Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 20, 1891, Image 1

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    ii afte
emer ITO
re Tey
Ink Slings.
If turkeys and chickens were {o vote, next
For Benny’s re-election boom
We're afraid he'd feel, when the returns
come in,
Like the boy who fell out the balloon.
—Gamblers all love their anties.
—Itis notto be expected that the
saucy girl is the sweetest.
—When in your early childhood
days at school, did you ever pars(e)nip ?
__Tts always chilly for those who
receive the returns from the North
—Onecan see a Beech’s bark but when
it comes to sea dog’s bark, why then its
quite a different thing.
—The President killed a duck, on
Tuesday. Ifit had been a goose, JIM
Brave would have cooked it for him
in good style.
—There was a deal of appropriateness
about the place of the last meeting of
anarchists in Chicago. It was in
GRIEF’S hall,
—1If society would unburden itself of
the number of calves it seems wont to
nurture, nature would give them dress in
the cow slips.
..-Its a queer condition of affairs, yet
it nearly always happens, that the man
who “goes up” in business gets very
low in financial standing.
—Maay a chap who never served an
hours apprenticeship as a pressman,
thinks he knows all about the business,
when it comes to pressing a kiss.
—Czar REED will soon have a chance
to see that the MrrLs of Texas, grind
slow, but exceeding fine. Congress will
convene next month and then we’ll all
— Brazil is a trifle too warm for dicta-
tors, and in fact for most any kind of
‘taters, but if FoNsEcA was only a lit-
tle sweet ‘tater he might do better down
—The ‘politicians who insist on presi-
dent HARRISON playing second fiddle to
BLAINE, are the ones who complain
loudest about him being out of tune
with his party.
—Ohio Longshoremen are praying
for rain and the old Fog Horn is toot-
ing as hard as ever. Mayhaps its so-
norous sounds will echo through the U.
S. Senate chamber ere long.
—8. CoLEMAN DRAYTON who has just
separated from his wife becaue she loved
society and he desired quiet, will go to
Philadelphia to live. It is evident he
knows where to find what he is long-
ing for. ‘
—The New York dude who wears a
coat of mail beneath bis ordinary cloth-
ing, lo shield him from the wrath of his
girl's father, would doubtless findjample
protection by wearing a pad on the seat
ot his pants.
--Because Treasurer elect MoRRISON
has been appointed to follow LivsEY, as
cashier of the treasury, people should
not expect that he’ll go to Canada at
once. They should at least give him a
chance to ‘‘get his hand in.”
— After all, the difference between the
republican Senate of Pennsylvania and
the unbeliever is but slight. The one
believes there should be no punishment
forits official theives here; the other,
that there is none for them in the here-
—An effort is being made at Wash-
ington to freeze out all applicants for
door keeper of the House by presenting
IcemaN TURNER as a candidate for the
position. The name may be very frosty
butit don’t seem to chill theardor of the
other aspirants a bit.
—The fact that all the big rascals
from the leading western cities have
started east, to plead for the national re-
publican convention, is all the explana-
tion necessary to relieve the minds of the
good people out there about the wonder-
ful fall in the thermometer.
—Auditor General McCAMANT esti-
mates the expenses of the extra Senate
session at $60,000. By adding to this
the losses of the state through the BARD-
SLEY stealing the people will have a
very fair idea of what “onyx clocks”
and “neck ties” for a republican official,
costs them.
—Down in Brazil, FoNsca’s declar-
ation that the people had “no jurisdic.
tion” caused a revolution and raised
merry hell. Among us liberty boasting
Pennsylvanians, the enforcement of the
same doctrine only caused an increased
republican majority and raised the hopes
of official thieves. But the Brazilians
never fully understood the benefits of a
A real republican government.
—The Philadelphia Press wants the
republican papers to second its sugges-
tion that Mr. Hewirr tells all he
knows about the sale of the Louisiana
electoral vote in 1876. ‘Whats the use ?
After the facts would be furnished, these
same papers would hide the shame of
their party under the plea of ‘no juris-
diction,” and then denounce him for the
the time expended in exposing the
A Poiater tor Philadelphia.
