Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 27, 1892, Image 1

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    8y P. GRAY MEEK.
Ink Slings.
—FLoWER is a drug on the market.
—-Another kink will be found in the
American porker’s tail when it roots in-
to Spain.
—GARzA, CHARLEY Ross and Gib.
MarsH would make a fine exhibit at
the World's fair.
— Even ELkINs says he will have to
support the Plumed Knight. Who
is there left for BENNY ?
—BLAINE’s illness has reselved itselt
into a simple pain in his side, yet HAR-
RISON can’t see through it yet.
——The May-apple has had about as
hard a tussle, with the weather, as AD-
AM’s apple had with EVE in the garden.
—BeNjAMIN soliloquizing.—So JIM
was over to New York, was he. Well,
what the devil was he after over there.
—It is not a matter of history that
Kentucky Legislators have ever found
themselves wrestling with obnoxious
liquor laws.
~The New York World still main-
tains that “the next president must be a
Democrat’ and we have'nt the heart to
contradict it.
—It has never been conclusively
proven that CoLUMBUS was not a pi-
rate so a black flag would not seem out
of place on the Fair grounds.
—Some-one has been mean enough to
say that HARRISON has recently allied
himself to the young people’s Band of
Hope, in his Washington church.
—If everyone would run to a fire
just when he swears, next day, that he
saw it, the whole town would usually be
on the scene before the incendiary torch
had really been applied.
—Just now when Quay and his
lieutenant’s are looking around for a
dark horse to runagainst HARRISON, our
colored brethren might judiciously step
in and furnish the possibility.
—MCcKINLEY and the gang that wen®
with him,in the 51st Congress,to perpe-
trate such a daylight robbery as the tin
plate measure has proven to be, should
be arrested and given the full extent of
the law.
—The great relay bicycle race from
Chicngo to New York turned out as ex-
pected by the promotors of the trial.
The riders’ promises to ‘ ‘ride the tails off
of horses” was generally verified at the
expense of their own.
—t Methodists cannot dance.’”” So says
the Omaha conference. This ruling
will not hold good with the missionaries
of the church, however, for many of them
are doubtless hopping about over in
China like hens on a hot griddle.
—4T make this announcement in due
season’’ is the way Mr. BLAINE con.
cluded his letter of declination to Mr.
CLARKSON but as the seasons have been
so badly mixed up thus far itis not
known whether he referred to the fall or
the spring of the year.
—The only explanation we can give
for the floods which annually come in
May and June lies in the fact that so
many college graduates are then ‘thrown
upon the sea of life’ that necessarily it
over-flows until the embryonic presi-
dents and women’s rights advocates ad-
just themselves to their new suarround-
—Dr. PARKHURST might try sympa-
thizing with Harrie Apams in her
prisoncell. The Presbyterians are giv-
ing the doctor “Hail Columbia” and
deny him to be a ‘blue stocking.”
HATTIE comes in under the latter class,
however, for the evidence showed that
she had them on when that memorable
game of leap frog came off.
—It always seems strange to us that
when some miserly old duffe: comes to
die he sends for the parson to v and
sing, but never thinks of his subscrip-
tion to the county paper. The half of
such fellows are laboring under the mis-
apprehension that taey are going to
heaven quite out of the reach of collec-
tora, but they're fooled. We'll all be up
there too.
——The bill to exclude political in-
fluence from the 61,000 fourth class post
offices in the United States may have a
very beneficial effect upon coming gen-
erations. Not mentioning the awful
strain upon the nerves of such officials,
incident to deciding as to which side of
the fenca thev had better drop on, such |
a measure would do away with the!
heartless business of chopping off politi- |
cal heads. |
— HARRISON is to have a special wire |
from the Minneapolis convention hall
to the White House, so that in two min-
utes he after the nomination is made he
will know his fate. If BLAINE’S star
continues in the ascendency it might be
wise for Second Term to have a wire from
the Sing Sing electrocution dynamo also.
For the one current will be about as
deadly as the other and as like quantities
repel each other, he will at once escape
political and physical death.
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VOL. 37.
ELLEFONTE, PA.,, MAY 27, 1892.
