Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 22, 1892, Image 4
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance Bellefonte, Pa., April 22, i892, P, GRAY MEEK, - - - Epiror State Democratic Ticket. EOR CONGRESSMAN AT LARGE. GEORGE A. ALLEN, Erie, THOMAS P. MERRITT, Berks. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. CHRISTOPHER HEYDRICK, Venango. FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE. MORTIMER F. ELLIOTT, Tioga. JNO. C. BULLITT, Philadelphia. THOMAS B. KENNEDY, Franklin, DAVID T. WATSON, Allegheny, FOR DISTRICT ELECTORS Samuel G. Thompson, Clem’t R. Wainwright, Adam 8. Conway, Charles H. Lafferty, W. Redwood Wright, George R. Guss, John O. James, William Molan, James Duffey, Charles D. Breck, S. W. Trimmer, Samuel 8. Leidy, Azur Lathro T. C. Hipple, Thomas Chalfant, W, D. Himmelright, P. H. Strubinger, H. B. Piper, Joseph D. Orr, Charles A. Fagan, Andrew A. Payton, John D. Braden, Michael Leibel, Thomas McDowell, J. K P. Hall, The Quay—Magee Convention. * The Quay—MAaGEE combine, gener- ally called the Republican state con- vention, met in Harrisburg,on Wed nes- day, and fixed up matters to suit the two bosses. This of course will suit the crowds that wear their re spective collars.. Their work was practically harmonious, for the reason that a har- monious settlement of some street rail- way franchises in Pittsburg, in which both were financially interested, had been arranged some months ago, and when harmony exists between these two political moguls there is nothing for the people, who do their bidding, to quarrel about. Dgeax, who was backed by Magee, was nominated for Supreme Judge; McDoweLL, a special protege of Quay’s,and LILLY a worshiper of Cay- ERON, were selected as candidates for- congressman at large. A slated list of delegates and electors fixed up the night before by these bosses, were named without opposition. ~~ The grangers, who wanted TAGGERT as a congressional candidate, and the dark- ies who wanted Day as a delegate-at large, got nothing. A resolution congratulating Quay on his success in knocking out DazgLy, was voted down, but another onere. cognizing his “eminent party services” went through with a hurrah. The platform begins with creation and ends with the Boyer tax-bill claiming everything good, but the birth of Curist, as the results of Re publican rule, and charging every evil that has befallen the world since the flood, as a consequence of Demo- cratic teaching. It expresses “‘unbounded’’ confidence in BExsamin Harrison, but does not hanker after another dose of him, and sends ite delegates to Minneapolis, with- out either instructions or a request, to give him their support. The McKINLEY bill gets a full share of commendation, but no where in all the length of this extraordinarily lengthy deliverance, could we see that it “points with pride,” to the increased wages workingmen were promised un- der this bill,or to the good times it was to secure to all classes of our citizens, As a whole, the work of the com. bine is no better and possibly no worse than the people of Pennsylvania ex- pected, and have become used to. It’s nominees are men of fair reputation, asreputation now goes, but have no in- herent or personal strength that will make them stronger than their party or add a vote to the Republican col- umn in the fall. On the other hand Judge Deax’s connection with corpor- atoins ; McDowELL’s slavish subser- viency to QuavisM and LrLLy’s well known opposition to the interests of the laboring men, should make the ticket a particularly weak one, and one that with all its boasted majority the Republican party might find difficulty in electing. t—— As Quiet as a Corpse. During the administration of presi- dent CLEVELAND, that class of politi- cians and newspapers that pretend (and we honestly believe some of them think,) they are better than. others, were continuous in their praise of civil service reform, and just as persistent in their denunciations of the Democrat- ic authorities, when occasions required the kicking out of a Republican rascal and placing in his place a Democrat. The country took this opposition to removals from office for political rea. sons, in good faith, and actually came to believe that these men and pa- pers were honest in their professions and were determined to oppose any political party that did not recognize and carry out their doctrines of civil service reform. For his adherence to this belief and his efforts to satisfy this Mugwum- | pian idea, Grover CLEVELAND, lost the support of thousands of old-line Demo- crats—and the election. Harricox went into office under a promise to the people, that this new, i non-political, theory should have a fair trial, and that the Mugwumps, and Reformers, as these holier-than-thou people denominate themselves, would find no reason to complain. He has turned every Democrat out of office he found in, and put in place every hungry Republican who applied as long as there were places to fill and they have made no complaint ; he has violated every promise of giving their theory, of non-partisan appointments,a full and fair test and they have failed to protest against his action; he has even gone 2s far as to allow his Secre- tary of the Treasury to remove a Fed- eral office holder, who as a Republican official had performed his duties faithfully, because he would not use his official position to assist a faction of his own party to choose delegates to Minneapolis, whom a political boss de- sired, and as yet the Mugwump voice, seems paralyzed, What is wrong? Do these protessed reformers, de- mand civil service reform only when Democrats are in control, or why is it we hear nothing from the advocates of their doctrine, about the violation of Republican pledges, to carry it out? Tell us, oh ye Mugwumps, what of the Foster—BrLiss-—MILHOLLAND,case? Is civil service reform dead ? Or are‘those who professed to advo- cate it hypocrits ? A “Victory” that Looks like Defeat. If people always knew when they were defeated, what a wonderful amount of rejoicing, would have been denied our Republican friends over the re- sults of the recent election in Rhode Island. Sincethe noise of their glorifica- tion has died out, and the dust of the contest settled down, so that we can hear and see and understand just what was done, the Rhode Island Republi can victory turns out to be a victory than won nothing for that party that it did not already have, and a success that failed being a most disastrous de- feat, only by the smallest kind of a ma- jority. Since 1852, that state has stood un- falteringly by the Republican parity. It has never, since that date, scored a Democratic victory in a presidential year, and at no time has its Republi- can majority been less than 2,000 ve. ~s. At times it has ran as high as £5,000: At the recent election it squeezes through with a beggarly majority of 134 votes. These are the correct, official figures over which we have heard so much blowing. They are the result of a con- test, unequaled in intensity, earnestness, and efforts, such as was never before ex- perienced, and show this one undeni- able fact, that Republicanism cannot hold its own, even in a state where every condition of politics is in its favor, and that it must look to some issue, other than its protective tariff ideas, if it would make a hopeful fight in the future. Taking into consideration the voting population of New York, Ohio, Indi- ania, Illinois, Michigan, and Wiscon- sin, and let the Republicans lose in proportion to the whole vote in either or all of these states, as they did in Rhode Island, they would be unmerci- fully defeated in every single one of them. The same proportionate loss in Pennsylvania, would make it so near a tie that the result would not be known until the official count was promul- gated: And such is the “victory” Republi- cans are content to crow over in Rhode Island. Republican papers that cogtin- ually point to the imprisonment of BarpsiLey as evidence of Republican justice for Republican mal-feasance, forget that it was not the Republicans who puthim there. It was his own con- fession of the crime that did the job. After he confessed, what else,under the sun, could the Republican courts do but pronounce the sentence the law imposes for such offences? ————— Toe MEYERS VoriNne MacHINE~ Remark ble statements are made on behalf of the Meyers press-the-button voting machine, which has just been tested in Lockport, N. Y. If half that is claimed for it is true itis so perfect that Jjmortal imperfection should almost be ashamed to adopt it in the frail and erring business of political elections. It will, so it is said, accept and register the votes ot a whole precinct within the half hour, secretly, accur- ately, blindly and impartially. It demands of the voter only the ability to read the names of the candidates above the buttons which he must press, and while permitting him to vote on every office, makes it impossible for him to repeat. The use of the Meyers machine at town elections was authorized by ithe New York Legislature last March and the Lock- port election gave it its first trial. The aver- age time for voting at Lockport was twenty seconds and the result of the election was known within ten minutes after thepoll closed. It seems impossible to believe that the New ! York Legislature bas permitted an honest ma- i chine to go into actual use. But if the meyers machine is all that it is asserted to be,it should go into use everywhere without the delay of a single session of any Legislature that can pass upon it.—Phila. Times. The machine to which the Times re- fers is the invention of a former citizen : of this place, Mr. J. H. MEYERs. It | has been adopted as the system of vot- ing at all local elections in New York, and will eventually supercede all other systems, whether for local or general | elections. Itisso far superior to the Australian system in securing secrecy, rapidity and fairness in voting and the absolute certainty of a fair count, that the two systems are not to be compared in the same day. It is the coming sys- tem of States that desire honest election, and we congratulate our former towns- man on the certainty of the success that awaits his invention. mr ———— ~——It is wonderful what consola- tion and encouragement the Harris- burg Patrict finds in its republican ex- changes. Of late its columns are but a reflex of the opinions of boss Quay’s organs, and its editors are green enough to think that the Democratic people of the state will take these views as Demo- cratic opinions or Democratic senti- ment. Sly John Bull —How He Tried to Hood- Wink Our Only Uncle Sam and Tri- ed to Get All His Own Way. WasHiNgTON, April 18.-—The mo- dus vivendi for the protection of the Behriog Sea seal fisheries during the pending of arbitration, which has been the subject of negotiations between Se- cretary Blaine and the British minister, was brought to the capitol about 1 o’clock this afternoon, and for some rea- son was under an injunction of secrecy, and therefore was not laid before the senate in open session. Mr. Sherman, however, was notified by the president of the nature of the communication, and he moved that the senate go into execu- tive sessicn. Accordingly, the people werg cleared out of the galleries, the doors were closed and then the seals were broken and the modus was read to the senate. It appeared from the reading of the document that Mr, Blaine and the Brit- ish minister have been spending the time since March 26 ‘last, when the British government consented to renew the modus vivendiin trying to phrase the conditions relative to damageso as to secure advantages for their respective governments. Indeed, it appears that all of the hesitation and rcluctance ex- hibited by Great Britain in consenting to the renewal , was assumed with the purpose of obliging this government to accept terms for the adjustment of dam- ages that would insure Great Britain against heavy loss in the event of the decision adverse to her by the arbitrators and on the other hand, would promise the assessment of such a’sum of money against the United States as would go far towards healing the soreness still felt by the Brirish diplomats at the for- midatle judgment rendered against them by the Geneva arbitration. Secretary Blaine has been endeavor- ing to bring the statement of liabilities of the two parties back to the basis laid down in Mr. Wharton’s note of July 23 last, while the British government has sought to escape the direct responsi- bility for the unwarrantable killing of seals and for any thing more than the difference between the 7,500 skins which lesses of the seal islands took and the 100,000 skins they might have tak- en had the modus of last year been en- forced. The agreement just reached is said to be a fair means between the two extreme proportions. It appears that it will, unlike the first modus, require the approval of the senate, inasmuch as the last document proposes a permanent settlement of damages and provides for the means of adjusting the claims. The discussion to-day was generally in the same line that has characterized the preceding debates, and some senators called attention to what they regarded as imperfections in the document. It was finally referred to the committee on foreign relations. Excitement in a Theatre. PI1TsBURG, Pa., April 19.—Duringa performance at the World’s theatre, McKeesport, to-night Frank Seargeant, known as “Oklahoma Frank,’’ shot and probably fatally injured his assistant Frank Ferguson. Seargeantis a rifle expert and a large audience was present to see the crack shooting. At 9.80 o'clock Seargeant came out to perform his most thrilling act of shooting an ap- ple from the head of Ferguson. The audience was breathless as the two men took their places thirty feet apart. Seargeant turned his back to the target and after adjusting the mirror fired the shot which has hit the apple for five years. At the report of the rifle Fergu- son threw up his hands, staggered a fow steps and fell upon the stage, blood gushing from his head. Instantly the audience was in an uproar. Several women fainted and a panic was narrow- ly averted. Thecurtain was rung down and Dr. Black called in. The ball struck in the centre of the forehead, just above the eyes, and it is’ feared entered the brain. Ferguson is still uncon- scious, and the physician is unable to say whether he will live or not. The audience was calmed by the announce- ment that Ferguson was not dangerous- ly hurt and was then dismissed. Fer- gusonwas removed to his home, where he is now lying in a critical condition. Seargeant says whether Ferguson lives or dies he hasshot the last apple from the head of a human being. The acci- dent was similar to the one that result- ed in the death of Mrs. Frank Frayne several years ago. De —————————————————— She May Die. McKxEesport, Pa., April 18.—At the meeting of the Salvation army in this city last night, about 10 o’clock, Miss Agnes Stewart, who was in attendance, fell to the floor in a spasm, being over- come by excitement. She is 17 years old and lives with her parents at Char- ity park. She was carried from the hall to the home of a friend, where she is lying in a critical condition, Favors Fred Douglas for President. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 17.—Bis- hop Brown of the A. M. KE. church is visiting here and in an interview yester- day, favored the nomination of Fred Douglass for President. He said it would tend to concentrate the colored vote and that would show to the great parties what it is really worth. “It would create a spirit of solicitation’ he continued, “and would get protection from political motives if nothing more. We do not get the protection from the Federal government that we should have. Prejudice as it prevails, only breeds outrages like the Memphis affair. There is prejudice in ‘Washingtoa, in New York, everywhere. If the negro was more independent he would be bet- ter protected.” Officer's Costly Revenge. re. A Man Arrested Without a Warrant Sues Scran- ton for $20,000. ScrANTON, Pa., April 16.—A police officer was passing by William Bo- land’s livery stable last night, when Mr. Boland made an uncomplimentary re- mark about the patrolman. The latter reported the matter at the police station, and he and the sergeant went out and arrested the liveryman. Judge Gem- ster when he heard the case to-day, was indignant because their had been no warrant for the arrest, and the prisoner was’discharged. Boland at once began a suit against the city for $20,000 dam- ages. ———— ADDITIONAL LOCALS. MARRIAGE LICENSES GRANTED. —Fol- lowing is a list of marriage licenses granted during the past week : Charles Zettle, ot State College, and Carrie Evey, of Lemont. Miles Yingling, and Ellie Hainer, both of Philipsburg. Jackson Kline, of Millheim, and Re- becca Musser, of Penn Twp. Michael Boyic, and Maria Skurle, both of Philipsburg. y Thos. Meris, and Mere Krukack, both of Philipsburg. LiveLy TiMEs AT THE ForGE.—It is seldom that one hears ofsuch a thing as a mother, father and son being drunk, bui such an occurrence took place, at the Valentine Iron Company’s furnace, on Saturday evening last. The old lady had procured a gallon of whiskey and straightway proceeded to fill herself up on its contents. Ebullition was going on’ rapidly when the old gentleman appear- ed. He took in the situation at a glance and concluding that he had taken her for a little better than she was then demonstrating herself to be, began drowning his sorrow in the jug which had destroyed his wife’s equilibrium. His sheets were soon in the wind too, and when the son came home remorse took such a strong hold on him that rather than sec his parents in such a condition and have to think of their Bacchanalian revelry, with shame, in the future, he fell in with them. Oh, such fun. The old man blackened the old wom- an’s eyes and the son returned the com- pliment, on behalf of his mother. The woman scratched and howled like mad, but soon they became loving again. The ‘‘razzle dazzle’ was danced, ‘“Ta- ra-ra-boom-de-ay !”’—was sung, and they made ‘Rome howl,” in that vicinity for several hours. The inside of the house was entirely demolished. Dishe$ were broken, furniture smashed and stoves upset. Outside they sallied, and fired stones through every pane of glass in their domicile. Oh! What a glori- ous “jag” they did have on. The truth is they have been nursing big heads ever since, Shame on such people. For shame that we have them in our community ——We wont vouch for the truth of the following, which we get from a cor- respondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer. If anyone is anxious to know how cor- rect or reliable the story is we presume he can find out by inquiring of Major Curtin, who is made sponsor for the story : . “Hverybody in the National Guard of Pennsylvania knows what a strict disciplinarian James A. Beaver was when he was Governor. Austin Cur- tin, who is from his native town, told me this reminiscence about him at the Coleman House the other day: While Beaver was lieutenant-colonel of the Forty-fifth Regiment he was sitting in front of his tent one day, when a sloven- ly soldier with a very badly fitting uni- form lounged up and asked ¢ ‘Vere ish der doctor ?”’ “Sir; is that the way you address your superior officer ?”” roared Colonel Beaver. The German stared at him in amaza- ment without saying a single word. Then Colonel Beaver said : “Take this chair , sir, and I will show you how to address an officer.” ‘An’ me vas der boss of der regi- ment 7” “Yes, sit here and I will show you how to act.” . The new recruit sat down in Beaver’s seat and the Col. walked off a few paces, turned about, returned to a position in in front of his temporary substitute, wheeled around, and making a military salute, inquired : : “Colonel, ean you inform me where Ican find the surgeon of the regi- ment 7” The recruit arose, and luok seriously at Beaver, replied : “D—— if I know where he is.” Ee at AIA Pine Grove Mentions. W. J.and J. F. Meyers spent last Sunday at the bedside of their aged mother, who is quite ill, at her home, in Boalshurg. Our young merchant D. C. Krebs reports, among other insolvent creditors on his books, one at his home it’s a boy and is to be named Grover. And neighbors John Archey and Me- Clellan Rossman are looking about for differ- ent cloth. The carriage formerly owned by Post Mas- ter General Wanamaker was seen on our streets last week. That prince of good fellows C. M. Whipple is the owner of it and we shouldn’t wonder if he turns out to be our fu- ture post master. The Pine Grove water company recently held their annual meeting, for the purpose of electing officers and auditing committees with the following result: J. G. Hess was elected President, W. B. Ward Esq. Treasurer Directors Joseph Ward, Chas Smith and J. L. Munpley. The post office excitement scarcely passed away, when the sprightly form of Col. J. W- Stewart was, seen on our streets; earnestly urging our town dads to invest in B. B. R. Road stock that the road would surely be made to this point this with the agitation of a new county with Tyrone as the county seat is most more than our town can bear whilst the smaller fry stand aloof wondering what's next, The death rate in our G. A. R. Posts, in this part of the county, has for the past few years been small, but on the 15 inst. there came the summons, which all must obey, to one of our number. With sadness members of Zentmey- er and Campbell posts, in a body, followed the remains of Comrade George Goodwin to his final resting place, in the Penna Furnace cemetery. His tent is the mound that will soon grow green over which the stars and stripes will be unturled on Memorial day. He was a member of Co.E. 45, Reg. P. V. and leaves awife and a large family of children to mourn the loss of a kind father and a true and brave defender of the Republic. On the 14 inst. there was a most pleasan gathering at the Luthern Parsonage, at this place, it was soon learned that Mr. Zet- tle and Miss Eby, of Lemont, accompanied by a few special friends, presented themselves at the alter where Rev.C. T. Aikens united them in the holy bonds of wedlock. After the usual happy greetings they took their leave for their home at Lemont. And still they come: On the same date a quite wedding came off away down in that quiet town of Boalsburg, at the Lutheran par. sonage, by Rev. Trostle. On this auspicious occasion Mr. A. J. Tate Jr., oldest son of A. J. Tate Esq., espoused Miss Annie Bottorf, the admirable and refined daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bottorf. The nuptial ceremony over the newly wedded couple were most cor- dially received at the home of the groom’s par- ents where the usual feast, of good things of the land, was partaken of. Oh, then the awful Calithumpians. Miss Anna is one of our best young ladies and having had a training under one of the best of mothers will make a model wife, there is do doubt. The groom is well known, of good character, intellectual, and of generous impulses. Andrew may you and your fair bride be forever happy with no dark clouds to darken the brightness of your matri- monial sky, and the world always seem bright and fair is the wish of the Warcuyax. ————— The Watchman Got Their First. [Several weeks ago our friend Henry Vita- lini departed for a visit to Italy and as he has been a subscriber to the WarcamaN for many years he directed us to forward it to him while abroad. Henry travels very much and some times his paper misses him;on this account he was quite explicit in his directions and ex- pressed fear that some numbers might fail to reach him. The following letter will explan to you what a good time he is having and al- so that the WarcaMaN knows the way over the Atlantic quite well.] Genova, April 1, 1882, Gray Meek Esq. Dear Sir. Your kind wishes, and of the many friends of Bellefonte, for a prosperous voyage were realized. The fact is after 8 days of sea and as many by land, I reached home safe and sound as a gold dollar. This is the sixth time that I have crossed the ocean, butthe onlyone I have, escaped the usual consequences of sea sickness, not only myself, but out of 1,000 pass~ engers perhaps about half a dozen didn’t feel well. My receptionat home from relatives and friends was very great indeed, and so pleased am I, that I intend to stay a few weeks longer, then will proceed by rail to Lombardy, and from there will make a visit to some of the principal cities of Italy includ . ing Milan, Turin, Naples, Pisa Florence and Rome, then will be back here again, hence to Paris, and finally to Havre where by a French steamer will return to America on hand to re- gister my name and castmy vote for the next president of the United States. On my ar- rival I found your valuable paper, for which ples se accept my sincere thanks. Yours Truly Henry C. Vrain, a ——— In Memoria m. Resolutions of respect adopted by Victor Grange, No. 159 April 16 1892. Whereas, God in his wisdom saw fit to re- move from our brother and si ster Worts, a loving daughter, Annie C, aged 15 years 7 months 24 days. Therefore be it. Resolved, that as a Grange, we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family knowing that they alone can fully realize the extent of their loss, and we should commend them to the all wise Father, who will sustain them in this their great affliction. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and to the Farm- car's Friend, Democratic WArcumaN and Key - stone Gazette for publication. Vainly we held the hand of our loved one ; Strove to call her to earth once more, Heard she only the songs of angels, Come afar from,the golden shore. Boldly she entered Death's rising waters, Floated away on the gloomy tide, Beckoning over for us to follow, Follow and meet on the other%ide. Thou who breakest the bruised seed never, Thou who turnest the night to day, In this time of sorrow and anguish Be our guide, our refuge, our stay. Only to Thee we look for comfort, Only to Thee all hope we bring, Lead us, O lead us up to our darling To thy promise ever we cling Froy Brown, ANNA DALE, } commiteo Lizzie THOMPSON, a — Mackenzie Is Dead. ToroNTO, Ont.., April 17.—Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, Premier of Can- ada, died at 12-40 this morning. TT SSC FAS, Died. WILLIAMS.—In Worth township on the 4th inst. Bardons Ormsby Williams, aged 3 years 8 months and 10 da Ellen Williams, Ormsby was a bright and interesting little boy. But his life was short, he came into this world of trouble, and remained just long enough to win the affections of all who knew him, and then in the morning of life, in the spring time of the year, he passed to the better world, leaving in many hearts an aching void that even the pitying touch of time can not fill. . How his parenis, and his brothers and sisters will treasure up his childish speech, how care- fully they will gather np!and lay away his toys and everything that belonged to him, and keap them sacred to the memory of the little hands that used them. “When neath the daisies cold and white Those little hands shall folded be.” He has passed “beyond the smiling and the weeping,” and, though his death made our hearts sad, he is better off, as he has escaped the snaresjand temptations and sorrows, that. beset the lives of all who live out man’s ap- pointed days, and his friends will remember the beautiful little dark haired boy who will not grow old, and whose head will never be gray. Rev. Forges preached the funeral sermon his text was, Malachi, 3 chapter 17 verse. “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels.” After the] remains [had been deposited in the grave, the choir, by request of the mother of the deceased, sang the hymn, “God be with you till we meet again.” Ormsby was left to sleep with his grand parents in the Williams cemetery. ys, son of John P. and In Memory of Reuben Richards. Reuben W. Richards, of Julian, Pa., breath- ed his last on Monday evening April 11that 8 o'clock. He was aged 62 years and 3 months. He suffered many weeks, but bore his suffer- ing with patience and when death came to claim him he was prepared for the great change and is now at rest in the bright world above, where the inhabitants are never sick and never grow old. He leaves a sorrowing wife and six children to mourn his loss. One daughter, Zillie, having preceded him to the glory world several years ago. His six child- ren that are living are Josephine, wife of Mills Alexander, of Julian ; Nettie, wife of Rober L. Rodney, of Port Matilda ; Julia, wife of W. B. Parsons, of Unionville ; Roland R. Richards who is married and lives at Silver Dale ; and Morgan the youngest, still at home, who is a telegraph operator at Port Matilda. Reuben Richards was born and always lived in Huston township, he was the son of George Richards, one of its first settlers. He then lived on the land owned by John Campbell and on which Julian is situated. Eightbrothersand one sister have preceeded the deceased to another world. Two sisters still survive: Mrs Sarah|McGarvey and Mrs. Stover who reside in Unionville. Rev. Craig of the U. B. Church had charge of the funeral services and laid his remains to rest, on Thursday afternoon, in the Julian cemetery to await the resurection of the Just. A precious one from us has gone, Alvoice we loved is still ; A place is vacant in our Home ; Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled, The boone His love has given ; And though his body moulders here ; His soul is safe in Heaven. M.B.R. Pe —— —The following letters remain uucalled for in the Bellefonte P. O. April 18, 1892. Albert Austin, James Dunkin, Verge Gills Mrs. Call Gehret, James Fitzpatrick, Mrs. E. Mary Hoover, Mrs. Ellen Hoy, S. John Hall, Mary McNally, Marthias Parker S. John Spearly. When called for please say advertised. J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. S——————————————— Colleries Cease Operations. PorrsvirLe, April 20.—All the Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron collieries with the exception of Lincoln and Brookside will again cease opera- tions this evening for the remainder of the week. They will resume again on Monday. It isnot known how long the collieries will run according to this plan, but it is thought it will continue some time. New Advertisements. XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of John F. Krebs, late of Ferguson township, de-- ceased, having been granted; to the under. signed. He requests all Jersons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. H. M. KREBS, 37.11-6t% Pine Grove Mills, Pa. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here- by given that the second and final ac- count of C. M. Bower, Committee of Margery C. Wilson, a lunatic,and the account of John R. Thompson, Committee of 8. M. Marshall, a lunatic, have been filed in the Prothonotary’s office and that unless i be filed thereto on or before Tuesday April 261892 the same will be confirmed. March 24, 1892. L. A. SHAFEER, 37-12-4¢ Prothonotary. ONVENTION CALL.—The Pro- hibitionists of Centre county, will meef in convention in the Court House, in Bellefonte, on Friday, April 22nd, at 1:30 o'clock, P m., for the purpose df electing dele- gates to the State Convention at Scranton, June 1st,: nominate a county ticket, and transact such other business as may properly come be- fore them. Mass meeting open to allat 8 p.m. Respectfully yours, J. ZEIGLER, 3714 2¢ Chairman, XCELLENT HOTEL PROPER- TY FOR SALE, AT STATE COLLEGE. The undersigned offers his hotel property, at State College, for sale and invites corres- pendence with all parties desiring to invest money in an excellent paying business * It is the leading hotel at the College and en- joys a LARGE STUDENT AND TRANSIENT CUSTOM, The hotel has lately been remodeled and fitted throughout with .steam heat. Every- thing has been arranged for convenience and comfort. A large stable, ice house and all necessary outbuildings are on the property and in the best of condition. The building occupies the corner lot at the main entrance to the College grounds and has the most desirable location in the town. The owner desires to sell owing tosickness in his family and must leave the place on that ac- count. Address all communications to 8. 8. GRIEB, 37 4 tf. State College, Pa.