Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 04, 1891, Image 4

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. plain if the Democrats refase to have
. it put on aftzr his ticket is voted. It
. the Legislature of New York, it is
. their duty to held on: to them, and al
. low the party and the people, what
HY ET Leh:
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 4, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Epitor
S———— —
It Won’t Work
We have done our best and labored
the hardest kind of a way to sympa-
thize with the republicans of New
York, who are trying to make them-
selves and the public believe they are
being counted out of both the Senate
and House, but someway or other it
won't work. Whenever we get pretty
close to the sympathyzing point, then
comes that recollection of '76 and the
more recent one of .a dozen or more
Democratic congressmen, who, only
last winter, were counted out, for no
other reason than that they were Demo-
crats, and the additional remembrance
of how solidly and how enthusiastical-
ly the whole republican party endorsed
this action, and it knocks our sym-
pathy all side ways. . In fact, to be
real truthful and confidential, we rath-
er enjoy the grimmaces and grievances
of these people who are now the under
dogs in the fight, up in New York.
When a Democratic congressman was
made to “walk the plank,” and the
republican majority in congress was
increased an additional vote, by the
methods they knew so. well how to en-
force, it was all right; and new, that
the boot is on the other leg, we pre-
-sume it is all right to; atleast we take
it to be se. The republican papers
«may howl and growl all they have a
~mind to, but if Mr. MoxreE, J&., didn’t
know enough to print “Jr” to his
name oa the ticket, he mus'nt com-
is not the province of Democratic
managers to give up a good thing when
they have it, and as they have honest-
Jy and fairly secared both houses of
. ever advantage there is in honest Deaio-
cratic legislation.
Shot at Dr. Hall.
On Sunday, November 29th, as Itz.
Joan Harr, the eminent New. York
divine, was leaving his church, the
_ Fifth Avenue Presbyterian, a Ger
man by the name of Jeux G. Rats
stepped over from the opposite side of
the street and fired three shots in suc- the minister, none of which
however, did moreserious damage than
to break the glass panels in the door
of the.passage. Ramm was at once
locked up and he evidently is insane.
sHe insisted that Dz. Harr, Judge
Hinton and Dr. Pomter were con:
-gpiring to do him mental and physical
harm, Dk. Harn when interviewed
on the subject, admitted that he had
‘known Ragu for some time, but posi-
~tively refused to say anything more
abant the matter.
Avairing Too Muaok.
‘The Republicans have a great time
ingetting the Jingo Statesman up to
that point physically, that they car
put, him before the country in.a condi-
tion that wili.stand the strain and.
‘buffet of a presidential campaign. We
Aare sure that the public,—the present
Executive and his postmaster driends
rexcepted—would be delighted to learn
<hat Mr. ELAINE wes entirely restored
wo health; but really the persistent and.
«continuous reiteration of the exeellent
physical condition he is now enjoying,
is beginning to leave the impression
that he is not as well as representad,
and that the statements . of his broken
down constitetion have :more of truth
about them, than is generally believed.
If heiis the well man we are told he is, |
what isthe nse of eternaliy reminding |
the public of this fact? Tle physical
condition of other promiuent men is
not the subject of daily presentation
through the press. Why should that
of Mr. BLaINg be an exception, if he is
really as strong as he is represented to
the public to be?
——Cuarces E. DexcLEr, of Potts-
ville, has been appointed National
Bank Examiner for the Eastern Dis-
trict of Pennsylvania, to take the place
of examiner Drew, who succeeded so |
admirably in drawing the wool over
the public's eye, in connection with the
condition of the Spring Garden and
Keystone National banks. If Dene-
LER proves half as expert, in hiding
the facts about these government ghave
shops, as the other republican examin-
ers have, there will be no trouble in a
dozen or two more of them getting away
with what the KeNNEDEYs, MaRsH,
Barpsiey and their pals left, After
all, there is just about as much hum-
buggery about this examiner business,
as there is favoritism and slipperiness
i can leaders and the party newspapers
The Golden Jubilee of Archbishop
In St. Louis, on last Sunday, the-
golden jubilee of PETER RIcHARD KEN-
RICK, the venerable and beloved Arch-
bishop of the Diocese of Missouri - was
celebrated. No event, in tue ‘Catholic
church in America, for years has gath-
ered together so many distinguished
dignitaries as met to do honor to this
noble old man, who for fifty years has
se wisely conducted church affairs in
that part of the country. The golden
jubilee of a bishop is one of the ‘rarest
events in the records of the church.
This is the first time it has ever hap-
pened in the United States, and it is
scarcely any wouder that the church
throughout the world is interested in
the celebration. The Archbishop was
bora in Dublin, Ireland, in 1806, of an
excellent family, studied at Maynooth
College, and was ordained to the priest
hood in 1832. Ia 1833 he.came to
‘Philadelphia where he taught in the
Overbrook Semirary and edited «the
Catlolic Hera!d. In 1851 he was con-
secrated Bishop and sent to St.Louis
and from that until this time he has
proven himself to be one of the great
est churchmen ot the age. A wise ad-
ministrator, a learned scholar and an
ideal Catholic gentleman.
Que of the features of the celebra-
tion, which was magnificent-in all its
details and wnich lasted frem Sunday
morning till Monday night, was the
presentation of a residence by the laity
that cost $50,000. That in & practical
way -expresses the esteem .in which
this good man is held not only in his
owa church, but by citizens of every
creed. Cardinal Gizroxs, twelve arch-
bishops, sixty- five bishops, five wmitred
abbots, and nearly 300 priests partici
pated in the jubilee services,which con-
sisted of lectures, banquets and a Grand
Pontificial mass:
Take Heed.
A “got rich quick” establishment
and another dishonest broker. An
overburdened brain and a new patientat
the insane asylum, a distinguished
name stained, and another heart brok-
en family, .is the story of New York's
latest sensation.
mon in itself that no one gives it a se-
cond thought except, as in this case,
where it is connected with a family
whose name is honored throughout
the English-speaking world. We can
excuse a man poor and hungry who
breaks the eighth commandment that
he and his may live. We can even
understand why the poor clerk over
steps the bounds of honesty for the
comforts his associates enjoy ; but the
motive that would prompta young,
talented and rich man to sacrifice name,
honor and fame for the almighty dollar
ie more desperate thaa we can compre-
hend. Epwazy M. Firup, who wrecked
the firm of FierLp LiNprLey Wi-cHERS
& Co. is a son ot€yrus W., the great
merchant and financier to whose ener-
gy and courage we are indebted tor the
first ocean cable, and a nephew of Dax.
1EL KupLEy FieLp, one of the greatest
giants at the American bar, Justice
StepgeN J Frew, of the Supreme
Court,.and the Rev. |Dr. Henry M.
FieLp, the clergyman and writer,
should be a fair warning to others who
are tempted to be dishonest that if they
yield, ruin. will surely follow. Ruin in
this instance means a hopeless case at
the Vercon Home, a private mad
house out .of New Yor! city, and a
keart broken old man, who atthe close
of a busy life is stripped of houses,
lands and securities awd who is now
seriously ill, prostrated by the death of
hisbeloved wife and his son’s dishonor,
.Paynish Them.
From the Harrisburg Patriot.
The ecandal about bogus tax receipts
in Philadelphia .seems to have been
smothered. Fora time the Republi
were loud in their, denunciation of the
erime and bold in the declaration that
the forgers would be brought to punish-
ment. That was when the Republiean
leaders and party newspapers thought
that Demoerats alone were implicated.
Why has the heat subsided? One
conjeeture, which is something more
The story is so com. ! those points.
Cyrus Field's Sorrows.
Practically Penniless aud His Son in an
Insane Asylum.
New York, December 2.—There
has been a slight improvement in the
condition of Cyrus W. Field, who was
thought to be dying yesterday after-
noon. Dr, Fuller issued the tollowing
bulletin this morning: “Mr. Field
slept better last night. His condition
this morning is slightly better than it
was yesterday morning. The condi-
tion of Mrs. Lindley, Mr. Field's daugh-
ter, remains about the same.”
Mr, Cyrus W. Field realizes the
fact that he is now practically penui-
less, his son Edward having taken
about everything of value that he had.
His remark to a friend, “I am as poor
as the day I came into the world,” has
excited deep sympathy among all who
kuow him.
