Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 20, 1891, Image 4

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    do RT YT
e, Pa., Nov. 20, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - =
What Does it Mean?
The tax-payers of the county will
remember that at the last term of court,
upon the order of Judge Furst, a bill
of indictment for maintaining a nui-
sance, was presented against the
county commissioners. This was done
ju the face of the fact, that the com-
missioners had at that time made pre-
parations for removing the builling
complained of, and were only waiting
for the action of the boreugh council,
to give them authority to lay seweraze
pipes from the Court House to the
creek. Shortly after the action of the
grand jury and court, the council de-
termined that unless the commissioners
laid sewerage pipes large enough to ac-
commodate the entire town, and then
turned them over ‘te the borough after
the work was completed, they could
not use the street for the purposes de-
gired. This ended the idea the com-
missioners first entertained, for the
reason that it woull be putting the
county to a large expense for the beue-
fit of the borough, aad that when the
money had been expended, the com-
missioners would have no control over
the improvements made.
Their next effort was to secare drain-
age into the old well which is jast out- |
side of the Court House yard, and on
Monday last, the trenches were dug!
and pipe purchased, to run this
comiissioners, when they were
fied that if they proceeded to drain the |
Court House building inte the weil,
His Honor Judge Furst would at once
doing so. The old well proposed to
be used for this purpose has been cles
ed tor years, and would have made a |
most excellent and effective sink ; bet
ter by far than any one inuse at avy |
hotel or public building in town.
The query now is, what did Judge
Furst mean by attempting to preveat
the commissioners trom doing, that
which he ordered them indicted at the |
He |
knew when he threatened 10 issue an’
injunction that the action of the coun- |
last term of conrt, for not doing?
cil prevented the commissioners from
getting the necessary drainage to the |
creek. He knew there was no other
place ta ran the sewerage into, and
that without proper drainage, the im- |
provements he demanded, and that the |
grand jury indicted the commissioners |
for not making, could not be had.
Why this effort on his part to stop
them? Wasit in the hope that he
could have things in such a muddle,
by next Monday, that the new grand
jury, would recommend what he has
long dezired—the tearing our of the
front of the present court room and
the practical erection of a new Court
House? To most peaple it loeks that
way, but ualuckily for bis sHonor's
© ditle scheme, the council at t= meet
ing on Tuesday evening last granted
the commissioners the right to lay a |
six inch pipe down high street, and a
new Court Fouase at a eost of a hun-
dred thousand dollars, will not be erect: |
ed because the old one needed new out-
buildings and better sewerage.
this matter the commissioners
.are.considerally on top, ana the (ax-|
payers tiny be thaokiul that the sima-
tion is as it is.
JA Matter of Importance that Showsid
not be Overlooked.
Uhder the new election law, which
goes nto effect after the eleciions in
February next, the Siate is required to
furnish, at its expense, the necessary
booths, railing and boxes, to hold the
first election. After thug, the county
"is zequired to provide its own fixinres,
The number of voting precitcts now in
this county ds fourty-seven. It is sail
that ander the new law two hundred
and fifty persons are as many as ean
possibly vote at one division, and to at-
tempt more is to run the risk of deoriv-
ing those who eome last ot an opportu-
nity of voting, If this estimate i3 cor-
rees manv of the precinets in the eonn-
ty, as now coostituted, contain more
voters than ean possibly cast their bal
lots at a single polling place, under this
cumbersome act. :
Next year will be the presidential
election. There will be an unusually
full vote polled, and as the entire sys
tam and methods of voting will be new
to the people, the work of preparing
an i depositing ballois will be necessa-
rily slow.
For these reasons, it seems to us that
the proper thing forthe Court or the
Coauty Commissioners to do, would be
to look into this matter and consider
the propriety of increasing the number
of voting places, to such an extent as secure to every citizen the oppor
oe rere nens sf
Judge of the surprise of the!
And this
should be doue ai as early a date as
tunity to cast his ballot.
possible, before the spring election, so
that the people of any new disirict
formed, could choose their own judge
and inspectors, and that the Commis-
sioners may know how many outfits
for precincts wiil be needed, before cr-
dering irom the State.
There is no reason why this matter
should be delayed uwntil after the first
election, and the people of the county
put to the expense of purchasing the
additional number of booths required
to accommodate the voters.
It we need more districts, let them
be made at once, and while the State
bears the expense of furnishing
necessary appliance for holding
A Certain Remedy,
There is a certain class of people in
the warld who are always one the qui
wive for an affront, whether intentional
ar not. Ever ready and in arms to re-
sent a suppesed slight, no difference
Sometimes itis oniy the
gaestion of who shall sing the solo in
how small.
the church choir. The suspicious one
15 always positive that he has not had
the same opportunity to win public
laurels that other members have had,
aud thereby creates such a breach in
the congregation that the minister with
many ce aml Good Will sermons,
cannot heal.
Often it is the ward pol-
itician who imagines that the party
leaders have. wot coasaited hia as of
ten us they should, and determines to
make themacknowledge his dictator
‘ship bv creating divisions in the party
that loses a victory, that may be, af-
Buc of
ten it is the home and social cirele that
i fects & national cause. more
| suffer wost from these bristling, touchy
and over sensitive creatures, who in-
i terpret every thoughtless or rather un-
| guarded word aod action asa personal p
issue an injunction, to prevent their!
instauation. Different remedies
been preserived for the treatment
this class af individuals, who usually
areto be puied, rather thanjindged on
account of their disappointments und
worn oat digestive organs.
effectual mothod we wig
{ where D. P. AryoLp literally, knocked
tried Iasi week in Lexington,
lown and wiped up the floor with
| Resent J. BrecxeNminer, son otf the
{ Congressman.
| BRECKENRIDGE, it appears aecused
| Anxorp of insulting him during a re-
| ception given by the Governor, and in-
| gisted on it in emphatic language even
| after the other had quietly denied the
| assertion. As the Governor's mansion
| was not a suitable place for a free
{ fizht, all party's concerned withdrew
ARNOLD at first
did not-appreciate the sitaation; bag
to defend
such a mauner
to a stable near by.
when he was called upon
himselt he did it ia
| resent an unintentional wrong for some
I months
hat Breck ENRIDGE will not want
to come. The remedy was
| rather sovare, but if some people could
| have pounded into their head: a Kole
| mora common sense and the ability to
i dissern between a real offense and a
suppose injury, life would wet be the
i series of exaggerated mole hills that iv
{is to ®0 many.
| Gegeral Palmer's Partisan Expressions.
Several weeks since we mentioned,
| eaitoria
ment to Hrxry Grave, av Atlanta,
| Ga,, and now we are competled to re-
! fer ta the despicable stand taken by
i General Panmur, commander-in cliuf
| of the Grand Ary of the Repablie, in
| regard to the circumstandes attending'!
i the ceremonies.
General Parse has condemned the
{commitice for permitting what he
si le by side withahe srs and sarines,
and his, words bedr with thew, sgnifi
{cance of a4 very partisan feeling, walle !
| the man, over waose tomb the
emblems shorld ever hat, had pravel
ito Gud that seedioaal feelings he for
{ go:ten in the love which he aad $0 no.
| bly striven to inspice. Gen.
peopie and many of «his warmest
trien!s are condemning is unfeeling
expressions, which will certainly tend
more 10 open up the old wounds than
to eneoura ve
forgettalness of the past.
old paper, commenis on the afair as
follows :
This is not the talk of a soldier.
sectional and partisan all
federate flags at the unveiling of the
Grady monument. If there Lad been
such a display among the pieturesque
decorations of the occasion, it would
have been all right, but nobody thought
ofit. A cotupany of Confederates cur-
ried in procession, a war reiic in the,
shape of 4 battered banner under which
they had fought in a bundred batties.
All genuine soldiers understand the
significance of such an incident. This’
reiic or souvenir was regarded by old
Confederates simply us a relic, a remin. |
der of ‘their heroism and sufferings in
the past. In all ages soldiers, whether
victorious or vanquished, have affec.
It is
the way
tionately treasured their uniforms, their
Host |
ly, the unveiling of the monu- |
termed the display of confederate fags,
Parype |
ha= betittied himself in the eyes of the’
The Atlznta Constitution, Mr. GRADY'S |
There was no display of Con- !
art Arr te paar =
flags, their swords-and other souvenirs
of their campaigns.
For a century after the war of the
ses, descendants of the rival houses of
York and Lancaster proudly displayed
their red and white roses, and they were
none the less loyal to England for dwing
so. Through all the changes of govern-
ment in France, there has never been a
tine when an old soldier would not
wear in the public the Legion of Honor
cross presented to him by the first Na-
poleon. Soldiers understand this sort of
thing and only politicians and narrow-
minded bigots misrepresent it. When
the Grady monument Was unveiled,
Atlanta was literally crowded with fed-
eral flags from the monument to the
suburbs. General Slocum and other |
union officers, soldiers and veterans, saw
nothing but union flags everywhere.
General Palmer misrepresents Mr.
Grady when he says that he would not
{have countenanced confederate veterans
and their war relics. That is precisely
what Mr. Grady did when Jefferson
Davis paid his last visit to Atlanta.
There was sotne talk at the time about a
fow confederate flags. Several northern
Republican newspaper correspondents
wore them and Mr. Grady very kappily |
and satisfactorily made it plair to the |
country that the loysl South had one |
flag, but she had the right under that,
flag, to treasure her scars, her souvenirs |
and her relics. There is no latter day |
sentiment absutit and women, boys and |
rebels have nothing to do with it. Ti
people from Virginia to Texas are loyal
to one flag and one country, but they
are proud of their old battietields, battle
flags, broken swords and other evidences
displayed such supreme valor and en-
durance. It is all nght. Union soldiers
livine inthe Seuth understand snd
they “like the men who wore the gray,
all the better for this little touch of
human nature.”
——Complaint comes from Elmira,
N. Y., that the Aus
voting, was ne obsiacle in the
ralian system of
way of
those who wanted to purchase votes, at
We have an idea
that the people of Pennsyivaoia will
the recent election.
waken up to the same tact hy the time
they get through with the first election
under their cumbersome new law, In
it there are more ways for the briber to,
know cer
8 gots
he gots,
nly that what he pays for
aud for the boss and bull dozer
toascertain just how every maa in their
employ vores, than in all the election
iaws that have ever been tried,
i on
of the gigantic struggle in which pe}
Swamped by a Cold Wave.
Midwinter Weather Prevailing Through
out the Great Northwest, — Three
Thousand Head of Sheep and Many
Cuitle Frozen to Death—A Cyclone
Passes Over the Eastern Portion of
Pennsylvania — Large Amount of
Damage Wrought.
Str. Pauw, Mion, Nov. 18—Reports
are still coming in regarding the coid
wave. At many points the weather is
as cold as that usually recorded in mid-
winter. The limit has been reached at
Red Lake Falls, at which place a fall
to 20° below zero is reported. Sand
Centre, reports 12° below ; Crookston,
14° below ; Barnesville, 10°, and Hal-
lock, 16° South Dakota suffers in-
tensely, the register in that State being
all the way from 4° to 16° below zero.
There was considerable delay in the
trains, and the excessively cold weath-
er came so suddenly that it found peo-
ple in many places short of coal and
with their stock almost wholly unpro-
| teered.
From Sioux reservation and points
on the Missouri river come stories of
the loss of stock. Many cattle were
trozen. David Hall, of Sully county,
lost 3.000 head of sheep. Reports
from North Dakota say the tempera-
‘ture is very (rigid as far west as Minot.
The ground is so thoroughly frozea
that uo further attempts will be made
at Fall plowing. Reports as to the
condtion of the wheat crop are con-
flicting. Those sent out by the rail-
roads, report that nearly all wheat on
shock has been threshed and that
wiieat in stack ean be threshed at any
time. The correspondents, how. ver,
give a far less glowing view of the sit
nation, saving hundreds of acres is in
shock and can be now used for nothing
except feed in the straw. Later re-
ports from various pointsindicate that
that the back bone of the wave is
WasmingroN, Nov, 18-—The storm
that developed Sunday has moved over
the Lake regions, and is now disap-
pearing northeast of New England.
This cyclonic storm has been uansual-
ly severe, and its influence, supple-
meated by that of the marked high
wave of anti-cyclonic area moving be-
hind, bronght severe gale and a decid-
ed cold wave to all sections east of the
Rocky mountains. Killing frosts are
reporied this morning at Jacksonville
and Mooile.
The New Ballot Law.
Bucks County Will Have to Go to Con-
siderable Expense.
DOYLESTOWN, Noy. 17.—Jadge
Yerkes, in commenting {rom the bench
on the new election law, took oceazion
to say that the expense of putting the
new law into practice in Bucks county
would cost the county probably more
than it now costs to rua the county one
yeur. Many of the country districts
ave more voters than can probably be
accommodated at the usual polling places
in a room large enough to comply with
the law. The judge said that the county
commissioners would be obliged to erect
buildings tor voting purposes unless the
districts were divided, as there wa: no
room large enough in several of the
townships for the purpose. He also said
the court had mo power to divide the
districts, except upon petition of the cit-
imens of such districts. The county com-
missioners were advised to make the pro-
vigion for the expeuse wade necessary
by the enuctment of the new law,
The ‘Straight-outs” in Earnest.
The Anti-ving or ‘Straight-out’”” Re-
publicans,of Allegheny county who poll
edie larger vote than the regular organi-
zaticn nt the recent election have decided
to maintain their fiction. It was de-
cided on Saturday iust to choose dele-
gates to the National Convention as the
only ¢imon-pure Republicans from Al-
legheny conniy.
i The Ystraight-outs’’ are reformers.
{ They expect to reform their purty here
{ so that Chris Magee will ‘be driven out
| of it after being shorn of all his great
i political strength. Most of them are
I Quay wen, their leaders being distinctly
1 80, either holding official position
" throngh Quay’s influence or expecting
i wo do so ome time. When they decided
i to select delegates to the National Con-
vention they first approached B. T.
Jones, ensirman ot the National Repub-
{ lean exeertive committee when Blaine
| wus beaten in 1884, and asked him to
(bp one of their delesates. Mr. Jones
i declined te take up the fight, but the
“girmight-owts” say they can get some’
equally prominent Republican to aceapt
| the credentinis,
A New Political ‘Party Formed.
Boston, Nov. 16.—The Post to-day
| publishes aw communication signed James
| Menks which states that a new political
| party bas been formed. The communi-
cation contains the declaration of the
pariy which will be seat out for signa-
tures. ‘The deciazation suys: “We, the
andersigaed, believing that every paper
Ldoilnr issued by the United States (xov
srument should he redeemable in gold at
the o tion of the helder, believing that
wie silver question should be kept in
politics, believing also in a tariff for re-
venue’ only, and findins no existing
party whieh advoeates honest money
cand a low welll, hereby earoll ourselves
"as members of the new party.”
| Bliss Willard ¥nanimously Re-Elected.
Boston, Nov. 17.—At the fourth
day's session of the dual temperance
convention to-day John G. Woodley
spoke briefly of his reformatory cailed
“Rest Island.” Miss Francis KE. Wil-
lard was re-elected president, receiving
393 votes out of 396.
Mrs. Mary A. Woolbridpe was elect-
ed recording seceetary ; Mrs. Caroline
E. Bwell, of Chiteago corresponding sec-
retary, and Miss Esther Pugh, of Chica-
£0, treasarer,
-—— Madame de Valsyre, the noted
advocate of woman's rights in France,
is an expert at handling the foils, and is
The line of freezing passes from
! Savannah soa'h of Mobile and through
| New Orleans. Foliowing are some
[rainimny temperatures, with the rela-
{ tioas to the lowest previously recorded
{ during the second decade ot November,
viz: New Orleans, 32° 2° below;
Mobile, 30° 2° below; Atlanta, 28°1°
below ; Montgomery, 24°; Jackson:
ville. 36°, equal to the lowest.
Baromeiic depression has appeared
north of Montana, but it will scarcely
attect the weather for two or more
days; but the hich wave, the crest of
which is central over the Central Mis-
sissippi valley, will continue the cold
and clear weather in most districts.
The temperature will gradually recover
behind the high wave with the winds
as they shift to the southerly. The
rise in temperature has reached to the
Missouri river.
The Revolt of Big Foots Band.
WasHINGTON, Nov. 17.—A telegram
has been received at Army Headquarters
from Ger. John B. Breoke, command-
ing the Department of Dakota, in res-
ponse to one sent by Gen. Schofield
asking the truth about the rumor that
Big Foot’s band had left the reservation
and started for. Pine Ridge. Gen.
Brooke stated that he had been unable
to learn anything definiie about the
movement, but would find out its scope
and significance at once. .
" There is no apprehension here that
this movement will be followed by any-
like last winter’s outbreak. Gen. Scho-
field said this morning :
“The state of things in the Indian
country is to-day far better than it was
a year ago. The lessons learned by both
sides at Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee
may not be lasting but they havea
wholesome effect for the time being.
There is more content among the Sioux
this winter than last, and this is mainly
due to the fact that the affairs of the
Government, as far as they affect the
Indians, are, I believe, being oetter
administered. Of course, there will al
was be some discontent among that elass
of people, and an undercurrent of trou-
ble, but there seems to be less and less of
it as we tind out how to handlas the
sitnation. 1 do not think there are any
Isigns fo. be discerned of trouble this
winter, for as far as I cansec the tribes are
quite. ' There will be rin general chang-
es of troops this winter unless some
emergency should srvise. The Ist of
October is taken as the general liniit be-
yond which has bean found nnadvisable
to change stations until the spring.”
Heavy Sentence for Violation of the
Dow Liguor Law.
Gasper Schafer, of Knox township,
Colurabiana ecunty, Ohio, was recently
arrested for selling liquor contrary to
the local option feature of the Dow law
in forge in that township. The case
came up for hearing Tuesday. He plead
ed guilty to the charge. Judge Nichols
sentenced him to pay a fine of $500 and
serve un term of 30 days in the county
jail and also pay the costs of prosecn-
tion. This is the beaviest fine ever im-
posed upon a salookecper iu that seetion
of the State under the Dow law.
ec ——
——Their majoritiee.—1'he official
vote gives Gregg, Republican, for Au-
ditor CGreneral, 58,152 majority, and
Morrison, for State Treasurer, 54,257.
Whether the men elected will follow
“precedents,” on the plan of McCamant
and Boyer, because the Menate counid
find “no jurisdiction” in their cases,
will he developed in the vear future.
Phe majority course of the Senate is no
bar to public robbery. What a “grand
moral idea’ lesson has been rendered
hv onr legislators—23 for robbery and
fund of sieeplechasiug.
19 against. Clearfield Republican.
A High Compliment to the Attorney
General Hensel.
The New York Z1Umes' special cor-
respondent sends that paper the follow-
ing from Harrisburg: There is one
man who has made reputation and new
position as the result of the miscarriage
of justice in the recent extra session of
the State senate called Sy Governor
Pattison to considcr the bad condition of
the finances of this State. That man is
William U, Hensel, attorney general of
the commonweaith. Never before in
the history of this State did any man
make reputation for himself as a lawyer
in so short a time as Mr. Hensel has
done by his conduct of the investigation
made by the State senate. He did this,
too, against great odds, and in spite of
the seemingly abortive results of his
Mr. Hensel, now just about 40 years
old, has been known for a long time as
an important political figure; but his
reputation as a lawyer has come to him
largely as a result of the political work
he has done during’the past 18 months.
From making merely partisan speeches
he changed his tack last year and be-
gan to make legal arguments on the
Ia the Pattison canvass of 1890 there
wera many complications surrounding
Delamater, the Republican candidate
for governor. In addition to his ques-
tionable record as a legislator, and the
suspicion that surrounded his candidacy
becanse of his relations to Quay, there
were matters of a financial character.
He was the proprietor and manager of a
bank, and this bank had been favored
with about $100,000 deposit of State
money. Mr. Hensel, then a lawyer in
excellent practice at Lancaster, took the
position that, under the constitution,
Delamater was ineligible for the office
of governor because of his relation to the
public funds of the State.
This argument, backed by a liberal
citation of authorities, made a strong im-
pression upon the voters of Pennsylvania,
and was one of the potent influences in
the election of Governor Pattison. Dur-
ing the remainder of the canvass Mr.
