Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 12, 1892, Image 1

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    Y P. GRAY
Ink Slings.
Out {rom the ranks of the G. 0. P.
Braink has gone for naught
Than through fear of the presidential bee
Since its feet were getting hot.
—A liberal use of bier always makes
a fat undertaker.
-. BLAINE is off the track, but it can-
not be said to have been caused by a
yolL 3%
NO. 6.
mis-placed switch.
—Oauat in Nebraska they had a very
appropriate use for the slang phrase
“git THAYER” last week.
—PFree coinage is one issue. Free sil-
Literally speaking the
masses favor the latter for practice.
—The Louisiana lottery is up the
GROVER'S visit seems to have had
a wonderful effect upon the Gulf state.
ver another.
—The retailers now
Philadelphia have admitted all classes
of merchants except those who"retail
--One way to secure rapid transit is
to call on a young woman whose near
sighted father takes you for a book
agent. >
—The Louisiana lottery might have
had a last Grand Drawing of QUAY’s
They 4re out in
BLAINE delegates.
the cold now.
—HARRISON’S cabinet
mysterious a piece of political furniture
as that used by the average spiritualist
and magician.
—Dave HivrL should have been on
exhibition at the New York pouitry
show last week. Heseems to be ‘cock
of the walk’’ over that way just now.
—If the politica! bee was only a poi-
sonous insect how much of trials and
tribulations we would all be spared and
what a truthful people we would be.
—Since BLAINE's withdrawal it is
quite the appropriate thing for the
name as a possible presidential candi-
Republican to
—They talk of the air of cultured
and refined Boston, but what makes it
any different than that which we Penn-
Is it the pork, or
sylvanians breathe ?
is it the baked beans?
--Some green goods men were arrest-
ed in the Quaker city last week, and the
only evidence of guilt—but an excep-
tionally good one—found upon them,
was a verdant Kentuckian.
—If some of our good farmers, who
are going to have sale this spring, would
only get a bold of Death’s old reaper
and sell it with their goods what sun-
shine and happiness we would all enjoy.
—The New Jersey legislator who sui-
cided, while delirious with grip, evident-
ly intended to wash himself clean of all
political sin before he entered the next
world for he took a whole stream of
—Woburn, Massachusetts, high school
girls are kicking because they are re-
quired to discard their corsets before en-
gymnastic exercises.
they imagine they can’t be staid with-
out them.
—BLAINE'S poor health is supposed
to have been the cause of his refu:al to
be a candidate for a presidential nomina-
tiod. His action will undoubtedly have
a very salutary effect on BENNY'S physi-
cal temperament.
--Six Yale students, with their young
lady companions, broke through the ice
while skating on Lake Whitney, on,
Sunday, and were given a good cold
bath. It was slightly different from
immersions of the
the bachanalian
¢Dickie’’ club.
—CARNEGIE'S recent sermon on ‘‘the
Gospel of Wealth’ must have had its
foundation on the scriptural verse “and
at the end I say unto you it is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to enter into
the Kingdom of God.”
—Japanese workmen all wear the
name of their employer printed across
the gable end of their trousers. Such ad-
vertising schemes wouldn’t work in
America, for every time a fellow would
be cheated it is altogether probable that
he would manifest his contempt for the
wily tradesman’s name by sizing it up
by the foot.
—A superstitious old man down in
Lycoming county has procured a hang-
man's rope to cure his wife of fits. He
thinks if he ties it around her neck the
If he would tie the
other end around his own neck and then
crawl over the limb of a tree, about ten
feet from the ground, we think he would
be cured,and so would his wife.
trouble will cease,
—A New England syndicate will
put a powerful search light on the top
of Mt. Washington and make a summer
They might turn
itto good use in keeping track of the
rapidly declining republican majorities
But then the rising
enough in their convictions of tariff re-
form to not make it necessary for them
to desert the g. 0. p. between days.
resort of the place.
down that way.
generations of
in session in
is about as
It Was Hollow Pretense.
It 1s well not to be premature in mak-
ing up your mind that people are hon-
est, simply because they say they are.
Along during the latter part of De-
cember and the first week in January,
when it became apparent that both
houses of the New York legislature
would be Democratic, and the power of
re-apportioning the state would be in
the hands of the Democrats, there were
no words too strong for Republican
papers to use in expressing their con-
demnation of partisan apportionments
or political gerrymanders. Even the
President of the United States and the
Governor elect of Ohio, joined in the
windy pretense of demanding just and
fair apportionments, and the public
was left under the impression that so
far at least, as the Republicans had the
power, the States to be re-districted
would be divided in accordance with
the intent of the Constitution and the
spirit of the law, rather than the needs
or contingencies of partisan demands.
It is scarcely a month since this
professed desire for honesty and fair
dealing in the matter of apportioning
States was made, and the only state
under the control and domination of
the party, whose representatives were
so voluble about just apportionments,
when New York became Democratic,
has just exemplified the Republican
A Question.
There is no question that public sen-
timent is against the multiplication of
naturalizations, and were it left to
popular approval, so strong is the feel-
ing against the hordes of Hungarians,
Italians and other foreigners that are
crowding our own workingmen out of
places and employment, we doubt if
any more naturalizations would be
granted at all.
It is this sentiment that has secured
for Judge Furst the favorable com:
ment, that bas been accorded him, for
refusing to naturalize an Italian at our
last term of court because he did not
know the requirements of the consti
At first thought people will be in-
clined to think the Judge was right,
but after reflection many will doubt
whether there 13 a much danger to the
public welfare and the rights of the
people,from the enforcement of our too
liberal naturalization law, as from the
recognition of the power of the courts,
to add requirements too or take provi-
sions from, the statutes of the country,
as their wishes may desire or prejudices
The constituticn of the Uuited States
empowers congress to make a “Uhni-
idea of fairness and honesty in this |
matter. It is Ohio. On Saturday last,
the newspapers informed us that the
Republican majority in the Legislature |
1ad agreed upon a congresvioaal appor-
form rule of naturalization.” It has
done so by enacting a law which
male a residence of five years within
the United States, one of which shall
be within the State in which applica-
i tion for naturalization is made, and
tionment bill, that would give to the |
Democrats four of the twenty-one con- i
gressmen to which
in a pinch, about 420,000 Republi.
cans, in Ohio; so that the Re
publican idea of fairness, of ‘houesty,
of decency and of right, is to allow
each hundred thousand Democrats
ONE representative in congress and
give each hundred thousand Republi-
cans, FOUR.
ihe infamous apportionment that
has disgraced Pennsylvavia for years,
and the Democratic division of Ohio,
which is to be changed by the measure
now in the course of passage, and
which the Republicans so vehemently
denounced as villianous are respecta-
ble,honest and just, in comparison wich
the iniquitous bill that is proposed to
be forced upon the people and the
state of Ohio. And yet, after all the
prating that was done in President
that state is en- |
the renouncing, under oath, of all alle-
giance to any foreign prine:, potentate
or power, the required qualification for
Now if Judge Furst can add to these
qualifications the one requiring that
There are 400,000 Democrats and,
HarrIsoN’s message; in governor Mc-
KinvLeys inaugural and in the Repub-
lican papers about the necessity and
honor of being fair 1a this work, does
anyone hear a word from either of
these sources, in opposition to the fla.
grant outrage that is about to be per-
petrated ?
The Warcaman stated at the time
that there was no honesty in these pro-
fessions; that veither Harrison, Mo-
KiNLEY nor the Republican press of
the country, cared a bob-ee how wrong
or disfranchising a gerrymander might
be, only so the Reputlican party bene-
fited by it, and the present situation—
their silent acqniescense in the enaet-.
ment of the most villianous measure
that ever disgraced the statutes of any
state, or disfranchised any people—is
the evidence of the truth of that state-
Seldom have the public and
private lecturers, on the folly of danc-
ing, an opportunity to score a point on
their side such as the sudden death of
Miss KaTHARINE SHAW will occasion ;
but the believers in the other side of
the question will receive it in a philos-
ophical manner, for heart failure is not
a monopoly of the ball room, and the
beautiful Miss Shaw might have met
the same fate had she been at home
sleeping,as she did while promenading
alter a waltz at the reception given by
the Pittshurg club.
—~The editors of the Clearfield
Spirit,who toll some unpleasant things
about lawyer McKeNprick formerly of
that town, and were sued for libel,
stood trial last week, and were acquit
ted easily. We congratulate Messrs
Savace and SHort, on the result o:
their trial, and are glad to know there
is one county in the State, in which
the jurors have the good sense to re-
cognize that when the troth is publish
ed for the public good, there is no
grounds for a libel suit.
the applicants shall be able to read
and understand the constitution of the
United States, an other Judge can re-
guire that Le shall know the ten com-
mandments or be familiar with the
teachings of the shorter catechism,
qualifications as his crankiness or the
public clamor might demand, and so |
8 1 : : 1 !
on throngh the entire list of the thous- |
ands of Judges scaitered over this
broad land, and before whom these ap- |
plicauts must appear.
With every court there would he a |
new or dilferent qualification, and the
uniformity required by the constitu-
ton would simply be abolished by the
will of the Judges.
If the conits have the authority to
adl such qualifications as they see
proper to one law,why may they not do |
go toall ? And whereis there any safety |
for any citizen or security for any in- |
| ' 3 : ;
terest whea such a rale is recognized ?
Whether it is not “better to bear the
ills we have” in the shape of too lax
laws upon certain matters, until they
can be changed or modified, to suit ex-
isting circumstances, than to recognize
the right, or applaud the disposition of
our courts, to exercise a power to
male,as weli as to execute the laws,is a
question for thoughtful peopl to think
seriously over.
-—Last Saturday’sissue of the York
Gazette was one of the best specimens
of an enterprising, daily,
we have ever seen. In addition to all
the other news afloat, 1t had a condens-
ed history of York and its newspaper,
and articles from most of the leading
newspaper men of the country, as well
as from a half a dozen or more of the
most prominent politicians about
Washington. It was an issue that
will always be an honor to the staid
old town in which it is published.
A Big Howl Over a Small Transaction.
The Republican papers are glorify-
ing as much over the confirmation by
the senate of a post master up at El
mira, as if their party had won «.
sweeping vi~tory,
They have the senate and why they
should howl so loud over doing what
they had the votes, the disposition and
the power to do, is as mysterious to us
as it seems elating to them.
When a Republican body like the
United States senate gets so ran down
at the heel, that it is considered an ex-
traordinary event t) agree upon the ap
pointmert of a third-class postmaster.
to the common ind, it woull appear
as about time to make a change in its
membership and political complexion.
This is about all we cansee in the El-
mira result.
another can add such cthan
Where Blaine's Letter Pats Them.
The letter of S.cretary BLAINE stat
ing that he will not be a candidate for
President and that his name will not
be before the Minneapolis convention,
leaves Senator Quay and his followers
in the political soup up to their chin.
It was under the cloak of support
ing the Secretary of State, who is un-
doubtedly popular with the Republican
voters of Pennsylvania, that the Junior
Senator hoped to secure such a dele-
gation as he could trade and trafic as
best suited his purpose. It was under
the banner of BLaiNg that he hoped to
carry on his own campaign for re-elec-
tion, and now that this opportunity is
denied him, we are anxious to see
what scheme he will rescrt to to keep
himself out of the issue, for by keeping
himself out, is his only hope of suc-
Among Republicans, patronage is
greater than principle. Itis the slo-
gan that calls forth their every energy ;
the toot-horn that calls them to parti-
san work as does the dinner bell the
farmer to his meals. Without it the
party has no more energy than a suck-
ling calf without milk, and its leaders
are as helpless as a revivalist without
a hell.
It is this fact that has troubled Quay
and drove him to adopt the BraiNg
side in the presidential contest. He
had lost the patronage and without
that what is he worth to Republi-
canism or Republicans ? Now he has
lost the BLAINE cover and the query
is: what wi'l he do?
