Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1892, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., January 22,1892.
To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO cohnanieatiins
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Salvini was an Altoona attrac-
tion on Wednesday night.
William McCafferty, an old resi-
dent of the town, died rather suddenly,
on Tuesday afternoon.
—The mercury in Bellefonte ther-
mometers crawled down to 5° below
zeroon Wednesday morning.
——The coasting on Monday evening
was fine and young America was out
with sleds of all sizes and shapes.
— A course in mining engineering
is one of the additional branches propos-
ed for the Pennsylvania State College.
——The Misses Gamble and Sander-
son, of Williamsport, spent Sunday at
the home of Pres.Judge A. O. Furst’ on
Linn street.
——Hardman P. Harris, left on
Thursday morning, for a trip to Wash-
ington, D. C. He is oft for the benefit
of his health,
——Altoona’s mayor, Col. Burchfield,
of the 5th Reg, N. G. P., was in town
on Saturday to look at Co. B’s new
——The Altoona Chronicle suspend-
ed with its last Saturday’s issue. In-
ability to give the paper proper care
and attention is given as the cause, by
the editors.
The revival services which are
being conducted, in the Methodist
church, by Miss Sharpe, the evangelist,
are largely attended and good work is
being done. :
Prof. H. J. Walter, of the Uni-
versity of Missouri, is the new occupant
of the chair of Agriculture in the facul-
ty, at State College. He succeeds Prof.
T. F. Hunt, resigned.
—— Ad. Fauble, Bellefunte’s popular
young clothier, is spending the week in
Philadelphia and Baltimore. He at-
tended the Patti concert, in the Quaker
city, on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rankin
returned from a pleasant five week’s
trip, on Saturday night. While away
they visited Washington, Richmond,
Va.,and other southern cities.
——Jno. W. Kline, a highly esteem-
ed and respected resident of Snow Shoe,
died of general debilitation, on Friday
night. Deceased was 74 years old and
leaves five children to mourn his death.
——Philipsburg physicians are find-
ing itdifficult to treat pneumonia pa-
tients on account of the irregularity of
the steam heat. At night the pressure
is allowed to go down and the sufferers
contract new colds.
The WarcHMAN office is the
place to have your sale bills printed.
New type, new cuts and artistic work at
reasonable prices are the drawing cards,
while the Sale Register is a great adver-
tisement for your goods. i
——Ex-Commissioner Griest enter-
tained a sleighing party, of Bellefonte
young folks, on Tuesday evening and
they returned highly elated with <the
hospitality of the jolly commissioner and
his most estimable family.
——“Kin’’ Nelson, a noted Philips-
burg character, mysteriously disappear-
ed, on Tuesdav of last week, and has
not been heard of since. The people of
that town are very much exorcised as to
his whereabouts and many rumors are
——Rev. Leidy will preach, in the
Coleville chapel, on Sunday, the 24th
inst., for the benefit of the” P. O. S. of
A. Every member of that order, in this
vicinity,is earnestly urged to be present.
He will preach another sermon, in
the Forge Methodist church, in the
—— William Kelley, a prisoner who
escaped from the Bellefonte jail nearly
four years ago was re-arrested on Satur-
day morning. He escaped from the jail
by using a skeleton key which he had
manufactured before he bad been in jail
forty-eight hours, but he’ll more than
likely serve his sentence this time.
——~Coasting is at its heighth and
Bellefonte’s many hills are alive with
young and old. All joining merrily in
the gay wirter sport. High street af-
fords the best course at present though
the descent is somewhat more danger-
ous than some of the others. On Wed-
nesday night there were fully five hun-
dred coasters on the hill.
Among the many remedies being
used as cures for grip we might mention
quinine and whisky, calomel, hickory
nut kernels and asafoedita all of which
are claimed to be effective. In the case
of the latter we think the cure must be
dedfdedly worse than the disease. An
eminent physician-has ascribed the great
prevalence of grip this season to the
fact that the abundant fruit crop of ’91
has caused everyone's blood to become
so thin that all are specially susceptible
to the grip germ,
GEN. JAMEs S. BrisBiN.—On last
Friday a telegram was received that
Gen. James S. Brisbin had died, Thurs-
day afternoon at the Lafayette Hotel, in
Philade'phia, where he had gone for
re tment for bronchial affection. This
indeed was a shock to his friends in this
community, who supposed he was in his
usual health and did not know that he
was East. In the July of 1888 in moving
from Fort McKinney, Wyoming, to
Fort Robinson, Nebraska, he was pros-
trated by the heat which resulted after-
wards in the partial paralysis of the
right side from which he never fully re-
Gen. Brisbin, the son of Ezra and
Margaret Brisbin, was, born at Boals-
burg, in this county nearly sixty years
ago. When quite young he came to
Bellefonte where he was connected with
the Centre Democrat, first as assistant to
his brother-in-law W. W. Brown and
afterward as the editor in chief. When
Fort Sumpter was fired upon he was one
of the first to answer Lincoln’s call for
75,000 volunteers and although a resi-
dent of our own town he preferred to
join his own old company, the Penns-
valley cadets, which left Boalsburg,
April 20th, 1861, under Captain Robert
McFarlane. Gen. Brisbin was not mus-
tered in Co. H, Tth Reg.., Pa., Volun-
teers but was otfered and accepted a
commission as Second Lieutenant in the
1st U. S. Dragoons. A natural soldier,
brave, honorable and ambitious, his pro-
motion was rapid, and in 1865 he was
made brigadier "general of volunteers.
At the close of the war he enlisted in
the regular service and was transferred
to the Ninth United States Cavalry and,
from that time until his death he was
one of the noted soldiers in the great
North West. During that time he has
been in command of nearly all the prin-
cipal forts in Montana, Wyoming, Ne-
braska, Minnesota and the Dakotas.
In 1889 he was commissioned Colonel of
the First United States Cavalry and
if military men were promoted accord-
ing to their ability and seniority, as it is
generally supposed they are, Gen. Bris-
bin would have received the stars years
ago. Ofsplendid physique and a bril-
liant mind, be was an ideal soldier and
a representative man of the times,begin-
ning with only a common school educa-
tion he has long been recognized as an
ableand intelligentgvriter. His articles
on the destruction of the forests of this
country were widely copied, and a story
«Belden, the White Chief, ’’ which was
published in book form. had a large
sale. He was a regular contributor to
several ot the leading periodicals of the
country, and many readers of this paper
will never forget his interesting and in-
structive letters from the great North
West. He was ever loyal to Pennsyl-
vania but the great country west of the
Mississippi never had a more faithful
and zealous advocate than Gen. James
S. Brisbin. In’61 he married Jane,
Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Wagner's oldest
daughter, who at that time was only
fiftecn years old. She was a beautiful
woman, and at the time of her death,
which occurred December 13th, 1887, at
Fort McKinney, was considered one of
the most popular women in the army.
In ’90 he married a lady from Philadel-
phia, who, although pot so well known
in Centre county as his first wife, is ful-
iy competent to make noble men and
women of the four younger children
who are left in the fatherless home at
Red Wing, Minnesota. Carrie and
Blanche the two oldest daughters are
married, while Winfield the oldest son is
in business in Nebraska. Gen. Brisben
was a most indulgent father, and the
last letter we received from him express-
ed the wish that his life might be spared
a few yeacs on account of his little ones.
His only brother died some years ago in
Missouri, but his sisters Mrs. W. W.
Brown, of Canton, Ohio, Mrs. Hasson,
of Boalsburg, Mrs. John Morgan, of
Charleston, Va., and Mrs. Dr. Hanter,
all survive him. His death came as a
personal loss to many citizens of Penn-
sylvania, who knew him as a genial,
big-heart, honorable man with a nature
broad, independent and pliant, and out
of this character came the life which we
admire and the death which we lament.
Tue Y, M. C. A, To BE OVESED
SooN.—-On the 1:t of February the Y.
M. C. A. rooms will be opened with =
reception to the new General Secretary,
Mr. D. S. Bearsley, from Watertown,
N. Y.. and then they will bs kept open
and running in their old time way. It
is the intent of the association to have a
tenant for the house, who will keep the
rooms in order and take proper care of
the gymnasium as well as to look after
the general interests of the Association.
With such an arrangement and an ac-
tive Secretary we can look forward for
good results from the organization.
Thereading-rooms will again be regular-
ly open to the public and it will be the
attractive rendezvous for many of our
young men who are forced to spend
their evenings at naproSsbe places.
——The Y. Ww. . T. U. will meet
Monday, January 24th, at four o'clock.
Every member is requested to be present
*To be--or not
I to vote on the question
[ to be.”
Mzgs. S. G. Kirsor, Pres.
Company B, of this place, will
be inspected on the evening of Feb.
——Andrew Cruse, the ex-Annapolis
student, arrived in this place on Tues-
day morning.
——Johnny Caldwell, the old man
who was robbed of $112.00 some weeks
ago, is lying dangerously ill, at his
home, in the North ward.
William Reed, an aged resident
of Thomas Street, died at noon on Tues-
day. He was the father of Mrs. Isaac
Thomas, and had passed his 94th year.
——The Lock Haven Democrat says
their Good Templar organization ‘‘had
visitors from below” on Tuesday night.
Our organization don’t admit any such
——Go and see the “New Boy
Tramp’ at the Opera House, on Mon-
day night. Don’t be afraid he is not
one of the kind who will ask you for a
“hand out.”
——Gen. D. H. Hastings, lectured in
the Chapel of the Pennsylvania State
College, on Saturday evening, for the
benefit of the Ladies’ Art Society.
His subject was “The Johnstown
——As local news gatherers the new
proprietors of the Daily News are not
proving very successful. In their Mon-
day's issue an obituary of 2 woman who
was brought here for burial was the on-
ly item of a local nature.
——Henry Feidler, the aged father of
ex-county Commissioner M. 8. Feidler,
died, in his 80th year, at Millheim, on
Saturday evening. On Wednesday his
remains were borne to the grave and
the last sad rites paid the departed.
——The Altoona papers say that a
good sized and well-pleased audience wit-
nessed the performance of Augustin
Newville,in the “New Boy Tramp,’ on
Tuesday evening. Bellefonter’s will
have an opportunity of seeing it next
Monday night,
The supposed Clinton county
murder has turned out to be a case of
suicide. The fact that Mrs. Me-
Keague’s wind pipe was not altogether
severed makes it evident that she must
have lived for some time after her
throat was cut and if it had been murder
someone in the house would have heard
the dying woman's cries.
——The Christian Endeavor Society,
of the Presbyterian church in this place,
will hold a sociable in the chapel Friday
evening, the 22nd inst. There will be
music by some of the best talent in the
town, a Calisthentic Drill. a Conversa-
tion Party—something entirely new.
Refreshments will be served. Admission
10 cents.
The “Odd Fellow’s Grand
March” and the “Air Ship Waltz’ are
two of the latest compositions of Isaac
Doles, Indianapolis, Ind. Both are
musical gems. They comprise five
pages each, sheet music size, besides il-
lustrated title pages, not difficult in
execution, but beautiful in composition,
and sell at 40c. each. By way of in-
troduction Mr. Doles will mail
them to any address on receipt of ten
cents each, when accompanied by this
——A Gazette writer informed ‘editor
Furey, of the Lock Haven Democrat, in
the Monday's issue, that, “in the days of
Washington and Penn, Pittsburg might
have been called a western city” and at
the same time made a nice display of his
ignorance on historic Pennsylvania.
The good old quaker had mouldered in
bis tomb almost an hundred years ere
such a place as Pittsburg was heard of
and Washington died much too soon to
hear that Fort Pitt had become the
Smoky City,
——The bob sleds offered for jsale by
MecCalmont & Co., are substantially
built, neatly constructed and well fin"
ished—they are convenient for turning
around, easily backed, will haul heavy
loads and in every respect are {the most
desirable bob sleds in the market.
Those in want of sleds should examine
the stock of McCaimont & Co., before
purchasing. Only two swell body
sleighs left in the store. Those in want
had better not loose any time ir pur-
chasing these sleds and sleighs—-they
are in active demand.
———It may be a matter of interest for
some of our readers to know that {he
postage stamp will be fifty-two years old
in May. Its inventor was a printer,
James Chalmers. of Dundee, Scotland,
who died in 1853. Kogland fifty-two
years ago, introduced the new system of
prepaying letter postage, and according
to a decree of December 21, 1839, issued
| the first stamps, which were to be put
before the public on May 6, of the fol-
lowing year. A year later they were
introduced in the United States and
Switzerland, aud within three years had
become common in Bavaria, Belgium
and France.
ix Tais County.-—The first of these
interesting gatherings will be held at
Millbeim, on Feb. 1st and 2nd, 1892.
The programme is as follows :
Monday: —At 10 30 a. m., Devotion-
al exercises conducted by Rev. C. W.
Finkbinder ; organization ot Institute;
address of welcome, W. F. Smith;
response, a representative of the State
At 1.30 p. m., Question box; “For-
estry and the Farmer,” W. A. Buck-
heut, Prof. of Botany and Horticulture,
of State College; address, Col. Jas. P.
