Tribute of Respect. On the 24th of December 1891, Prof. James Y. McKee, after an illness of only a week, died at his home at State College, Penna. At a special meeting of the faculty of the Pennsylvania State College, held Dec. 25th, 1891, the following minutes were adopted : The faculty of the Pennsylvania State Col- lege expresses its sense of the irreparable loss the institution has sustained by the death of Prof. James Y. McKee, who has been identified with it as a professor, vice-president and act- ing president for the past twenty-five years, laboring unwearidly and effectively for its welfare and success during all its vicissitudes, and sometimes amid discouragement. As a faculty we have always recognized that upon his devotion, his varied scholarship, his ripe experience and his wise judgement we could safely rely in the consideration of all questions respecting the management of the institution. Besides the loss to the college each member of the faculty feels a deep sense of personal bereavement lin the severing of bonds of friendship so long cemented by amicable so- cial and official relations. To the afflicted family we tender our deepest sympathy for a homeldesolated by the loss of a father and husband, but fell assured that the cherished memory of an exalted and unstain- ed christian life will hallow the] affliction and u¥suage the pain, bp ————————— I: Fond Remembrance of Robert M* Murray. Who died Nov. 26, 1891, aged 25 years, 9mo a1d 2 days. Robert, thou art gone my husband, And our child is with me left ; Ot a father's kind protection She thus early is bereft. But the widow’s God in Heaven, Will not leave us here unblest; While He takes them to His bosom, And we find thou art At Rest. Robert, thou art gone my husband, And through pain m ost severe, Was thy portion in the period, When thy end was drawing near. Yet we know thy griefs are ended, And in Heaven without a pein ; Thou hast;met with thy Redeemer, And “our loss is thy great gain.” Robert, thou art gone my husband, And it still will be my prayer ; That to you, when life,is ended, I shall come—and little Clair. May the halo of the influence. Of her Father's latest days; Hover o’er her through her lifetime, Till she joins your song of praise. Robert, thou art gone my husband, Thou art in that land so fair ; For you put your trust in Jesus, And he answered all your prayers. For though few had been your pleadings, Yet thy saviour answered all; So you told us in your last werds, Just before the final call. -~ Robert, thou art gone my husband. But we feel more reconciled; When we think of you dwelling Safe with all the undefiled. In that city where no sorrow, E’er can enter or molest; In the bosom of thy Saviour, Thou forever art AT rest. New Advertisements. "ANTED,—A tenant for general store in a booming new railreadg town good trade guaranteed, town developine fast. An elegant opening investigate. Ad- dress. A. Care Bellefonte Warcuman. 36 49 HOROUGHBRED JERSEY'’S— FOR SALE.—Two thoroughbred Jersey cows, both just fresh, and a full blooded Jersey bull are offered for sale at reasonable prices. They are from the celebrated “Donegal” farms of Simon Cameron and are a rare bar ain for any one desiring blooded cattle. For urther information inquire at or address ‘this office. 371tf TRAY SHEEP.—Came to the resi- dence of the subscriber in Howard township, on or about the 29th day of Decem- ber, three yearling lambs, points of both ears cut off. The owner is requested to come for- ward prove property,pay charge and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of as the law directs. 37 1 3t* HENRY LAIR, DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — Letters of Administration on the es tate of Jacob W. Boon, late of Howard borough, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to John T. Boon, ‘residing on said Borough, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demand will make known the same without delay, CLEMENT DALE, JOHN T. BOON, 8716t Attorney. Administrator. UDITORS NOTICE.—The un- dersigned an Auditor appointed by tne Urphan’s Court of Centre County, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of D. S. Keller Adm’r, of Wm. F. Tipton, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday the 29th day of January, 1892 at his of fice in the Borough of Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested can attend and present their claims or be debarred from eom. Ing in on said fund E. M. BLANCHARD, 3713t Auditor. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here- by given to all persons interested that the following inwentories of goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provis- ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the office of the Clerx of the Orphans Court of Cen- tre county and if no exeepilons be filed on or before the first day of next term the same will e confirmed absoiutely. 1 Theinventory and appraisment of the per’ sonal property of John C. Krumrine, late of College township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Christina Krumrine. 2 The inventory and appraisment of the ersonal property of Jesse Klinger, late of ellefonte borough, deceused, as set apart to his widow, Mary Klinger. 3 The inventory and appraisment of the personal property of Oscar Duck, late of Gregg township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Lydia Duck. 4 The inventory and appraisment of the personal property of Philip Cronoble, late of Gregg township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Hannah Cronoble, 5 The inventory and appraisment of the personal property of John Lutz, late of Ben- ner township, deceased, as set apart to his wid- ow, Margaret Lutz. 6 The inventory and appraisment of the Ytsona) property of Wm. P. Smith, late of arion township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Mary A. Grove nee Smith, 7 The inventory and apvruisment of the ! personyl property of Joseph Royer, late of | oward borough, deceased, as set apart to his | widow, Hannah Royer. 8 The inventory and appraisment of the | personal property of James Ardery, late of Worth township, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Hannah Ardery. 9 The inventory and a persniy property of James 1eim borough, deceased, widow, Hannah Read. 10 The inventory and arpraisment of th- pepons) property of WL. Snook, late of Milie eis borough, deceased, as set apart to his widow, Mary C. Snook. JOHN A. RUPP, 371-~ C.0.C Read, late of Mill- as set apart to his praisment of the ! New Advertisements. New Advertisements. Sechler & Co. New Advertisements, RACKET STORE NEWS. P. Gray MEEk, Esq. Dear Sir .—Please tell the readers of the “WATcHMAN’ that during January they can find many special bargains at The Racket. The heavy sale of Decem- ber, left remnants in every depart- ment. Remnants in dry goods. Remnants in Notions. Remnants in everything and if low prices are any induce- ment it will pay them to look through— The moon effulgent in the sky Full many a-full-gent doth espy, Bat says not a word, the sly old elf Heknows whatit is to be full himself? The “Racket’’ is full of genuine bargains now and the man in the moon and the rest of the people that he watches so carefully may just as well have their share of the Kuriosities. BALTZELLS — A Great Sacrifice in Coats! Coats for one fourth! Coats for one third !! Coats for one half!!! From this on there will be a decided cut in Coats, Wraps and Dolmans all new and fashionable styles, but we do not care to pack away such articles therefore they must go even at a great sacrifice. Now is your chance to get a handsome fashionable cloak at half the first price and far below any to be had else where. = The first to come will get the first choice and they will disappear like the morning dew. If the Golden Opportunity is taken, a hand some coat can be secured at from six to twelve dollars and a less handsome one at a much less reduction, We are now taking stock and everything in the store will be itemized and reduced trom 10 to 50 per cent. and on the 11th of January a Grand Clearance Sale will begin and continue three days. There will be a chance for bargains in dry goods and household wares never be- fore known in this part of the country and will pay anyone to come here from a long dis- tance, The goods are not shelf-worn or rusty, but are all new and fashionable, but we want th: room they oc cupy for a new spring stock. Our Wholesale Department offers unusual bargains for small dealers for some great reductions have been made in that department also, Re- member the Great Drive in Prices begins at Baltzell’s on- the 11th of January and will continue three days. BALTZELLS, Corner Eleventh Avenue and Eleventh street. 36.47 Altoona, Pa. N¢ 1. I-BETTER NOW--f THAN —LAST YEAR— PROBABLY BETTER YET NEXT YEAR THE REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE-WRITER keeps constantly improving in practi- cal qualities, hence its constantly in- creasing popularity in the markets of the world. WYCKOFF, SEAMANS & BENEDICT. 3714t 854 Chestnut St., Phila, Ba. ‘ HERIFF'S SALE.-—By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias and Ven- diiioni Exponas issucd out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre county, and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Billefonte, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1892. beginning at one o ‘clock P. M. All that certain messaage, tenement and lot or Diese of ground situate in the Borough of Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa, bounded and de- scribed as follows: On the East by Spring Street, on the North by Curtin Street, on the South by Chas. F. Cook, and on the West by an alley, said lot being situate on the South-west corner of Spring and Curtin Streets, fronting on Spring Street 50 feet and extending back along Curtin Street 200 feet to an alley, being the same premises which E. W. Hale by deed dated June 30; 1883, 1ecorued in book W, No. 2, page 172.—Thereon erected a large stone dwelling-house. Seized. taken in exzcution and to be sold as the property of Charles McCafferty and Cath- arine McCafferty. ALSO All that certain messuage, tenement or lot of ground situate in Spring Township, County of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning on the South side of Water Street, in ie addition where line of lot No. 103 intersects the same, thence West along said street, 50 feet to line of lot No. 105, thence along line of said lot South 150 feet to an alley, thence East along said alley 50 feet toline of lot No. 103, thence North along line of said lot 150 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other out- buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to ve sold as the property of J, W. Tate. ALSO All that certain messuage, tenement or lot of ground situate in the Borough of Phillips. burg, County of Centre, Pa., bounded and de- scribed as follows : Beginning at a point on North Front Street at corner of lot of Jeffey Hays, thence by Front Street 33 feet to lot of Wm. Parker, thence along said lot of Wm. Parker, 240 feet to North Second Street, thence along said North Second Street 33 feet to line of lot of Jeffey Hayw, thence along said lot 240 feet to the place of beginning, being one half of lot known and designated as No. 51 in the general plan of said Borough. Thereon erec- ted a large 3 story brick building, used as a store room and dwelling-house and other out- buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Lehman. + ALSO All defendant’s right, titleand interest in and to a certain tract of land situate in Howard township, Centre connty, Pa., bounded and de- scribed as follows : Beginning at a dogwood, by land surveyed to William Ramsey South 47° E. 135 perch to a eorner, thence South 47° West 81 perch to a post, thence by land for- merly ot Joseph Miles in right of Stephen Re- gent, S. 68° West 18 perch toa post, by marked chestnut, thence North 40° West 30 perch to a ost, thence by land of Curtin’s heirs North 50° E 176 perch to a corner, thence North 40° West 76 perch to a white oak, North 47° E. 66 perch to the place o: beginning, containing 127 acres, 68 perches more or less. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob R. Leathers. WM. A. ISHLER, Jan. 6, 1892, Sheriff. (Cory SEED AND LINSEED MEAL. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FOOD FOR COWS AND HORSES. One fourth of a feed of Cotton Seed Meal fed to Cows produces rich milk. Itis well established fact thatone pound of Cotton Seed Meal is equal to two pounds of chopped corn or four pounds of wheat bran; hence it is the cheapest food for cows. LINSEED MEAL fed to horses in small quantities prevents colic and makes your horses thrive and sleek in the coat. PRATTS FOOD. PRATTS FOOD for stock has a good reputation for keeping all kinds of animals in good condition. POULTRY FOOD. If you want healthy chickens and plenty of eggs, buy and feed poulizy Food, and ground oyster shells. PLANT FOOD. If you want your house plants to bloom buy and use our Plant Food. SLEDS AND SLEIGHS. We have a few sledsand sleighs, made to order—the best bob sled in Central Pennsylvania. CORN SHELLERS. Corn Shellers of the latest im- proved make for hand or power. FODDER CUTTERS. There is more economy in cutting and crushing your corn” fodder for stock. The Lion Fodder Cutter cuts and grinds fodder into a pulp. The only Fodder Cutter made that does its work complete. CHEAP COAL. ANTHRACITE COAL all sizes. SNOW SHOE COAL, Run of Mines or select lump. Best in quality. Lowest prices. Office and Store in the Hale building. 36 4 A T SECHLER’S YOU CAN GET FINE DECORAT ED TOILET SETS ;— 10 peices $,50 and $4,00 per set. Fi- est Imported sets, 10 Pieces in Gold at $6.50 and $7.00. Sam goods, 12 pciees (with jar) at$9.00. 9.50 and $12.00. These are all good bargains. It will pay you to see these goods before purchasing. ==} PR ~—— "PLAIN AND DECORATED CHINA. and Glass ware, — A great variety of goods to sell by the piece, at all prices from 10 cents up. FINE CONFECTIONERY !— In great variety from 10cts upto $1.00 per pound. Raisins 10cts ; 15cts ; 20cts ; 25cts and 35cts per pound. New crop California Prunes, large size 15cts ; Appricots 10cts and 15cts per pound. : Ne et po Figs, Table Oil, Currants, Maple Syrup, Citrons, Fine Table Syrups, Ketchsup Sauces, New Crop N. 0. Molasses, Extracts, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, English Walnuts, Fine full cream Cheese, Shelbarks, Almonds, Florida Oranges, Mixed Nuts, Lemons, Banannas, Fruits & Preserves, White Grapes, Canned Vegetables, —_—0 FRESH ROASTED COFFEES Old Government Java ; Mocha and Rio. TEAS ;—AND SPICES kinest Green, Black and Japan Teas, and Pure Spices. | (== MINCE MEAT.— . - 86-45 Of our own make. These goods is as good as it is possible to make it. We put in it the best material obtainable. Try it. You will be pleased. SECHLER & CO. * Bush House Block, Loeb’s Closing Out Sale. BELLEFONTE, Pa. : A POSITIVE—— CL OSING OUT SALE —i BARGAINS AT LOEB'S This is a positive Closing out Sale for the purpose of @ 2 GOIN G OUT OF BUSINESS 3 o——THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1891.—o —COMMENCING— Lg My entire stock is put on sale, regardless of cost. Now is your time to procure Live Bargains in ———|CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS.|— Yow GOODS ! We still have a good assort- ment of woolen hosiery, from 10cts up. i 1 i GTVE" “ME A CALL 3 i i Prompt delivery. SIMON LOEB, McCALMONT & CO. Lo 47 uf : Bellefonte, Pa. ol YX ovps=— LIPPERS > LIPPERS 5 Nothing is more acceptable for * % Christmas presents than a * OK OK XK % % % —~t— } % —— Woolen underwear for ladies and children, red underwear at one half regular price. MITTENS FROM 10 CENTS UP. Facinators, Children coats and caps &e. COME AND SEE US. CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Sele Street, | ellefonte, Pa. 36 49. 1y I xp AND FOOT POWER ~+—CIRCULAR SAW, — IRON FRAME, STEEL SHAFTS AND ARBOR MACHINE CUT GEARS, CENTRE OFSTABLE MADE OF IRON. Send for Catalogue giving full description and prices of our HAND AND FOOT POWER MACHINERY J. N. MARSTON & CO., 3550 1y * Station A. Boston, Mass, | ens WHITE ST The finest grade of Roller Mill flour on the market. JOHN MEESE, Grocer, NICE PA IR OF SLIPPERS AKE NOTICE.—I am now pre- pared to mend boots and shoes neatly and promptly. All WOH given) me will be done chea % Give me a call at my shop No, 35, South Thomas street. 36 50 Wu. DOAK. OTICE.—Is hereby given to all whom it may concern that applica- tion will be made to the January Term of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Centra County to have the Town of State College, in said county, incorporated asa Sorbess, Dee. 15th, 1891. . BEAVER GEPHART & DALE, 3649 3 Solicitors: DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Letters of Administration on the es- tate of James Ardery late of Worth township deceased having been granted to the under- signed, they request all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate paymens and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settle- ment. . D. ARDERY. 36-46.6t* E. E. ARDERY. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es. tate of Jonathan Harper deceased, late of Bellefonte, having been granted tothe under- signed they request all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate to make pay-, ment and those having claims against tive same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. MRS. MINNIE HARPER, 36 49-3t JARED HARPER, IMBER LAND FOR SALE.— By virtue of a writ issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county the undersigned will offer at Public sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1892 at 2 o'clock, p. m, the following described valuable timber land of Thos. Strouse, situated and lying in Ferguson township, this county. Bounded as follows .—On the south by land of J. 8. McCormick ; on the west by lands ot Ty- rone Mining Company and M’f’g Co. ; on north by lands of Moses Thompson's heirs,and on the east by lands of John T. McCormick. Con, taining 41 ACRES AND 141 PERCHES. TERMS OF SALE. —One half of purchase money cash on confirmation of sale ; balance in one year thereafter with interest, to be se- cured by bond and mortgage on the premises, Will be sold on the premises. % JOHN T. McCORMICK, 36 Committee. OURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Honorable A. O. Furst, Pres- ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun- ties of Centre and THngden, and the Honor- able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Daniel Rhoads, Associate Judges in Centre county, Sve issued their precept, bearing date the 4t Raging a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centreand to commence on the 4th Monday of Jan. being the 25th day of Jan.,1892, and to continue one week, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that ‘they be then and there in their proper per- 2ons, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 25th, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recogni- zances to Frpsecuis against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be shen and there to prosecute against them as thail be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte,the 25th day of January, injthe year of our Lord, 1892 and theone hundred and fourteenth year of the independence of the United States. WM. A. ISHLER, 37-1.4t Sheriff. RPHAN’S COURT SALE.—Pur- suant to an order of the Orphans’ Court of Centre County there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Bellefonte, Pa., MONDAY, THE 18th DAY OF JAN UARY, 1892 at1 o'clock p. m., the following VALUABLE FARM situated in Ferguson township, Centre county, Pa., 314 miles West of Stute College and 2 miles north (fPine Grove Mills, bounded and de- scribed as follows : Beginning at a stone, thence along lands of John Archy north 8314 degrees ag 229 3-10: perches to stones, thence along public road north 56}; degrees east 15114 perches to stones thence along lands of David Fye south 33% degrees east 229 3-10 perches to stones, thence along lands of David L. Dennis south 3314 de- grees west 151 3 10 perches to the place ot be. ginning, containing 216 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Thereon erected a two-story dwelling house good bank barn, new corn house, wagon shed, ay pig pen and other necessary out build- ngs. Two good orchards. Plenty of water ; 2 good wells and 3 cisterns, all near the build- jogs. About forty acres of good timber , such as is necessary for the farm. The farm is in a. go state of cultivation, and the prospects of ron ore are good. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur chase money to be paid on the 1st day of Apri- after—one-third in one year, remainder in two Jeure with interest, the deferred payments to secured by bond and mortgage on the gre- mises. ORVIS, BOWER & ORVIS, 36 50 Attorneys. \ A ONTANA HAS the Largest Gold Mines. the Largest Silver Mines, the Largest Copper Mines. the Largest Lead Mines. M. L. RISHEL, Administrator, HAs ExTeNsIVE GRAZING RaNGES, FINE Timer BeLts, WIDE AGRICULTURAL VALLEYS, Is larger than New England, New York Psansyivanis, New Jersey ana Delaware com: ned. The Great Northern Railway is the direct line from St. Paul and Minoespolis to Great Falls, Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte aad other Montana points. Apply to your home ra\lway agent for tickets over the Great Northern. LEND | but merely whisper that the Re. River Valley offers fine induce ME ments for home seekers, as also the entire region along the Great Northern Railway shfongh Min YOUR nesota, North Dakotaand Montan Guide Books, ete. apply to F. I. Whitney, G. P. & EARS. T. A., St. Paul, Minn, or your nearest railway agent. na. For M 304) ES styles and colors. We have them in all the latest AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT, Sole Agt. 4 RANGING FROM 50c to $3,00. * %* * XX XX ¥ re MINGLE'S SHOE STORE 36 45 om Brockerhoff Block, 36-47-3m. UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the Orphans Court of Centre county. In the estate of Henry Krumrine, late of Greg The undersigned oes auditor:appointed by said court to make dis- township, deceased. tribution of the balance in th Executor, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appoint. ment at his office in Bellefonte, the 16th day of Feb. A. D. 1892, m., when and where all parties interested may attend and present their clai proper, or be forever debarred upon said fund. 3713 A. WILLIAMS, Bellefonte, Pa. e hands of the on Tuesday at 10 o'clock a. Tuesday, the 16th day ms if they see from coming in | Met When and where a may attend if they see proper. 37-1-3¢ Auditor. UDITORS NOTICE.—Notice 1s hereby given that the undersigned an auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre County to hear and determine the ex. ceptions filed to the account of Joho G. Love, adm'r, of ete., of the estate of James T. Hale, Jr.* and restate the account in accordance with hie findings will meet the parties interested at his office in the borough of Bellefonte, on of February, 1892, at 10 o'clock a.m |, for the Purpose of his appoint. I parties interested J. C. HARPER, Auditor. In some states the ra. tio is two and often inves to one in favor of the men. The best route YOUNG from St. Paul, Minneapo-| MEN lis, Dui) and West Su-(ARE OUT perior to the Northwest] ern and Pacific States is THERE via the Great Northern] NOW. Railway. YOUNG THE WOMEN, GO WEST! Far:s can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on crop and oth er plans to suit purchasers, No failure of crops in twelve years of settlement. Large yieldsof whea and other staples. Fine stock re gion, Good schools and churches. Healthful climate. Great Markets within easy reach. Farms paic for from the proceeds of one crop. Highest prices paid for product. The Great Northern Railway hag three lines through the Valley, Address W. W, Braden, Land Commissioner, St, Paul, Minn., fox particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. IN RED RIVER VALLEY, Maps and publications sent free, and letters asking information about travel ard settle- ment in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by I. 1. Whitney, G. P. & T., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to all points in the West. Lowest rates to the Paci- fic Coast. 36 32 day of January to me directed, for I donot wish to blow, into sem :