Donor tds { IIT Bellefonte, Pa., March 4, 1892. THE BATTLE. There in the line they stand, Silently waiting the word, They hear the sweet song of a bir d Comingup from the woods near at hand. M ournfully low, and so sweet, Requiem|for those soon to die; Now looking their last on the sky And the fresh green grass at their feet. “Forward I"! with impetuous dash Of wild mountain stream overflow, Into the dark wood they go; Cannons roar,|the long volleys crash. Wild hurrah, and shout, and yell, And shriek, and curse, and groan, And scream, and sob, and moan, Come up from that grim hell. Then cheer of victory, And {sad cry of defeat, The rush of mad retreat, Pursuit of those who flee. The smoke drifts from the sun, The shouting dies away; War'sgod has judged the day, The battle is lost and won. Wirt TRUCKENMILLER, ASE ER Physical Culture. The following directions are carefully prepared from the notebook of an emin- ent teacher of physical culture. «As the physique and general health depend very much upon the breathing power of the person, the first thing should be to obtain the best develope- ment of the lungs. Two things must here observe: First, If the chest is flat, then the lungs have no room for full expansion. Second, The head must be held erect if we would have a well developed chest. Therefore the first exercise is for the purpose of giving strength to those muscles in the back of the neck, which are needed to keep the head in good position. EXERCISE No. 1, «Fold the arms behind the back, ele- vate the chin as high as possible, draw the right foot back for six or eight inches, and lean backward as far as you can. Remain in this position for a few seconds, keeping the shoulders well forced back. Breathe slowly, and let the lungs expand to their utmost extent. Now resume your usual position, all the while moving slowly. Repeat this ex- ercise several times—not too often at first, but increase the number of times from day to day, “The clothing must be louse, so that the child may not even be aware of its presence. If this exercise be continued for a long time,it will make a wonderful rounding out of chest, and straighten- ing up of head and shoulders. EXERCISE No, 2. «Stand perfectly straight, head erect, chin drawn in, arms hanging by the side. Slowly lift the arms from the sides (not thrown forward), until they meet on top of the head, the fingers downward, the shoulders well forced back. Remain thus for a few second, then with sudden upward motion separ- ate the hands until the arms rise per- pendicular from the shoulders, so that they stand ‘straight up in the air,’ as the children say. Then throw the chest forward as much as possible, and while doing so, let the arms fall slowly to their ordinary position. EXERCISE No. 3. «Stand erect, chest thrown out, chin .in, and abdomen drawnin, Arms at the side, with the palms of the hands tucned outward. This is done by hold- ing the hands so that the little fingers of each is next the body. This is a won- derfully good position to assume, and its constant practice would straighten up the crooked shoulders in a short time. Now bring the arms out 1n front of the body, turning the palms of the bands inward and touching thumb to- gether. Elevate the arms until they are on a line with the mouth. ‘With a sudden upward movement sep- arate the hands, and throw back the arms with an upward circular move- ment, at the same time forcing the chest out. While performing the backward motion or curved sweep of the arms slowly raise-the body on the tip toes, and sink down-szain just as the hands meet bebind the back. Repeat the mo- tion by bringing the hands together at the front, then back again and so on. ‘This cannot be done very often at flrst, but by constant daily practice it be- «comes easy, and is particularly good for expansion of the chest and improving the figure. EXERCISE No. 4. «Stand straight, chest out, cnin in, arms at the side. Raise the hands slow- ly above the bead, palms to tbe front, thumbs locked. Remain thus for a sec- ond, and then bend forward very slowly keeping the knees perfectly stiff and straight until the fingers touch the floor. Then slowly assume an erect position, bringing the arms and hands once more to their ordinary place at the sides of the body.” This exercise will certainly be very helpful to our childrex, ad, if faithful- ly practiced, give the advantages of a class in physical culture without ex- “pense, and without leaving home, AST ——The Delsartian doctrine of rest by voluntary muscular relaxation is - somewhat confirmed by the experence of those who have] acted upon this theory in overcoming insomnia. Nothing so uickly brings sleep as the voluntary Brom ot the body and limbs in such fashion as to promote muscular relaxa- tion, The legs and arms