Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1892, Image 4

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Demorraic Wada
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., January 22,
Bellefonte Police Regulations.
On Monday evening the Borough
Council distinguished itself by passing
the following resolution :
Resolved, That each policeman be
“required to be on duty twelve hours;
*‘ that they make a circuit of the bor-
“ ough at least once a night; that they
“report at least once a day to the
“ chief burgess ; that said police be in
“the full control of the chief burgess.
“The circuit referred to must be made
“after midnight. Thev must be on
“duty continuously 24 hours-——that is
“each policeman must serve 12 hours
“of the 24 hours.
It was prompted to take some action
in police affairs by the numerous com-
plaints, that have been made receatly,
about insufficient protection to the
residence portions of the town, and in
its endeavor to allay the fears of some
of our timid citizens it entirely ignored,
or failed to see, a far greater and more
important requirement.
Some time ago the Warcasan call-
ed the attention of Mayor REeper to
the condition of our police force and
also asked him to enforce the law
against profanity on the streets. No
heed whatever was taken of the matter
and now since the mayor has asked
the Council to formulate regulations for
police direction we are led to suppose
that he excused himself on the ground
of lack of authority. If the policemen
were made to wear the uniforms, which
have been bought for them, with the
dignity which becomes officers of pub-
lic safety their services would prove
ten times as effective as they do now.
If they were prompt and decisive in
their arrest of the profane and drunken
rowdies, who nightly make our streets
almost impassable and a place for in-
sultto the few women who are com-
pelled to be upon them after dark, they
would find themselves respected by the
law abiding citizens of Bellefonte and
properly feared by the “toughs” who
seem to be running it.
The “dilly-dally’” methods of our
police are laughed at by every one and
the sooner they come to appreciate the
authority reposed in them, by its pro-
per execution, the better it will be for
all concerned. Council should have
instructed them to take effective means
to break up the crowds of swearing,
fighting men who block the side-walks
and make the air blue with their foul
epithets. Let the policeman by his
careful but determined mien, his natty
appearance and prompt action com-
mand that respect and fear which is his
TE ——————
Company B. to the Front.
The many war rumors afloat have
an immense amount of significance to
Bellefonters, in the prospect of the 5th
Regiments’ being called out and, with
it, our own crack Co., B. It is well
known that the National Guard, of
Pennsylvania, is the best organization
of State militia at the disposal of Secre-
tary ELkiNs and he has already issued
acall for the Adjutant General to re-
port all forces available in the event of
war being declared upon Chili.
The 5th Regiment would undoubted
ly be one of the most effective in Penn.
sylvania’s quota and Company B, be-
ing its star company, will be one of the
first called, if 1t becomes necessary to
reinforce the army.
Thesmall standing army of the United
States makes it necessary to add to the
25,000 regulars many of the State
militias and naturally the best organi-
zations will be called upon first.
While there is not much danger of
immediate action the Guard circles are
astir in mustering in recruits and keep-
ng track of all enlisted men. In the
event of an outbreak much interest will
be taken in the relative effectiveness
of the U. S. forces and the various state
organizations involved, and though
much superior work will naturally be
looked for from the former there are
‘many who think that the Guards will
make quite as creditable a showing,
ES ——
Vick’s Floral Guide, 1892.
True and tried friends are always
welcome, consequently **Vick’s Floral
Guide” is sure of a warm reception, es-
pecially when dressed as da'ntily as this
year. The “Nellie Lewis” Carnation
on the front of cover, and “Brilliant
Poppies” on the back, are unusually
attractive, and the numerous colored
plates of flowers and vegetables are cer-
tainly works of art and merit. The
first twenty-four pages, printed in vio
let ink, describe Novelties and Special.
ties. Send ten cents to James Vicx's
Sons, Rochester, N. Y., and procure &
copy of this attractive and useful cata-
logue. It costs nothing as the ten cents
can bededucted from the first order.
——Read the WATCHMAN for political
and general news.
Peparing for the New Election Law.
The Kind of Booths and Guard Rail adopted.
How they are to be procurred and what ihe
estimated cost will be.
From the Harrisburg Patriot.
The commission created by the Baker
ballot law to select suitable polling
booths and other paraphernalia to carry
out the provisions of the law has prac-
tically completed its work. For weeks
the commission has been examing into
the merits and demerits of the various
patterns submitted by manufactures at
the recent exhibition in the supreme
court room and a final meeting was held
yesterday, at which a pattern of a booth
guard rail and ballot box was selected.
Blue prints of each of these patterns, to-
gether with the specifications, are being
made and in a few days will be sent to
each board of county commissioners in
the state.
The county commissioners must pro-
cure booths and guard rails of the same
pattern and style as adopted by the
commission, and within the price pre-
scribed by it, but they are at liberty to
award the contract for these appliances
to whoever they please. After the
booths and guard rails have been pur-
chased the commissioners are authorized
to certify under oath to the auditor gen-
eral the number of each selected snd an
order will then be drawn upon the state
treasury by that official to reimburse
the county for the money thus expended.
The commission has adopted the
style of ballot box manufactured by C.
F. Holdsdon, of New York, which it
will recommend to the county commis-
sioners for adoption. The counties must
furnish the boxes. As it will be neces-
sary to procurs boxes large enough to
hold the blanket ballots to be voted it is
{ likelythat those manufactured by Mr.
Hodsdon will be generally adopted.
The commission has prepared the fol-
lowing specification for a polling booth .
Material to be clear seasoned white pine
number one grade. The divisions s
backs from one and one-fourth in. stuff.
surfaced on all sides, to be made as sep-
arate pannelings and must follow accur-
ately the size and shape shown on draw-
ing, the styles and frames to be monlded
on the solid, framed together and moul-
dings copied; each division and back to
be hinged together by two-inch by four-
inch back flaps; the first or starter booth
and the annexes to be joined by screen
door faste ners,one at top and one at bot-
tom. The plate to be from one-inch
stuff, surfaced on all sides and held in
place by stub and plate on the back and
single bed-fastener at each end, and set
to “slope one-half inch from back to
front. The metal fittings described to
be in malleable iron of sizes and weight
shown on drawing.
The pattern of the gaard rail selected
is similar to that selected by the Buffalo
Portable steel house company, of Buffa-
lo, N, Y. The specifications for this
rail as adopted follows: Floor flanges
are to be made of cast iron containing
five screw holes to be tapped so as to ad-
mit a three-quarter-inch pipe. Standard
to be of three-quarter-inch pipe, thirty-
two inches in length, threads cut on
lower end to enable it to be firmly
screwed into floor of cage. Top to be
one and three-quarter inch iron knob,
containing hole to admit chain or rail,
also top hole to admit setscrew, Stan-
dard to be covered with one coat of
paint. The rail to be non-welded chain
same as described in blue print. Cost
thirty-two cents per linear foot, say fif-
teen feet of chain or rail, with six stan-
dards, two for first three feet of chain
and one standard for each additional
three feet of chain; the whole to cost
$4 80 complete, delivered at county seat.
Mr. Hodsdon agrees to deliver and
furnish the style of ballot boxes selected
by the commission at $3 apiece within
three months after awarding the con-
tract. The commission prescribes that
the boxes shall be made of wood well sea-
soned and kiln dried, and in the best
manner as to workmanship and finish.
The hardware used on the boxes shall
be of malleable iron or steel, either bron-
zed or japanned. The boxes shall be
eighteen inches each way inside meas-
urement and all
The thickness of the wood shell be five-
eights inch strong, Hach box shall be
fitted with one lock with three keys to
each lock. Two handles on sides and
two hinges on corner. The slots in the
cover through which the votes are to
pass shall be six inches long and three-
eighths inch wide bushed with metal.
There shall be a metal cap for closing
the slat. This eap shall be a self-locking
device, sothat when placed in the slot
the cap cannot be removed without un-
locking the box.
The maxium estimated cost of the
main booth has been fixed at $4.75
The annexes of additional compartments
must not cost more than $3.50 each.
The commission estimate that it will re-
quire 5,000 main booths at a total cost
of $23,750, and 20,000 annexes at a total
cost of $70,000 - to- conduct elections ac-
cording to the. provisions; of the law.
Five thousand guard rails will be neces-
sary at a total cost of $24,000.
Breckenridge’s Modesty.
Prrrssure, Jan. 16.—Congressman
Breckinridge, of Lexington, Kiy,,
passed through to-day on his way to
Granville, O., where he lectures to-
night. Concerning his selection as the
orator to open the World's Fair, he
said :
“I think it was a mistake to confer
that honor on me. [nstead of select
ing a Southerner. one who had figured
as a Confederate soldier, they should
have taken a Northern man of National
repute’ not only as a man but as
an orator. Such a man as Blaine, De-
pew or plenty of others who could easi-
ly have been secured.”
Speakirg of the present Congress he
said: “It is going to last until August
on account ofthe many delays. I do
not think Congress, although it is so
largely Democratic will give the Na-
tion any great cause for complaint, but
will be found to be a steady conserva-
tive body. It willalso give the most
effective support it- can to President
Harrison in connection with the Chile-
an trouble, and it will be no fault of the
Democratic Congress if the honor of
the United States 1s notsustained.”
William G. Harrity Was Elected to Fill the
Vacancy in the National Committee Caused by !
the Death of Mr. Scott, Despite Chairman
Brice's Statement that There is No Vacancy to
be Filled — State Convention, Wednesday i
April 13. i
"HARRISBURG, Jun. 20.—The meeting |
of the Democratic state committee was i
held in the board of trade rooms. Ag!
1.15 p. m. Mr. Kerr called the commit- |
tee to order, and at once ordered the call |
read. This was done. Two counties '
were unrepresented, these being Blair |
and Sullivan, and there was a total of
seventy-seven members present.
On motionof Mr. Grier, of Lancaster,
a committe of five was appointel to
consider the contested seats. Messrs.
Coffroth, of Somerset ; O'Brien, of Phil-
adelphia; Bain, of Wa hington; Ful-
mer, of Lycoming, and Kane, of Mont-
gomery, were appointed on the commit-
tee. The committee then retired to con-
sult, and the convention waited.
When the committee on contested
seats returned and reported the real con-
test of the day began. The majority
report signed was against claimants
from Philadelphia, Allegheny and
Schuylkill, because they were barred
out by rule five. In a Carbon contest
the recommendation of the majority re-
port recommended the seating of Cassa-
day. The latter report was adopted.
Donhey was seated for Fulton. This
settled, the committee proceeded to the
election of chairman.
W. Rush Gillan, of Franklin, nomi-
nated Mr. Kerr and J. C. Bane. of
Washington, seconded the nomination,
J.T. Barker, of Union, presented the
name of J. Marshall Wrigkt, it being
seconded by the attorney general. The
first ballot resulted: Kerr, 82; Wright,
45, and the latter was declared elected.
He was escorted to the hall and made a
The chairmanship matter settled, Sen-
ator Hall, of Elk, offered a resolution de-
claring it to be the sense of the commit,
tee that it should now proceed to fill the
vacancy in the national committee,
caused by the death of William IL. Scott.
A substitute was offered by General
Coffrotn, to the effect that the chairman
of the national committee baving certi-
fied that there is no vacancy in the rep- |
resertation from Pennsylvania, it isin ex-
padieat to elect any person at this time
and refer the matter to the Pennsylva-
nia delegation to the next Democratic
national convention. The substitute
was defeated by a vote of 57 to 11, and
the original resolution prevailed, Wil-
liam KF. Harrity, secretary of the com-
monwealth, was then nominated for
member of the national convention and
elected by acclamation. On motion of
Mr. Hensel, Harrisburg was selected as
the place and Wednesday, April 13, is
the time for holding the state conven-
tion. The committee then adjourned.
RR —T————
Hurled From Their Beds.
Lancaster, Ohio, Jan. 18.—The
residence of Judge John S. Brosse, was
destroyed, two churches partially de-
molished and about fitty houses damag-
ed by an explosion of natural gas this
morning. Judge Brosse was thrown
about one hundred teet into the street
car track, where he was afterward
picked up in a dazed condition.
Mrs. Brosse and two daughters and
two sons were in their beds on the
second floor. The sons were hurled
150 feet into the Lutheran church yard,
while the woman was caught by a fall:
ing roof. They were rescued twenty
minutes later in their night clothes, and
were found to be all cut and bruised.
There were four servants who lackily
escaped with only cuts and bruises.
The loss financially will be quite heavy.
Garza’s Gang Broken Up.
BrownNsviLLg, Tex., Jan. 18.—Cap-
tain Brito, with a cow pany of rangers,
returned last night, having been thir-
teen days and nights in the saddle,
scouting theriver banks between Santa
Maria and Rio Grande City, assisted by
Lieutenant Short of the Sixth United
States cavalry. On the night of the
7th inst, he struck a crowd at a place
called Caja. Three shots were fired.
