Colored Brethren Loyal. Delegate Brown Declares They Wili Remain Faithful to the Methodist Church Four New Bishops to be Created. OMAHA, May 11. —Rev. Mr. Brown, a colored Maryland brother, offered a long resolution at to-day’s session of the general conference of the Methodist church, declaring that the colored brethren were faithful and loyal to the church and would remain so, nothwith- standing the false report that the colored brethren intended to stampede from the church if certain concessions were not made to them. The resolution was re- ferred to the committee on the state of the charch. The conference then took up the con- sideration of the constitution committee. Bishop Merrill said he would be glad if he could represent the commission asa unit. But it had not been. The report was the opinion and conclusion of the majority. “I shall not argue before you as to whether our conclusions were right or wrong” said Bishop Merrill. “I simply explain our conclusions and leave you to decide.” Bishop Merrill then reviewed the adoption of the law by which delegates were admitted to the general conference. Some one asked why the report had not been printed months ago, because it had been ready some time prior to the meeting of the conference. “We were appointed by the last gen- eral conference,” said Bishop Merrill, ‘‘with instructions to report to this gen- eral conference, not to the public, and we have followed the instructions.” Dr. Hammond then offered an amend- ment to the report to make all those acts constitutional which had been ap- proved by a two-thirds vote of the church in accordance with the restrictive rules, but all other parts should not be considered a part of the constitution. Mr. O'Neil spoke vigorously in favor of putting the same approval upon those things that had been done in accordance with the restrictive rules, but did not approve otf anything that had been done with due authority. Dr. J. M. Hamilton thought the con- ference should also decide what was meant by laymen. Did it mean only men, as Dr. Buckley held, or did the word laymen mean both men and wom- en. This should be made definite by this conference, if possible, before the women themselves got in the conference to debate the question. Adjournment was taken at this point. The committee on episcopacy has de- cided to recommend four new bishops to be created in defiance of the official ac- tion of the episcopal board, which was against increasing its members. This, it is said, was brought out by the candi- dates themselves. The Largest Whisky Sale. Ten Thousand Barrels Change Hands in One Transaction. CINCINNATI, O., May 10.—The larg- est sale of Bourbon whisky ever made in the United States was consummated to- day when the Union Distillery Com- pany bought for $150,000 cash 10,000 arrels of whisky from the Keller dis- tillery at Cynthiana, Ky. The Silver Conference. No Official Responses Received Fr om Foreign Governments Invited to Participate. ‘WASHINGTON, May 11.--It was stat- ed at the Treasury department .this af- ternoon no official response has yet been received from any of the foreign govern- ments invited to meet this government in a conference of the silver question. The London press dispatch containing Chancellor Goschen’s statement that England will send delegates to the con- ference created no surprise at the de- partment whatever, for the reason that pave assurance to that effect had een previously given by the proper re- presentatives of her majesty, It is said that similar assurances have also been received from other governments. The invitations were mailed two weeks ago, and the responses from the respective countries may be looked for in a short time. —— Knights of Golden Eagle. In Annual Session at Chambersburg—A Visit to Gettysburg. CHAMBERSBURG, Pa., May 10.--The annual session of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, of Pennsylvania, began here to-day, grand chief D. D. Blanch, of Johnstown, presided. The annual reports of the grand chief and grand master of records were presented and read, after which the convention ad- Jjourned until to-morrow. This after- noon the annual parade was held. The prizes were awarded as follows : First prize, $100 in gold to the best drilled commandery, to Harrisburg ; second prize, $50, to the Beward commandery, of Reading; third prize, silk United States flag, to Penn commandery, of Reading : fourth prize, for largest num- ber of men in line, $50 in gold, to Har- ris commandery, of Philadelphia ; fifth prize, fatigue uniform for best gill castle, to Pioneer castle, of Ash- and. To-night a ball was given in honor of the visiting Knights. To-morrow the castles will visit Gettysburg. Rexroat Defeats Bogardus. St. Lours, May 8.—Captain Bogar- dus, who at one time held the cham- pionship wing shot of the world, and Wiliam Rexroat, of Illinois, shot a bird match yesterday. Fach man shot at seventy-five pigeons, and Rexroat succeded in stopping sixty-five, Bogar- dus scoring but sixty-four. The high wind made shooting difficult, and sever- al birds that were hard hit managed to wiggle over the dead line. Killed in a Riot. ALTOONA, May 8.—This afternoon a riot was started among the [talians on Fifth avenue, this city, and for halfan hour a general fight raged, knives and clubs being freely used. Joe Partre went into the erowd to quell the disturbance, when be was instantly killed by a brick which broke his neck. No one was seen throwing the missile, and the coroner’s jury was unable to reach any decision. Pine Grove Mentions. Mrs. Sadie Heberling is visiting friends at Bellwood, The near approach of Memorial day suggests the idea of beautifying and putting in proper condition the cemeteries. ® Mary Jane Stewart, of Altoona, spent last week with her brother, G. W. McWilliams and other relatives hereabouts. Mr. W. C. Gephart, of Millheim, who is well known in this section as Mason & Hamlin’s hustling agent and most enterprising dealer, recently has supplied some of our people with elegant musical instruments. A heavy rain storm passed over this section last Friday noon, accompanied with wind, blowing down fences and badly washing fresh plowed ground, besides filling most of our town cellars with a fresh supply of water. Mr. William Musser, one ot our old agricul- tural friends, is straightening up his affairs prior to starting on a trip west; not to grow up with it,but to visit near relatives. The WarcnMaN wishes him a pleasant journey and safe return. Our young friend Wm. F. Musser, who re- A Close Mouth. “Your son Tom is not looking well.” “No; poor fellow, he lost 25 pounds since he accepted a position in the ele- vated railroad.” “Does he have to work so hard ?” “It's not the work that's making him thin.” “What is it, then 2?" “Well, you know, whenever an acci- dent occurs he has to keep his mouth shut or he will lose his position.” ——Mr. Rider Haggard thinks Egypt the most interesting and the least explored country in the world. ~The following letters remain uucalled for in the Bellefonte P. 0. May 9, 1892. Alta Hange, Anna Morgan, C. E. Perry, Mrs. Liddy Richards, Elmore Sitger, Mrs. Matie Somsell. When called for please say advertised. J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. New Advertisements. cently graduated in the medicai profession at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelph ia, we understand, will swing his shingle to the breeze at Stormstown. We wish him a bril- liant career. Our G. A. R. boys are making arrangem ents for the usual memorial exercises, at the differ- ent cemeteiizs in the township, and Pres. G. W. Atherton, of the State College, will orate at the Pine Grove ceremonies. Rev. Glover is to deliver the address at Fairbrook. Mr. John B. Campbell, oldest son’of ex-Co m- missioner H.C Campbell, left for Bellefonte, last week, where he has accepted ‘a clerkship in the “Racket.” John is a pleasant, jovial follow and with diligence and , practice no doubt will make a success of the mer cantile business. The mansion home of ex-Commissioner Campbell was the scene of an unusual amount of gaiety on Tuesday evening lasts when a party of young Fairbrook ers assem- bled to have a good time, and they got it. Mr.and Mrs. Campbell well know how to make folks feel at home and comfortable. A reformation in our town is reported. For a time we thought he would be a Presbyter- ian but recently he has been carrying the keys to the Lutheran church and last Sunday morning was just in the act of acting as jani- tor when the proper one called for the keys, which had better have been left at hom e, es- pecially Saturday nights. In our last week’s mention we failed to n ote the death of one of our most highly and m ost respected citizens. Mrs. Catherine Musser: wife of Daniel Musser, died on the 20th ult. of heart trouble superinduced by la grippe. But no one thought her end so near, as she retired to bed the evening before apparently better, but, alas, her spirit had flown during the night and when she was called for breakfast failed to answer, having died in the night by the side of her grandaughter. She was of German des- cent and was born in Reading, and for over 40 years was a much loved mother, wife and neighbor. - Her remains were interred in the Boalsburg cemetery, Sunday, May 1st, where her pastor, Rev. Trostle, paid the last tribute to her memory. The Warcamax sy mpathizes with the husband and large family of chil- dren. E————— A Good Man Gone* DIED,—At his home in Albany, Ill, Monday, April 25th, 1892, Samuel Sharer, aged sixty- three years, two months and eleven days. Samuel Sharer was born in Lancaster coun- ty, Pa., Feb. 14, 1829. When he was twelve years of age his parents came to Centre coun- ty and located in the vicinity of Zion ; where he remained until he attained the age of manhood. While he was yet a young man he married Miss Mollie Hoy, sister of the late Judge Hoy, of Bellefonte; their union was, blessed with eleven children, nine :of whom- six sons and three daughters, remain to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father In the spring of 1866, Mr. Sharer, accompaa ied by his wife and family, settled on a farm near Albany, White side county, Iil., where, three years ago he was called upon to mourn the loss of the wife of his youth. About one year ag» Mr. Sharer was united in marriage to Miss Sophia E. Young, of Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, Pa., since which time they have made their home in Albany. To those who were personally acquainted with Mr. Sharer written eulogies are not necessary to call to mind the noble christian character of him whose whole life was an example of piety. At the age of thirteen years he embraced the christian religion, and in 1850 united with the Methodist Episcopal church, to which he re- mained faithful until the hour of death, which came after two weeks of intense suffering. The funeral took place from the M. E. church his sons acting as pall-bearers. The services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. J.G. B. Shadford, whose remarks were fitting and comforting to the mourning wife, sons and daughters. The body was followed to the grave by a large concourse of friends assem- bled to pay the last tribute of respect to one who in life was honored for the truest nobility and christian graces, which have won for him a place among those of whom it is written, “Blessed are:they that do his command- ments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in throught the gates of the city.” W.B Y. Wallace Confident of Democratic Vie- tory. PirrsBUurRG, May 10.—Ex-Senator William A. Wallace, of Clearfield, was in Pittsburg to-day for the first time in several years He was located at the Monongahela house when his arrival be- came known the Democratic cohorts of Pittsburg flocked to meet the “sage.” It was rumored that the purpose of Senator Wallace's visit was of a politi- cal nature, but he was here for purely business purposes. Senator Wallace said that he is confident of a Democratic victory in the fall but did not express himself as to the presidency. Knights of Labor in Secret Session. Prrrssure,May 11.—The general executive board of the Knights of Labor was in session here all day, but nothing could be learned of the proceedings. General Master Workman Powderly stated that the business was purely rou- tine. To-night a large mass meeting was held at Lafayette hall. No Extradition With France. WasHINGTON, May 12. —Whitelaw Reid’s extradition treaty between France and the United States, was rejected by the Senate to-day in executive session. NY nies BUSHELS GOOD CLEAN WHITE OATS. MARKET PRICE—CASH. . Office at old Snow Shoe Coal Yard. 27 4 tf. BeLLEFONTE Furr & SupprLy CoMPANY UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the es- tate of Jacob Fishburn, late of Ben- ner township, deceased, in the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, Pa. The undersigned hav- ing been appointed an auditor by said court to distribute the funds in said estate to those legally entitled toreceive the same, gives no- tice that he will be in his office, in Bellefonte, for the duties of his said appointment on June 4th, 1892, at 10 o'clock, a. m. E. R. CHAMBERS. 37 19 38t. Auditor. I ex NOTICE. — By mutual consent, the firm of Bun- nell & Aikens have this day been dissolved. J. M. Bunnell jetiring from the firm. The books, accounts, notes and leases have all been left at the Centre County Bank for set- tlement. All persons knowing themselves in- debted to said firm are requested to make im- mediate payment. All persons to whom the firm are indebted will present their claims to J. A. Aikens, who will continue the business at the old stand on the corner of Allegheny and Bishep streets, Bellefonte. J. A. BUNNELL, 37 19 2t. J. A. AIKENS. PPLICATION FOR DIVORCE: Mary A. Chase, by he next friend, Edward Wellington, vs. Frank Chase. Divorce, A. V. M. The undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre county, in the above case to take testimony, gives no- tice that the testimony will be taken in the office of E R. Chambers, in Bellefonte, Pa., May 28th, 1892, at 10 o'clock, a. m. M. G, MEEK, 37 19 4t. Commissioner. UDITOR’S NOTICE,—James R. Alexander vs. Margaret P. Alexan- der, et al. Inthe Court of Common Pleas of Centre county. No. 140 August term, 1891. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court toreport liens against the funds arising from the allotment of the real estate in above stated case, and to report a schedule of distribution, will be at his office, in Bellefonte, Pa., to attend to the duties of his appointment, ‘at 10 o'clock, a. m , on Tuesday, the 28th day of June, A. D., 1892, where all parties in inter. est may attend, if they deem proper. JOHN . DALE, 37 19 3t. Auditor. UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, in the matter of the estate of James Ruble, late of the township of Potter, county of Centre, State of Penna., deceased. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said court to make distribution of funds in the hands of the ad- ministrator of said decedent, among those legally entitled thereto, gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoiniment at his office, in Bellefonte, Pa., on Tuesday, the 81st day of May, A. D., 1892, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all porties concerned may attend. JAMES C. NOLL 37 19 3t. Auditor. OTICE.—To heirs and legal re- presentatives. Pennsylvania, Centre county, S. 8S: I, John Rupp, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, of said county of Centre, do hereby certify that at an Orphans’ Court held at Bellefonte, the 25th day of April, A. D. 1892, before the Honorable the Judges of said Court, on mation a rule was granted upon the heirs and legal representatives of William Coan, deceased. ridget Fox, William Coan, Maggie Runkle, Kate Healy, Kate Murray, Mary Murray, John Killeen, Wm. Killeen, Wm. Healy, Ww. F. Reeder Guardisn ad litem for Wm. Healy, and Martin Coan (residence not known) to come into Court on the first day of June Argument Court (Tuesday the 7th) to accept or refuse to accept at the valuation, or to show cause why the real estate of said deceased should not be sold, same notice to be given as in inquisi- ion. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Bellefonte, the 25th day of April A. D. 1892. JOHN A. RUPP Sherift’s Office Bellefonte, c.0C 37 19 3t. Pa., May 9th 1892. Penna. State College. —PROGRAMME FOR COMMENCEMENT.— }—JUNE 12th to 15th, 1892.—] SuNpAY, JUNE 12th, Baccalaureate Sermon by Rev. S. D. McCon- nell, D. D., of Philadelphia. Moxpay, June 13th,—at 8,30 p. m.—Junior Oratorical contest ia the Chapel. Tuespay, June 14th.—8.30 a. m., Annual meeting of the Alumni Association. 9.45 a. m., Artil- lery salute. 10 a. m., meet ing of Trustees. 12m. Alum- ni dinner. 2 p. m. Meeting of Delegat:s and Alumni to Elect Trustees. 3p. m. Ex- hibtion Drill. 8 p. m. Ad- dress before Alumni by Hon. W. U. HensEL, Attorney Gen- eral of the Commonwealth. 9-11 Reception by the Facul- ty. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15.—At 10-30 Commencement Exercises of the class of 92, dl Bellefonte Central Trains will connect at Bellefonte with all trains east and west and specials will return to Bellefonte afterthe evening ex- ercises on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, New Advertisements. New : Advertisements. New Advertisements. J,YONS’ GO’S STORK The best line of Spring Jackets, tan and black Reef- and Blazers from $3.50 up to $15,00,we guarantee them the best made and best fitting goods in the market. Wraps, Medici Collars plain and jet trimmed from $5,00 to $10.00 Carpet, cheap ones, 15cts per yard, Cotton Ingrain 20, 25, 30, 36cts, Heavy, part wool Ingrans, 85, 38, 40, 45cts, all wool Ingrains 50, 55, 60, T5cts, Brussels from 48c to $1.25 per yard. Matting from 12% to 50cts per yard, a variety of grades and styles. We have just opened a very large line of children’s knee pants, suits $1.25 up to the best. Child’s knee pants from 25cts up to the best. Mens’ black Cheviot suits from $6.00 up, Men’s brown mixed Cheviot suits 6.00, 7.- 00, 8.00, 10.00, $12.00. Men’s wood brown Cheviot suits same prices. Our Shoe Department is the most complete in the county. Men’s dress shoestor $2.00 are the best two dollar shoe we ever saw. Men’s dressshoe for $2.50 as fine as finest kid and very durable. Men’s dress shoes for 2.00, 1,75, 1.50 and down as low as $1.25, Our stock is complete in all lines, the largest stock kept outside of New York and Philadelphia. LYONS & CO. BALTZELLS.— NEVER in our Millinery History have we had such sales as this spring and still we are crowded with orders more than two weeks in ad vance. Our grand opening of summer styles will take place near the 18th of May, when everything the New York markets supply in Nov- elties, as well as the Stand- ard Imported Styles will be represented. In advance we have received a large rum- ber of LADIES’ SILK MULL HATS. A handsome Broad Brim Hat in Ecru Silk Muli and Lace, shirred with long $irines forming a jabot of lace and u without Lavender, Broad Brim, shirred, Lace and very Delicate Blue, plain shirred Stylish Pink, shirred Mull...... White Silk Mull, Sailor shape.. White Mull, Flat Brim, shi Lace, very handsome........ ‘eo Black Silk Mull, different sty an Handsome red s k Mul Elegant gray shirred, Silk Mull. No two Hats are alike and will not be duplicated. They are the lightest, prettiest and most stylish Hats of the kind we have ever seen. We have the silk Mull in all colors, and Hails will be made to or- der. They come in" Misses’ sizes also in all popular shades. We have also for the little ones the cutest, prettiest Caps ever yet imported or made at home. An endless varie- ty of them are on hand, fresh from New York and French Modistes. Oniy "a few quo- tations: Mull Cap, Point d’ Espre, loops of ribbon IN RUGhIng. eencesessunseninsivecsoreasssaissrncectn $ Chiffon Cap, shirred and tucked. Mull, net and ribbon Ruching Lawn, shirred and tucked, broad ties...... 1 50 Mull, Val. and gros grain borders........... 2 58 Mull, Val. ruffles, crown and coronet of baby ribbon 2 00 China Silk, shirred, Val. bor 2 25 Lawn, beautifully tucked and broad strings, not duplicated......... ..... 2 00 Handsomely embroidered net, ruching and broad ties.........cceviiiiiine eSsdsel sine 17 BALTZELLS, Corner Eleventh Avenue and Elevent street. 36.47 Altoona, Pa. Fauble’s Clothing House. AT FAUBLE’S, RICES the fairest you have ever known, A man’s all wool suit for $10,- 00. The bestin the U. S., for the price, $7,00 buys ! an all wool suit for your boy, such as will make you wonder how we get them. For the little boys, the ones whe wear short pants, $3,00 or $3,50 will dress them in a nice new all wool garment, The greatest yon have ever seen. Give us a call. We have everything that belongs to our line, you can get what you want at 37-14 FAUBLE’S. Opposite Brockerhoff House. GENTS WANTED. ‘I'o canvass for the sale of our Home Grown Nursery Stock. Bestterms. Unequaled facil- ities. New features. Liberal offers to cus- tomers, Established 1846. W. & T SMITH. 3715 8t Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N. Y. oJ C. MILLER PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Rentsor Sells property of all kinds. Does a eneral collection business, opens cr closes ks for firms or individuals. Special attention given to collection rents and business accounts. If you have any real estate for sale or rent or wish to rent or bu, property, call and see me at room 13, Criders Exchange, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 87-13-3m D® JAS. A. THOMPSON & CO. APOTHECARIES, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, Pa. ——DEALERS IN—— PURE } DRUGS, }{ MEDICINES TOILET } ARTICLES and every thing kept in a first class Drug Store. 8714 6m OOD NEWS! . More draperies, Silkalien, Lace curtains, Dotted Swiss, &c., just arrived. Some beautiful Sateens. Infants Cashmere coats and Lace caps, just opened. Just what you want fer the baby. CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spine Street, ellefonte, Pa. 3649 1y Fore HOTEL PROPER- TY FOR SALE, AT STATE COLLEGE. - The undersigned offers his hotel property, at State College, for sale and invites corres- pendence with all parties desiring to invest money in an excellent paying business . It is the leading hotel at the College and en- joysa LARGE STUDENT AND TRANSIENT CUSTOM, The hotel has lately been remodeled and fitted throughout with steam heat. Every- thing has been arranged for convenience and comfort. A large stable, ice house and all necessary outbuildings are on the property and in the best of condition. The building occupies the corner lot at the main entrance to the College grounds and has the most desirable location in the town. The owner desires to sell owing tosickness in his family and must leave the place on that ac- count. Address all communications to 8. S. GRIEB, 37 4 tf. State College, Pa. Type-Writer. N° 5. “All Sorts and Conditions of Men.’ use the REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE-WRITER because it is constructed upon the best design, of the best materials, and by the best workmanship. WYCKOFF, SEAMANS & BENEDICT 834 Chestnut St., Phila. Pa. 37 18 Im Farmer’s Supplies. BR BEND CHILLED PLOWS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GRAIN DRILLS, ASPINWALL POTATO PLANTER PRICES REDUCED. Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse Cultivator, with two rowed Corn Planter Attachment. PRICES REDUCED. Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surreys of the finest quality. PRICES REDUCED. CONKLIN WAGONS, CHAMPION WAGONS, FARM CARTS, WHEEL-BARROWS. PRICES REDUCED. Champion Rock Crusher and Champion Road Machines, BARBED WIRE, both link and Tog wire. PRICES REDUCED. CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, PUMPS, FEED CUTTERS, LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS, FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. The best Implements for the least money guaranteed. , Office and Store in the Hale building. 36 4 McCALMONT & CO.