac-
torily rewarded and on last Friday night
a party of gentlemen assembled in the
rooms cf Gregg post ready to be initiat-
ed into the mysteries of this fraternal
and beneficial secret society. A per-
manent organization was soon effected
and the following officers elected : Past
Archon, J. W. Alexander; Archon, J.
S. McCarger ; Provost, Moyer Lyon :
Prelate, H. K. Hoy, M. D.; Secretary,
H, H. Harshberger; Financier, F. E.
Naginey ; Treasurer, C. C. Shuey; In-
spector, W. R. Brachbill; Warder,
Charles H. Levan, Sentinel, J. M,
Lieb; Trustees, A. C. Mingle, Jno.
Sourbeck, Jas. I McClure.
After the business, incident to
the inception of such an order, had
been transacted the party adjourned to
Achenbach’s restaurant where covers
had been laid for thirty and caterer
Achenbach served them with oae of his
finest banquets. Toasts were responded
to by different gentlemen present and
all left the place after having spent a
enjoyable evening, The WATCHMAN
wishes the new order unlimited success.
day morning, says the Lock Haven Ez-
press, Sheriff W. H, Everhart received
the order from Harrisburg which com-
manded the Warden of the Western pen-
itentiary to receive Charles Cleary and
keep him in close confinment during the
eutire portion of his natural life. The
document is similar in appearance to
the warrant for Cleary’s execution and
was given by the Governor in accord.
‘ance with “the power conferred upon
him by the Constitution. A letter ac-
companying the order informed the Sher-
iff that he is to give the document to the
Warden of the penitentiary and that
the official will retain it. The order is
dated Wednesday, May 25th, the date
on which the commutation of sentence
was recommended by the Board of Par-
dons. Thedeath warrant commanding
the Sheriff to execute Charles Cleary
was dated April 4th.
Young Mens black and brown
cheviot suits 5.00, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00,
9.00 and 10.00. Lyon & Co.
exchange gives the following explana-
tion of an editor's continual hard-up-
ness: ‘Country editors always remain
poor, but that is because they are not
mean enough to get rich. It is only nec-
essary to trust nobcdy ; to befriend none,
to get everything and save all you get ;
to stint ourselves and everybody belong-
ing to us; to be friend to no man and
have no man for our friend; to heap
interest upon interest, cent upon cent;
to te mean, miserly and despised for,
some thirty years, and riches will come
as sure as disease and disappointment,
And when pretty near enough wealth
is collected by a disregard of the human
heart at the expense of every enjoyment
save that of wollowing in flithy mean-
ness, death comes to finish the work.
Country editors prefer to remain poor,
live happy and die happy.
——DMens black and brown cheviot
suits $3.50, 6,00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00 10.00
upward. Lyon & Co.
Instruction in Instrumental Music.
Miss Mary Schofieid is now prepared to give
instrumental music on the piano or the organ.
Beginners or those advanced will find this an
opportunity worth while taking advantage of.
Terms reasonable. For farther particulars
call on or address
South Thomas St., Bellefonte, Pa.
Pe —
3721 tf
Cured of Catarrh Lung and General
For4 years I have been suffering badly
with Catarrh, Lung trouble and general de-
bility so much so that I was unable to attend
to my daily duties. After a short treatment
with Dr. Salm I find myself richly prepaid for
the outlay of money and I consider myself
entirely cured.
Pine Grove Mills, Pa:
Furniture For Sale—Cheap.
An antique oak side board, with plain mirror
and half a dozen dining chairs to match will
be sold cheap. Also 8 dining chairs, in solid
walnut. All in the best of condition. Inquire
at this office. tf.
For RENT.—A good stable near the
passenger station. Rent cheap. Inquire
at this office. :
—— Don’t miss seeing those $10 suits
at Fauble’s.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
20.00. :
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00-
MonTtaoMERY & Co., Tailors.
Beilefonle Grain Market,
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
one to press :
Yhite Wheat... .....ccievrsnrsiieinscinnrnsnans = 80
Old wheat, per bushel ees
Red wheat, per bushel.. see 85
Byo, per bushel... ii i 45
Corn, ears, par MIshel.......c...oviminiicennen: 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel.........coirsenenees 40
Oats—new, per bushel 30
Barley, per bushel...
Ground Plaster, per ¢
Buckwheat per bushel
Cloverseed, per bushei.
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel 35
Eggs, per dozen. 12
Lard, per pound 8
CountryShoulde -8
Sides.... . 8
Hams... iii niin 124
lailow, per pound.. reer
Butter, per DOUNG. iiseervisiss rrersvscrerrsoms 12
The Democratic Watchman,
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all Searaze is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not he sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
lows :
SPACE OCCUPIED, |3m | 6m | ly
One inch (12
Two inches.
Three inches......... of 15 20
uarter Column (4}4 inches)....... {12 20] 80
Half Column ( 9 inches).. .| 20 | 35 | 86
One Column (19 inches) | 36 | 65 | 100
"Adve s in special column, 25 per
Advertisements in a
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts.
Local notices, per line...... ae
Business notices, per line.
Job Printing of every k © with neat.
ness and patel The WArcEMAN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor