Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 29, 1892, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., January 29, 1892,
To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——Post master Fiedler was in Lock
Haven, on Tuesday.
——DMiss Katherine Bullock has gone
to Philadelphia for a tour weeks stay.
Col, J. L. Spangler is said to be
lying dangerously ill at his home, in
——Miss Gussie Krom, oi Lock Ha-
ven,is the guest of Miss Lulu Smith,of
Bishop street.
——Mr. and Mrs A. J. Swariz, of
Pleasant Gap, are visiting their daugh-
ter, Mrs. BE. M. Musser, at Philipsburg.
——S. A. Martin, of Nittany, was
doing business in town on Saturday and
spent a few moments, pleasantly, at this
——Miss Kate Burrows, of Williams-
port, and Miss Gertrude Henderson, of
Montgomery, are visiting Mrs F. W.
——Mrs.F,W. Reber has visiting her,
at her pleasant home on High street,
Mrs. Ezra, of Chester, and Miss Dun-
ham, of Philadelphia.
——Mis, D. G. Bush, Mrs. Calloway,
H. P. Harris and George Bush attended
the wedding of Mr. George Tomb and
Miss Kate Cochran, at Jersey Shore,
——The statement filed by the board
of appraiser’s, appointed to make in-
ventory of the estate of the defunct Ty-
rone bank, showed that every cent of its
indebtedness would be paid off.
——A. Markle and Mr. Frank Ken-
nedy, two of State College’s most ener-
getic business men, were in town on
Tuesday and did not forget that they
have friends in the WATCHMAN office.
—— We would advise all the hus-
bands of this community to fortify
themselves well within the next two
weeks, for when the cooking school be-
gins you can look out for sad eyes and
contorted stomachs. .
—— Judge Furst will have an oppor-
tunity of again refusing license for
Haag's hotel ere long. Its proprietor
is going to petition again and we ven-
ture to say that, though he is most de-
serving, he won’t get any.
——Mr. Remer, the obliging conduc-
tor on the Lewisburg and Bellefonte
road, who was off duty last week on ac-
count of sickness, is, we are glad to
say, so much better that he was able to
take charge of his train Monday morn-
——Miss Puella Dornblazer, the State
Superintendent of the work among for-
eigners, lumbermen and miners, and the
President of the Clinton county W. C.
T. U. has been visiting Mrs. L. Shaffer
and Miss Mary Olewine for several
——An alarm of fire, sent in from
Maitland’s Boiler works, where a slight
blaze threatened disastrous work with
some oil barrels, called the department
out last Tuesday afterncon. All of the
comparies were on the scene in short
——The Christian Endeaver sociable
given by the young ladies, in the Pres-
byteran Chapel, on Friday evening last,
was a great success and every-one who
attended was shighly delighted with the
program prepared for their erftertain-
——Boyd Cowher, who has been
running a small restaurant on High
street, has purchased McEntyre’s store,
at Fillmore, and will move thither.
‘While in Bellefonte he has been a hard
working young man and deserves suc-
cess in the mercantile business.
——Some of the moves that will be
made the first of April—Harry Schreyer
into one of Dr. Dartt’s houses, on North
Allegheny street. The Bellefonte Club
into the Irvin house,on High street, and
Dr. R. G. Hayes into the Sommerville
property,on Spring street, which he has
leased for five years.
——Miss Kate Green, who has for
some time taught. successfully, drawing
and painting, in oils and water color’s,
left this morning for New York, where
she will study with the students’ Art
League, and the artist, Mrs. Rhoda
Holmes Nicholls:
~—Dr. T. C. Van Tries, who has
been one of Bellefonte’s practicing phy-
sicians for several years, has located at
Blairsville, Indiana county, where he
thinks there is a good opening for a
medical man. The Doctor's family will
not leave Bellefonte until spring and we
wish him great success in his new field.
——1In another column of this paper
appears an advertisement for the sale of
the State College Hotel, the leading
hostlery at State College. It is a large,
commodious and centrally located
building, occupying a corner lot oppo-
site the main entrance to the college
grounds, and commands a large student
and transient trade. Itis offered ata
bargain as the owreris forced to quit the
business, owing to ill health.
Tae Work or THE Court—The reg-
ular January term of Quarter Sessions ,
convened in the Court House,on Mon- |
day morning, with Judges Furst,Riley !
and Rhoades on the bench. After the
session was called to order the consta-
bles reports were called and accepted,
several petitions offered, John Marks
appointed guardian for the children of
Sarah Watson, Wilbur F, Reeder for
those of William Cone, dec’d", sentence |
suspended on Fravk Karcher, of Phil-
ipsburg, and then the grand jury was
empanelled, with J. M. Gramley, of
Gregg township, as foreman. A lot of
routine business was gone through
with and court adjourned:
Clara Witheright vs. W. H. Lucas,
F. and B. Defendant found guilty and
usual sentence pronouced.
Commonwealth vs David McNeil, F.
and B. Defendant plead guilty and
usurl sentence pronounced.
The next case called was that of S.
R. Pringle vs the overseer of the poor
of Taylor township, to recover the bur-
ial expenses of Charles Cowher. The
case took all of Monday afternoon and
when the session was called on Tues-
day morning it was learned that: the
plaintiff had taken one of the juror’s to
the opera house the night before and
slept with him at the hotel. This nec-
essitated the withdrawal of the case at
the plaintiff's expense.
The Hungarian riot case was taken
up and Andrew Osicken, convicted.
He furnished the liquor which made
the others drunk.
Commonwealth ve Harvey Royer,
indicted for cutting and stealing six
trees from the grounds of a Potter
township school house. Defendant
found guilty.
Commonwealth ys William Dins-
more, for receiving stolen goods in the
shape of a buggy whip brought to him
by his boy and which he was indicted
for stealing. The boy, Miles Walker,
acknowledged the theft himselt and
the defendant was discharged.
Commonwealth vs Carrie Wilson, ot
Hublersburg, charged with infanticide,
was taken up next and a verdict of
“not guilty” rendered. While visiting
her sister Mrs. Kreamer, of Coburn,
last September, she gave birth to a
child which died about an hour after
its birth. Her sister buried 1t in the
ash heap, but suspicious stories be-
gan to float around and the body was
exhumed and a post mortem held, No
evidence of an incriminating kind was
found aud then it was supposed the
babe had been smothered as it was in
a healthful and fully developed condi-
tion and it was upon thistheory that the
prosocution was entered. The young
woman is rather pretty and up to last
June had been a dress maker at Hub-
lersburg. She was betrayed, on the
promise of marriage, by one Harry
McCaully who was present with a
number of witnesses to break down
her testimony, but the young woman's
statements were so straightforward and
clear that vindication was assured and
highly proper.
Judge Furst did a very wise thing
when he decided not to grant any
more uaturalization papers to parties
who were not acquainted with the con-
stitution of the U. S. and thoroughly
familiar with that of our own State.
CouNTY GRANGE. — The meeting of
the Centre County Pomona Grange at
Milesburg, on the 19th inst., was large-
ly attended notwithstanding the in-
clemency of the weather. All the re-
ports showed that the Order, in the
county,was never in a better condition. -
The report of the Grange Fire Insurance
Company showed that theres were now
insured in the company over $1,800,000
worth of property and that the average
cast, per thousand, for a period of six-
teen years has been only $1.832—a lower
rate of insurance than is offered by any
company in the State. The report of
the Picnic Association showed an equal-
ly prosperous condition for already
$1700 has been paid on the Park and
upwards of $5000 have been expended
on improvements ; so for every obliga-
tion has been promptly met and paid.
The following committee of arrange-
ments were appointed for the coming
year; Leonard Rhone, John Dauber-
man, G.M. Boal, George Gingerich,
George Dale and J. J. Arney; The
county Grange is made up of the mem-
bers of the subordinate Grange, every
member of each subordinate order being
eligible to membership iu the county
Grange, and all the members have a
common interest in the property of the
county organization, which is indivisi-
ble. It now commands a capital in its
several departments of $90,000.
tery surrounding the disappearance of
“Kin” Nelson, a well known Philips-
burg character, grows deeper every day
and though his relations and friends
have searched everywhere, no trace or
clue of him has been found. The pa-
pers of the little mountain town have
declared that no one seemed to care
whether he was found . or not, but we
know this to be an untruth as one man
atleast, W, H. Benner, did everything
in his power to find the missing man.
Fd =
——Snapping winter weather this, if
we only had enongh snow for sleighing,
——The Baltzell Bros,, of Altoona,
"have an interesting advertisement on
| carpets in this week’s issue which it may
| benefit you to read.
Next Monday the new Secretary
for the Y. M. C. A. will be here and
then the rooms will be regularly open
for the reception of the public. °
——Last Tuesday the mercury in
DuBois thermometers dropped to 40°
below zero. So the papers say. Every-
| thing is fast out that way.
