La Bellefonte, Pa., January 22,1892. To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO cohnanieatiins published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN; & COUNTY Salvini was an Altoona attrac- tion on Wednesday night. William McCafferty, an old resi- dent of the town, died rather suddenly, on Tuesday afternoon. —The mercury in Bellefonte ther- mometers crawled down to 5° below zeroon Wednesday morning. ——The coasting on Monday evening was fine and young America was out with sleds of all sizes and shapes. — A course in mining engineering is one of the additional branches propos- ed for the Pennsylvania State College. ——The Misses Gamble and Sander- son, of Williamsport, spent Sunday at the home of Pres.Judge A. O. Furst’ on Linn street. ——Hardman P. Harris, left on Thursday morning, for a trip to Wash- ington, D. C. He is oft for the benefit of his health, ——Altoona’s mayor, Col. Burchfield, of the 5th Reg, N. G. P., was in town on Saturday to look at Co. B’s new armory. ——The Altoona Chronicle suspend- ed with its last Saturday’s issue. In- ability to give the paper proper care and attention is given as the cause, by the editors. The revival services which are being conducted, in the Methodist church, by Miss Sharpe, the evangelist, are largely attended and good work is being done. : Prof. H. J. Walter, of the Uni- versity of Missouri, is the new occupant of the chair of Agriculture in the facul- ty, at State College. He succeeds Prof. T. F. Hunt, resigned. —— Ad. Fauble, Bellefunte’s popular young clothier, is spending the week in Philadelphia and Baltimore. He at- tended the Patti concert, in the Quaker city, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rankin returned from a pleasant five week’s trip, on Saturday night. While away they visited Washington, Richmond, Va.,and other southern cities. ——Jno. W. Kline, a highly esteem- ed and respected resident of Snow Shoe, died of general debilitation, on Friday night. Deceased was 74 years old and leaves five children to mourn his death. ——Philipsburg physicians are find- ing itdifficult to treat pneumonia pa- tients on account of the irregularity of the steam heat. At night the pressure is allowed to go down and the sufferers contract new colds. The WarcHMAN office is the place to have your sale bills printed. New type, new cuts and artistic work at reasonable prices are the drawing cards, while the Sale Register is a great adver- tisement for your goods. i ——Ex-Commissioner Griest enter- tained a sleighing party, of Bellefonte young folks, on Tuesday evening and they returned highly elated with