Hensel confined his attention to the de-
velopment of this legal doctrine, and his
action in doing so made his one of the
very few instances where a lawyer had
the courage and the taci to make a can-
vass on lines almost wholly legal.
duties of his office before the Bardsley
defaleation was brought to light, and
work for the attorney general that has
kept his office busier than it was ever
known to be. At every tarn the new
attorney general has shown himself
ready, willing and able to deal with the
extraordinary condition of things that
had come to the surfuca.
When the senate came together in ex-
tra session the attorney general was
asked to conduct the case, as it was then
terr.ed, wisely making a distinction be-
tween an impeachment or criminal pro-
ceeding and the object for which the sen-
ate had been called hy the governor.
He declined, but avowed his willingness
to ‘‘assist”’ the senate in reaching a con-
clusion whether it should advise the gov-
ernor that the “reasonable cause” of the
constitution existed for the removal of
delinquent officials. Never abandoning
this position, he entered upon his work.
And never did a partisan body get such
an amount of “assistance” that it did not
Mr. Hensel’s cross-examination of
State Treasurer Boyer was masterly in
every way. He drew from an unwilling
witness admissions that showea the
truth of everything alleged by the gov-
ernor in his message, and proved, be-
sides, many evasions of the law that had
not been known. So destructive was
this examination of the witness, of whom
less was expected, that every measure
was resorted to, and that with success. to
save McCOamant, the auditor general,
from undergoing such an ordeal. It was
felt quite universally by the Republican
senators and managers that if McCamant
should be subjected toecross-examination
by such a lawyer about his ‘‘neckties”
and “rare books” he would be sure to
break down and give away his own case
and that of his party. So the victim was
saved from this shame by being saved
from examination.
The attorney general's argument in
favor ol the jurisdiction of the senate was
merely the summing up of his case. But
it was so logical aud comprehensive, and
establizhed his contention so fully, that
it extorted admiration even from the
great crowd of able lawyers retained by
the accused officials, and from the lead-
ing lawyers in the senate itself. As the
result ot it all, nobody in Pennsylvania
is likely hereafver to indulge any doubts
as to the legal ability or standing of the
attorney general of the commonwealth,
Cut a Whale in Halves,
The Anchor line sicamship Ethiopia
sliced 4 whale in two with her steel
prow ou Saturday morning last on her
voyage from Glasgow to this port. Sec
ond Officer Fife thinks the whale was
a rorquas or razor hack. Ie doesn’t
like to say how big it was, but is lo
elived to think that ninety feet would
measure its feng
Many of the iopia's passengers
had a mometaypy giitnpse of the whale,
The sun shoue oritlianly from a cloud-
less sky, : ud the sea was placid. Near
ly everybody wus on deck, Ar 10:45
o'clock a bir bubbling was was observ
ed about 200 feet ahead. A huge,
shining dark body appeared in the mid-
dle of the bubbiing, and a fountain of
water spouted skyward.
Second Officer Fite thought that the
whale would have sense cnough to get
out of the way, Maybe it thought the
Bihiopia was another marine monster
and wanted to have a litile fan with
her. Before Mr. File could give the
signal to stop and reverse, thie siem of
the Ethiopia had sirack the whale
amidships, The vessel vibrated as it
she had hit a piece of sunken wreck.
The engineer thonght some of the ma-
chinery had broken and falien through
he hull, Passengers who ran to the
sides and looked over the rails saw
the divided whale floating past, its
blood giving a red tinge to the Kthio-
pia's foamy track.
Hardly bad Mr. Hensel assumed the |
out of that has developed an amount of
English Farms Flooded.
Phenomenally Bad Weather Causes
Great Trouble. Many Acires are
Under Water.
Loxpon, November 17. —There ap-
pears to be no end of the stones of da-
mags resulting from the phenomenally
bad weather tnat has been prevailing in
Great Britain. The latest story of the
disaster comes from Somerset, one of the
southwest counties of England. The
county is traversed by a number of rv-
ers, including the Parrot Brue, Axe,
Yeo and Tone. Along these rivers are
immense marshes and tracts of land of
great fertility. The farm lands are un-
der a high state of cultivation, and con-
sequently floods in that district are al-
ways accompanied by heavy losses to
the tillers of the soil :
The heavy rains filled the rivers to the
danger point. This was particularly
the case with the river Parrot, and
much anxiety was expressed lest the
river should overflow and inundate the
{ farm lands along its banks. What was
| dreaded hus cecurred, for last night the
bank of the river, ata point whereit
was particularly strong gave way and
the water rushed through the crevasse
and flowed to a considerable depth over
the farms,
To make matiers worse, the break oec-
curred in a place in the band but a com-
paratively short distance from where the
rivers enters into the Bristol channel,
and the resultis that as the stream rises
it causes the water in the river to back
up, thus increasing the volume pouring
through the break, All the farmers and
others residing in the city are working
energetically to stop the crevasse.
Stones, timbers, freee and large bags of
dirg are being thrown into the gap, but
as yet the efforts to stop the flood have
met with little success. The damage
was caused by the inundation is placed
at $330,000 and it is believed that, un-
less the overflowing waters are soon
turned back into the river, the loss will
amount to an enormous sum.
A Magnigeent Affair.
Andrew Carnegic’s Niece Married to the
Son of an Iron King.
_ Prrrssure, Nov. 18,.—To-night in
Calvery Hpiscopal church before 1,000
invited guests Andrew Carnegie guve
{ away his niece, Miss Margaret Carne-
gie, daughter of the late Thomas M.
Carnegie in marriage to Oliver Garrvet-
son Rickettson, son of John Rickettson,
the Pittsburg ironmaster. The -cere-
mony, which with its surroundings, was
one of the grandest in the social history
of this-eity, was performed by Rev. J.
Crocker White, D. D., assisted by Rev.
George Hodges, D. D. The eight ush-
ers Were of this city’s most prominent
young men and ithe bridesmaids of
equally prominent families,
Mrs. Andrew Carnegie was present
with friends from the Fast ana West.
A magniiicent reception was held at
Fairfield, the beautiful home of the
bride’s mother, after which the wedded
couple started on an extended tour.
A London Paper Says.
Lo~NpoN, Nov. 18.—The News ina
financial article this morning referring
to the speech of Secretary Foster at the
chamber of commerce banquet in New
York on Tuesday night, says: “Secre-
tary Foster's speech isa confession of
opinion that America has gone too far to
draw back. The United States treasury
is in the same position as the Bank of
France, itihas to face the probability of
being saddled with an immense stock of’
useless silver while taking measures to
hold so large a reserve af gold that it
might just as well not keep silver at all,
The Americans seem to be so occupied
with crop and trade prospects that they
neglect currency matters so long as their
material progress is not wiolently inter-
rupted.” i
Their Difference.
From the Altoona Times.
One of the most interesting of the
present political battles is that for the
Ohio senatorship. The contestants, the
venerable John Sherman and the loud
mouthed Foraker, ave supposed to be
pretty evenly matched as far as supe
porters are concerned. ‘We need not
say, however, that in mental and moral
ability there is no parallel whatever be-
tween the two men. Sherman and For-
aker are two who have but little in
common. One is a great statesman who
has impresssd his psrsonality on the his-
tory of his country. The other is dis-
tinguished only in the front ranks of
low grade politicians,
Where Egan Fails.
From the Omaha World Herald.
The Associated Press effort to excul-
pate Minister Bgan is well enough so far
as it goes, but it does not touch upon
the vital point, that being in disfavor
with the new government of Chili, he
has outlived his nsefuluessas a represen-
tative of the United States, if he ever en-
joved any.
Drawing a Prize Both Ways.
From the Wayne Indepeudent,
A dentist who extracts teeth without
pain has been operating in Unadilla and
other places. He places a silver dollar
in the hand of the patient while extract-
ing the teeth, to be retained it he hurts.
The only pain he has caused anyone yet
is to give up the dollar
Why New England Squirms.
; From the Kansas City Times.
One reason why New Hueland is
rapidly becoming Democratic is that
they want free raw maternls. Every
workingman there knows that it raw
materials were free they would ve cheap-
er. Yet Republicans dare tell them
that the tariff is nota tax, or that the
foreigner pays it. Itis no wonder that
they reject such apparent absurdities
and resent such imputatiovns of ig-
Made Cashier of the Treasury.
HARRISBURG, November 17.—John
W. Morrison, state treasuierciect, was
to-day appointed by State Treasurer
Boyer to be cashier of the treasury, vice
William Livsey, resigned