should be so placed as to bring them in contact with the mattress as many points as possible. This affords support and relieves the ‘muscles. The body should be disposed in like fashion, and if all has been done properly the wooer of sleep will present- ly have the consciousness of resting with his whole weight directly upon the mattress. When once this feeling comes sleep usually follows. The plan is far better than the old one of repeat- ing the numerals or going over some meaningless, series of words, for it has the double advantage of putting the physical man into an attitude of repose and of distracting the mind from what- ever thoughts are at enmity with sleep. Interesting Odds and Ends. Scraps Picked Up Here and There Which Con tain Worlds of Information for All. New York has twelve thousand tele- gram boys. Less than 800 persons own half the soil of Ireland. Italy sends five million eggs to Eng- land every week. A bee A not weigh the one-hun- dredth part of an ounce. W. W. Astor pays. $25,000 a year rent for bis London houre. It is said that the: grip this year par- takes of the nature of neuralgia. ; Twenty English and American wo- men are studying at the University in Leipsic. Belgium exported last year $5,400,000 worth of firearms to every fighting na tion on the globe. 3 Electric moters have been so greatl improved of late that they will now pu 1 nearly 30,000 pounds. : ferent species of reptiles. Of this num- ber 590 are as harmless as rabbits. By a new system, compound sheets of platinum and gold are used to make crucibles for use in industrial chemistry. The Paris executioner, M. Deibler, has alwaysbeen a passionate violinist, practising early every morning execu- tion or otherwise. The Maine Cattle Commission has discovered tuberculosis in cattle from Massachusetts, and has ordered that im- portation ba stopped. Queen Victoria, having completed her 72d year, has exceeded in age all other English sovereigns except two— Georges II. and 111. Rufus Hatch, before he went to New York to grow famous as a millionaire, had acquired a local celebrity in Indian- apolis as an organist. Berlin has 191 common schools with 8.923 classes, and 2,869 class rooms. The attendance on last Jan. 1 was 86,- 309 boys and 88,878 girls. : The greatest hop producing country N.Y. where the yield is estimated at 4,608,688 pounds annually. A bicyelist was riding on an English footpath, obstructing nobody but for this, on being summoned he was fined as being on the path illegally. An eight wheel passenger engine, which weighs eighty nine tons, is used in hauling the Wabash night express between St. Louis and Decatur. There are4,500 women in England who make a living by their labors as type setters. Foremen in the English printing offices are generally bald and sad-eyed. Travelers in search of fresh lines of travel through Colorado should kee away from the Southern Pacific Rail- road, which is ballasted for some dis- tance with rock salt. England’s last and best war ship, the Blenheim, has boilers as leaky as all or most of the others. .Tkere is probably hardly a ship in the British navy with boilers really fit for use. The king of Ashantee is allowed 3,383 wives. Many of them are the daughters of the chiefs of tributary tribes over which the king has jurisdic- tion, and are sent to him as hostages. President Allen Manvel, of the great Santa Fe railroad system, is at, the head of an army of 35,000 employees. Mr. Manvel began his railroad career as clerk to the purchasing agent of his road. : Nicaragua possesses a vegetable octo- pus. The natives callthe plant ‘‘the devil's snare.” Its ropelike tissue of roots and fibers devour by a process re- sembling sucking all living things that fall into its grasp. General Annenkoff’s exploit in rail- road building and equipment seems wonderful 4m Russia. He built 1,250 miles of railroad, from Samarcand 10 the Caspian sea, much of it along the edge of a desert in eighteen months. The morality from measles in Eng- land is said to exceed anything that can thus far be attributed to the infinenza. There are 13,000 doaths from measles annually in England and Wales, and the mortality has increased greatly dur- ing the last decade. ; The Emperor of Austria’s silver wed- ding gift to the Czar is spoken of as the most mafinificent present ever received by a European sovereign. It consists of a dinner service of sold silver, richly wrought, designed for twenty-four per- sons, numbering 280 pieces. Mr. Maxwell Sommerville, whose collection ot engraved gems is suid to be the largest in the world, is the possessor of the rarest and costliest cameo known. It is a chrysopraie seven by five inches in size, having on it a head of Jupiter with the oak leaves and ®gis. Santiago, Chili, is the residence of the richest woman in the world, Senora Isa- dora Cousins, who has so much money and property that it is believed she ould pay the claims of the Baltimore's men for damages for injuries received in the late troubles without reducing her- self to beggary. Dr. Nansen’s idea of reaching the North Pole is to start from the mouth of the river Lena, in Siberia, and to take advantage of its warm current flowing toward the pole. Without throwing cold water upon the plan, it is an Arc- tic experience that there isn’t any warm Lena water twenty miles from its mouth. Tn Ireland only one shamrock is known. It isan indigenous species of clover, which trails along the ground among the grass in meadows. The tre- foil leaves are not more than one-fourth the size of the smallest clover in Amer- joa, and are pure green in color, with- out any of the brown shading of white and pink clovers, There are fine woven wire gauzes and cloth, some of which are made with as many as 40,000 meshes to the square inch. The more delicate classes of wires find application in scientific instruments. So fine are these that it is difficult to get them measured, but the task has been accomplished, and platinum wire has been drawn to 1-7,000 of an inch and to even greater fineness. TTT —— She—“What is the pink of propriety ?”’ He—"A maiden’s blush.” Naturalists have enumerated 657 dif- in the United States is said to be Otsego, Conundrums: What is the oldest tree in America? The elder tree. Why is the moon like a marriage? It governs the tide. What grows bigger the more you contract it? A debt. Who is the oldest lunaticon record ? Time out of mind. When are kisses sweetest? When gir-uptitiously obtained. Why is a crow like a lawyer? He likes to have his caws heard. How can guns kick ?—they have no legs. With their breeches. . Why did the man ‘call his rooster Robinson ? Because he Crusoe. Why is love like a canal boat? Be- causeit’s an internal transport. Why is a dog's tail like the pith ofa tree ? It is further from the bark. Why is Canada like courtship? Be- cause it borders on the United States. Why is an oyster hike a man of sense? He knows how to keep his mouth shut. Why is a solar eclipse like a mother beating her son? Because it is a hiding of the son. TTT Chicago was somewhat disappointed in Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, who was the principal speaker at the Lincolu celebration there. Fully 5,000 people packed the Auditorium to listen to the orator and applauded him every chance they had, but the fact that he read his oration from manuscript rather dampened the popular enthusiasm. His gestures were constrained, and it was only when at intervals he laid aside his notes and stepped forward from be- hind the desk to speak extemporane- ously that he recalled to the audience the Ingersoll of old time. The Col- onel’s fat, round face is described as be- ing full of color, and over it hung an aureole of closely cropped, snow white hair. One account says he looked, talked and acted like his greatestest antipathy—the typical preacher. In considering that, however, it should be borne in mind that Illinois has never forgiven “Pope Bob” for expatriating himself aad coming to New York. TL EATS A MinrioNn Friexps.--A friend in need isa friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King’s New Dis- covery for Consumption, Coughs, and | Colds.—If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful cur- ative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest ard Lungs., Each bottle is guar- anteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Parrish Drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. A Dear Practical Joke. Freemorp, N. J., February 27.— Ten year old Stephen Yetman receiv- ed a $550 verdict this morning against Margaret Ross for injuring his sight and singing off his eyelashes with matches last November. SERS IRA ——-A stitch in time saves nine,” and if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla ncw it may save months of a future possible sickness. Business Notices. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Casforia. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Cas- toria. 36 14 2y Philadelphia Card. DWARD W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &t¢ 429 Market Street: 151 PHILADELPHIA, PA Insurance. ‘Tourists. C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indempiiy against Fire, Lightning, Torna does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3412 1y EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 225 Panne INSURANCE! {——FIRE AND ACCIDENT,—i FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILA, PA, NATIONAL OF HARTFORD, CONN, CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORE, And other leading strong companies. Travel- er's Accident of Hartford, Conn. o—THE OLDEST AND BEST.--o All business promptly and carefully attended to. Office, Conrad House,Bellefonte, Pa. 36.36,6m CHAS. SMITH, Agt. HY WE REPRESENT THE NORTHWESTERN. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. —IT IS A ST RONG COMPANY. Total assets $42,353,912.96 Total liabilities 35,821,587.98 Net surplus 4 per Ctu........s weasainie $6,532,324.98 II.—IT IS A PROSPEROUS COMPANY. Ins. in force Jan. 1, 9l.......... $238,988.807.00 Increase during 1890. eee 36,502,884.00 Increase in assets in 1890....... 5,237,042.65 Increase in surplus in 1890..... 891,377.65 Total income in 1890...... . 11,119,278.05 Increase over 1889... veseenes 1,739,819.05 IIL.—IT IS A CAREFUL COMPANY. Death-loss incurred during...... 1890, per $1,000 insured......... $9.60 Ditto, next lowest Co......... 11.40 Average of the 9 largest competing companies..... 14.90 Death loss at $9.60 per $1.000...... 2,122,290.25 Death loss had rate been $14.90 3,289,549.50 Amount Saved. ..cuiiiiiesintinsiann 1,167,259.25 Asseta in first mortgage bonds Ditto, 9 largest competing co's 36 Assets in railroad and other fluctueting securities. ........... None Ditto in 9 largest competing COS....c0evsssevesssnserssecccssvanes 32 per ct The nine leading competing companies above referred to are Equitable, N. Y. Mutual Life N.Y. New York Life, N.Y. Connecticut Mutual. Mutual Benefit. New England Mutual. Mass. Mutual. Penn. Mutual. Aitna. IV.—IT IS A WELL MANAGED COMPANY pr. ct. Rate of interest earned in "90... 5.92 .Average rate of 9 leading com- PEtItOrS.cenieeriniiniiiienieninsianans 5.15 Interest income at 5.92 per ct... §2,196.503 Interestincome had rate been 5.15 PET Cluieeersinininiiansniennnnenns Interest gained... 1,910,958 985,545 V.—IT PAYS THE LARGEST DIVIDENDS. The NorTHWESTERN is the only company which, in recent years, has published her dividends. In 1885 and in 1887 the Company published lists of nearly 300 policies, embrac- ing every kind issued, and challenged all companies to produce policies, alike as to age, date and kind, showing like results. No ref erence or reply 'to this challenge has ever been made by any officer or agent of any company, so far as known. > VIL—THE—€OMPANY'S INTEREST RE- CEIPTS EXCEED HER DEATH CLAIMS. Interest receipts in 1890...............§2,196,502 Death claims in 1890.......ccue waessses 2,122,290 VIL—IT ‘IS PURELY AMERICAN.— By its charter it cannot insure in any For- eign country nor in Gulf states. Its wise and conservative management in this, as well as in other respects is heartily approved of by the practical business men of this country. Rates, plans and further information fur- nished on request. W. C. HEINLE, District Agent. BELLEFONTE, PA. 6-35-1y rer THE =r UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY —O0F NEW YOR 0 W HEN solicited to insure in other companies remember that the Mutu : Life Insurance company of New ation since it holds the foremost York, is entitled to your first consider- place among the Life Insurance In- stitutions of the world, and offers superior advantages in all the fea tures. of business, together with It is the OLDEST active Life In oo woe unequaled financial security. surance Company in the country. It is the LARGEST Life Insurance Company in the world. It is the STRONGEST financial institution in the world, its assetts amounting to $150,000,000 with a surplus of $10,000,000. itis the SAFEST company in which to insure, being conservative in its management and careful in the selection of its risks. It is the CHEAPEST company in which to insure. It has returned in dividends to its policy holders over $93,000,000, thus reducing the ac- tual cost of insurance to a minimum. 6. Tt is the BEST company in which to insure as it combines all the advan- tages of age, large and select n security, and the cheapest insu \embership, financial strength, absolute rance that is possible under any contract which has a definite value to the beneficiary. 7. Tt has no stockholders to claim a share of the profits. Tts assets and sur- plus all belong to the insured. 8 Its ratio of expenses to receipts is less than that of any other company. Tts interest receipt slone have exceeded its expenses by $55,000,000 and i its death claims by $11,000,000 9. Its new forms of Policies containi ng the Distribution Survivorship princi- ple, together with its guaranteed seven per cent. Consols combine more advantages with fewer restrictions than any other investment insurance contract ever offered. It consolidates Insurance, Endowment, Invest- ment and annua! Income in one Policy giving protection to the family and a future income to the insured, if living. A guaranteed insurance and income is named ir the policy. 10. It places no restrictions upon tra years. 11. Being Non Forfeitable and Inco lawsuit. : 12. All claims are paid immediately vel, occupation or residence after two ntestable it provides a legacy and not a upon acceptance of proofs of death. For further information apply to 36 47 Office on High St., J. A. WOODCOCK, Dist. Ag’t. opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Pa. ANTED. yr Mills at Reynolds. N. D. (82,000 bonus); and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn, and Williston N. D. Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafton, N. D. (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops, Lumber Yards, Tail or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks, Carpenter Shops, Saw Mill, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &c. needed and solicited by citizens in new and growing towns in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana. Free sites water pow- er for factories at various places. No charges whatever for information which may lead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acre produces $20. to $30. worth of grain. Finest sheep, cattleand horse country in America, Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and publications sent free by F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. Iluminating Oil. {ons ACME. THE BEST BURNING OIL [HAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a Brilliant Light. 1t will not Smoke the Chimney. It will Not Char the Wick. Tt has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode. It is without an equal AS A SAFETY FAMILY OIL. We stake our reputation as refiners that IT IS THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by ACME OIL CO., 34 35 1y Wiiliamsport, Pa. For sale a retail by W. T. TWITMIRE Woollen Mills. § HALL WOOLEN MILLS, OAK HALL STATION, PA. Is now in active operation and offers a FINE LINE OF WOOLEN GOODS of all kinds to the citizens of Centre county, a { LOWEST PRICES, } either at wholesale or retail. The highest Market Prices paid for wool in GOODS OR CASH, as wool growers may wish. Do not buy your woolen goods until you have seen Hunter's. 36 37-3m T.V. HUNTER, Flour, Feed, &c. {srepenin, HALE & CO, —BELLEFONTE, PA.— :- Manufacturers of -:- I And Dezlers in 0—ALL KINDS OF GRAIN.—o &The highest market price paid for teense ~« WHFAT .......RYE....on. CORN coceneee % NK % kk % * * * The finest grade of Roller Mill flour on the market. JOHN MEESE, Grocer, Sole Agt. * * * * OK XX OK * * » * 36 46 6m HECK-WEIGHMAN'S RE- PORTS, ruled and numbered up to 150 with name of mine and date line printed in full, on extra heavy paper, furnished in any quanity on to days’ notice by the. 3239 WATCHMAN JOB ROOMS. Railway Guide. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Nov. 16th, 1891. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Belleionte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone 6.55 a. m.,at Altocna, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. m. Leave Rellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.559. m. at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts ourg, 6.50 p: m Lesve Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefouts, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone 6.55, at Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1.25 p.m. Leave Belletonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m. at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40 at Harrisburg at 10.€0 p. m., at Phila- delphia, 4.25 a. m.. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD, Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a.’ m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.45 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Haven at 10,10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.45, leave Williamsport, 12.30 pi m. at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at .50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m;; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m., at Harrisburg, 10.056 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 Bi m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m,, arrive at hiladelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.10 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.35 a. m., Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.00 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila- delphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. gd, |B g |g, B > (Wg - "pe w = > FH 2 = BE p HE B P.M.| A. M. | A. M. A. M. [P.M | P. M. 6 40| 11 55! 6 55. 755/310 726 6 33| 11 48) 6 48,.. 802317 732 629 11 43] 6 44 8 05/3 20| 7 36 6 25 11 38] 6 40 810/324 741 619] 11 32 6 33 815(3 30| 7 47 6 15 11 29| 6 30 8 17|3 83| 7 60 6 13| 11 26; 6 28|..Hannah...| 8 213 87| 7 5% 6 06 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda. 8 28/3 44] 8 01 559] 11 09] 6 13|...Martha. 8 36/3 52| 8 10 5 50| 10 59| 6 05 8 44/4 01| 8 20 5 41| 10 48| 5 65|. 8 55/4 10| 8 30 533] 10 38] 5 48/...S.8. Int...| 9 03/4 17] 8 40 5 30| 10 35| 5 45| Milesburg | 9 074 20| 8 44 5 20] 10 25| 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 17|4 30| 8 54 5 10| 10 11| 5 25|..Milesburg.| 9 32{4 40/ 9 04 502 958 5 18/...Curtin....| 9 46|4¢ 47| 9 13 4 55 951 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 9 51/4 55 9 19 449) 9 44) 5 07|..Howard...| 10 01|5 02| 9 28 4 40, 9 36/ 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 15(5 10| 9 40 4 38) 9 33| 4 56/Bch. Creek.| 10 26|5 13| 9 46 426 9 21| 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 3556 24| 10 01 4 231 9 18] 4 43/Flemin’ton.| 10 39(5 27| 10 05 420 915 4 40|Lck. Haven| 11 45/5 30| 10 10 P.M. A, M.|A M. A. M. [A.M.| P. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD, gH B.,| EB TEE 2 Nov. 16, 29 z g B- 5 1891. 8 g = s g a 2 9 .| fu. | A.M. | Lv. Ar.i a. Mm. [A.M [P.M 30! 315 8 00|..Tyrone..... 6 50| 11 45/6 17 371 322 8 07|.E. Tyrone.| 6 43] 11 38/6 10 430 327) 8 1... Vail...... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 53| 3 36 8 21/.Vanscoyoec.| 6 27| 11 25/56 63 00, 3 42) 8 25|.Gardners.., 6 25| 11 2156 50 07! 3 49 8 35/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12|5 43° 15| 3 54 8 45|..Summit...] 6 09] 1) 055 33 19 3 59, 8 50/Sand.Ridge| 6 05| 10 58(56 27 21} 4 01] 8 52|... Retort..... 6 03] 10 54/6 25 24) 4 02| 8 55.Powelton...; 6 01] 10 52/5 23 30| 4.05 9 04|...0sceola...| 5 52|10 40/5 11 41) #5 © 13/.Boynton...| 5 45 10 33|5 (3 45 418] 9 17... %oinvers...| 5 43] 10 304 58 47) 422 9 Send shu’g| 5 41] 10 27/4 55 51) 4 26/ 9 24|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49 57| 432) 9 32.Blue Ball..| 5 33| 10 17/4 44 03) 439 9 39 Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10/4 39 10{ 4 47) 9 47|...Bigler..... 5 22| 10 01/4 31 17! 452] 9 54.Woodland..| 5 17| 9 54|4 26 24! 4 58) 10 02|...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 47/4 20 28! 5 02| 10 07|..Leonard...| 509 9 431415 35 5 08] 10 14|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 364 07 40 5 11] 10 24. Riverview.| 5 00] 9 32/4 (2 47) 5 16 10 29 Sus. Bridge| 4 54 9 243 56 55 b 25( 10 35Curwensv’e| 4 50| 9 20/2 50 m|P MA MI A. M. | A. M. |P.M. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov. 16, 1891. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday....,.6 45 a. m. eReny 3 00 p.m. Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday....10 30 a. m. gasses 25 p. m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 15th, 1891. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. 111 103 114 112 | STATIONS. P.M [AN A.M. |P M. 2 05 ‘5 501....... Montandon........ 9 20| 4 56 220] 6 20......c Lewisburg........ 910] 445 sesasarshessnsress nsnans Fair Ground. . 2 30| 6 30|. ...Bieh £ 7 2 37 8 53 432 2 47 8 43 422 303 8 27| 409 313 817 4(2 338 753 338 3 58 732 318 4 15 716}: 3 02 4 28 703 247 4 34 6 57| 240 4 40 6.50 232 4 45 645] 221 449 641 223 4 53 637] 218 5 02 628 208 5 10 .I 6:20] 200 P. M. A NPM. Train No. 103 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail West; Train No. 111 with Niagara Express West 114 with Ses Shore Expres East ; and Train No. 112 with Phila. Accom. Bast. . LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. Upper End. WESTWARD. EASTWARD 2 2 Nov. 16, = 2 H 3 1891. Bu = Be io A. M. | P. M. AM PM eoans 9 51| 4 57|...Scotia...., 9 21) 4 47}... eereet 10 21 5 17|.Fairbreok.| 9 09 4 27... od 10 28) 5 29/Pa.Furnace| 8 56/ 4 15|...... TEER 10 34| 5 36(...Hostler...[ 8 50| 4 08|...... 10 46! 5 42|..Marengo..| 8 43| 4 C1j.. 10 52| 5 49!.Loveville..| 8 37 3 55|..... .| 10 58| 5 56) FurnaceRd| 8 31 3 49|..... 111 02] 6 06|Dungarvin.| 8 27| 3 46|..... .| 11 160| 6 10..W.Mark...| 8 19| 3 #8 ...... .| 11 20| 6 20|Pennington| 8 10| 3 30|...... .| 11 82] 6 32...Stover..... 7 58] ‘3 18...... 11 40{ 6 42|...Tyrone...| 7 50/ 3 10|...... ELLEFONTE CEXTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect May 12, 1890. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. 6 2 1 b th’ STATIONS. “| P.M. | AM. A.M PM 6 20! 9 10/Ar....Bellefonte...Lv| 6 00] 3 00 Wi chu = .| 601] 300 6 08) 8 59|.. 611 8138 6 03] 854. 6 16| 319 5 59 8 51). 619] 828 5 57| 8 48|.. 622 326 5 63) 8 44. 6 26| 8 30 5 47| 8 40|.. 632 388 543 836 638 343 539 833 6 46) 8 48 8 25 8 58 8 19/......Stormstown.. 3 59 809/........Red Bank........ 4 09 524 725... Krumrine......... 7 00] 4.68 5 20 7 20|Lv.State College.Ar| 7 04] 5 04 THos. A. SWORMARERR, gut Gas Fitting. M. GALBRAITH, Plumber and Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa. Pays perticular attentien to heating buildings 8 by steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix. ruest, &c. 20 26