Sa ~ ay - es ADDITIONAL LOCALS. _ ——Septimus E Nivin, the Chester county granger, is the first Democratic senat r from that district in thirty years. He has 304 majority,over D. Smith Tal- bot, in a total vote ot 13,374. WoNDERFUL CorN YIELD.— Wm. McGirk has a field of eleven acres on bis farm near Lewistown. Last fall he pastured thirty-two beeves ou this field, through wet and dry weather. Lust spring, it. was plowed up and planted in corn and when tha busking time came, about a week ago, Mr. McGirk was re- | warded with seventeen hundred and fifty | bushels of fine corn from the field. An average of one hundred and fifty bush- els per acre is something to be proud of - Awuone tHE CuHurcHs.—The socia- ble given under the auspices of the Epworth League, Monday eveniug, in the Methodist lecture rooms, was a pleasure to everyone who attended, Eizabeth Alle, a sweet little ehild of | ten, recited Rock of Ages” Margaret | Steel read a selection from the Epworth Herald, and music was furnished by the choir: Herbert and Frank Houck onl Misses McCamsey and Twitmyer. Mr. W.T. Myer, the well known musician, who is organist in the Pres- | byierian Church, is having a regular for the young people ot thai congregation. Much improvement is already noticed in the volume of sound and even the oli tashioned singing echool old singers are as much interested and pleased as the beginners, Mush and milk, our great grand- fathers’ standby, had the piace of hon- or on the menu at Mrs. Cowdrick’s so ciable, last night. This was quite an inovation and oue that was appreciat- ed,—in fact the ice cream, candies and other nice things were almost neglect ed, and could they be forgotten alto- gether at unreasonable hours we would have fewer dyspeptic cranks and the Insane Asy'ums not overcrowded. With tableaux, charades and music a very enjovable evening was passed. Rev. Eminhizer, who has been conducting a series of meetings, for some weeks, in the U. B. Church has met with suceess in having both large and interesting audiences. AN ErLecTrRIC RAILWAY FOR BELLE. FONTE.—For some time the talk of and electric street railway for our town has been going the rounds, but no one seem- ed to know much about it until a char- ter was granted to “The Bellefonte Street Electric Railway Company,’ at Harrisburg, on Nov, 5th. The fact that such a company exists is sufficient to ‘guarantee that the whole thing is not talk, but it is hardly probable that Bellefonte streets will ever be traversed by electric cars. The capital stock of the company is $18000 divided in shares of $50 each. Prof. L. KE. Reber,of State College, is its president, and L. A. Shaeffer, Jas, H. Potter, Wilbur F. Reeder, all of this place, and J. Price Jackson, of State College, are the direc- tors. From the fourth article of the consti- Marriage Licenses.—Harry Turner and Mamie Wagoner, both of Chester Hill. Samuel Gingrich and Lizzie A.Houtz both of Oak Hall. S. F. Diehl, of Marion twp., and Jen- nie S. Sandall, of Mt. Eagle. J. S. Knisely and Carrie C. Wian, both of Bellefonte. Geo. R. Hartshorn, of Gearhartville, and Anne Pilkington, of Osceola. John Reiterbach, of Mifllinbarg, and Mrs. Susan Halderman, of Linden Hall. Charles W. Slack, of Potters Mills, and Margaret L. Boal, of Centre Hall. For some time past, there has been a misunderstanding in the Dooley homestead on East High street. The son-in-law and father both claiming the property. It seems that Patrick Dooley long a resident of this borough, and known throughout the town, be: came financially embarrassed and bor- rowed some money from his son-in-law, | George Krumbine, and shortly after deeded his entire to Mr. Krumbine and his wife Annie, Annie died two months ago and Mr. Krum- bine proposed to take possession of the whole concern. As this was so unjust to the other children, they asked the court to appoint a jury to decide wheth- property er their father was capable of transact- ing business. The jury composed of Amos Mullen, James Strohm, Geo. A. Bayard, H. H. Harshberger, Henry Harris and D. S. Dunham heard the | case in Reeder’s office, on Tuesday, and after listening to the testimony of a large number of witnesses, for each party decided‘that the property should be evenly divided, and that Mr. Dooley was not responsible for the transfer of his property: Hus{ling For the Convention. Seven Cities Already in the’ Scramble and All Working Hard. W asHINGTON, Nov. 9.—[Special.]— From reports already received in Wash- ington the indications are that an unusu- al large number of delegates will come here on November 23 to lay before the Republican National Committee the claims of their respective cities to the honor ot the Republican Convention of 1892, Pittsburg, Chicago, Omaba, Cin- | cinnati, Minneapolis and San Francisco have already formally entered the field, and it is understood that during the com- ing week another candidate will appear; this 18 the rising and ambitious city of | Tacoms, on Puget Sound. An agent of Tacoma is now in the East, arranging . the preliminaries of the campaign. The | inducements which this hustling town | will offer, in addition to the usual boasts of fine hotels, beeutiful climate, unpre- judiced political opinions, ete., include | free railroad transportation for all dele- | gates, alternatives, newspaper represen- | tatives and prominent politicians. | San Francisco is prepared to offer free | rides to the delegates, but Tacoma pro- | poses to place all the visitors on the same i footing in this regard. Arrangements are being made, it is said, by which the | Tacoma boomers will be able to lay be- fore the national committee a cut and | dried plan of railroad facilities for reach- ing the far western town without ex- pense that surpasses the wonderful schedule carried out in the grand circle sailing jannt of President Harrison last spring. The plan eontemplates bring- tution we publish the following route of ing delegates from the four corners of the prop sed line : That the streets and highways upon which the said railway is to be laid and cnstructed and the circuit of the route are as follows : Beginning in the Cole- ville road at the western line of the borough of Bellefonte, thence by said Coleville road to Thomas street ; thence by Thomas street to High street; thence by High street to Allegheny street , thence by Allegheny street to Bishop street; thence by Bishop street to the | enstern line of said borough ; thence bu:k Bishop street to Allegheny street ; taun by Allegheny street to Linn street the country by trains to meet at some | central point like Omaba, whence they will move in one grand procession to the City on the Sound The detail: of Tweoma’s plan are still unperfected, but { will, it is hoped, be in complete shape | on or before November 23 | Se The Behring Sea Fisheries, i An Agreement’ Entered Into Between Uncle Sam and Great Britain. | | WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. —An agree- ment has heen entered into between Great Britain and the United States up- | on the terms for arbitration of the dis- { pute between the United States and to Armor street ; thence by Armor street | Great Britian over the Behring sea sea! to Curtin street ; thence by Curtin street to Spring street ; thence by Spring street | t> Linn street ; thence by Linn street to Allegheny street ; thence back by Alle- gheny, High and Thomas streets and the Coleville road to the place of begin- ning, all of which streets and highways ace in the borough of Bellefonte, Centre county, Pennsylvania. Tue Beeca Creek's Trivmpn.—We find the following dispatch in the Philadelphia Record of Wednesdey morning, duted Clearfield. Nov. 10: “A regular triumph has been achiev- ed by the Beech Creek railroad com- ! pany which means the completion of a through route from Philadelphia and New Yerk to Chicago via. the Read- ing, to Williamsport, Pittsburg, ete., that will be 100 miles shorter than the “Pennsy’s” line. The Beech Creek has 100 men at work near Cherry Tree establishing the connecting line be- tween their old road and the Pittsburg and Western. “When itis completed the Beech Creek will tap all the great coal re gious of this part ofthe State, and in conjunction with the Reading and the Western connections will form the greatest and most powerful freight line in the world. The “Pennsy” has been outwitted at every point here and is now dodging about laying out numer- ous lines in order to block the progress of the Beech Creek, but with poor re- sults.” | but that it was comcomplete, ‘fisheries. Attorney General Miller said | this afternoon that the agreement was suhject to the ratification ot the senate, He de- clined to state what points are to be submitted for arbitration. The very significant remarks made by Attorney General Miller and Solicitor General Taft in the course of arguments upon the Sayward case before the su- preme court to-day were brought to the attention of Secretary Blaine this after- noon, but the secretary positively de- clined to make any statement touching the matter. The other officers of the state department were either ignorant of progress of the negotiations or refused to sav anything upon the subject. The inference drawn from the devel- opments made (including the statement made by the attorney gencral to a re- presentative of the Associated Press, as above given) is that the president will submit to the senate an agreement in the nature of a treaty between the Unit- ed States and Great Britain by which the parties bind themselves to accept as final and conclusive the definition to be given by arbitrators of the exact rights of the United States in Behring sea, as well as to pay any awards of damages suffered by the nation that is declared to have held the true contention. Snow Storm in the West. Dickinson, N. D., Nov. 11.—A blinding snow storm prevailed here yes- terday. The temperature was nearly stationary at the freezing point. Over four inches of snow has fallen. The wind is strong and range cattle are drift- ing with the storm ~——Fine job work of ever discription at the Warcavan Office. | memorate th: day the police authorities The Senate Adjourns. It First Passes the “No Jurisdiction” Resolution. Harrisure, November 11.—The eniire sess ou of the Senate to-day Ww = taken up in nearing argumenis for and against Gobin’s resolution, declaring that the Senate has no jurisdiction. Remarks in favor of it were made by Gobin and Packer, and against it by Rapsher, Brown, Logan, Sloan, and others. It was decided to extend the mora- ing’s session until the resolution was disposed of, but up to 2 o'clock the matter was still under discussion. A resolution exounerating Treasurer Boyer will be passed, and a larze batch of appointments made oy the Governor | since the Legislature adjourned, will | be sent in for confirmation, THE GOBIN RESOLUTION PASSED. At 2.10 o'clock, the Senate, by 28 to 19, passed the Gobin resolution, declar- ing no jurisdiction—a strict party vote. The Senate then took a recess until 3 o'clock. Final adjournment will come this afternoon. At the afternoon session a number of appointments made by the Governor since the adjournment of the Legisla- ture were confirmed with the excep- tion of three notaries public. Senator Critchfield, Chairman of the committee on Accounts, presented his report, | showing the accounts paid each Sena- | tor and employe for the extraordinary session, The report was adopted, and | the President pro tem was instructed to draw warrants for the same. The | average for each Senator for salary, mileage and stationary 1s $575, and the average to each employe is $250. THE SENATE ADJOURNS. | Oa motion of Mr. Becker a commi*- tee of three was appointed to wait on the Governor and inform him that the Senate awaited further communica. tions from him. A recess of thirty minutes was taken and at 4.30 the Senate was again called to order. Senator Becker stated that the Govern- or had informed the committee that he had nothing further to communicate to the Scnate. Senator Grady thereupon moved that the Senate adjourn sine die. This was agreed to and at exact ly 4.30 o'clock the extraordinary ses- sion was brought to a ciose, just thirty days alter it convened. The Method Tndectd ed. The Way of Proceeding in the Behring Sea Arbitration Still to be Settled. ‘WasHINGTON, Nov. 11.--It is learn- ed that the arbitration treaty has not yet received the signature of the representa- tives of the United States and Great Britain for, although all the points to be submitied to arbitration have been agreed upon, the method ot arbitration is still a matter of discussion. This must be arranged and included in the terms of the treaty. There are several methods of procedure in such cases, one of the most satisfactory to the interests of the United States heretofore being that which was followed in the appointment of the Geneva arbitrators. In that case the United States and Great Britain each chose one representative from other nations, and these wo selected three others, the five members couiposing the arbitration commission. Wile 1t has not been determined to foliow this course in the Behring Sea ar- bitration, it is believed by persons in au- thority that this remaining point wili be adjusted before the meeting of the Sen- ate, and that the arbitrators will have defined the exact rights of the United States and Great Britain 1m Behring Sea before the opening of the next sealing season. Regarding the decision of the Su- preme Court in the Sayward case, it can ve stated tnat the administration is awaiting the outcome with equanimity. If the court denies the British conten- tions the result will be very gratifying, bug, if it should take the other course and find the seizure of the vessel to have been illegal, the administration has the sa‘1sfaction of pointing to the fact that it is no wise responsible for the seizure of the Sayward, which was made by or- der of its predecessor. Russia's Financial Straits. Seeking to Save Her Latest Loan from Fulure in Paris. Loxpon,Nov. 7.—M. Vishnegradsky, Russian Minister of Finance, is seeking to redeem a quarter of the Russian loan in Panis so as to saveit from complete failure. This fact explains the recent drop in Russian securities in Paris. The rumors that the Rothschilds were tryin» to depress the stock was a mere device of Russia, and was owing to a spirit of re- venge for the refusal of the firm to as- sist the loan. The St. Petersbarg correspondent of the Times telegraphs to bis paper that he learns from the best sources that a heavy export tax will be imposed on wheat probably a fortnight or three weeks hence. All the Ministers, except M. Vishaegradsky, Minister of Finane», favored a total prohibition of the ex- portation. 'Theretore a modilication is still possible. The long warning given to exporters will result in an active trade in the meantime. Anarchists Hate the Stars and Stripes. |. CHicAGo, Nov. 11 —At a meeting to- night of anarchist sympathizers to com- ordered an American flag placed among the flaming crimson banners which were conspicious everywhere. Instantly there was a profound sensa- tion in the motley aundience and the police were hissed from all parts of the hall. Mrs. Luey Parsons, who occupied a chair against the wall, shrieked out, “Hang the murderers of my husband.” Ina second pandemonium reigned. Hundreds of excited men pushed for- ward, cursing the officers and seemingly only wanting a nod or look from a lea- der to precipitate a fearful spectacle of carnage. Neveriheless, Inspeetor Hubbard un- flinchingly ordered a suspension of the meeting until his commands were obey- ed, and the flag was reluctantly hoisted Pine Grove Mentions. Capt J. M Kepler's mental condition is much improved. Miss Emma Martz, whose life was dispared of some days ago, is now in a fair way to re- covery. J. F. Krebs a.d wife are ru-ticating, in Clearfield, tk is week as the guests of his hon- or Judge Krebs and family. J. B. Ard and wife, after their usual summer outings, have again resumad their domestic duties at their hospitable home on Main street. The venerable Samuel Hess, Pap. Hess as he is most familiarly known, was able to drive to the polls on election day, to cast his seventy- third fall ballot, hale and hearty. Our people are having a rare treat this week attending a series of lectures in the M. E. church, delivered by Prof. Britton, w hose rep- utation as an orator ranks away up with the Daughertys. Mr. H. B. Yarnel is now a residant of our town having just recently occupied the H. M. Stover property, on Main street. To Mr. Yar- nel and his estimable family we extend a most cordial welcome. Hon. John T. McCormick, who has been confined to his bed for several weeks, was able to get out to the election in his usual ardent and enthusiastic manner in the inter- est of the whole ticket. Our nimrodic friends, known as the Mo docks, are in camp at the Bear Meadows, for two weeks. From a message we learn they have a two hundred pounder venison,better re sults are looked for this week. ————— Portugal's Throne Shakes. Discovery of Plots Against the Mon- archy Cause Unrest. LoxpoN, Nov. 7.-—A dispatch from Lisbon says that the Portuguese Gov- ernment is seriously concerned at the growing signs of republican and radical unrest. The feeling that the present recime is unsafe dominates the Court and the aristocracy. It is known that a plot was recently unearthed at the manufacturing town of Elvas, near the Spanish frontier, which has caused the authorities much anxiety, Elvas is admittedly more of a republi- can stronghold than almost any other Portuguese city, but itis rot believed that the Republicans of other parts of the conntry, and the discovery of so ex- tensive disloyalty has added to the feel- ing of uneasiness. It is feared by many that the Republicans will take advan- tage of the coming municipal elections in Lisbon to make a serious demonstra- tion. Seveniy-Seven Men Drowned. CALCUTTA, Nov. 9.—Andaman Is- lands, in the Bay of Bengal, which form a British convict settlement, was visited by a cyclone last Monday. The steamer Enterprise, a Govern- ment vessel used for conveying convicts to the islands, which was in one of the ports at the time foundered, and of her crew of 83 men only six were saved. The other 77 either went down with the steamer or were drowned while try ing to make shore. Rochester Clothing House. Books, Magazmes, Etc. ——For the first time in many years the De- cember number of The Century will have a dis- tinetively Christmas flavor. Its illustrations will include a great number of full page en- gravings, among them six of Nativity subjects. The frontispiece is a Hoy Family by the young American artist, Frank Vincent Du Mone. «—Mrs. Amelia Gere Mason, author of “The Women of the French Salons,” has writ. ten “Mozart—After a Hundred Years,” for the Christmas number of The Century, It is es- pecially appropriate in view of the Mozart Centenary. The illustra ions included a num ber of portraits of Mozart at different ages. ——Harper & Brothers have just published “‘Pharachs, Fellahs, and Explorers,” by Ame- lia B Edwards; “Arts and Criticism,” by Theodore Cuild; “Sharp Eyes,a Rambler’s Cal endar of Fifty-two Weeks among Ins-cts’ Birds and Flowers,” written and illustrated by W. Hamilton Gibson; and “In the Stranger People’s Country,” a new novel by Charies Egbert Craddock. They have also brought out a magnificent illustrated edition of Ben. Hur, coniaining over one thousand marginal drawings, besides twenty full page photograv ure illustrations, ——William Dean Howells’s now novel, “An Imperative Duty,” which aroused so much at- tention as a serial in Harper's Magazine, will bepublished in book form about the middle of November. The story is based upon the race feeling as between white and black, some: thing deeper than race prejudice—strongest, indeed, where the latter is weakest, as at the South. This ethnic motive gives rise to some very interesting ethical complications, which | are treated by Mr. Howells in his usual mas- terful manoer. —Art and Criticism, a collection of studies and monographs by Theodore Child, is the title of a superb volume just published by Bar- per & Brothers. It isenriched with numerous illustrations, many of which are reproductions of famous paintings by European artists, and includes many of those admirable essays on art subjects for which Mr. Child has won de served distinction as an art critic. ——Miss Amelia B. Edwards’s new book on Egypt, Pharaohs, Feliahs, and Explorers, has just been published by Harper & Brothers. ——The Amateur Circus; or, a Season in New York, written and illustrated by H. W. MecVickar, is a unique and attractive volume which Harper and Brothers announce as just ready for publication. The pictures comprise twenty-three fac-simile reproductions of origi- nal drawings in water colors,representing New York’s “Four Hundred,” and the book will doubtless arouse no little attention and amuse- ment. Sixty Convicts Killed by a Cyclone. CALCUTTA, Nov. 9.—-A cyclone that passed over the Andaman islands de- stroyed a large number of buildings in the Indian penal settlement. Sixty convicts were killed and two hundred injured, e——— ——A bunch of flowers prettily ar- ranged is always fashionale on a morning or evening gown. The princess of Wales usually wears a bunch of roses without leaf, or some close, neat little cluster. A Properly Dressed Man. According to the best fashion papers the well dressed man of to-day wears a three, or four buttoned, cutaway sack coat, single breasted vest, buttoned slightly higher than they have been worn during the sumwer and trousers of medium width. In colors, the different shades of brown are selling fastest, though very fashiona- ble people are wearing many light fabrics. Hats are large in shape, and lower in the crown than they have been for some time, with rather wide, slightly Black and brown being the most popu- lar colors for both business and dress. In scarfs : delicate shades of blue and brown are very much worn, but, for those who can wear them, the bril- liant reds add great beauty when worn with the popu- lar wood brown suitings. four in hands are popular, though English bows are much worn by those who profess to be leaders. In collars the self rolling medium heighth styles are proper while cuffs are linked, with square corners. The above is a complete description of what you should wear if you care to be in style, and why not be dressed properly when it costs just as little. Go to M. Fauble’s Rochester Clothing House and you can get all of these articles for the wonderfully small sum of $14,00. Amaz- True nevertheless ! curling brims. "ing ain't it ? x to a place over the stage. 36-24 The large puffs, ascots and i i New Advertisements, 900 SALARY.—We will pav and Commission to Men and Women ‘Leschers and Clergvmen to sell our NEW POPULAR sTANDARD WORK, MARVELS OF HE NEW WET No finer book published. Over 250 choice en- gravings. 10,400 copies sold in one week. En- the greatest men of the country. This is no humbug offer. Write at at once for particulars in regard to salary. THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING CO., 36 39 3m Norwich, Conn: {1s ! COATS! A large assortment of childrens coats and caps at the 0—CASH BAZAAR—) New goods of all kinds just in, Stockings in wool from 10cts up. For good goods at low prices go to the CASH BAZAAR, 35 21 1y No. 9, Spring Street, ellefonte, Pa. OURT PROCLAMATION. — Whereas the Honorable A. O. Furst,Pres- ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleasof the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun- ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor- able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Daniel Rhoads, Associate Judges in Centre county, | having issued their precept, bearing date the 3rd day of September to me directed, for : holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of Nov. being tne 2ird day of Nov., 1891. and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper per. aons, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 23rd, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be dene, and those who are bound in recogni- zances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be shen and there to prosecute against them as thall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 29th day of October, in the yea: of our Lord, 1891, and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the independence of the United St: tes. M. A. ISHLER, 36-42.4¢, Sheritf. HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias and Ven- ditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre county, and to me directed, will be ¢xposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on » SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1891, ‘atl o'clock, p. m. the followfng described real estate. All that certain tract of land situated in the Borough of Millheim, Centre county, Pa, bounded and deserib d as follows: Bi gin- ning at a stone, thence along land of Dan’l A. Musser south 7314° W. 427-10 perch to a ston, thence along land of same and turnpike north | 16° W. 26 3 10 perch to a stone, thence along i land of Geo. Peters, north 70° E. 13 110 perch to a stone, thence by land of same south 19° E. 7-10 perch to stone, thence by same north 684° E 7 8 10 perch to stone, thence by land of J. Philip Gephart, south 19° E. 28 1-10 perch to place of beginning. Thereon erected two two story frame dwelling houses, stable and other out buildings S ized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Alters with notice to Jno. Alters tene tenant. ALSO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1891, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following real estate. All defendants right title and interest in and toa certain tract of land situate in Howard township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a dogwood, thence by land surveyed to Williams Ramsy south 47° E. 135 perch toa corner, thence south 47° west 81 perch toa post, thence south 40° E. 28 perch to a corner, thence by land formerly of Joseph Miles in right of Stephel Regent S. (8° west 181 perch to a post, by marked chest nut, thence n rth 40° w st 30 perch to a post, thence by land of Curtin’s heirs north 50° £. 176 j erch to a corner, thence north 40° west 76 perch to a white oak, north 47° E. 66 perch to the place of beginning, containing 127 acres 68 perches more or less, Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob R. Leathers. WM. A. ISHLFR 3643 2t Sheriff. EGISTER'S NOTICE —The tol lowing accounts have been examined, passed and filed of record in the Register's of fice for the inspection of heirs and legatee! creditors and all others in anywise interested, and will be presented to the Orpt ans’ Court of Centre county on Wednesday, the 25th day of November, A. D., 1891. 1. The tourth and partial account of George Bower and Samuel Evert, execators of ete., of Jacob iver, late of Psan twp, de- ceased. 2. The first and final account of Jonatham Schenck, administrator of ete, of “llsworth T. Garduer, late of Liberty township, deceased. 3 The first and final account of Annie M. Miles, executrix of ete, of J. DD. Miles, late of Milesbu) g boro,, deceased. 4. The account ot Samuel A. Martin, trustee ete. to sell the real estate of Daniel Emerick, late of Walker township, deceased. #. The account of W. A. Wagner andS. J. Wagner, administrators of ete. of John H. Wagner, late of Potter township, deceased. 6. The first and final account of R. J. Haynes, Jr,, administrator ete., of Susan Cashb- er, late of Snow Shoe township, deceased. 7. The first and final account of Fannie E. Gray and Zane B. Gray, executors of ete., of A. T. Gray, late of Half Moon township, de- ceased. 8 The first and final account of Jacob Yar- nell, administrator of ete., of Josiah T. Hea- ton, late of Boggs township, deceased. 8. The first and final account of James Houseman, administrator of etc., of Julia Moy- er, late of Potter township, deceased. 10. The first and final account of E. W- Hale, guardian of Mary M. Hale, a minar child of James T. Hale, Jr., deceased. 11. The first and final account of E. W. Hale, guardian of Alice Hale, a minor child of James T. Hale, Jr., deceased. 12. Third partial account of James P. Co- burn, executor of ete., of Thomas Huston, lake of Walker township, deceased" 13. The first partial account of Lydia A. Musser and A. Walters, administrators of ete, of Daniel A. Musser, late of Miilheim boro,, deceased, : 14. The account of Jared Harper. adminis- trator of etc., of Mrs. Nannie Sheridan, late of Bellefonte horo., deceased. 15. The final account of Louisa Bush, exé- cutrix of ete., of D. G. Bush, deceased. 16. The first and final account of Mary Beh. res, D. W. Behres and Jacob Behres, adminis- trators of ete.. of Jacob Behres, late of Patton township, deceased. 17. The first and final account of D. 8. Kel- ler, administrator of etc., of Wm. F. Tipiog, late of Howard boro, Deceased. 18. The first and final account of Orpha Q. Youngman and H, E. Duck, administrators of ete,, of W. H. Youngman, late of Millheim boro, deceased 19. 'The first and final account of I. N. Gor don, administrator of ete., of Theo. Gordon, late of Bellefonte, decessed 20. The first and partial account ot I. N. Gordon, administ ators of ete., of James D. Gordon, late of Bellefonte, deceased. 36 12 4t, JOHN A RUPP.