He thinks they were signals. He
scouted the chapparel all night. In
the morning he found a deserted camp,
empty cartridge boxes and old cloth-
ing. He also found thirty men com-
manded by Auston Rolon—the man,
Captain Brito thinks, who commanded
in the fight with Captain Bourke. They
were driven to the Mexican side, where
three of them were captured. Captain
Brito thinks Garza’s gang has been
broken up, as so many troops are in the
field and provisions are so scarce. The
Sixth Mexican cavalry arrived at Rey
nosa onthe 14th,
England's Future Ruler Succumbs to the King
Terrors—Congestion of the Lnngs.
Loxpon, January 20,--Prince Albert
Victor died on Thursday, of congestion
of the lungs as the result of influenza.
Prince Albert Victor Christian Ed-
ward, duke of Clarance and Avondale
was the eldest son of the prince of
Wales and heir presumptive to the
throne of England. He was born Jan.
8, 1864. He was educated a: Trinity
college, Cambridge, and at the univer-
sity of Heidelberg. Befofe entering col-
lege he served two years as a naval cadet |
on the Brittanna, and in 1879 started |
with his brother, Prince George, on a
three years’ voyage around the world
in the warship Bacchante.
After a visit to India he returned to
England, and in 1890 took his seat in
the house of lord’s having been in that
year created duke of Clarence and Avon- |
dale and earl of Athlone. He was maj-
jorof the famous Tenth Hussar regiment |
of which his father, the prince of Wales, |
18 colonel. |
Prince Aibert had been known to his |
associates as “Prince Eddy,” and has
been disrespectfully nicknamed “Collars !
and Cuffs,” because of his careful atten- |
tion to dress, !
Intellectually he had been unfavora- |
bly compared with his younger brother,
Prince George, who was a manly and
popular youth. Prince Alberts pass-
time apart from military life, was the
collection of photographs. He was very
fond of music and was himself a per-
former on the violin.
Most of the stories of the elder brother
concern the younger one as well. Por-
baps the best of them owes its origin to
a ball in some West India town during
their tour of the world. Prince George
was devoting his attention to some pretty
girls present, leaving the official dow-
agers to his elder brother. At last Prince
Albert Victor rebuked him. It wasn’t
proper to behave so ; he should maintain
the credit of the family and dance with
the older ladies, ete. Whereat Prince
George retorted, “Oh, you go into a cor-
ner and sing ‘God save your grand-
mother,’ ” and went on dancing with
the pretty girls.
Prince Albert’s recent betrothal to
his cousin, Princess Victoria Mary of
Teck, is about the only brilliant action
he has been credited with. She is the
only daughter of the dutchess of Teck,
and was born on May 27, 1867. The
dutckess is a sister of the present duke
of Cambridge, and daughter ot the
seventh son of King George III.
A ——————————————y yy
Electrocute Chili.
Edson Has a Novel Plan for Exterminating an
New York, Jan. 17.—Thomas A.
Edison is prepared to whip Chili single-
banded. That is, he can make a ma-
chine that will mow Chileans oft the
face of the earth like wheat stalks fall
before a harvester.
He says water can easily be charged
with electricity enough to kill a man.
His idea is to establish a few fortifica-
tions, put a big dynamo, a water hose
and a dozen men in each of them, and
when the enemy marches up give them
a shower bath mixed with electricity.
Edison thinks he could exterminate an
army as big as that of Xerxes in a few
A Revision ofthe Faith.
Several Important Changes Made in the West-
minster Confession.
New York, Jan. 18.—The General
Assembly Committee on the Revision
of Faith made very good progress in
revising their former revision in ac-
cordance with the recommendation of
the various presbyteries.
The doctrine of infant damnation is
entirely eliminated by the adoption of
the following substitute for Chapter
X11, Section 3, which now reads.
“Infants dying in infancy, and all
other persons who are not guilty of
actual transgressions are tncluded in
the election of grace and ave saved and
regenerated by Christ through the
spirit who worketh when and where
and how he pleas¢th. So also are all
other elect persons who are not out-
wardly called by the ministry of the
The seventh section of Chapter 18
was made to read as follows :
“Works done by unregenerate men,
although they may be things which
God commands and of good use both
to themselves and to others, and al-
though the neglect of such things is
awful and displeasing to God ; yet be-
cause they proceed not from a heart
purified by faith, nor are done in a
right manner, according to the word,
or to a right end, the glory of God ;
and do not meet the requirements of
this divine law. Thence they cannot
be pleaded as a ground of acceptance
with God.”
Chapter 23, Section 4, reads as fol-
lows; “Prayer is to be made for things
lawful and for all sorts of men living
or thatshall live hereafter; but not for
the dead.”
The committee on Section 5, of
Chapter 4, which treats (of preterition
brought in their report to-day. Aftera
long and vigorous discussion the fol-
lowing words were adopted to express
the future doctrine ot the Presbyterian
Church :
“The rest of mankind God saw fit,
according to the uusearchable counsel
ot His will whereby He extendeth or
with holdeth mercy as He pleaseth,
not to elect unto eternal life, and them
both He ordained to dishonor and
wrath for their sins to the praise of his
glorious justice. Yet hath he no pleas
ure in the death of the wicked nor is it
his decree, but the wickedness of their
own hearts which restraineth and hin-
dreth them from accepting his grace
made in the Gospel.”
Cardinal Manning Dead.
Cardinal Manning, one of the most
noted Cardinals in all Europe, died on
Thursday, of pneumonia, at London.
The body still lies in state at West-
minster. Since noon on Saturday the
public has been allowed to gaze upon
the face of the dead prince of the
church and thousands have availed
themselves of the opportunity to take
their last look on the face of him who
has done 80 much to better their condi-
tion, both spiritual and temporal. The
body will be removed privately after
nightfall to the oratory where 1t will
lie in state to-morrow. The tuneral
services were held yesterday.
Has Been Sleeping Over a Year.
WILKESBARRE, Jan. 18.—At the re-
treat poor house near this city. is a
Polander named John Mica, who has
been sleeping for thirteen months and
shows no signs of waking up. He
was taken there from the Wilkesbarre
city hospital about fourteen months
ago. The sleeper opens his eyes oc
casionally to take a little nourishment
and immediately draws his head under
the covers and falls into a comatose
condition. The case has not been ex-
Walt Whitman Almost Recovered.
PrivapepraIs, Jan. 18.—Walt
Whitman has almost recovered from
his attack of pneumonia. He is able
to sit up in bed and read the newspa-
pers, and has become so cheerful that
he expresses a desire to live.
The Presiden:’s Message
town Ordered Away—The State Ministers to
be Called Upon if War is Declared—Many |
Retired Officers Asking for Service.
The two foreign committees of con-
gress, and senators and representatives |
generally, are very impatient at the de-
lay in transmission of the president’s
message, accompanied by the correspon-
dence on the Chilian question.
The repeated insolence of these peo-
ple absorbs the greater share of the at- i
tention of the members of both houses
of congress, and they are ready to act |
promptly and effectually whenever the |
president lays the matter formerly before
| them.
The president is anxious to give the
Chilian government the benefit of any
delays here, in order to enable him to
reply to the moss recent dispatches relat-
ing to Captain Schley’s investigation of |
the American side of the outrages on
the sailors of the Baltimore.
It appears that the Chilian minister,
Montt, has given an assurance to Secre- |
tary Blaine that his government will
make a response to the United States in
a reasonable time which will be satisfac- |
few days the president will transmit his
special message to congress.
The Chilian minister was at the de-
partment early to-day, but he was in-
formed that the secretary was at his
Thither the minister went, but Mr:
Blaine not feeling at all well, the con
ference was very brief.
It is understood he received a dis-
patch from his home government to the
effect that the reply would be forwarded |
without delay .
The minister anticipates an answer
which will be favorably received and
which he thinks will lead to a favorable
solution, but the presidentand secretary
Blaine have had so many such molify-
ing assurances that they have made up
their minds to be ready to send in the
special message at once and not permit
any relaxing of the energetic prepara-
tions now going on in ths naval and
war departments.
The president 1s so determined to
bring this ‘question to a conclusion ai
the earliest moment that he declined to
receive any callers to day and devoted
his entire time to the completion of his
special message.
But above all, the greatest activity
has prevailed for some time in the bu-
reau of naval intelligence, the agents of
which are said to have been at work on
a plan of a possible campaign, beside
collecting all imaginable information
from abroad.
It is through this bureau that the sec-
retary has kept himself thoroughly in-
formed on the movement of the agents
of Chili, who it is rumored have for
some have been ransacking Furope for
war material.
One of the most significant features of
the present situation is the eagerness
with which retired army and navy offi-
cers are applying for active duty. A
great number of navy officiais have
what are known as “soft berths” in the
department as chiefs of bureaus. Al-
most to a man these have applied or a
tran: fer to active service. Commodore
Folger, the efficient chief of the ordi-
nance bureau, applied several days ago
for the command of the coast defence ves-
sel Monterey, soon to be put in commis-
sion at San Francisco: :
There is much talk about the bill in
congress to remove the disability of ex-
confederates to hold office in the army
and navy, and if war is declared there
is little doubt but that the measure will
be adopted with a rush.
The cruiser Baltimore, which has
been undergoing repairs, at the Mare
‘Island navy yard, in San Francisco, left
on Wednesday with orders to steam di-
rect to Callao. Wonderful activity is
noted at all the points along the coast
and special preparations for defence are
being made everywhere.
The Mohican, a wooden vessel, has
been ordered to fit out for Panama, and
she will probably leave in a few days.
All of the available war ships and mon-
itors are being overhauled and equipped
for work.
At the Gray’s Ferry Arsenal and the
Frankford Arsenal the activity is even
more marked than in Captain Kirk- |
land’s domain. At the former, work
on the clothing for the army and navy
is being pushed rapidly, and at the lat-
ter the foundry and rolling mills, which
have been inactive for twenty years are
being put in working order. The en-
gines are being overhauled and the
sets of cartridge loading machines will
soon be put in. Experiments have been
going on at the arsenal for som.e time in
the manufacture of the Shrapnel shell.
The government recruiting stations
and the most inactive of all the branches
of army and navy department. The
officers say they have received no orders
and are making no unusual efforts to se-
cure recruits. | !
If the State militias are called upon
they can furnish 100,000 armed men in
forty-eight hours, but it is thought their
service will not be needed.
Yesterday the talk about Washington
seemed far more peaceful than for some '
time and, though Secretary Tracy
thought there would be war, others were
expecting a satisfactory settlement of the
The Pope is IIL
Rome, Jan. 19.—(Evening.)—It has
just been announced that the Pope is
suffering from an atiack of influenza.
The report has caueed considerable ap-
prehension owing to the extreme age
of His Holiness, hut Dr. Cecearelli, his
private physician, says there is no im-
mediate cause for anxiety.
ee ———
Rudyard Kipling Married.
LoxpoN, January 19.—Rudy Kip-
ling, the well-known story writer, wag
married yesterday to Miss Balestier, sis-
ter of the young American novelist,
Wolcott Balestier, who died recently
at Dresden from typhoid fever.
——Fine job work of ever discription
at the Warcaman Office.
Witheld —The York |
The delay has been based on this as
surance but, if not forthcoming within a
—— EEE
The Commissioners’ Attorneys’ Instruc-
tions in Relation to the Election of
| In answer to the question you have referred
to me relating to the election of Assessors in the
several Townships and Boroughsand election
districts in the county, I would say: That
| by the first Section of the Act oi the 14th of
February, 188), the electors in each Township
and Borough were,on the 3rd Tuesday of Feb,
i of that year, to elect one properly qualifled
person for Assessor in each district to serve
for three years.
The 3rd Section of this Aect provided that
when any borough has been or shall be divig-
ed into wards, or any towaship shall be divid.
ed into election districts the voters in each of
such wards and in each of such election dis-
tricts, shall severally elact at the time afore-
said (3rd Tuesday of Feb. 1889) a properly
| qualified person as Assessor for said ward or
election district who shall serve for three
| years.
| The legislature by an Act approved the Sth
of May 1889 undertook to amend and explain
the Act of 14th of Feb. 1889 and it succeeded in
| making the first Act more difficult to under-
! stand than ever.
By the Act of May 8th, 1889, the 2nd Section
i of the Act of Feb. 14th, 1889, was repealed so
far as it related tc the election of an Assessor
in each of the election - districts in townships
containing more than one election district,
| but let it stand so far as it related to boroughs.
Under these two Acts of Assembly the law
relating to Assessors as it now stands provides
that one person shall be elected Assessor in
. each township who shall serve for three years
and one person in each ward of boroughs
which; have been or shall be divided into wards,
and these officers were to perform all duties of
Assessors as well those relating to elections as
to the valuation of property.
By an Act of Assembly approved the 16th
Day of June 1891 it is provided that the voters
of every election district in boroughs and
townships wherein more than one election dis-
trict is authorized, and where but one Asses-
sor for valuation of taxable property resides in
the borough or township having more than
one election district, shall on the third Tues-
day of Feb. A. D. 1892, and annually thereafs
ter, elect a properly qualified person for assis-
tant Assessor in each of said election distric
who shall perform all duties relating to elec
tions now required to be performed by Asses.
sors in boroughs and townships having but one
election district.
These several Acts applied to the boroughs
and townships in the connty lead to this con-
1. That in boroughs like Bellefonte and Phil-
ipsburg, the electors shall elect one properly
qualified person for Assessor in each ward,who
shall serve for three years, and who shall per-
form all duties of Assessors relating to the val-
uation of property and elections.
| 2 Thatin all of the townships as well in
those which are divided into two or more elec.
tion districts as those that are not, the electors
shall elect one qualified person for Assessor
who shall serve for three years, and a properly
qualified person for assistant Assessor in each
election district, in the townships containing
two or more election districts, who shall serve
for one year and perform all duties of Assessor
relating to elections.
Spring and Boggs townships each of which
contains three election districts would there.
fore elect one person Assessor to serve for
three years, and one person for assistant As-
sessor in each of the election districts to serve
for one year.
In all other townships like Ferguson, Potter,
Gregg, Haines, &c., containing two election
districts one person must be elected Assessor
to serve for three years and one person in each
of the election districts for assistant Assessor
i to serve for one year.
In all townships containing one election dis-
trict one person must be elected Assessor to
| serve for three years who performs the duties
of Assessors relating to the valuation of prop
erty as well as elections.
The assistant Assessors provided for in the
| Act of 16th of June, 1891, have nothing to do
| with the assessment and valuation of property.
Their duties relate to the elections.
Very Respectfully,
Davip F. Fortney,
Te coe SREB 4 rR
Pine Grove Mentions.
The long looked for snow has come at last
and we wish to remind the ladies that this is
leap year and they should take the opportuni=
ty to secure their best fellow for the sleighing,
and thereby relieve themselves of a long-felt
Mr. W. R. Wolf, one of Huntingdon county’s
stalwart Democrats, spent aday in our town
recently as the quest of W. J. Meyers.
Dr. L. C. Thomas, of Westmoreland county,
where he has a lucrative practice, was in atten-
dance af his grandmother's funeral. :
Mr. Daniel Dreiblebis recently purchased
the Jacob Weaver farm, thus becoming the
owner of the entire Weaver estate, near our
|. Mr. Jacob N. Everts was the lucky fellow
| who held the number that entitled him to the
elegant gold watch recently chanced off for
he benefit of Mr. Russel Port, who recently
{®eturned from a Philadelphia hospital. Mr,
| Evert’s immediately presented the watch to
i young Port for which he is certainly to be
| commended.
Secarcely had the sound of the clods die dout,
‘which hid Jonathan Musser {rom all earthly
view, when the death of one of natures noble
women Mrs. Naney Thomas, relic of Elias
Thomas, deceased, was announced at the old
Patton home on the 16 inst., of asthmatic
trouble. In her death the Presbyterian church
of this place, has lost its oldest, member hav-
ing been born in the home in which she died
she gave all her useful life to the community
. and was always in attendance at the church
service, Sabbath school, Missionary and Tem-
perance societies, and prayer meetings. Mani-
festing her christian character. In 1832 she
married Elias Thomas and, two years later,
: they were separated by death leaving her with
a babe. By theaid of the Patton family the
! boy was educated and afterwards known to
many of the WarcumaN's readers as Prof. J. E.
' Thomae, for many years A, M. of the Pine
Grove Academy. The will of her father Squire
John Patton provided a home in case of adver-
sity to all of his family and we believe all but
one died their; the deceased being the last of
four sister and five brothers to pass away. Her
sisters were Margaret, Mrs. John Brett and
Mary Ann Mason. Her brothers were Robert,
James, John, Samuel and Thomas Ferguson
| Patton.
| Her remains were interred in the Pine Grove
| cemetery on the 18th inst. Her pastor Rev.
George Elliott assisted by Revs. Oliver, Kuhn
and Aikens joined in paying the last tribute
to one who was always near in time of afflic-
tion and sorrow and a temple of everything
that was good. We can never forget her many
admonitions and acts of kindness.
| She was born in 1809 and unto the last pos-
sessed a most retentive memory of events and
could well remember when there was but sev-
eral houses in our town,