Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1891, Image 1

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    The Nation Anchored to its Candi-
date for 1892.
Massachusetts Clings to Her New
Love—and Iowa Tries a Demo-
cratic Governor.
Ohio Makes a Mighty Effort to Throw
Off the Yoke of Republican Oppres-
sion, but Pennsylvania 1s too
Deep in Disgrace to Try.
Democrats Carry Two Republican
States and Are Victorious in Every
Democratic State—Ohio and
Pennsylvania are Repub-
lican, but McKnley’s
VOL. 36.
Berks County—Wright, Democra
for aujitor general, 5,100 plaraliiv,
Democratic gain of 58. Tilden, Damo
crat, for sta‘e treasurer, 5,600 plurality.
M.jority against constitutional conven
tion 12,000.
Bucks County— Wright, Democrat,
600 plurality, a Democratic gain of 82
i [ilden, Democrat, 600 plurality. Tae
| majority against the constitutional
| convention about 12 000.
Bradtord County—Gregz, Republi-
lean, 2,000 plurality, a Dz2mocratic
gain oft 689. Morrison, Republican,
| 1,800 plurality.
"Beaver County—This county will
give Gregg and Morrison each a ma-
Jority ot 1100; a Democratic gain of
Bedford County—Bedtord county hag
| apparently gone Democratic by 100 on
"State and county ticket.
[ Butler Countv—Gregg (Rep.) Audi-
| tor-Greneral, 800 piurality, a Republi-
Majority is Great- | ean gain of 179. Morrison (Rep.), Siate
ly Reduced.
——— tn A — te A ——— |
—— The result ot the elections on |
Tuesday last certainly give cause to
Democrats all over the country to thank
‘God and take courage. While here in
Pennsylvania the darkness of political
prejudice, hides trom the tax-payer the |
wrongs that are being perpetrated
upon him, in the other states the eyes |
of the people are being opened to the
‘sophistries, the errors and the decep-
tions of the republican party. Penn.
sylvania might have gone Democratic
and there would have been no political |
significance in the result. It would
have been simply a rebuke to the cor-
rupt methods of the ring that has con-
trolled the offices : nd robbed the peo-
pie of the State for years. But when
Massachusetts, fighting on the broad
principles that divide the two parties,
goes Democratic; when New York,
with the strongest candidate the Re-
publicans could put in the field, in-
creases her Democratic majority by
thousands; when Iowa, for a second
time, repudiates republicanism because
of its broken promises and pernicious
doctrine; and Ohio is compelled to
make a campaign, and resort to
methods, snch as were never before
known or experienced, to save a disas-
trous defeat to the party in power, is
there not reason for Democrats to re-
joice, and look forward to 1892 with
renewed hope and courage.
In all the States in which elections
| ality, a Democratic gain of 511.
| Treasurer, 800 plurality.
Cameron County-—Gregg, Republican,
100 plarali y, a Democratic gain of 26.
| Morrison, Republican, 100 plurality.
Clearfield County— Wright, Demo-
crat, 1.000 plaraiity. a Republican
gain of 538. Tilden, Democrat, 1,000
plurality. I'he majority against the
constitutional convention will reach
+ 800.
Chester County—Gregg, Republican,
for auditor geweral, 2,000 plurality, a
Democratic gain of 1,011. Morrison,
Republican, tor state treasurer, 2,000
plurality. Overwhelming majority
against the constitutional convention.
Talbot, Republican, is probably de-
feated for the state senate by 500.
Ciinton Conaty— Wright, 500 plura-
lity, a Democratic gain ot 130. Tilden,
| Democratic, 425 plurality. Tne majori-
ty against the constitutional convention
is large. Grow, (Rep) elected Register
and Recorder.
Columbia County— Wright, Demo-
crat, for auditor geveral, 1,750 plor-
den, Democrat, for state ‘treasurer,
1,800 plurality. Majority against con-
stitutional convention about 1,000.
Cumberland County—Wright, Demo-
crat, 1,200 plarality ; a Democratic
Cl Agi
p'urality. The majority against the
cmstitutional convention 1s about
Jetterson County—Gregzg and Morri-
Juniata Connty—Grese, Repuhii-
an, for auditor general, 50 vluraiity,
Democratic: gain of 147. iid a.
Democrat for state treasurer, 100
Lancaster Countv—Grerg, Repnbli-
can, 8500 plurality; a Revublicin
gain of 2,776 ; Morrison, Republican,
8.500 plurality. A large majority
against constitutional convention. The
jndgeship fizht was close, but Livings:
ton. (Rep) was elected.
in this county will be: 2a,
Morrison 1700.
Lackawanna County—-Wright,Demo-
a Democratic gain of 700. Tide,
Democrat, for state treasurer, 500 pln
ralitv. Majority in favor of consi
tional convention ahout 1.000.
Lebanon County—Gregy, Republi-
can, 1,650 plurality, a Republican gain
ot 357. Morrison, Republican, 1,650
plurality. The majority against con-
stitational convention will reach 4,000.
Lehigh County— Wright, Democrat,
3,000 plurality ; a Democratic gain of
1,068. Tilden, Democrat, 2,900 plu-
Lycoming County—Wright, Demo-
crat, 1,100 plurality, a Republican gain
ot 591. Tilden, Democrat, 1.200 plura-
lity. The majority against constitu-
tional convention is abour 2,000,
Montgomery County—-Wright, Demo-
crat, 300 plurality, a Democratic gain
of 345. Tilden, Democrat 450 plura-
lity. The majority against the consti-
tutional convention is 6,000.
Montour County — Wright, Demo-
crat, 500 plurality, a R:publican gain
ot 68. Tilden, Democrat, 550 plu-
McKean County —Cirege and Morri-
i so will each xet a majority of 575.
Mercer County—The majorities in
this connty will be : Grezg, 800; Mor-
rison 775.
Monroe County— Wright (Dem) for
vor General, 1800 plurality; a
Lawrence County—The majorities |
1800; |
erat, tor auditor general, 500 pluraliiy ; |
<on will_each get 500 majority in this
: Warron County—Gregg, (Rep) An
ditor General, 700 plarality, a Demo
gain of 462. Morrison, (Rep)
Site Treasurer, 400 plurality.
Wayne County—Wright (Dem) for
Awlitor Geaeral, 300 plurality, a Re
punlican gain ot 197. Tilden (Dem)
ior State Treasurer, 300.
Westmoreland Count y—Gregg (Rep)
300 plurality, a Republican gain of
1070. Morrison, (Rep) for State Treas-
urer, 300 plurality.
York County—Wright, Democrat,
2.800 plurality, a Democratic gain of
243. Tilden, Democrat, 2,800 plu-
indicate the election
Boies by at least 10,000 majority. The
Returns of
vote was the largest ever pollel. The
Legislature will probably be Democrat-
ic by a good working majority.
The Republicans have some hopes
for VanHouten for Lieutenant Govern-
or, who is running ahead of Wheeler
in the precincts that have reported.
They also claim Sabin, r., for Superin-
tendent of Instruction. The Demo-
crats claim that their whole ticket is
elected. It will take fuller returns
than can now be obtained to decide the
fate of the ticket below Governor. In
the Lower House t\ic Republicans will
have a clear majority. The Senate is
conceded to be Democratic by one or
two vo tes.
The latest returns show that Mr.
Flower's plurality over Mr. Fassett in
the State is 40,055. The whole Demo-
cratic ticket is elected. Sheehan ran
13.836 behind Fiower, although this is
notshown in his plurality over Vroo-
man, who likewise ran below Fassett.
The Senate is redeemed, and Lieu-
tenant Governor Sheehan will preside
over a Senate with a friendly majority.
Velder, Donaldson, Laughlin and
Richardson are the victims. The vote
in the onyx chamber will therefore be
17 De nocrats to 15 Republicans,
The Assembly is Democratic by 67
out of 128,
Hamilton Fish and Whipple, rival
a-pirants for the Speakership, were
gattrot648—Triden, Democrat; 1:250
plurality. The voteis overwhelming-
ly against the coostitutional conven-
Crawtord County—Gregg, Republi-
can, 952 plurality, a Democratic gain
ot 1,079. Morrison, Republican, 20
Cambria County—Wright (Dem.)
Auditor General, 600 plurality; a Re-
publican gain of 18. A hesvy majori-
tv against Convention, “Rilden (Dem.)
State Treasurer, 600 plurality.
Carbon County—E even out of thir-
ty one disiricts indicate about 400 or
500 Democratic majority for the State
were held on Tue:day, the contest was | ticker, while bot Republican candi-
on issues, which wiil form the dividing dies. Watkins for Prothonotary and
. . . . + ol n »
lines between parties in the next Presi | WV ¢"P tor Serif, are elected. The
dential election, In Ouio, Iowa and lending tie wat wo (Bunty. Who! is
Massachusetts, the principle issue was |
the position of the two parties on the |
tariff question. It was a square stand |
up fight for an endorsement,by the peo- |
ple, of the principles of the McKINLEY |
protection bill. Iu Ohio, with a nat. |
beaten tor Protnonotary, probably by
Delaware County—Gregg, Republi-
can, 2,400 plurality, a Democratic gain
ot 558.
Dauphin County—The Judgeship
"fight was hotly contested in this coun-
ty, but returns indicate that Simonton
Democratic gain of 779, Tilden (Dem)
for State Treasurer, 1900 pluraliiy. No
| estimate on Constitutional Convention,
| Mifflin County—Wright will get 150
majority in this county and Tilden
300 Bacher, (Dem) defeated for
Judge by 635.
Northampt mm County — Wright,
Democrat, 3.000 plurality, a Democra-
uc vain of ‘802. Tilden, Democrat, 2,-
950 plurality. The majority against
the constitutional convention is about
Northumberland Crunty — Wright,
Democrat, 1.000 pluraiity ; a Demo-
crate gain of 884. [lilden, Democrat,
1.100 plurality.
Perry Connty—Gregg, Republican,
200 plurality, a Republican gain of
113. Morrison, Republican, 150 plura-
liy. The vote is against the constitu
tional convention.
Pitsburg, Pa.—Allegheny county
will give over 30.000 majority against
the constitutional convention.
Pike County—Wright (Dem) for
| Auditor General. 550 plurality; a Demo-
ural republican majority of 25.000, and (Rep) has a majority of 1200 over Al- | cratic gain ot 128. Tilden (Dem) for
the author of the measure as a candi- 1eks (Dem).
date ; with all the power of the admin-
istration at Washington, the combined |
influence of the leaders of that party
A ciaim ot 1500 majori-
ty 18 made for Simonton in Lebanon
county, The returns from the outly-
{Ing districts come in very slow. The
entire Republican ticket is elected, and
| State Treasurer, 600 plurality. No es-
| timate on Constitutional Convention.
[Potter County—Greg:, Republican,
| 250 plurality ; a Democratic gain of
| 325. Morrison, Republican, 250 plu-
all over the country, and an an'imited | Grezg and Morrison have at least 3000 ! rulity.
supply of money, McKINLEY and his
tariff bill barely skins through. In
the other two States,both of which the
tepublicaus must have to succeed in
1892, their principle issue has been
repudiated and their party broken and
discouraged by defeat.
Could there be a more hopeful out-
look? The foliowing .are the returns
in detail of the great Democratic vie-
tories, as well as the facts going to
show that the thieves in Pennsylvania |
are still on top.
Returns from all counties in the
Stute snow that Gregg has a plurality |
of 50.833 over Wright, while Morrison |
has 47,467 plurality over Tilden.
The pluralities by counties, with the
gains of either party, are given below
in detail :
Adams County—Wright, Democrat,
for auditor general. 400 pluralivy ; a |
republ can gain of 108 ; Tilden Demo-
crat, for state treasurer, 400 plurality.
Allegheny County — Plarality 14, |
000 ; a Republican gain ot 9,200.
Armstrong Connty—Grege, Republi-
can, 990 plurality, a Republican gain
of 21%, Morrison, Republican, 900
Allegheny County—Clarence Bur-
leigh (Rep.) is re-elected District At-
torney. by 15.000 over L. K. Porter
(Straightont Republican).
Biair County—Gregg, Republican,
1,200 plurality, a Deirocratic gain of
ot Morrison 1,500 plurality, Hughes,
(Dem) elected Sheriff,
| majority.
Elk County—Wright, Democrat, 750
{ plurality, a Democratic gain of 357.
| Tilden, Democrat, 750 plaraity.
Erie Conntv— This county, usually
good for 1500 Republican majority,
giver Gregg buc 500, with Morrison
| 200 benind him. Tilden ran about
1 200 votes ahead of Wright. The Re-
| publicans elect their county ticket,
| with the exception of Siegel (Dem) who
is chosen Sheriff by about 400. The
| Constitutional Convention gets a small
| majority.
Fayette County—Wright, Democrat,
700 plurality, a Democratic gain of
273. Tilden, Democrat, 700 plurality.
| The majority for the constitutions!
| convention about 500.
{Franklin Connty — Gregg, Republi
| can, 500 plurality ; a Democratic gain
fof 28; Morrison, Republican, 600
| plurality. The constitutional conven
| tion is badly defeated:
| Forrest County —Gregg (Rep.) Au
| ditor General. 150 plurality; a Demo.
i cratic gain of 83. Morrison (Rep.)
| State Treasurer, 150 plurality.
| Fulton County—Wright (Dem) fo
| Auditor General, 276 plurality; a Dem.
ocratic gain of 133. Tilden (Dem) for
| State Treasurer, 275 plurality.
| Greene County—The majorities in
! this county will be: Wright, 1400, and
Tilden, 1400.
Huaatingdon County—Crezg, Repub
[ lieam, for auditor general, 700 plurality,
la Democratic gain of 170. Morrison,
| Republican, for state treasurer, 650
{ pluraaity. Majority agamst constitu:
ional ion, 4.500
| tlonal convention
Indiana County—Grege, Republican,
2,450 plurality, a Republican gain o
750. Morrison, Republican, 2,475
{ Sehuykill County— Wright, Democrat,
1 1.200 plarality, a Democratic gain of
277. Tilden, Democrat, 1,100 plurality.
I'he vote is against the constitutional
Somerset County—Gregg, Republi-
oan. 1,500 plurality ; a Republican gain
of 82; Morrison, Republican, 1,500
Sullivan Countv—W right, Democrat,
375 plurality, a Republican gain of 94.
Tilden, Democrat, for state treasurer,
375 plurality.
Soyder County—Grege and Morri-
son will each have about 700 majority.
Susquehanna County—The Reonbli-
an State candidates, Gregg and Morri
son, carried this county by about 1000
Tioga County—Gregg, Republican,
2.500 plorality, a Democratic gain of
187. Morrison, Republican, 2,300
Union County—Gregg, Republican,
600 plurality, a Democratic gain of
78. Morrison, Republican, 500 pla
Venango Coanty—Gregg (Rep) for
Auditor General, 300 plarality; a Demo-
sratie gainof 52, Morrison (Rep) for
State Treasurer, 300 plarality. Aboat
t00 against the Constitutional Conven-
Washington County—Gregg, Repub-
lican. 300 pinrality, a Democratic gain
of 1.081. Morrison, Republican, 300
Wreoming Connty—Greee, Republi-
van, 10 plurality ; a Republican gam
of 4, Morrison, Republican,
*onstitutional convention.
100 | (neasure in this State, It also means
plurality. A heavy majority against | thai she is firm and aggresive for a
both left at home.
On joint ballot the Democrats have
81 votes out of 160. i
Flower's majority ot 58,000: in this
city is much less than a natural Demo-
critic majority of the metropolis.
The falling off nera 13 attributed to
the action of the County Democracy
i) resenting the exciusion of delegates
from the Saratoga Convention,
Kings county came somewhat to the
rescue. Richmond and Queens coun-
ties also showed decided gains for the
Democratic candidate. :
The falling oft of the Republican
vote in the counties north of the Har-
lem River seems to show tbat it is due
to the operation of the Ballot and Re-
gistration laws, under which: the first | ocratic city ticket is elected by a.decid-
general election is: held in the State, | edly increased majority over that of
and it seems to-indicate that the pur- | two years ago. The returns are suffi-
chase of votes under these laws have | cient to show that the entire Democrat-
come to a standstill.
The Democrats carried both Con-
gress districts—the Tenth and Twelth
— Little, of the latter district( Flower's)
being elected, and Cockran being re-
elected from the Tenth.
Frank Brown, Democrat, for Gov-
ernor, has a majority of between 25,
000 and 30,000, as figured out sau
. Democratic headquarters. The city
- Democracy claims ‘0 have elected its
entire ticket by an average of 5,000
majority. The legislature remains
Democratic by 30 to 40 on joint ballot.
Fifty-two precinets of the 198 in Balti-
more give Latrobe, Democrat, for may-
or, 3,970 majority, a Democratic gain
on the vote of two years ago. Frank
- Brown, Democrat, for Governor, makes
. a greater gain.
Indications are that the entire Dem-
increased majorities. The Demoerats
will have a majority in the State sen
Senator Gorman and ot a Democratic
United States senator in place ot Sena -
tor Wilson, deceased.
It is estimated that in the whole
State Russell has received 156,000 and
Allen 151,000, leaving the Governor a
plara'ity ot about 8,000.
Lieutenant Governor Vail and the
balance of the Republican State ticket
are elected by ample pluralities,
The returns for the Legislature are
very incomplete. The Senate will be
Republican. The House has complete
returns from 117 members—a little
more than one-half—and these stand
82 Republicans to 45 Democrais.
Governor Russell claims his electi
by about 6,000. He say: “It
that Massachusetts is earnestly for
Tari Reform on the line of
material, which has been
Indications are that a small vote
was polled in this state for mem-
bers of the legislature. Bat mea-
gre returns have been received, all of
which are favorable to the Democrats.
I'he cities of Richmond, Petersburg.
Norfolk, Portsmouth and Fredericks-
burg elost Democra‘s without opposi-
Linge Edward county votes solid for
atic senator and elects a mem-
bor of the Tower house by a majority of
avout 250 ; a gain of over 200. Ed-
Democrat, elected
opposition from Smith and
Biand counties,
Knrther ratnens continue to favor the
Damaoerats ; nae a single county in the
te, an ia ad Deard from, shows the
Repablican or Indepen-
31 )ehild
Ath ange
w 5% is,
free aw
the chile
sound currency.”
ic state and city tickets are elected by !
ate and house of delegates, making |
sure the re-election of United States |
New Jersey stood true to its sturdy
Democracy. The seven Democratic
Senatorial candidates were elected as
follows : Adrain, Middlesex ; Martin,
Hunterdon ; Perkins, Burlington ;
Miller, Cape May ; McMickel, Sussex;
Hincheliffe, Passaic ; Hudspeth, Hud-
son. The next Senate will stand 16 to
5 Democratic. The Democrats elect
41 Assemblymen and the Republicans
19. The Democratic majority on joint
ballot will be 33. The Republicans
concede this,except the resultin Passaic
The Republicans carried all their
counties, but by reduced majorities. -
The returns are very meagre and an
estimate cannot be made.
The election returns. from Kansas
are coming in very slowly. Nothing
has been heard from any of the coun-
ties in the western half of the State.
Such returns as have been’ received
would indicate that the People’s party
has lost its prestige, The power of the
i farmer in Kansas polities is broken,
‘for the time at least. The: Alliance
met with a crushing defeat at the polls.
The general result is best indieted by
| the returns from the ten judicial dis-
tricts, in only one of which was the
| Alliance candidate successful.
I S——
Returns from the election still come
din slowly. At the State headquarters:
of the'two parties, unofficial informa-
tion has been obtained from probably
half of the eighty-eight counties.
Chairman Hahn, of the Republican.
committee, elaims the plurality of Mc-
*® Kinley will be between 19,000 and 21,
800; wud that the General Assembly
will be thirty-seven Republican on. .
joint ballet.
Officials returns from twenty-seven
counties and the other estimates give.
McKinley a plurality of 18,588:
I E———— Er ——————
Spawis from the Keystone,
—Bethlehem chickens have rheumatism. .
—Robbeys looted the Seitzland, York. county,
post office on Thursday night.
—The missionary field of India has lured
Miss Leyton, of Columbia, hence.
—Eight year-old Gertie Sieger has been. ars
rested for till tapping at Bethlehem.
—Reading’s now city assessment will be on,
a property valuation of $41,500,0( 0s
—Twenty thousand quarts of milk
80 into caramels at a Lancaster factory.
- A Northern Central train snuffed out Hap
| ry Seachrist’s life, fifteen miles from York.
—The finest [talian marble is to be quarried:
| in the Mosquito Valley, Lycoming county.
—Pwtection Hose Company, Bethlehem, will
: disband, owing to sdlverse local legislation.
—DMeadville has struck anew gas gusher,
whose roaring keeps the town: awake nights.
—The monthly oil report shows that the
McDonald field averaged 47,000 barrels of oil a
—Brakeman John Snyder, of Columbia, had
both legs and his lite cut off at Witmer
—Nimrods by the hundred streamed out of
Reading Monday, gun in hand, to open the fall
game season.
—President Roberts says Pittsburg's new
Pennsylvania depot will be at Seventh avenue
and Grant str et,
—For trving to pay for two horses with al™
leged bogus checks Oscar W. Schrmoyer was
locked up in Allentown.
—The sinking fund of the State at the close
of October 31, had in it $2,780,587.75 and the
general fund $5,380, F1T.61.
—Wilson College, Chambersburg, has 8 mu~
sic class of 171 youn § ladies, who require seve
en teachers and half a dozen pianos.
—Pottsville’s mails have inereased from 25
pouches per day. in 1881, to ¥06 pouches now.
Hence the new public building cry.
—For the alleged mismanagement in set
tling her §300 estate, Mary Felix, of Reading,
has sued ex Judge Sassaman for $1100.
—Plasterer Thoms Barke got a nail stuck
in his throat at Pottsville. A physician, une
able to extricate it, forced the naik down.
—A hungry heifer at Ironbridge, Montgom-
ery county, climbed the barn stairs and got.
over into the hay mow and gorged herself.
—By a decision of Judge Hand, at Reading,
the Register of Wills of that county will now
receive from $3000 to $8000 less than formerly.
Johnstown peoplé have been *‘all at sea” for
land marks and boundaries since the flood,
and Councils still refuse to authorize a city
map. *
—Kirby Hartman, John Poff and Charles
Butler. Reading boys, ran away from home
twelve days ago and have not been heard from .
—The bones of slaves of Michael Ege, buried
at Boiling Springs near Shippensburg in
1854, have just been unearthed by quarry.
—John Rogers, of South Bethlehem, was
kicked in the neck while playing foot ball,and
received injuries which will probably cause
his death.