NO. 21.
The Trouble With Harrison,
That there’s a strong opposition to
President HArRIsoN’S renomination de-
veloping among some of the ablest lead-
ers of his party, is every day becoming
more evident. A large and influential
Republican element is bitterly opposed
to his continuing in the Presidency.
How is this to be explained? He
has surely been a strict party Presi-
dent. There were none of the meas-
ures which were considered of cardi-
nal importance to the party that he
did not uphold to the fullest extent of
his ability and zeal. The McKiNLEY
iniquity had his zealous support.
There was no extravagant bill passed
by the Billion Dollar Congress that he
did not promptly sign. Every subsidy
and measure of monopolistic favorit:
ism met his approval. Pension ex-
travagance was encouraged by his
keeping Rau in office. The Repub-
lican scheme of bringing the elections
under the control of the bayouet was
one of his pet policies. No projects of
extravagance, of taxation, or monopo-
listic encouragement, that are calcu-
lated to raise a public functionary in
the estimation of Republicans and
make him solid with his party, failed
to receive all the support he could pos-
cibly give them.
Why, therefore, is it that so many
of the ablest and most influential lead-
ers are opposed to his continuance in
the Presidency? It issimply because
he is too much affected by what is
known as the “big head.” His self-
conceit, by which his defect of “big-
headedness” is manifested, has made
him the most unpopular man with the
leading politicians of his party that
ever occupied the Presidential chair.
He is a thorough egotist, and conse-
quently puts on airs of superiority that
are offensive to every one who comes
in official contact with him. It is
this weakness in his character that has
made his relations with BraiNe cool
and unfriendly from the very begin-
ning of his administration. It is this
that has exasperated Quay, CAMERON,
LEY, CLARKSON, and all in fact who
are at the bead of the Republican ma-
being able to knock his “big head” off
his shoulders, and they would do it if
The Dawn of a New Day in Politics.
As the time for the conventions of
the two great political parties of our
country approaches we begin to real-
ize more forcibly that we are on the
eve of a campaign which will be to
entirely different from any of the fac-
tional fights of the past that its identi-
fication, as a political conflict, will
goarcely seem possible to the mud
flinging, bloody-shirt campaigners of
years gone by.
Clean cut 1ssues, upon which the
orators of both parties, will have to de-
bate, will be the battle ground for 1892.
Issues upon which the fundamental
principles of good government are
founded, Upon the successful or un-
successful promulgation of which de
pends the weal or the woe of our land.
And issues which involve protection
to the plutocrat, all the while they rob
the laborer, or those which guarantee
to the latter the same benefits, through
cheaper “necessities,” that are enjoyed
by the former.
The minds of our people have grown
beyond the harangues of the partisan
liar and demand a logical discussion of
the questions at issue. JONES no longer
whoops-er-up for Sita and Browx be-
cause JoNEs’ ancestors were Democrats
and Syire and Brown are of the same
stripe, but because they are the expon-
ents of issues he has concluded, after
mature deliberation, to be requisite for
the most successful and economical
forms of government.
The days when stump speakers hunt-
ed down only the valnerable points in
a candidate's private character are
gone and in their stead we find our-
selves verging out onto a broader
plain. A ground on which the educa-
tion of the voter will play the most es-
sential part.
Yes, the campaign before us iil be
one of clean cut issues in which Dem-
ocratic frugality will be triumphant
over Rapublican extravagance and ex-
rere wT————————
The high water mark along the
! Mississippi and its tributaries having
been reached there are a thousand and
one theories being advanced as to how
| these almost annual inundations, de-
These men want to beat him for
the nomination ; they would rejoice in
stroying the crops of our country’s
most fertile valleys and causing untold
| misery and loss of life, may beaverted.
they had some available candidate to |
unite on, but it is probable that such a
one cannot be found and that Bexya-
MIN will be renominated, with the
probability that they wiil help to de-
teat him as CoNgLING helped to defeat
the nominee of his party in 1884.
A Better Policy.
One of the indications of a return to
Democratic methods, with advantage
to the couatry, is the recent admission
of foreign built steamships to American
registry. A special act has been pass-
ed to allow two of the Inman line,
English built, to come under American
registration and fly the stars and
Tae policy of Republican naviga-
tion laws is to exclude from the list of
American ships such as may have
been built abroad, although by Ameri-
can capital, for American owners.
This is intended to “protect” and en-
courage the ship builders of this coun-
try, but it has not had that effect, the
oaly result being that it has made the
stars and stripes a rarity on the ocean.
Americin ship owners went to Eng-
land where they could get their ships
the cheapest, and as they were thereby
excluded by our navigation laws from
American registration, their ships were
entered on the English registry, were
sailed under the English ensign, and
were for all practical purposes Eng-
lish ships.
A mor: liberal and rational policy
{ inthis matter has begun to show itself
in the recent case of the two Inman
steamers. Itis a step towards bring
ing the merchant marine of this coun-
try back tothe condition 1t was when
Democratic administrations ruled tne
country, and when the American flag
was seen on every sea. The next step
is to reform the tariff so that ship
builders shall have the advantage
of cheap raw materials and be wble
to build ships as cheaply as their
British rival. Then American ship
owners will have no inducement to
o abroad to have their vessels
built, and there will be no occasion
for them to sail their ships under a
{oreign flag.
| Every writer has his own views on the
subject and does not hesitate in} airing
then, The whole trouble arises from
the incomplete levee system which
is supposed to protect the flat lands
along the river's course. As soon as
some substantial measures to construct
levees of sufficient strength to hold the
swollen waters the trouble will be
eradicated and we will not be com.
pelled to witness such harrowing devas-
tation every spring.
——Congressman Tracey, of New
York, claims to be able to show figures
that will nominate Mr. CLEVELAND
easily. The basis ot his calculation is
that of the 416 delegates elected at the
time he makes his estimate, all are
for CLeveLAND except 185, who are
either uninstracted or are against
CLeveLaxDp. Of the delegates to be
elected he claims 96 for CLEVELAND
sure, while 209 may be classed as un-
instructed or opposed. This will make
506 for CLEVELAND, leaving 394 oppos-
ed to him or uncertain as to their pre-
ference, and from the latter number
Mr. Tracey is certain that the ex-
President can easily get the two thirds
of the whole convention that wiil be
required tonominate him. This secms
to be a reasonable estimate.
John SaerMAN has always beena
cautious financier as was natural to his
calculating disposition, and therefore
it is not surprising that he gave notice
in the senate the other day thatthe
present condition of the revenues
would not justify the expenditures
which his Republican Senatorial
brethren were disposed to sanction,
He sees the condition to which the ex-
travagance of the Billion Dollar Con-
gress has brought the Treasury, and
calls a halt before complete bankrupt
cy shall issue. In assuming the at-
titude of a Senatorial Homan he places
himself in danger of being charged
with “cheese-paring”’ by his profligate
Republican associates.
——Tina job work of ever discription
at the Warcamax Office.
It Would be a Different Blaine.
We are of the opinion that those who
believe that all that is necessary for
Mr. BraiNe to get the nomination is
to say that he will accept of it, are
laboring under a mistake. HARRISON
has so fortified his position that it will
be difficult to dislodge him.
But in the event of BLAINE'S nom-
ination how would he run? Would
he be stronger, or as strongas he was
eight years ago. The attacks that
would be made on him would not be
the same as those he was subjected to
in that campaign. We believe that
there would be few if any personalities
used against him, although as vulner-
able as ever in that respect. It would
not be necessary. As the representa-
tive of the Republican party he would
have to bear the burden of censure
which the party has heaped upon itself
by the courseit has pursued since 1884.
He would have to answer for the sin
of the Force bill by which his party
showed its disposition to control the
elections by the bayonet. It was a pet
measure of the administration in which
he has held the most prominent cabinet
position. He would have to anwer for
the McKintey tariff which has in-
creased the cost of the necessaries of
life without increasing the wages of
the working people, and has protected
the trusts in their robbery of consum-
ers. He would have to answer for the
extravagance of the Billion Dollar
Congress which has drained the Treas.
ury and given occasion for a continu-
ance of tariff taxation. The election
of Mr. Baie would be an endorse-
ment of such measures, and] therefore
would afford justifiable grounds of op-
position to him.
In one important gespect he would
not be as strong as he was in 1884. He
could not bring to bear upon the cam-
paign the power of his maguetic in-
fluence. It is remembered how the
exigencies of that campaign required
him to make a personal canvass over
a number of States, and what an effect
Le was able to produce. This year he
would not be in condition to make such
an effort. He would break {down in
the attempt. There would be a wide
difference between a campaign with
BraIng in the field exerting his per-
sonal magnetism, and one in which he
would be kept from the field by his
impaired health.
mee —
—— Wednesday morning's big con-
flagration forcibly brings to mind the
necessity of discipline in the fire De-
partment- The} volunteer service of
our town is very creditable, and while
we are fully conversant with the fact
that a fire man’s work usually is taken
for granted and with very little grati-
tude, yet too often are petty jealousies
allowed to jeopardize property.
Who Their Best Friends Are.
A mistake was made in the Methc-
dist conference, at Omaha, when the ro
mark, of the representative of the South-
ern Methodists, that the Southern
whites were the best friends of the
negroes of that section was hissed by
some of the members of the conference.
If the whites of the South were the
enemies of the colored people there
would not be that improvement in the
condition of the latter that is seen in
all parts of that section. There would
not be such provision made for their
education as appears in the fact that in
some of the Southern States the larg
est part of the school expense is for
the benefit of the: colored children.
That the white people of the South
have adopted restrictive measures to
prevent the government of their eec-
tion from falling into the hands of an
ignorant mass cannot be construed as
an act of hostility and set off against
the many material benefits they have
conferred upon their negro population.
——Tammany Hall should change
its opinion about Mr. CLEVELAND’S
ability to carey New York. It will be
remembered that in 1884 Tammany’s
represevtatives went to the National
Convention and objected to CLEVE:
LAND's nomination on the ground that
he could not carry his own State. He
was nominated nevertheless and did
carry New York. He can doit again
and Tammany should not be backwerd
in helping him do it.
ee —————teimi—
——Subgcribe for the WaTcaMAN,
Cheap Clothing Bill,
From the St. Louis Republic. :
A correspondent at Boonville notices
the assertion that the abolition of the
prohibitory duties on woolens will save
at least $25 a year to the average fami-
ly, and asks the Republic to state “how
many families there are in the United
States that spend $25 a year for cloth-
ing with wool in it.”
The average family consists of five
persons. The man will require at least
two suits of clothes a year *‘with wool
in them,” and he will require at least
two extra pairs of trousers. Put the
whole of this item at $30, though for
“all wool” now il would be at least
$60. He will require at least two suits
of underwear “with wool in them.’
All wool will cost now $5 a suit, bug
put the two for $5. Add two wool hats
for $1, an overcoat (all wool, now, not
less than $30, $10, and we have at the
lowest possible estimate for one man’s
woolen clothing $49. Pat the wife's
flannels, cloaks, woolen dresses, ete.,
at $31, and for the two. parents we
have $80 for clothing “with wool 1n
it,” during the year. Every average
family has in it a young man and
young girl between 15 and 21. Iftheir
clothing does not cost more than that
of their parents we are very much mis-
taken in young men and women, but
put the two at $80, and add only $20
for the fifth member of the family and
we have $180 for the woolens of a fami-
ly of five, including carpets, blankets
and everything else “with wool in it”
used in the family of five during the
year. |
Everyone who has had to buy fora
family of five will smile at this as a
rediculously low estimate for the year’s
woolens, but it must be remembered
that we are estimating down to the
average of those who cannot afford real
woolens; who must put up with Me-
Kinley imitations, consisting largely of
cotton mixed with shoddy.
Putting the total annual cost of this
for five persons at $180, at least one-
third of that cost is tax and monopoly
cost. Of every $100 spent for woolens
or alleged woolens in this county at
least $33} goes for nothing except pro-
hibitive duties imposed to prevent im-
ports, to keep revenue out of the treas-.
ury and to so restrict trade as to es-
tablish monopoly.
The abolition of these prohibitive
duties, as proposed by the cheap cloth-
ing bill which has just passed the
house, will be worth much more than
$25 a year to the average family in
the United States, for it will enable
thousands who cannot now afford real
woolens to wear them, and it will give
to all better woolens for less money.
The estimate of $50 a year as the tax
cost on woolens for the average family
of five is as low as it can be put safely,
and if these prohibitive taxes. are re-
pealed at least $25 of this tax cost will
be a clear money saving to the average
family, which will also get more than
the value of $25 additional in better
woolens for the money expended for
these necessaries during the year.
Another Country Heard From,
From the Evansville, Ind. Courier.
There is but one “good Western
man’ who has been .nentioned for the
Democratic nomination for President
who has always been a Democrat and
who measures up to the standard of
Clevelandism, and his name is William
R. Morrison, of Illinois. All of the
other “aspirants” from the West ‘are
new-comers in the Democratic party,
and all of them have already been re-
warded commensurate with their
deserts. Cleveland will almost cer-
tainly be nominated for President, and
Morrison should be his running mate.
Many Other States are Affected in the
Same Way.
From the Altoona Times.
Senator Palmer is the favorite of Illi-
nois Democrats for the presidency, but it
is only the feeling of state pride which
makes him such, and no desperate ef-
forts are likely to be made by the Illi-
nois delegation to securc him the nomi-
nation at the Chicago convention.
Palmer’s candidacy is little more than a
sentiment and after Palmer the almost
unanimous choice of Illinois Democrats
is Grover Cleveland. There is no divis-
ion of feeling in the matter.
They are Coming Too.
From the Easton Argus.
The vigorous protests against the ex-
travagant provisions of the river and
harbor bill, are beginning to make
themselves felt, and Congress is awaken
ingto the fact that the appropriation
has been too high and in many of its
parts needless. The paring now being
done is undoubtedly due to the pressure
of public opinion. “Remarks by Repub-
lican organs on ‘the parsimony of the
Democratic Congress are now in order.
Concerted Efforts Will Always Win.
From the Richmond Times.
If this thing goes on it looks very
much as though Grover could arrange
to do without North Carolina and
South Carolina in the convention.
But Virginia can’t arrange to do with-
out them, The good old States must
pall in harness with their sister. They
have all three stood shoulder to
shoulder too long to have any separa-
tion and quarreling now,
Spawls from the Keystone,
~Dickinson College commencement,Carisle,
will begin June 4. . eid v3
—A large culm bank at Logan colliery, near
Centralia, is on fire. {uf
—The body of a female child-was found in
an outhouse at Shamokin. :
—Weeds 12 feet long and thousands of fish
were found in Reading’s reservoir.
—William Behm fell from a mill trestle in
Williamsport and was fatally injured.
—The Army of the Potomac will hold a great
reunion at Scranton, June 15 and'16.
—The Presbyterian ministers of Pittsburg
denounce Dr. Parkhurst’s methods.
—All railroads entering Allentown will short-
ly center in the Lehigh Valley station.
—Phares H. Heller, an inmate of the Le-
high county Poor House, ate poison and died:
—The Philadelphia and Readi ng’s pay roll
in Reading alone foots up to $110,000 a month.
—Governor Pattison will deliver the Decora
tion Day oration, at Millerstown, Perry county,
—Francis Tucker was cremated in a burn-
ing house, Allegheny City, Sunday morning.
—The body of Frank Stitt, a ra'lroad engi-
neer, of Natrona, was found in Sw atara Creek.
—A Philadelphia and Reading train ran
down Martin Haas, a trackman, at Hamburg.
—The Cambria Iron Works at Johnnstow
will hereatter be operated with non-union
—Grave vandals regularly rob the Evans
Cemetery at Reading of all, flo wers planted
—Scarlet fever caused the death of littl®
James and Annie Kline, at Kutztown, in thg
same hour. :
—On Wednesday the General Assembly ot
the United Presbyterian Church met in Alle
gheny City.
—Patrick Fitzpatrick was hanged in Alle’
gheny county jail Tuesday for the murder of
Samuel Early.
—The body of a dead male child which had
been born alive was found in St. Josephs¢
Cemetery, Ashland.
