Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 20, 1892, Image 1

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    Bera Wald
Ink Slings.
— Mississippi valley stock is being
well watered,
—About all we got from the China-
man was fan-tan.
--Anomalous English : A hen sits
all the w hile she sets and lies when she
tries to lay.
—The cigarette smoker slowly, but
surely, blows rings for the chain which
fastens him to his coffin.
—A strange thing happened at the
Brooklyn Handicap, on Monday, and
the fellows who didn’t win lost
~The waters of discontent falling all
over the land predicate a glorious vic-
tory for Democracy in the fall.
—Another good man gone wrong.
BE. S. Lacy, comptroller of the cur-
rency, will become a Chicago bank
—Georgia has tacked up another
of the finger boards which is to point
out the way to the White House for
—-The western farmers are engaged
in casting their bread upon the waters.
It will hardly return with the next
flood however.
—The free silver craze is [affecting
most of our public officials. That is,
they want lots of it for as little work as
they can get in.
——Judging from the number of peo-
ple we meet who have seen better days
one might infer that everyone has been
rich at some time.
—Great Britain now says she wes
tcloseupon war’ with us regarding the
Behring sea trouble. It is easy to blow
when the danger is past.
--HARRIsON would have had a dou-
ble distilled dose of vertigo had he been
at the Brooklyn Handicap, on Monday.
Dark horses are ominous.
—A hard straddle for Second Term.—
The Chinese Exclusion bill, the ; Metho-
dist church, the Pacific slope and the
western Free Silver States;
—CorE J. Snapp, the “Prince of
Swindlers” is “up” for ten years in
the Minnesota prison. There isn’t
much in a name after all.
—Young Americas’ greatest incen-
tive to become incorrigible lies in the
fact that, in Sunday school books, all
the good little boys die young.
—DAvE HILL is out for free silver,
but it doesn’t make much difference
what he is after as no; one is caring
much what DAVE does just now.
—The cheek of the Deleware peach
will be radiant in an unwonted blush
this year because Jack Frost did not nip
the limbs from which it will spring.
—A Philipsburg man named Goob-
RUM had his companion arrested the
other day for being drunk. Was it any
wonder the poor fellow got full with
such a chum,
—The whaleback promises to revolu-
tionize maritime commerce, and do the
same thing for our commercial interests
at sea that it has for years accomplished
in the country school house.
—If any of your friends seem in-
clined to depart unto another world, ad-
vise them to wait until the big New
England granite strike is off, for then
their resting place can be marked at less
—Harrisburg thinks she ought to
have a boulevard and a movement is on
foot to lay oneout. A grave yard for
some of her political sore heads would
be a far more profitable investment for
the city.
—.An exchange remarks that the first
guns of the campaign were fired at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, on Tuesday, when
the Republican League of American
colleges was formed. We would rather
think that they were sons of guns.
—The Lycoming county man who
rode into the court house on horse-
back, when going to settleup an estate
of which he was administrator, evi-
dently wanted to have his charg-er ready
when he settled with the prothonotary.
—What a multiplexity of sins the
poor old stars and stripes are forced to
cover, yet on the 4th they will unfurl
with a grander sweep and a more om-
nipotent power than the Republic
which gave them birth ever dream-
ed of.
—The minister who wants a vacation
at the expense of his flock is now begin-
ning to affect a cough and complains of
t‘that tired feeling,” when every mem-
ber of his congregation has had regular
weekly attacks of the latter complaint
gince his return from last summer's
~—TIt must be either Colonel CLEVE-
LAND or Colonel CARLISLE. Kentucky
has endorsed them both. As they win
their rank down there by the amount of
bourbon they can cover up, we are in
doubt as to which of the gentlemen in-
volved can lay claim to the honor. Per-
‘haps honors are ‘‘easy.”’
VOL. 37.
NO. 20.
The Census Frauds.
The fraudulent character of the re-
cent census, and its uniciiability as a
collection of facts relati: g to the popula-
tion, business and general resources of
the country, have been manifested in
various ways. Scarcely had it been
published before gross inac uracies in
the enumeration were apparent. This
was caused, in some measure, by the
incapacity of enumecrators, but was
largely due to a partisan design. New
York, the great Democratic city of the
Union, was counted short, with no oth-
er object than to diminish the basis of
her representation. There is no rea:
son to doubt that the opposite purpose
swelled the enumeration of Republican
cities and localities.
Convincing evidence of the fraud
practiced is shown in the numerous ar-
rests of persons who had been employ-
ed in the work of taking the census, on
grounds that will surely result in their
conviction. A number of such arrests
have been made in Philadelphia, and
there are others in other localities. In
that city outrageous liberties were tak-
en in swelling the figures that repre
gent the extent and value of her manu-
factures and productive resources. It
is the great Republican city—the great
high tariff city par excellence, that rolls
up big majorities for the tariff even in
her municipal election, and 1t was
deemed necessary to show, by the cen-
sus, how the tariff had boomed her in-
dustries. She was to be made the es-
pecial object lesson of the beauties and
blessings of the McKinley bill, of course
with an intended bearing upon the next
Presid ential election. So zealous were
PorTER'S census takers in making a
big exhibit of the value of Philadel-
phia’s manufactured products that they
included in it the millions of coin
made in the United States mint.
For this undue zeal some of them
are now under arrest, and itis to be
boped that they will be properly pun-
shed, 7 ?
It Had to Pay Republican Debts.
The appropriations by the present
House of Representatives look large,
and to the thoughtless may expose that
body to the charge of an undue expen-
diture of the public money, but an ex-
amination of the circumstances under
which they were made will show that
they were unavoidable.
Most of the money appropriated was
required to meet liabilities imposed by
the extravagance of the previous Con-
gress. Obligations had been made,
binding the government, which had to
be met, and could only be met by the
action of the present House. The acts
requiring expenditures, authorizing sub
sidies, bounties, expenses for public
buildings and other items of outlay,
were on the statute books, and these
im positions of debt could not be evad-
ed: Without the co-operation of a
Republican Senate and executive,
which it could not have, the Demo-
cratic House was unable to repeal the
extravagant legislation of those who
had fastened the obligations of expense
upon the Treasury.
These are the reasons why a Demo.
cratic House of Representatives, when
ithad to meet the duty of providing the
means of running the governmental
machinery, found it absolutely neces-
gary to appropriate more money than
it otherwise would have done. The
lavishness of its predecessors put upon
its shoulders a burden it was forced to
bear. It had to pay debts contracted
by the Billion Dollar Congress, having
neither the right nor the power to re-
pudiate them.
——The recent outrages perpetrated
upon young women, traveling alone in
English rail-way carriages, brings up
the oft discussed subject of railroad oc-
commodations in Europe, and the less
said about them the better for the
companies. It is well known that
English carriages, especially, have
long been the objects of condemnation
owing to the isolated and unprotected
condition of their occupants.
man traveling alone is entirely shut off
| from other passengers and consequent:
ly cannot appeal to them for the pro-
tection which her helpless condition
too often demands.
| ——1If you want printing of any de-
"scription the WarcuMAN office is the
plaee to have it done.
A wo
Mr. Harrison and the Chinese.
President Harrison has gotten him-
gelf into difficulty by his hasty signing
of the Chinese Exclusion bill. There
are grave reasons why the Chinese
should be exclud=d, but it was not on
account of such reasons that the Pres-
ident put his name to the bill. His
motives were of a lower order. They
were based on personal interest and
had a close connection with his ambi-
tion for a second term. The Pacific
States, some halfsedozen in number,
which are most affected by Chinese
immigration, would give their elector-
al votes to no second term aspirant who
should decline to sign an act to keep
out the . Mongolians. As it is, Mr.
Harrison's hold on those States is
quite insecure in consequence of his
adverse position on the silver coinage
question, This has put his Pacific
fences in a rather dilapidated condition,
and in order to strengthen them, he
displayed unusual alacrity,in signing
the anti-Chinese bill.
Wether this will have any effect in
his favor on the other side of the Rock-
les is doubtful, for in that region they
are "decidedly unfavorable to him on
another question; but his signature,
so hastily attached to the Exclusion
bill, has excited the indignation of the
Methodists, as expressed at the Oma-
ha conference. That great church has
missions in China, about the success and
safety of which they are solicituoue,
and fearing that the policy of the Ex-
clusion bill would exasperate the Chi-
nese to the extent of driving the mis-
gionaries out of their country, the Con-
ference,immediately upon hearing of the
passage of the bill, joined in a petition
to the President to veto it. But Mr.
Harrison didn’t give that petition time
to reach him before he acted. His
name was attached to the anti-Chinese
act immediately upon its passage, and
the good Methodist brethren had noth-
ing left for them to do; in the matter,
but to denounce him for what seemed
to them an illiberal and improper ex-
ecutive act done with unseemly haste.
What will it profit Benjamin, even
should he gain the Pacific States, but,
in doing it, get the Methodist church
down on him?
— Senator CAMERON isn't saying
much, but in the matter of o pposition
to HARRISON he is sawing wood with
great vigor and effectiveness.
Republican Tribulations.
The wide spread discontent in the
Republican party is shown in various
ways, but in nothing more clearly than
in the various plans put forth forchang-
ing the methods of party nominations.
The bosses are becoming more offen-
give every day and the aim of all com-
plainants seems to be to dislodge them,
and vest in the hands of the people the
power which the so-called leaders now
wield. This is a commendable desire,
but it is not clear that some of the
drastic measures proposed would ac-
complish the purpose.
The Philadelphia Press in, a recent is’
sue, proposes the adoption of the Craw-
ford county system for making State, 88
well as county, nominations. Expe-
rience does not justify the confidence
in that plan which the Press professes.
On the contrary it is a matter of histo-
ry that where the Crawford county sys-
tem of nominating pervades the bosses
are in complete control. The fact ig
that energy, persistence and zeal al-
ways win in politics and whatever sys-
tem of nominating is adopted the pro-
fessional politicians will be on top
when the votes are counted.
The Crawford county system of vot-
ing is troublesome and under the Bak-
er ballot bill will be expensive as well.
Of course the expense should not be
considered, for the reason that nothing
is too dear that contributes to improve-
ment in politics. But the trouble is a
serious objection, for when the matter
is brought to the test it will be discov-
ered that only the politicians are wil-
ling to trust it, The truth is that one
system of nominating is just about as
good as another, if fraud is kept out, and
whatever the methods employed the
people can win over the bosses only by
giving the same time, at'eation and ef-
fort to the worle which is sure to be ex-
pended on the other side.
—TFina Job work of ever discription
at the WazoamaN Office.
Secretary Noble's Ignorance (?)
The latest suspicious development in
the Pension office investigation was
the refusal of the Secretary of the In-
terior, to exhibit certain letters to the
committee the other day. The letters
were a part of the correspondence upon
which was based the dismissal of cer-
tain officials who were inimical to
Commissioner Ravn, and Mr. Secre-
tary NosLe predicated his action on
the doubtful premises that. removal
from office of public officials by the
heads of departments is a constitutional
prerogative and the public has nothing
vo do with it.
Of course the Secretary of the In-
terior ought to know better if he
doesn’t. The office of Secretary of
the Interior as well as that of Pension
Commissioner was created by Act of
Congress and not by the Constitution,
and the removal of subordinates is a
function conveyed by legislation. Every
intelligent layman who has read the
Constitution, and most citizens have,
are aware of this fact and for a lawyer
and an Executive officer to be ignorant
of it is a crime. Indeed we can’t bring
ourselves to the opinion that Secretary
NosLe is so derelict and disqualified.
It is obvivous that the Secretary had
some other reason for refusing the
Committee a glimpse at the corres-
pondence and, as Representative ENLOE
remarked, it was no doubt for the pur-
pose of hiding damaging facts from
those charged with the investigation.
Every public official from the Presi-
dent down seems to have an interest in
shielding Commissioner Raum from
punishment, and this subterfuge of the
Secretary of the Interior is about the
thinnest excuse that has yet been of-
fered in his behalf. The truth is it is
too thin.
Investigating Wanamaker.
Postmaster General WANAMAKER i8
undergoing the crucial test of a Con-
gressional investigation on charges of
grossly violating the civil service law.
There is evidence that he has retained
1n office officials who have not only
violated that law, but who have ren-
dered themselves amenable to punish-
ment for violation of the common law
of the land. The Baltimore postoffice
furnishes a case in point. It is im-
possible that Mr. WaNaMaKER did not
know and sanction the conduct of sub-
ordinatesin that office who have dis-
played an unlawful and pernicious «ac-
tivity in working primaries, manipula-
ting conventions, and even tampering
with ballot boxes. It 18 preposterous
to believe that the Postmaster General
was ignorant of what his subordinates
were doing in oe of the most impor-
tant post offices under his jurisdic.
tion, and if he was ignorant of it he is
chargeable with a want of vigilance in
the performance of his duty.
The issue of the Presidential
campaign that is now athand has been
supplied by the campaign of four years
ago. Tariff reform is a question that
has as much vitality in it now as it
had hen. In fact its vitality has been
intensified by the experience which
the country has had of the iniquity of
the monopoly tariff devised by Mo-
KinLEY and passed by the Billion Dol-
lar Congress. Tariff reform will be
again to the front, and there is a pro-
bability that the battle will be fought
by the Democrats under the same
-—1If there is anything that should
make Mr. Braixe wish to prove to the
American people that he is physically
sound enough to make a Presidential
ran, it is the talk which RusseLu Har-
risoN bas indulged in about the condi-
tion of nis mind and body, represent-
ing that he is run down physically ard
impaired mentally. It BraiNe does
uot resent this by allowing his name
to be brought out aca candidate, it is
because HarrrsoN has got him under
amt seman
——The chances are that the Penn-
sylvania delegation to the Minneapolis
convention will be practically a unit
against Harrison. If Brame is in
the field the vote will be cast for him,
and if he isn't it will goto whomsoever
Quay chooses t> deliver it. This isa
time when the party boss can’t afford
to temporize with his enemies and
HarrisoX is the chief among tiem.
| that Blaine is not in it.
No Getting Used to Earthquakes,
From the San Francisco Chronicle.
It is a curious fact that the earth quake
scare is the one danger to which we can
never become accustomed by familiarity.
The oftener we feel it the more we be-
come demoralized. I cannot better il-
lustrate this than by a story told me by
Colonel Bailey Peyton, United States
minister to Chili in 1852, and city attor-
ney of San Francisco in 1856
To a party of friends in 1856 he said:
“Boys, it’s of no use talking; we can be-
come accustomed to all dangers, no mat-
ter how imminent, by familiarity, ex-
cept the danger of earthquakes. The
more you feel ’em the more you don’t
like ‘em, and the worse you hate em. I
have heard the whistle of bullets and
the roar of cannon in battle and never
dodged. But my experience in Chili
took the starch out of me. I had been
but a few days in Santiago, the éapital
of Chili, when I visited the leading
store on the Plaza in that city.
«While standing behind the counter
in an instent, without any premonition,
the proprietor and twenty clerks simul-
taneonsly leaped the counter and rushed
out of the front door. I looked at them
in astonishment and said to myself, ‘Are
they crazy ? What's the matter with
them ? Slowly they returned to their
places. I asked them what was the
matter. They replied, ‘El temblor !
Didn’t you feel thetemblor?’ To me it
was a trifle. Two weeks later was giv-
ing a swell dinner to the diplomatic
corps of Santiago.
n the midst of it came a temblor, a
very lively one, and every man of the
party leaped from his seat and rushed
for the door or the window. I said to
myself, ‘Of all the cowards [ ever met
with, these people exceed.” But, boys I
hadn’t been in that country more than
three months before no quarter-horse in
Tennessee could beat me in a break for
the front door when one of those tem-
blors made his appearance. You can
stand bullets and cannon balls, but the
temblors will fetch you.”
We Looked for His Return—Even If it
Had Been with an Organ,
From the Phila. Evening Telegraph.
Baron Fava landed on our shores
yesterday in a humor to resume diplo-
matic relations with this country where
he so impolitely dropped them about a
yearago. This government is pleased
to welcome the Baron back to his post
of duty, and the American people are
united in the hope that nothing may
ever again occur to cause Italy displea-
gure. The New Orleans event was ag
much deplored by the United States as
by Italy, and one had as little part in
causing it as the other. It was a com-
mon mob affair, such as afflicts the
American civilization in the South and
West. It is induced at bottom by the
evils of the jury system and the defects
in State law and administration. It is
fed and fattened by the excitable na-
ture of the people ‘themselves. Baron
Fava perhaps knows by this time that
this is a Government made up of forty-
four smaller Goyernments, each one
with powers of its own. The Ameri:
can system has about it a certain com-
plexity confusing to strangers. The
Baron can be excused for his faux-pas
this once. It was an indiscretion that
he will not be likely to commit again,
and we are glad to see him back,
So the World Says.
From the New York World.
Mr. Gorman is no longer a Presiden-
tial possibility.
He has himself stricken his name
from the list of men available for the
Democratic nomination, as hitherto
printed in the World.
He has spoken warmly in defense
of Billion-Dollarism in Congress, The
Democracy of the country is in no
mood to nominate a Billion Dollar
Democrat, or in any other way to
countenance the reckless squandering
of substance by which the Republicans
have converted a great surplus into a
rawning deficiency in order that the
burdens of taxation might not be lifted
from the backs of the people,
Mr. Gorman is out of it.
They Should Oppose it at all Times,
From the Altoona Times.
It is probable that further desperate
efforts will be made by the friends of
tree silver coinage to pass such a meas
ure through congress at this session.
The majority of the Democrats in the
house, although they are in favor of
such a bill, have grasped the situation
to such an extent, as to know that free
silver coinage should rot be jected 58
an issue, into the presidential cam-
paign. Therefore, they will oppase
such a measure at present and thus,
prevent its passage.
A Sticker for Protectionists.
From the Harrisburg Patriot.
If one firm cao turn out 4,000 tons
of tin plate a year before the passage of
the McKinley bili and nineteen firms
turn out only 2,600 tons in nine months
after its passage, how much can forty
firms turn out in the next two years?
A No Limit Game.
ae ns
From the Pittsburg Post.
Harrison, it is said, will not allow
his name to be presented to the con-
vention unless he has further assurance
The Presi
dent's bluff about self-immolation is
not likely to be called.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Rev. Richard 8S. Smith, of Uniontown was
found dead in bed.
—The Schuylkill County editors will picnie
at Valley Forge, May 26.
—The cars on the Neversink Mountain Rail-
road began running Monday. ~~
—Mubhlenberg College, Allentown, ‘will cele
brate its 25th birthday, June 23.
—Reading householders are complaining of
dead catfish in their hydrant water.
—Governor Pattison will open the Pennsyl-
vania Chautauqua at Mt. Gretna, July 13.
—A train on the Lehigh Valley, at S8henan,
doah, ran over and killed Edward Joyce.
—A cow kicked Edwin Sweitzel, who lives
near Easton, and his recovery is doubtful.
—Robbers looted the Orw igsburg Station on
the Lehigh Valley road to the extent of $261.
—The Reading Iron’ Company will begin
the erection of a new tube mill in a few
—Mrs. Roger, of Slatington, gave her baby
iodine by mistake and it died in a few
hours. -
—A brick wallfell upon three men at Lan.
caster, of whom George McCue was badly in-
—William M. Lesher, of Shosmakersville,
took chloroform with suicidal intent and slept
to death. :
—The Pennsylvania State Medical Society
held its annual meeting in Harrisburg»
—James Ready, an old miner at Kohinoor
colliery, Shenandoah, was fatally injured by a
fall of coal.
—TFisherman in the northeastern counties
are complaining of the unusaul scarcity of
brook trout.
—Pittsburgis tohave an exchange railway
to connect all the street railways in that city
and Allegheny.
—The Match Trust is figuring to get con-
trol of the factory at Pine Grove, which em#
ploys 80 people.
—A cyclone on Sunday evening did consider.
able damage to buildings in the country sur-
rounding Carlisle,
—Both of Brakeman Frank Godey’s legs
were amputated by a Philadelphia and Reade
ing train at Reading.
—The double funerai of Reuben Updegrove
and his mother at Shaaesville, Berks county
took place Saturday.
—Playing hide and seek up a tree, Charles
Borst, of Reading, fell 20 feet tothe ground
and was seriously hurt:
—Rwaing Council increased the tax rate
from five io six mills and passed the free
public bath ordinance.
—The Archdeaconry of Reading cpened its
an nual convention in St. John’s Episcopal
Church, Ashland, Monday.
—Miss Kate Levan, a 16-year-old girl, now
carries all the mail between Pricetown and
Fleetwood, Berks County.
—The Northampton Democratic County
@ommittee adopted ; resolutions protesting
against the Reading combine. {
—A heavy farm roller ran over Walter Jam-
ison, a boy living at Quarryville, Lancaster
county and he will not recover.
—That much wanted young man, John
Scheifle, who is charged with forging checks
on a Reading bank, was seen Saturday.
—Jacob Hilp, an ex-tramp, who is serving a
five years’ sentence in the Easton jail for stab’
bing a man, is starving himself to death.
_ —On a charge of forging the name of F.
Harlacher, of Allentown, to a note for $400, J.
G. Reifsnyder was arrested in Danville.
—Rev. S. F. Forgens, who served during the
war in Senator Quay’s fregiment, has been
elected chaplain ot Huntingdon Reformatory.
—Owing to the illness of George W. Dela-
mater, his trial for alleged embezzlement at
Meadville has been postponed until Septem-
—At the Federal Assembly of the United
Presbyterians, which will begin in Allegheny
City, May 25, there will be about 240 delegates
—Monroe Scheffieer, of Ashland, has been
appointed division superintendent of the
Philadelphia and Reading colleries in that
—The preliminary meetings of the Red
Men were held in Reading Monday. The gen
eral meeting of the State Council, began Wed-
—Over 200,000 Penobscot salmon have
been planted in the upper waters of the Del-
aware River by the State Fish commission
this season.
—Nathan Biddall's horse ran away descend-
ing a mountain at Shenandoah, hurling the
driver, his wife and child to the ground and
hurting them badly.
—The body of Samuel Yeagle, a 17-year old
boy, was found in the woods near Wa rrensville
Lycoming County, and it is believed he acei®
dentally shot himself.
Seven suits for §1000 each were brought at
Reading against [the Reverting Fund Assur,
ance Association, because claims were not
paid at the end of six years.
— Doctors are puzzled over the case of Mrs.
Benjamin Long, of Shoemakerville, who lost
her voice in December last, and she has been
unable to speak a word since.
— President William Leuder, of the Penna.
Sengerbund, announces that at the Seenger-
fest to be held in Reading, July 25, there will
be a chorus of 500 trained voices.
—While adjusting a broken coupling of &
passenger train at Penllyn, Bucks County,
Engineer Charles Crocket was caught between
cars and probably fatally squeezed.
—TFlorence Smith was working in the wash
tub at Springer’s Lancaster Brewery when the
machinery was started, and before he could be
rescued he had hisright leg broken.
—The Adjutant General has issued an order
tothe National Guard making their uniform
regulations conform to those of the United
States army with slight modifications.
—These new Pennsylvania postmosters were
appointed Monday : Nora Baxter, Nelson ; W-
Hotchkiss, Starlight; J. G. Paiton, Stoops ,
W. E. Tyson, Vail ; A. T. Worthington, Edison.
—The Grand Castle, Knights of the Golden
Eagle, in convention at Chambersburg, Satur-
day elected F. A. Harris, of Tyrone, grand
chief, and C. 8. Wood, of Philadelphia, grand
—John Rose committed suicide at Milton
pecansa his home was to be sold on Saturday
‘The sale went on, with Rose's remains lying
on the floor, unknown to auctioneer and pur-
chasers who had collected outside.
—The Reading Railroad Company has
served notice that the cottages of the Stove.
dale camp meeting grounds cannot be re-
moved to Mount Gretna, this year and camp
meatings will be held at:both places,
vf i