Coburn, Aaronsburg.
At 7 p. m, Question box ; The Ob-
ject of Education, John Hamilton, of
State College; The Outlook for the
American Farmer, John A. Gundy,
member from Union county.
Tuesday,—10 a.m, Question box ; ad-
dress, Prof. C. R. Neff, Millheim ;
Stock Feeding, Hon, N. B, Critchfield,
lecturer Pomona Grange, Somerset
Atl p. m. Question box; A Lesson
in Breadmaking, Mr:. Emma P. Ewing,
Lecturer on Cooking at Chautauqua;
Small Fruits, from Planting to Eating,
A. C. Sisson, La Plume, Pa.
At 7 p. m. Question box; Little
Things in Farming, Samuel R. Down-
ing, ex-Lecturer State Grange; My
Trip West, A. C. Sisson.
The Institute will be held in the
Town Hall, and will be promptly call-
ed to order at 10.30 on Monday morn-
ing. Do not miss any of first session.
This program will be adhered to as
nearly as possible, but may be varied if
circumstances require.
Wednesday,—10.30 a. m. Devotional
exercises, conducted by Rev. A. A.
Black; organization of Institute; ad-
dress of welcome, Rev: W. A. Trostle ;
response, a representative of the State
At 1.30 Quaestion box; Care of Farm
Horses, Hon. N. B. Critchfield, Lectur-
er Pomona Grange, Somerset county,
Roads, of Themselves and in their Rela-
tion to the Farm and the State. W, H.
Barnard, Prof. of Engineering, State Col-
At 7p. m. Question box; Opposi-
tion to Farmers, Mr. B. F. Brown, re-
presenting Victor Grange, No 159, P. of
1.; My Trip West, A. C. Sisson, La
Plume, Pa.
Thursday,—10 a. m. Question box;
Little Things in Farming, Samual R.
Downing, ex-lecturer, State Grange;
The Outlook of the American Farmer,
John A. Gundy, member from Union
At 1p. m. Question box; A ;Lesson
in Breadmaking, Mrs. Emma Ewing,
lecturer on Cooking at Chatauqua;
Small Fruits from Planting to Hating
A. C. Sisson.
t 7 p. m. Question box; Novelties
at Fair, Samuel R. Downing ; The Ob-
jeet of an Hlucation, John Hamilton,
State College.
The Institute will be held in the
Methodist Churzh, and will be called to
order at10.30 Wednesday morning.
Friday—10.30 a. m, Davotional exer-
cises, conducted by Rev. N. B. Smith,
organization of Institute ; address of
welcome ; response, a member of the
State Board.
At 1.30 p. m. Question box ; Novel-
ties at Fairs, Samuel R. Downing, ex-
lecturer of State Grange; Stock Feed-
ing, Hon. N. B. Critchfield, lecturer
Pomona Grange, Somerset county.
At 7.00 p. m. Question box; Little
Things in Farming, Samuel R. Down-
ing ; My Trip West, A. C. Sisson, La
Plume, Pa.
Saturday —10 a. m. Questi)n box ;
Forestry and the Farmers, W. A. Buck-
hout, Prof. of Botany and Horticulture,
State College. Manual Training and
its Relation to the Farmer, Louis E.
Reber, Prof. of Mechanics and Engin-
ecring at State College.
At 1.30 p. m. Question box; A Gen-
eral Talk on Cooking, and a Special
Lesson in Breadmaking, Mrs. Emma
LP. Ewing, Lecturer on Cooking at Cha-
At 7p. m. Question box; Phenom-
ena of Plant Life, An Illustrated lecture
by Prof. 3. B. Heighs, York, Pa.
The Institute will be held in the
Methodist Church, and will be called to
order at 10.30 on Friday morning
Do not miss any of the first session.
This program will be adhered to as ncar
ly as possible, but may be varied if cir-
cumstances require.
The State Legislature has appropriat-
ed a small fund for aiding io holding
these local Farmer's Institutes, and it is
the desire of the State Board of Agricui-
ture that the Fuaffners of the various
counties in which they are held shouid,
by a general attendance and interest,
manifest their appreciation of this en-
deavor on the part of the Legislature t
advance farm interest.
All the sessions of the Institure are
free, and every body is cordially invited,
Ladies are specially welcome; go and
take the family and your neighbor.
Fill the question box with questions,
and take part in the discussion. Good
music at every session.
Tuk New Boy Tramp.-~The Buffalo
Times has the following to say of Au-
gustin Neuville and his company which
will appear in the Opera House, on next
Monday night, the 25th:
“The house was packed full last night,
and the audierce was perfectly satisfied
with the excellent pertormance of “The
Boy Tramp.” The play is pretty, full
of fan and human interest and is much
improved since its production here last
season, bothin cast and scenic effects.
The company are all capable people and
acted their parts in a most masterly
manner. Augustin is a most clever
comedian after the style of Roland Reed;
and made a great hit with the big au-
dience. Thescenery is a big feature
and was received with loud applause.”
CavurcH.—The question as to whether
women should be eligible, as delegates
to the general conference of the Method-
ist church has been agitating the minds
of the good brethren and arousing the
“dander’’ of the ‘consistent sister’”” ever
since it was decided to put the question
to a general church vote and, conse-
quently, the final outcome is looked for-
ward to with much interest.
The vote of the laiety has been large-
ly in favor of the admission and the
majority of 71,740 will have much sig-
nificance at the next general conference.
The ministerial vote resulted in a ma-
jority of 451 for admission and the pres-
ent indications point to a victory for
the women.
councilmen in
CouNnciL AND ITs
Monday night five
the Council Chamber and {ransacted
the little borough business brought be-
fore them. There being no petitions to
act upon, the water question was taken
up and the Water Committee reported
an enormous waste, occasioned by per-
sons running their hydrauts all night.
The matter was laid before council and
it decided to levy additional taxes upon
all such persons. Rules for the regula-
tions of Police were formulated and
unanimously adopted. The committee
to investigate the character of the new
organization to beknown as the Undine
Hose Co., reported and the company
has had borough recognition. The rou-
tine business of the session having been
transacted the meeting adjourned.
District CONFERENCE.— The Al
toona district conference will be held in
the Methodist church, at Howard, on
Tuesday evening February 16th, and
‘Wednesday, the 17th. Lasting until 4
p. m., on Wednesday. Many interest-
ing questions will be discussed by the
different ministers and laymen who will
be present. The sermon will be preached
by Rev.A. R. Miller, D. D., of Altoona,
at 7:15 on Tuesday evening and per-
sons of all denuminations are cordially
invited to attend.
Committee: Revs. Wm. A. Houck,
Gecrze W. Bouse and N. B. Smith and
Austin Curtin.
LER.—There is a “slick”’tongued
idual heading this way who will try to
sell you twenty-five pounds of coffee at
a ridiculously low price. If you pur-
chase it you will have the satisfaction of
unwrapping a poke of nicely browned
beans over which the wily agent has
poured some essence of coffee.
A Yournrcrn Forcier. —The little
mining town of Scotia was thrown into
a fever of excitement last week when it
became known that J. W. Biddle, Jr.,
a youth of 20 years, had daparted with
his father’s pension check. The boy us-
ually lifted the mail at the postofiice
and on Tuesday, when his father’s quar-
terly payment came he fook it out, but
failed to return home. He boarded a
rain for this place and proceeded to
Joseph Bros. & Co.’s store, where he
gave his name as J. W. Fogelman and
said that he had been working for a
month and a half for = man named J.
W. Biddle, who had just paid him off
with a $36 pension check. The Joseph's
belieying his story, sold him
coat and gave him his balance in cash,
where upon the youngz scamp took a
train and the last heard of him was that
he had reached Eimira, N. Y. It was
evidently a deliberately planned scheme
to steal his father’s check and he has
added forgery to the crime of larceny.
an over-
Pusric Service ExcaaNgi.—Is the
of a handsomely remunerative
business which our boyhood Friend, and
a young Bellefonter, hus built up in
Seattle, Washington. Nearly three
years ago Paul L. Sternberg severed his
connection with the postoffice here and
started to make his fortune in the west,
From time to time we have heard of |
his successes, in different lines, and now 1g
there comes to us a circular announcing |
hig new business and trom the scope |
it includes we infer that Paul has made |
quite a nice thing as proprietor of the |
Public Service bureau, of Seattle. Paul | |
always possessed just that snap and |
judgment which was destined to make
him a man of worth and his carefulness '
and integrity has undoubtedly stood
him in good stead in his new home.
recently vacated by R. R. Voris.
—— Williamsporters are regaining
confidence in the Williamsport National
Bank and deposits are being re-placed,
The city’s deposit of $50,000, which was
withdrawn when the first scare arose,
has been taken back,
———The body of Mrs. Fanny Baney
was brought home, from Atlantic City,
for burial, on Monday morning. She
was the aged mother of Mrs. H. H.
Benner and moved from here just a
week before her death. A large funeral
cortege followed her remains from the
train to the cemetery,
——George Mallory has moved his
.blacksmithing establishment from Wa-
ter street to the old shop on the pike,
It is
like getting back home for George to
return to the shop in which he worked
so many years,and he will continue giv-
ing entire satisfaction to his many pa-
1038 CaLLs.—Monday was the day,
designated by the managers of the tele-
phone company, on which a record of
calls should be kept. Though it was
. an unusually dull day in the exchange
here, the young women had to respond
to ten hundred and thirty-eight drops,
A Miracurous Escare.— While a
Mr. Hamill and family, of Indiana
county, were driving into Punxsu-
tawney in a sled, on Monday morning,
they were besieged on all sides by
school children who climbed into the
vehicle for aride and by the time the
sled and its precious freight reached the
railroad crossing, south side, the passen-
ger train from Horatio was due and
when the team was crossing the track
the train ran into it, smashing the sled
into small pieces and scattering the oc-
cupants right and left. Strange to say
no one was hurt. It was a miraculous
escape for the party as thesled was al-
most crowded with boys and girls. It
gave them all a terrible fright and shak-
ing up.-——News.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00-
Overcoats made to order318.00-19.00-
20 00.
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00~
Leave Your OrpeR Now.
Mo~NrgoMERY & Co., Tailors.
| -
ween es a mT:
Sale Register.
For the benefit of those who contemplate making
Public Sale during the coming season, we wil
keep a register of all sales within the county as
fully as possible, examination of which will be
free to all. Persons having their bills printed
at the WarcuMAN office will secure notice of
sale in this column free of charge.
JAN. 14.—On the Bowers’ farm below Mt. Eagle
at 2 o'clock p. m., all the farm stock and
utensils, household good~ and grain in the
ground, of Henry Lair.
Jax. 18.—At one o'clock, at the Court House,
the valuable farm belonging to the Bloom
estate situated in Ferguson township.
JAN. 22.—O0n the premises, above the State Col-
lege, at two o'clock p. m. a very valuable
piece of farm timber land belonging to the
estate of ''hos. dtrouse.®
Marcu 1st.—On Thos. Reynold’s farm 2 miles
west of Beliefonte, horses, mules, farm stock
farm utensils of ail kinds, and household
goods. Sale at 9 a. m.
Marcu 14.—At the old IIoy Hemestead farm 2
miles east of Bellefonte. Household Goods,
Horses, Coits, Cows, Harness, and Farm Im.
plements Two elegant farms will be
* offered forsale. Sale to commence at 10
a. m.
Marcu 17th.—At the residence of Henry Tib-
bens, three miles below Bellefonte, on the
Jacksonville rc ad, all kinds of farm stock,
implements, household goods, ete.
Maren 26th.—Ac the residence of J. B. Mlitch-
ell, 14 mile west of Pine Grove Mills, Horses,
cows, sheep, all kinds of agricultural imple-
ments, ete.
Bellefonte Grain Jarket.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co.
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
gees to press:
White wheat.........eeeconsrnesensesssirressnersensane 83
Old wheat, per bushel. 88
Red wheat, per bushel 90
Rye, per bushel......... Tl
Corn, ears, per bushel 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel. 50
Odts—new, per bushel 3
Barley, per bushel... 65
Ground Plaster, per to 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel........ivviiiiisseennn 50
Cloverseed, per bushei.. $100 to $6 0C
ME ———————.rYy
Bellefonte Produce Mavkeis.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel 35
Liggs, per dozer £0
Lard, per pou 8
Countr, yhoulde 8
Sides 8
Ham 123%
Laiiow, per pound 4
Butter, per vound 25
The Demos ratic Waitchman.,
Published every Friday morning, mm Selle:
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe. annum. (if paid Strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if. not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent ont of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
If [3m | | 6m n | 1 iy
. One ineh (12 lines
Two inches
Three inches
uarter Colu
Half Column ( 9 inches).
One Column (19 inches)
“Advertisemeats in special i 25 pes
cent. additiona..
| Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, or line.. .
«socal notices, per line..
Business notices, per line.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
| ness and dispatch. The Warcumawn office has
{Reon refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand a
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor,