Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 15, 1892, Image 8

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    tic Alafia
Bellefonte, Pa., January 15, 1892.
To CorrRESPONDENTS. — NO communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——Two run-a-ways were interesting
sights to early pedesirians, on High
street, on Saturday morning.
——Dr, E. W. Hale, of this place, is
said to be dying in southern France,
whither he had gone for his health.
——Miss Hannah Hamilton, of Wil-
loughbank street, recently visited her
friend Blanche Waddle,in Jersey Shore.
——Altoona street cars carried 750,
332 passengers during 1891 and they ran
411,210 miles while they were doing it.
Estelle Edmiston and Hattie
Holmes, two Milesburg young women,
have entered Pott’s school of stenogra-
phy, at Williamsport.
——Dr. Hafer made a full set of teeth
forold Mrs, Sullivan and, though the
lady has passed her 76th year,they were
a source of great satisfaction to her
——Tyrone had two failure’s last
weck, precipitated by the suspension of
one of her banks. A furniture and a
millinery store were forced to'close their
——The next opera house attraction
will be “The New Boy Tramp’ present-
ed by Edgar Selden and a strong sup-
porting company, It is booked for
Monday evening, January 25th. -,
——Gray’s store at Philipsburg has
found advertisements, printed in the
Hungarian language, profitable and
dodgers are continually kept flying
among the Huns. to good advantage.
—— On Monday morning Lock] Ha-
ven ice-men were congratulating #hem-
selves, on the five inch ice which Sover-
ed the river, but the afternoon’s thaw
soon pricked their bubble and their
hopes too.
——Sheriff Everhart, of Clinton/coun-
ty, passed through town on the express,
Tuesday morning, enroute for Pittsburg.
He had five prisoners in charge and was
taking them to serve sentences in the
western penitentiary.
——If we should make mention in
this issue of all the persons, in Belle-
fonte and vicinity, who are either suf-
fering with the grip or recovering from
an attack of it, there would not even be
room for advertisements.
—Robert Gordon, a Williamspory,
colored man, made the horrible discov-
ery, when returned from work early
Monday morning, that his wife was
burned to a crisp. The lamp had ex-
ploded with fatal results.
——“Florida on wheels,” a rolling
exposition from the land of flowers, at-
tracted many people to the railroad dur-
ing tho fore part of the week. Many
things of interest were to be seen in the
car, and for ten cents one had a trip all
through Florida.
——On Wednesday of last week the
Clearfield Republican, that staunch old
democratic journal, over the mountain,
rounded up 1ts 65th year and, just a day
later, the Centre Hall Reporter had
scored off three score and five.
——Mr. W. I. Fleming, of this place,
according to the Standard, very ably
filled the position of installing officer at
the ceremonies held by Coalport Lodge,
No. 574, F and A. M. It takes Belle-
fonters to make handsome and accep-
table officials.
——Hoover, Hughes & Co., of Phil-
ipsburg, have succeeded in getting the
contract for the large glass works, at
Kensington, the new boomed town, on
the Allegheny river, above Pittsburg.
One of the buildings will be 750 x 150
and it will take 1,395 skilled workmen
to operate the plant besides all the other
—— Last week the Centre Hall Re-
porter appeared in a neat, new dress and
greeted its patrons, on the first morning
of its 65th year in a highly improved
condition. The Repcrter is a live, en-
ergetic country weakly and is certainly a
credit to the town in which it is publish-
ed. It is but one year younger than the
Millheim Journal, the oldest paper in
the county.
——The committee appointed to hold
8 post mortem on the body of George
Weaver's infant; the mysterious death
ot which caused many unsavory rumors
to be floated about the county, perform-
ed its duty on Wednesday of last week,
but the report was filed too late for our
issue of the 8th. No evidence whatever
of mal-treatment, was found and the
unfortunate parent is thus cleared of
the terrible charges imputed to him.
——The new Presbyterian church, at
Milesburg, was opened, on Sunday, un-
der very favorable auspices, Many peo-
ple were present to join in the services,
incident to the opening of the hand-
some little brick structure for religious
weorship,and the services were entertain-
ing as well as beneficial. It is not defi-
nitely known when the church will be
dedicated, but the time for its consecre-
tion to God is thought to be not far in
the future.
—The prophesy “a green christmas
makes a fat grave yard” seems to be
only too true with this season, and
scarcely ‘a day passes that we do not
hear of seme one or more sad deaths.
Mark Williams, one of the oldest resi-
dents of the county, died, in his eighty-
seventy year, at his home near Axe
Mann, on Jan. 5th. His death removes
from that community a man whose hon-
orable, and upright life set a beautiful
example for all those with whom he
came in contact. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Leidy, pastor of
the Methodist church at Pleasant Gap,
on Thursday morning of last week and
a large concourse of mourners held re-
quiem over the remains of the departed.
For sixty years he had been a consistent
member of the Baptist church. Inter-
ment was made in Union cemetery, in
this place.
* n #
Mrs. Rachel P. Krise, of Roland, died
while attending the illness of her daugh-
ter Mrs. Jas. Nolan, on Howard street,
this place, on Friday last. Deceased
was 69 years old and died of pneumonia.
One son and four daughters mourn her
sudden demise. Interment was made at
Roland, on Sunday. .
* *
On Saturday James Hamilton,a broth-
er of Thad Hamilton of this place, died
at his home in Driftwood and was
brought here for burial, on Tuesday.
His aged mother lives at No. 24 east
Howard street and the death of so prom-
ising a son was a sorrowful blow to her.
Bellefonte was visited by the dark
messenger, on Sunday evening, and the
spirit of Mrs. Keenan, relict of Patrick
Keenan, was wafted to its eternal home.
Deceased was a consistent member of
the Catholic church and had lived most
of her seventy-eight years in this place.
The funeral was held from the home of
her son-in-law, Mr. John Powers, on
north Spring street, on Wednesday
SY *
Old Mr. Abraham Hicks, one of the
most venerable and respected residents
of Patton township, died, in his 72nd
year, at his home, at Scotia, on Sunday.
His death was superinduced by an acci-
dent which betell him several years ago
and was very unexpected. Mr, Hicks
was on of the old school of gentlemen.
Obliging to a fault and every solicituous
for the welfare of his friends. A wife
and several married children survive
Mrs. Elizabeth Murray a very old
lady who lived along the Buffalo Run
road, just below Matternville, died on
Sunday also,and her death removes from
that community one of its oldest women.
Her husband Mr. Peter Murray died
nearly thirty years ago and two daugh-
ters, Misses Catharine and Mary, mourn
the loss of their tender hearted and lov-
ing old mother.
The bright little son of Mr. A. L.
Bennett, of Scotia, died early on Sunday
——J. M. Thompson Esq., of State
College, was in town on Thursday and
dropped in to see us. He is doing a
nice real estate and fire insurance busi-
ness at the College and has his office in
the Buck building, on College avenue,
—— Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson,
who lately moved from Bellefonte to Snow
Shoe Intersection, are one of the oldest
married couples in this county. Mr.
Robinson will be eighty four years old
the 10th of next month, and his wife,
who was Miss Mary Glenn, is seventy-
eight. They are both as active as the
average man of sixty. Mr. Robinson
thinks nothing of a walk four or five
miles in an afternoon while just two
weeks ago he made two splint brooms
for his daughter. “Aunt Mary” has
not time to think of growing old with
her knitting, housework and visiting
the sick. :
——The Nebraska State Journal,
published an extra edition in the inter-
est of educational advantages in and
about the city of Lincoln,and contains a
pleasing notice of the Rev. Mr. Hewitt,
tormerly rector of the Episcopal church
in this place,who is rated as one of the
foremost educators of that prosperous
city of 60,000 inhabitants. Mr. Hewitt
has not only been instrumental in build-
ing up one of the most prominent
churches in the state of his adoption ;
but has undertaken and succeeded in es-
tablishing a Military Academy that is
the only classical and commercial pre-
paratory school under military dicipline
in the Missouri Valley. Trinity Hall
is beautifully situated on a slight eleva-
tion,north of the city,and while it is un-
der the patronage of the Episcopal
church of Nebraska, it is owned and
controlled by Mr. Hewitt’s Parish, Holy
Trinity. The building itself would be
an ornament to any town. East or
west, and the ain: and purpose of pro-
Jectors are such that Lincoln, the city of
schools, can well be proud of its latest
addition to the cause of higher educa-
tion. Mr. Hewitt has the best wishes
of many friends in this community, who
hope that success and health may be
with him in his wider work.
A SAD AcCIDENT.—One of the daily
papers last week made the statement
that more men had lost their lives, dur-
ing the year of '91, on the railroads of
the United States, than on the battle-
field of Gettysburg, and from the num-
curred in this community recently,
we truly believe that the paper has
in no wise exaggerated facts. On
Tuesday evening the people of this place
were shocked to bear of the terrible ac-
cident at Centre Hall, which resulted in
the instant death of B. Frank Cocper,
the-conductor of the freight train, which
rans between Sunbury and Bellefonte.
It seems that a stock car had to be left
on a siding near the station, and ccn-
ductor Cooper called to Dan Cowher,
the brakeman, not to come out in the
cold, that he (Cooper) was obliged to te
there and he would do the work, as
there was no use in both of them being
out in therain, It was drizzling and
freezing as it tell, and as Mr. Cooper
reached to uncouple the cars his foot
slipped and he fell across the rail.
Seven cars passed over him before the
train could be stopped. His lower
limbs were terribly mangled but his
head and body were not bruised. One
of the trainmen who hastened to him,
heard him murmur “Lord have mercy
on my soul,” but death was almost in-
stantaneous. Everyone speaks in the
highest terms of Mr, Cooper, and his
crew all feel that they have lost their
kindest friend, We heard one of them
say yesterday that he was the truest
man and most perfect gentleman he had
ever met. He was about 39 years old
and a devoted member of the Lutheran
church. He leaves a wife, who is just
recovering from a severe illness, and a
little daughter about thirteen years old.
A singular fact to be considered is that
his father and two brothers also met
very sudden deaths and that the four
widows are now neighbors at Sunbury.
newly organized company to operate
the lines of the Bellefonte, Buffalo Run,
and Bald Eagle Valley Railroad com-
pany has elected Robert Frazer, of
Philadelphia, to succeed John Riley to
the presidency and the road will hereaf-
ter be known as the Bellefonte Central.
teen continued as superintendent of the
road and his election is a fitting testi-
monial to the careful and judicious man-
ner in which ke has directed the road
sinceits completion. It isthought that
the branch from Krumrine’s to State Col-
lege will be built in thespring and that
will give the new company control of a
large freight trade, as well as a greatly
increased passenger traffic.
——A SAFE Gers Away.— While
Ed. K. Rhoades’ gang of men were
moving the safe from the second to the
first floor of the Daily News office, on
Wednesday morning, the tackle fasten-
ings gave way and the ponderous iron
box went to the bottom with a crash
that was heard all over this end of town.
The stairs were badly smashed up and
the hall door-way all jammed to splin-
ters. If the opening had been just a
little wider the safe would .have rolled
clear out into the street, but, as it was,
pieces of broken plank flew in every
direction ; one of them almost striking
Mrs. J. A. Aikens, who happened to be
passing at the time. From the move
the safe had on one would think it was
starting for Canada, without its cashier.
The accident was wonderful in more
ways than one, and not the least, that
it brought to light the fact that one
newspaper office, at least, requires a
safe place for its valuables.
——Mr. Charly Richards has been
seriously ill for over a week, {the result
of a cold taken after a severe case of the
——Miss Lillian Barrett, one of the
obliging young ladies in the telephone
exchange, has been on the sick list for
several days.
——Roland Curtin, the eldest son of
Gen. Irvin Curtin, is an aspirant for na-
val honors and hopes to get the appoint-
ment to the vacancy caused by Andrew
Cruse’s dismissal from the United States
Naval Academy, #1 Annapolis.
—— Miss Sharp,the sweet voiced evan-
gelist, who is conducting. in the Meth-
odist church in this place, the series of
afternoon and evening meetings that
haveso helped and benefited everyone
who has attended, is a native of New
Jersey, but a resident of Philadelphia.
Miss Sharp 1s an earnest worker and no
one can hear her and not be touched by
her enthusiasm.
Kinney, alias Edwards,of Bellefonte, was
arrested by Patrolman Spotts and taken
before Alderman Jones yesterday after-
noon, on the charge of larceny, preferred
by George W. Clayberger. The prose-
cutor alleges that on January 5th, the
defendant stole a pair of shoes from him
which were valued at $5. In default of
$100 bail defendant was committed to
jail for a hearing this evening at 7
o’clock.— Williams yort Gazette and
Bulletin, Jan, 14.
ber of frightful accidents that have oc- |
Thos. A, Shoemaker, of this place, has |
Academy is fast growing in popularity
and since the buildings have been re-
modeled the number of its students
greatly augumented,
Hughes, its priacipal, is adding new in-
structors and doing every thing in his
power to make the institution a thor-
preparatory school. The corps of in-
structors now numbers six. A special
course which he has just been added is an
excellent practical business branch, which
embraces penmanship, arithmetic, and
all necessary business qualifications.
The services of an able professor in pen-
manship have been secured, tor instruc-
tion in this department, and every in-
ducement is held out for those desiring
[8 strictly practical education in this
boys and girls in this community going
away to Business Colleges for we have
one ourselves now, where students cap
get the benefit of the best instructors and
still be under the home influences. Spe-
cial arrangements are made for students
living out of town and the schedules are
made to suit all trains coming in the
morning and going in the afternoon.
A GREAT “Scoop” or Huns.—On
Sunday night the Hungarian contingent
of our population held a jollification
over the advent of twin boys, to one of
their households, and the residents of
north Allegheny street were treated to
the sight of a regular old time embrog-
lio. The father of the ‘‘bloomin” ba-
bies thought to celebrate their birth by
inviting his friends to a grand party, at
his home, and had provided enough
whiskey and beer for them all to fill up
on. All day on Sunday the guests were
arriving, and by four in the afternoon
they had gotten so full that a free fight
was inevitable. The citizens of the
community became alarmed, for their
own welfare,and notified the police, and
chief Gares with a posse of officers were
promptly upon the scene. Nineteen
drunken Hungarians were dragged from
the house aud loaded on a sled, which
was waiting at the door,and, before they
had time to realize what was going on,
they were dumped out atthe the jail
and soon locked up.
Sheriff Ishler deputized every one he
saw about the place and not much dif-
| ficulty was experienced in making the
On Monday afternoon the rioters had
a hearing and after payirg five dollars
each were discharged. The fellow who
furnished the rum was held for court and
he will have ample time to reflect on his
twins while rusticating with the sheriff.
-—Some time last fall a “Red Letter”
day was inaugurated, in Bellefonte,and
all of the mail boxes throughout the
town were changed from their somber
green colors to a bright red. Just
whether the new color was an improve-
ment we are not ‘concerned in saying,
but when Capt Williams’ force of
painters daubed the boxes they covered
up a very essential little direction as to
how letters were to be placed in the
“drop.”” On the edge of each ‘‘drop,”
painted in yellow, were the words:
#Put the letter in side ways” and when
the change of color was made this direc-
tion was not replaced. Accordingly
many persons, not accustomed to the use
of the mail boxes, and not knowing how
to place their parcels in them, are great-
ly inconvenienced by the absence of the
direction. And we have even seen peo-
ple wulk away after vainly trying sever-
al moments to get a letter in.
THE CriNics ARE FREE.—In last
week’s issue of the WATCHMAN we gave
an account of the course in veterinary
surgery, which has lately been inaugura-
ted at State College, and of the clinics
which will be held every Saturday morn-
ing. We now take pleasure in an-
nouncing to our readers that these opera-
tions upon sick and diseased animals
are public and everyone who desires to
see the manner in which the various
diseases are treated can do so without
any charge whatever. This is a rare
opportunity for people of this commu-
nity to study the most improved meth-
ods of veterinary surgery, and all stock
owners should avail themselves of the
advantage offered by the college.
day evening saw a new fraternity, for
State College, incepted and the budding
Greeks banqueted at the Bush House.
The new organization will be known
as the State College chapter of Kappa
Sigma, a southern college secret society
which is quite well known in the hel-
lenic world. The charter members of
the new organization are : M. F.Swartz,
M. S. McDcewell, A. G. Guyer, W. B.
Waite, W. P, Rothrock and Hugh Tay-
lor all students at the college. Messrs
Carr, Hibbert, Lippincott and Speak-
man, of Swarthmore, were here to found
the chapter.
MARRIAGE Licenses. —The marriage
business, at the Court House, has been
very poor within the last few days, only
two licenses having been issued during
the week. . :
Jacob White, Karthause, Pa., and
Alice Force, of Burnside township.
Jacob Jury and Gertrude Bartlett,
| both of Bellefonte.
For EpucarioN.— The Bellefonte
Rev. J. PB.
ough finishing, as well as a first class |
There is no longer any reed for |
Ex-county Treasurer Cyrus Goss
left for Philadelphia, on Wednesday
morning. 3
Mr. Martin Grove, aged 83 years,
and one of Harris townships oldest resi-
dents died, at Boalsburg, on Thursday
' night of last week,
| ——The largest assortment of type
"and cuts for sale bills is to be found at
‘the WATCHMAN office. Have your
bills printed here.
—H. H. Benner and H. C. Baney
have hoth bid adieu to Bellefonte friends,
and associations, and gone to reside, at
Atlantic City, New Jersey.
John Schuchman, a german resi-
dent of Philipsburg, having become in-
sane,was taken to the University Hospi-
I t=1, at Philadelphia, on Monday.
—- A Hebrew patient named Wein-
stein, at the Cottage Hospital, in Phil-
ipsburg, who was run over by the cars,
! at Curwensville, has had an arm and a
| leg amputated,
—=- Joseph R. Mann, of Mill Hall,
was in town, on Tuesday, looking over
available sights for an axe and edge tool
factory. A number of our manufactur-
ers were entertaining him.
—If you want sale bills, that will
make everything you have go like hot
cakes, get them at this office. Our Sale
Register is a great advertisement and it
is filling up. Come in early and secure
your date,
—— Our ‘devil’ is sick and we have
heard that he is woefully afraid of dy-
ing. He has a corner on hades in the
‘WaTcHMAN office, but he is not so san-
guine as to how he would make out in
the original place.
——We are sorry to record the fact
of Mrs. Jos. Ceader’s serious illness, with
billious pneumonia. On Tuesday very
little hope for her recovery was enter-
tained, but during the afternoon she ral-
lied and is now slowly improving.
——The new secretary for the Y. M.
C. A. bas written that he will be here
promptly on the 1st of February. It is
to be hoped that his advent will [infuse
new life into the old organization and
make it a means of doing much good in
our midst.
——Mr. Charles Pierce, of Oregon,
departed on Thursday afternoon, after
spending a pleasant week with his friends
in this place. About five years ago he
was a law student with Orvis, Bower &
Orvis, but a tempting offer from sa
large lumber firm induced him to give
up his Blackstone and go west. This
was his first visit since leaving Belle-
fonte and of a certainty it was a pleas-
ant one.
At the annual meeting of the
Presbyterian congregation, of this place
held on Tuesday evening, the treasurer
presented his statement for 1891 show-
ing a total indebtedness of $313.48. Tke
expenditures for the year amounted to
$2990.08. Subscriptions $2976.55. Chas.
F. Cooke and Jno. C, Miller were re-
elected to the board of Trustees for the
ensuing term of three years.
——A most successful and instructive
musical convention came to a close, at
Curtin’s Works, on Saturday evening
last. Prof. P. H. Meyer, of Boalsburg,
had it in conduct and everyone was de-
lighted with its result. The final grand
concert was an unusually good one and
Miss Laura Johnston, of Jacksonville,
elicited many compliments for her skill-
ful work at the organ while, Miss Josie
Karstetter, of Logantown, captivated
the audience with her sweet soprano
—— Bellefonte will soon lose one of
ber best and most energetic residents.
R. R. Voris, of south Spring street, has
decided to give up his business here to
go with his brother, in the wallpaper
business, in Scranton. Mr. Voris’ de-
termination has been very suddenly
made and he will sell his property here,
leaving within two weeks. While we
are sorry to lose him we know it must
be an advantageous move, or he would
not make 1t,and we therefore wish him
much success in his new line. Musical
circles, in town, will greatly miss his
wonderful bass voice.
——We have thus far neglected men-
tioning the change in the make up of the
Penns Valley Banking Company which
was brought about on Jan. 1st. With
the end of 1891 Messrs Wm. Wolf, of
Centre Hall, Daniel Hess, of Linden
Hall and Gen. Beaver, of this place, re-
tired and were succeeded by the Allison
Bros., Wm. B. Mingle, Jas. A. Keller
and Simon Harper, who will in the fu-
! ture direct the business of the bank.
| Mr. Harper is president of the new
company and Wm. B. Mingle its cash-
ier. All the gentlemen are men of
{ known integrity and sound judgment
| and the institution will be a very sub-
stantial one with such persons back-
ing 1t.
——Get your job work done at the
{ WATCHMAN office.
——One of Snow Shoe’s active Demo-
crats and reliable citizens, Mr. W. P-
Brown, spent Monday last in Bellefonte,
visiting old friends and attending to
business. Mr. now a resident of
Clarence, where he proposes opening a
hotel, provided the Court will grant
him license. Itis the general impres-
sion among his neighbors, that that
privilege could not be placed in more
careful hands.
last issue of the American Field devotes
two pages to the wonderful skill of Mr.
C. K. Sober, of Lewisburg, as a marks-
man. It gives his history, and a full
page cut illustration of the many diffi-
cult feats he performs with his shot gun. *
Mr. Sober has been giving public exhi-
bitions throughout the country, for some
time, and his performances have been
exciting universal wonder and interest,
fonte Republican and Daily News have
gone from the control of E. P. Tuten
and Charles L Gates and are now pub-
lished by the firm of Beers & Dillon.
Just what the new proprietors propose
doing with the two papers we are at a
loss to know, but from appearances we
judge that they have marked out a de-
cided line of improvement in both
“sheets.” Within the week the Daily
News has come‘out in a decidedly clean-
er form, than we have seen it for a long
time, and its grist of local happenings
has been replete with all items of inter-
est to readers in this community. We
wish the new firm success in their jour-
nalistic career in this section.
Pomona GraNeE Winn MEeEr.—
Centre county Pomona'Grange will meet,
in the hall of Bald Eagle Grange, at
Milesburg, on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, 1892,
at 10a, m., sharp. Every subordinate
grange in the county should be largely
represented as business of prime import-
ance to all will be transacted. All hold-
ers of policies in the Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Co., P. of H., will be interested in
questions that will be discussed.
The installation ceremonies will begin
at 10 a. m,, and those incidental to the
conferring of the 5th degree will begin
at 2 o’clock p. m.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00-
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00—
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00—
MoxnrgoMERY & Co., Tailors.
Sale Register.
For the benefit of those who contemplate making
Public Sale during the coming season, we wil
keep a register of all sales within the county as
fully as possible, examination of which will be
free to all. Persons having their bills printed
at the WATCHMAN office will secure notice of
sale in this column free of charge.
Jan. 14.—On the Bowers’ farm below Mt. Eagle
at 2 o'clock p. m., all the farm stock and
utensils, household goods and grain in the
ground, of Henry Lair.
JAN. 18.—At one o'clock, at the Court House,
the valuable farm belonging to the Bloom
estate situated in Ferguson township.
JAN. 22.—On the premises, above the State Col-
lege, at two o'clock p. m. a very valuable
piece of farm timber land belonging to the
estate of Thos. Strouse.
Marc 1st.—On Thos. Reynold’s farm 2 miles
west of Bellefonte, horses, mules, farm stock
farm utensils of all kinds, and household
goods. Sale at 9 a. m.
MarcH 17th.—At the residence of Henry Tib-
bens, three miles below Bellefonte,on the
Jacksonville road, all kinds of farm stock,
implements, household goods, ete.
March 26th.—Ag the residence of J. B. Mlitch-
ell, 4 mile west of Pine Grove Mills, Horses,
cows, sheep, all kinds of agricultural imple-
ments, ete.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
hite wheat..... - B83
Old wheat, per bus 88
Red wheat, per bushel. 90
Rye, per bushel............. vi
Corn, ears, per bushel.... 20
Corn, shelled, per bushel... 50
Oats—new, per bushel... 30
Barley, per bushel......... 65
Ground laster, per ton.. 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel.............cccursssermnee 50
Cloverseed, per bushe; $4 00 to $6 0C
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ......cisamuismisees 35
Eggs, per dozen.... . £0
Lard, per pound... . 8
CountryShoulders . 8
Sides... - 8
Hams... avssvssesese 12%
Tailow, per pound.
Butter, per vound.. esesnss 25
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in delle:
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
{ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m [6m 1y
One inch (12 lines this type......... $ 5 (§ 8 [§ 11
Two Inches. ......errvcciarseines “wl Ti BB
Three Inches. i... cess .r
uarter Uolumn (424 inches).
Half Column ( 9 inches)
One Column (19 inches)... "
Advertisements in special! column, 25 per
cent. additional. : :
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions.
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Business notices, per line es
Job Printing of every kind done
ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office haa
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand a
the lowest rates. Terms—C ASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor: