Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 20, 1891, Image 5

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MARRIAGE Licenses. — Grant A.
Katen and Mary J. Richner, both of
W. L. Shuey and E. J. Young, both
of Boalsburg.
James E. Stover and Annie E. Hor-
ner, both of Potter twp.
Wilson Flegal and Maime Campbell,
both of Philipsburg.
AN OpricaL DEerbsioN.—A Clay
county paper tells the latest corn story :
«A farmer raised one thousand bushels
of popcorn and storad it in his barn.
The barn caught firs. The corn began
to pop and filled a ten acre field. An
old mare in the neighboring pasture who
had defective eyesight saw the corn and
thought it was snow and laid down and |
froze to death.
Horses StoLEN.—On Saturday night,
November 14th, two horses were stolen
from the stable of Orlando Wagoner,
one mile below Dublin Mills, in Fulton
county. One, a brown horse, is four
years old and has a little white on hind
pastern. The other, a dark brown ware,
is six years old but has no marks. $50
reward is offered for the recovery of tne
horses and ihe capture of the thief.
——- A letter from Harry Bush gives
quite a realistic account of his thrilling
experience while canoeing down =a
Washington river, during a flood.
Harry is on a U. S. Geodetic surveying
corps and is having a great time on the
Pacific slope. His canoe ride the other
day was over fifty miles down a swollen
river and many places the walls of the
canon, through which it coursed, rose
to the height of one hundred feet. Im-
agine if you can how scared they must
have been when every moment might
have been their last.
A Frrrineg RecoaNITION.—In recog-
nition of the great services rendered the
College, by Mr. W. J. Candy during
the recent burning of the big barn, the
Board of Trustees has voted her a re-
ward of $20.00. Mrs. Candy, as soon
as she noticed that the building was on
fire, rushed into the stables and unchain-
ed the whole herd of cows. If it had
not been for her timely action itis al-
together probable that the entire herd
would have perished. Mrs. Candy is |
the wife of the dairyman at the College i
and her presence of mind saved the In-
stitution a valuable lot of cows.
A Cosy PrLACE.—Several weeks ago
we mentioned the fact that the Bush
House office was undergoing extensive
improvements. They are, completed
now and the traveling public is received
in one of the handsomest and cleanest
looking hotel offices we have ever seen.
The wood work has been painted a
pure white and varnished. The walls
are covered with beautiful white and
gold paper and a metallic ceiling in buff
and old blue completes a most pleasing
effect. Comfortable oak chairs are seat-
tered about over the tiled floors and the
guests of the big hotel have every con-
venience to make their sojourns pleas-
ant. Mine host Daggett is bound to
make a success of his hostlery if he con-
ducts things in such a liberal manner.
Howxors For CENTRE CoUNTY.-~The
Governor of California, a few days since
appointed to the bench of the Superior
Court of that State—one of the most
honorable positions within the gift of the
Uommonwealth-—Hon. Chas. W. Slack,
whose {father was a former citizen of
Potters Blills, and many of whose rela-
tives] are now honored citizens of this
county. Uriah Slack, father of the new
Judge, married Catharine Straly of Mil-
roy, Mifllin county, about the year
1844. He left Potters Mills in the
spring of 1849, taking his wife with him.
They were six months in crossing the
plains, and finally settled in Sun Luis,
Obispo county, California. Mrs. Slack
returned to this country in the spring of
’58, and shortly after her arrival at the
home of her father, the subject of this
notice was born. Sie remained among
Pennsylvania at the Fair.
Unique Things to be Seen—Purposes
of the Stale Building.
About fifty application have been
filed at the office of Executive Commis
sioner Benjamin Whitman, of the
board of World's Fair managers, by
Pennsylvania manufacturers, for space
at the Columbian Exposition, and num-
erous inquiries are daily coming in,
showing an interest all over the State.
In a short time circulars will be sent
to the manufacturers in the State rated
sufficiently high, inviting them to ex-
hibit their products. This is expected
to increase the interest already shown,
and favorable results are anticipated.
Applications have been received
from one ot the leading railroads, two
or three extensive manufacturers of ag-
| ricultural implements, two large cigar
manufacturers, a tool and machinery
company, one of the largest manufae-
turers of fancy cakes in the country,
and perhaps a dozen various lines of
industries. Arrangements have been
made by an extensive manufacturer of
sawmill and sawmill machinery to set
up a complete set of machinery in a
building to be erected for that purpose.
The oil region is preparing to make
an extensive exhibit of the oil and gas
industry. This will be in charge of
ex-Senator Lewis W.Emery and James
M. Guffey.
A general opinion prevails that the
proposed Pennsylvania building is for
State displays. This is a mistake.
This building is intended for the com-
fort and convenience of the visitors to
the exposition from this State ; a place
to rest, meet their friends, put away
wraps—in fact, a club house. It has
been suggested that a portion of the
building might be used to good advan-
tage for the State’s historical and arch-
ological display. On its walls could
be hung the portraits of Pennsylva-
nia's Governors, the Penn Charter and
docaments relating to the'early history
of the State, #
All exhibits that come in line of
competition must be located in some
one of the general exposition buildings
and be grouped according to the offi:
cial classification. Exhibitors will
not be charged for space.
Dignity that is Easily Supported.
Ex-Representative Gibson, of Mary-
land, is a candidate for Clerk ot the
House. When the idea of the clerk-
ship first came into Mr. Gibson's mind
it was received with some doubt. Did
it comport with the dignity of a mem-
ber of the Fifiy-first Congress to an-
nounce himself a candidate for the
clerkship of the Fifty-second? That
question Mr. Gibson considered for
some time before he acted. Some of
his frends were consulted by him, and
they have varying advice. At length
Mr. Gibson applied to Judge Culberson.
“What's that you say, Gibson ?”
drawled the great commoner, of Texas,
as if he had not rightly understood the
“I want to ask, Judge,” replied the
Marylander, “if you think it would be
inconsistent witn the digmty of a
member of the Fifty-first Con gress to
become a candidate for Clerk of the
next House ?”
, “H-m,” said Judge Culberson, as he
pondered on the question. Then he
delivered himself slowly and solemaly :
“(iibson, in my time ['ve seen an
ex-member of Congress cleaning spit-
toons at the other end of the Capitol.
I’ve also seen an ex-member of Con-
gress packing seeds for $1,25 a day ov-
erat the Agricultural Department. And
down in my country ['ve kaown an
ex-Congressman to go around exhibit
ing a siud horse. No, Gibson, I don’t
think there will be any sacrifice of
dignity in your becoming a candidate
for Clerk.
A Heroic Death,
WiLkEs-BARRE, Nov. 18.--Napoleon
De Montague, a French miner employ-
ed in one of the Plymouth mines, was
killed under sad circumstances yesterday
He had fired a blast when a spark from
the same seta pocket of gas on fire.
There was no immediate danger, but
Montegue thought ‘the fire would
spread and endanger the lives of six
hundred men. Ho at once took off his
cout and started to beat out the fire with
his garment. He succeeded, but before
he could get back in his breast the roof
fell in, crushing him to death.
He was well educated, being the son
of a distinguished Frenchman who was
banished from his native land forty
years ago. He settled in Canada. Re-
verses came, the son came tu the coal
her friends here for about a year, when
she returned to her hore in California. |
Uriah Slack, father of Judge Slack is a |
brother of Sumuel and John Stack of |
near Potters Mills, this county. |
Mormonism Near Franklin,
A case of destitution and brutality
was discovered in President township, i
Venango county on Tuesday last. A
man who is scarcely able to tuke care of |
himself kus been ruaning a sort of Mor- |
mon settlement in thetownship. He has |
keptup two separate households, with an |
alleged wife at the head of each, despite
the protests of his neighbors, Yesterday |
his thirteen year old daughter by wife
No. 1 appeared at the house of a neich-
bor and asked for food to keep her moth-
er from starving. The neighbor accom. |
panied the child home, and the scene of |
destitution which greeted her was al- |
most beyond belief. Wife No. 1 was |
very sick, actually starving to death.
The eabin, which issituated in a dense |
wood, is destitute of the common neces- |
saries of lite, and the woman and her
children had been without food for many
days. She had for montbs lived on tur- |
nips and potatoes The husband is now |
living with wife No. 2, and is an officer
in the Salvation Army at Titusville.
An effort will be made to bring him be-
fore the next grand jury and have bim
indicted for bigamy. = Friends
regions, and in the absence of any other
employment was compelled to work in
the mines,
er —————
She Had a Musical Ear.
“Come here, Frances, and let mam-
| ma tell her little girl about heaven.”
“That's where thedear Lord lives,
isn’t it mamma ?”’
“Yes; and it issnch a happy place.
All the good people go there when
they die, and they ail have harps and
sing day and night.”
“Will every body sing, mamma ?"
“Yes, my dear.” :
“Will papa sing 27
¢+Oh, yes.”
“All the time 7”
“Yes, love.”
“Then I don’t wan't to go.”
EEC Corr ——
The Singing Lesson.
There is a story of an Irish gentle-
man who wanted to learn of an eminent,
singing master, so he inquired the terms
“Two guineas for first lesson,” said the
maestro, “and for as many as you please
afterward a guinea each.’ “Oh, bother
the first lesson,” said the inquirer, ‘let
us commence with the second.’’
-——=Madatne Patti is reported to sleep
with a silk bandkerchiefround her neck.
have She uses a very salt gargle of cold water
taken care of wife No. 1 and her family. every morning.
| Bogus Medical Diplomas Sold.
Efforts to be Made to Secure Several| A Chartered College, Which Has Ii-
Hundred Such Exzhibits—Some of the
isted in Secret for Years, in Trouble.
Cincinvari, Nov. 16.—Yesterday
morning Dr. T. W. Van Vieck was ar-
rested for issuing bogus diplomas for
money, permitting the holders to prac-
tice medicine. The institution which
issued the diplomas and of which Van
Vleck is the president, has helda char-
ter for.nine years and had existed in
secret during that time, It was known
as the Medical University of Ohio. It
has no building and ro lectures are
It is not known how many diplomas
were issued in this manner, but it has
been learned that burial permits have
been issned by persons holding such
diplomas. Van Vleck’s charges for a
diploma varied from $500 down to a
few dollars. The reporter making the
investigation obtained a diploma for a
small sum. Van Vleck was released
last night on $1,000 bail.
The following is the report of the
first month of the Port Matilda Gram-
mar School.
Scholars who were present every day were
William Marks, John Crane, George Wood:
ring, Allison Woodring, Gertrude Bennett,
Bertha Woodring, Susan Reese, Edith Wil.
liams, Florence Wiliiams, Lizzie Wiser, Merle
Crane, Josie Reese, Lizzie Pringle, Grace
Reese, Grace Jackson, Celia Woodring and
Nannie Willams. Number of pupilsenrolled :
girls 26, boys 12 ; total 38. Average attendence:
girls 17 boys 7; total 24. Per cent., girls 93,
boys 90; total 92. The students who contribut-
ed toward the paper for school-room were
Grace ‘Jackson, Susan Reese, Josie Reese
Maggie Williams, Florence Williams, Velta
Williams, Sadie Cowher, Florence Funk,
Grace Reese, Ollie Reese, Edith Williams,
Kate Willinms, John Pringle, Edward Whip.
po, Blanchard Jones, John Miles, George
Woodring, John Williams and William Marks.
M. E. PILE, Teacher.
Books, Magazmes, Ete,
Waar A MaaaziNe Cosa. --A very good idea
of the amount of meney it costs to successfully
conduct one of the magazines of to-day is apt-
ly illustrated in some figures regarding the
editorial cost of Zhe Ladies’ Home Journal of
The Journal is cdited by Mr. Edward Bok.
For shaping the thoughts of his 750,000 women
readers each month Mr. Bok is paid $10,000 per
year, and has an interest in the business be-
sides which nets him fully twice his salary
He has a staff of sixteen salaried editors
which includes men and women like Rev. Dr.
Talmage, Robert J. Burdette, Palmer Cox,
Margaret Bottome, Isabel Mallon and Maria
Parloa. The combined salaries of these edi-
tors exceed $20,000 a year. The Journal spends
miscellaneous matter not contributed by its
regular editors, and the working force in the
editorial department means at least 26,000
more in salaries, making over $60,000 a year
and this represents but asingle department of
the Magazine ; and I question whether any
periodical is conducted on a wore business-
like and economical basis than is the Journal
No wonder that J. B. Lippincott; when. asked
by a friend why he did not keep a yacht, re-
plied : “A man can only sustain one luxury—.
I publish a magazine !”
Mew Advertisements,
STRAY.—Came to the residence
of Mrs, Weiland, 2 miles west of State
College, Pa., a white steer, about two years old,
and with bell on. Owner requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges, and take
away ; otherwise will be disposed of according
to law. 36 45 5t.
For information and free Handbook write to
MUNN §& CO., 361 Broadway, New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in Ameri-
ca. Every Patent taken out by us is brought
before the pues by a notice given free of
charge in the
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in
the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelli-
gent man should be without it. Weekly $3.00
a year ; 81.50 six months. Address, Munn &
CO., Publishers, 361, Broadway, New York.
36 45 1y.
The finest grade of Roller Mill flour on the
Sole Agt.
* *
36 45 6m
is doing a most excellent work tor young men
and women. There is no institution of the
kind in the land that enjoys a betier reputa-
Hon for thorough instruction and honest meth-
it has been in successful operation and
have been assisted to honorable employment
through the education secured within its walls.
Write to F. M. Allen, Principal, for beautiful
Pays for a Life Scholarship in either the busi.
ness or shorthand course at the old, reliable
Williamsport Commercial College and School
of Shorthand. F.M. ALLEN,
36 45 3m- Principal.
this city, says the Philadelphia Public Ledgdr.
each month $2,000, or about $25,000 per year on |
sSechler & Co.
A: CAR 1
Se rt
LITTLE CROCKS - - - - - =~ - =~ BIG CROCKS
emer — {ota (Y itimbams omits
The best Stoneware on the Market and a great assortment. We scan supply
you all.
Bush House Block,
Rochester Clothing House.
A Properly Dressed Man.
According to the best fashion papers the well dressed
man of to-day wears a three, or four buttoned, cutaway
sack coat, single breasted vest, buttoned slightly higher
than they have been worn during the summer and
trousers of medium width. In colors, the different
shades of brown are selling fastest, though very fashiona-
ble people are wearing many light fabrics.
Hats are large in shape, and lower in the crown than
they have been for some time, with rather wide, slightly
curling brims. Black and brown being the most popu-
lar colors for both business and dress.
In scarfs : delicate shades of blue and brown are very
much worn, but, for those, who can wear them, the bril-
liant reds add great beauty when worn with the popu-
lar wood brown suitings. The large puffs, ascots and
four in hands are popular, though English bows are
much worn by those who profess to be leaders.
In collars the self rolling medium heighth styles are
proper while cuffs are linked, with square corners.
The above is a complete description of what you should
wear if you care to be in style, and why not be dressed
properly when it zosts just as little. Go to M. Fauble’s
Rochester Clothing House and you can get all of these
articles for the wonderfully small sum of $14,00. Amaz-
ing ain’t it ? True nevertheless !
New Advertiserisernis.
Orphans Court of Centre county, in
the matter of the estate of A. 8. Zimmerinan,
deceased. The undersigned, the Auditor ap-
pointed by the court to distribute the balance
in the hands of the administrator ot said de-
cendent fo and among those legally entitled to
receive the same, will meet the parties inier-
ested, for the purpose of appointment, at his
office in Bellefonte, Pa., on Tuesday, the th
day of December, A. D.1891, at 10 o'clock in the"
forenoon, when and where all persons are re-
quired to present their claims or else be forever’
debarred from coming in on said fand.
30 45 3t. Auditor.
{ou ! COATS!
A large assortment of childrens
coats and caps at the
New goods of all kinds just in,
Stockings in wool,from 10¢is up.
For good goods at low prices go
to the
No. 9, Spring Street,
Bellefonte, Pa.
35 21 1y
Whereas the Honorable A. O. Furst, Pres-
ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleasofthe
49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun-
ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor-
able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Daniel
Rhoads, Associate Judges in Centre county,
having issued their precept, bearing date the
3rd day of September to me directed, for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of
the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of
Centre and to commence cn the 4th Mouday of
Nov. being the 23rd day of Nov., 1891, and to
continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen
and Constables of said county of Centre, that
they be then and there in their proper per-
sons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 23rd,
with their records, inquisitions, examinations,
and their own remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be
done, and those who are bound in recogni-
zances to prosecute against the prisoners that
are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be
shen and there to prosecute against them as
thall be just.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 20th
day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1891,
and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the
independence of the United States.
36-42-4¢ Sheriif.
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Fieri Facias and Ven-
ditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas, of Centre county, and to me
directed, will ba exposed to public sale at the
Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on
at 1 o'clock, p. m. the following described real
All that certain tract of land situated in tha
Borough of Millheim, Ceutre county, Pa,
bounded and describ’d as follows: B: gin
ning at a stone, thence along land of Dan’l A.
Mussar south 734° W. 42,7-10 perch to a ston»,
thence along land of same and turnpike north
10° W. 26 3-10 perch to a stone, thence along
land of Geo. Peters, north 706° E. 13 1.10 perch
to a stone, thence by land of same south 19° E.
7-10 perch to stone, thence by same north
6814° E. 7 8-10 perch to stone, thence by land of
J. Philip Gephart, south 19° E. 28 1-10 perch to
place of beginning. Thereon erected two two
story frame dwelling houses, stable and other
out buildings
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jacob Alters with notice to Jro.
Alters tene tenant.
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following real estate.
All defendants right title and interest in and
toa certain tract of land situate in Howard
township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and de-
scribed as follows: Beginning at a dogwood,
thence by land surveyed to William Ramsy
south 47° E. 135 perch to a corner, thence south
47° west 81 perch toa post, thence south 40° K.
28 perch to a corner, thence by land formerly
of Joseph Miles in right of Stephel Regent S.
68° west 186 perch to a post, by marked chest-
nut, thenee north 40° west 30 perch toa post,
thence by land of Curtin’s heirs north 50°, E.
176 pereh to a corner, thence north 40° west 78
perch to a white oak, north 47° E. 66 perch to
the place of beginniug, containing 127 acres
68 perches more or less.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jacob R, Leathers.
3643 2 Sheriff.
lowing accounts have been examined,
passed and filed of record iit the Registers of-
fice for the inspection of heirs and legatees,
creditors and all others in anywise interested,
and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of
Centre county on Wednesday, the 20th day of
November, A. D., 1801. .
1. The fourth and partial account of
George Bower and Samuel Evert, execators of
ete, of Jacob luvert, late of Penn twp., de-
2. The first and final account of Jonathan
Schenck, administrator ot ete, of kllsworth T.
Gardner, late of Liberty township, deceased.
3. The first and final account of Annie M.
Miles, executrix of ete., of J. D. Miles, late of
Milesburg boro,, deceased.
4. The account of Samuel A. Martin, trustee
etc, to sell the real estate of Daniel Berich,
late of Walker township, deceased.
8, Theaccount of W. A. Wagner ands. J.
Wagner, administrators of ete. of John H.
Wagner, late of Potter township, deceasod.
= , Py
6. The first and final account of R. J.
Haynes, Jr, administrator ete, of Susun Cashe
er, late of Snow Snoe township, deceased.
7. The first and final account of Fannie E.
Gray and Zane B. Gray, executors of ete, of
A, I. Gray, late of Half Moon township, de-
ceased, :
8 The first and final account of Jacob Yar-
nell, adihivistrator of ete., of Josiah T. Hea-
ton, late of Boggs township, deceased.
8. The first and fival account of James
Houseman, administrator of ete., of Julia Moy»
er, late of Potter township, deceased,
30. The first, and final account of E. W.
Hale, guardian of Mary M. Hale, a minor
child of James T. Hale, Jr., deceased;
11. The first and final account of BE. W.
Hale, guardian of Alice Hale, a minor child of
James T. Hale, Jr., deceased.
12. Third partial account of James P. Co-
burn, executor of ete. of Thomas Huston, late
of Walker township, deceased:
13. The first partial account of Lydia A.
Musserand A. Walters, administrators of ete,
of Daniel A. Musser, late of Milheim
14. Tne account of Jured Harper. adminis.
trator of ete, of Mrs, Nannie Sheridan, late of
Bellefonte horo., deceased.
15. The final acconnt of Louisa Bush, exe-
cutrix of ete., of D. G. Bush, deceased.
16. The firstand tia! account of Mary Belw
res, D. W. Behres and Jacob Behres, adminis.
trators of ete. of Jacob Behres, late of Paitor
township, deceased.
17. The first and final account of D. 8. Kel.
ior, administrator of ete, of Wm. F. Tipton,
J late of Howard boro, Deceased.
13. The first and final account of Orpha C,
Youngman and H, B. Duck, administrators
of ete, of W. H. Youngman, late of Miliheim
boro, deceased
19. "I'he first and final! account of I. N. Gor
i don, administrator of ete., otf Theo. Gurdon,
! late of Bellefonte, deceased,
| 20. The first and partial account ot [. N
! Gordon, administ ators of ete, ot James D.
Gordon, late of Bellefonte, deceased,
36 42 4t, JOHN A RUPP.