~——Rev. S. E. Davis, of Centre Hall,
is in Lock Haven assisting Rev Hollen-
baugh in the revival at the Evangelical
church. Their meetings have been very
—Clearfield county has a man who
was mean enough to require an estate to
pay twenty five cents probate fee in
order to secure himself a debt of six
——The fire-brick works of A. C.
Moyer & Co., one mile south of Al-
toona, were totally destroy by fire on
Sunday evening, involving a loss of
$6,000. :
—— Among the newspaper men, in
this community, who are laid up with
the grip are : editor Kinsloe of the Clin-
ton county Republican and Deitrick
Lamade, of Grit,
——Mrs, Margaret McKee, wife of
the late vice president of the Pennsyl-
vania State College, Prof. Jas. Y. Mec-
Kee, has just received the first $10,000
of his $22,000 life insurance.
——Judge Krebs made an order, dur-
the recent Clearfield county License
Court, to the effect that all landlords who
refused to give a meal to travelers, any
time they ask for it after regular hours,
would have their license revoked.
——1In proof of the oft made state-
ment that women are more fickle than
men we need, but state that 65 per cent.
of the 328,716 divorces granted in the
United States, within the past twenty
years, have been given to and at the re-
quest of the fair half of the bargain.
——-The election in Pennsylvania this
year will be an important one in several
respects, and that apart from the choice
of Presidential electors, there will be
chosen a Justice of the Supreme Court
for a full term of twenty-one years, two
Congressman at large and twenty-eight
by districts ; twenty-five State Senators
from the odd numbered districts, and
204 members of the lower house of the
Its First BIRTHDAY.—On Saturday
last the Daily Gazette reached its first
mile stone in the field of journalism and
with just pride reviewed the past year’s
work, The Gazette has doubled its size
and very much improved its appearance
since its birth and has become a bright
and spicy little sheet. At times it gets
into sensational veins and indulges the
whims of its writers through its col-
umns, but is, nevertheless, a credit to its
——A. J. McClintock, of Marion
township, whose name has been on the
WaTcEMAN’S list for years, was in to
see us on Wednesday. He is one of the
most prosperous farmers of the lower
end, but we are sorry to say that he is
soon going to leave old Centre and will
move onto his own farm, in Clinton
county, some time in April, Mr. Mec-
Clintock is a Jacksonian democrat,
through and through, and his party
may well be proud of so staunch an ex-
ponent of Democratic principles,
——On last Friday evening the Chris-
tian Endeavor Society had a sociable in
the Presbyterian Chapel that was a
pleasure to attend and a credit to the
organization. Music was furnished by
Miss Ohnmacht, Mrs. J.C. Meyers, Mrs.
Harris Mann, Mrs. Dr. Hayes, the Mis-
ses Bayard, Luckenbach, Twitmire, and
Messrs Cruse, Waddle, Bayard and
Brown. Miss Teats the elocutionist, re-
cited, and the feature of the evening was
the conversational contests- The as-
sembly was divided into groups of five
orsix. A subject was given and the
conversation for five minutes was on
the chosen topic. Judges decided who
had made the best points and thus every
one present took part in the pleasant
eatertainment and had an opportunity
to advance his or her special subject.
——Thestrange case of Carrie Hoff-
man, the Philipsburg serving maid,who
went to sleep over a week ago and has not
yet awakened, is exciting the attention
of the people and physicians of that
place. On Thursday evening she re-
gained her senses for an hour or two
but soon went into an unconscious state
again. She has remained ina stupor
ever since. When conscious she said
that a boy had hit her with a snow ball,
but now it is thought she must have
been struck with astone. Later accounts
say that she has wakening intervals
when nourishment is taken, but most of
her time she lies in a dead stupor.
following is the report. of the Grand
Jury, as filed at the time of its adjourn-
ment on Wednesday.
ticed that that body recommends no fur-
ther improvements to the Court House
i than those already under way, whieh is
the changing of the two vaults named
by putting in new cases for filing away
papers and laying new floors ; other-
wise this body considers the Court
House in good condition, with ‘ample
accommodations for the businésk trans-
action in it:
To the Honorable Judges of the Court
of Quarter Session of the Peace, in
and for the county of Centre.
January Sessions, 1892,
The Grand Inquest of the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for
the county of Centre in all matters rela-
ting to the same, we respectfully report:
That they have acted on fifteen bills of
Indictment of which thirteen were found
true bills, and two ignored.
We beg leave further to report that
we have visited and inspected the coun-
ty Buildings and found first, the Cour:
House in good concition with ample
and proper measures in progress to im-
prove vaults of Comu isioners’ office and
Prothonotary’s office whereby the capaci-
ty of vaults is double. These improve-
ments we heartily commend.
Second: We find the jail in ordinary
good condition with the following ex-
ceptions. Tho ceilings at several places
need repairs at the first proper season.
The range in the kitchen needs new fire
brick and new top centre plate. The
back door on north side of jail leading
from hall to yard needs lock. The
small door of south-east dungeon needs
clasp, The dungeon on north-east end
we count very filthy, being filled with
waste paper and general rubbish, ete.,
and we recommend the removal of this
and general cleaning.
We respectfully tender our thanks to
the Honorable Judges and District At-
torney for their courtesy and assistance
rendered us during our deliberation.
TING IN THEIR TiMmE.—Bellefonte has
always been noted for her pretty girls
and her hospitable people and this week
they both seem to have been ‘in it.”
On last Friday Miss Mary Thomas gave
a “Fancy Work Tea,” which was in
reality, the most delightful mid-winter
entertainment society has enjoyed.
Busy fingers over the fancy work dis.
pelled all formality and the tea was an
| elaborate luncheon of six courses.
On Saturday evening a merry sleighing
party of thirty-six drove over tv Centre
Hall for supper and a dance, both of
which they got in abundance in addi
tion to the enjoyable sleighride, On
Tuesday, Mrs. S. M. Buck gave an af-
ternoon ‘‘tea’’ in honor of Mrs. Ezra
and Miss Dunham. One of the prettiest
social events this week was the lunch
given by Miss Blanche Hayes, to twelve
of her young lady friends. Pink was
the chosen color for the fiowers and ta-
ble decoration. Wednesday Mrs, W. F.
Reber, in honor of her two visitors,zave
a large party. Last night Miss Minnie
Brew entertained the euchre club, while
a large number of society people accept-
ed the invitations that had been sent
out by Mrs. J. A. Aikens for an “at
A SURPRISE PARTY: —A goodly num-
ber of the members of the First Metho-
dist Episcopal church along with their
friends, gathered in the parsonage after
services last night to help the doctor and
Mrs. Monroe celebrate their thirtieth
wedding day. After many kindly
greetings among the assemblage, the
voice of Captain Johnson resounded
throughout the parlors in a neat presen-
tation speech, which gave to Mrs.
Monroe a handsome Singer sewing
machine. This was a slight token of
the appreciation in which she is held by
the people. The doctor responded in his
usual happy style, thanking the friends
present for this most useful article, after
which refreshments were served and all
dispersed to their homes, wishing the
doctor and Mrs. Monroe life,that many
more anniversaries might be enjoyed by
them.—-Altoona Tribune.
EASE.—The sudden death of Miss Brid-
get McLaughlin, which occurred yester-
day, Thursday, afternoon at four o’clock
was a most sad one indeed. While
sewing at Mrs, B. C. Achenbach’s, on.
Bishop street, she suddenly fell for-
ward. dropping her work. Quickly
kind hands lifted her onto a couch, but
within five minutes life was extinct.
She had been suffering with the grip
and it is thought it affected heart,
Miss McLaughlin was about twenty-
five years of age and, though always
delicate, was a most excellent example
of independent womanhood. Ow-
ing to her rare aptitude in her art,
her services were constantly in demand
and she was ever the same sweet girl.
CountYy.—Hon. John A. Woodward
who is atiending the meeting of the
State Board of Agriculture, at Harris-
burg, writes us, under date of January
27th, to say that “there is every reason
to believe that Governor PATrIsoN will
attend some or more of our Institutes
next week.” This will be gratifying
news to the farmers of Centre county,
for if there isany one man in this section
of the State, that they admire more than
an other. It is his excellency Robert
| E Pattison.
It will be no-|
a ati —
——Mrs. W. S. Tripple, of Spring
street, is visiting in Lock Haven.
If your sale bills are printed at
the Warcuman office you will get a
free advertisement in. our directory and
notes for your sale also,
——The musical convention which
was to have been held at Pine Grove
Mills bas been declared off. We are
unable to state the cause.
——Two pleasant callers on Thurs-
day were Messrs Nathan Grove, of Le-
mont, and I. G. Walker, of Boalsburg.
Both gentlemen report much sickness in
their vicinity.
——Persons in need of Nursery stock
of any kind, will find matters of inter-
est in Mr. Fisher's advertisement in to-
day’s WarcaMaN, and what Mr.
Fisher says the public can rely upon.
~—Charley Nau has retired from the
management of the little Tyrone Opera
House. It was a wise thing for Charley
to do, for the new Academy of Music,
which will soon be opened in that place
will attract all the patronage.
——The members of the Evangelical
church, of this place, will give an oyster
supper in the Lecture room of their
church, on Willowbank street, on next
Saturday evening. Ice cream and cake
will also be served. Patronize the sup-
per and help a struggling congregation.
——The women appointed to gather
historical relics and other things of
interest, from Centre county, for the
World’s Fair, have effected an organiza-
tion. Mrs. Wilbur F. Reeder of this
place has been elected president ; Mrs.
H. Foster, of Philipsburg, vice presi-
dent; and Miss Mary Brockerhoff, of
this place, is the secretary, of the
—== Chas, A. Loder, and company,
appeared in the comedy drama, “Oh:
What a Night” at Garman’s opera
house, on Wednesday night and Mr,
Loder can congratulate himself on hav-
ing given a Bellefonte audience the best
entertainment, on the comedy order,
that it has had this season, The star
has been shrewd enough not to try to
make the whole show of hinfself, as so
many do, but with the assistance of
pretty women and other good comedians
he gave a performance at once clean and
refreshing. It wasindeed an enjoyable
evening and one the pleasure of which
was not marredby the slightest vulgarity.
Every member of the company is an
artist of merit and the specialties intro-
duced were very catchy. Mr. Loder
will have to use the S. R. O. sign if he
WHAT A Goop Paper Is.—Many of
our readers hereabouts will remember
Louis Bagnerelli the little Italian fruit-
er who kept a stand on High street,
Having amassed a fortune of $1800 in
our town he returned to his sunny home
last fall, where heis now the proprietor
of a grocery store. In a letter to a
Bellefonte friend recently he wrote the
following: -‘Send me ghe WATCHMAN
so I can show the bloody Italians here
‘what a good American paper looks
like.” We appreciate Louis compliment,
to our paper,very much indeed,especial-
ly since it is from one whom we never
expected would notice the respective
merits of the publications of our town,
and a paper of this issue is now on its
way to that far off land.
A Wise ActioN.-—At the meeting of
the board of Trustees of the Pennsylva-
nia State College, held in Harrisburg
during the fore part of the week, it was
decided to shorten the college calendar
year, and two weeks were accordingly
taken off. The law required that the
college should continue in session for
thirty eight weeks during each year,
but experience has proven that the term
was not only too long, but that in many
instances the continuance of school so
far into the hot months of June and
July has proven injurious to the health
of the students. The fact that the com-
mencement came so late in the season
kept many from attending who other-
wise would havedone so. The trustees
have certainly done a wise thing in
shortening the year and we believe that
it will have a very salutory effect upon
the work and number of the students.
CENTRE CoUNTY,—On the evening of
the 11th inst., I. S. Frain, of Jackson-
ville, and Deputy W. M. Benninger, of
Northampton county, organized a
grange, at Millheim, with thirty-three
charter members. On the 13th they or-
ganized another at Feidler, Haines
township: On the 14th they organized
the third one at Rebersburg, and on the
15th, a new grange, at Madisonburg,
was incepted.
This week Hon. Mortimer White-
head, Lecturer National Grange, will
address meetings at Spring Mills,Spruce-
town, Oak Hall, Pine Hall, Pine Grove,
Rock Springs and Centre Line. Hon,
J. T. Ailman, Lecturer Pennsylvania
State Grange, will address meetings at
Pleasant Gap, Zion, Hublersburg, Jack-
sonville, Howard, Benner, Unionville
and Port Matilda.
--Miss Emma P. Ewing, Instructress
in cooking at Chautauqua, will com-
mence a course of practical lessons on
the art of cocking. in the roems of the
W. C. T. U. on Monday afternoon, Feb.
8th, at which time she will deliver a
lecture-—to which all are invited free—
on : Our Kitchen Interests. On Tuesday
the school will open and bread will be
made : Vienna bread, graham bread |
French rools, crescents, sticks, Boston
brown bread etc., being on the list.
Wednesday, Feb. 10th, the roasting
and boiling of meats, poultry and fish
will be taken up.
Thursday, Feb. 11th, plain, clesr,
vegetable and white soups will be made,
Friday, Feb. 12th, chicken, shrimp,
potato and fruit salads are on the pro-
Saturday, Feb. 13th, The students
will try frying chicken, oyzters, fish,
potatoes and mush,
Monday, Feb. 15th, the mysteries
of meat sauces and little dishes will he
delved into.
Tuesday, Feb. 16th, eggs and omelets
will be cooked in all their various
Wednesday, Feb. 17th, Dyspepsia
generators or delicate desserts and cake
will be the subject of the last day’s
Geo. W. Jackson & Co have kindly
donated all the flour to be used in the
lessons and Jas. Harris & Co. will fur-
nish an Othello range.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00-
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00—
7.00. :
LeAvE Your ORDER Now. .
MoNTaoMERY & Co., Tailors.
For Rent or for Sale.
A home on East Linn street, now occupied
by Rev. George Elliot, is offered for sale or
reut. It is only two doors from Allegheny
street, has a beautiful location and ail mcdern
improvements. Inquire at Allegheny Street,
i —
Sale Register.
For the benefit of those who contemplate makin q
Public} Sale duringthe coming season, we wil
keep a register of all sales within the county as
fully as possible, examination of which will be
Jree to all. Persons having their bills printed
at the WAarcHMAN office will secure notice of
sale in this column free of charge.
Marcu 1st.—On Thos. Reynold’s farm 2 miles
west of Bellefonte, horses, mules, farm stock
farm utensils of all kinds, and household
goods. Sale at 9 a. m.
Marci 5.—Atb the store of A.J. Griest, at Un-
ionville, Horses, Fresh Cows, Young Cattle,
Household and Goods, one two aud one six
acre lot, each containing buildings. Sale at
1p. m.
Marcu 14.—At the old Hoy Hemestead farm 2
miles east of Bellefonte. Household Goods,
Horses, Colts, Cows, Harness, and Farm Im.
plements. Two elegant farms will be
offered for sale. Sale to commence at 10
a. m.
Maren 16.—Af the residence of the late John
Lutz, on the Buffalo Run road, about 14 mile
from Filmore, Horses, Cows, young cattle,
Implements, Harness and Household goods.
Sale at 10 a, m.
Marcu 17th.—At the residence of Henry Tib-
bens, three miles below Bellefonte, on the
Jacksonville road, all kinds of farm stock,
implements, household goods, ete.
Marcon 18.—At the residence of A. J. McClin-
tock, one mile west of Jacksonville, in Mar-
ion township, eight Horses, farm stock gen-
erally and all kinds of Farm implements.
Sale at 9a. m.
ArcH 18.—At the residence of D. C. Krebs
two miles from Pine Grove Mills, Farm
stock and Farm Implements of all kinds.
Sale at 10 a. m.
Marcu 23.—At the residence of O. B. Krebs,
one and a half miles from Pine Grove, Farm
Stock of all kindsand a general variety of
Farm Implements. Sale at10 a. m.
Maren 26th.—A¢ the residence of J. B. Mltch-
ell, 24 mile west of Pine Grove Mills, Horses,
cows, sheep, all kinds of agricultural imple-
ments, ete.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o’clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press : ,
hite wheat 83
Old wheat, per bushe 88
Red wheat, per bushel 90
Rye, per bushel...... 70
Corn, ears, per bushel 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel. 50
Oats—new, per bushel.. 30
Barley, per bushel........ 66
Ground Plaster, per ton. 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel........cccecenseeeres we 50
Cloverseed, per bushei.. $4 00 to $6 OC
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ................. tereire Srsknes 35
Eggs, per dozen...... a £0
Lard, per pound.. 8
CountryShoulders.. 8
Sides..... 8
Tall Hams 4 we 12;
'ailow, per pound.......
Butter, per ound seeensren 25
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle:
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe. annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option < the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
lows :
SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m [6m 1y
One inch (12 lines this type....... $588 |811
TWO INCROS...ccrecressisivrrrsase 7/10] 18
Three inches... 10 (156 | 20
Quarter Column (434 inches) 12 | 20 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches)... 20 | 35 | 56
One Column (19 inches)............... 35 | 55 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional. 5
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line..........
per line.........icccuuens .
Business notices, per Hne.......c..oe cone 00000. 10
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The Warcumaw office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand a
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietox.
wocal notices,