Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 20, 1891, Image 2
——— rs ER — afc Bellefonte, Pa.,Nov. 20, 189l. he. _- A HEART'S TRUE GOLD. The sweetest songs are never sung; The fairest pictures never hung; The fondest hopes are never told— They are the heart's most cherished gold. —Henry A Lovely. IF WE KNEW. Could we but draw back the curtains That surround each other’s lives, See the naked heart and spirit, Know what spur the action gives, Often we would find it better, Purer than we judge we should ; ‘We should love each other better If we only understood. Could we judge all deeds by motives, See the good and bad within, Often we should love the sinner All the while we loathe the sin. Could we know the powers working To o’erthrow integrity, We should judge each other’s errors With more patient charity. If we knew the cares and trials, Knew the effort all in vain. And the bitter disappointmer t, Understood the loss and gain— Would the grim, external omit roughness Seem, I wonder, just the same ? Should we help where now we hinder? Should we pity where we blame ? Ah! we judge each other harshly, Knowing not life’s hidden force ; Knowing not the fo m of action Is less turbid at its source, Seeing not amid the evil All the golden grains of good ; Oh! we'd love each other better, If we only understood Sr ———— MISS LIDDY’S CHANCE. BY HELEN 8. CONANT. Miss Liddy stood in the door of her cottage shading her eyes with her hand and gazing intently down the road. ft was a crisp morning iu September, but the sun, shining trom a clear blue sky, had already turned the frost into drops of dew. The woodbine which covered the porch over the cottage door was a mass of flaming red, and in the yard yellow and white ehrysanthemums tossed their heads side by side with the pink and purple tufts of late China asters. Caurled on the door mat at Miss Liddy’s feet was a large Maltese cat basking in the sun. In a field at one side of the cottage was a sleek red cow was nipping the grass, and a flock of turkeys were scurrying about on a brisk morning hunt for grasshoppers. So absorbed was Miss Liddy that she did not notice the approach of a neigh- bor until the woman, leaning over the gate, said : “Good morning Liddy. pectin’ company 2” “Good morning, Miss Ditson. Walk right in,’ said Miss Liddy, starting, and dropping her hand from her eyes. “No, I ain’t expectin’ company,” she added as she ushered her guest into the trim little sitting-room, where :2 neat work table, snowy muslin enrtains, and various bits of decorative needlework proclaimed that a New England old maid was the ruling spirit of the cot- tage. ? “I see you gazin’ down the road as if somebody was comin’. said Mrs. Dit- son. “I was watchin’ for my trunk. Dick Bowles said he'd bring it along from the depot,” replied Miss Liddy. “Your trunk ? For the land sakes, what be yeu goin’tto do with a trunk?” asked Mrs. Ditson. “I’m goin’ away,” said Miss Liddy. “The stage driver sent to Concord to get me a trunk—oue of them kind with a box in the top for a bonnet, and be expectsit'll come ou the train this mornin’ “Where are you going, Liddy?” asked Mrs. Ditson, after a pause, dur ing which she had lifted her bands in astonishment, “I’m goin’ first to Boston to see my .sister Lizbeth’s children. The poor ‘things are all alone there with his folks. I believe it’s right for a woman ‘to stick fast te ber husband; but when he happens to be a sea-cap’en,'[ ean’t say its right for her to leave her chil- dren to the care of strangers for the sake of gallivantin’ rcund the world with him. Father didn't approve of Lisbeth marryin’ Hiram, anyway; and as things has turned out, I believe he was right. I guess when I get there ‘these children will be glad to see some one of their.own flesh and blood.” “JT should say their father’s folks was their own flesh and blood as well as you,” said Mrs. Dison. “] s’pose they are; but mother’s folks always seemed nearer to me,” re- plied Miss Liddy. “I think they've got the most right, anyway,” she add- ed, firmly. “If you'd married, Liddy, and had children of your own, as I have, you'd Be you ex- know that the hushand’s folks think, they've got the most right,” said Mrs. Ditsor, with an air of superiorty. “Why, I never eat Thanksgivin’ din- ner with my own folks once siace I was married. Until there were so many children that we began to have dinner at home, I had 10 go to his folks year after year.” “Well, I did’t marry, thank the Lord!” snapped Mies Liddy. “If I had, wmwaybe 1 wouldn't have the chance I've got now. [I've always been waatin’ to travel ; but there al- ways been somethin’ agin it, and 1 haven't slep’ away from under this roof but once since I was born, and that was when Mis’ Putman died, and I staid up there one night to look after the children until their aunt would come for ‘em. Father he always said that when folks had a home they ought to stay in it. That was why he was so set agin Hiram, ‘cause he want- ed Lisbeth to go to sea with him ; so there was no use for me to talk of goin’ anywhere while he was alive. Then after he died I couldn’t goand leave mother all alone; and we laid her away at father’s side, what with all the doctors bills and one thing an’ oth- er [ hadn't money enough left todo anything but live along here and be thankful that I had a roof over my head. Now, that legacy Uncle Silas left me just gives me the chance I've heen longin’ for since I was a girl, and | | these everlastin’ hills, shuttin’ me in | | stay and take care of him; but it i here as if they was prison walls. Af ter I've seen Lisbeth's children I'm going out West to visit Cousin Ben's folkes. I ain’t comin’ home for a year.” “Maybe you're right about the hills bein’ prison walls, though I never look- ed upon 'em that way,” said Mrs, Dit- son, as Miss Liddy stopped for breath. But land sakes, when a woman has got as many children as I have she don’t think about prison walls nor nothin’ except to start the young ones off in time tor school, an’ have dinner ready for em when they come home. But, Liddy, what you going to do with the cow and all them turkeys ? I was sayin’ only yesterday that you'd have fine eatin’ for the holidays. Tne Queen of England coulda’ have no better. “They are the fattest turkeys I ever see, and I've taken a heap of trouble raisin’ em,” said Miss Liddy, with an air of satisfied pride; “but I can sell ‘em and the cow teo. The butcher down to the Corners said only the oth- er day that she’d be a fine cow to fat for beef. He'd take her any minute. And I guess there's roast turkey to be had at Christmas time anywhere. “What you goin’ to do with Prince?” asked Mrs. Ditson. The Maltese cat, who had followed his mistress in doors, and was now curled up in her lap, raised his head and purred on hearing his name. “That's the only trouble,” said Miss Liddy, ber thin-old face flushing as she gently stroked her pet. “He must have his saucer of warm milk and his basket to sleep in, and he'dgrieve him- gel to death if he wasn’t petted and talked to. He's just like a child to me and sometimes I feel as if I'd ought to would be flying in the face ot Provi- dence to give up such a chance ofseein’ the world as I’ve got now.” “] never hankered to go travellin’,” said Mrs. Ditson. “I was away a week once, the time sister Susan «vas marri- ed, and I went tothe weddin’ and I was never #0 thankful im my life as when I got home. The naise and jog- gle of the cars gave me an awful head- ache, and | was most choked to death with tbe cinders, and clean beat out gittie’ upright hours and hours, with nothin’ decent to eat or drink.” “You can sit in an easy-chair now, and have hot tea and some dionoer brought and put on a little table right in front of you while the cars are goin.’ | I read a piece in the paper where it told all about it)’ “And they have beds, too, made up with sheets and blankets, just as if you was heme. When you wake upin the mornin’ you're miles away from the | place you went to sleep in. Now that’s | just what I'm longin’ for. I've gone | to sleep and walked up years with that same old elm tree, standin’ right before the winder, and I'm sick of it.” “I'm atraid you'll get sicker of al- ways wakin' up in a vew spet,” said conservative Mrs. Ditson. “You .re- member Ann Morrison, she that mar- ried that young city chap? He was what they call a drummer, and he. did nothin’ from one year’s.end tothe other buttravel up and down. She was al- ways grumblin,’ just as you be, ‘cause she had to stick home and couldn't see the world as he did.; 8o.euce he got out of patience, and took her aloeg—said sheshould have all the travellin’ she wanted, and I guess she got it. Waen he .orought her home she come:up here tostay with her folks aad rest.while he kep' on, and she was the most worn- | out-looking eritter I ever see. She own- «6d up that she didn’t have nothing fit 10-eat the whole time. Eer new gown shehad made to go in was clean wore oul,.2nd the bonnet she paid five dol- lars for wae whisked right off her head by the wiud the very firet day as was going from one car to anotner.” “They have entries between the cars now, 80 you don't have to go outdoors. I read all about it,” said Miss Liddy, grimly, determined to hold her ground in spite of neighborly opposition. “When be gou intendin’ to start, Liddy?" asked Mrs. Ditson, as she arose te take her leave. “I've laid out to go in two weeks; that is to say, it I can get everything arranged to suit,” replied Miss Liddy, casting a quick, sidelong glance at Prince, who was rubbing against her skirts ae she stood saying the last words to her guest. Mrs. Ditson harried home, not so fast, however, that she did not impart the news of Miss Liddy's journey at every kitchen door until she reached’ her own, when che sank exhausted upon a chair, with scarcely breath enough left to gasp out, “Miss Liddy’s goin’ away-—goin’ to be gone a year,” dor the edification of Martha Butters, the dress maker, who happened at that time to be giving Mrs. Ditson her yearly week of cutting and basting and making over. Before night the entire village knew that Miss Liddy was going on a jour- ney. The farmers shook their heads, and condemned the move as a piece of old maid's folly. They used mueh stronger language concerning the mat- ter than it called for, probably to nip in the bud any inclination for roaming in their wives and daughter, as the women, one and all; with the excep- tion of Mrs. Ditson, were in sympathy one would be good enough to wear in the cars—would by no twisting and turning be made to fit in the small compartment which was intended to hold the tiny bit of ribbon and lace re- presenting the head-gear of modern fashion. +] ghall have to wear my best bon- | net after all, and tie it up in a veil to keep the dust off. That'll be better than jammin’ it all out of shape,” said Miss Liddy ; but she was dissatisfied. The idea that the trunk was a swindle rankled 1n her breast, and when Mrs, Ditson, who came expressly to look at the purchase, declared that the trunk “warn’t nothin’ to the swindlin’ ”’ she would meet with along the read, poor Miss Liddy’s heart beat with trepida- tion, although she kept up a bold front in the face of her neighbor's discour- aging remarks. The preparations for departure were much more gigantic than she had an- ticipated. The thought of possible dust and moths which might invade her home during her obsence filled her with dismay. With ‘many sighs she set to work to protect her little parlor. Old bedlinen was brought out of the great chest in the attic, and the hair cloth sofa and chairs put in winding sheets to prevent dust and dampuess, and little muslin bags of camphor were placed around theedges of the carpet to scare away any adventurous moth that might attempt to enter the sacred apartment. The butcher at the Corners, hearing of Miss Liddy's proposed journey, stopped at the gate to say that he - ould take the cow and turkeys at any time. “Don’t you dare come for 'em till I send you word,” snapped Miss Liddy, as she hurried mto the house and slam- med the door, an action which puzzled the avorthy butcher greatly. That night es she drove Clover, the cow, into the barn, the patient beast seamed to turn her big blue watery eyes reproachfully upon her mistress, whose own eyes grew watery in return. “But that's settled. Cows is only cows, anyhow” said Miss Liddy to rerself. Prince wes the only thing left to be «cared for. The big Maltese seemed to feel that «a change was approaching which might interfere with his comfort and set himself to work to make the most of ‘present opportunities. If his mistress sat down for a moment to rest from the labor of preparation, he immediately ensconced himself in her lap aud at might, absolutely refusing to : : | said Miss Liddy. | sleep in his basket, he stretched him- self, a purring heap of warm fur,on the foot of her bed. Miss Liddy went over in her mind the condition of every family in the neighborhood in her ef- forts to decide on a home for Prince. Oue neighbor had kindly offered to take him, but she had small boys, and Miss Liddy knew they would pull his tail and otherwise torment him. “Prince hates the sight of boys,” she said to herself, “and I've no right to put him among 'em”’ Another woman who had no boys, was willing to feed the big cat and give him a home, only he must sleepin the wood-shed. Prince sleep in the wood- shed, indeed! To Miss Liddy’s mind a queen’s boudoir was none to good for the bedroom of his royal catship. The two weeks were long past, Nov- ember was drawing near, and Clover still chewed her cud peacefully in her warm-stall, Prince was still lord of the cottage, and Miss Liddy opened her eyes every morning on the same old elm (ree. “It's my opinion she’s throwin’ up what she calls the chance of her life just for the sake of that old HMalty,” said Mrs. Ditson, whuse contempt for cats was second only to her eontempt tor “travelin’.”’ This wes in a large measure true. Miss Liddy could not bring berself to .desert Prince. The more she thought of it, the more impossible it seemed. if she were away , he might be shut out-of-doere on a snowy night; he even might have no turkey for (Christ- mas. [tmade Miss Liddy shudder to think of it. There were other things, ts0, that troubled her. Visions of the faithful Clover with the butcher's kaife at her throat haunted her dreams and it suddenly occurred to her that tram ps—worse than all the moth and dust 1u the werld—might break into the barn, perhaps into the cottage it- self, and hold riot among her cherish- ed household lares and penates; they might even set fire to the buildings, and she would return to a heap of blackened rubbish. One morning Mre. Ditson, eoming for her.daily chat, found Miss Liddy hard at work undoing the wrappings from the parlor furniture, and hum- aing an.old tune as shestepped briskly about the room. Prince, perched upon the center table, was watching her with evident satisfaction, . “Why, Liddy! what's the matter? Ain’v you goin’? exclaimed Mrs. Dit- 501. “I don’t know as I be, and [ don’t know but I be. Lizbeth’s comin’ home,” replied Miss Liddy, giving a vigorous whisk to her feater duster. “Well, 1 never! When's she com- in’? Any thing the maiter with her?” asked Mrs. Ditson, eager for a new bit of gossip. “No, she's well enough, I guess,” with Miss Liddy, and declared that she would be raving crazy to lose such a! chance of seeing something of life out- side of her native town. Miss Liddy herself was passing through an experience which she had not foreseen. The trunk had arrived, | and the first sight of it filled her with | joy. It was a huge affair, covered | with marbleized tin, and faswened with two locks, to which were queer flat lit- tle keys, which Dick Bowles explained ! must be put in the slot which served | as a key-hole, pushed in a little way, turned half way around, and pushed i again. This intricate proceeding ter- | rified Miss TLiddy’s unmechanical |’ mind; but the key was nothing as compared to the bonnet box, of which she had boasted to her neighbor, Her | , tals time without her. said Miss Liddy, without stopping her work. #1t seems she and Hiram came 10 port last week, and he is going off She writes she is tired ouisailin’ up and down, and she wants to come here with the chil dren and rest a spell. She calkerlates to get here the day before Christmas; says she hasn't eat a good New Eng land Christmas dinner for years, poor thing!” “Them turkeys will come in handy after all, Liddy,” said Mrs. Ditson with a grin, “Yes, they'll taste appetizin’ to Lizbeth. And I've got apples and vegetables in the cellar, lots of them. It seems kinder like the work of Prov- idence that I didn’t sell them off afore now, don’t it?’ replied Miss Liddy, attention to the mischievous amuse- ment ot her neighbor. «I should think you might go away easy now Lizbeth is comin’.”” said Mrs. Ditson. “If she is goin’ to stay here she can take care of everything, and keep it just as it is. After Christ- was you can start and go right out West as you was intending.” “Now, Mrs. Ditson, when I haven't seen Lisbeth for years do you suppose 1d go right off and leave her like that?” said Miss Liddy her eyes snap- ping as she stopped her work und taced her guest. “And then Lisbeth never was good at managin’. This house would be a pretty lookin’ place after she’d had it a while. And then there is the children. They are all girls, thank the Lord, but for all that they might worry Prince, which they will not if I'm around.” Miss Liddy gave an emphatic twist to her head, which settled the tact that Prince was safe from the touch of teasing hands. Christmas morning Mrs. Ditson stole a moment from the preparation of her dinner to run over to Miss Liddy’s and welcome the new arrivals. She found Joseph Thompson Home Again. The World of Women, The Disiinguished African Tells of His Latest Travels. Blue is growing in tavor. “Art brown” is a new red. Christmas toys in the stores. Sudan lace looks like cnipure. | Mr. Joseph Thompson, who, next to | Stanley and DeBrazza, is the most con- spicuous of living African explorers, Shot velvets will be seen all winter has just returned to England after a visit Scalding water to Lake Bangweolo and Garenganze pest, > where the western head str i i take their rise rd Most of the foreign cheeses come in eighteen months, and his mission was to $in-foil, make treaties in favor cf the British = Russian leather gloves are pleasantly South Africa Company. He was not odorous. > successful in making arrangements with A new society sleeve is tight atthe Msiri. the most powerful native chief in elbow and full above it. inner Africa, whose attitude why A new thing for the neck of the fair whites is not now very friendly. Mr. js 4 collarette of crane’s feathers. Thomson, however, made many treaties Th : anaes tod with the chiefs east of Garenganze, and =, ereare many new fancy stripe it is significant that he returns home Bone Hiss, 24 these are to be a great. with a favorable impression of the great | 22t9re1In the season's cosines: There are now 120 incorporated wo- plateau between Lake ! ] | men’s clubs in the Federation of Clubs, cleans diamonds Nyassa and | Bangweolo. j 4 Thompson, unlike Stanley, is very con- | of which Mrs. Charlotte Emerson Brown servative and almost pessimistic. His 18 President. {judgment is good, he is not carried AWRY | There is also a new trimming imitat- | by enthusiasm, and hence his opinion | jo marabout, which is lighter for even- with regard to the countries he has seea | jpg dresses ; it is made of fine black silk is regarded as valuable. Of the agri- | pug has just the same effect Tn cultural value of most of the great pla- " Lisbeth and Liddy renewing the ways of their youth by setting the dinner ta- ble together. Their loud eager voices and laughter could be heard before she reached the cottage. Lizbeth’s three little girls were jumping about the roow, examining every nook and cor- ner with the inquisitive eyes of child- hood, stopping from time to time to look with auticipation at the row of delicately browned pies and dishes of nut and raisin which zdorned the dresser. The air was redolent with -he fragrance of turkey and plum-pud- ding, and in the broad ray of sunshine which streamed in upon the floor sat Prince, licking his paws and preparing himself for the coming feast. When Mrs. Ditson, after giving Lis beth a hearty welcome and kissing and duly admiring the children, start ed for home, Miss Liddy followed her to the door, “Mrs. Ditson, I ain’t said nothin’ (o Lisbeth about my ictendin’ to goon a journey, nor I ain't goin’ to,” she said. “I've been thinking it all over in my mind, and I have come to the belief that the Lord gives some folks a chance to roam up and down the earth, and others He just plants down where they belong, and gives them a chance to stay there. I ain’t sure but what that last chance is the best; any- way, it’s mine, and I'm goin’ to be thankful and make a blessing ot it.” Merino Sheep. Gooll Words for Them from a Man Who Loves Them Still. They are the only breed that can be run in large flocks or will bear crowd- ing, and right here is where the mutton breeds will strike a snag. They will thrive if kept in large flocks. Again, you can keep more of the fine wools on the same feed ; it requires no more grain or grass to make a pound of meat or a pound of wool on one sheep than on the other; the fine wools are much more docile than the mutton breeds and much easier cared for, and in times of short pastures they will live and thrive where the latter will starve We have heard this cry of mutt n sheep before. About the close of the war the same cry of mutton sheep and combing wool was heard all over this broad laad and everybody had the Cotswold craze, but after fine wools came to the front as they surely will do agaiu. We are lable to runinto the extremes in these mattess, and then we must call a halt and take aceount of stock, and for this reason we want to say to our fine wool breeders, go slow. We have seen many cross their fine wools with mutton breeds to their sorrows. For the man who only keeps a'few sheep along with other tock mut- ton sheep are all right and they do well but for the man with large flocks it is quite different, as some will learn by sad experience before the craze is over. It won’t do for everybody to run in ‘the same channel. Our manufacturers need the different kinds of wool and must have them, and if we do not pro- duce them they will be imported, cost what they may. A few general princi- ples should be kept in mind. Tt is as great great folly them for wool alone; wool and muttons must go together in order to be more profitable. Ourmarkets will only comsume about so much mutton, and when that demand is supplied and there is & surplus, down goes the price in spite of our boasts of the good quali- ties of mutton, and right here is one great drawback against our producing all the wool consumed in this country. Our markets will not absorb so much mutton. ‘We have not yet learned “to eat it, and while the long wools may perhaps produce a superior mutton, the fine wools when well fattened are no drag in the market, and if fully ripe will bring abeut the same price per pound. Another point that is often overlooked is the fact that fine wool sheep, if kept in small flocks, with plen- ty of room, will not be as much behind the long wool: in weight of carcasses as many would have us believe, while ¢he long wools or mutton sheep, if kept in larce flocks, soon becomz diseased and will not thrive. Therefore, we re- peat the advice—go slow in making any radical changes. With new be- ginners who only want a few to run with other stock, it is quite different. ——1I have been a great sufferer from dry catarrh for many years, and I tried many remedies, but none did me so much benefit as Kly’s Cream Balm. It com- pletely cured me. M. J. Lally, 39 Mass, The Princess Maud of Wales has devoted some of her spare time this sum- mer studving the mandolin, and has set the fashion among the ladies. —————.————————— —— Heaven's last hest gift—my ever new delight,” is not my brown-sione house, nor my carriage and pair, nor my fine new yacht, nor my preitiest girl, nor my hopes of a seat in congress, not these, but my wonderful cure for pain, I'm goin’, I'm sick of the sight of best bonnet—she ‘‘laid out” her old too happy at the turn of affairs to pay ' Salvation Oil. Woodward Ave., Boston Highlands, teau between Nyassa and Bangweolo he Margaret Sangster encourages the has formed a high estimate. He thinks | production of sunshine by saying. | white men can thrive in this region as “The longer I live the more I am in- well as in India, though he does not be- | clined to set the highest valuation on, lieve that white colonization, in the | pleasant people.” | : : : ii A favorite trimming for this winter proper sense of the term, is possible, at least under present circumstances. | will be the double-gathered ruches of is men can profitably employ capi- | velvet, cut on the cross, one standing tal to open coffee, sugar, and other plan- | yp the other turning down and gather- tations, but the country is not adapted | eq in the centre, : tor peasants from Europe who desire to go to new lands with their families. i Boas ure to be as much worn this year Mr. Thomson has made some import- | 8s last, and three-quarter fur capes as ant rectification in the geography of the A Worn fifty years ago. They fall much Bangweolo region. He says the one below the waist, and are rather high on definite and precise observation for posi- | the shoulders. Mufls are to be large. tion taken by Livingstone has not been | yp tctoria ds 1 nog en Queen adhered to, and hence the lake is incor- for a st Q Victories is rigged out ¢ : i state occasion like a “drawing rectly laid down on our maps. This! "it : : Be eli ll room, it is no unusual thing thing to see gre pans water 13, 10 fact, little | her display $700,000 worth of jewelry more than an immense marsh, formed, | gproad : as upon h m like any other marsh, by water flowing fig p er rcomfviteble robest of into a slight depression in a plateau. Mr. Thomson believes the lake, even in the rainy season, has a depth of no more than twenty feet. Its southern shores are clothed with forests. Livingstone ouce said he had tramped for two months through a region which Narrow china ribbons continue to be worn, carried in a continuous line down back and front, Tulle and laces have come in again ; the manufacturers have made them just wide enough for basques. according to the English mapmakers, Take a pound of i sti was occupied vy a lake. Thompson bas | prown Windsor soap, Wings Co bad the same experience. He says he | with a little water. Add lavender wa- camped far within the bed of Luke teror any other kind of essence when it Bangweolo as it is laid down on most | js mejted to a smooth paste, but do not maps. In the rainy season the lake | thin it too much. Stir in a cup or more spreads out and covers for some distance | of almond meal or of common oatmeal: the ground on which the forest stands. Keep it in jars for use. This is an old- Thomson saw the tree on which Liv- | {me preparation for keeping hands: ingstone’s men carved the record of his | ynooth and white, whi death. He also met natives who well | the belles of olden Th Wat used by remember the visit of the sick old man, and the circumstances under which he Ada L. Tiws enjoys the distinction of died ; and the population ali around the being the only newspaper woman in the southern sbores of the lake preserve the | World having the turfasa specialty. tradition of Livingstone’s visitand death, | She is a bright, clever woman of about and of the fact, very remarkable to [20 years, well versed in pedigrees and them, that his servants carried his body | records, but not at all “horsey” in con- away to his home. versation, and with a womanly dignity Blantyre. on the Shire Highlands, is which always commands respect at the becoming famous as the most important pool box, the track or the hotel corridor. town the whites bave reared in inner | She is a correspondent for about 15 dai- East Africa. It was founded by Scott- lies, including the Chicago Tribune and ish missionaries about ten years ago, | Herald, and has been made the represen- and Mr. Thompson, who spent many | tative of the Associated Press at Inde- weeks there, was struck with its re- pendence. markable progress. This town, a little | The Wellesley college aid association south of Lak. Nyussa, is the headquart- | has done notable work in raising funds ers not only of the missionaries, but also | to assi<t students in limited circum- of Scotch planters who have opened | stances who wish to complete the col- large coffee plantations. Hundreds of | Jege course. During the nine years of acres are now devoted to coffee calture, | js existence the society has expended and the product brings Lhe highest | nearly $150.000. Of this amount $43,- prices in Mincing Lane. The planters | 457 was loaned to students with the pro- are also making very successful experi- | mise to return, and nearly one-third of ments with sugar, tea, tobacco, and other | the sum has already been received from crops, and constant additions are being | those who borrowed it. The society made to thecultivated area. It is rather | numbers among its officers such woman remarkable that natives come 200 or 300 | 3s Mrs John Hall and Mrs. W. E miles to work on these plantations, and | Dodge, ot Naw York ; Mrs S. E, Her- they are the very men who a few years | rick and Mrs. A. J. Gordon, and Mrs. ago used to raid through this country on | Alice Freeman Palwer, of Boston. slave huating tours. There is an ample ail : supply of cheap labor and the natives The women of California have install- are willing to work, thouth it was pre- ed the widow of Johr C. Fremont, the dicted a few years ago that the white en- | famous pathfinder, in a pretty little terprises in this region would not be | home in the heart of an orange grove in able to secure the native labor they re- Los Angeles as an expression of their quired. love and gratitude to the man who did The white population decided wisely, | 5° much preliminary work toward the long ago, that to succeed in Africa they work of building vp the magnificent must try to make themselves as com- Commonweulth of California. Tt is fortadle as they would be at home. They Just about a vear since it became known pay particular attention to their build- that Mrs. Fremont and her daughter Ings, sanitation, amusements, and every | Were practically without a home, and feature of life that can add to th sir com- | the effort was commenced to provide fort, health, and pleasure, They live her with one and the means of maintain- in well-built houses, with large rooms, | 10% Lerself in it with comfort, and all fitted with comfort and taste. The table | las been accomplished save the pay- appointments are just as attractive as ment of a small amount on the house, they are in the houses of refined middle | One of the nicest things for afternoon class people in England. The libraries | neckwear is a revival of the pretty old- contain copies of all the best books and | fashioned “crossed shawl.” Tt is just a the best periodical literature published | 4 big fichu pointed or rounded at the in Europe and America. The Scotch | back, with a broad ruffle all ronnd it, missionaries are not content with mere falling over the shoulders, and down day schools. They have large boarding both ends, which are crossed over the houses containing 200 to 800 boys, most- | bust, and brought round to the middle of ly the sons of chiefs. They are entirely | the waist in the back, and tied in a great under the care of the missionaries, and | Joose bow and ends. These fichus are like the life they lead so well that in- | made of fine crepe de chine with ruffles stead of going home they often prefer | of lace, or chifton with frills of the same to spend their holidays in Blantyre. | material. When bought “ready-made” Handicrafts of all kinds are taught them. | these “airy nothings’’ are exceeedingly English games are in vogue, and at play | expensive, for they must be at least four time the missionaries often take part in | yards long, but they are very simple to games of foot ball with their dusky | make at home, and the difference in pupils. That these schools have a per- | price is tremendous. They are lovely manent effect upon the pupils is shown | for young girls made of the very finest by the fact that after ending their edu- | Indian muslin daintily edged with lace, cation many of the students build houses £j near Blantyre and settle down with one wife to lives of industry. The sweetest muffs are being display- ed in all colors and nearly every fabric. A delicately lovely one with a capote to match is of cream-white felt, lined and edged with otter, the felt being pleated “What have you in that package?” |into a bag-like shape and held with a asked Mrs. Wanterno of her husband. little vine and white bird nestling in a «Nothing that you would be interest- | bed of tiny brown ostrich feathers. This ed in, my dear,” replied Mr. Wanterno. | muff is hung round the neck by a broad oI think you might tell me what it | brown velvet ribbon. A collarette of is.”? white, tolded rather like a ruff, stands “Well if you must know, it is a rib- | out from the neck from the top and bot- | bon tor my typewriter.” tom of a broad band of otter, This col- “A ribbon for your typewriter? And | larette fastens on the left shoulder with it’s nothing that ‘I would be interested | a little bird to match that on the muff, {in I” exclaimed Mrs. Wanterno. and the part about the neck is edged ¢ What's the matter now ?” asked her | with a narrow brown feather trimming. { husband, who inferred from his wife's | The little bonnet to match this dainty | manner that she was thoroughly angry. | set is also of white felt shaped like a flat “You can unblushingly acknowledge | coif a 1a Marie Stuart, the point coming { to me that you have bought a ribbon for | well down on the forehead, and the | your typewriter, and at the same time whole thing being edged with a narrow tell me it is nothing that IT would be in- | band of otter. The flat crown is quite | terested in!” : plain, and the back has a triple ar- And she slammed the door behind ber | rangement of small brown feathers with | as she went home t> rer mamma’s to re- | a bird matching those on the muff and late tho most recent instance of man’s | collar. Broad velvet strings tie in a perfidy. small flat bow under the chin. The Typewriter to Blame Again. the bodice on either side, and crossed