I'm invited toa wedding And am going; Wouldn't you ? I told my tailor to make me a suit And send it P. D, Q. But perchance that suspicious clothier My hard-up ness will see Then alas, oh no! I shall not go, Should he send it C. 0. D. —The Pig tailed rebels seem to be having great fun smashing up China. —A New York jury had to adjourn when AGNES HUNTINGDON 's tights were handed them as evidence. No wonder. --0ld mother nature is beginning to get in her work already and the ice companies are ‘bustin’ up in good style. —There is no perceptible evidence that the recent water famine in New York, effected in any way the watered stocks of Wall street. —The gold cure for alcoholism seems to be but another way of getting rid of the subject's lucre. He hag to buy the quartz all the same. —ZFrom the way prisoners are escap- ing from the Huntingdon Reformatory one would naturally conclude that there is something loose over there. —We presume the reason Anarchists are usually refered to as bombasts is because they deal in explosives, and go off themselves on every occa- sion. —The protection which Bellefonte industries seem to be enjoying, at pre- sent, is that of keeping workmen from wearing out machines by operating them. —In French a billet dour means a love letter or any missive bearing ten- der sentiments, butin English a bill thats due means quite a different thing. —DFrance is beginning to get warm already from the fat of the American Porker, but *twill keep her blood boil- ng high to drag her half starved and over protected ally, Russia, through. -—A West Chester Normal Student is gaining much noteriety over having eaten one hundred raw oysters in seven and one half minutes, but the caterers of the institution don’t think it was any- thing unusual. —Because Europe and Asia have their Turkey at all seasons, is no rea- son for believing they are better fed than the people of this country, who have theirs only at Thanksgiving and Christmas times. —A Youngstown, Ohio, woman was discharged from a stale normal school on account of her disproportionately large nasal appendage. It seems strange that an all nose teacher should not be desirable. —If the two idiots, who made a Thanksgiving wager, out at Botgum, Ohio, that compelled them to sit on a rail fence for about seventy-two hours, had had their setters right well kicked they would not have been such good sitters. —Farmers will rejoice to know that there was an unexpected and sudden rise in wheat at Escamba, Michigan, on Friday last. They will regret however, that it was caused by a fire in which 150,000 bushels went up in smoke, —Philadelphia wants to know how to get the money out of its sinking fund to invest in public improvements. If it will apply to its distinguished citizen, State Treasurer BOYER, he can give them a pointer on depleting sink- ing funds, that may fit them ex- actly. —A. New Jersey wife overwhelmed her husband, last week, by presenting him with triplets and in the midst of his tribulations, remembering the true blue of his Democracy, he shared his troubles with Francis, Rute and GROVER, by giving them each a nume- sake. --If Ohio takes some ground from In- diana, and Indiana in turn takes from Illinois, what in the world will Chicago do? She’s too big for Illinois already and if they take any territory from the poor old ‘Sucker’ staie she will be crowded clear off the map by the big “Windy” city. —There mast be something attractive about the average editor’s cheek. First we hear of ANNE O’DELIA Dis DE Bar going crazy after having kissed a Chicago newspaper man, and now comes the fact that a Scranton doctor was 80 well pleased with having smack- ed the Elmira Zelegram’s reporter once that he repeated it even to the third time. —If there be any truth in the enthu- astic out break of Congressman DoLLI- VER, of Iowa, in which he, three days before the election, said: “When Towa goes Democratic look out for hell going Methodist’ then journalists will have a greater license than ever. For what better place could one want than the amen corner of a good old Metho- dist meetin house. A A I SIR ME OA, 7 WAP RIOT 0 SA 000th am lean STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. OL. 55 No Eyes for a Wrong at Home. It 1s strange what an effect distance has on some people’s vision. The Philadelphia Press is able to see a fly- speck on the Democratic party away out in Michigan or down in South Carolina, while it is unable to discern a dung hill, half as big as a mountain, on its own political grounds, here in Pennsylvania. All fall it has been holding up to its readers, the iniquities of political gerrymanders, and has pointed to the apportionments of Ohio and Michigan as evidence of the work Democrats can do in this line. It has lately gotten down to South Carolina, where it has now unearthed one, “the like of which” it says, ‘has never be- fore been seen.” It complains because that State has a solid Democratic delegation in con- gress, and attributes that fact, entirely to the present apportionment, in place of to the votes as cast. Now, if the Press could explain just how South Carolina could be districted so as to give the republican party a member of congress, it would open the eyes of the disiples of the old carpet-bag regime dowa there,in a way that would be highly gratifying to them. The truth is, if the entire republican vote of that state, as cast for members of the 51st congress, could he concen- trated in one district, there would scarcely be enough to elect a single representative. In the seven districts into which South Carolina is divided, giving the Press’s party the benefit of all the scattering vote, there was cast against the Democratic candidates for congress, but 10,034 ballots. Just how our Philadelphia contemporary would go about gathering these repub- licans, scattered as they are ail over that commonwealth, into one district, and at the same time shoving enough of Democrats out of it, to give its par- ty a majority, we do not know. But because the Democrats have not done this in their apportioning the state, is now held upto the public as evidence of their attempts to exclude from repre- sentation in congress, the few scattered republicans who reside in South Caro- lina. If the Press could see a wrong done by its party, it would not need go so far from home to discover, that in gerrymandering a State and depriving the minority of fair representation, the republicans of Pennsylvania can double discount, all efforts made in this business, by the Democrats anywhere. Here in Pennsylvania, through the action of the party for which the Press professes to speak, and with the en- dorsement of that journal, the state is so districted, that 466,633 Democrats have but seven representatives in Con- gress, while 526,000 Republicans have twenty-one : One Democratic congress- man for every 63,800 Democratic vot- ers, and one Republican congressman for every 25,000 Republican voters. In the State Senate, the same unjust meas- ure of representation is enforced :— each Democratic Senator representing an aggregate of 31,000 Democratic votes, while each Republican Senator represents but 14,000 Republican votes. And yet Republican papers of the state talk of democratic gerrymander- ing! They complain that 10,034 re- publicans down in South Carolina are unjustly without representation at Washington. How many Democrats in Pennsylvania, are in the same situa- tion? Allowing each Pennsylvania Democrat in congress to represent the same number of democratic voters, that a Republican congressman does of republican voters, and there are left 271,663 Democrats here in the Press's own Commonwealth, who are without voice or representation in the halls of Congress. Does it see no wrong in this? Ifit does, why does it not make its complaint against the schemers and politicians who have un- justly, partisanly and iniquitously gerrymandered our own State ? Possibly, when the Press takes up this subject of Democratic gerrymand- ering again, it can be induced, for the satisfaction of a curious public, to fig ure out the following political prob- lems: If, under a serictly Republican apportionment, it requires 63,800 Demo: cratic votes in Pennsylvania, to secure to that party a representative in Con- gress, how long, under the same rule, would it take until the 10,034 Republi- cans of South Carolina, would be en- titled to a member ? BELL , RF Th. v Supreme Justice. Last week the WarcHMAN suggested the name of Judge Orvis as the proper appointee to fill the vacancy on the supreme bench, caused by the death of Judge Crark. The suggestion met the hearty approval of the bar of this place and petitions to that effect, sign- ed by all our attorneys, without fdis- tinction of party, as well as by a goodly number of members of the Clearfield and Huntingdon bars, were forwarded to Harrisburg. We had hopes that the Governor would see the propriety of naming the choice of the Democrats of this section of the State. In this we were disappointed. He has seen proper to coufer the honor upon an other, and in that selection there are none who will acquiesce more cheer- fully than the candidate from our own county and the friends who would have preferred to see him chosen to the position. ln naming for the Su- preme bench, Mr. CHARLES E. Hey- DRICK of Venango county, the Gover- nor has recognized the force of the reasons given why the new justice should be from the Central or Western part of the State, as well as why he should not be a city lawyer. He has selected a man whom every attorney in the Commonwealth will recognize as eminently worthy the position, both from a personal and a legal stand point. Mr. Hryprick is justin the prime of life, has for years been rec- ognized as one ot the ablest lawyers of the Northwest, and bears a most en- viable reputation as a citizen and Jaw- yer, wherever known. In his presen- tation of legal propositions, he isjsaid to be unusually clear and concise and in his knowledge of law has few if any superiors in the State. He is a Demo- crat who has never shirked his full measure of work for the success of hig party principles, but is broad enough in his ideas of politics to be away above the partisan in the new position to which he has been called. In his appointment, Governor Par- TisoN has done well, although our per- sonal preference was for another. ——The congressional caucus of the Farmers Alliance members, will con- sist of just nine representatives. All the others who where elected as dis- tinctly representatives of the farmer's interests have gone back to the party with which they formerly affiliated, and will take part in the regular cau- cus proceedings of the two old parties. Sockless Simpson with his eight back- ers will not cut a very broad swathe in the political harvest, the country is ex- pecting to reap from the seed sown at the election of 1890. —————— ———————— The Right Man. For the life of us, we cannot under- stand why certain republican papers within the State, should make such bitter objections to the election of ex- chairman ANDREWS as the representa. tive of that party on its National Com- mittee. If there is any one man in the State who is qualified to represent a// of the elements in that organization, amoucting to enough to deserve repre- sentation, ANDREWS is the man. He is a ringster from the ground up, and the party to which he belongs has al- ways been willing to be advised, con- troled and dictated to by ringsters. He 18 a known corruptionist, and where, 1n this broad land, is there any crowd that has tied itselt up closer or given more aid and encouragement to corruption- ists, than the Republican party of Pennsylvania. He is the abject, servile tool of M. S. Quay, just as nine-tenths of that party have proven themselves to be. He is the excuser of and apolo- gist for, the Treasury thieves, who robbed the State and disgraced the Commonwealth, just as every man who voted the Republican ticket in November last, is. In all that is foul, corrupt, disgraceful or bad, in the Re- publican party—and what else is there of it when you consider it as a whole, —he is one of the best representatives it could find, and we wonder that any paper, fully understanding the situation, objects to his unanimous selection. By all means let ANDREWS be fav- ored with the place. A party that can endorse BarpsLEYIsM at the polls, should not hesitate in supporting, its ex-chairman for any position he might ask. ——Subscribe for the WaATcHMAN, TONTE, PA., DECEMBER 4, 1891. “NO. 47. Evidently “we are the People.” Here in Pennsylvania where the popular approval of a two million rob- bery of the Treasury has just been rec- ordered to the extent of a half hun- dred thousand majority, we as Demo- crats may not feel that we are “in the swim,” It is not so if we take the country at large, however. While the republicans have the President and the control of all the Federal patron- age, the Democrats have a majority of the popular vote of 107,438, as shown by the last Presidential elec- tion; an overwhelming majority in the House at Washington, and the Gov- ernors of thirty of the fourty-four states, comprising the General Government. The states which now and will after the first of January next have republi- can Governors are Maine, New Hamp- shire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Ne- braska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, California and Nevada. These are all. They represent less than one fourth the population of the entire country, and from a business point of view, less than one fifth the business interests of the country. We know that these facts, cold and undeniable ae they are, have no con- golation in them for the republican, who, because his party has control of the post offices and the petty patronage of the General Government, imagines it “owns the earth,” They may open his eyes to the fact that it don’t. We only give them to show Democrats, who may pot fully estimate the strength and power of their party, that while we, here in Pennsylvania may get licked like thunder at times, we still belong to the ‘party of the peo- ple.” —— Judge Harry WHITE, of Indi- ana, has already announced that he will be a candidate for Supreme Judge, at the election next fall. That is, in case the Republican state ring can be induced to place his name upon its. ticket. In our knowledge of men who. might aspire to the high and dignified. position of justice of the Supreme Court, we know of no one in the state, for whose election, the people would have so poor an excuse as that of the Indiana Judge. If Judge WaITE is. anything he is a politician—a narrow, biggotted, partisan one, and as unfit for a Judge as the unbelieved is for a teacher of moral ethics. Possibly, however, this kind of a man would suit the people of a state who will en- dorse by a majority ot 58,000 votes, a ring that has just succeeded in robbing them ot almost two millions of dollars. Here in Pennsylvania there is no ac- counting for the political taste of its voters, Object Lessons. How much more of the same kind of tariff, under the protection of which, the Nail Works and Glass Works in this place have both gone to sticks, and the CoLLiN's Furnace is compelled to lie idle, would it take to prove to our people, that a protective tariff neith- er creates work for, nor insures good wages to the workingmen? With a long, hard winter before them and but little prospect of obtaining employment, the six hundred laborers who were on the pay rolls of theee “protected indus- tries,” and most of whom voted for Harrison and protection, will have ample time, to reflect over the uncer- tainties of political promises, and to figure out the profit there is in taxing themselves to benefit others. A few more object lessons, such as laborers hereabouts are enjoying, should be suf- ficient to convince any one not too blind or biggoted tosee, how ontrageous- ly they have been deceived, and how foolish they were in listening to the promises given in return for their sup- port of the republican party. ——The many friends of Adjutant General McCrLeLLA»D Will be sotry to learn of his continned and serious ill. ness, en down with the malady,from which he suffers, some ten days ago, that he would be able to be about in a few days. Such has not been the case, however, and it is known now, that his condition is much more serious, than was first suspected, and that it may be weeks before he will again be able to attend to the duties of his of- fice. He is being carefully nursed at the Harrisburg hospital, It was hoped when he was tak- Modern Ctvilization. From the Lebanon Advertiser. Some one has said that man is a fight ing animal, and one of Scott's heroines is made to declare that if two armies were placed face to face, and allowed to remain there for a short time without commanders, they would begin to fight for the love of fighting. It:may be questioned whether civil- ization is much more than a thin veneer to cover native savagery. We have seen men and women in a moment of real or apparent danger, exhibit the sel- fish cruelty of savages, overthrowing and trampling women and children in seeking safety for themselves. Greece was called civilized when the Spartan mother would fling her babe, if it chanced to be sickly or deformed, to be eaten by wild beasts. Rome was in its highest civilization when men fought to the death with wild beasts, or with each other for the entertainment of the patricians ;- when the gladitor was “butchered to make a Roman holiday,” and St. Paul fought with wild beasts at Ephesus: In later times, men and women have been burned at the stake in the name of Religion, and guillotined or allowed to posh in dungeons in the name of iberty.., The present generation may have reached a higher plane of morality, yet we are still a good way from perfection. Circassia.sells her girls in the Turkish markets. Russia sends her droves of exiles to the wilds of Siberia. In Paris, men pay twenty-five francs (about $5) for tickets to witness unnatural crimes. London has her White Chapel butcher- ies. ‘We have our share of crime. Within a fortnight, three clergymen have been convicted of heinous crimes; one for beating a child to death. Our savage instincts are shown in cock fighting and dog fighting and man fighting and woman fighting. A few days ago two women fought with fists for the delectation of a crowd of men, and although the police stopped the fight,one was declared a victor and re- ceived §25 as her reward. Two boys of 17 engaged in a set-to with fists and one- of them is killed. We cannot take up a paper that does not contain an account. of a crime of which a woman has been, the author or victim. We read of men leading a Hyde and Jekyll life until our. sense become callous, ;and we hear of. men stealing by millions, of banks looted and trusts violated with scarcely. an emotion of surprise. ———— The New York Legislature. The situation with reference to the. New York Legislature is clearly set forth in the remarks made by Governor. Hill to a New York World reporter. The Governor said in reply to a ques- tion of the reporter : “The Assembly, according to the eer- tificates already issued, stands 65 Bemo- crats and 63 Republicans. The Repub- licans, however, are trying to unseat Ryan, Democrat, who was legally elect- ed from the First Onondaga District. “Judge Kennedy, a Republican Su- Prams Court Judge in that Judicial. istrict, is endeavoring to act as a. mem- ber of the Board of Canvassers. He has acted in a most outrageous manner, and in plain language he is trying. to bull- doze the official canvassers. “The Republican County Clerk of Onondaga County has refused: to sign Ryan's certificate of election, which was duly issued by the Canvassers. If Re- publican Judges and republican county clerks are permitted to have- their own way they will endeavor to deprive the Democrats of their majprity in two branches of the Legislature. If timidity or cowardice are allowed te prevail the Republicans may succeed. The Demo-. crats, however, are earnest in keeping control of the Legislature. They know that they elected a majority of the mem- bers of both branches and are insisting their rights, an honest count and obed- ience to the election laws.” “The party,’’ continued the Governor, ‘that counted out Tilden, that eounted out legally elected Wnited States Sena- tors from Montana, that expelled a dozen Democrats from the last Congress who were fairly elected, that kept a legally elected Governor of Connecticut out of his office, that has refused a just enumeration and apportionment of the people of this State for halfa dozen years in violation of the Constitution, to keep a minority in power, will not scruple at anything. ‘Wky, for seweral days after the late election everybody believed that the Demoerats had carried both branches of the Legislature of this State. Suddenly the Republicans be- gan to claim that they had elected a majority of Senators and Assemblymen, and at the same time they began tam- pering with the returns. And now, when Democrats. are trying to exact their rights, the Republican politicians and the Republican members cry out frand, stealing the Legislature, ete. But it will not deter the Democrats from keeping what they are fairly en- titled to.” "A Fast of 150 Days Ended. Mre. Mary MoVay, the Braddock woman who had not tasted a particle of solid food since July 2nd., died at that place last Monday. Mrs. Me: Vax's aversion to food was at first un- explainable, but it was found that she had been a constant smoker for years and that the cancer of the jaw, from which she suffered, was the direct ve- sult of nicotine poisoning, Spawls from the Keystone, —Ho rse-thief Herbert Spencer is believed to be dying of hemorrhages in jail at William- sport. —Blazing benzine blinded Edward Mohr, Birdsboro, when he attempted to revive a fire with it. —Seven inmates of the Columbia lock-up escaped Monday but three of whom were re- captured. —A bed-cord served asa rope with which John C. Hill, of Reading, hanged hiwuself in his attic. —Johnny Jacoby, a Bethlehem lad, has just broken his left arm for the sixth time within two years. —Mrs. Aon Clark, who lives near Honey- brook, Lancaster county, will be 100 years old on Christmas. —Pennsylvania Grangers will hold their nineteenth annual ccnvention in. Harrisburg on December 8. —A shifting engine, on the Reading, mor- tally injured Joseph Borie, a Shamokin track- man on Friday, —Father Looney, Chambersburg, has been appointed Assistant at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Lancaster. —Charles Q. Zehner committed suicide at Lansford, Carbon county, by cutting his throat with a earving knife, —Judge Albright has decided that the West- ern Union must pay. Allentown a tax of §1 a piece on its 300 poles. —For stealing C. W. Fullers’s checks and forging signatures to them, Victor Laubach, was arrested at Allentown. —A fall from the top of a “Pennsy” train re- salted in the death of Brakeman. Samuel Dougherty, of Columbig.- —A Williamsport dog was electrocuted, though seemingly untouched, by an. electric car that passed that way, —A curved armor plate fora Government mansof-war was shipped.from Bethlehem, yes- terday, to Indian Head, Md. —Scranton expects to have a new armory. —Lancaster’s city toll gate case will be ap- pealed to the Supreme Court. —Ruffians knocked down John Banman, of Reading, on Sunday night, broke his-jaw, and beat him into unconsciousness. —John Boshok, Bethlehem,. was horrified to wake up Monday morning and find his bed fellow, Andrew Wojeke, dead. —For cutting off one of har legs the Reading City Passenger Railway Company Friday paid Lizzie Barre, a school girl, $4000. —Abram Rhodes, of Lancaster, fell from a fodder stack to the ground, and hadboth arms broken and was injured internally. —Hazleton sent alarge delegation to Har- risburg Friday to argue with Secrotary Harris ty for its disputed eharter as a city. —Harry Pickering, of Lathrop township, Wyoming county, killed himself by blowing, in a gun that was loaded and cocited. —G. P. Blackburn, of West Newton, ex- member of the Legislature, has been arrested charged with using:bogus tax receipts. —Footpads have molested many pedestrains in the vicinity of Allentown. John MecE! ‘oy and Andrew Heeffer have been arrested. —Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Strunk, of Reading, wererandered unconscious and barely escap- ed death from. a new stove’s-escapimg gas. —The Bowman and anti-Bowman Evangeli- cal fight for possession of the Immanuel Church, Reading, has been.taken to Court. —Deaf and dumb John. J. Boyle knocked Ssranton’s ex:Cily Treasurer, John O'Donnell, _ insensible with a coupling: pim and robbed him. —Looking for: work and. falling down a sixty, foot cliff to. the railroad. in Allentown, Henry: Fallwiler, a.ribbon. weaver, was cut up by a. train —He never read the newspapers,and as args. sult Jonathan Clayforth, Warrington township,, Berks county, was buncoed out of $100 on Sune. day. —After being cwned by: the Martin femily since 1815.the old: Relay Hiouse, Lancaster, has been sold. by John P. Martin to George Myers. —Mrs. Rev. I. H. Correll left Williamsport: with four of henchildren,Monday,to rejoin her husband, wheo- is a. Methodist missionary in Japan. . —Charged with neglect of little Joe: Dille innot taking ‘him from. John Laffertyls cuse tody, the Poor Directors.had a hearing at Car- lisle, Friday., —Amputation ofan anza was the vesulf.of an accidental shot that happened to. Militiaman Augustus Hertwig, Tamaqua, while . target practicing. —Several Newfoundland dogs at Warrior's Run, Luzerne eounty, have caught the season- able craze, and are robbing henroosts.and kills ing geese by wholesale. —Fresumably stricken by apoplexy, the body of a well: known auctioneer; Jere Walk, ot Chambersburg, was found. by the railroad track neax-his home. —All Pullmaa conductors batween Phila= delphia. and: Pittsburg wore. deluged with Phanksgiving; wedding couples. on: Thursday nightand the next day. Le : —Paimiotic: songs andl addresses echoed through all of Reading’s schools Friday. It was % new holiday in that city, and was desig= nated: as Patriotic day. —Perjuris alleged against, Stepheny Whites ley, of Philadelphia, at Allentown, for swear- irg he owned $1500 werth. of property and per~ mitbing Louis Becker to escape. —A belt making 200 rounds.a minute caught: and whirled Daniel Brown, a Berks county Jury Commissioner; breaking an arm and a. leg, from which he may die. —A charter was. granted, Friday to the Tor. resdale Electrie: Light and Power Company of Philadelphia, eapital, $1000, of which Edward de V. Morrell is one of the directors. —Pennsylzania. fourth-class postmasters were Saturday appeinted as follows: J; Kleine haus, Blooming Grove; J. D. Wilkinshaw, Cokeville; J. C. Leslie, New Kensington. —President: Reed is organizing Dickinson College alumni into district alumpi, agsocia- tions, with headquarters respeetively in Phila delphia, Baltimore and Wilmington. —-3tage driver William Stark fell asleep in a hotel office chair, at Fredericksburg, near Lebanon, and was robbed of his watch and several hundred dollars in checks and money. —Miner John Harrigan was drowned and three of his companions had narrow escapes from a rush of water, due to a dam bursting and flooding Park Coilery No.l, at Mahanoy City. —Playing with and chasing a pretty servant girl, young William Shultzheiser, of Bethlea hem, ran his hand; through a door’s glass panel, cut a great gash in his right arm and nearly bled to death.