Spasmodically for years the Phila
delphia newspapers waken up tothe fact
that there is something radically wrong
somewhere about that city; either in
its accommodations, its surroundings,
its condition, its morals or its some-
thing else; that there is some great
reason why it is not as prosperous,
progressive, go-ahead and busy as
other ¢ ities having fewer natural ad-
vantages and less wealth, Jost what
that something is, none of them seem
to comprehend, or if they do, have not
the courage or manlmess to acknowl
edgeit. In seeking for the cause, they
lay the responsibility upon all manner
of needs, except the right one. One
paper alleges that it is for want of rap-
id transit; another that it is the need
of better hotel accommodations ; anoth-
er that asphalt streets wonld remove
the cause; another that enlarged
parks and more expensive drives would
gecure additional trade; others that
the Sunday laws are too strict, and so
on through the entire catalogue of
what seems to be the special want or
desire of the interest or individual, seek-
ing to enlighten the public on just
what Philadelphia needs to make it a
modern city.
That it needs something, something
that will bring new life, new ways, new
methods, new business, everbody knows.
At present it is scarcely recognized in
the business world. It may push and
strive, and promise all it pleases, its
efforts go unrecognized, and it is known
more as a sort of a cemetery, where
people are buried before their corpses’
are ready to wear the grave clothes,
than as a place of business or of im-
portance to the business interests of
the country.
There is no question that Philadel-
phia should be a differert city from
what it is, speaking from a business
political lie, no matter how improh-
able or horrid, that reflected upon the
intent, the honor or the courage of the
Southern people but was taken’ up
and paraded as a fact, by Philadelphia
newspapers, aud no effort on the part
of any Southern state, to secure respec-
table representatives in the general
government or respectable home rule
for itself, that was not twisted and dis-
torted in every conceivable way to the
discredit of that entire section.
It is to this cause, more than to all
other causes combined thatcan be at-
tributed the loss to Philadelphia, of
the trade of the south, and to that loss
can be assigned the reason for the busi-
ness condition of which the Philadel
phia press and business interests, now
so loudly complain .
A Cowardly Scheme, :
What looks at this distance very
much like a well planned conspiracy to
excuse the trial and punishment of the
indicted mercantile appraisers, of Phila-
delphia, and throw the responsibility
for this miscarriage of justice upon
the democrats, has just developed 1n
the republican papers of that city. It
is nothing more or less than a long
sensational story about persons con-
nected with the democratic organiza-
tion of that city, procuring and distri
buting bogus tax receipts, and the as:
surance that their names are known to other day, from the tiresome drudgery
the district attorney, who intends push-
ing the matter to the utmost limit, and
that to save the exposure of these
democrats, it is possible that an ar-
rangement will be made that will drop
both these and the cases against the
republican mercantile appraisers.
{ts a nice scheme if it works, but no
democrat wants to see it succeed.
Ot the truth or falsity of the bogus
tax receipt story, we know nothing.
But we do koow that no trading of ras
cals whereby crime isto be condoned,
point. Its principal trade now is from
the west, with which section it only |
stands on an equal footing with New |
York. What it wants is the Southern |
trade. This it should have. This be- |
longs to it geographically and by every
business reason that could be advanc-
ed. And yet, although a hundred
miles nearer to every important busi
ness centre of the south, the entire
trade of that section passes through
Philadelphia and goes on to New York,
preferring to loose four hours time in
going and coming, and the additional
cost of transportation and freightage
on purchases, rather than buy the
game goods at the same prices of Phil-
adelphia merchants. ;
There is some reason for this state
of affairs, other than a want of bigger
hotels, elevated rail-roads, asphalt
streets or observance of Sunday laws.
Philadelphia at one time controled the
entire trade of the south. And it was
not because it had better personal ac-
comodations, more amusements, or
looser laws than New York. It was
because of its location, and the treat-
ment its customers received. It has
the same location and offers the same
practical advantages to-day it did then,
but why, since the war, has it practic-
ally been without any of the southern
trade ?
Dare we tell you?
Because Philadelphia has driven it
away by its everlasting vilification of
the people, the practices and purposes
of that section; bv its indecency in
politics, and its readiness at all times
to aid or encourage any movement cal-
culated to be-little, degrade or cast re-
flection upon the people of the South.