Without patronage or a cover for
his own political depravity, will the
Republicans, of a great state like Penn-
| sylvania, cling to this deformed and
| debauched political god longer? And
| this is just the question that is troub
!leing them. There is no doubt about
| what they would do if Quay could con-
{ trol the appointments, but he can’t and
the fear of loosing their grip on the fat
places of the land, or the unpleasant
duty of supporting an administration
for which they have a sickening dis-
gust, is the dilemma in which Mr,
Brarne’s letter has put his friends in
this state, and it has placed Mr. Quay
in a worse one.
ep ————"
——- Lehigh county has only eight
Democratic candidates, seeking the
congressional nomination at this time.
A county with so many statesmea to
From the Clearfield Republican.
The county of Allegheny seems to
bave an excess of political downfalls
lately. Mayors of Allegheny city are
under arrest charged with the cheapest
kind of embezzlement, next Collector
Warmcastle is thrown overboard for
general crookedness, and now we have
the knockout of the Postmaster and his
assistant, of Allegheny city, en route to
the penitentiary. Who the next man
will be no one knows. Well, they have
too many Republicans in Allegheny,
anyhow, for safety.
Characteristic Democratic Honesty.
From the Phila. Record
The New York Democrats have ar-
ranged an apportionment bill which
will give them nineteen State Senators
and the Republicans thirteen, while in
the Assembly they will have seventy-
three and the Republicans fifty-five, a
majority on joint ballot of twenty-four.
This is more than fair. A state that
gives 50,000 Democratic majority is en-
titled to a corresponding majority in
the Legislature. The Republicans for
years past by their last gerrymander
have made it it necessary for the Dem-
ocrats to have at least that majority to
elect a Demcecratic legislature,
The Only Issue.
From the Harrisburg Patriot,
Senator Vest says taritf reform must
be the supreme issue with the Democra-
cy the coming campaign. He says:
“In 1888, when Mr. Gorman and the
late William L. Scott came to the St.
Louis convention with a cut and dried
platform containing the old straddle of
1884, approved, as they stated, by Mr,
Cleveland, the convention repudiated
the movement and I heartily endorsed
its action. Not even Mr. Cleveland’s
name was potent enough to pull down
the flag which he had himself placed at
the masthead. It floats there to-day
and will never be furled until the war
taxes which the Republican party pro-
mised to remove upon the return of
peace have been taken from the statute
rt ———]
A Very Mid Warniog.
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
The report of the Surveyor of Customs
on the corruption of the New York Cus-
tom House inspectors is a ducument of |
startling frankness. Tt charges the gen-
eral prevalence of receiving br'bes and
gratuities, a large amount of inefficiency
and concludes with recommending re-
moval on the latter ground owing to the
difficulty of proving the corruption.
This report bears out charges which
have been made in the press at times
| heretofore; afid which huve been whisted
down the wind as the product of mug-
{ wamp or partisan malice. This official
the square yard, is not to be found any-
where else in the state, and the new | | : yd
' cided action on the part of the adminis-
state chairman who is a resident of it
cin show hisability as a harmonizer,
by satisfying eight aspirants with one
office, .
Won’t Stand Comparison.
tent of a Republican legislature in Ohio,
to disfranchise the Democracy of that
state, is the honorable and manly ac-
tion of the Damocracic legislature of
licans of that state full representation
every vote they have. With a Demo-
cratic majority of over 50,000 in the
will give that party but five of a ma-
jority in the Senate, and an excess of
but eighteen in the House. This,when
compared with the greedy, villianous
work of the Republicans of Ohio, who
are rushing through their legislature a
bill that will secure them seventeen
out of twenty-one congressmen, is a
showing so fair for the Democracy,
that it should shut the mouths effect-
ually of Republicans blatherers about
Democratic gerrymanders.
When the Democrats obtained con-
trol of the Senate and House in New
York, through the decision of the su-
into our ears, day and night,from every
conceivablesource,that the purpose was
to make the state eternally and forever
Democratic by a gerrymander that
would throw all other efforts in this
line in the shade. The falsity of this
charge is proven, hy the more than
fair measure that is now being consid-
ered and which in all probability will
become a law, It shows that when
the Democrats have the power, they
have also the manliness, to do the fair
thing by their opponents,and that it is
not upon the gerrymander of districts
orthe disfranchisement of citizens, but
upon the good sense of the voter and
citizen, that they rely for success.
iu both branches of the Legislature, for . of a libel upon Senator Quay.
state, the proposed new apportionment |
preme courtofthatstate, it was dinned
the free and untrameled action of the
report shows that part of the public serv-
ice to be in as bad a condition as was ev-
er alleged from outside sources,and is an
emphatic demonstration of the results
of the spoils policy.
Such a document will require very de-
tration and warns it that something more
is required of its control of the public
service than to use it as a machine for
the renomination of President Harri-
| son.
In pleasing contrast with the dirty in- |
New York, in presenting an appor-
tionment bill, that gives to the Repub- |
Re ——————————
A Republican Paper's View of it.
From the Philadelphia North American,
The records of judicial proceedings in
this commonwealth probably do not
contain a parallel or precedent for the
extraordinary charge and sentence with
which Judge Wickham declared his
sense of the gravity of the offense com-
witted by two gentlemen who as editor
“and as proprietor of a little-known pa-
per—the Beaver Star —were convicted
It is particularly unfortunate that
such an unheard-of penalty for an of-
fense of this character should come from
the neighborhood in which Mr. Quay
lives, and in which he is supposed to
control the political fortunes of every
public office, elective or otherwise. If
it be true as asserted, that the prosecu-
ting attorneys, the jury, and the judge
were all of one political faith, that also
is unfortunate. These things are to be
regretted, for the case Mr. Quay was
one where the absence of the possibility
of suspicion cf partisan prejudice would
have added to the force of his vindica-
tion, which was certain in any event.
But the criticism of the punishment 1n-
flicted upcn these erring and possibly
contumacious citizens will not be meas-
ured by any political standard.
To send these men to jail for six
months is a monstrous thing to attempt
to do, and we do not believe there is a
respectable newspapar in Pennsylvania
that would undertake to defend such a
sentence. There has been times when
! such a thing would have lifted a com-
munity into rebellion, as was the crude
method of popular assertion of protest
. against severity which runs beyond the
bounds of justice. Weare a more com-
placent p_ople now, but it is against
every idea of American fair play and
American independenca to permit judi-
cial penalties to be governed by person-
al feeling,
The Beaver Star is a Democratic
newspaper, and the North American
has nothing of affiliation with its poli-
tics or the political opinions of Mr. John
A. Mellon and Mr. W. H. Porter, who
have conducted it. But the North
American has no excuses for sycophan-
cy or for vindictiveness.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Harrisburg still expectsa fine new Read-
ing Railroad station.
— Counterfeit Bland dollars are defrauding
South Bethlehemites.
—Burglars got the cash from the railroad
ticket office at Dillsburg.
—Lancaster has abolished
school for colored children.
—The Stoney .Run well in Berks county
shows oil at a depth of 660 feet.
—Congressman Beltzhoover is confined to
his home at Carlisle with the grip.
its separate
—Catasauqua expects [to] have ” new water
works with flllers, at a cost of $33,000.
—Thenew city of Hazelton will Zhave a re-
venue of $53,5000 from liquor !icenses.
—Several of the largest stores in McKees-
port were victimized Saturday by shoplifters-
—Beart Smith's life was crushed; out between
mine cars at Bear Ridge Colliery, Shenan-
There are many new applicants for space in
the Pennsylvania exhibit at the World's
—Reading’s second batch of $75,000 in city
bonds will command 2 percent. premium or
—A burglar alarm and a gun} hustled
thieves out of C. P. MecClure's store at
—Sons of America will preseat ZflagsZand
Bibles to Allentown schools on Washington's
—Motorman Jacob} Fink was badly shocked
and burned by a live wireon the Lebanon
electric road.
—Jumping on a freight train at , Bethlehem ,
to his death.
—Five-year-old Albert Cawley brushed his
clothes againsta stove, and may; die of the
burns, at Easton.
—A wicked man calling jhimself],C. B. Ara,
nold has been victimizing confiding milliners
near Penfield, Pa.
—Lydia Shantz ‘Henry Yerger and Mrs.
Susan Millard are mysteriously missing; from
their homes 1n Reading.
—Applejack Distiller G.. W. Spangler, of
Albany township, has been held in $500 bail for
violating the Revenue laws.
'—Congressmaya John B, Robinson's Deleware
County Ledger came out yesterday as a thor-
oughbred “Independent.”
—The overdrafts on the Chicora (Butler
county) bank amount to $13,000, leaving
poor prospects for depositors.
—The Dubs faction retook the [Akron
Evangelical Church by force and held a quar-
terly conference there Saturday.
—Four more Sundaynewsdealers were? con-
victed and fined $25 each in Pittsburg Friday
They will appeal to the Supreme Court.
—At Denver, Lancaster county, Mrs. |Sophia
Weinhold and her daughter, Mrs. Susan
Shrimp, died of grip-pnenmonia within eight
—Charles Ross, a thief who broke jail while
serving a four-year sentence at Lowell, Mass,,
has just been canght at the Easton Alms-
—Journeyman bricklayers and plactereia
of Easton, South Easton and Philipsburg ask
for nine-hour days at 30 cents an hour after
May 1.
—Last week's new wells in the McDonald
oil field kept market prices down unexpected-
| ly. This field's daily rans averaged 101,432
! barrels.
| —Allegheny relatives of William McKeblip,
who has for twenty-four years been a pauper,
have at last found,’him out and cared for
| hiro.
| broken in July 1890, has just been’'sent home
i from Pittsburg to "Westmoreland county, able
to walk.
—Miner Charles Sule, whose? back was
—Cumberland county Poor Directors will be
arraigned this week for neglect of duty in
leaving little Joe Diller, a baundout hoy, to he
flogged to death.
—William Powell Davis, who was killed by a
train at Bethlehem, was warned by his wife
not to go out that morning, as she felt that he
was going to die. 8
—Tize East Pennsylvania Conference of the
Dubbsfaction of the Ivangelical Association
will meet, 120 strong at Lebanon on February
18, Bishop Dubbs presiding.
—It is believed that William Meredith,
| the colored boy who recently died suddenly
at Mt. Holly Springs, was a victim of a bullet
fired at hen-roost thieves.
—The Westmoreland County Court bas or-
dered the McClure Coke Company to place an
inspector in every mine instead of assigning
an inspector to three mines.
—A surgical operation to release the eyelid
from the ball of the eye resulted fatally to
George Cooper's 3-year-old daughter Coopers.
burg. She was born blind in that eye.
—Captain Mercer and Detective Gumbert
are suspended from the Pittsburg police
force. They quarreled and the captain knock-
ed the detective down with a blackjack.
—Both of Eliza Secally’s arms, run over by
car wheels, had tobe amputated near the
shoulders, at Allentown. Each hand wore its
mitten and rings until after the amputation.
—Carnegie is said to be about ready to use
in his biggest steel mills, at Braddock and
Homestead, the fuel gas plan in which ex-
Gov. Beaver and Gen. Hastings are interested
—Many old canal boatmen, portage, rail
road and forwarding men from various
parts of the State will attend the Boatmen’s
Reunion at Newport, Perry county, February
18 and 19.
—Savage and Short editors of the Public
Spirit, were Saturday acquitted , at Clearfield,
of libeling ex-District Attorney J. F. McKen-
rick, whom they had charged wich taking il-
legal fees.
—Officer Banknecht, of the Reading police,
is glad he is alive after arresting a disturbing
woman. She threw a lamp at his head, at-
tacked him with a knife and made the arresta
really interesting affair.
—Creek §Catholics of seven Pennsylvania
towns, New York City, Streator, Tlls., Brooklyn
and Passaic, N. J,, have united their 40,600
membership in a monster beneficial order
toaid widows, widowers and orphans.
—The farmers of Washington county ara
taking issue with the sportsmen of that logal-
ity who have offered rewards for the scalps of
owls and hawks. The farmers want these
birds preserved because of their value in kills
ing destructive little animals.
«Chas. Pietri, Jr, of Erie, supposed to
have died of poison administered by his wife,
was buried Saturday. At the open grave Mis:
Pietrie londly declared her innocense befora
heaven ; nevertheless she and Dr. Howard a
Buffala are under police surveillance.
Willlam Davis missed his hold and fell under