mere —tngcifier in THERE ARE. Beautiful words never spoken, Whispers of cheer that might save Hearts drifting weary and broken. Down to the night of the grave. Silence more deadly than passion, Glances that slander can send, Fram’d in the world’s devilish fashion, To murder the heart of a friend. Look, spotless virtue impeaching, Souls lying crush’d on the plain, With tear frozen eyelids beseeching The touch of love’s sunlight again, Burdens to bear for the weaker, Jewels to dig from God’s mine; And gems fairer still to the seeker. In the angels’ tiara shine. Within us the soul’s silent treasure Waiting the kiss of the light ; Sweet scented blossorus of pleasure Our fingers may cuil from the night. Fruit shining ripe on toil's mountains, Pearls that sleep under life's sea ; Music in God's laughing fountains Undream’d of by you or by me. Larks singing down in love’s meadow, Throstles that pipe by the hill; Out of time’s darkness and shadow, Whispers that comfort and thrill. Voices within every singing, Melody softened by tears, The pheenix of hope at last springing Serane from the ashes of years. —J. R. Parke in Detroit Free Press. AN ODD LIFE ROMANCE. Was Alec a Lunatic, or is There a State of Pre-Existence ? We had brought our chairs out on the lawn, for the night was hot and sultry. . A low hanging harvest moon spread its full radiance over field and meadow, and the heavy feeling of op- pression rested on us all. We were but a small party, but entirely congen- ial. From boybood up we had ever been close companions, and the only break had come when Alec had been sent on business for his house to a far away Southern town, there to nego- tiate the transfer of a coffee plantation. At the time of his departure he was en- gaged to be married and expected soon to return to claim his bride, but on ar- riving at his destination he found that certain business and legal formalities would detain him much longer than he anticipated. Writing home to his finance of his disappointment, she de- termined to go out to him. and by the the next steamer she was on her way. That was years ago, and to-night was the first time we four chums had been all that time. We had heard, but in meagre details, the death of Miss Marvin soon after her ar- rival. Alec had come back, only to hasten off to some other place with an equally unpronounceable name, and we had supposed that by this time his sorrow had become a thing of the past, and that he bad somewhere in his travels found a wife to take Miss Marvin’s place. On meeting him at the door it was evident to me that time in this case had proved but a sorry healer. The light-hearted, jolly boy was gone, and in his place stood a man stern and aged before his time with a questing wonder in the gloomy eyes that seemed forever seeking something or some one as they glanced cautiously about. He was sit- ting now puffing away at his cigar in moody silence. Tom, Dick and I were trying our voices on some old melody that seemed appropriate to the night, yet we did not let ourselves out, but sang rather in a subdued and sort of hushed way, as though we were afraid of waking some one. Just when we were about to start in on the third verse, Alec started up, and, in accents charp with pain, eaid : “For God's sake fellows, shut up. Can’t you see that music is driving me crazy ? Ihate minor music and I hate the moon,” Noting our surprise, he continued: “Yes, I know I act like a lunatic, but when I tell you something I have been trying for years to solve you will know why it is I can- not bear that song or appreciate this moonlight.” He sat up straight and something in his manner led us to believe that what he had to say was connected with that period of his existence of which we knew so little. Turning from one to the other, with a gleam of the old time companion in hie manner he said : “Boys, what Itell you to-night I have never breathed to a living soul outside the tropics. Help me, if you can to solve a mystery thatis driving me mad.” : In hushed expectance we waited for him to begin. It was not long, though at firet it seemed ¢s though he had for- gotten our very presence. “When I was sent out to Mendoza five years ago, as you know, I was to return soon, The trip vas delightful, my prospects bright and the expecta- tion that on my return I was to be married to Miss Marvin whom you may remember, gave to my thoughts a singularly happy turn and everything was couleur de rose. “The first night at dinner I noticed a girl sitting near me, who, from the very peculiarity of her appearance, attacted my attention from the first. She was unually slender, with long, slim, beau- tifully manicured hande. Her eyes were black, small and restless. Her Lair of the most extra-ordinary tint of red that I have ever seen. You smile; she was not oeautiful, but if you could have seen as I have done, the slow, sweet cruel smile ; the rosy lips and s: all sharp teeth, and the lighting movements of the slim hands and graceful head, you would not wonder I was charmed, aye charmed that was the word. Away from her I loathed the very thought of her, but once let her come toward me, with that grace. ful, undulating walk that was all her own, with the slim white hand extend- ed her eyes fixed on mine, while that perfect smile hovered over the little, cruel mouth, I was her slave. “I hated myself torit; I read long lessons to my wavering affections on their disloyalty to Bessie, and in the midnight hours swore that I would nod meet her again while we remained on board. But all in vain. The charm of her presence was too much for me, and the morrow found me by her side. Things of that kind progress so much faster on shipboard than in society. There is nothing else to do, and before I knew what 1 was about I had (drifted further than I dared to think of. She, on her part, seemed not so much to ‘love me as to enjoy the torture she in- flicted. Vanity was her ruling passion though why I was chosen the victim to besacrified on its altar, God only knows. Onenight, it was just such another as this, we sat together in the shadow of a lifeboat looking out over the sparkling sea.. On tbe morrow the trip would be ended, and I, away from her baleful presence, could burst the chains that bound me and be once more a man. Asif reading my thoughts she slipped one white hand into mine and in a sort of dreamy whisper, she began : “Alec, doyou believe in a pre-exis- tence? I do, and somehow tonight I feel as though I could look back into that state and see myself. Many times I've been in the same place, be- fore, always a jungle, deep, dark, im- penetrable. I see great dead white and scarlet blossoms whose odor makes the very air heavy with a languorous perfume. I feel that I am there yet see no one until a man with white drawn face approaches near my hiding place. Then all at once I feel a tremor steal throughout my being, fierce fire beats down upon my head. I clasp my body round that human form, and then I see the mau enfolded in the coils of a writhing, venomous cobra that springs from the branch above ris head. Alec, am I that cobra? “Involuntarily I sh.dder; her pic- ture was so vivid. With a soft laugh she went on. “You need not shudder. I find something most enchanting in that pic- ture ; it is the way to kill, crush in a fierce embrace—and life is soon extinct Itis as I should do as ifyou were false.” “Her eyes glittered as she fastened them on mine, and the slim fingers twisted convulsively.” “It is as I should do,’ she murmur- ed, “but not the man, oh, no, that pu:- ishment would be, too small. A death like that, crushed in my linger- ing embrace, would be but heaven to the man, but through the woman he should suffer.” “My thoughts fly to Bessie and 1 saw then—oh, go clearly—what a fool I have been to allow myself to be drag- ged into the net of sucha woman, but on the morrow we would part and then it would beso much easier to break the news of my engagement by letter, and as I was soon to return to North America what harm could come of it. It was only an episode in the life on shipboard. We parted for the night, she more loving and tender than her wont, yet with a peculiar stealthy watchfulness of my actions that made me nervous: Inthe morning all was bustle and activity, and in the confu- sion we exchanged but a few hurried words and parted—I with a promise of many letters lingering on my lips and she with an odd little metallic laugh that rings through my dreams to this day. I put off telling her of my en- gagement, even by letter, until I had word that Miss Marvin was about to join me, owing to my stay being pro- longed. Then I knew that I must no longer conceal the fact and sat down and wrote to my steamer companion a full explanation of my affairs and arose from my desk with a huge weight off my mind and my conscience. “The moments seemed weighted, so slowly did they pass until the word reached us that the Mariposa was ly- ing atanchor in the lower harbor. Bes- eie my future wife, my bride to be, was only an hour away. No lover was ever more ardent, and it was a not Jong before I was rushing like a madman down to the wharf to greet my darling. There I stood with the burning southern sun beating down on my unprotected head unheeded, for a fiercer and more ardent flame was con- suming my heart as I thought of the happivess in store for me. With the breaking off of my relations with my southern steamer acquaintance a new life seemed to bound through my veins and an eagerness I could not conceal caused me to pace up and down in restless impatience on that scorching wharf, “You can imagine when I tell you all this what my feelings must have been when just as the majestic vessel was within sight a voice at my elbow startled me with its wellknown intona- tion, and turning I discovered that my hope to escape from tha awful enchant- went of the steamer was a fleeting and evanescent fancy. Before me, with her eyes darting fire, the lips moving in the slow, cruel smile, stood the w- izan I had thought so far away. “Your white northern dove is com- ing, I see? Doesit not seem a fitting climax that I, the cast-off plaything of an idle hour, should be on hand to witness the warm greeting and the loving kiss, the burning words of wel- come, and knowing all. To realize what I have Jost. Your letter was 80, kind, so just, how could I do otherwise than be on hand to share your joy and witness her triumph, You writhe, you turn your eyes about, ah, now, my friend, again I see the jungle, again I see the wan white tortured face, and now I know it—it is yours—yours, and Iam there, but where, but where 1” “With a swift sudden movement as the steamer drew up to the pier she was gone—gone like a phanton as silently and curiously as she appeared, and with a cold perapiration starting from every pore I strove to be at ease and greet my bride. “That night—ah, shall I ever forget it? Bessie and I hand clasped in hand, sat on the moon-lit verandah dreaming those dreams that lovers love to dream until at last a silence sweet tender had tallen upon us. At the end of the nar- row pebbled walk a dark clump of tro- pical plants stood outin weird relief against the dazzling whiteness of that sultry night. One nightingale burst into song, and a mandolin player in a near-by-cafe strummed a sweet minor air. ‘At last our recovery was broken by the approach of my servant, who in a whisper begged pardon for the intru- sion, but said a lady waited for me in the little room I had turned into part library, part den and set apart for my especial use. With a lingering kiss on the sweet lips upturned to mine, I left her and went into the house. “My God! that night. Finding no one in my room, I hastened out to seek an explanation of such unpardonable stupidity, when on the night air rang out one awful frightened cry that was smothered at its birth. Out into the moonlight I rushed, my brain or fire, my nerves in a tension of despair for though I knew not what calamity had befallen one I loved so well, yet cold and icy hands were grasping at my heart, and a hundred mocking, smirk- ing devils cried : ¢She is ours! She is ours!” “Lying like one asleep, the startled servant and myself found all that re- mained to me of my bonnie girl ; her her golden hair unloosened by her fall, caught the moonbeams in its glorious caress, and over the pale facein the cold, calm light fell in heavenly bendic- tion. “No marks were there to mar the beauty of the calm, young face. Hur riedly we looked about for the un- known assassin, who coward that he was, had wrested from me the prize when I was not by to defend it with my life. No trace could there be found but a servant later on informed me that down the shining gravel walk a cobra had been seen to glide away. “Now you know why I hate a night like this, and now you know why, like a branded man, I wander o'er the sur- face of the globe with the mark of Cain upon my brow.” We sat along time in silence after he had gone into the house. At last in a voice he tried hard to steady, Tom said : “Poor old chap, I never knew he was such a hard drinker—his trouble must have driven him to it.” This explanation we tried to accept, bat in our hearts we knew it was not drink, but a mystery we could not solve.— Edith Townsend Everett. Rt ———————— Couldn’t Place Him. Remarkable stories are told of the gift which many public characters have of remembering the names and faces of comparatively unimportant persons. It many be consoling to persons who lack this pleasant faculty that they have company. Mr. Joseph Jefferson bas difficulty in remembering names. He told this story to a friend : “I was coming down in the elevator of the Stock Exchange building, and at one of the intermediate floors a man whose face I knew as well as I know yours got in. He greeted me warmly at once, said it was a number of years since we had met, and was very gra- cious and friendly. “But I couldn’t place him for the life of me. I asked him asa sort of a feeler how he happened to be in New York. and he answered with a touch of surprise that he had lived there for sev- eral years. Finally I told him in an apologetic way that I couldn’t recall his name. ‘He looked at me for a moment, and then he said very quietly that his name was U. S. Grant.” “What did you do, Joe ?”’ his friend asked. : “Do?” he replied, with a characteris- tic smile. “Why, I got out at the next floor for fear I should be fool enough to ask him if he had ever been in the war !”— Youth’s Companion. Opportunity. Master of human destinies am I. Fame, love and fortune on my foot- steps wait. Cities and fields T walk. I penetrate Deserts and seas remote. And pass- ing by Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late I knock unbidden once at every gate If sleeping wake ; if feasting rise be- fore I turn away ; it is the hour of fate. And those who follow me reach every state Morals desire and conquer every 00 Save death ; but those who doubt or hesitate. Condemned to failure, penury and woe, Seek me in vain, and uselessly im- plore ; I answer not. and I return no more. * * * * But fail not in this respect : Seize every opportunity to travel Over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Better and Better. “Better than grandeur, better than gold, Better than rank a thousand fold, Is a healthy body, a mind at ease, And simply pleasures that always please.” .To get and keep a healthy body, use Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, a remedy designed to not only cure all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest, but keep the body in a thoroughly healthy condition. Tt eradicates all im- purities from the blood, and overcomes Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Blotches, Pimples and eruptions dissappear, under its use, and your mind can be ‘‘at ease’ as to your health, —— Good Cause for Rejoicing. PrrrsBure, April 11.—The puddling { department of Painter's mill, in the | West End, which was closed down in- | definitely six weeks ago, resumed oper- ations tonight, giving employment to | 176 men. There is great rejoicing in i that section, as it was reported that the firm had decided to discontinue the manufacture of iron. aa ————— i — ——Rosa Bonheur bas just kept her ' seventieth birthday. She is well and as busy as ever in her country home. Net a Happy Lot. It is said that tall women are admired little women are beloved. The little woman knows how to be true, and is us- ‘ually quite content to be small. She would not grow an inch if she could. There are times, though, when she feels like a helpless kitten, or a Lilipu- tian in a land of Guliivers, At such times she fails to appreciate her advan- tage over her big sister ; and the law of compensation does not compensate, One of these times is at the theatre, when there happens to be several extra large people in front of her. The little woman leans this way and that, stretches her neck until it aches, and sees, perhaps, part of the stage at one time—never al at once. When the “bit lady” raiscs her glass, it shows her first a man’s head and shoulders, then a bonnet still occupies the fore ground. She moves, and they move—then she moves again—and they do, 100. In the meantime the curtain is going down,and the little woman at best catches but a glimpse of the scene. She tries to think she is enjoying herself, but knows better. In church on Easter, Christmas, or any great day when every pew is crowd- ed, the little woman cannot see the choir at all ; and if she has an occasion- al views of the minister’s forehead and eyes it is as much as she expects. A marriage inchurch she witnesses with her ears, rather than with her eyes. At a home wedding she is aften kindly al- loowed to stand where she can see; but if the tall ones are thoughtless, she can only imagine how the bride looks dur- ing the ceremony. These, however, are only minor trials, compared with others that beset the little woman. How would a big man feel, if sudden- ly every thing were too high for him to reach, to heavy for him to lift, too large or too small for him to wear, if nothing seem to be in the right place for his con- venience, or the right size for his use? Would he think life worth living? Yet this is about the state of things with the little woman. Everything in the home even, seems to be arranged for the comfort of persons six feet tall. The closets for instance— what tales of misery they might tell if they could speak. Look at this one It is like all ordinary closets, See how high that shelf is. None too big for you? Well, this is the little woman’s own particular closet, and she must mount a small stepladder or a chair when she wants anything from theshelf. If iv were only a few inches lower she could reach it easily. The dress hooks are too high, too, A daughter of the gods might find them just right, but the little woman does not. She wishes to hang up a dress. The shelf and hooks being just a trifle beyond her reach, it has never been thought worth while to provide her with a step ladder and a chair is troublesome. So, by holding the dress up at arm’s length and giving a quick jump, she sometimes manages to lasso the hook at the frst attempt. She goes to the coat closet in the hail to get a water proof; and is happy if she getsitdown without a shower of bats, caps and mufflers. If, encouraged by this success, she tries to fish an um- brella out of the corner, an overcoat is sure to give her an embrace of unneces- sary warmth. The poor little martyr, with the patient sigh of experience, un- dertakes to replace ‘the heavy coat. Once, twice, she dabs it at the far away hook—very carefully ; once more,—and she is buried under the things she has knocked down. Then, indeed, patience is exhausted. The small creature bangs the door upon the wreck and relieves her mind with a vicious “dear |” Shcpping is anything but a delight to the little woman. If she looks for gloves of a certain color or shade she never finds them in her size. Thesmall feet grow tired hunting for new shoes ; and the small woman grows very tired also telling the dealer, gently but firmly that a shoe two or three sizes too large is not what she wants. She tries on ready made garments, and is lost in them—a love of a hat, and it slips down to her ears. In piano playing the dainty hands of the little woman never conquer the diffi: culty of striking the octaves and full chords. How heavy the cooking un- tensils are, when she is unexpectedly called to take Biddy’s place! How high the strap when she is obliged to stand in a street car. How deceptive are the inviting looking chairs and di- vans that force the wee body to sit up- right on the edge, or with feet dangling, if she rests against the back. It’s all very well for the poet to say that ‘‘A little woman, though a very little thing, Is sweeter far than sugar, and flowers that bloom in the spring.” Her sweetness does not save her from intervals of feeling that the little wom- an’s lot is not a happy one.—Fvung Woman's Magazine. ——When Mrs. Jefferson Davis was last in Richmond she looked at several sites with a view to selecting one for the monument to her husband to be erected there by the people of the South. The one which pleased her best was out- side of the city limits, near the Soldiers’ Home; but it is ineligibles as the Leg- islature, in granting a charter to the monument association prescribed that the memoriai should be inside of Rich- mond. Monroe Park, among the fash- ionable residences, is an other favorite spol. A third site, which had much to recommend it sentimentally, butis con- sidered otherwise disadvantageous, is beside the house oceupied by Mr. Davis as a residence during the civil war. The property now belongs to the city of Richmond. NEw WasHINGTON, PENN., PEOPLE —Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing. if the article has merit. A few months ago David Byers, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. He has sold it all and ordered more. He says: “It has given the best of satisfaction, I have warranted every bottle, and have not had one come back.” 50 centand $1.00 bottles for sale by F. P. Green, Drug- gist. ——Corbett advertises himself still by loud talk about what he can and will do. But itseems that no matter what I he can do he cannot shut up. (“Takes it sell Giving Reason to an Idiot. Trephining a Child’s Skull to Let the Brain Have Room to Expand. There came to the City Hospital a oor woman, who told a story pitiful indeed, says the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. She was the mother of two children, both girls. One ot these, she said, was 16 years old and the other a little child of 4 years. The elder daughter had been a hopeless idiot since child- hood, and now the terrified mother was convinced her baby, too, had fallen un- der the carse. acted like other children, had never played or prattled in her infancy. and now though 4 years old, she could not speak a word. The mother came to beg the help and interest of the hospital authorities, and her pathetic appeal was not made in vain. Though it is not the custom of the hospital to receive cases of idiocy, yet the peculiar circumstances of this poor woman's sorrow, and the suspicion that the case might furnish a remarkable disclosure in brain affections, induced officers to promise admittance for the child. Next day the mother returned with a hopeful heart. By her side was her little girl, just toddling out of infan- cy. Her features were regular, almost pretty, and her httle figure strong and well formed. But the sad story of her life was written plainly in her face. No intelligence was there; no light in the eyes ; none of the bright joy of loving, learning childhood. The little patient was taken to the surgical ward, and for the next ten days she was the subject of the most careful study by the resident and visiting physicians. It was discov- ered that the cause of her mental im- pairment was the premature ossification of several bones of the skull, thus con- fining the brain in too small aspaceand preventing its development. Then the operation hinted at was determined up- on, the purpose being simply to remove a strip of bone from the skall, thus al- lowing expansion just as one would shit a tight shoe with his knite to relieve a tender toot. . The day was set for the operation ; at ten o'clock the room was fillad with watchirg physicians. The child knew not the agony of fear. She was as un- conscious of the meaning of the strange faces about her and the sharp instru- ments of the surgeon as the lamb led to slangbter. Even idiocy has its conupen- sations. A long narrow table was placed in a convenient light and the child carefully laid upon it. = After the mother had giv- en her parting kiss chloroform was ad- ministered, and it was not long until all consciousness of pain had vanished. Then the curious doctors gathered ‘round to view the bold precedure. The scalp was carefully shaved and thoroughly cleansed with alcohol and bichloride of mercury solution. The newly sharpened scalpel was then ap- plied, and an incision was made clear down to the bone, extending from near the root of the nose directly backward over the top of the head for a distance of five inches. The edge of the wound were gently held back by retractors so as to expose a large area of the skull. Now the trephine, an instrament resem- bling a gimlet, was put to work in one end of this incision and a circular piece of bone the size of dime was removed, exposing the transparent covering of the pulsating brain. Now a pair ot cutting pliers were inserted in this opening and the bone chipped off in pieces until an area five inches long and half an inch wide had been removed. This part of the operation was done with the utmost care for the delicate and important structure in so close proximity might have been wounded by the slightest slip of the in- strument. Alter the wound had been thoroughly bathed in astream of clear, warm water the edges were brought neatly together by fine silk stitches and the whole well covered and protected by cotton and bandage. The child was then carried back to the ward and in the course of an hour rallied from the effects of the chloroform and displayed nv un- toward symptoms. i ————————————————— Make a Note of This. Send your address and two cent stamp to John R. Pott, district passenger agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, Williamsport, Pa., and you will receive one of their new vest pocket memorandum books for 1891. The St. Paul now owns and operates over six thousand miles of the best equipped road in America. It is the short line between Chicago, St. Paul and Minnea- polis, and Chicago, Council Bluffs and Omaha. Runs through Pullman sleep- ing cars between Chicago and Portland, Oregon, via St. Paul, Butte, Spokane Falls and Tacoma. The National route between Chicago and Kansas City If you contemplate a trip to the north- west, southwest or far west, write to John R. Pott for rates, maps, etc. He will furnish all information free. ize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use- this remedy as directed, givingit a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We cou d not make this offer did we not knolw that Dr. King’s New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle’s free at Parrish’s Drug Store. Large size 50c* and $1.00. Excursion CLUB To ATTEND THE WORLD'S FAIR.--If you have any de- sire to visit the Werld’s Fair at Chicago bear in mind that the United World's Fair Excursion Co. isa sound organi- zation, with ample capital to fulfill their promises. The company sells tickets on the installment plan, Apply to A. H. Roby Sect. 403 Exchange Building Bos- ton. ——1It is not what its proprietors say, but what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that , and wins the confidence of the people. ——A good tonic for the hair is of salt water, a teaspoonful of salt to a half pint of water, applied to the hair two or three times a week. The effect at the end of the month will be surprising. i 1 I { ' 1 | The World of Women. Lady Henry Sumerset sailed for Eng- land yesterday. She took away with her favorable impressions of America and one of its cosiet rocking chairs. Silk scarfs are much worn around the neck. Soft filmy silk, some wi fringe. They are usually tied in a large. bow in front, though some ladies wind them loosely about the neck. A deligLttul custom is to exchange as Easter gifts a potted plant that wil] not alone be a delight the day itis given but will shed a fragrant reminder of the The lists one bad never | iver for many long days to come. The woman of taste eschews any- thing gaudy in the bandkerchief line and selects the fine hand woven squares of white linen with narrow hemstitched. border and a monogram or initial worked in the most elegant . manner on the sheer material. ; Young girls are wearing ribbon coro- nets for evening dress. Simple ones can be made at home by getting a wire frame and cover with “twisted ribbon. In front the ribbon is so fashioned as to look like a butterfly. A pretty one is. black ribbon twisted with gold wire and three small gilt butterfiies in front. The Queen Anne shoe, with the long instep flap and glittering buckle, is ga very fashionable model designed to be worn with tea gowns and other dressy home toilets. However, the low-cut shoes and sandals of plain black undress. ed kid simply wrought with jet beads are much more graceful and becoming, American women are well-known enthusiasts in the cause of temperance. One of the most zealous workers devotes an immense vineyard, her time and means, to the production of an unfer- mented wine, which she uses her infiu- ence to have accepted for the Commun- ion table in place of an alcoholic liquor. Mrs. Cleveland’s favorite fiower is the pansy, and its delicate fragrance was always perceptible about the White House during her husband’s adminis- tration. Mrs. Harrison has a passion for orchids and has them in the rooms of the Executive Mansion. The White House conservatory contains over 150 varieties of the orchid—about 5000 plants in all. Several girl students at Cornell are taking the course in agriculture. To make it popular, this course is free, and, as it includes sciences and modern lan- guages, the reason why the girls patron- ize it is evident, but it is to be hoped their study will arouse in them an en- thusiasm for the happiest, healthiest of all professions or vocations, that of the. farmer. Ono Cornell girl is studying veterinary surgery. A pretty gown which was worn on Easter Sunday, was of mignonette green cloth, trimmed with velvet of a darker shade. The bell skirt was prettily ornamented with nanon bands of jet running down each seam, and there was a good deal of jet on the bodice. A large picture hat ot green velvet, with knots of cream guipure lace under which were small clusters of violets, completed this stylish costume. Fancy runs riot in the manufacture of shirt waists. They are trimmed with lace jabots anc chiffon frills. They have tucks and plaitings. But they are always pretty. One in blue surah, seen lately, was extremely fetching. There was a deep turn over collar, high sleeves and a broad girdle of folds. Down the front and about the collar ran a ruffle of Point d’Irlande lace, with loops of nar- row ribbon. Another waist of pink silk *| has a zouave jacket front opening over a vest of full ruffles of cream lace. “The Postman’ makes a pretty trav- eling suit. Tt isof Federal blue cloth, bound with black and the jacket opens over a red silk blouse. The skirt of this suit is called the “Cyrille” that be-. ing the name of a new kind of skirt in- vented and patented by a New York woman. It is whole in the back and opens on the sides, the openings being: finished sous to resemble pockets. It seems as though this ought to prove a. boon to woman kind who are continual- ly in agony for fear their tight skirts will open when they sit down. Outing suits will be more worn this year than last, being at the same time extremely comfortably and also appro- priate for almost every occasion during the warm weather. The Margate is the name of the jacket worn at present, but in reality it differs very little from the reefer, except, perhaps, that it is not. quite so straight: A lovely outing suit of fine, white Bedford cord, the jacket lined with brocaded, has a pale yellow surah blouse and elaborate ‘beau catch- ers” of yellow ribbon, which encircle the arm holes and fall gracefully behind in large loops and ends. The sudden arrival of warm weather has made us more courageous about ap- pearing rather sooner than usual in our new spring clothes, as will be observed in a leisurely walk down Chestnut street. I followed for quite a distance the other day a tall woman, dressed in a Russian gown of prune-colored ladies cloth trimmed with embroidered bands around the bottom of the skirt, neck and sleeve, and the rather loosely-fitting peasant’s waist confined by an embroid- ered belt. Thisstyle of costume will be very popular the coming Summer and all the thicker wash goods will be made this way as they are found to be so cool and so easily laundried. I was also told by one who knows that the old-fash- ioned plain brown linen is to be revived again and made up in the Russian or mujik style. Tne jabots and plastrons with which to brighten up dull gowns or add a new beauty to fresh ones continue to be as. pretty and expensive as ever. Still they are easily made, and, therefore, within the reach of all. A pretty vest with which to enliven a black silk is made of red crepe de chine. A piece long enouh to reach from the neck to the waist is gathered on a thin foundation and curved to fit the dress at the throat. It is also gathered at the waist line, but more closely, to give a tapering effect. A fine plaiting of the crepe forms a ja- bot down the middle of the front. A hand to fit the neck, trimmed with leather stitching and a fine plaiting, forms a collar and cuffs to match com- plete the pretty addition to the toilet. A jabot of chiffon, or of less perishing thin China silk, has a big, loose bow knot at the top, from which the full ruffles hang gracefully. This is fasten- ed at the throat with tiny pins. th deep. wr LR: