Demorraic Wate Bellefonte, Pa., March 25, 1892. —— To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. msm THINGS ABOUT TOWN ——TItisjust twenty-three more days until the Lenten season will be over. ——Dan’l A. Kelley in the Shadow Detective, on April 1st. Don’t miss it. ——If your hair is thin you can get a switch which will just suit you at Mrs. Gilmore's, — Fishing tackle and sporting goods are taking their place in Bellefonte store windows. — Mr. John C. Miller was appoint- ed water assessor, for ;1892, by council, on Monday night. — Last Friday Robert McKissick, of Marsh Creek, died at the age of tourty-eight years. ~——Up through Half Moon and Pat- ton townships they are enjoying the best of sleighing. — Passenger trafic has fallen off considerably and as a result hotels are doing a poor transient business. ——Prof. J. C. Hockenberry has re- turned to spend a short vacation with friends and relatives, at Howard. ——Dr. Moritz Salm’s ‘ad’ appears in this issue. He is the noted specialist who comes to the Bush House once & month. ——Landlord Haag, of Haag’s Hotel, is getting everything in readiness to be- gin his bar business with the first of the month. ——Another permanent boarder has registered at John Rupp’s house. It came Monday morning and is a brights big boy. ——The first genuine spring sunshine smiled on Bellefonte shortly after the noon hour, on Monday, and it was a welcome visitor. ——All the sleepy towns in the State are chartering electric street railway companies with the hope of booming industrial interests. & COUNTY ——Ex-Treasurer Cyrus Goss will move his family from Boalsburg to this place soon. Ie has rented a house on Willow Bank street. —— Crave diggers, in the Philipsburg cemetery, have unearthed a body which, though buried sixteen years ago, is in a perfect state of petrefaction. ——The Axe Mann singing class is flourishing under the leadership of Al Ott. Thirty-five voices are in training and all the scholars are enjoying it. —— The Daily News is a thing of the past. After having represented Belle- fonte in the field of daily journalism, for eleven years, it has given up the ghost. —— Manager Garman has secured the Shadow Detective Co., for the night of April 1st. It is said to be a first class company and a crowded house should greet it. Mr. George Hazel, ason of Adam Hazel, of Axe Mann, held the winning number in the Minsker piano drawing. He paid fifty cents for ticket, No, 128, and now owns a good instrument. ——Col. Shortlidge, of this place, was elected President of the Penn- sylvania ‘Retail Implement Dealers Association’ at a meeting of the Asso” ciation in Harrisburg, on Tuesday. The members of Gregg Post had ajolly time in their rooms, on Monday night. An oyster supper was on the tapis and the veterans ate with a relish that made Quarter Master Wm Jone’s heart quake. —John Puff and Miss Amelia Guisewhite, a young couple from Cen- tre Hall, were married by Rav. Zeigler, at Snow Shoe Intersection, on Tuesday morning. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Mitchell Lieb of this place. ——The venerable Geo. Bright and wife,of Aaronsburg,celebrated their gol- den wedding or March 15th. They were married on the 15th of March, 1842, and the golden bride wore part of the #rous- seaw which half a century ago adorned her. ’ The teachers of Snow Shoe and Burnside townships closed a very suc- -cessful district institute, on Saturday evening. It was held in the Methodist church at Snow Shoe,and was very well attended. Much instruction and bene- fit was gained. ——Miss Mary Graham, the Alle- sgheny street milliner,left for New York, on Tuesday morning, and expects to be gone until the 8th of April. While away she will study the spring styles in her art and will return with a hand- some line of goods. —— County Chairman Schaeffer has issued a call for the County Committee- men to meet, in this place, on Saturday, April the 20d. They will consider the districting of the county for congres- sional and senatorial delegates. Under the new resolutions Centre county will be entitled to one conferce for every 500 votes cast at the last presidential or gubernatorial election. | | A N1TTANY VALLEY ELOPEMENT.— The lower end of Nittany Valley, not to be out-done by the more rapidly whirl- ing social worlds of other sections, has come to the front with a first class elope- ment. Allof the parties are well con- nected and of the most respectable fami- lies in the valley: Mr. John Frank, of Flemington, had two daughters one of Whom married Charles Bechtol, the scion of one of the most respected families of Nittany Val- ley, the other, J osephine, a tall, willowy maiden of seventeen summers. Charles 'Bechtol and family lived in Union county for some time where he operated one of his father’s farms, but when the place was sold he returned, with his wife and three small children, and took a contract to get out railroad ties. This work necessitated his taking up his resi- dence in a cabin, where his wife became so lonely that her sister Josephine had to be sent for, as a companion. Bechtol took kindly to his quondam sister-in- law and a ripe intimacy soon sprung up. Whenever she wanted to go home he would drive her over and then, longing to bask in the sunshine of her presence, would go after her again. All the time they kept loving each other harder and harder, the poor wife never realizing the awfulness of the situation, until pere Frank discovered that bis son-in-law’s attentions to the fair Josephine had become entirely too assiduous. She was called to task, but in true heroics scoffed at the very idea of anything more than a sisterly affec- tion tor her brother by marriage. This relieved the old man and the lovers went spooning on to their'hearts content. Bechtol neglected his family and his tather had to care for them. No one saw the trend of things until Mr. Frank received his daughters “adieu’” on Tues- day morning. His daughter Josie had written it to inform him that she had stolen the better half of her sister, and departed for realms unknown. If they are apprehended, the thieving daughter of Eve should be soundly spanked and Charles—well a tar bath with a new coat of feathers would be just the thing for such a rooster. WALLACE C. CHADMAN A LAWYER. —Few of the WATCHMAN readers will not remember Wallace Chadman’s con- tributions with pleasure and when we inform you that he is now a practicing attorney, in Ohio, you will doubtless be gratified to learn of his well merited success, in pushing himself through the musty volumes of Blackstone requisite to admission to the bar. The State Board of Examiners gave their certifi- cates, on March 3rd, and already Wal- lace has begun the practice of his profes- sion, at Ashtabula, Jefferson county, in the Buckeye State. He is a writer of considerable note having written several prize stor- jes for the Detroit Free Press and a number of short articles fcr the daily journals of Chicago. Among his treas- ures from literary work is a letter which he values very highly. It is signed with the name of Jules Verne, to whom Mr. Chadman says he submitted a pro- ject for a romance, with the scene laid in a starof the constellation of Ursa Major, where the ruler was a superna- tural god. The letter is dated at Amiens, and a translation has been made as follows : Monsieur: Pardon! — On account of a long absence, I have not known of your letter, of the 22nd ult., until to-day. In reply to you to-day to tell you that I find the idea you submit to me for a romance very ingen- ious; but as its philosophical phase would stretch too far the pure imagina- tion with which I am accustomed to write, I cannot launch myself out into such lofty speculations. But why do you not write this romance by yourself ? The author of an idea is always best adapted to carry it out. Wishing you success, dear Monsieur, with hearty ap- preciation aud regards, JULES V ERNE, C. G. McMILLEN THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FoR MAYOR oF DAYTON. — Major C. G. McMillen, who five years ago was proprietor of the Brockerhoff House, in this place, and now catering to the wants of guests of the Dickey House, in Dayton, Ohio, has been hon- ored by the Democrats of tnat city, with the mayoralty nomination. He had a majority of six votes in the nominating convention and, as Dayton is a demo- cratic city, his eleztion is almost a fore gone conclusion, As it has lately been raised to a city class and as this will be the first election under the new law Maj. McMillen has been doubly honor- ed and will doubtless conduct the office, with honor to himself and bis party. The Times published a very good cut and a short sketch of our ex-hotel man. Insanity CURED.—Some time ago we made mention of John Schuchman’s, of Philipsburg, having been taken to the University hospital, at Philadel- phia, for treatment for insanity and gave a full account of the wonderful operation which was performed on him. A cyst, which had formed at the base of his brain, was opened and cleansed and the wound carefully closed. On Satur- { day last he returned to his home in a perfect state of mind. a ——A larga assortment of real hair switches at Mrs. Gilmore's. ——-Lock Haven has started a Russian relief fund. Why not Bellefonte ? ——A new theatre was opened to the Altoona people on Monday evening. ——A movement to close Renova saloons at 10 o’clock is being pushed by the people of that place. ——Blair county held a convention for the consideration oft ‘improved country roads,” on Wednesday, at Hol- lidaysburg. ——The Shadow Detective will be the attraction at the Opera House, on Friday evening, April 1st, It is a strong melodrama, well set and cleverly pre” sented. ——Mary Marschner, of Tyrone, formed 1,500 words from the name, Fraucesca Redding, and was given a gold watch by the dramatic company playing in that place last week. ——A young painter named Howard Grimm,from Middleburg, Snyder coun- ty, committed suicide, by shooting, on the Altoona Accommodation, just as it was leaving Spruce Creek, on Tuesday. — James A. Ganoe, one of Philips- burg’s oldest and most respected Cciti- zens, died on Monday afternoon, after a continued illness of some time. He was born at Warrior's Mark, in 1818, and built the pike from Tyrone to Philips burg. ——Hamilton C. Humes, the invalid son of E. C. Humes, Pres. of the First National bank, died atthe home of his father, on Monday morning last. For a number of years he has been ina help- less condition and his death was alto- gether expected. Deceased was 43 years of age. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon. ——Christ’s invitation to the people: while on earth was, Come one: Come all. So the Pleasant Hill Union Sab- bath school extend to you the same in- vitation. They expect to reorganize on next Sunday. And would like every body to turn out and aid them. They need your presence and we know you will be greatly benefited by attending. % ——Mrs. Gilmore has gone to the city to lay in her stock of spring milli- nery and expects to return with a full line of the most fashionable spring and summer goods which the market affords. She invites all of her old patrons and, those desiring the latest fads of the sea- son, to wait for her grand opening which will be announced later. ——The friends of Mr. H. L. Harvy, of Boggs township, have prevailed upon him to become a candidate for associate Judge, and Mr. Harvy has consented to allow the use of his name for that office. Mr. Harvey is an old-time Democrat, one who is deserving the honor and who if nominated, would make a strong can- didate and a most worthy official. ——Mr. William Mechtly, of Buffalo Run, died at his home, on Wednesday night, of pneumonia and heart trouble. Mr. Mechtley, although a comparative stranger in the valley, had won the es- teem of all by his kindness and integri- ty. By his untimely death, he was only forty years old, the neighborhood loses a good and useful citizen aad his wife and two little children a kind hus- band and a devoted father. ——Prof. Calvin Neft recently re- ceived the appointment of Deputy’ for the Pennsylvania State Grange for the district comprising Penns and Brush Vallies. This is a fit recognition on the part of the Master of the State Grange of the Sterling abilities of Prof. Neff and brings the young men in the Order into prominence. Mr. Rhone also ap- pointed another young man (a farmers son) Deputy for Union county. Mr. Alonza Lathrop, who is now a student in the Bucknell University. In Ly- coming county, J. F. Schuler and J. Piat have been appointed, both young men and farmer’s sons. The young men in the Grange are receiving fit recognition and no doubt many of them will rise to promince. A WONDERFUL WELL AT STATE CoLLEGE.—For some time a water fam- ine has been staring State College in the face and every thing possible has been done to keep the place from going dry. Last summer a new well was drilled with the determination to go clear through to the other side unless a good stream was struck. As the ten inch hole deepened signs were few indeed, but imagine their joy when, last week they struck a great stream, al the depth of 860 feet. The were started. on Monday morning, and a flow of 33000 gallons per hour has been kept up ever since. The residents of, the! town are wild with joy and Johnny Corrigan is going to build a navy yard right off and we Bellefonter’s won't be a particle surprised to see him come floating down Spring Creek,in one of his tubs, one of these fine days. | daily.” ~.—TUnder the head of “A Pretty Lenten Wedding,” the Philadelphia Star of last Thursday, gives the follow- ing account of a social event that was of interest to many Bellefonte people, Miss Unger has spent several summers with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Owens, and while here made many friends, who wish for the charming young lady a happy married life : A very pretty wedding took place at high noon yesterday, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, of 1924, Judson place. The bride was Minnie Bower Unger and the groom August Bernard Meyer, of Indianapolis. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. Russell, form- ly of Altoona and lately of California. The spacious house was beautifully decorated with palms and cut flowers. The bridal party, consisting of eight, entered the library to the sweet strains of Mendelssohn’s March, played by an orchestra, and stood in the bay window under a canopy of smilax and roses. The bride was charming in an elegant gown of white corded silk, trimmed with rare lace, her ornaments being ex- quisite diamonds, the gift of the groom. She carried a bouquet of bride’s roses and lilies of the valley. The attendants were Miss Blanche Bender, in a pink gown, who carried La France roses, and Miss Madge Fay, in a pale blue gown, who carried Marechal Neil roses. The flower girls were Misses Byrde and Nellie Slayman, cousins of the bride, attired in white Swiss over cream silk. They carried bouquets of Catherine Mermet roses. The young ladies were all from Altoona, Pa. The ushers were Edwin Bower Unger, brother of the bride, and Herbert Minor Morris, both of this city. The guests were from Minneapolis, Altoona, Huntingdon, Lancaster, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The gifts were elegant and numerous. Those of the bride to the bridesmaids were gold pins set in diamonds, and to the flower girls gold bracelets set in diamonds. The groom's gifts to the ushers were gold pins set in diamonds. Immediately after the wedding break- fast the bride and groom left on an ex- tended trip through the South, which will include Baltimore, Washington, Florida, Cuba and Mexico, and will be at home after May 7, at Indianapolis, Ind. RaiLroAD NEws.—The present bright weather is having a telling effect on the Bellefonte Central extension and the residents of State College are be- coming more jubilant as the road nears their village. It will be a matter of a very few days until the construction train will be running back and forward and then all will be in readiness for the regular passenger and freight trafic, The president assured us, on Wednes- day morning, that a very pretty station will be built at the terminus and what, with three trains a day and noside track- ing on the Red Bank branch,more could the good people of that community want in the way of accommodation. It is said that they have chartered a special for the first day over the new road and expect to have a jubilee cele- bration. CounciL’s MEeeTING.—Council met in executive session, on last Monday evening, but very little business was transacted. A number of complaints. about the hydrant water being warm and brackish, were laid before council and opened for investigation. The on- ly cause given was the proximity of the steam pipes to the water mains in some parts of the town. The complaints were reterred to the water committee. A boardwalk was crdered to be laid along the property of W. C. Heinle, on Logan street,and as the tax collector, Mr, Ray» failed to make his statement, as ordered, it was postponed until next meeting when the police question will also be considered. Baum’s Livery MoveDp.—Oa Tues- day Baum’s livery was moved from its old quarters, in the Lose stables, to the handsome new brick stable at the rear of Lyon & Co’s store, on Allegheny street. Abe is snugly fitted up in his new quarters and invites his patrons to call and inspect them. With the change of quarters he expects to intro- duce new and fashionable turnouts which he will hire at the lowest rate. Satisfaction and safety always guaran- teed. Then if you would takean after- noon’s ride, on these balmy spring af- ternoons, Baum'’s livery is the place to procure easy riding, stylish turnouts and spec ly and safe horses. A SAMPLE PUuNXY GIRL.--A young lady of our town who was trying to im- press upon a strange young man who had called upon her the idea that she was literary, said: “Yes, I have read Joe Cassio’s Don Cameron and Buffalo William, and all of Shakespears’s new stories. I asked papa to subscribe for the Pickwick Papers, and be said he would as soon as he could find out weather they were published weekly or This is not intended to be fun- ny. but is an actual fact illustrating the rediculous affection of the dense ignor- ance,-— Punxsutawney Spirit. ——Switches in every color and shape and price at Mrs. Gilmore's. ——XKelley, in the Shadow Detective, next Friday night. It will be one of the last attractions of the season. ——As the investigation of the Hunt- ingdon Reformatory proceeds it ap- pears that the managers are veritable angels. ——The loose morals of many society women of to-day would put to shame their dissolute sisters of Henry VIITth’s time. ——McCalmont & Co’s windows pre- sent quite a gardeny appearance. Little onions, seed corn and potatoes produce a true spring time effect. — A man with alittle bear cub was an attraction on our streets, on having shot its mother and her other cub. ——The reception for the] benefit of the Y. M. C. A. furnishing fund, was well attended last night and a snug lit- tle sum, for beautifying the rooms, was realized. . ——The contract forthe erection of the World’s Fair Building, for Penn- sylvania, was awarded to a Harrisburg firm. Hoover, Hughes & Co., the Phil- ipsburg builders who came within $26 of being the lowest bidders at the first letting, were $6000 higher than the suc- cessful bidder at the final. ——O0ur good friend Mr. John Reed, of Pleasant Gap, has treated himself to one of the best mated and finest teams of heavy draft horses, that has beenjseen in the county for years. They are both young, bright bays, weighing about 1500 each and so near alike that you can’t tell “to’ther from which.” Mr. Reed is justly proud of his team, just as any one else would be who owned it. ——Luther Guthrie, the young print- er who was engaged in this office;during month of January and February and latterly in the Daily News office,died, in Johnstown, on Wednesday. His (home was in Pottsville. Owing to unpleasant home relations he became a tramp printer and we suppose died from ex- posure or some other unnatural cause. He was a Methodist and a member of several Christian associations. —In Williamsport, last ‘Wednesday Mrs. Mary W. Packer, widow of the late Governor William F. Packer, cele- brated the aniversary of her birth with a family reunion at her daughter’s, Mrs. J. W. Clarke's, residence. ~ Her young- est daughter Mrs, John A. Woodward was among the guests which included all of Mrs. Packer's living children, a goodly number of grand children and the surviving members of her father’s family. SALE oF HouseHOLD Goops.--There will be exposed to public sale, on Satur- day afternoon, April 2nd, atthe resi- dence of Simon Loeb, on Spring street, above the Centre county bank. All kinds ot household goods, consisting of bed room setts, lounges, chairs, tables, mattings, stoves, etc. Also a new up- right piano. This will be a credit sale and terms will be made known at time of sale. Opensat 1p. m. sharp. ——Mrs.E. Knepp, of Tyrone, was saved from a horrible death by burning,on Sun- day morning by the great presence of mind of her daughter. The old lady had taken sick during the night and got up to warm herself. While sitting on the hearth of the cook stove her clothing bacame ignited and when her daughter rushed to her assistance she was envel- oped in flames. Quickly throwing the door open the young woman pushed her mother out into the snow and kept pil- ing it on until the flamas were put out. Mrs, Knepp's back was blistered from her head to her hips. ——For some time past the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church has contemplated a visit to Milesburg, in the interests of the socie- ty and on last Friday night about fifty members, who were actuated by a’ phil- anthropic spirit as well as a desire to have a jolly good time. crowded into several lurge hacks and carriages and started to reclaim the gilded youth of the bustling twin cities. The visitors stopped at the new Presbyterian church where they were received and welcomed by an enthusiastic assembly, that was willing and anxious to be organized into a society. After an address of wel- come by the Rev. Mr. Wright, Dr. Edith Harris the president of the Belle- fonte society, stated the character and | purposas of the organization, and with- lout any hesitancy twenty-six young { people announced their willingness to ‘join the great army of Christian en- deavor workers, Miss Laura Wright was chosen president, Miss Ella Wag- ner vies president, Dr. Church secretary and Miss Kate Green treasurer of the new organization, and with this suc- cessful completion of the evening's work, the Bellefonte missionaries re- turnel to their homes with the satisfac- tion of having spent a pleasant ana pro- fitable evening. Thursday morning. He caught it after | Lone to work, they made the ghastly : discovery. The babe was wrapped in THE OFFIcERs: Lust week we gave a complete account of the organization of the P. O. S. of A., which was effected last Thursday evening, but we were un- able to give the list of newly elected officers. They are: Past President, H. 'D. Yerger; President Al. Garman; Vice President, F. S. Dunham ; Master of Forms, C. H. Knisely; Recording Secretary, J. L. Danlap; Finsncial Secretary, Oscar E. Yerger; Treasurer, David Bartlett; Conductor, Harvey White ; Inspector, W. W. Pettingill ; Guard, Herbert Benner; Trustees, H. D. Yerger, BH. Kinsely, W. Resides. AN TUn~~NATURAL MorHER.—The dead body of a new born babe was found in a coal car at John Nuttall & Co’s., Decatur mines, between this city and Morrisdale, this morning. The car was run into the siding last evening, and this morning, when the employes an apron and old coat. The name of the inhuman mother, or the party who made suck a heartless disposition of the child, remains a mystery, but the au- thorities are investigating the matter, and itis to be hoped the guilty ones may be brought to justice.—Monday’s Philipsburg Journal. TrE SAME OLD STorY.—On Sunday morning, the 16 year old son of Theodore Keith, of Altoona, shot and fatally wounded Maggie, the 11 year old daughter of Dr. J. D. Gearhart, The boy didn’t know the revolver was loaded and thus, by carelessness, anoth- er innocent has lost her life. AvctioN.--Simon Loeb will offer at auction, on Saturday afternoon, and evening, clothing, gents furnishing goods, trunks and such other articles as he has on hand. He quits business on the first of April, and this is an excel- lent opportunity to get a bargain. For RENT.—A good stable near the passenger station. Rent cheap. Inquire at this office. — Suits made to order $18.00-19.00 20.00. Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00- 20.00. Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00- 7.00. LEAVE Your ORDER Now. Mo~NTGoMERY & Co., Tailors. L———————— Sale Register. For the benefit of those who contemplate making Public Sale during the coming season, we wil keep a register of all sales within the county as fully as possible, examination of which will be free to all. Persons having their bills printed at the WATCHMAN office will secure notice of sale in this column free of charge. 2 MARCH 25th—At the residence of Paul Sliker one mile north of Milesburg, caws, pigs household furniture, wagons, mower, bees and numerous other articles. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m, MarcH 26. — At the residence of Harvey Houtz, 2 miles west of Port Matilda, horses, cattle, sheep and all kinds of farm imple- ments. Sale at 10 a. m. March 26th.—A¢ the residence of J. B. Mltch- ell, 24 mile west of Pine Grove Mills, Horses, cows, sheep, all kinds of agricultural imple- ments, ete. MARCH 30th.—At Waite's carriage’ Factory Bellefonte, horses, colts, cows, young cattle hogs, and all kinds of vehicles and farm im- plements. Sale at 10 o'clock. MARCH 30.—At the residence of John F. Krebs 2 miles west of Pine Grove Mills— Household goods, all kinds of farm imple- ments, Shorthorn and Jersey cows, horses fine hambeltonian drivers, shoats and young cattle. Sale to commence at 9 o’clock a. m. ApriL 2.—At the residance of J. Henry Meyer in Harris Twp., one horse, 6 cows, 13 young cattle and calves, together with some farm implements. Sale at 12:30 p. m. APRIL 7th.—At the residence of Frank Reese, one mile west of School House crossing, in Union Township, Horses, cows, youn cattle shoats, implements and numerous other ar- ticles. Sale at 10 o'clock. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up tosix o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White Wheat....ccoceeeriersanienernnnnesinemnianiain 83 Old wheat, per bushel... 88 Red wheat, per bushel. 90 Rye, per bushel.......... 45 Corn, ears, per bushel. 40 Corn, shelled, per bust 40 Qats—new, per bushel... 30 Barley, per bushel......... 65 Ground Plaster, per ton.. 9 50 Buckwheat per bushel.......iiiiiiienin 50 Cloverseed, per bushei......cueueaees $4 00 to $6 OC Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ........cccoeiiimniniens 35 Eggs, per dozen...... 15 Lard, per pound.. 8 CountryShoulder 8 Sides.. 8 Hams. 12% Tallow, per pou! Butter, per vound... 25 RTE SE AE The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol- OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m |6m ly One inch (121i 18588811 Two inches. .. 7110. 15 Three inche 10/15: 20 Sages Column (434 inches).......| 12 | 20 | 30 Half Column ( 9 inches).. .| 20 | 36 | 6B One Column (19 inches) 35 | 656 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line......... wocal notices, per line... Business notices, per line......uus ieee 10 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with neat. ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand a the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor: