EE ———— Te HL, BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —One often hears of the wind’s sighs, yet to see it, is quite a different thing. -—Lock Haven girls are said to be so sensitive that they jump, even at a pro- posal. —RocEr Q’s bill was'nt quite long enough for him to pick up the speaker- ship worm with. — Since FoRAKER has quieted down, there has net been a single cyclone heard of in any part of the country. —Results have shown that the politi- cal egg out of which Missouri expected the speakership, was not well Harc-ed. —It was a case of “hands up’ with the Shippensburg man who played with dynamite. The dynamite went up too. —The fact that another of our MILLS has ceased to run, should not be attribu- ted to the damaging effects of a protec- tive tariff. --BiL NYE fell out of an opera house the other night and made the mis- take of cracking his cranium instead of his usual joke. .--They say it takes a crank to make the world go and we believe it, after the way things went in RUSSELL SAGE’S office last Saturday. —There has been more CRrISP-ness in the atmosphere of Washington, during the past week, than was ever experienc- ed in that city before. : —1It was a cold day for the other can- didates, for congressional door keeper,on Monday last, when ‘‘Ice-man’’ TURNER was chosen for the position. —-The Illinoise congressman said: We.have a little scheme for the sprak- ership! and the Georgia delegation re- turned : We're ready for you,—SPRING- ER! —An ungrammatical writer says: | “The 52nd Congress is setting now.” Wonder what it will hatch? The Democratic portion had a goose egg for its first HATCH.. — President HARRISON is caricatured as wearing a hat many times too large for him, but we have never heard him charged with getting up a message in any way above his size. —XKERR undoubtedly had a ‘clear- field” in his race for the clerkship. At least if it wasn’t clear at first it did not take the doughty little democrat leng to break through the lines. —The mouth of the St. Lawrence issaid to be a sale tieing up place for fishing boats, but there’s another mouth which makes a most excellent haven for another class of schooners. --A great many people who imagine they can tell you axactly who will be elected the next President couldn’t guess, within a dozen, of how the vote in their own election district will be. —Philadelphia has just wakened up to the fact that it can’t have elevated rail- roads because it must pay for property damaged in building one. When that old city hasto pay fora thing, it never wants much of it. —Kangaroo, Michigan, has been dubbed the Celery city, on account of the great quantities of the relish grown there. If they would only putan iand a tin it ana called her Celerity the real name and the fictitious one would be much more closely connected. —A Chicago spinster has gained a reputation and considerable wealth for ‘herself by designing a souvenir spoon in which a pig and its tail make up the bowl and handle respectively, As a spoon it won't do for love sick maidens a3 they all shrink from touching porker’s tail. —The ¢Lot Holders” in the William- sport cemetery are kicking about the management of the burrying ground. They had better do all their ‘scrappin” now for when they come to take up STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 11, 1891. 9 NO. 48. VOL. 36. Dos Tinker With It. The prayer of Republican politicians and Republican newspapers now is, that the Demccrats in congress may make such mistakes as will create new issues, and with these, bring to them a new hope of continued lease of power. If the situation at Waehington was such that the Democrats could enact such legislation as they pleased, it might be possible that errors could be committed in determining questions of importance, that could be twisted and presented to the public in a way that would give to republicanism a hook to hang its hopes upon. But as mat- ters are, with a Republican occupying the presidential chair and a republican majority in the upper branch of con: gress, it would be the most consummate folly for the Democratic majority in the House to attempt to change the situation on the great questious that now excite public attention, or to put into legislation their ideas of what is best for the people at large. Unable because of a Republican Sen- ate,or a Republican presidential veto,to accomplish any great reform for the people, it would be folly for the Demo- cratic majority to make the attempt and place itself and its party in the position of being misrepresented in the campaign of next fall. . On the tariff question, every body knows where the Democracy stands. It can make no better record on that subject than it now has, It could stand on no better grounds before the public than it now does, consequently any effort that would change the silua- tion and place the party in the attitude of having to explain its new movement, would simply be to weaken its position and aid its enemies. : "If the Democracy could secure the adoption of its views on tariff reform, it would be well to relieve the country at once of the iniquities of the McKin- ley bill. But in as much as that can- alone, and a Republican Senate and a republican President would both be in the way of putting into the laws of the tariff should be, it would simply be a loss of time to attempt it. And the same with any other material question that may eater into the campaign of 1892. Let the 235 Democrats who now rep- resent the party of the people at Washington, consider carefully before attempting to change or better the sit- uation. No good can come of any ef- fort to accomplish that which itis im- possible to accomplish. We are en- joying the fruits of a Republican tariff. Our fireless furnaces, silent manufac- tories, and unemployed laborers, attest its effects in every section of the coun- try. The people voted to bave it just as it is, and should be permitted to en- joy the realization of their own work, uatil they see proper to place the pow- er of changing it entirely in the hands of those who opposed the measure that brought about these results. . Democrats in Congress, leave well enough alone. OS TRC CAR, If So, Why Not. It iswow about time for the shriek- their little plots a good many of them | will need their strength to “*kick’’ down | below. —The whale that was captured off the shore, at Snow Hill, Maryland, on Saturday, had evidently prepared for another Jonah and when the five gallon demijohn of good whiskey was taken from its stomach, many an old tar heav- ed a sigh as he thought of what might have been. —Indiana is paying two cents a head for killing the English sparrow and the youngsters in the Hoosier state are reap- ing a great haryest for Christmas. If Pennsylvania would put a two dollar bouuty on dead ‘“‘chippies’” what a boost it would be to the morals of future gen- erations. --The design for the Pennsylvania building at the Columbian Exposition has been adopted and already many firms throughout the state are beginning to offer their handsomest products for its furnishing. Among them is ALLEBACH, a Philadelphia clock maker, who mod- estly says, he will loan a handsome time picce for the structure. Mr. ALLE- BACH is very generous, but the State has already paid about $350,000 for an “onyx clock” and we're sure the world will want to see it. JoHN BARDSLEY should be there to wind it. er for “protection” to raise his wheezy | voice in denunciation of his own ad ministration. It 1s over a week now since President Harrison closed and signed a new treaty with the Hawaiian Islands which proposes absolute free trade between that country and this. The agreement stipulates in the plain- est language that the Island named ad- mit free of duty every article imported there from the United States, whether agricultural or manufactured, in return for which this country will receive without a tariff everything they may send here. Ifthis treaty meets with the approval of the Senate and is rati- fied by the Hawaiian government, the doctrine of unrestricted ‘free trade” will have been recognized, and the ad- ministration that wae elected on a high protective platform, will be the instru- ment through which it was accom: plished. And if “free trade,” that great buga- boo that Republican yoters have been taught to fear, as does the children of the Seceder, the eternal fires of a brim- stone hell, is 4 good thing to have with these, Islands of the Pacific, why would it not be the right policy to pur- sue in our dealings with the entire ‘1 South American continent ? not be done by one branch of Congress | He | connected with country the Democratic ideas of what a | Promises that Seem to Have Been For- gotten. Prior to the election there was no end to the stuff that was published in Philadelphia papers about the prompt- ness with which the republican courts of that city would punish political criminals, and the fearlessness with which they would discharge their ju- dicial daties,no matter whom it affect- ed or whose political toes were pinched. Their District Attorney was pointed to as a perfect paragon of political in- dependence and a holy terror to wrong doers in every walk of life or political position. The case of poor old JouN BarpsLEY was held up as an evidence that Philadelphia justice, knew no distinction between those ecccupying ‘high social and political standing and the veriest bum with whom the courts had to deal. At the time, it was not kept before the public that BarpsLey confessed his crimes and that the courts could not get out of imposing sentence upon him, but it was heralded broad- cast as a matter to be proud of, that in imprisoning this old, broken down Re- publican thief, the courts and the Dis- trict Attorney had shown a fearlessness and fairness that should make people everywhere have confidence in their independence and determination to do their duty, let political consequences result as they might. This was before theelection. It was during this time that the frauds on the Treasury were coming to light and the people were wondering if it would not be well to change affairs by entrusting power to other hands. It was at this same time that the Mercantile Ap praisement wrongs were brought to the notice of the public through the vigilence of a Democratic city Treasar- er anil when the people were assured that Philadelphia’s “reform” District Attorney and Philadelphia’s indepen- dent Judiciary would see to it that all the rascals connected with the robbery of the State and city as well as those the Mercantile Ap- praisement frauds, would be premptly prosecuted and properly punished. Ot these Mercantile Appraissors, who were charged with defrauding the State hy making false returns and com- mitting all manner of crimes by which the State and the city were robbed of thousands of dollars, four were Repub- lican and one a Democratic oficial. All were politicians. The Republican District Attorney who posed as a reform- er, and made all kinds of promises, as. sured the people that no leniency would be shown to any of them, and that the full measure of justice would be meted out in each case. This was before the election. It was during the heat and excitement of the campaign. It was when votes were wanted for the Republican ticket and confidence needed in Repnblican candi- dates. The election has been over now for six weeks, and will some one kindly point out what has been done to ful- fill che promises made for Philadel- phia justice ? Poor, old BARDSLEY is in the Peni- tentiary, it is true, but he was foolish enough to confess and the courts could do nothing else than take his word, and punish him accordingly. Who else of all the thieves connected with him orin any way interested in the frauds upon the State and city of Philadelphia, has been punished ? The Mercantile Appraisers have been let off with simple dismissal from office ! The State Treasurer and Auditor General have been taken to the bosom of the “dear people,” as persecuted and wronged officials ! The ring that shared the booty stolen from the people are unmolested in their pursuit of other opportunities to add to their plethoric purses! The dealers in,*and distributors of, forged tax receipts are at large and without fear of prosecution ! Tell us will you, when and where Philadelphia justice is to begin work ? Some of our county papers are booming his honor Judge Funsr, tor the Supreme bench. With the ex. ception of getting tangled in the “new court house” and ‘drainage’ questions we thought the Judge had been doing quite well of late and can’t see why these organs should wish to have him quit the District bench before his term expires. Nothing In It. The people who imagine that the long and warmly contested struggle for speaker of the present ccagress points to the success or defeat of any parti- cular aspirant for presidential nomina- tion, are badly deceived. The fact is that while individuals may have claimed that the selection of the candi- date of their choice would strengthen the presidential prospects of this or that man, the contest, neither in its, in- ception nor its works of active political canvassing, at no time hinged on the personality or prospects of any pro- rosed candidate for the presidency, nor does the result strengthen or weaken the chances ot anyone. Politically both men represented the same idea of tariff reform which must of necessity be the shiboleth of the Democracy in the coming presiden- tial contest. On this question there was no division of sentiment, as there was absolutely none on any other issue that may be included in the platform of '92, As to between the two principle can- didates—Messrs. MiLrs and Crisp—the contest was one of personal preference alone. Those who were for Mr. MILLS were for him, not because he represent- ed ideas or candidates that were oppos- ed by those who had other preferences, but, for the reason that they believed him to be entitled to the position and entirely qualified to fill it. Those who were for Mr. Crisp were for him for the same reason, and the Republi- can politician or Repuhlican paper that aitempts to draw as a conclusion that the result as finally announced, has any general political significance or was intended to have any bearing] on the question of who should be the next Democratic nominee for Presi- dent, does it at the expense of truth and in opposition to every fact devel- oped while the contest was going on, As 10 any way aiding or expressing a preference for any presidential aspir-- ant, or indicating a backing down from the position occupied by the party on any important political question, the contest for speaker had ‘‘absolutely nothing in it.” The Democratic peo- ple all over the country,with what ever preference they may have, can rest as- sured of this fact. Has the Right Ring. Republicans or others who bad worked themselves up to the belief that the election of Mr. Crisp as speaker meant a division of Democrat- ic sentiment on prominent issues, and the backiug down of the party from its position on the tariff question, will not find much gratification in the ex. pression of purpose as gizen by that gentlemen in thanking the caucus for the honor 1t had just conferred on him. If there was any who had hoped or feared that Mr. Cris» was not a tar- iff reformer just as was Mr. MiLLs, or that his success~meant anything else { than the success of Democratic prinei- ples, justas we all understand them, a reading of the following little speech, will open his eyes to the fact of how wrong such hopes or fears were : “Representatives: Iam profoundly grateful for this mark of your confidence and esteem. I pledge myself here and now to deyote what- ever of industry and ability I possess to.the ad- vancement of the real interests of ther Demo- cratic party. (Great applause). I begto say now, as I speak to you my first words. since I am your selection for speaker, that my elec- tion means no steps backward in tariff reform. (Prolonged applause and cheers). I beg to say to you that there is in our party today no. raan who more earnestly believes in the Dem- ocratic doctrine of tariff reform than I do. (Renewed cheers and cries of ‘bravo, bravo.’) “After the long struggle through which we have passed, when representatives are fa- tigued, when other officers ave to be nominat- ed, it does not become me to consume your time. I beg to say, however, that during the progress of this canvass I have said no word respecting any individual which would at al! justify him in having any harsh feelings of any kind against me. I have felt that it was a friendly struggle. «1 have felt that we were all Democrats, and I have feit that whoever might be chosen speaker, whenever this house meets and or- ganizes, we start as one body, working and la- boring for a common cause—the principles of the Democratic party. (Cheers). I thank you again for your confidence and kindness, and assure you that this whole contest has left in my bosom no unkind feeling toward any mem- ber of the house.” (Prolonged ‘applause and cheers. ) ——————————attiel -—The lonesomest looking lot of men anyone ever looked upon, is the little Republican minorty in Congress, As Viewed by Others. Under the head, “The Tariff couldn't save it,’ the Philadelphia Herald re- fers as follows to the failure of the Nail Company at this place. We com- mend its careful perusal to those most interested—the workiagmen—who are now out of employment, under the op- erations ofa tariff bill, tor which they labored so earnestly and voted so unanimously, and hope that after a lit- tle reflection, they will have the honesty to admit just what the facts have prov- en, that in supporting the doctrine of “protection” they made a fearful mis- take, not ouly for themselves but for their employers as well. The Herald says : “The failure of the Bellefonte Iron and Nail Company, announced within the last two days, bas added another to the long list of industrial mishaps that have oceurred since the inauguration of an administration that promised so much for the promotion of business and the benefit of labor interests. Failures of firms and ccmpanies engaged in manu- factures and employing working people have happened by the scores since the management of governmental and eco- nomic affairs has been restored the party devoted to the ‘protection’ of American industry, nor has the number been diminished by the additional twist of the tariff screw 1n the shape of a Mc- Kinley bill, but rather, under the in- creased “protection” of that measure, have these failures been multiplied. Operations that haven’t collapsed have testified to the “benefit” of a high tariff by reducing the wages of their working eople: The collapsed Bellefonte works was peculiarly an establishment that identi- fied itself with the principle of protec- tion. Governor Beaver the head, and in the Governor's eyes a high tariff has always been regarded as the mainstay of labor, the shield of produc- tive prosperity and the cure all of in- dustrial evils. How often and how edi- fyingly the people of the State have heard him epeak on this subject and en- force with his-eloquence and logic the claim that tariff must ba kept high in order that manufacturing concerns may be kept in operation and the employes not be thrown out of employment. “The workmen of this establishment have been as fanatical and wrong-hsad- ed on the tariff question as the proprié- tors. At every election, when public demonstrations were in order, they con- tributed the largest part of the Republi- can processions that howled for protec. tion and flaunted banners, emblazoned with the most orthodox tariff mottoes, and denunciatory of the ‘‘free trade” Democracy. They are the same work- men who filled the street in front of a Democratic newspaper office with a howling mob that broke its windows and made its inmates dodge a volley of stones because the editor had questioned the “protective” benefit of paving labor with coupons redeemable in store goods, and made other doubtful strictures on the general blessings of the great Ameri- can system of protection. They are the same workingmen who on a November. night three years ago were the principal participants in a demonstration that made the streets of Bellefonte lurid with. a conflagration of barrels, store boxes and. other combustible debris, and “vex- ed the ear of night” and the defeated Democrats with tin horns, horse-fiddles and such like instraments of discordant jubilation, in celebration of the trinmph. of the party whose sole object was to “protect” industry and secure to. the workingman steady work and high wages. These poor fellows have been having a pretty rough time of it since than. Iv wasn’t many months after the great tar- iff victory before they found themselves compelled to kick against a reduction of their pay. Temporary suspensions of work then began to interrupt the con- tinuance of their operations—‘the nail market overstocked,” ‘poor demand for muek-bar,” ete., being the reasons given for the frequently occurring shut downs. Things continued in this unsatisfactory condition until just when Bill MeKin- ley had begun to get a good hold on the industries of the country the Sheriff stepped in and closed the establishment. It is nonsense to assign the failure of these works to some special cause affect- ing them. They weat under, as hun- dreds of others have gone under, with the highest of tariffs in full swing. All the other industries in. Bellefonte, for ex- ample, are in about the same strait. The glass works, which for years were suc- cessfully run, furnishing the employes with good wages, hasn’t turned out a pane of glass in the last twelve months. ——just about the length of time the Mc- Kinley tariff has been stimulating the industries. Those of its employes that have not scattered to other places are loafing about the streets of the town or catching an oceasional trout or sucker in the limpid waters of Spring Creek. Of the two huge furnaces that were built under the Cleveland administration and made money for awhile, one of them has been out of blast for uver a year, and the other is being run experimentally by parties who had the advantage of getting it cheap from a company that collapsed some time after the Harrison administra- tion got into power. So it appears that the blight which has overtaken Governor Beaver’s works is not exceptional or attributable to a special cause. Other industries in the same neighborhood, as elsewhere, are affected in the same way, if not to quite so disastrous an extent.” Spawls from the Keystone, —TFulton is the only Pennsyivania. county without a railroad. —Governor Pattison will issue a charterrmak- ing Hszleton a-city. —Allegheny county Democrats are organiz- ing to defeat ring rule. —Montrose’s Board of Trade has set out to convert the place into asummer resort. —Frozen apples have killed cattle that ate them at Highlands, Susquehanna county. —Farmer Martin Wetterau’s neck was brok- en by a runaway accident near Barnesville. —A coal company has undermined an entire street at Carbondale, and trouble will ensue. —*“Does it pay to be a Christian ?” the Pitts- burg papers ask. It pays to be a Christopher. —Four suburban butchers drove their teams into an unlighted open trench in a Lancaster street. —Burglars with augers, saws and jimmies are loosening many Bethlehem doors and windows. —With bis eyes blindfolded Cooper Harry Smith made a fleur barrel in twenty minutes at Columbia. —A prepossessing 16-year-old blonde, Miss Mary Sailor, of-Mount Carmel, has mysterious- ly vanished. —A Pittsburg company has been formed to build and run passenger boats from there to New Orleans. —A wild pig from the Wess will be let lcose and chased by several eitizens at Douglass- ville to-day. } —His legs - having been broken, George Keenie, of near Seramten, shot himself to death in bed. —John Skuvanitch, a Hungarian miner, fell 100 feet to death:down a Pyne Colliery shaft, near Scranton. —A falling hemlock tree wrecked a passen- ger train near Cressonon Monday, on the Ebw ensburg Road. —An immense pulley in the Allentown Spike Works burst Monday, seriously injuring Joseph Ward. ; —The body of an unknown man with a bal- let bole in the temple-has been found by hunt- ers near Gallitzin. i'd Z Farmer George Miller, of Abbottstown, Camberland county, is cultivating a 233" foot vein of new-found.coak ; —Street railway conductors and drivers in Reading are all to act as policemen, and arrest non-paying earjumpers. } — Witmer C. Rohrer was badly hurt at Teas cock, Lancastercounty, by the collapse of a’ barn frame ire was Jaising. £ —Individual owners of camp meeting cot~ tages at Stover dale have permission at last to to remove them to Mount Gretna. ~ A freight: train jumped the track above Chain Dam, near Easton, and blockaded the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Saturday. —Dr, J. C. Brabst, of Lititz, is suffering.from blood poisoning—the result of treating,a diph- theria patient. while his hand was sore. . —Middle-aged Mrs. Rose Parkinson fell into a twenty foot well at Johnstown after dark. Neighbors with aladder helped her out. —Burglars made oft with $350 worth of ent lery and other wares from F. S. Brown's store in Cochranville, Chester county, Sunday. —*Lookaze Mick,” called a Pittsburg Ital- ian’s pagrot to ax Irish boy next doori. The boy got a:gun and shot the parrot in its cage. —Juzor James H. Brown hadan epileptic fit while trying the tedious Dunbar suit a8 Wil- liamsport. Court adjourned till he recovered. —A verdict for $8339.78 was given the Read- ing Railroad, in Reading, Friday against the Pennsylvania Railroad for damage to property. —Fourth.class postmaste»s were: appointed Friday: J. W. Stevens, Biglerville; I. E. Seidle, Normal Square, and T. E Royall, Ruth ban. —The Pennsylvania Chautaugua, capital $10,000, was organized at Lancaster, Friday, and regular summer school will be held: at Mount Gretna. © —At Klinesgrove, near Shamokin. seven, year old Harry Kellar has just died of injuries sustained while piaying “sling around” at school. —Somebody in the political morgue awaken ed ex-Senator Rutan cut in Allegheny, and he- ix saying things one day and denying them the next. —David Brown, of Pricetown, has been ap: pointed a Berks county Jury Commissioner; vice Daniel Brown, his son, reeently killed. on a revolving shaft. —A stiff hat saved the skull and probably the life of E. O. Smiley, on whose head.a. brick was blown cornerwise from a thir d.story wall in Chambexssburg. —A three-legged. cooking stove upset in Marshall Weaver's. home, Latrobe, tipping scalding water upon the children, Harry and Edith, who will.:recover. —Fulton county people are moving to se- eure an extension. of the new South Penn Railroad from Foltz, Franklin county, to Web- ster’s Mills, six miles fuyther. —L. N. Leavy, of Womelsdorf, has invented an automatic. washwoian, through several holes in whose hands steam clsans the gar- ments rubbed on & washboard. —Cumberlané county’s incorsing Sheriff re- fases to board tramps at so low a rate as 4 cents a day, as the Grand Jury ordered. The jury’s investigation cost the eounty $770: __ePaint me the sign: “Attorney at Law,” said Lawyer S. W. Hutchiason, of Osceola, to a very-green but artistic local dauber. “Eter- pally at Law” it read, when: painted and hung. __Millionair Guffey, of Pittsburg, intends to make a canvass of the members of tho Demo- cratic State Committee to secure the late Wil= liam L. Scott's place in the. National Commit- tes Piling a presursably unloaded toy target gun from among his hunting-bag, 17-year-old Elmer Reeser, of Seven Points, near Sunbury, discharged the gna and shot himself, dead, through the head. * —Sixteen-year-old Carrie Alfarata Seiple ran away from her Bethlehem: home to become an actress, went to Philadelphia and washed dishes nine weeks. for a living and returned home a repentant girl —Ten-year-old Daniel Falls drew a yevol™ ui in a Pottsvi'le sehool to shoot his teicher, William Fauseit, who was whipping the lad for reading dime novels in school. Preven- tion and a sounder flogging resulted. —Three whole jdollars for “six packages of pennies containing 50° pennies each” have proven bad exchanges for half a dozen South Bethlehem merchants. The fellow with the packages had only 25 pennies in each. | —A wrestling match at Allentown between George Troutman and Frank Conover, the lat- | tera colored lad, was ended by the latter's lit- | tle brother accidentally shooting Troutman dead and seriously injuring the other boy.