Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1891, Image 4

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    Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 6, 1891.
Not mn It.
Out in Wisconsin they are testing,
before the courts, the question as to
whether interest paid on a deposit of pub-
lic funds, belongs to the custodian of
the funds, or to the public. If the
courts determine, that the interest paid
for the use of the people’s money be-
longs to the[people, former State Treas-
urers will be sued for the amounts re-
ceived, and as a consequence, there is
considerable quaking among those who
have filled that office. Why the tax-
payers should not have the benefits,
arising from the use of their own
moneys, is a question that would be
very difficult to answer. They pay
the Treasurer a fixed salary ; he knows
before he accepts the offer the amount
of compensation he is to receive for
his services, and if this is not sufficient
in his estimation, there is no law re-
quiring him to accept the respounsibili-
ties. In equity, he would have no more
right to claim and use as his own, the
interest arising from deposits of State
money, than he would the income de-
rived from any bonds or other interest
bearing securities the commonwealth
might have.
Here in Pennsylvania the State's
money is farmed out to banks on a lit-
tle different basis, but with the same
result so far as the people's interests
are concerned. No interest is allowed
to be paid directly, but the banks
which are favored with deposits, are
expected to “pony up,” to the extent
of two per cent. for ‘campaign pur-
poses.” Whether this ‘campaign’
fund ie for the benefit of the State |
Treasurer, or the ring and the Repub-
lican party, is one of the secrets of the
xing that tie people have never been
abletodiscover. The only thingthe tax-
payer knows for a certainty is, that he
gets no benefit from it. As a recipient
of any profits from the use ot his own
funds he is not “in it.”
And now that the election is
over the Republican Senate will pro-
ceed to do that which it has all along
contemplated doing : Voting that it has
no power to punish thieving cr me-
glect of official daties, and will run
away from Harrisburg, without even
condemning the system that enabled
BarpsLeEy and his pals to get away
‘with two millions of the people's
‘Weil Done Mr. Phelps.
It will oe a matter ot great gratifica-
tion to the American people, to know
‘that one of our reprecentatives abroad
has ‘made an effort to do something.
Tts an encouraging sign. It reminds
us of the fact that we have ministers
and .consuls in foreign countries. It
brings to recolleetion that we pay big
salaries and employ “upper crust” peo
ple to rub up agaiust snobbery in
Europe and e'sewhere. It calls 10
memory the contest there is over the
appointment to these positions at the |
‘beginning of each new administration, |
and it opens our eyes to the usefulness
and importance of these governmental
representatives abroad. The particu-
lar one, for there are hundreds of them
«on the pay rolls of the government, |
‘who has distinguished himselfin his |
efforts to do something, is Mr. WiLL- |
IAM WALTER PHELP=. late of New Jer-
#ey, and at present, @nited States
Minister to the Court of Germany.
‘Mr. PagLe's labors in behalf of the
interests of our country, swe are confi
«dent will meet with the highest anuvre-
«ciations of our people. These may be
80me question as to what particular in-
terest his efforts are calculated to ad-
vance, but when we know that at a re-
<ent dinner given to the high flyers,
ahout the throne of Emperor WigLLIAM,
Mr. Pueces bad on his bill of fare
American flitch and eorn bread as two
of the articles of diet. As announced in
8 telegram from Berlin we feel that
our welfare is not overlooked, and that
the interests, and rights, and honor of
¢he American people, are being proper;
ly cared for.
“The Chilian Trouble—What it Means.
Through the efforis of the adminis-
tration, its man Mr. Eean, and the
un :wapapers, we mav vet have aa op-
p rriunity to show to the world that
another government and particularly
if iv happens to be a little one, cannot
turn its nose up at ns, without being
@ lel to aceonnt tor the insult, From
present appearances, thereis every in-
d:c:tion that we can have a war, and
what is partrealarly pleasing to those
who expect tn profit by it from a po-
ii 1 etand paint, it will be a war in
w ich there will be no chance of our
_ geting whipped and which, when
"alone ean tell.
over, will do just as weil for a political
issue, if it can be squeezed into such,
as the determination of a question of
importance to our people or interests.
Ever since the result of the elections
of 1890, proved the impossibility of
making a protective tariff, a successful
party issue, the Republicans have been
worrying about new questions that
would give greater promise of populari-
ty, and have at length struck one iu
poor, little, halt civilized Chili. Just
what the question, or what the diffi-
culty with that out of the way sun-
dried country is, we do not have a very
clear understanding, nor do we ina-
gine the administration has.
From surface indications it appears
that Mr. Egan, the representative of
Mr. HarrisoN's alministration and
who, by the way, 13 a professional agi
tator, had allied himselt with the now
defunct BaLmacepa government. Tat
his actions were such as to arouse the
ire of the successful, revolutionists and
that since BaLMacepA's defeat and sui-
cide, he has pursued a course calculat-
ed to further embitter the feeling al-
ready existing, until it resuited in an
open outbreak a short time since, in
which American sailors, who were
having a “good time” drinking Chiliau
“Chincua,” about Sandiago, wer+ ham-
mered unmercifully by the police oi
that city, two of them dying trom the
effects and a halt a dozen or more be-
ing injured or arrested. [ne Chilian
gvernment failed to apologize as
promptly as governmental etiquette
thought it should, and although it
promises to make a thorough investi-
gation of the causes that created the
trouble and to punish the poiice wno
pummeled our people, ourhomeaunthori-
ties do not seem satisfied and threats
of, and preparations for, a war go blust-
eringly on.
Uuder the circumstances, the Chilian
[trouble promises to be a perfect bo-
nnza for Mr. BLaing and the admio-
istration. As to which of these will
reap the greater beuefii, the future
Both are in it tor all it
is worth aud whether it is to he Mr.
BraiNng or Mr. Harrison who will
head the forces ot the now dominant
party in the campaign of '92, the, R y
| | vent a revision, of the constitution,that
Chilian racket 18 to be worked for al
there is in it. If thev can precipitate
a war and it matiers little with whom
or what 1t is about, the natural inclina
tion of the average American, will be
to be with them. The tarith, reciproci
ty, houest goverameant, and all other
q 1estions affecting the interests of our
people will be lost sight of, iu the blow
and bluster connected with a fight
with some country whose people our
¢ zens are led to velieve have insuled
them, and who, every fellow who hur
rahs for the flaz or wants an appropria-
tion, we can whip. What
greater God-send vould there be then
for a party without principle or an ad
ministration without anissue to fight
tor or acreditable act to potot to, than a
war with poor, live, sualried, earth
quaked Chili.
If the reader will take a map he will
find the country, our sixty-five mil-
lions of people are expected to *‘do
up,” stretched like a shoe string be-
tween the Andes and the Pacific
ocean, away down along the Soutn
American coast, and abot two thous-
and five hundred miles in leagth by
from eighty to one hundred in width.
Ii is populated by a class of people halt
Spanish and halt Indiaa asd ail wld
amounting to less than half the present
population of Pennsylvania. Qutside
of a few cities on the seaboard, which
are progressive and prosperous, the
country generally is in that
eondition of civilizatien that la-
bor of all kinds is performed in
the most primitive manner; machinery
and manafactories are comparatively
unknown and schools and colleges are
as scarce ‘im proportion to the number
of people, as are honest men in the re- |
publican ring that is now robbiag the |
tax-payer of this State. Most ot the
laad is sun-seorched and verdlureless,
most of the country is fruitless and
barren. Its exports amount to a mere
trifle and 1ts imports are less because
of the poverty of its people. As a
whole it is about as desolate, helpless
and powerless a government as exists
anywhere upon the globe.
We have sixty-five millions of peo-
ple Chili has two millions, We have
the means, and men, and courage, and
implements to wage successful war
against the greatest nation that exists.
Chili has nothing but the courage of
its tew half clad ‘“peones.”” What
glory would there be in walloping such
a people, or brow-beating sueh a gov-
ernment? And yet the glory that is
to come from this affair, from a back-
ing down of the Chilian government or
a fizht against odds of thirty to one, is
to be the Shiboleth, that it is hoped
will lead the present administration to
victory in 1892.
| |}
Treasurer '89! (Aun. Gen.| |S, Treas
— — | — ee | | en |
ngroUGHS 2 | 5 = Z| =. n
AND ; =i2 le wn | 9 (3
TOWNSHIPS. Final Z =P liz 7
piri wiPliv]E]
i felt Lr] f
North ward. 1300 200) 18] | 103] 197} | 104] 141} S| 5) 261 | 96] 185!
Bellefonte, < =outh ward. 190) 117] 16] | 147) 101] | 148] 100] ["145] 95 | 47} 181 96!
West ward 61] 711 8} | 42| 66 42 65 | 40 63) | 25| 75! |
Centre Hall borough... rat au abl vd allo7d nl ow | Liye 7s
Milesburg borough. 43] 84 Li 24.781 1. 2 238) 73
Millheim borough 101) Hel 7 ol] 53 21 ™
Howard borough........ 20! 8 3 37 98 | 124)
= ( First ward........ 61 gn 18 48! 95! 29! 1:8
Philipsburg borough,< Second ward..... aul 76! 20 68, ol 29| 118
Third ward......| | 65 1} 19] | 63 83 67] 66
Unionville borough.... onl 47] Hi ol 47 21 48 |
Benner township... 136] 78] 120 1+] 39 26) 106] |
: Eastern precine 60) «of 4 40} 28 40 24]
Boggs township, { Western precinct. £8) 99) '7 6! 90) | 63] 78
Northern precinct. | 23] 42| 71] 18] 29] 48 5
Burnside township.. y oa) a 1 18| 31} 3: 1
Curtin township... 45! a7 1] 21] 29 271 15
tolls, nahi ‘astern precinct... gij16f 91 +9 lle 10] 178]
College tow nship { W extern precinct...| | 40] 49 w| 46 5 36| 61]
o A astern precinct! | 156] 66] | | 128 121; 6
Ferguson ii Western precinct! 2 73 4] 46 17| 8
te hin § Northern precinet..... 87 3 AT 18 34
Gregg township { Soi orn precing 291 A 173 18] 225
ai -oshi 10] 760 6113 In 152
Haines township, 96] 29 I ar 1 131]
Halfmoon township. 34 80 1! og ou] 72
Harris township... 122 66] 2} | 1238 57
Howard township. 82| 91 || 43] 8| 117
Huston township. 461 72: 0 46, 42| 76!
Liberty township Go| 111 A | 62) 32/ 92
Marion township. 98 #8 2) 7 53) 47
Miles township. 250! 531 by | u43 46| 221
Patton township.. 67] 103] 4 49 31 4
Penn township..... 177) 211 1] 156 13) 16 |
" : 1 € 101] 29 i 87 235) 16)
Potter townsnip, {southern precinct.) | 171] »4] 3{ | 145 11) 15]
ey Tye Southern precinct... 48| 13] 44 | 38 49! 200
Rush townsisir, {Nonern precinet....} | 122| 82 17] 87 85| 62!
Snow Shoe Ow’ astern preeinet...} | 105] 98 1 67 46 76!
Snow Shoe £'w’p nd precinet... 44 38 1 44 200 x
. (Southern precinet...| | 129} 90] 83 37) 135
Spring township< Northern precinct... 59] 73 1611 44 16] 2
[Western precinct... 76] 65) 11] | 44 10; 61]
Taylor township. 29| 43 {| 24 56) 11
Union township 707 981 7 { 46 | { $ 45, 65
Walker township. 173] 97] 1} | 152] 46] | 1562 I 13.119
Worth tewnship 53 66] 5 | 36! 63 61) | 97 | 22
Tota vote . : ee aT
dol 4241]. 263) 327) |3444(2808| [3467 voy 3486/2710, [1550/4 88 [34052619]
Majorities... bel | Peseln.. Ponliod lerel) ooo. zeus! eal} |
3416/3393 2561
865! 832 uuue
. Will be Wiser After While.
When the people ot this section of
the State begin to teel the effects of
litigation growing out of difficulties
that will occur iu consequ.nce of the
want of a fence law, they will see the
folly of their actions, in refusing to
vote for a counstituiional
When the bribery and bull-dozing,
that can ‘be accomplished under the
new election law, that will go into ef
fect at the next general election, are
witnessed and the:r results known, the
Democrats who joined with the Re-
publicans and the corporations to pre-
would enable us to get a fair ballot
law, will appreciate the foolishness of
their work. When the tax-paver wakes
up and finds that the increase of
Judges allowed under the present con-
stitution, -has doubled his taxes, and
that there is no way of getting rid of
the cost of maintaining double the
number of Judges necessary to attend
to the business of our courts, he will
discover his mistake in voting azainst
a constitutional convention, Experi:
ence alone will teach some people, and
it will take but a little time for the
people generally to experience the fact
that it would Lave been much better
for their interests, had they dove dit-
terently on this question on Tuesday
——We have not the least doubt,
but a number of grangers in Centre
county are extremely happy over their
efforts to vindicate the republican
party, for ite defeat of their tax-biil
last winter. They certainly did all
they could tw deteat the only party
that gave them any representation on
its ticket, whieh fact will be a very
plain pointer for future nominating
Judge Bucher Defeated.
A result of the election which is
greatly to be deplored is the defeat of
Judge Bucher for re-election in the
Union-Snyder district. He has occu
pied the bench for the past twenty
years and no man in the State has a
higher reputation for the ability, im-
partiality and integrity that go to
make a model snd desirable Judge.
The people of the district, who allowed
their partisan feelings, to control their
better judgment in the selection of a
president judge, and purely political
grounds, selected a comparatively un-
to preside over their courts, will regret
the mistake, They don’t know now
what & poor Judge is, and when they
experience the delays and costs and
dissatisfaction that one of that kind
bringe them, they will feel like kick-
ing themselves all over their district,
for being fools enough to turn down
oe of the best Judges in the State, 2
the dictation of political hosses,
——A Democratic Sheriff in a coun-
ty as religiously joined to its republi-
can idols as is Blair, is something the
people up there may be truly thankful
for. We don't know what local troub- |
les caused thisresult; we are not in-
formed as to the why's or wherefores |
of this republican defeat, but we feel
like congratulating the people of that
county on this evidence of their good
sense, whether they had personal rea-
sons for their actions or not. They
——Fine job
Warcauax office.
printing at the
will find that it is not so bad after all
to have a Democrat in office.
kaown lawyer ‘rom a distant county, |
their action when it is too late to mend |
——Our Democratic neighbors down
in Clinton seer to be gathering in the
truits of faction il neds, originated years
ago. On Tuesday last they lost the office
ot Register and Recorder, aud defeated
for re election one ot the best officials
who ever filled that office. Mr. ALVA
Grow, the successtul republican candi-
kuown to
many of nur readers, and one who will
date 18 a gendeman well
without donbt make an obliging and
efficient officer, but Mr.
Smita. He was all that could be assed
as a public official and besides was a
5) Was
Democrat. Tue majority of the peo-
ple of Clinton county are Democrats,
! and why they should preter a Repubh-
can, and
prejudices have always heen against
whose efforts, symipatnies
toem, to one who has stwod by their
party fl ug,in deleat or success, we can-
not imagine. Is it not about ime for
our friends down there, 10 make up
their mjnds to quit fizhting among
thewselves, and turn their endeavors
enemy ?
tne defeat of the common
——The most surpri=tng: ing about
the Quay libel suits is the pice he
pats upon his character, $100.000 is a
rather high fizure
that any decent man in the
refuse were it viveu him for nothing.
for a repuiation,
Sate would
— There 18 one thine certain any-
way, aud that is, that notw t standing
how badly many people mv teel over
the result of Tuesday’s election. there is
still a chance to make an honest liv-
ing for everybody, let who will held
the offices.
This cat laughs at the eflorts of the
i republican papers ot this place to have
themselves and readers believe there
was a republican victory in Tuesday’s
Blown From Graves,
An Ezplosion in a Cemetery Disinters
Hundreds of Bodies.
WHEELING, W. VaA., Nov. 2.—News
has just reached here from Coreapolis,
between here and Pittsburg, of a strange
and terrible affair, which occurred there
to-day. The Allegheny Cemetery Com-
pany, has for some time past been bor-
ing a gas well on their property and to-
day a terrific explosion occurred, caus-
ing a violent upheavel of the earth in
the vicinity of the well. Hundreds of
dead bodies were burled from resting
places in the cemetery and many costly
monuments were shattered nto frag-
ments. The gentleman bringing the
report to Wheeling says he was an eye
witness of the occurrence.
A Blair County Horror.
Idiot Paupers Struggling to End Their
Ezistence in a Fira that Destroyed
the County Almshouse.
Late on Saturday afternoon the Blair
county almshouse was discovered to b
on fire. The fiatmes broke out in the
centre of the building, and, owing
the prevailing high wind but hide
could be done to stay their progress.
There were sixty-three paupers in the
building at the time, several of them be-
ing weuk minded and in the fright and
confusion that followed the first alarm
one insane patient perished in the
flames, while half a dozen others were
badly burned. The building was sit-
uated on high ground, and the reservoir
near by was only half full, so the fire-
men could do little but assist as much
as possible the frenzied patients, some of
whom struggled and fougnt to make
their way back into the fire.
Onediot, named Nettie Yongling,
after being carried screaming from her
room , tore away from her rescuer and
hurled herself into the flames, shrieking
with insane oelight while ber. flesh was
roasting, and tearing her clothing from
smoking body unul her strength gave
way when she sank down to a horrible
The entire force of men about the
place were working at the time in the
tields, aud hearing the alarm rushed
back only to turn their attention to
caching and holding inmates, all of
who seemed insane from excitemedt.
Father Donelly and Rev. Dr. Swartz
were the only able-bodied men about
the place, and the firemen and citizens
arrived only in time to prevent these two
brave men from being torn to pieces by
the strong madwomen, who tried time
and agai.. to throw themselves back in-
to the flames from which they had
been dragged. Mrs. Yongling was suc-
cessful, and another patient, Mrs. Flash-
er, was nearly so, heing so horribly
burned betore being dragged from the
flames thatshe will probably die.
Poor director A. J. McKee, while
struggling with a woman, was dracged
into the flames and so badly burned he
will be a cripple for life. An insane
man escaped into the mountains, howl-
ing with juy at sight of the flames and
his unexpected lioerty. He was follow-
ed by a yelling gang of men and boys,
but the last seen of him he was making
into the wilds. No one dared t stop
the madman, and woman and children
fled from the apparition of a half clad
manine pursued hy a mob that tok
cure not to come too close. The man
will probably die ot exposure unless he
succeeds in waking shelter.
A blind patient, frightened, weak
and half mad, groped his way out of a
back rooin that was filled with flames
and smoke, and was found hours atter-
wards hiding in a corn crib, weakly
muttering that a mob had ~ome to kill
him, He was taken to the city and
cared for.
While the madmen, paupers and wo-
men of the house were beings carried to
shelier another scene ensued that was
more shameful than anything that
ever vceurred 10 the county. A mob of
men and boys from this city and sur-
rounding country gathered at the
smouldering ruins and pillaged the
wreck. They dug their way into the
cellar, where they wund kegs of wine,
cider and liquors intended for the pa-
tients, and a drunken carnival ensued !
that puts to blush the wildest orgies of
the suvages. Half burned goods were
dragged rota the blackened heap, and
a dozen fights took place over some ar-
ticle of more than ordinary value.
When the police finally arrived the
ghouls and drunken mob were driven |
from the place, the police forming a
cordon, and meaut a broken head to
break into the line.
There is But One Portland.
Oregon, and itis best reached via
Chicagy and 8t Paul over the through
Sleeping Car Line of the Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul and Northern Paci-
fic Railways. For further information
apply to the nearest ticket agent.or ad- |
dress, John TR. Pott. District Pass. |
Agent, 486 William Street, William-|
sport, Pa.
Japan’s Awful Horror.
25,000 People Killed by the Earthquake
Three Cities Ruined —Completely
Destroyed and the Inhabitants
dead— Appaling Scenes.
LoNDON, Nov. 1.—The terrible earth-
quake in Japan swallowed up 25,000
people. Dispatches from Hiogo put the
number of dead at that, and when com-
munication with the interior of the
country is re-established this appaling
figure ot death may be increased
The shock that occurred on Wednes-
day aestroyed the towns of Nagoya,
Gifu and Ogaki. All the public build-
ings und most of the smaller structures
in these places were thrown down. A
fire which started among the wrecked
buildings in Nagoya completed the:
work of destruction in the most crowded
quarter of tne place.
The towns of Okahu.Kano and Kasa-
mutsu have been literally wiped out,but
very few of the unfortunate inhabitants
escaping. At Gitu 5,00) houses were
destroyed and 5,000 people were killed.
The fearful visitauon was repeated
yesterday at Osage, where 18,000 houses
were wrecked and 2,000 persons perish-
ed. The earthquake wrecked and twist-
ed fifty miles of railroad in that district
so that 1t cannot be used. A number of
European residents were engulfed, but
Cook’s tourist pariies now in the coun-
try are safe.
The earthquake shock passed from
east to west. The waters were cast up
seething, as if drawn from a caldron,
and bursting upon the lowland, flooded
whole districts.
The fearful agitation of water incre s-
ed the horror by flooding the ruins and
drowning hundreds of the victims.
The estimate made of the number of
killed 18 placed at 25,000
Many vessels are reported to have
been wrecked in the vicinity of Hiogo,
and during the seismic disturbances the
waters of the lakes in the surrounding
country were violently agitated A few
portions of the Niphon Islands escaped
the earthquake, and Kobe suffered coms
paratively little damage.
It is believed that but few Europeans
lost their lives in the catastrophe. Wa-
gon,roads as well as railroads,are choked
with debris of all descriptions and so
seemed with deep furrows that travel 1s
almost completely cut off. Railroad
traffic has been suspended. This causes
the meagre details of the calamity.
Enough is known, however, to cen-
vince the Japanese that this lust caias-
trophe is one of the most fearful in the
history of that land.
A Yokohama dispatch brings anoth-
er and even more terrible story of the
awful earthquake. So sudden was the
disaster that with the first rumbling of
the earth the people of the stricken
towns were overwhelmed in the ruins of
their falling buildings or beaten down |
by crumbling debris as they fled, panic
stricken, through the streets. The hav-
oc was instantaneous and unprecedented
and an enormous area was laid desolate.
The terror stricken crowds thought of
nothing but escape from the yawning
jaws of the earth. Tho-e who were
maimed or caught, and in the afflicted
towns they numbered many hundreds,
were left to die a lingering death by the
side of thousands of corpses.
There was no systematic system, and
the Government officials as well as local
officers are much criticised for rhe lack
of immediate action and instant help.
The last time Japan was visited hy a
disaster of the present kind was in 1888.
This was caused by a terrible eruption
of the apparently extinct voleano of
Bandaisan, in the province of Tukus-
hima, near the city of Wakamatsu,
uhout 165 miles north of Tokio. Over
600 lives were then lost.
The New York Court of Appeals
has decided that usury 18 a good defense
against foreclosure of & mortgage, and
uns annulled a mortgage on a property
in a case in which ten per cent. of the
principal had been withheld from the
mortgagor. If this be good law—and
it is good enough equity —the Kansas
farmer may crack his heels for joy.—