—During a quarrel in Shamokin on Sunday
night Daniel Reed was stabbed in the shoul-
der by John Patshan.
—Fighting forest fires at Mountain Top»
Luzerne county, Juliana Reinard was burned
so badly that she died.
—Hugh Williams was found unconscious in.
the road near Minersville, and died soon after
ward. Foul play is feared.
—The Board of Poor Directors, who were
tried at Carlisle for malfeasanc ein office were
Sunday night found guilty. >
—Archbishop Ryan reviewed a magnificent,
parade at New Philadelphia, Friday, and con-
firmed 139 boys and girls.
—A great avalanche in the Wr ightsville
Lancaster couuty, stone quarry buried and
crushed John Berry to death.
—While at work at Brookside colli ery, near
Tower City, Monday, Jonathan U pdegrave fell
to the bottom and was killed,
—Allegheny county will save $50,000 a year
on salaries by the recent decision of the Su-
preme Court against the increase.
—A man bearing pension papers in the
name of Michael Bergner was kil'ed by a train
near Auburn on Saturday night.
—James Thomas and Edward Neibert, serv.
ing terms in the Eastern prison, nearly dug
their way out of jail Friday.
—A thiet stole Harry Louge rbough’s horse
and phaeton, while he was atten ding a public
sale near Tullytown, Bucks county.
—Hugh Curry, of Amity, Washington coun-
ty, was found guilty of burning his brother’s
barn and other buildings {or revenge.
—At Lancaster, the Court gave a decision
in favor of the Bowman faction in the Akron
Church, and against Bishop Dubbs.
—Anna McHugh, who resides near Shamo-
kin, was awarded $5000 damages for injuries
received on the Northern Central Railroad.
—Within two months there have been 95
cases of typhoid fever and seven deaths during
two weeks, at South Fork, Cambria county.
—One of William H. Buchman’s eyes was
blown out and he was otherwise badly hurt by
a premature explosion in a Tamaqua wine.
—By the fall of a scaffold in Mahanoy City
Monday, Albert Gottschall, of Tamaqua, sus-
tained injuries which may result in his death.
—The State Medical Society at Harrisburg
decided to ask the next Legislature to estab-
lish an insane asylum in Western Pennsylva-
—The case involving $167,000 and growing
out of a coal land deal between James M.
Long and W. J. Rainey, was settled at Pitts-
—With a dozen checks in his pocket, to
which business men’s names had been forged»
Budd Gilbert was seized in Lancaster Friday
—Charles Koons, a Lehigh Valley brake-
man, of White Haven, was struck by an engine
at South Bethlehem, Monday and instantly
—A dozen business men of Lancaster who
cashed worthless checks for Benjamin Gil.
bert, will appear against him since he was ar-
—Commissioners from the two principa
colorad Methodist conferences agree in Har,
risburg to unite under the name African Zion
—As compensation for the love of Mrs. Edw
ward Luckenbach, which Henry Irwin is al.
leged to have stolen, the discontented hus-
band asks the Court at Bethlehem to award
him $5000.
—No Bethlehem church sociable is now
complete without a “pin hunt.” The girl who
finds the greatest number of pins in 10 min-
utes gets the prize.
—E. E. Peigler was Saturday appointed
freight agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad at
Pittsburg, to fill the vacancy caused by C. A,
Carpenter's death.
—The farmers of Lehigh county are plant-
ing great fields of potatoes. In Lynn town-
seip there are many farmers who have from
20 to 40 acres planted.
—The residences of Joseph Pealer and John
Detweiler, at Dallastown, York county, were
struck by lightning Friday night and both
families were badly stunned.
—A new iron bridge across the Susquehan-
na to connect West Harrisburg with West
Fairview will be built by capitalists of the lat,
ter town at a cost of $125,000.
—The 11-year-old son of Dr. Koons, of Al-
lentown, ran away trom home and his father
is now chasing him across the State of New
Jersey, both being headed for New York.
—A coal train on the Northern Central Rail-
road parted at Nanticoke Monday and came
together again with a crash, throwing twelve
cars from the track. Brikeman H. J. Miller
was 8l'ghtly injured.