After having tried to commit suicide
Edward M. Field has been declared in-
sane, and last night he was placed in a
private asylum near Mt. Vernon.
At noon Dr. Fuller said “there was a
favorable outlook for Mr. Field living
a considerable time, with slight hopes
of ultimate recovery. “Mr. Field,”
Dr. Faller said, “is in no immediate
.danger ot death. Ile is listless and
apathetic, and in the face of his great
misfortunes, quite indifferent as to
whether he dies or not. In fact I be-
lieve he would welcome death as a
happy release from his great troubles.
A friend of the Field family this af-
ternoon said : “The family have de-
cided to take Edward M. Field's case
before a judge and jury at once. They
are determined to have everything op-
en and above board, and I know that
the family lawyers are drawing up the
necessary papers now. The tamily
want to have Mr. Field’s sanity passed
on publicly, so that it cannot be said
that his insanity is being used as a
pretense for saving him from the re:
sults of his financial wrong doings.
The physicians who have examined
him will go upon the stand aud testify
fully and freely in regard to Mr.
( Field's condition. No one will be able
to say then that the family are trying
to make out a case of insanity that
does not exist.”
Dr. Fuller paid his patient, Cyrus
W. Field, a visit at 7.50 and at 8.30
issued a bulletin to the effect that Field
‘was resting comfortably.
228 Miles in 240 Minutes.
A Pennsylvania Railroad train that
passed through Philadelphia Friday
(from New York to Washington made
the fastest time ever made between
The train was a special,
chartered by W. P. Paige, proprietor
ot the new * Hotel Cochran, of Wash-
ington, to convey a party of howl pro-
prietors, theatrical managers and
newspaper men to the opening of the
The special train was composed of a
Pallman combination car, a parlor
car and an observation car. The weight
of the three cars aggregated 250,000
pounds, while the locomotive, which
was the Pennsylvania standard, class
“K,with six and a half feet driving
wheele, weighed, with its complement
.of coal and water, 153,000 pounds.
The train left New York at 2.49 p.
m., and stopped in the Washington
stationat'7 p. m. Engines were changed
at'Gray’s Ferry, consuming five minutes
and -astop at Baltimore took up six
minntes more. Deducting the eleven
minutes thus lost, the actual running
time was four hours, or 240 minutes
for 228 miles, the average running time
being 57 miles per hour. The best
previous record between the two cities
ever made over this line was on
March 10, 1891.
The Editor Will Duel.
ScraxTON, Pa., Nov. 29.—The talk
of the city to-day is an encounter be-
tween Dr. William Haggerty and
James G. Doyle, Scranton editor of the
Blmira Telegram, last night. Dr. Hag-
gerty was his party’s candidate for May-
or of this city last spring. He was also
up to within the last month one of the
owners of the Scranton Times. It was
partly through the influence of Dr.
Haggerty that George . Herbert was
recently discharged from the Times for
attacking General Master Workman T.
V. Powderly.
Mr. Doyle took up the gauntlet for
Mr. Herbert, and has beer assailing Dr.
Haggerty fiercely in recent issues of his
ast evening, when Mr. Haggerty
entered the St. Charles hote! Doyle was
there. The doctor walked ap to hiu,
and saying : Now, you cur, I don’t
waut to hurt you, but I am going to
humiliate you before your friends.’
He backed him into a corner and thrice
slapped his face. The iatter did nut re-
taliate, but left the bar-rocm in .a tower-
ing passion. Doyle will demand of the
doctor an apology, and in the event of a
refusal to make the amende honerable,
Le will issue a challenge.
A Big Corner in Corn.
than eonjecture, cansupply the reason.
There are Republicans in the same
box. The punishment of Democratic |
scamps would involve Republican |
scoundrels. The alleged Democratic |
leaders have simply been imitators of
the Republican leaders. So the pro-
posed prosecutions, the threatened pun-
ishment, drop,
But does the thing end heze? Are
the decent people of Philadelphia satis-
fied with this? Do they want the
same tricks, the same frauds, the same
terrible wrongs to prevail next election
and all elections thereafter? If they
do not they have a chance now to pro-
tect themselves. Expose the fraudu-
lent tax receipt business of last Novem-
ber, turn the foul part of it up to the
sunlight, and send to prison, to keep
company with the man who stole their
money, the men who would steal their
~—Get your job, work dohe at the
Warcnyax office.
about the National banking system.
Seventy-five Cents wn Chicago awl a
Dollar Ten in New York.
Cua1caGo, Nov. 80.—The wind-up of
the November corn deal would seem to
prove the assertion that the Chicago end
wes nothing but a side show to a big
corner in New York. There are some
who favor the belief that Cudahy’s
heavy shipments of corn to New York
to eover his contracts there was the
cause of the advance here.
The advance in the price to $1.10 in
New York against 75 cents in Chicago
is also evidence that some persons had
the screws turned on them in the former
city to-day rather mercilessly, and spee-
ulation was rife as to the fortunate and
unfortunate parties. The receipts to-
day were 761 cars, mostly new corn,
only 135 cars inspecting as contract |
grades. The cash grain was in splendid
demand to fill contracts. The manipu-
lators of the ‘‘corner” had to buy, too,
| the exportation from Russia of wheat
and its products. This edict has follow- |
in order to keep up the price, 72a74ec.
being the range.
Chinese Rebels.
Not a Christian Escaped Massacre in
the Takou District. |
— |
Pekin, Nov. 30.—The Government
is fully aware of the serious condition
which confronts it, and every possible
step is being taken to break the strength
of the rebels before they get within
striking distance of the capital.
The rebel forces are divided into two
sections, but as yet the general public
here does not know whether or not
both columns are marching in the di-
rection of Pekin.
It is now said that the local Manda-
rins at Takou agreed to allow the reb-
els free license for the outrage of Chris-
tians, provided they did no harm to the
other inhabitants. These terms were
accepted by the rebels, and they pur-
sued their work without let or hinder-
ance. Three hundred Europeans and
native Christians were massacred. It
is believed that not a single Christian
in the district escaped.
The revolutionary movement in the
north originated in Manchooria, on the
northeast of China proper, and in Mon-
golia, which lies to the east of Man-
chooria. These countries are separat-
ed from the Empire by the Great Wall
of China.
This gigantic work was built to pre-
vent invasions from the north, and the
Imperial authorities have taken meas-
ures to bring the rebels to a halt
Viceroy, has dispatched several thou-
sand troops to the chief points of the
Great Wall, where it is probable the
insurgents will attempt to force a pas-
sage. A desperate resistance will be
made at those places to stop the on-
ward progress of the rebels, for once
they pass the Great Wall there is no
doubt that they will rapidly push on to
Consternation prevails among the
Protestant missionaries in the districts
through which it is expected the reb-
els will pass. The local officials at
Tsunha have declared that they are
powerless to protect the missionaries,
and that if they desired to save their
lives thev had better seek safety in
flight: The missionaries at Tsunha
have therefore abandoned their stations
and sought refuge in safer parts of the
country. ;
The New South.
Some Facts About the Wonderful Pro-
gress of That Section.
Hon. Patrick Walsh, of Georgia
president of the Augusta exposition,
has written a letter to President Harri-
son in respect to a request for informa-
tion in regard to the industrial progress
of the South in which he says : .
“The South is developing rapidly,
and her manufacturing possibilities
can’t be exaggerated. The South’s cot-
ton mills used last year over 600,000
bales of the 2,400,000 consumed by the
United States. In 1880, the South
took only 180,900 bales. Of the 9,000,-
000 tons of iron produced last year the
South contributed 2,000,000 tons or
more than the entire production of the
Union in 1860. Eagland fell behind
our country last year 500,000 tons. It
isone of the most encouraging evidences
of the South’s industrial progress that
she produced last year nearly one-fourth
the amount of the iron produced in
Great Britain. The figures given are
approximately correct. The South’s fu-
ture for the manufacture of cotton is as-
sured. Her production of iron and the
manufacture thereof aftord profitable
fields for investment.”
What Advertising Did.
The marriage of Charles S. Denning
and Clara Oakley, which occurred here
this afternoon, has a romance. The
couple were betrothed, ten years ago
and the marriage day bad been fixed.
A week previous to the date set Den-
ning and his affianced took a drive to
Vestal village, 15 miles west of this
€ty. The couple spent the day there
and toward night started home. Den-
ning lost his way, and day was just
breaking when he make the startling
discovery that he was nearly 80 miles
from home and driving in & direction
opposite to the one he should have tak-
en. The horse was turned about and
the tiresome ride toward home was be-
gnn. The lady in a fit of anger return-
ed the lover's betrothal ring and broke
off the engagment. He went West and
was heard from no more. She repented
her folly in a few weeks and tried to
discover his whereabouts, but without
avail. g
Recently Miss Oakley secured posses-
sion of a matrimonial journal. One
advertisement seemed to possess a pecu-
liar fascination for her, and she answer-
ed it. A correspondence sprang up and
she was favorably impressed. She con-
sented to fix a day forthe wedding.
The gentleman arrived in this city last
evening, and what was the amazement
of the prospective bride to seein him
her boy lover of ten years ago. Denning
isnow in prosperious circumstances and
resides in Denver After he left his be-
trothed he went West, where he mar-
ried and settled down. His wife died,
leaving him a child, a pretty girl of 5
summers. In theendeavor to secure a
wife who would be a mother to her he
advertised in matrimonial paper, and
thus was united to his former loved
The Grain Famine in Russia.
Philadelphia Ledger.
On the 21st instant, at St. Petersburg,
1891-1892. Only about half the latter
quantity will have been exported by to-
day, and, it the estimate of these autho-
rities is correct, Russia should now
have left more than enough for her own
use. But the correspondent of the
Associated Press at Berlin quotes, in his
dispatches of the 21st instant, the an-
nouncement of the St. Petersburg Offi-
cial Messenger that thestock of grain
remaining after the prohibitory decrees
shall have gone into effect will be suffi-
cient for the population until the next
harvest. It does not say it will be more
than enough for domestic wants.
The Official Messenger is undoubted-
ly more reliable authority than foreign
statistics—Beerbahm and others-—whose
estimates are more favorable. It agrees
more nearly with the statement of Count
Tolstoi, the Russian social and political
reformer, which is also quoted by the
Berlin correspondent of the Associated
Press, and which is to the effect that
Russia's stock of grain will not answer
the wants of the people until harvest
time comes again.
Reports which appear to be wholly
trustworthy state that the famine dis-
trict includes one-third of Russian terri-
tory, and that from 20,000,000 to 30,000,-
000 of the population feel, toa greater
or lesser degree, its effects. The ukase
of prohibition, while atfording relief to
the peasants, will fall heavily upon the
farmers, who will be obliged to sell their
wheat in a market from which competi-
tion is excluded. The cutting off of the
foreign demand leaves the Russian fa: m-
er no market save his own, and the pov-
Li Hung Chang, the Cipnese byviv of the country will render low
prices inevitable.
The suffering of farmer and peasant is
certain to be great, and both classes are
to be assisted by the government of the
Czar from the Imperial treasure. Rus.
sia has been on previous occasions a vie-
timof famine, but never befsre have
such multitudes, tens of millions of her
people, been subjected, as they now are,
to tke terrible sutfering of an inadequate
supply otf food. Up to the present time
the government has rejected the offers of
foreign benevolence which has proposed
schemes for the amelioration of the con-
dition of the Russian poor, and, unless
all accounts of theirwretched state which
come from the famine-stricken district
are grossly exaggerated, it will be the
cruelest wrong to humanity for the Rus-
sia authorities to continue to discourage
any charitable efforts, no “matter who
makes them, for the relief of the starv-
ing masses. Russia in all her affairs,
has persistently and with scant courtesy
resented foreign interference with her
affairs, but when nnllions of her people
are suffering hunger, and disease and
death from hunger, every humane and
just consideration demands that she
shall open her gates and welcome those
who, inspired by charity, offer succor
to the affiicted.
Apaches on the Warpath.
The Settlers Arming Themselves and
the Military Preparing to Meet
the Hostiles.
WiLcox, Arizona, Nov. 30.--The
Apaches are on the warpath and have
committed several depredations. One
man has been killed and another
wounded, and the settlers are arming to
protect themselves. Major William I.
Downing, who lives about thirty miles
south of this place, rode in in great haste
Thursday night and reported that one of
his men had been murdered by a war
party of Indians, who disappeared soon
after the killing and cannot now be
found. The name of the dead man is
B. H. Daniels, of Outario, Canada, an
ex-soldier and about 85 years old.
The following telegram has been re-
ceived from Fort Bowie :
*‘Major Downing was shot from am-
bush this evening, while riding in his
buggy, but not fatally injured. Lieu-
tenant Irwin and ten soldiers now leav-
This was written within a mile of the
Major's residence. Robbery was not
the object of the murderers. It is the
season when the redskins become un-
easy, and a dispatch saysit would be
well for all citizens to look to their
arms before more lives are wantonly
taken. Bowie is eighteen miles from
the scence of the Killing. The military
18 taking every precaution to defend the
Great excitement exists among the
settlers. who fear a raid from the Chiri-
cahua Mountains, which are practically
impenetrable by the whites against an
armed force. The Indian hostiles are
moving south.
Fot a Quiet Winter.
Grover Cleveland and Family at Lake-
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland, ac-
companied by littie Rath are at Lake-
wood for the winter. While there is
no caase whatever for alarm, it is nev-
ertheless true that neither the young
mother nor the caild is doing as well as
was hoped. An enormous number of
letters asking Mrs. Cleveland's auto
graph ora picture of the baby have
been received at the Madison avenue
mansion. Previous to the arrival of
Baby Ruth, Mrs. Cleveland made it a
practice to comply with a great number
of requests for her autograph. Any
such good nature is now out
of the question, ot course, buat
Mrs. Cleveiand's inability to answer
them has, in her present delicate con-
dition, been a cause of worry so it
has been decided that mother and
daughter retire to a quiet retreat where |
likelihood of such anxiety will be very
much reduced.
2 ukase was issued by authority of the |
Czar, forbidding, on and after to-day, |
ed closely upon the heels of that which
prohibited the exportation of oats from |
the dominions of the Czar, The im-
mediate effect ot Saturday’s decree was
to increase the price of wheat on the |
Continent and to enhance the price of
the securities of those great carriers of’
| grain, American railroads. i
The accounts of the measure of Rus- |
sia’s wheat supply are conflicting. A |
few weeks ago it was stated by German |
and Enghsh authorties that Russia, could |
without trespassing upon the wants of
her own people, export from 40,000,000 |
to 5,000,000 bushels of wheat during ‘
TEN DoLLARS A DAy.—Agents want-
ed in every borough and township in |
Centre county to sell the Post Office di-
rectory of Centre county. Contains the
name of every man,woman and child in
this county ; ages of all males, occupa-
tions of adults, and postoffice address.
Most valuable and best selling work
ever published No business or profes-
sional man or farmer, laborer or me-
chanie will do without it when he sees
the work and its value.
No trouble for live, energetic agents
to average $10 per day for his trouble.
Both the number of book and the lime
limited, so don’t delay a single day.
Send $2 for outfit. Address
J. A. FIEDLER, Bellefonte, Pa.
Sudden Death of Weaver Adams.
The citizens of Milesburg were surprised as
well as shocked, on Saturday the 21st of Nov.
ember, when it was announced that Weaver
Adams had been killed at the Moshanunon
Bridge one mile from Philipsburg. Weaver
who was by occupation a brakeman on the
local freight, T. & C. R. R., met his death while
in the act of pu‘ting on brakes, standing on a
box car, and was struck on the head by the
cross beam of the bridge, breaking his neck
and resulting in almost instant death. He was
not thrown from the ear. One of the brake.
men, Thos. Gay was standing on the 3rd or
4th car ahead, and seeing him fall had the
train stopped as soon as possible. It was then
discovered that the vital spark had fled and
his body was taken to Philipsburg and prop-
erly cared for by Haworth Bros. undertakers,
who got the remains ready for burial. The
body was brought home to Milesburg on the
night train, at the arrival of which James B.
Proudfoot, undertaker, took charge and with
the assistance of friends of the deceased, con-
veyed the remains to the home of his parents.
Deceased was the fifth son of Thomas M. and
Anna Adams. He was a single man, in Lis 26
vear, a faithful employee and a young man
who had a large circle of friends. His death
is sad indced. He always made it arule to
remember his mother by sending a portion of
his earnings to her. The interment took
place in the Bellefonte Unton Cemetery.
Tyrone and Philipsburg papers please copy.
Judge Clark’s Successor.
Charles E. Heydrick of Franklin Ap-
pointed by the Governor.
HARrRISBURG, Nov. 29.—Governor
Pattison yesterday appointed C. E. Iley-
drick, of Franklin, Venango, county, as
a justice of the supreme court to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon.
Silas M. Clark.
Mr. Heydrick is a Democrat, but has
paid more attention tolaw than politics
He has had a large practice in Venango,
Warren, Crawford and Erie counties for
the last 30 years. He has frequently
had cases before the supreme court. As
was published in the Post Saturday, a
meeting of the Venango bar was held
Friday, at which Mr. Heydrick was un-
animously indorsed for the position.
Will Crisp, Mills or Springer Preside
Over the Next Congress.
The Fight Waxing Warm.
‘WaAsHINGTON, Dec. 2.—During the
afternoon estimates were made of tho
strength of the several candidates.
Crisp’s friends counted between 93 and
96 names which, they said, were certain
to be cast for Georgia's representative
on first ballot. A conservative but
earnest supporter of Mills said that
Mills has nearly 75 votes. This Con-
gressman was confident a number of
others would be included by Seturday,
and expressed himself as sanguine of
final results. The friends of Mills as-
sert that he will gain most from the de-
fection in the ranks of the other contes-
tants, and they look fcr his election by
the withdrawal of the other candidates.
Crisp’s supporters are no less earnest in
their assertions that when the break
comes Crisp will be so near the prize
that he will win easily.
The chief work to-day has been di-
rected against Springer’s forces. The
Illinois candidate has shown more
strength than any one was willing to
concede hin at first, and one of his
lieutenants said that Springer had at
least forty votes to be cast in his favor
on first ballot.
McMillan’s canvass is progressing
smoothly, and there are a great many
representatives who think exceedingly
weil of him, but will vote for the other
candidates, until some change develops
in the situation.
The canvass for the minor offices is
overshadowed by that for the speaker-
ship, Dalton, of Indiana who was a
candidate for the clerkship, found that
there were differences in his state del-
egation over his candidacy, and has
withdrawn, leaving the race to ex-Re-
presentatives, Kerr, of Pennsylvania,
Crutchfield, of Kentucky, and Repre-
sentive Clark, of Missouri, who was
clerk of the house during the Fiftieth
Congress, There are also a namber
of candidates for the other elective
offices under the control of the house.
The distribution of these offices is
largely dependent on the result of the
speakership contest. 2
At a meeting of the New England
delegates to-night the discussion showed
that ten of the fourteen members were
for Mills for Speaker.
Man’s Inhumanity.
Loxpon. Nov 30.—The British
steamer Petrarch, which sailed from
the fever stricken port of Sontos, in
Brazil, on October 23, has arrived at
Plymouth, bringing a terrible tale of
suflering from yellow tever. The fev-
er made its appearance aboard soon
after the steamer sailed from Santos,
and spread rapidly, till all except one
seaman and a fireman were prostrate.
The anthorities at Si. Vincent, Cape
Verd Islands, aud Las Palmas, Cana-
ry Islands, at both of which ports the
steamer stopped, were cruelly inhospi-
table, declining to grant any assistance
whatever to the stricken crew.
The steamer was compelled to sail
away, and made for Gibraltar, where,
on her arrival, good treatment was met
The chiet mate, the chief and second
engineers and three members of the
crew died between October 25 and
November 15,
Public School Statistics.
HARRISBURG, December 1,—Dr.Wal-
| ler superintendent of public instruction,
i to-day gave out advance sheets of his
| fourthcoming aunual report. He
states that the total number of pupils
in the public schools of the state is 1,-
806,956, an increase of 4.062. There
are 22,884 schools, an increase of 432.
He directs attention to the error in the
United States census bulletin, where it
was stated that the increase in atten-
dance in Pennsylvania during the last
| decade was 1.59 per cent., when it was,
| in fact, 11 per cent. He favors an in-
| crease of salaries of teachers and the
| restricting by statute of the nnmbers of
provisional certificates.