Demorralic Waldo BY P. GRAY MEEK. AAC —_— Ink Slings. —Soon the troop of spring:time poets, With their tender little ode lets, Will with dreams of fame unfading, Tothe busy sanctum run ; But in calmness waits the writer, For he's hired a big prize fighter. And with thoughtfulness amazing, Sits beside a loaded gun; An ugly looking, Wicked shooting, Pain entailing gun. — A miss-print—Kissing the wrong girl. — Chicago has at last attained true greatness—boodle aldermen. — Over the bar itis set up; at the bar it is sent up, and behind the bar it is pent up. — After this week’s free coinage de- bate the House should not want for sil- ver tongued orators. — Winter got to its close last Sunday night about 10 o'clock, just at the time most mortals were getting out of their's. — Lime will probably go up and the white wash business receive a boom, now that the Huntingdon Reformatory is to be investigated. -—Theold proverb: ‘who confides in a woman builds on the the sand” seems to be being verified in the falling condition of American womanhood. —The Philadelphia Press might busy itself helping along the pardon for the editors of the Beaver Star. It would be a little round about yet all to the point. — Because they had advertised the «Fourty thieves” at a Denver theater, Philadelphia people thought their coun- cil had gone west to give entertain- ments. —The voluntary dissolution of the Standard Oil trust lends some color to Lieut. TorTeEN’s millenium theory. Something wonderful must surely be about to happen. —Some of the fools found consolation in the fact that their “green goods” could be used on St. Patrick’s day any- way. There was a singular appropriate- ness about it, too. — What an elixir, to BISMARK, it must be to see WILHELM'S cabinet all broken up. And to see him on his knees begging CAPRIVI, the chancellor, not to desert him. —1If poor BENJAMIN vetoes the free silver bill, the wild and wooly west will go harder for his skin than the poachers have been doing for Uncle Sam’s seals in the Behring sea. —-When a railroad passes an individ- ual its a suresign its doing something for some one. But when it passes a dividend itis evident that it is doing no- thing for itself or anyone else. The Lock Haven Democrat says that a First ward resident has a hen that is a jewel because she layed an egg that measured 6x10. If she really is a jewel her owner should have her set in a ring. ~The fact that the governor of Texas did not enter the list of Senatorial can- didates and try to gobble that office in addition to the one he now holds, proves that he is not as much of a Hoea as some people thought he would be. — According to Lieutenant TOTTEN] we are already in the beginning of the end, but there’s still time to work GROVER in for another term before GABRIEL toots his little toot. If the rascals are all turned out they will have ample time to reform yet. — There is one thing certain, says jthe Chinese Minister, if the pig tail is ex- cluded from American shores our pigs can’t root their way into China. It is about'six of one and a half dozen of the other. We don’t need Chinamen and they don’t eat pork. —They’re only College boys on an in- nocent lark’’ should not excuse the Yale rowdies for breaking up the performance of a respectable troupe, playing in New Haven. They are usually spoken of as College men, but ‘‘men” would be a misnoraer in this case. —Scarce had the news reached our shores that the Indiana had arrived, at the port of Libau, in safety, with her precious cargo for thestarving Russians, ere a cablegram, to American papers, announced that the Czar had called a conference to consider a plan for war on Germany and Austria. It didn’t take much to brace the Russians up did it? Perhaps there was some of Hecker’s self rising Buckwheat flour in the held of the good ship. ~The recent uncovering of corruption the in the Chicago board of aldermen fur- nishes much food for thought to the mocalist and lover of purity in politics, One shudders tor the welfare of the land when he realizes that just such men, as those who put their tools into the gov- erning board of the Windy City, hold the upper hand in matters of State and national import. The Statesman of to- day has come to be the man who can best farm public trusts for private inter- ests, and so much in danger is the weal of government, that we hesitate to watch its mechanism lest we blush for shame at the fallen virture of Ameri- canism. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. % © Le Z wor z © 2 clan: VOL. 37. BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH 25, 1892. NO. 12. A Wrong About Which They Are Silent. It ought to be about time that we hear something about political appor- tionments from that portion of the newspaper press of the country, that arrogates to itself all the honor that in- dependent action brings, and parades its efforts as being exclusively for the benefit of the whole people. Last fall when Governor Hiuy and the Democratic party of New York were making the fight through the courts of that State for the sanctity of the law, and the success of the Demo- cratic party, this same newspaper press, that takes so much glory in an- nouncing its independence of all par- ties and its contempt for political or- ganizations, spared neither space, ef- forts nor words, to convince the pub- lic that the sole purpose of this Demo- cratic persistincy was to secure con- trol of the Legislature of that State, in order that a political gerrym ander of congressional and legislative districts could be enacted. That “gerrymander,” as it was then thought proper to stigmatize any effort of the Democracy to secure a fair ap- portionment, is now in the course of passage through the Democratic legis- lature ot that State, and if these es- teemed ealumniators, the independents and mug-wumps, will only take the trouble to examine it, and compare it with a measure of similar import that the Republican legislative caucus of Ohio, has determined to enact for that State, they will find food for consider- able thought, and evidence of the most incontrovertal kind, that all the vil- lainy and viciousness of modern poli- tics, is not to be charged tothe Demo- cratic party. With a Democratic majority of 45,- 000 at the last election, the Democratic lezislature of New York, proposes to so district the State that of the thirty four congressmea to elect, the Repub- licans will have fifteen, the Democrats gixteen, and leave three doutbful dis- tricts. With a Republican majority of less than 20,000 at the last election, the Republican legislature of Ohio, has presented and determined to passa bill districting that state, so that of the twenty-one - congressmen to which it is entitled, the Democrats snall have five, and the Republicans sixteen. Getting down to figures, Democratic New York, proposes to take one cou- gressman for every 40,000, Democratic resentative to every 43,000 Republican votes, basing their apportionments on the last presidential election. Republican Ohio, fixes up her dis- tricts so that every 26,000 Republican votes can secure a representative in congress, whileit allows to the Demo- crats but one for every 79,000 votes. Could anything show more plainly, a determination to recognize the rights of the people and to do what is fair and honorable, than the action of the Democratic legislature of New York? Or could anything be more infamously wrong, or villainously outrageous,upon the right to representation as supposed to be secured us under the constitu- tion, than the inexcusable gerrymander that is to be fastened upon Ohio by its Republican law makers? Aud yet, has any one heard, the boasted, virtuous (?) self-lauded, inde- pendent (?) newspaper of the country, commend the one or denounce the other? When Democrats appealed to the courts of New York for the enforce- ment of Republican laws, and forcing that party to recognize the enactments it had passed, secured control of both branches of its legislature, there were no words strong enough in the english vocabulary, to express the horror and contempt these self-righteous editors had, for such methods, in obtaining power. Bat now when 266,455 Demo- crats in Ohio are to be practically dis- franchised ; when counties areso bunch-, ed that men chosen to congress do not represent the people, but the merest fraction of them ; when this rape on popular rights aud this wrong on the principles of representation, is proposed by the Republicans, not a sentence in condemnation or a word of warning is heard from one of them. Verily these political pharisees could look over a barnyard reeking with Republican foulness and discover a fly-speck on a Democratic stable door. Will Have Judicial Determination. The question of the Constitutionality of the Baker ballot reform law will be determined by the supreme court. That question, has got before that body in the regular way, by an appeal taken from the decision of the court at Scranton, and there will be no way in which the learned Judges who occupy the supreme bench, and who plead infor- mality ot proceedings, as an excuse for not considering it some weeks ago, to get round a direct confirmation of the law or a decision that will render it entirely inoperative. To the people of the state who must bear the expense of putting this new | law into effect, the supreme court owes it as a matter of justice, to render a decision on this question at once. If the law is constitutional and is to be enforced, it will take from this time un- til the election to get the masses to un- derstand its workings, and the para: phrenalia of elections ready for use. If itis unconstitutional, any further bother or expense about it would be a useless waste of time and money. As long as it is before the cours the people, and officials charged with see- ing that it is pat into operation, will not know what to do. As the matter must have judicial de- cision now, let it be hurried up as speedily as possible. There can be no excuse for delay. —— If the Democrats in some of the counties of this state, which could be named, would make half the effort or show a tithe of the earnestness, in har- monizing their difference and organiz- ing. for the fall campaign, that they do in trying to elect delegates to the coming state convention and to instruct them for their particular favorites, there would be a very different result, from that anticipated this fall. A party that wastes its energies and di- vides -its forces in foolish, factional fends, can expect and get but little, and, in trath, deserves no more than it gete. e———— Is it Only Wind. The Quay Republicans up in Blair county are feeling awfully hilarious over the fact that they literally, to use a streetism, “wiped up the political floor” with the opposition to the Beav- er boss on Saturday last. After all the professions and pretense of a deter- mination on the part of the Republican : | masses to rebuke the incompetency, votes, and to give one Republican rep- | that has disgraced them, their party and the state in the United States Sen- ate, and elect a reputable citizen with character and capacity enough to make at least a respectable senator, the action of the Blair county Repub- licansis a surprising disappointment. It don’t pan out well with Republican promises, or;their pretended. purposes. It don’t furnish any evidence that the much boasted opposition to Quay is anything more than talk, or any hope that Pennsylvania is to be relieved, through Republican action, of the dis- grace that must cling to a common- wealth that persists in presenting as its highest representative, a man with- out character, qualification or stand- ing. If there are no more votes 1n other parts of the state in proporuon {0 the blow, against QuaY-iSm than is shown by the returns in Blair, the anti-Quay Republicans are a long way from making a hopeful fight, and the state a number of years from securing a Senator whom any one will respect. A Few Points in Politics. Roger Q.' Mints is the new U. S. Senator from Texas. ; The free silver bill is now being de- bated in the house. SPRINGER, BraiNe and MORRILL have all nearly recovered from their recent serious illness. A large majority of Pennsylvania counties have already declared for CLEVELAND, rr e— —— The Democratic county Com- mittee of Perry county, at iis meeting, on Monday last, recognized the public sentiment of that section by instruct- ing its delegates to the state conven: tion to support national delegates who will favor CLEVELAND as a first, and Parrison as a second choice for presi- dential nomination. At the present time this seems to be the general sen- timent of the Pennsylvania democracy, An Issue that Wont Materialize. The Jingo statesmanship(?) that would rejoice if i6 could kick up a war with England, nntil after the election, in order that the tariff and other issues as well asthe record of the Republican party might be forgotten, is not getting along very successfully in its efforts in that line. While Mr. Harrison and his friends may need a new question and anew campaign cry, to make a show next November, Mr. SALISBURY is notin that fix, ani can afford to deal with the Behring Sea differences in a way that will settle the question amicably, and to the credit of both countries, without either blood shed or the blow or bluster of war. While Mr. Bayarp was at the head of the department of state, this seal fishery dispute was honorably, and satisfac- torily adjusted, but the desire of Mr. BLAINE to twist the lion’s tail, of Mr. HARRISON to bring new issues into the next campaign,and of a few “Canucks” to disregard law, treaties and govern- ment lines, has brought the matter up again, in a way, that if England was as anxious to forget the condition of her business interests and the local questions bearing upon them, as this Republican administration is, we could have a war commenced in about twen- ty-four hours. Unluckily for Mr. Harrison and the Republican party, their war pro- jectsdo not pan out any better than did their promises of good times under their McKINLEY tariff bill; and the chances are now ten to one, that in place of hurrahing for the flag and try- ing to wallop England next fall, they’ll be put to the straits of explaining their record and lying about the effects of their protective tariff. A Burning Comparison. The Meadville Republican predicts that the Republicans “next fall will sweep th: country like a prairie fire.” No doubt they will if they sweep it at all. Where a prairie fire goes it spares nothing. What it wants it takes. It licks up every thing within ite reach. It lives only while it finds plenty and is fiercest when it has the most to ravage upon and destroy. In its approach is roaring, tumult and smoke. In its embrace is strangula- tion and death. In its wake are the ashes of desolation. How apt the comparison—a prairie fire and a Republican victory. TT TREE An Organization of Which it Seems to Have no Knowledge. Between squelching that “terrible” Reading railroad deal, a matter that the courts have now before them for determination ; downing “boss” HAr- riTY; teaching the Attorney-general the law and his duties,and maligning a Democratic administration, the Harris- burg Patriot seems to have more than it is able to accomplish, and at the same time give attention to other mat- ters of public import. If its readers have ever heard that there is a Repub- lican party in this state and through- out the entire country that has com- mifted sins that should damn it in the eyes all decent citizens, and perpetra- ted outrages, upon the rights of states and individuals, that should forever prevent its receiving the support of any honest voter, they have read it in some other newspapers, or been told so by some one else. So far as the Patriot's efforts go, they seem to indicate that it knows nothing of such a party, or that certain departments of government both ut Harrisburg and Washington, are under the control of theiving Re- publican rings, that in many people’s estimation, are much more detrimen- tal to the interests of the state and the citizens, than it will ever be able to make them believe this Democratic state administration is. EER RTT ——The sweetened bait that was of- fered by the Sugar Trust, has caught Cravs SprECKRLS at last, and the only formidable opposition that gigantic combine bad,vanishes, By the arrange ment that has been entered into, SpERckELS makes $3,000,000 in addi tion to what be will realize from the gale of his plant; the trust males it: self absolute dictator of the price this necessary commodity will command, | while the people are made to “pay the piper.” Doing Good Work. From the Tunkhannock Democrat. The Democratic House has already begun the work of retrenchment. The estimates of appropriation * for the District of Columbia were reduced $1,- 000,000 in round numbers, and the Military Academy bill, as passed the House, carries 20 per cent. less money than was urged to be appropriated by an extravagant administration. Protection from Home Competition Needed. From the Honesdale Herald. The Pennsylvania ironmasters will soon be crying out for a protective tar- iff against southern manufactories. Recently, large lots of Birmingham, Alabama, iron have been shipped right into the midst of our iron furnaces and rolling mills. What can be done to remedy this distressful state of affairs ? The trouble is that the colored labor of the South is so much cheaper than that used in this section, which males it just as bad as if they were “foreign pauper laborers.” Reluctant to Let Go the Teat. From the Philadelphia Record. Having been in office in Nebraska for a score of years, ex-Governor Thay- er is evidently reluctant to quit posing in the public eye. He accordingly de- termined to move in the State Supreme Court for a reopening ot the case of Boyd vs. Thayer. This is cheeky, in the face of the fact that the Court de- cided that if anyone but Boyd could occupy the gubernatorial chairit would be Lieutenant Governor Majors and not Thayer, who had no colorable title to hold over. These veterans in poli- tics die hard. Blathering about War and Asking Favors. From the National Democrat. While the administration is threat- ening retaliatory legislation against Canada our Northwestern farmers are asking for the “privilege” of the use of the Canadian canals on the same terms as the Canadians. How likely our farmers are to get any favors from Canada while the administration is threatening to go to war with England and invade Cadfda may be isferred from the fact that the Canadian gov- ernment has been asked by the Marine Association of the Dominion to levy a toll of two cents a ton on American goods passing through Canada on canals. The Laboringman’s Judas. From the Steubenville (0.) Gazette. John Jarrett will get a salary of $5,000 a year for helping the Iron Manufacturers’ Association to cut down wages. Perhaps Mr. Jarrett thinks a dollar a day is enough for a working- man. He is not a workingman him- gelf in this controversy. When on the other side of the table as President of the Amalgamated Association, his heart bled for the poor workingman at bigger wages than he could get as a common everyday iron worker. The conditions have not yet changed in such a way as to cause a change of mind on this point. The workingman is just as worthy of his hire now as he was then. In fact what he then considered low daily wages was about equal to the weekly wages that he now will work to have reduced, simply because he can get more mouey himself out of it. RATE Wwilfally and Bigotedly Blind. From the Port Allegheny Reporter. Even as all roads led to Rome, so, to the protectionist all things center in a high taritt. To him there 1s no other force in nature or potency in civiliza- tion. To him, cheap and abundant lands, limitless forests, and inexhaus: table mines, or a hardy and industri- ous population are ciphers, mere dust in the balance when weighed against a statue, in building up a great and pros- perous nation, A free press, free schools, inventive genius, the energetic and progressive type of manhood evolved from the intermingling of all the best races of Europe, under our free institutions, all coant for nothing in his mind. He cannot, or rather will not, see that the working population of the country being able to employ itself upon free government lands has been, to a degree, independant of capital and therefor able to command good wages: or that wages are always high in a densely populated country, whether tariff be high or low. He deliberately closes his mind to euch facts and attri: butes every blessing we enjoy to protec- tion and eyery evil that afflicts us, when he can be brought to admit that any evils do afflict us, to the want of a little more protection. In short he not only throws to the winds experience and observation, he not only despises history and plain facts, but in order to bolster up high tart goods, which, dagon-like will be satisfied with noth: ing less than our very bodies a living sacrifice; he pillories reason and cru: cifies common sense. ——1f you want printing of any de- scription the WATCHMAN office is the place to have it done. Spawls from the Keystone. —Steelton counts on an opera house. —There’s splendid sieighing in npper Berks County. 4 —Christian young women are organizing in Reading. —The Montour Iron and Steel Works, at Danville resumed Wednesday. —The snow was three feet deep on some of the Schuykill County roads. —Hemorrage of the brain killed William C. Dreis, of Watchville, in bed. : —XKatie Acker (white) eloped from Pittsburg with John Burleigh {colored.) —There are snow drifts 10 to 18 feet deep in the upper part of Northampton County. —The sitting Criminal Court at Reading has nearly 200 cases for its next docket: —Lenhartsviile, Berks county, a borough covering 40 acres, has only 150 population. Scarcity of farm laborers and poor times are driving Berks Ccunty farmers out of busin ess. —There were seventy-five accessions to the Duncannon Presbyterian church last Sun- day. —Launching a log-floater’s ark at Caledonia, Woodsman Dick Roserick was crushed to death. — A burglar robbed the house of Hiram Mc- Hase, of Bethlehem, of $200 while the family was at church. —Too shorta squib cost Miner William Schwarlz a fatal wound in exploding a blast near Ashland. —Mill girls at Jeanesville are reported to have been discharged for wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day. — A charter was issued yesterday to the Col- umbia Coal Mining Company, of Philadelphia 3 capital, $150,000. —A Reading town meeting recommended an appropriation of $200,000 for storm and house- drainage systems. —Pittston has raised the $5000 necessary to secure the State’s $15.000 appropriation for a- miners’ hospital. —The Shenandoah and Ashland Electric Railway has been completed from Rappahan- nock to Lost Creek. —The dozen puddling furnaces of the Lochiel Rolling Mills, Steelton, resumed Monday with 125 men. —A. Shoppell, a Bethlehem blacksmith, has challenged rivals to shoe kickers (including mules) as fast as he can. —Steelton expects to have a Federal build- ing. The borough's postal receipts are up wards of $30,000 a year. —In an Fast Penu wreck near Temple, a number of cars were piled up and brakeman William Rush was crushed. . . — Edward Nelson was fatally stabbed by a fellow negro workman on an Ohio River steamer below Pittsburg. Harry Brownsberger, of Lancaster, who was shot by Jay Leachey during a quarrel, will re- cover- Both are boys of 12. —Morey and Hess, alleged proprietors of a gilded gambling den with liveried attendants, have been arrested at Scranton, —Johnstown magistrates say that if the sa- loons do not soon open they will have to close their offices forwant of business. —Hazleton borough bonds are missing since the town has become a city, and there are lively developments promised. —In trying to stop a fight between a cat and dog, John Dautrich, of Ruscombmanor, Berks, County, was severely bitten by both. —Mrs. Lydia Stief, of Reading, aged mother- in-law of murdered Officer John Merget has quickly followed the latter to his grave. —Revival meetings in Franklin have se cured 500 converts in a few weeks and practi- cally closed the playhouses of the town. —Frank Cuffenberger, who stole beer: and other articles trom Reading Railroad cars at Lebanon, has been arres ted at Reading. —The store of Samuel Pershing, of New Florence, Westmoreland county, was robbed of boots, shoes, clothing, etc, to the value of $300 . —Hon. Michael Fitzharris, of Cambria county, is not a candidate for fresh legislative honors. One winter at Harrisburg was enough for him. —Fourth-class postmasters appointed Fri. day: H. Steel, Elwell; A. L. Diffenbaugh, Greenland ; P. Smith, Gurner;S. A. Toombs Ladona. —While driving down South Mountain with a pair ot fractious horses, E.M. Sebastian, of Reading was thrown from his wagon and killed. —Charles McGuire, of Bell Township, near Greensburg, saved his life by jumping into a spring of water after oil on his clothing had ignited. —Fourteen guests at the Exchange Hotel in Montrose were daugerously poisoned by eating biscuits in which rat poison had found its way. —Thirty kegs of beer, seventeen Italians and eighteen gallons © whisky were caught in conjunction at Mrs. Noll.s “speak-easy,’ Hazleten. —A Polish laborer, in Pittsburg, while asleep on a pile of slag, was almost covered with red hot slag, and his entire body was burned up. —The Young Men's Christian Associations of Berks, Schuylkill, Dauphin snd and Colum= bia Counties have just closed a lively convin- tion at Reading. — William Swann, supposed to be of Phila delphia, died at Altoona yesterday. He had his leg cutoff by a train. He had plenty of money in his pocket. —Formal apeal was made to the State Board of Pardons Tuesday in behalf of Mellon and Porter, the imprisoned Beaver editors who ibeled Senator Quay. —Monroe County officers as well as those from Lancaster are after Joseph Greener. or «Bucksin Joe,” the alleged swindler of veter ans seekin g pensions. ——Robert McClure, an agent of the Pittsburg Law Order Society, was Friday indicted for perjury in having & South-side newsdealer fined for selling on Sunday. —The one hundred laborers of Wilkesbarre, who intended to emigrate to Montana, in April have abandoned the unaertaking wing to un favorable reports from that State. -—A 14-months-old child of Anthony Sher- utzki, of Johnstown, swallowed & quantity of concentrated lye Wednesday morning. She was living at 230 a.’ m., but the doctor said death was inevitable. — William Johnston, a young colored man living in Dubois, was found dead in bed the other morning, and the verdict of the coro- ner’s jury was that whisky did the business. Rum will gel there every time, regardless of color.