Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 18, 1892, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa., March II, 1892.
The Capital of Chile a Beautiful and Brilliant
Santiago, the Chilian capital, accord-
ing to the fashion prevalent in the days
when pirates and buccaneers flourished,
is situated in the interior of the country,
at the foot of the great Cordillera of the
Andes, and a distance of four hours, by
express train, from its port of Valpar-
aiso. Itis a pleasant and rich city, to
which all Chillian fortunes, sooner or
later, find their way. This fact is man-
ifested by the number and splendor of
the private houses, and great quantity of
private carriages, and ‘the animation of
the elegant and leisured movement in
the streets, Santiago. with its steeples
and towers, and its wooded hill of Santa
Lucia, lies toward one end of a broad
plain, hemmed in by mountains which
are always visible, closing the perspec-
tive of the streets and rising in grand
sihouettes, even more beautiful in win-
ter than in summer ; for then the moun-
tains are covered with a mantle of snow
which reaches within a few metres of
the plain, The climate is delightful.
The plaza of Santiago is of fine pro-
portions and rendered very charming by
the shade trees planted round it. The
flowers are locked 1n at 10 o'clock every
night. As I was informed by an Irish
lady with a delightful brogue who has
thirty years’ experience of Chili at the
head of a charitable institution for or-
phan girls, “the vice of the country is
thieving.” Over an expanse of many
square miles, for Santiago occupies a su-
perficies out of reasonable proportion
with its 189,000 inhabitants, ‘these re-
quire tobe carried from point to point
by a railway and an important network
of tramways, Women are employed as
conductors of the horse cars, whose un-
iform consists of a man’s straw hat, a
money bag and a white ‘apron, the rest
of their costume being left to individual
taste. These girls have a seat at the
back of the car and seem to perform their
duties modestly and to the general satis-
faction. The pretty ones, or rather, the
least bad looking, rarely remain long in
the service : they soon find husbands or
get otherwise provided for.
The genuine Chilian is the old Span-
ish house built around one or more
courtyards, and shut off from the street
by an open work wrought iron gate and
by heavy wooden doors that are closed
at night. Many of them are of patriar-
chal proportions, covering four or five
hundred feet square of ground and hav-
ing accommodation for three generations
of a family, and dining rooms where fif-
ty or sixty people can sitat ease. The
fine houses are not often oper for enter-
tainments, The invitation to dinner is
not so freely given asin Anglo-Saxon
countries ; the family circle is more
close ; the family life of two or three
generations is self sufficing.
On the plaza yon see the rank and file
of the army and its officers—the latter
fine men of Spanish type, looking tho-
roughly military ; the former dark-skin-
ned, semi-Indian soldiers, who showed
in the late war against Peru that they
could fight like demons and kill, plun-
der and burn, with a savage ferocity that
few soldiers can equal and none sur-
The Chillian pecnes, especially the
more intelligent miscellaneous workers
know as rotos or ragged men, are truly
wonderful creatures for strength and en-
durance and no European can compete
with them. To see them work-
ing in themines is most curious.
Half-naked they run along the low gal-
——-Professor Heilprin’s Peary re-
lief party will “probably start early in
June. About June 15, the professor
expects to leave St. John’s, N. F., and
steer northward along the Greenland
Disko and Upernavik to announce
themselves and leave word that they
have passed northward. Above Up-
ernavik they will begin to look in
earnest for Peary. There are three
points where news of him or he him-
self may be found. The firstis Cape
York, the second Conical Rock, the
third Wostenholme island: If they do
not find him at one of these points they
will leave in stone mounds informa-
tion of their! presence and cruise on
northward to Peary’s headquarters, on
the shore of McCormick bay, latitude
77 degs. 43 min. north. The ice
breaks usually about July 15, and
Heilprin will be at Melville's head-
quarters are 500 miles north of Uper-
navik, along the [coast. If Peary is
not found Heilprin will the
northern waters as long as he dares,
till Sept. 1.
——The explosion of a bomb startles
all within hearing. So the pains which
arise from derangements of the liver,
stomach and bowels, quickly alarm
those who experience them. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets afford a speedy and in-
expensive cure. Sick headache, bilious
headache, constipation indigestion, bil-
lious attacks yeild like magic to this
wonderful specific. Only one tiny sugar
coated Pellets for a laxative dose.
Purely vegetable are perfectly harmless
The action is prompt and pleasant. Ab-
solutely the best Liver Pill made. Your
money given back if they do not give
entire satisfaction. The only pill pos-
sessed of such merit as to warrrnt their
being sold on ¢rial.
fe ——————————————I
Bakep Losster.—Select lobsters,
heavy for their size, and see that they
are exceedingly lively ; as soon as they
come from the market cut them into
halves with asharp knife and remove
the stomach and intestine; crack the
claws, or a half may be partly removed
with a can opener or sardine scissors.
When ready to bake put the lobsters
in a pan, shells down, sprinkle with
pepper and a little bread crumbs, and
put here and there bits of cutter.
Bake in a moderate oven about three
quarters of an hour, basting with melt-
ed butter, as the lobster seems to be-
come dry, They must not under any
circumstances be boiled first ; they must
be killed by being cut into halves.
A LEADER.—Since its first introduc-
tion, Electric Bitters has gained rap-
idly in popular favor, until now it is
clearly in the lead among pure medicinal
- tonics and alteratives—containing noth-
ing which permits its use as a beverage
or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best
and purest medicine for all ailments of
Stomach, Liver or Kidneys.—It will
cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con-
stipation, and drive Malaria from the
system. Satisfaction, guaranteed with
each bottle or the money will be re-
funded. Price only 20c. per bottle.
Sold by C. M. Parrish.
Lamp shades are made of a single
large silken flower.
PE —
——Hood’s Sarsaparilla is on the flood
tide of popularity, which position it has
reached by its own intricsic, undoubted
merit. .
Business Notices.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
He and his crew will touch at d
J, Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written
in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates.
Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna
oes, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office betweer
Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel.
3412 1y
(5-20: L. POTTER & CO,
Represent the best companies, and write poli
cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason-
able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the
Court House. 225
And other leading strong companies. Travel-
er's Accident of Hartford, Conn.
All business promptly and carefully attended
to. Office, Conra House, Bellefonte, Pa.
36 36 6m CHAS. SMITH, Agt.
Total assels.............. ete fennontanst $42,353,912.96
Total liabilities ....... weeeraerersen 35,821,587.98
Net surplus 4 per Cluversirasenens... $6,532,324.98
Ins. in force Jan. 1,'l.......... $238,988.807.00
Increase during 1890. os 36,602,884.00
Increase in asséts in 1890....... 5,237,042.65
Increase in surplus in 1890..... 891,377.65
Total income in 1890............. 11,119,278.05
Increase over 1889........ cesensnss 1,739,819.05
Death-loss incurred during......
1890, per $1,000 insured. $9.60
Ditto, next lowest Co...... 11.40
Average of the 9 largest. z
competing companies...... 5 14.90
Death loss at $9.60 per 81.000 2,122,290.25
Death loss had rate been $14.90 3,289,549.50
Amountsaved............cceerrnseennn . 1,167,259.25
Assets in first mortgage bonds ~~ 3 per ct
Ditto, 9 largest competing co's 36
Assets in railroad and other
fluctueting securities..........., None
Ditto in 9 largest competing
COTS. ser eceimsarasy Sesasenrsricrs 32 per ct
The nine leading
above referred to are
Equitable, N. Y.
Mutual Tiife N.Y.
New York Life, N.Y.
Connecticut Mutual.
Mutual Benefit.
New England Mutual.
Mass. Mutual.
Penn: Mutual.
competing companies
pr. ct.
Rate of interest earned in ’90... 5.92
Average rate of 9 leading com-
DRLHOIS...ccon.. anaes 5.15
Interest income at 5.92 per ct... $2,196.503
Interestincome had rate been
5.15 per ct.... .. 1,910,958
Interest gaine 285,545
The NorTuwEesTERN is the only company
which, in recent years, has published her
dividends. In 1885 and in 1887 the Company
published lists of nearly 300 policies, embrac-
ing every kind issued, and challenged all
Sechler & Co.
10 pieces, $3.50 and $4.00
r set.
Finest Imported sets, 10 Pieces of Gold
at $6.50 and $7.00.
pieces (with jar) at $9.00, $9.50 and
$12.00. These are all good bargains
It will pay you to see these goods be-
Same goods, 12
fore purchasing
A great vari
the piece, at
ety of goods to sell by
all prices from 10 cents
In great variety from 10cts up to
$1.00 per pound. Raisins 10cts ; 15cts ;
20cts ; 25cts aad 35cts per pound.
New crop California Prunes,
large size
15cts ; Appricots 10cts and 15cts per
Figs, Table Oil,
Currants, Maple Syrup,
Citrons, Fine Table Syrups,
Ketchsup Sauces, New Crop N. 0. Molasses,
Extracts, Sweet Potatoes,
Cranberries, English, Walnuts,
Fine full cream Cheese, Shelbarks,
Almonds, Florids. Oranges,
Mixed Nuts, Lemons,
Banannas, Fruits & Preserves,
White Grapes,
Canned Vegetables,
— es eee me
Old Government Java ; Mocha and
Finest Green,
Black and Japan
Teas, and Pure Spices.
Of our own make.
This goods is as
good as it is possible to make it. We
put in it the best material obtainable.
Try it. You will be pleased.
Bush House Block,
Williams’ Wall
Paper Store.
R-0.0-M M-0-U-L-D-I-N-G-S !
TE —————————————————— .
Nov. 16th, 1891.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at T one,
6.55 a. m.,at Altorna, 7.45 a, m., at pitts:
burg, 12.45 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.558. m.. at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., af Pitts
ol 6.50 p: m
Leave llefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at T: one,
6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55,
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive ai Tyrone
6.55, at Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philade]-
a, 1.26 p.m.
Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at
Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.40at Harrisburg at 10.€0 p. m., at Phila’
delphia, 4.25 a. m.,
Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 10.45 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 10.10 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.45, leave Williamsport, 12.30 p. m.
2 Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at
Pp. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 op m.: arrive at Lock Ha.
ven, 5.30. p. m.; illiamsport, 6.45 p. m., at
Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25
B m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at
hiladelphia at 6.50 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg at 9.10 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.35 a. m.,
Phi SsIphis 3.15 p. m.
Leaye Bellefonte, 2.00 P. m., arrive at Lewis.
burg, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 10.55 p. m.
M =
B 9 Nov. 16, > ©
P.M.| A. M. | A, M. |ArT, Lv./A Mm (p.u|p wm
6 40/ 11 55 6 55!.. 755310 725
6 33] 11 48) 6 48]. 8021317 732
629 11 43| 6 44 8 053 20, 7 36
6 25 11 38) 6 40 810/324! 7 41
6 19/ 11 32) 6 33 81513 30| 7 47
615 11 29| 6 30|. 8 1713 33 7 50
6 13| 11 26| 6 28|..Hannah...| 8 21 3387 754
6 06 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 28 34 801
559 11 09] 6 13 ..Martha....| 8 36 3562 810
550 10 59] 6 05 «Julian....| 8 44(4 01] 820
5 411 10 48| 5 55/.Unionviile.| 8 55/4 10 8 30
5 33| 10 38) 5 48/..8.8. Int...| 9 03 417 8 40
530] 10 35) 5 45|.Milesburg | 9 07/4 20 8 44
5 20| 10 25| 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 17 430] 854
510 10 11| 5 25|.Milesburg.| 9 32/4 40| 9 04
502 958 518 ...Curtin....| 9 46 447 913
455 951 514|.Mt. Eagle..| 9 51/4 55/ 9 19
449 9 44| 5 07|...Howard...| 10 01 502] 928
4 40/ 9 36| 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 15/5 10 9 40
4 38 933] 4 56 Bch. Creek.| 10 20 513] 945
426) 921 4 46/.Mill Hall... 10 35/5 24| 10 01
4 23) 918 4 43|Flemin’ton.! 10 39/5 27| 10 05
420 915 4 40 Lek. Haven| 11 45/5 30| 10 10
P.M. A. M. [A M| A.M. |A.M.| P.M.
RR 5
EES 5 Nov. 16, o ¥ | E
E B Z| F 1891. 5 5
POL P.M. | AM. Lv. Ar. A. Mm. (A. vm |p. m
780 315 800|..Tyrone...| 6 50| 11 45/6 17
7387 322 8 O7|.E. Tyrone. 6 43 11 38/6 10
143 32; 811... ail...... 6 37/ 11 34/6 04
763 336 8 21|.Vanscoyoc.| 6 27 11 25(5 53
8 00) 3 42 8 25|.Gardners...| 6 25 11 21/5 50
8 07| 349) 8 35/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16 11 12/56 43
815 3 54 8 45..Summit...| 6 09( 11 05(5 33
819 359 850 Sand. Ridge 6 05| 10 58/5 27
8 21) 401] 8 52|...Retort..... 6 03] 10 54/5 25
8 24) 402] 8 55/..Powelton 6 01| 10 52/5 23
8 30] 4.02 9 04]..0sceola 5 52 10 40/5 11
8 41) 45] 13\.Boynton...| 5 45 10 33/3 03
845 418) 917..Boiners...| 5 43 10 30/4 58
847 422) 92 Philipshu’g| 5 41| 10 27/4 55
8 51) 426 9 24\..Graham...| 5 37) 10 21/4 49
8 57| 4 32| 9 32|..Blue Ball.. 533/10 17/4 44
9 03] 439] 9 39 Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10/4 39
910] 447) 947 ....Bigler..... 5 22/10 01/4 31
917 4 52| 9 54|.Woodland..| 5 17, 9 54 4 26
9 24| 4 58) 10 02/...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 47/4 20
9 28| 5 02] 10 07|..Leonard...| 5 09) 9 43/4 15
9 35 508 10 14|..Clearfield..| 5 04 9 36(4 OT
9 40/5 11| 10 24|..Riverview.| 5 00| 9 32/4 (2
9 47) 5 16| 10 29/Sus. Bridge| 4 54 9 24/3 56
9 65] 5 25 10 35/Curwensv’e| 4 50 9 20/2 50
PMP MAM] A. M. | A. M. P.M.
Time Table in effect on’ and after
Nov. 16, 1891.
Leave Snow She e, except Sunday......6 45
weed 00
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30
5 25
Schedule in effect November 15th, 1891.
\ companies to produce policies, alike as to age, PICTURE FRAME MOULD WESTWARD. EASTWARD.
leries, scramble up a notched _pole and date and kind, showing like results. No ref- : DINGS, 111 | 103 114 | 112
then up the ragged rock stairs of the erence or reply fto this challenge has ever been PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER SraTIONS.
old Spanish crooked shafts, all the time made by any officer or agent of any company, so ne ry Aol Ln 4% *"%
carrying a hundred weight of ore na far as known. 0——HOUSE PAINTING 2 20| 6 20|.......Lewisburg........
leather pouch slung on their shoulders. ’ SEERbOd ude uid Ducane ng BIEN BRU
When they reach the top they just ; — SIGN PAINTING, } "9506 30,
shrug their shoulders, the ore falls on ; ; VI—THE M Y'S INTEREST 237 635
the ground, and they remain a few se- | When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. = COMPANY'S INTERES RE- PAPER HANGING AND ROOM DE- 2 47] 645.
conds gasping for breath, and all of a When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. CEIPTS EXCEED HER DEATH CLAIMS. CORATING 3 03) 7 00]...
sudden they run down the mine again, | When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, | pgerest receipts in 1890......cev.... 2.106502 ; I
whistling as if nothing had happened. When she had Children, she gave them Cas-| Death elaimein 1890..,.........ceeoreere 2,122,290 > . —-— 338 719
So itis with the stevedores in the Chil fora. Sct sl»
fon ports. These nan: have immans VIL—IT I$ PURELY AMERICAN.— WALL PAPER PRICE LIST: 2 10
physical strength, disdain all mechani- Philadelphia Card. By its charter it cannot insure in any For. | . 4928) 8924
cal helpand carry enormous weights, al- eign country nor in Gulf states. Its wise and ~ 4 2 8 32...
ways on their heads and shoulders. conservative management in this, as well » Brown Backs, 4—b5 and Gets per bolt ih 50 2
Both the miners and the stevedores are DWARD W. MILLER, in other respects is heartily approved of ., Mica B : ier bon, 449 846.........
like overgrown children in the manage- WITH : the practical business men of this country. Yes Town, 8 and 5 . 4 53| 8 51.....Dale Summit...
ment of their lives. With fair words Woop, BROWN & CO, Rates, plans and further information fur- wie Backs, 6 and 8 font in yu
they can be led to do anything except to Doslersin nished on request. iio hack Mins aad 1p Pow fA |
work when th hink th B k HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &! W. C. HEINLE, Glimmers, 10 and 12 “ « — AMIN
rk wben they think they bave work- 429 Market Stroot: hy i Golds, 10 to 20 ” Train No. 103 connect at Montandon with
ed enough, Then it is useless to offer a Toon: District Agent. BELLEFONTE, Pa. slo 5 Erie Mail West; Train No. 111 with Niagara
seles fo : ; ;
them more dollars They have as many 15 1 HILADELPHIA, PA [6 35-1y Embossed Gold, 12—16 and 25 « ixpress West 114 with Ses Shore Expres
dollars ns they WAL for the Moment AES ————— —- eT ————— Felts or Ingrians, 12 to 20 “ East ; and Train No.112 with Phila. Accom.
and so they say in Spanish: “I’m not see P Hl Be Figured Felts, 15 to 25 4 a ee
going to work longer, boss,” in the COMPANY Pressed Tapers, Slsto sm |.» LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD.
most friendly way possible, and an hour Ee Ee WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD
later they areall of them drunk and JOB K 2 B=
dancing furious cuecas. Se Ea at WILLIAMS, 5 A. io BR
— } : 2 2g
th i hihi Dr. Junker HEN solicited to insure in other companies remember that the Mutu 0 Tey Paper Emporium, - :
made use of a curiously original system : : ; : igh street P.M. A.M. | P.M,
for obtaining mans SY ar gua 3 {OHS Life Insurance company of New York, is entitled to your first consider. 3 2 ) 4 57/....8cotia..... 921 447...
23D £ ation since it holds the foremost place among the Life Insurance In- 79-30, BELLEFONTE, Pa. 3 Mpeltroan] yoo a 07).
traversed. When on the march he ] P A g : — 5 29(Pa.Furnace| 8 56| 4 15...
wore a coat provided with numerous stitutions of the world, and offers superior advange in all the fea- 5 36/...Hostler...|. 8 50 4 08|......
ockets tor his note-books watch, and tures of business, together with unequaled financia security. White Star Flour Flo § 13. Marengo.) 813 401...
a From a button hung pencils 1. It is the OLDEST active Life Insurance Company in the country. : uh Yeed, &e, 5 5 Pat 8 5 3 i a
of different colors—red for his route 2. Itis the LARGEST Life Insurance Company in the world. fm Tr BS 6 06 Din vin, 8 27 3 46...
line, blue for the streams, and black for 8. TItis the STRONGEST financial institution in the world, its assetts LOUR=— ERB 6 10..W. Mark... 819/ 348...
i Y g / : x . y 6 20|Pennin, 8 10/ 3 30[......
noting the time and direction of his _, amounting to $150,000,000 with a surplus of $10,000,000. Lond EK G EREFRICH, HALE & CO, oa J. 8 isin
course. At the end of every five min- 4. 1Itis the SAFEST company in which to insure, being conservative in its 6 42...Tyrone..... 7 50| 3 10|......
utes of his progress of upwards of 4,000 ‘management and careful in the selection of its risks. * ——BELLEFONTE, PA—
miles through equatorial Africa he 5. It is the CHEAPEST company in which to insure. It has returned in * % ELLEFONTE CENTRAL
would enter in his book notes of the di- dividends to its policy holders over $93,000,000, thus reducing the ac- XK KX XR LLEYC ROAD.
rection by compass in which he was tual cost of insurance to a minimum. ; ; * % & Matiatach fo To take effect May 12, 1890.
going, with fuller notes on the breadth 6. It is the BEST company in which to insure as it combines all the advan- * i acturers of -:- FASTWARE. WESTWARD.
and depth of streams, the character of tages of age, large and select membership, financial strength, absolute {igicesd F-L-0-U-R Vali ST 2 1 5
the surrounding country, and the read- security, and the cheapest insurance that is possible under any coniract ' :00000: and 100000} - Srarions. —-
ings of the aneroid and thermoneter. In which has a definite value to the beneficiary. XXAW HITE STA Rxeeersex | 78 a F—E—E-D,..... fpr Pol 2 lar Bellefonte... Lvl 5 ol 2 oN
fact he did everything with true German 7. It has no stockholders to claim a share of the profits. Its assets and sur- 613) 9 03[........ reer | 807] 309
carefulness and patience. plus all belong to the insured. And Dealers in 6 08 850. 611 818
m—— 8 Its ratio of expénses to receipts is less than that of any other company. | The finest grade of Roller Mill flour on the ie $5 $15) 8 1s
With Our Apologies. Its interest receipt alone have exceeded its expenses b $55,000,000 and : =
i its death claims by $11,000,000. Pb Y Ent market, 0—ALL KINDS OF GRAIN.—o 551 aa 6 2 3 30
From the New York World. 9. Its new forms of Policies containing the Distribution Survivorshi princi- JOHN MEESE, Grocer, 541 8401... 8.53.3 88
i : . sale ) ) 5 43| 8 36[.. 638 343
“When Washington was president he : ple, together with its guaranteed seven per cent. Consols combine more Sole Agt. 5 39|* 8 33 646] 3 48
had a magnificent state carriage.’ ! advantages with fewer restrictions than any other investment insurance * 8 28). cvurer Matterns......... 3 58
“I believe so,” | contract ever offered. It consolidates Insurance, Endowment, Invest- x 3s SOTISOND £ves : be
“But when he was at his cherry tree ! ment and annua! Income in one Policy giving protection to the family Err nx 4@~The highest market price paid for 524 7 25(..... Krumrine....... 700 458
age he was satisfied with a hack.” | and a future income to the insured, if living. A guaranteed insurance ” 5 20] 7 20|Lv.State College.Ar| 7 04] 5 04
rr ———————— and income is named in the’poliey. : hi rae snot WHFAT........RYE......... CORN isn — THOS. A. SHOEMAKER. gupt.
——Many of the dress skirts are ' 10. Tt places no restrictions upon travel, occupation or residence after two 281 AND. OATS, TAT TROT i
rather skimpy and, save a band of fur | years. : : : Stem . on Gas Fitting.
or quilling or silk around the bottom, 11. Being Non Forfeitable and Incontestable it provides a legacy and not a
are plain. i lawsuit. 0 HECK-WEIGHMAN’'S RE- FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.
rm —— 12. All claims are paid immediately upon acceptance of proofs of death. os PORTS Taled i gumbered oy lo Jo, Over two hundred acres at eight M. GALBRAITH, Flamber 304
ne on; 1 i i 3 with name of mine and da 16 prin dollars an acre, situated in Houston townshi Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa.
"” Areording Pleasing 18 Mach Worn For further information apply to J. A. WOODCOCK, Dist. Ag’t full, on extra heavy paper, furnished in any Centry county, Pa., known as the Catlow farts’ Pays perticular attenzien to heating buildings
for s irts and for 'the long sleeve an : . - A. y Dist. Ag't. quanity on to days’ notice by the. For particulars apply to D. A. KROTZER. by steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix-
front of tea gowns 86 47 Office on High St., opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Pa. 3239 WATCHMAN JOB ROOMS. 37 7 3t. Chicora, Butler Co, Pa. ' ruest, &c. 20 26