Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 11, 1892, Image 8

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    ERIE Y
Bellefonte, Pa., March Il, 1892.
To CorRESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——A large assortment of real hair
switches at Mrs. Gilmore's.
——Marriage license business has
been poor for the past week.
——The Central Pennsylvania con-
ference, of the M. E. church, will meet
here next year.
— Miss Amanda Barnhart, of Ro-
land, is visiting her brother, H. O.
Barnhart, at Punsutawney.
—— Misses Mary and Millie Bing, of
Unionville, are visiting at the home of
A, A. Stevens Esq. in Tyrone.
——Millheim has a $150 surplus in
her borough treasury while Bellefonte is
just the other way about $150,000.
—A very enjoyable party was held
at the residence of John Zimmerman,
near Roland, on last Friday evening.
——On Monday afterncon} Mrs. Joel,
Johnson, of east Bishop street, was
stricken with a fourth stroke of par-
-——Mr. Joseph Funk, of Roland, is
beautifying his property by painting
the house and erecting a neat! [wire
——Mr. Geo. Marshall, formerly
with John Meese, is now connected
with Jared Harpers’ Allegheny [street
——Charles Gardner, of Hazleton,
visited friends and relatives at his old
home, at Beech Creek, during the fore
part of the week.
——The Undine Hose Co., will hold
an Easter ball, on Monday evening,
April 18th. A good orchestra has been
secured for the occasion.
——Miss Hannah Ream, a young
woman of twenty two years, died, from
heart trouble, at her home, near Madi-
sonburg, on Monday night.
——Justtwo week’s from to-day will
be the 1st of April. Be careful that
you don’t make a fool of yourself while
trying to fool some one else.
——Ed. Rankin, manager of the
‘Western Union telegraph officeat this
place,returned,on Wednesday morniug,
from a pleasant week in Philadelphia.
——Mors. Harry Cooper, who for three
months has been visiting her aunts, the
Misses Benner,will leave for her home in
‘Winston N. C. the beginning} of next
——Mr. Charley Lutz and family
left for their new home, in the west,
yesterday morning. We wish them a
pleasant journey and a prosperous life
in the west.
——A new industry was begun in
Philipsburg, on Saturday, when Brin-
ton, Duncan and Barne’s new mill
turned out the first roller flour ever
manufactured in that section.
——The new Bellefonte orchestra has
already made itself heard on Allegheny
street. The Tuesday evening practices are
very interesting and the organization
gives evidence of a bright future.
——Over three hundred and fifty peo-
ple attended the sale on the property of
the late John Lutz, on Wednesday, and
every article sold at good figures. Rea-
Son : It was advertised in the WATCH-
MAN. :
——On Tuesday morning the death of
Mrs. Lizzie Boyle, who resides with her
mother Mrs. Joseph Murray, of Miles-
burg, occurred from Grip. D:ceased was
but twenty three years of age and leaves
a bereaved husband.
——His honor Judge Furst seems to
have aroused the dander of Philipsburg’s
good citizens all because he held a little
conference, in the parlors of the Potter
House, in that place, ostensibly in refer-
ence to the granting of licensas.
——Lawrence Butts, of Philadelphia
was a visitor at his home, in this place,
on Saturday. He came to bid his
father and brothers “good-bye” ere he
sails for Uraguay, whither he is going to
put up some locomotives for the Bald-
win works,
——On Tuesday evening next there
will be a reception in the rooms of the
Y. M. C. A, for the benefit of the As-
sociation furnishing fund, A small
admission will be charged and light re-
freshments served. Turn out, everyone,
and make it a glorious success.
——Prof. W. F. Meyer's singing
class, as announced in the WATCHMAN
last week, was permanently organized
on Monday night anl about fifty young
ladies and gentlemen enrolled. This is
is a rare opportunity for those who de-
sire to learn to read music. The tuition
is only $1,00 for the term.
——The telephone line between Mill-
heim and Coburn has been abandoned
and now the Penn township metropolis
finds itself without any communication
with the outside world. It’s a great
place down there. They have every-
thing they need, from a first class politi-
cian down toa cradle factory.
—The Centgal Pennsylvania conference
of the Methodist Episcopal church,
which has been in session in York, ad-
journed Tuesday. The following ap-
pointments have been announced for the
Altoona district for the ensuing year :
B. B. Hamlin, Presiding Elder, Tyrone.
Allegheny, Supply (L. L. Logas.)
Altoona, Ashbury, J. H. McCord, Su-
Chestnut Avenue, A. R. Miller,
Eighth Avenue, H. R. Bender.
Fifth Avenue, William Moses.
First Church, D. S. Monroe.
North, L. F. Smith.
Simpson Church, R. E. Wilson.
Bellefonte, W. A. Houck.
Bellwood, J. B. Stein.
Birmingham, J. B. Brenneman.
Clearfield, G. D. Penepacker.
Coalport, L. M. Brady.
Curwensville, M. L. Smyser.
Dauncansville, G. E. King.
Glen Hope, Supply (Job Truax.)
Half Moon, A. P. Wharton.
Hastings, Supply W. H. Clossen.
Hollidaysburg, E. T. Swartz.
Houtzdale, W. F. D. Noble.
Howard, N. B. Smith.
Irvonia, Supply, (G. P. Sarvis.)
Lumber City, C. A. Biddle.
Maronsburg and ‘Woodberry, A. Guyer.
McKee’s Gap, Bruce Hughes.
Milesburg and Unionville, G. Warren.
Morrisdale, C. W. Rishell.
Mountaindale, N. L. Ash.
New Washington, George Trach,
Osceola. M. C. Piper.
Penn's Valley, R. W. Illingworth,
Philipsburg, T.S. Wilcox,
Pine Grove, J. W. Glover.
Pleasant Gap, F. W. Leidy.
Port Matilda, J. C. Young.
Ramey, F. S. Vought.
Roaring Spring, F. M. Welsh.
Shawmut, Hugh Strain.
Snow Shoe, J. W. Forrest.
Tyrone, First Church, R. H. Gilbert
Second Church, William Brill,
Wallaceton, E. W. Wonner.
Warrior's Mark, J. W. Ely.
West Clearfield, E. H. Whitman.
Williamsburg, H. N. Minnigh.
‘Woodland and Bradford, G. W, Bouse.
Supernumerary and Superannuated
Preachers—John A. ‘Woodcock,
George B. Ague, Thomas A. Elliott,
James H. McCord, William H. Nor-
cross, John W. Olewine, Richard H.
‘Wharton, Jesse R. Akers, E. Shoe-
—The regular weekly rhetoricals at the
High School were held, on Monday
afternoon, and the following programme
gone through with: Song, ‘Red,
White and Blue,” by School ; Racita-
tion, “The Little Boy That Died,”
Tessie Peters ’94; Essay, “Reading
Books,” May Taylor 92 ; Declamation,
‘Eaults,” John Bower ’92 ; Recitation,
The old Man’s Darling,” Maud Camp-
bell '93; Oration, “The Maid of
Orleans,” Harry Gerberich '92; Essay,
“Rivers,” Della Goodfellow '95 ; Essay,
“Diving,”” Charles Harrison ’93 ; Decla-
mation, “Bad Books,” Albert Jackson
'93 ; Essay, “The Disease of the Eye,”
Essay, “The Sahara Desert,” Evan
Goodfellow ’95; Essay, ‘‘Pennsylva-
nia,” May Hasting 95; Essay, Yel-
lowstone Park,” Katie Lieb 95; Re-
citation, “Your Necktie is up Behind,”
Ida Showers ’95 ; Essay, “Germantown
Colony,” Lena Baum ’92; Music,
“The Banner of Victory,’’ by Orchestra ;
Essay, “California,” Nellie Anderson
95; Declamation, “The Republican
Candidate,” Wm, Runkle 94; Essay,
“Hannibal,” John Keicline 94 ; Essay,
‘‘Barometer,”” Paul Fortney ’94 ; Essay,
“Vanity of the Human Race,” Cla-
rence Hamilton '94 ; Essay, “A Trip to
the Cave,” Ella Twitmire ’93 ; Essay,
“Trees,” Joe Fauble 93 ; Essay, ‘Henry
better known as ‘“Perch’’ Mossop, whose
home has been at Clearfield, died at
Osceola Friday evening, after an illness
of several days. Ilis remains were tak-
en to Clearfield for burial Monday. It
will be remembered that the deceased
spent several days here about a month
ago, having in his possession about
$2,000, all of which passed through his
hands in a very few days. Strongdrink
was the cause of thus ending the life of
a man who. when not under the control
of liquor, was an exemplary young man.
The writer had known, and was person-
ally acquainted with Perch, for a num-
ber of years, and never had we met a
more liberal hearted or good natured
young man, or one who had more
staunch friends than Perch,”--Philips-
burg Journal.
Diep SupDENLY.—Mrs, Margaret
Beezer, widow of the late Elias Beezer,
who lived on a tarm about two miles
from this place, died suddenly from as-
thma, on Wednesday morning, about
six o'clock. She had contracted a cold
about one week ago and always having
been a sufferer with asthma, when she
arose, on Wednesday morning, she be-
came short of breath and before medical
aid could be summoned, had breathed
her last. She was about 51 years of age
and leaves several sons and daughters to
mourn her untimely demise. Services
will be held in the Catholic church to-
day. .
——Hair switches at Mrs. Gilmore's.
——FElmer Beck, of Warriors-mark,
has taken charge of the Reformatory
farm, at Huntingdon.
——The discipline and condition of
the Huntingdon Reformatory are to
have Legislative investigation.
——A Tyrone millinery establish-
ment was burglarized, on Saturday
night, and thc contents of one drawer,
about $15, taken.
——The Gazette is devoting much
space to booming a railroad from this
point to Beech Creek, The WATCHMAN
wishes iv success in the undertaking.
——Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, the Chan-
tauqua cook woman, is teaching the
Lock Haven wife how to prepare dainty
morsels for her hungry husband. We
have noticed a change in the Democrat
——On Monday evening the Belle-
fonte school directors met in special ses-
sion to investigate charges preferred
against Prof. Johnsonbaugh, principal
of the High schools. As no one appear-
ed to substantiate the charges he was ex-
——The present style of hair dressing
is varied and exceedingly pretty, but
very few women can arrange a soft flut-
fy greek knot, or a smooth high twist,
with its towering tortoise shell comb,
without a real hair switch, which Mrs.
Gilmore sells at very reasonable prices.
——Since Tyrone has taken a stand
for a new county, with the seat of gov-
ernment within her limits, she is find-
ing out in what estimate other parts of
Blair hold her. It must be satisfactory
indeed to have the Altoona and Holli-
daysburg papers expressing themselves
as glad to get rid of Tyrone.
——Miss Ida Landis, who left Tues-
day morning for Berwyn, near Phila-
delpha, where she will open a fancy goods
store, has the kind wishes of a large
circle of friends, who predict for her
success and prosperty in her new home,
For she has the happy faculty of making
friends and is an experienced millinery
of much taste.
——General Hastings has started ous
as a reformer, this evening he will lec-
ture in Pittsburg for tha benefit of the
Woman’s Christian Alliance, which
will devote the proceeds of the lecture
toward sending men to the Keeley
Tostitute for treatment. This society
has already sent ten men to the Fifth
Ave. Institute and all cases are reported
to be progressing satisfactorily.
——On Friday afternoon, about two
o'clock, the residents about Spring and
Howard streets were startled by a great
crash and many thought the tall spire
on the Presbyterian church, which has
been condemned as dangerous, falling.
It was not quite so bad as they thought,
but the high westerly wind had torn the
north side of the roof from the pulpit
annex and carried it clear over the lawn
a distance of about fifty feet. No serious
damage was done.
——Last week saw the history of
Huntingdon county blackened by two
of the most fiendish outrages conceiva-
ble. Elmer P. Corbin, a discharged in-
mate of the Reformatory, committed an
assault upon the 8 year old daughter of
his employer, Wilbur Strait, from which
she suffered very serious injuries. And
Maggie Kelley, while on her way,
through a lonely wood, to a play-mate’s
home, was brutally assaulted by Howard
Ryan, a married man 35 years old.
Both of the brutes are in jail and no
punishment could be too severe for
——At an early hour, on Tuesday
morning, two Altoona policemen dis-
covered a woman completely enveloped
in flames, standing on 2nd Ave. They
both rushed to her and, throwing their
heavy coats over her, succeeded in extin-
guishing the fire, but not before she was
horribly burned. An ambulance was
summoned and she was taken to the hos-
pital where she was reported fatally
burned. After much questioning she
gave her name as Mollie Jeville and
said that her husband had thrown a lamp
at her. Clutched tightly in one of her
charred hands was found a bright silver
dollar supposed to have been the cause
of the trouble.
—Qur good Democratic friend,
Frank Brown, of Liberty township, has
been lucky enough to fall heir to a snug
little fortune, amounting to about $20,-
000 through the death of a grand Aunt,
Mrs. Catharine Boursh, of Northamber-
land county. The estate of which Mr.
Brown becomes part owner has been ap-
praised at $1,500,000, and is mostly in
government bonds, rail-road stock and
anthracite coal lands. His interest will
be a sixiy-third and there is no one in
the county who will enjoy a wind-fall of
this kind more, or who will receive more
earnest congratulations over his good
fortune than Mr. Brown.
——1IFf your hair is thin you can get a
Bur HARRY Dipx't Join THE CIR-
cus.—He is now in jail in default of the '
$200 bonds, in which ’Squire Foster
held bim last Tuesday morning.
About March 5th Harry Johnson, a
young man who was employed assta-
bleman at oneof the barns at the State
College, went to purchase a suit from C.
B. Shaffer & Sons, the college tailors.
He selected a $40. garment and said
that he wanted it by the following
Tuesday night. Having but a short
time to make it the firm put in extra
time and turned it over to Johnson, on
Wednesday morning. When he took
it he paid $15. and said that he would
pay the balance on the next two pay
days. But he had been discharged be-
fore he ordered the suit and knew that
there would be no more pay days for
him. So dressed in his best-and he is
quite a sporty looking fellow-—he left
the College, ostensibly for a day in this
place, but, suspicion having been arous-
ed, inquiry was made as to where he had
purchased his ticket and the response
came: Pittsburg. District Attorney
Meyer was immediately notified and
took the case : ‘“‘obtaining goods under
false pretenses.” The number of his
check was telegraphed to the chief of
police, at Pittsburg, and when Johnson
presented it for his baggage he was
promptly arrested and turned over to
the Schaffer boys, who had been deput-
zed to go after him.
At the hearing before ’Squire Foster,
on Tuesday morning, he did not offer
any defense and was held over in default
of $200 bail.
Before leaving the college he said he
intended going west tojoin a circus. He
is an experienced horseman and an ex-
ceptionally prepossessing looking young
fellow. In fact he was always one of
the nattiest young men about the col-
lege, but he can play circus with sheriff
Jshler now. They have both horizon-
tal and parallel bars up there for him.
long article, in its Saturday issue, the
Gazette told how a gigantic rail-road deal
had just been consummated, by which
the road-bed between this place and
Beech-Creek had been transfered to the
Bellefonte Central Company and then
indulged in its usual amount of “gush?”
about its probable effect upon Bellefonte
business interests.
When the Bellefonte, Buffalo Run
and Bald Eagle road was sold last fall a
few of the bond holders bought it in
and changed the name to the Belle-
fonte Central, under which it has been
operating ever since. The western end
of the old line, between this place and
State College, is all that was ironed and
the route from here to Beech Creek was
surveyed but only partially graded, such
work only having been completed
as was necessary to hold the right of
way. Now itis the transfer of this
eastern section of the old Bellefoate,
Buffalo Run and Bald Eagle railroad to
thenew owners which the Gazettes
making such a fuss about. Their is
nothing of particular interest to Belle-
fonters in the transfer unless the Belle-
fonte Central will extend to Beech
Creek and give usa Vanderbilt connec-
tion. The charter of the old road in-
cluded the route from State College to
Beech Creek and the transfer, made on
March 1st, was simply the confirmation
of sale to the new company.
——Mrs. Ellen H. Hall, wife of John
F. Hall, whois well known in Belle-
fonte, died at her home, in Tyrone, on
last Thursday afternoon: Of her the
Tyrone Herald says ; Mrs. Ellen H.,
wife of John F. Hall, died at her home
on Lincoln avenue at 9.45 o’clock last
evening. About seven years ago her
health began to fail and she had not
been well since that time. On Tuesday
she suddenly suffered a partial paralysis,
extending over her left side and gradu-
ally sank from that time until her
Deceased was born at Centre Furnace,
near Bellefonte, November 8, 1829, and
was married, to John F. Hall, February
27, 1849. Six children were born, of
which number only two are living,
Harry C, Hall of Tyrone, and Mrs. R.
H. Hardy, of Allegheny City. Mr. and
Mrs. Hall moved to Tyrone from Ohio,
October 28, 1872, Since that time they
have made hosts of friends. Mrs, Hall
was a consistent and faithful member of
the Methodist church and was zealous in
all good work connected with the
HoovVER & MILLER SuccessFuL.-The
case of Hoover and Miller vs the Penn-
sylvania Railroad company for the re-
covery of $2121,00 due for alleged freight
discrimination, was tried before abbetra-
tors, in Huntingdon, last Thursday af-
ternoon and a verdict for the full
amount returned for the plaintiffs. The
railroad company have carried their ap-
peal to court, howaver and it is not
known just what will be the outcome !
of it.
——Quite an enjoyable party was
held at the residence of Edward Spears, |
at Curtins’, on Saturday evening, March '
5th. A whole sled load of young folks |
tumbled themselves out in front ot the
switch which will just suit you at Mrs. | hospitable Spears’ home and entered it
for a good time, which they had.
Switches in every color and shape
and price at Mrs. Gilmore's.
——Mrs. Rebecca Curtin, of Curtin's
Works, has been in very poor health all
-—Dr. Irvin, the bright young phy-
sician of Julian,was a pleasant caller on
Thursday morning.
——The farmer’s institute held at
Lamar, Clinton county, during the early
part of the week was well attended and
interest ing as well.
——The horse markets were some-
what excited, on Tuesday, by the ap-
pearance of a couple of Lewistown deal-
ers, who were sporting a handsome team
of blacks,
——Mr. Eugene Mutchman, superin-
tendent of the standard scale works, has
leased the house on South Allegheny
street, lately occupied by Mr. Landis,
and his family will come on from Pitts-
burg in a fow days.
——James Bradley, of Milesburg,
aged 60 years and 9 months, died on
Tuesday. Deceased was a veteran of
the late war, having served with honor
in the 5th Penna. Reserves. He wasa
member of the Dr. Geo. L. Potter Post
and of the Methodist church. Inter-
ment was made yesterday afternoon.
——We have been requested by Mr.
Frank Bowersox, of Ferguson township,
to state, for the information of citizen of
that township, that the road leading
from near the residence of Mr. Wm Fry
to the public road at foot of the moun-
tain, is not a public road and that here-
after no work by the township will be
done on it.
——=Constance Commandery No. 23,
K. T. elected the following officers at
their meeting, held in their asylum, on
Friday evening : Eminent Command-
er, Geo. B, Johnston ; Generalissimo, S.
M. Buck; Captain General, Cyrus
Goss ; Recorder, John C. Miller; Treas-
urer, John P. Harris ; Trustees, Ham-
mond Sechler, L. T. Munson and W,
F. Reynolds, Jr.
——DLast Saturday the court granted
the following additional licenses: Sim-
ler & McCormick, hotel, Philipsburg ;
Taltersall Ingham, hotel, Philipsburg
and Wm. R. Haynes, wholesale, Snow
Shoe. Jos. Lehman, hotel, Philipsburg
and George Uzzle, hotel, Snow Shoe,
were refused. The petitions of Martha
Ashcroft, hotel, Philipsburg and Jos.
Riley, wholesale, Philipsburg, were
held over until March 26th.
——The dwelling owned and occu-
pied by Philip Iddings and family, two
miles above Unionville, was completely
destroyed by fire on last Thursday night
When Mr. Iddings awoke between 12
and 1 o'clock he discovered the whole
front of the building in flames and the
only escape cut off, so throwing some
clothes-out on the back porch roof he
took his wife and three children out and
from there they jumped to the ground, a
* distance of nine feet.
——Last Friday we had a pleasant
call from a young gentlemen, who has
made a decided success of himself within
the past few years. It was Reuben
Smith, a son of Mr. Augustus Smith
formerly of this place, but now of Miles-
barg. Reuben isemployed as tinner
in the leading hardware establishment,
of Emporium, where he boards with our
great democratic friend Barney Coyle,
of White Swan hotel, Philipsburg,
——1In the death of Mr. Aaron R.
Hall, which occurred at his home three
miles north of Unionville, on Friday last,
after a lingering illness, Union township,
and that section of the county, looses
one of ite oldest, best known and most
prominent citizens. Mr. Hall was born
and has lived within the township in
which he died during his entire life. He
was known as a reliable, liberal, kind-
hearted citizen who never thought it a
trouble to do a favor for any one, and
whose acts of kindness will long keep
green the memory of one whom all who
knew him will miss and mourn. He
was about seventy years of age, a good
man, a kind husband and an indulgent
——One of the most disgraceful and
disgusting scenes we ever want to wit-
ness was enacted, on last Monday after-
noon, on east Logan street. The chief
actor was a middle aged creature, not
worthy the name of man, and yet he
could not be called a brate for even the
dumb animals love and protect their
young and this being did neither, for he
met his child at the corner of the street
with a tirade of oaths that a respactable
father would shudder to hear, and for a
square kept bellowing out threats ot
punishment that could not but attract
attention throughout the neighborhood.
"If the creature had been drunk we
would have understood his actions but
. when we found out that it was an every
day occurrence, we wondered why we
sent missionaries to Africa to civilize
the dark continent and whether the next
legislature could not be persuaded to es-
tablish a whipping post in this com-
A Bre DAY For P.O. S. of A.—Last
night the Bellefonte Petitioners for a
camp charter; of the P. 0. S. of A. saw
their wishes gratified and those who
were fortunate enough to secure seats, in
the McClain block, witnessed the im-
pressive installation ceremonies. The
new camp was organized under the
most favorable auspices and everything
gives promise of its doing a good work
in our midst. The high and noble am-
bitions of the order will be an incentive
to attract the best of men into its fold
and with such exalted purposes it cannot
but succeed.
A parade was formed, at three o’clock,
yesterday afternoon and the wearers of
the red white and blue made quitea
pretty sight on our streets. Delegations
from neighboring towns were in the
parade and the fine appearance they all
made will have a very salutary eftect
upon the future of the new camp.
MARRIAGE LicENSES.—Issued during
the past week—Taken from the docket :
George Brandon and Lucy Patter
son, both of Bellefonte.
Jacob F. Royer and Amanda Ripka,
both of Potter twp.
Floyd E. Bowersox and Venice May
Gramley, both of Rebersburg.
Frederick Tell, of Rebersburg, and
Chestie Treese, of Tylersville.
SALE or HousEHOLD GooDs.—There
will be exposed to public sale, on Satur-
day afternoon, April 2nd, at the resi-
dence of Simon Loeb, on Spring street,
above the Centre County bank. All
kinds of household goods, cheap. This
will be a good chance to secure some ar-
ticles you need. Sale at 1 o’clock.
——Mrs. Milford Funk, of Roland, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Young, near Howard.
For RENT.—A good stable near the
passenger station. Rent cheap. Inquire
at this office.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
F ontaloons made to order $5.00-6.00-
Mo~TGoMERY & Co., Tailors.
Sale Register.
For the benefit of those who contemplate making
Public Sale during the coming season, we wil
keep a register of all sales within the county as
fully as possible, examination of which will be
Jree to all. Persons having their bills printed
at the WATCHMAN office will secure notice of
sale in this column free of charge.
Marcu 18.—At the residence of A. J. MeClin-
tock, one mile west of Jacksonville, in Mar-
ion township, eight Horses, farm stock gen-
erally and all kinds of Farm implements.
Sale at 9 a. m.
Marcu 18.—At the residence of D. C. Krebs
two miles from Pine Grove Mills, Farm
stock and Farm Implements of all kinds.
Sale at 10 a. m.
Marcu 23.—At the residence of O. B. Krebs,
one and a half miles from Pine Grove, Farm
Stock of all kinds and a general variety of
Farm Implements. Sale at10 a. m.
MARCH 25th—At the residence of Paul Sliker
one mile north of Milesburg, cows, pigs
household furniture, wagons, mower, bees
and numerous other articles. Sale at 1
o'clock p. m.
Maren 26. — At the residence of Harvey
Houtz, 2 miles west of Port Matilda, horses,
cattle, sheep and all kinds of farm imple-
ments. Sale at 10 a. m.
Marcu 26th.—At the residence of J. B. Mltch-
ell, 24 mile west of Pine Grove Mills, Horses,
cows, sheep, all kinds of agricultural imple-
ments, ete.
MARCH 30.—At the residence of John F.
Krebs 2 miles west of Pine Grove Mills—
Household goods, all kinds of farm imple-
ments, Shorthorn and Jersey cows, horses
fine hambeitonian drivers, shoats and young
cattle. Sale to commence at 9 o’clock a. m.
AprriL 2.—At the residance of J. Henry Meyer
in Harris Twp., one horse, 6 cows, 13 young
cattle and calves, together with some farm
implements. Sale at 12:30 p. m.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
hite wheat................. 83
Old wheat, per bushe 88
Red wheat, per bushel. 90
Rye, per bushel............. 45
Corn, ears, per bushel.... 40
Corn, sheiled, per bushel.. 40
Oats—new, per bushel 30
Barley, per bushel..... 65
Ground Plaster, per to
Buckwheat per bushe
Cloverseed, per bushes...
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes Per DUSHEL ...c...ivevsisnssssnensers 35
Eggs, per dozen...... . 15
Lard, per pound.. 8
CountryShoulde 8
Sides.. 8
I'ailow, per pound
Butter, per vound.....
De ———————— LH
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance. ;
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
ows :
3m |6m | ly
One inch (12 lines this type........($ 5 |$ 8 |§ 11
TWOInChes. .cieirminrinin ww] T:10| 18
Three inches...... 10 (15 | 20
Juarter Column (4 12 | 20 ( 80
alf Column ( 9 inches)
One Column (19 inches)..
Advertisements in special column, 25 pex
cent. additional. :
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertioas...... 20 cin.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts.
wocal notices, per line.....c.uueuienen 7
Business notices, per line 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand a
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.