Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 22, 1892, Image 5
New Advertisements. ry ER TT or A in 3. IS. B05 TT. GE SATO New Advertisements. CHANCE FOR A SUMMER JOB.—A single man wanting a situa- fion on a farm, can hear of a good place at fair wages by addressing “A” care of WATCHMAN office. Mast be able to do all kinds of farm work. 3714 3t GENTS WANTED. "To canvass for the sale of our Home Grown Nursery Stock. Best terms. Unequaled facil- ities. New features. Liberal offers to cus- tomers, Established 1846. W.& T. SMITH. 3715 8t Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N. Y. ee ———— DMINISTRATORS NOTIC.E— Letters of administration on the es- fate of William Mechly deceased late of Pat: ton township, having been granted to the un- dersigned, he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims ainst the same to present them duly authen- ticated for settlement. E. H. MARSHALL, Filmore, Pa. 37-13 66 Wir ! «a BUSHELS GOOD CLEAN WHITE OATS. MARKET PRICE—CASH. Office at old Snow Shoe Coal Yard. 27 4 tf. BrrierontE Furr & SuppLy CoMPANY THE Serve BONNET. was out in’ all its glory on Easter, was rather cool for it, but neverthe- less a sure sign of approaching spring. We don’t keep bonnets but a beautiful line of SPRING GOODS. White lawns, Indian linens, nan- sooks, swiss torchon laces, chiffon laces, &e. The finest line of NANSOOK EMBROIDERIES in town. It will pay you to visit our store and see for yourself. CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street 36 49 1y ellefonte, Pa. JOHN §. MILLER PRACTICAT, ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Rentsor Sells property ofall kind«. Does a eneral collection business, opens or closes ks for firms or individuals. Special attention given to collection rents and business accounts. If you have any real estate for sale or rent or wish to rent or buy property, call and see me at room 13, Criders Exchange, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 37-13-3m D* JAS. A. THOMPSON & CO. [APOTHECARIES| ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. ~———DEALERS IN=—— PURE { DRUGS, {| MEDICINES TOILET { ARTICLES and every thing kept in a first class Drug Store. 8714 6m Type-Writer. N° 4. Quick, Easy, Durable, Strong, 18 THE REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE-WRITER more 80 hay than ever before WYCKOFF, SEAMANS & BENEDICT 834 Chestnut St., Phila. Pa. 37 13 1m Farmer's Supplies. fjoury BEND CHILLED PLOWS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GRAIN DRILLS, ASPINWALL POTATO PLANTER PRICES REDUCED. Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse Cultivator, with two rowed Corn Planter Attachment. PRICES REDUCED. Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surreys of the finest quality. PRICES REDUCED. CONKLIN WAGONS, CHAMPION WAGONS, FARM CARTS, WHEEL-BARROWS. PRICES REDUCED. Champion Rock Crusher and Champion Ro Machines, Barbed Wire, both link and hog wire. PRICES REDUCED. CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, PUMPS, FEED @UTTERS, LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS, FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. The best Implements for the least money guaranteed. Office and Store in the Hale building. 36 4 McCALMONT & CO. 30, 35cts, $1.25 per yard. 00, 8.00, suits same prices. shoe we ever saw. as $1.25, and Philadelphia. 3715 3m New Advertisements. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. 1, YONS' CO’S STORE | PALTZELLS — REASURER'S SALE OF UN-| ot Patterson Benj 5 | yori : SEATED LANDS for taxes for 1890 | 47 Parker ...... 1340 | 15 geeordance with the act of June 61h, 1887 Sodan. M d d T d a of and 1891—Agreeable to the provisions of law, 300 Reed John C. ” 8 00 | jnterestwill be added to the amount of all onday an uesaay relating to the sale of unseated tracts of land POTTER TWP. ’| taxes assessed against unseated lands abo . . for the non payment of taxes, Notice is here- | 100 Scott Samuel... «ctusrn 5 86 | advertised. 5 ea ;2bpve The best line of Spring [next week have been decided en thal there will be exposed at public | 100 Scott ADTARBHcorrerreero 5 8 JAMES J. GRAMLEY, e wing tracts of unseated | j08 61 Telley Ferrell. 390| 3715 County Treasurer. lands in county of Centre, Pa., for taxes due i {eon : Jackets, tan and black Reef- upon as the day 8 of our and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, in the i Vapierehiss Bedty. > and Blazers from $3.50 up|Grand Millinery Opening Boronghof Belletoits, on Monday. the Th | oy 1, yyiecn Jot rrr ont 33 | AA MATTER OF GREAT ’ . , 1892, : . m, 5 n ! : 328 Allison JaS...ecmeen 157 44 ’ ( ; ect t BOGGS TWP. 250 Ailison Androw... 108 00 to $15,00,we guarantee them We confidently exp he Ee op en | Al Fh 0s 00 BOR TNOE To YOU the best made and best fitting | verdict of our Fair Lady Crit- £5163 Godfrey Martha... 2 82 ae nS . . N 63 Harvey Jonathan 17 46 h 4 goods in the market. Wraps, | ics on that occasion 10. he (331 ° 0; Hood Moses... 17.68 54 seb i : 14 . - eenenen 18 18 Medici Collars plain and jet | “The handsomest Millinery BURNSIDE TWP. Bolo : . ian Bt 415 Black James..... oe 12 46 FFERING FROM LONG STANDING . ” trimmed from $5.00 to $10.00 | display ever seen inthis city.” (18 103 racy font Lomo Dentier William eB | URONIC plates PreratEe’ oF wii ie Hin 433 Ehler Daniel. 27 ’ Carpet, cheap ones, 15cts per | We know it wiil be the larg-|43 '* 55d flab 1% 20 3 y : is Boyd John. 1240 | ooh 253] THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS » 5 c 7 : 483 103 : yard, Cotton Ingrain 20, 25, | est, the most unique, the 48 163 Cowden Jou. 2 43 | 150 en SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE Heavy, part wool | most varied and complete, | 488 18 Dewart John... 12.81 | 3g of SUFFERING FROM . sy ; 433 9 11 Ingrams, 35, 38, 40, 46cts, and when all that is true itis|5s 1% Porte... 12 51 | 488 1%) EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT . . 433 163 Gray Robt... 12 81 res 0 all wool Ingrains 50 55, 60, | not likely that real Worth [i 163 Gray Wm... 12 81 | 433 Hess 910 TROUBLE Vaso 433 163 Grant Thomas Gia 2 107 Hopkias Juke 14 95 e T5ets, Brussels from 48c to|and Beauty would be neglect. | 16 SobinChe 12 81 | G3 “153 Haines Reuben, 3 62 0 ar Matting | ed. Mr Bowden has spent |i 1% Houeel Jobni 10 $8 18 Divina Robs. bg cf be : Matting | ed. pe i 163 Housel John. BIG 1m wf 136! MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, . amilton Thos.. 4 from 12% to 50cts per yard, |mnan weeks in New York |: i Kidd John. 13 o1 | 100 King Robt.... 48 00 2 433 163 Lyon John. Ba | St J lucas 911 Von Grafe Infirmary, a variety of grades and styles. | and Philadelphia in the lead- [20 ~~ Miller Win... 28055 1% Lowden Rickard 7 38 : ; Milli B . n NiSholson Joni 2101433 163 Lowden John....... 15 47 COLUMBUS, OHIO. We have just opened al|ing Millinery Kmporiums as 1s Perker Jeremia. 14 05 | 490 Matlock Nathianici g 40 . . . : : 3 163 affer Henry... 23 43 a very large line of children’s | preparing for this display in| x Stewart Walter. 2000 | 52 19 Malone Richard. Ju 3 ol 433 163 Scott Samuel.. Bo I rt. 2 -—WILL BE AT THE— knee pants, suits $1.25 up to| which more than fivechun- |i" Hewat Amn, $9 | 4m 163 McClellan John. 4 60 : . s ; : 26 152 McCoy Wm........ 55 the best. Child's knee pants |dred Hats and Bonnets are |i ' wiicwerjuos: DED we Earp, 393 | BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONT; PA. 1: 415 Wallace Jos. S... 12 46 | 40 4 : ' > 5 433 153 Morgan Benj. F... 9 from 25cts up to the best. to be exhibited. In fact, he #2: 13, Wallaos Joseph Lellm 1m i i ee —MONDAYS— : : du : - 433 153 Morris Isaac Wauuu.... i g Mens’ black Cheviot suits|had unusual privileges ac-|if JRE IG arin 1° MeCord) kok Gp A . x BlL.csnsinrnennnines vorears 5 25 92 9 9. from $6.00 up, Men’s brown | corded him, that of going COLE TVR, 433 153 Musser Jno, 1 of. Sy . ua h Li ol 17 Johnson ROSS... aos dm dm. ww Sel 1 6 Aug. 22, Sep. 19, Oct. 17, 1 0 Johnson Thomas............ 1 rgan B. R. 24 o 9 mixed Cheviot suits 6.00, 7.- | through the work rooms OI Gr 9.0 i 16 Malone Riva a Nov. 14, Dee. 12, : . i Tae a 1 10.00, $12.00. the first and largest establish- | so BOOKS JOt0 weenenriunrsin os OTD (322 1587 OI DAVIS theses ireerares 54 39 1 2 an ’ 4 : 1 204 Bruce Charles.. 14 27 | 433 153 Peters Richard 34 of.ceecsees 13 65 Men's wond brown Cheviot | ments in the cities, usually |i 3 Gai ir BE CAR TE i i a ONE DAY ONLY oe ps Hardman. .i : oh | 403 Kelso Rebecca. . 3325] 14 80 Potter Woiirvicesms. 189 : closed to others in the busi 1 Kelso Joseph... | 3% 4m 163 Poters Richard i/o Wo ap : a . feyer Philip 1 84 Philips Hardman. 33 - Our Shoe Department is | ness, and permitted to copy [10 Meyer Simon... 970 | 433 163 Reed Roberto: o> ATION: AND: CONSUL 2 ] . 420 48 Myers Michael... 40 41 | 40 Reed John..... 5 04 TATION FREE TO EVERY the most complete in the |from their latest andchoicest i fic: james 1070 | 33 155 Rush Benjon 163 3 : : ss 115 Taylor Joseph. 8 25 | 38 Robinson Wm iB : county. Men's dress shoestor imported and original works. | 1 Willis Jonathan. 1320] 30 ohinson Wan. 4. i BODY . . . FERGUSON TWP. 216 Ranny Robt..... i0 37 9.00 are the best two dollar This added to his own direct 433 153 Slough Geo.......... i 57 1% Prrenfisld Wm. 5 09 432 158 Stoner Christian 45 47 ol fs : 9 48 jel ... 21s | 5 Men’s Paris importations assures | 1» yo 5 183 | 433 Stoner Jno........... 14 94 | They will visit this country every four weeks, 10 Hiclts Abram 1 30 " 153 Sidens Figanot.. 45 47 | thus saving their patients tho trouble and ex- dress shoe for $2.50 as fine as | our stock to be the very creme | 10 Hicks ima 1) 0 Williams J. Gov Demme og ous J sh county Who : GREGG TWP. 32634 ‘Wilson Jno.... 13 70 | carry their own manaxins, models, diagrams finest kid and very durable. de la creme of Home and 200 Bishop Cornelius 390| 7 Wilson Wm......... 15 75 id illutsrate and make plain to all a He Mors dross shoes” for 2.00, | Foreign Millinery, where|d Sahat: fide sn WhERRGRGT n| elael mile of el uke Th ray Robt. XN 93 WISIET 10% evmeans 4 will give their numerous patients and others at ig iD Ros EE a wl hosel eh meld] ment fn br - ahn . 1 see o rtun consu ese distinguishe - 1,75, 1.50 and down as low rot 1ng stale or lacking | “31 Hepburn W 115 [433 153 Zantzinger Paul. 54 60 ns, Sse duties atthe Institute will pr styl e will b e be all owe d t 0 1 Logan wal 2 $ SPRING TWP. mit only monthly vislts to your community. Arley ac 91186 115 Purdue John E 9 31 . 88 Painter John 174 : hot 3 Our stock 18 complete in intr ude. 2s i 2 . 300 nes i u 3 CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE EYE, 148 150 Robinson Rich: : : 118 2 29 | 157 ar 5 33 | guch as Granulated {Lids, Chronic Inflamma- all lines, the largest stock Verymany exclusive shapes 10 2 66 100 VaRnowns os oo 421 tion ofthe Lids, ofthe Iris, of the Choroid, of A . P. e Retina, ronic Ulcerations,Spasms of the kept outside of New York will be represented » and some | 116 7 80 | 433 153 Fisher Samuel W.. 62 35 | Lids, Cancers of the Lids and eye, Tears run- . HAINES TWP. 433 153 Fisher James C.. 62 35 | ning over the cheeks. Day and Night Blind- , | 433 153 Norris J, P., 24 of . 9 31 y Mal Sore Eyes, Gonor- that cannot be duplicatedboth | 1 Bare Thos... yolld 5 Sh See eal Ophihebmia. Symphiite Ophhaimi in trimmed and untrimmed |i% Mines So 200050 parker Jeremiah 3 of. 0 BL | Ee swe satan. he bly THY: a are Mary... 216 « w “ 2 97 | crenular, Ophthalmia, Opacities or milk white 100 Gratz Michael 1 50 : A } st 1 306 89 Gratz Michael 4 90 | 102 Tompkins Jos.... o5 73 | spots on the Eye, Glaucomia or cupping on the an yies. Soe a 6 4g | 433 163 Waln Phoebe ..... 31 g2 | nerve, Amaurosia, Falling out of Lashes,Sores, 305 Gi sla Simm tin gr 39 29 Wharton Mary M 2 20 | Redness of Edges of Lids and Eyes, and other BALTZEL LS 435 Hall Chas pal ® 2 4 ze 2 20 | diseases to which jthe eye or its appendages y o5 Hayes Calvin M 1 TAYLOR TWP, are liable, positive and rapid enre guaranteed Corner Eleventh Avenue 112 Henry Joseph : 180} 76 Anshultz Geo LYONS & CO md Mlevent street. J 133 Links Mary 321i) oo a 365 EAR TROUBLES ARE CURED J 2 . 8 95 § 36.47 Altoona, Pa. Mead bs 1 ot 5. Shani Jose ny 3 80 | in an astonishing quick time. He will relieve 388 Seidel] Philip. 6 53 | 431 a yr 2 2 you of all rosring, hissing and ringing noises, 303 Soidoll Poter....omisiesroron : 596 | 216 156 McEwen Polly ..... 20 83 Da iN IM Ine fie oar. Fauble’s Clothing House. HALF MOON TV To Yoni rorere John 2 98 | standing; will insert Artificial Ear Drums of 25 Lamborn Jost " 2 200 Whitehead Srahiar 19 2 his Hn invention with astonishing gratifying = acob Lyle.. results. 44 11 Unkpown.. 155 UNION TWP. HARRIS TWP. 150 Brown William 6 30 A WORD ABOU1 *CATARRH. 117 Davis Boyce... 5 25 isd Dante Ada a : 2 159 140 Marm Harvey. or 6 68 It is the mucus membrane, that wonderful 196 Fisherd. C.... ! 8 50 | 433 163 NISEAr WIN i. hn ee 17 50 | semi-fluid envelope surronnding the delicate 260 Gregg Thomas. : 116 WALKER TOWNSHIP. tissues of the air and food passages, that Ca- 93 Henry Stophel.. ? 465 | 92°" 91 'Askers Robert 201 tarrh makes its stronghold. Once established 140 Henry Stopbel.. : 112 | 212 16 Bak at a it eats into the very vitals and renders life a 75 Troan John... > 129 | 32 Ba 1 D0, in 7 48 | long-drawn breath of misery and disease, dull- 150 ae { 261 0 es Poe r In i 2 89 | ing the sense of hearing, trammeling the pow- 10 Irwia William. 3 52 | ant 9 oo er SH . 5 43 | er of speech, destroying the faculty of smell, 169 Mitciell John : 870 | “60 Trier vary. gh Siniiog i breath gi. killing ig refined : a En ; es ] pleasures of taste. Insidiously, by creeping ids 0 MuCormick Bloauor, Ls i: ns EE Dagny Nu Toy 2 54 | on trom a simple cold in the head, it HEE 260 McClellan George. LE pang er y Blizabeth.. 3 96 | the membranous lining and envelopes the 712 124 Parker Thomas... 70 To Yans Jesse... 151 | bones, eating the delicate coats and causing 00 Root Jadien 960 | To) SS BekertW 2 20 | inflammation, sloughing and death. Nothing 88 Reynold's Jno el re a m. 2 02 | short of total eradication will secure health to 212 Reynolds Jno i 108 | 013 55 Git We 3 52 | the patient and all alleviates are simply pro- 170 “ 1 500 | 2% 72 In bop yo 5 86 | crastinated sufferings, leading to a fatel ter- 100 Sankey Thomies.. Yow © Hann Sinem 4 66 | mination. Dr. Salm bas, by a treatment local 165 Simpson Nathan. Tn] = a A enoger 51 | and constitutional, made the cure of this dread 235 « Fo gd Hn TD LA 1 z diseass 4 orHainty and has never falled, Sven ’ : A when the disease had made frightful inroads AT FAUBLE’S, 1» Unknognd 1 > as 1 dunes Fidwned.. 475 | on delicate constitution, hearing, smell and 241 “ wit 12 31 | 161 Re avid. 1 2 fasts have Jer Soenneiad and the disease 125 Wilson David 639 [327 160 Mansell Wm.. 722 oroughly driven out. 75 Wilson Wm. 129 (90 9+ Mercer Jno... 2 01 : 30 Wilson Peter 86 ( 3827 100 Mercer David 7 22 CHRONIC DISEASES. 152 Work David. 7 65 i V 138 Work Joseph... 7 05 ot 2 Miller Win gy The Doctors treat no acute diseases, but HOWARD TWP %6 40 Packer Jo 191 malke an entire specialty of chronic and long . 107 104 Brown Samuel : 803 | 89 40 Packer James Jr. 2 00 Smpding Gaon. anes Li Sb 22 Ther RICES the fairest you 415 GOGITey Martha. sem sm ser 14 20 | 182 Purden Richard. 6 60 sh BD tor ig nA Bont i 100 Purden Jno..... 2 20 oy inti 136 92 Harris Jas. D 533 175 Robi Richard 6 60 15,000 cases in Ohio in the last twelve years, have ever known, A LIBERTY TWP 88 A guinson.tiichard., 1 93 | many of which have been given up as incura- 3 : 80 CORT Wises ios a ie . 650 [882 138 Sutler Daniel... § 14 | bie, some to be blind, others deaf, and a large man’s all wool suit for $10,- 166 Hayes Robt. and Jas... 1992 | 12 Wilson Robert. 27 LE bin Sor ut on] 00 The best in the U S fob = Sayos Wa 3p of.... %] 7 WORTH TOWNSHIP. on the high road to health and recovery every . i : odor to ialemanl GE GLO keen Jolem) te) 33 Clymer Henr, 1 84 | day. i} : ie 1 Jackson Jeremiah. ? 2 4 PL Robart. ag | The doctor is surrounded with the largest the price, 200 Krouse Daniel....... 8 00 | 309 Hawthorn Thos 3 46 | collection of fine instruments every imported 150 Lytle Peter ) 671 | 340 Kuhnes Jno..... 23 (0 | to this country for examining and treating all $7,00 buys an all wool MARION TWP, ! 2 Lowman gon. iN Nome hae A hy Ki : - : ayland Jasper 5: , , Lungs, , Liver, : 2 : 197 Harris A. D.. 180 | 274 Miles Samuel... 18 40 | neys, Bladder, Skin, Brain and Nervous Sys- suit for your boy, such as will 37 100 McKinney D 695 | 86 Ross John......... 5 92 | tem,’ Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Swellings, Old } 80 Young Robt. 1 24 | 100 Shippen Thomas Li 14 70 | Sores, Fits, Paralysis, Neuraigia, Rheumatism, make you wonder how we MILES TWP 79 Swanwick John.. 1 83 | Dropsy, Gout, Sick Headache, Debility, De- 0 Brady W 5 P 2 6 Singer John ... 69 | pression of Spirit, Diseases of Children, Here- ge £ them 4 Brad ly, vm. easaanne ennesene 1 2 3 Shippen Wm. Ir. 3 45 il Diseaseniara) Sto) su in fact all long : 3 “Barton Wm..... . 5 ; ro eases. 3 403 Carothers'Jas.. 540 | “30 Viste Dani: 1 i: Sanding sn Dig Viet For the little boys, the ones BA 180 | 7 Es RECTAL DISTT 424 Calhoun Geo 31 28 ALSO, i . p whe wear short pants, $3,00 200 Gray Robt... 14 80 | All of the following lots or tracts of land re- Jie Sith make ose bal id . ’ 100 Hepburn Jas... 2 06 | turned by the tax collectors of the following | jtching and bleeding, ulcers, fisures fistula— or 83,50 will dress them m 100 Kreamer Peter.. 3 170 districts, respectively, for the years of 1886, | which are often taken for Cancerous and Lung 5 i Ei Miles Wm. Bison 16 72 id] 1888 and 175% to the Commissioners of | Diseases, all cured if taken in time. Remem- : . -16 0: 13 12 | Centre county, for non payment of taxes, ac- 1 : thot in. a nice new all wool garment, = Pagier Woy ist 4 30 eoraing to the provisions of pd several Acts Be a A WH he Th { rinceton Jaco! 14 80 | of Assembly relative to the sale of seated lands ithout th fa knife, Causti Tin e reatest yon have ever on Swineford Peter. 1 43 | for taxes: without the use of a knife, Caustic, Ligature g y i» $08)! Siophetan 30 71 | Aer’s Lot Name Ass'd in Y'rs Taxes. | °F Injection, Come and he convinced. onathan... i . . Seen. 158 Young Ben Brn 3 a Park ty 87-88 59 50 Kilo o th Womeh, uchips Lavelhatied she . > : 50 | skill of other physicians and remedies, quick- Give us a call. W e have PENN TWP. Lot Frank Nelson spas 15 66 | }y cured. Cancers, tumors, fibroid A 200 MeCauly Wm... Lot J. M. Kepler 87-88 53 55 everything that belong to x bak Nm “ 2 Foundry Jones & Landon 198 73-90 old growths a the use of the 3 S 5 : a Woale ; : nife or caustics. No cutting, no pain, no y Johnston 88 23 61 our line ou can get what Fi Nenana Petar 3h 0 3 03 Lot Albert Owens 5 913 Abd perfectly restored. Quic’ pain: A ’ y g 400 Swineford 7 20 BOGGS TWP. joss and Geka Tas or pre Io an OTT y 16 th Negl 1889 2 hood, spermatorrheoca losses, weak and ner- you want at 265 Blair fed Ph IVY Lion Baia SY one § % vous debility ; also for prostatitis, vericocele . 2 Bond Ht ave a MILESBU RO, and all privae diseases, whether from impru- 27-14 FAUBLE'’S. i Brady Wap dh Lot E A. Green 1887-80 6 32 , dent habits of youth or sexual functions,speedi- ! S111 Canteon Alok nt Lot Mrs. Eliz M'Ghee 1887-83 8 40 | ly and permanently cured. Consultation free Opposite Brockerhoff House. 123 Denninger Christ. 7 80 HUSTON TWP. .and strictly confidential. Absolute cures guar- 300 Falls Thomas... 427 433 Austin Swisher 1887 27 32 A i og Free S3amigasion 268 « ior 783 | 330 Bush & Tome « 44 93 Ap PpIYIni 208 maces ad Frick John JF 492 Lot Lore Light “ 18 treatment, shoula send or bring 2 to 4 ounces 108 Fullmer BH. B 2a 10 BJ NS Suaaraon Bal. + 3 2 of urine, which will receive a careful chemical 200 Garrigas Edward 3 00 0 ss ye and microscopic examination. Small Tumors, 125 Hoplor Berhard... oy LIBERTY TWP Cancers, Warts, Moles, ete., removed without 100 Hontor Alexander 5321 210 Christian Holter 1888 53 56 | acids, knife, pain or scar. New method Flec 236 Jacobs G., iii e411 Millg farm Jno Nestlerode ~~ 1880 83 8s troysis. Epilepsy or fits scientifically treated 200 Garrigas Wr. 3 90 ORME and positively cured by never-failing mw ethod. 200 Gregg Thomas 70 Wk Address all communications to ‘Box 760, 275 Gordon Thorias 8 78 Lot C. L, Beckwith 1889 68 Columbus, Ohio. Examination and congulta- 300 McClellan Ge org a 4 a b on isaac Jarret 4 1886-89 3 tion free to everybody. : > : - 0 Jlizabeth Snyder 314 McKim Robt... 19 32 Lot Philip on 18°9 3 0b 86 ers 1171 a i “w 0 OUR ADVERTISEMET WILL APPEAR 138 McKim David IA SATigwwe Qo WY i dy i a FE 3 i SERAtG TW TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. cClellan Geo g PRIN Py 278 Norris John wien sorre ann 7 80 Lot J. L. Murphy 1889 4 66 37 4 2¢