Its representatives in congress, with
one single exception, are now and have
been, the bitterest enemies the south
has had among the law makers of the
country ; its merchants and manufac-
tures have emptied their pocket
books times without number, to
secure the election of men to the
presidency and to congress, whose avow-
ed purpose was to humiliate the South
and turn the control of its public af-
fairs over to the ignorance and vicious-
ness of negro rule; its people and press
have been formost in denouncing every
movement calculated to benefit that
section, and at all times and under all
circumstances, Philadelphia has stood
up as the open, avowed, loud-mouthed
opponent and indecent denuinciator of
every ides, effort or purpose of the
South, to rebuild its shattered fortunes,
or regain standing and influence in the
goverment of which it is a part. No
will meet with’ the approval ot ‘the
democratic masses, If any democrat,
i stand he high or low in the councils of
his party, has been guilty of farnish-
ing bogus tax receipts or committing
any other frauds, in the interest of par-
ty success, it is the demand of the
democratic people that the charges be-
proven and that punishment to the
utmost extent he meted out to him.
All through the campaign the re-
publican press boasted thatit was the
purpose, as it was in the power, of the
republican courts of Philadelphia to
punish its own official wrong doers. It
paraded this boast, and aired this pre-
tended purpose, upon every oceasion.
Let it show its honesty and courage
now by going ahead and preforming,
that which it promised it won'd do.
But in the name of all that is just, and
honorable, and courageous, if it is now
proposed to drop the indictment against
the republican mercantile appraisers
because they are republican officials,
or that their trials might incriminate
others who are prominent in the delib-
erations of that party, let it be done
boldly, and not under the cowardly
and lying plea thx! these people escap-
ed justice, to insure immunity to my-
thical democratic criminals.
Let the republican courts and the
republican authorities of Philadelphia
have the fairness and manliness to as-
sume the responsibility of their acts,
and not try to slink away from them,
by leaving the impression that their
work is down at the dictation of those
who had no voice in their decissions.
—— The Association of American
State Colleges is certainly to be con-
gratulated on its wise choice of a chair-
man for its committee on the World's
Fair commission. In Dr. Grorce W.
ArHERTON, president of the Pennsylva-
nia State College, the association has
recognized a man peculiarly fitted to
fill the honored position to which he
has been chosen, and whose executive
powers will prove invaluable in the
work incident to a creditable exhibit at
the Columbian Exposition. Dr. ATHER-
ToN is recoguized as heading the list of
presidents of our colleges founded by
the National Land Grant and is emi-
ently qualified to preside over such a
committee on 80 important an occasion,
The war in Brazil, ifsach the
trouble down there can be called, is
nothing in noise, and confusion, and
wind compared to the Ohio Senatorial
contest, now on hand between Sug Rr-
man and Foraker. In fact the latter
is a regular delerium-tremens contest,
in which every fool in the state ima-
ines he sees all kinds of horrid things
in the movement of the other side.
Close Them Up.
The Warcumax 1n its beliefs and ef-
forts is neither hide-bound nor puritani-
cal. It believes in the largest liberty
consistent with public good, and would
neither dictate too nor attempt to. con-
trol the acts or opinion of any, so long
as they were within the bounds of com-
mon decency or recognized morality,
yetifit had a vote in the matter of
keeping open or closing up the big
show, to be known as the Columbian
Exposition, on Sanday, it would vote
unhesitatingly to close it up.
There is no reason why we shonld
so far forget the recognized customs of
the country, as to obliterate entirely
the Sabbath day. Whether it is need-
ed in a moral sense, those who make
{a business of teaching morality can
| best determine. That itisa necessity to
every man who labors, none will deny.
What we want in this country is more
rest and less bustle and business. More
enjoyment and less greed of gain.
More happiness and smaller fortunes,
To turn the only day of rest we recog-
nize into a crowding, hurrying, busy,
money making day, at the great show,
is only to take a step towards its abol-
ishment entirely, aad who is there, who
would listen to such a proposition ?
If it was necessary to keep the show
open on Sunday in order to give an op-
portunity to those who can spare no
of earning a living, to"see what could
bejseen, there would be some excuse
for it. Bat the poor people about, and
in the neighborhood of Chicago, will
have abundant opportunities to witness
all that is to be seen on week days. It
will be a matter of months and months,
and no one within a days travel of the
grounds will be so constantly employed
as not to find one day off for the Expo-
sition, Those who live at a distance
and are not able to lose any time but
Sunday, will not be there at all. So
that the class of people to whom Sun-
day is the most needed for recreation
ar ty isnot the one that would be
benefited by Sunday exhibitions at Chi-
When the commission from this
State meets next month toconsider this
question, we hope it will honor itself
by honoring the Sabbath, so far as to
recommend to the general Commission,
that it keep the doorsof the great Ex-
position closed on Sundays.
Er ——— ET —
——-Quax’s libel suits don’t seem to
be rushing along at railroad speed
since the election. Possibly the
brakes have been put on to give him a
chance to revise the figures he flrst fix-
ed as the amount of damage done. A
hundred thousand dollars, come to
think of it, is a very high price for a
character that would smell worse than
a dung hill, if dumped on the shoul-
ders of any other living being.
De ————————————
Only So It Is A Dollar.
Politician quacks and newspaper
people, who have not had enough of
financial ability to keep themselves out
of the clutches of bankers and money
shavers, are just now engaged in trying
to open the eyes of the public to the
evils of too much silver money. It
these parties knew more about the mat-
ter of which they talk so glibly, they
would possibly have less to say about
it. The fact is, the people don’t care a
bobee what kind of money they have,
go they get of it what properly belongs
to them, and that it has the same pur-
chasing power that any other money
has. So long as five dollars in silver
or five dollars in paper will pay for the
same amount of flour, orfood,or cloth-
ing, or any other necessary of life, that
five dollars in gold will buy, the people
will be just as well satisfied with the
one as with the other.
Bankers, brokers and money gam-
blers, who hope that by a crusade, on
the silver dollar, they can lessen the
volume of money, corner the currency
market, and run gold up to a premium,
as was done during the war, may talk
all they please about the necessity of
restricting the coinage of silver, the
fact will still remain the same, that
while one dollars is just as good as an-
other, the great question with the peo-
ple will be how to get enough of any
It is not what the dollar is made of
near ag much as how to make the dol-
lar, that bothers the masses just now.
Of this fact politician, should take
“1891. NO. 45.
The Issues for 1892.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The next battle for the Presidency
will be fought On the issue of Tariff
Reform, no matter what candidates
may be in the field. Nothing can be
accomplished in the way of legislation
before the election of 1892 that will
shift the battle to’ other issues. As
the Democrats are in control of the
House of Representatives, it will be in
their power to make the position of
their opponents more intolerable by
the passage of a bill to put wool, iron
ore, coal, salt, lumber, fiax, hemp and
cotton ties on the the free list, and re-
pealing that clause of the McKinley
act which empowers the President to
reimpose duties on sugar, molasses,
coffee, tea and hides in certain contin-
gencies of which he is to be the judge.
A bill of this kind should be sent to
the Senate; and upon that body or
the President should be placed the
onus of a refusal to pass or approve it.
Such a bill would be strengthened by
a provision making a twenty per cent.
reduction of the tariff rates upon manu-
factures of wool, iron, flax and hemp,
as an equivalent for untaxing the raw
It woul? not be worth while for the
House at the coming session to nnder-
take a thorongh revision of the McKin-
ley tariff. Such a scheme might be
perfected ana carried through ; but the
labor would be lost. The bill would
fail in the Senate, or be vetoed by the
President. It would be better to go to
the people on the issue as it stands,
giving the administration the opportu-
nity to extend the free list, or forcing it
to go on the record as opposed to
further modification of the most out-
rageous tariff ever imposed upon the
The repudation of the McKinley
legislation of last year by the election
of an overwhelming majority of Repre-
sentatives opposed to it would appearto
necessitate such action on the part of
that majority as would give the Repub-
lican Administration the opportunity
of responding to the desire of the
country. The test can be made on
free raw material. That is the begin-
ning of Tariff Reform ; and there is no
doubt of the issue of a new appeal to
the people based upon that strong
Have We a Constitution.
From the Reading World.
Wouldn't it be a wise movement to
have an investigating ‘committee ap-
pointed to ascertain whether or not we
still have a Constitution? Possibly
this also has disappeared with the
State funds, or left the State in com-
pany with those who went away with-
out saying good bye. If itis anywhere
within jurisdiction that fact ought to
be made known to the people.
Anarchy in Chicago.
From the Harrisburg Patriot.
There is a marked difference of opin-
ion between the Chicago papers as to
anarchy and anarchists in that city.
One denies that there is anarchy there
and insists that the police that arrested
a few beer-drinking speech-muakers the
other day committed a flagrant breach
of the law by arresting innocent per-
sons. Another says there are anar-
chists in the city and that the action of
the policemen in breaking up their
meeting was commendable. They
agree in the one point that the anar-
chists are in a hopeless minority and
cannot excite revolution.
Notwithstanding these differences of
opinion it may be accepted as an assur-
ed fact that wherever there are anar-
chists there anarchy lurks. It may
never be able to rise its horrid head out
of the dust into which the law has
trampled it, butit is there, just as crime
lurks where criminals congregate.
They will never be able to execute a re-
volution, of course, but they are al-
ways able and often willing to commit
The true status of affairs in Chicago
is known to the country generaly only
through what is found in the columns
of the newspapers of that city. A few
days ago all these papers detailed the
arrest of anarchists. Therefore there
are anarchists in that city, and they
meet together to discuss their rabid
doctrines, just as they did before the
Haymarket riots. Many of these pro-
fessed anarchists know the foolishness
of their avowed belief and are danger-
ous only in the probability that their
“arangues may lead some reckless
neophyte to the commission of murder
Juan police interference would be too
A meeting of such men, for the dis-
cussion and advancement of their doc-
trines is not an innocent gathering of
citizens nor are the men innocent, for
their intentions are evil and always a
mensce to the community. Police-
men ought to be empowered to break
up these meetings whenever possible,
although there may not be sufficent
evidence to imprison the holders of
them for any specific infraetion of the
law. Ifthe meetings of these men be
suppressed the danger ofthe dissemina-
tion of their belief, and possible resul-
tant mnrder will be removed. There-
fore seems to one not on the scene
that their suppression is necessary
aud to be commended.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—The new MeDonald oil field is paying $30,-
003 per day.
—Frame buildiing must go, says the Reade-
lect Council.
—Dead defaulter Bard, of Reading, bad his
i life insured for $10,000.
—Pittsburg expects a $500,000 deficit in re
! turns from this year’s taxes.
—A rock flew from & blast al Hazleton and al«
most killed James Wall.
—-Cumberland county Teachers’ Institute at
Carlisle on November 30.
—Charles Heckman, of Earlville,
[ county will have a 2000- gallon cider barral.
—The fate of Straitiff, charged with murder
at Carlisle, is now in the hands of the jury.
—A country printing office near Carbondale
was opened. with prayer. The “devil” was
—Reading conductor J. B. Hartman fell un.
der the cars and was beheaded at Stony
—Coke traffic is now so great. as to hinder
passenger travel on Western Pennsylvania
railroad. :
—Charles Keller, who escaped from a Potts.
ville officer at the jail door was recaptured at
—P.esident Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad, banqueted the Farmer’s Club at
—High school boys at Reading have almost
raised a revolution by throwing shot at Profese
sor Yardley.
—Failure to send the rails caused the re-
cent Mount Penn Gravity railroad disaster
near Reading.
—Frank Engle’s runaway team threw him
Plum Creek at Shoemakersville ; but he
swam ashore.
—A piece of oil pipe fell 160 feet, at McDon-
ald, and pierced John Byers, down through
the head and side.
—7T0o cut sizort his ill health young Herman
Nochtern hanged himself near Rocktown,
Sckuylkill county.
—A Wilkesbarre photographer serves either
hot tea or coffee to patrons before setting them
in range of the camera.
— McDonald residents will organize a Vigi..
lance committee to save the bonanza oil town
from fire bugs and robbers.
—Heury Fisher, of Lancaster, was too
drunk to kill his wife, at whom he shot; so he.
was locked up.
A surgeon’s seven stitches mended the face
of Henry Hartman,of Monoeacy, Berks county,
where a mule had kicked it. :
— Prothonotary Hartman and his deputy,
John Miller, of Lancaster, will be indicted for
taking illegal fees.
—A fall of {wenty feet from a Lancaster
church seaffold resulted in severe injuries to
Henry Teiler, a bricklayer.
—The Bowmanite war waxes hot at Reading,
where Rev. J. H. Shirey, an “anti,” has been
ordered out of his pulpite
— Prisoner Ben Strailey made himself crazy
for a day in the Williamsport jail with an over
dose of Jamaica ginger.
— Horse thief Herbert Spencer Darwin tried
to hang himself at Williamsport with a sling
from his wounded arm. :
—The “Pennsy’s” new Philadelphia and
Erie passenger car and paint shop, at Renovo,
will measure 138 by 238 feet.
Nearly 100 boys fought a battle with stone®
at Pittsburg, and one of their missiles fatally
hurt aged Thomas Wearings.
—Benjamin Gardner, of Carbondale, once
proprietor of the Wall Street Hotel, stepped in
front of a flying train and was killed.
—A wandering steer was driven off the road
by William Clinger, near Lancaster, and he
was arrested for larceny by the owner.
—Pennsylvania hemlock lum berman have.
met at Ridgeway and taken steps preliminary
to the formation of a Trust,on January 1.
— Having taken commissions from a nursery
firm on iraudulent ordeis, 70 year-old Levi M,.
Coover, of Shippensburg, hanged himself.
——Confronted with the murder of John Sile-
vetski, in April, Jacob Hevna, pleaded guilty
to manslaughter, at Wilkesbarre, Tuesday.
—Postmaster Pott, of Jersey Shore, .is $400
poorer than he was a few days ago, burglars
having plundered his office Saturday morning.
—Safe robbers had their trouble for their
pains when they blew open the Reading Beef:
Company's empty safe Wednesday morning.
—The fragrance of a nice big muskrat in
William Leifer’s cellar at East York made his
whole house as odorous as a country barber”
—A hundred acres of land in Lehigh eoun-
ty are to-be converted into a peach orchard by
Samuel and Oscar Brant, the Jersey peach
growers. :
— From Saventeen acres Farrer William G ,.
Moore, of Womelsdorf, harvested 1709 bush
ols of shelled corn and beats all Berks county
records. :
—Bangor’s Borough solicitor gave an opin,
jon that a girl who couldn’t see a mortar-box,.
but: walked into it, even ab night, could re=
cover no damages.
—TFireman William Emery, of Philadelphia,
fall from his Western express lecomotive ' on.
the “Penn~y” east of Harrisburg and had his
| skull rushed.
—The twelve mile extension of the Perry :
county Railroad, from Landisburg to New
Bloomfield, has been completed to within a
mile of Loysville.
—A gang of robbers who have been operate
ing at various towns, blew open the safe and
plundered the store of Sprohl and Bastings, at
Atglen, Tuesday morning.
— While robbing pillars in a mine at Girards=
ville, yesterday morning, a fall of coal buried
Jere McCormick and J. J. Naughton; but the
latter dug Limself and companion out.
—The son of Benjamin F. Brate, of Pitts.
burg, kidnapped by gypsies fourteen years
ago, has just returned home, having in the in-
terval been one of Emin Pasha’s rear guard in
—The same grave Sunday received the
bodies of Rev. William Lloyd and his wife,
aged 72 and 68 years respectively, of Ebens-
burg, the former of whom died on Friday and
the latter on Thursday.
-Rag Peddler B. Friedman is in jail at
Seranton for stealing the Robinson Brewing
Company’s kegs from its customers and gets
ting a reward of 15 cents apiece for returning
them as lost kegs.
_John Roth, of Wilkesbarre, who married
his old housekeeper and liked her while sina
gle, alleges in a divorce petition that “Marriage
has made her boisterous, blasphemous and
dangerous.” y
—Captain William Auchenbach has sued A,
G. Lochenmayer, of Norristown, fer false ar-
rest because the latter admitted that he had
no incriminating evidence after having the
tormer arrested for selling maltone,