The Nation Anchored to its Candi- date for 1892. OUT OF ELEVEN STATES THE DEMOCRATS CARRY SEVEN. Massachusetts Clings to Her New Love—and Iowa Tries a Demo- cratic Governor. Ohio Makes a Mighty Effort to Throw Off the Yoke of Republican Oppres- sion, but Pennsylvania 1s too Deep in Disgrace to Try. THE DEATH KNELL OF HIGH PROTECTION. Democrats Carry Two Republican States and Are Victorious in Every Democratic State—Ohio and Pennsylvania are Repub- lican, but McKnley’s Y % = Oo i STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 36. Berks County—Wright, Democra for aujitor general, 5,100 plaraliiv, Democratic gain of 58. Tilden, Damo crat, for sta‘e treasurer, 5,600 plurality. M.jority against constitutional conven tion 12,000. Bucks County— Wright, Democrat, 600 plurality, a Democratic gain of 82 i [ilden, Democrat, 600 plurality. Tae | majority against the constitutional | convention about 12 000. Bradtord County—Gregz, Republi- lean, 2,000 plurality, a Dz2mocratic gain oft 689. Morrison, Republican, | 1,800 plurality. "Beaver County—This county will give Gregg and Morrison each a ma- Jority ot 1100; a Democratic gain of 343. Bedford County—Bedtord county hag | apparently gone Democratic by 100 on "State and county ticket. [ Butler Countv—Gregg (Rep.) Audi- | tor-Greneral, 800 piurality, a Republi- Majority is Great- | ean gain of 179. Morrison (Rep.), Siate ly Reduced. ——— tn A — te A ——— | WE HAVE C ' USE TO CHEER. i —— The result ot the elections on | Tuesday last certainly give cause to Democrats all over the country to thank ‘God and take courage. While here in Pennsylvania the darkness of political prejudice, hides trom the tax-payer the | wrongs that are being perpetrated upon him, in the other states the eyes | of the people are being opened to the ‘sophistries, the errors and the decep- tions of the republican party. Penn. sylvania might have gone Democratic and there would have been no political | significance in the result. It would have been simply a rebuke to the cor- rupt methods of the ring that has con- trolled the offices : nd robbed the peo- pie of the State for years. But when Massachusetts, fighting on the broad principles that divide the two parties, goes Democratic; when New York, with the strongest candidate the Re- publicans could put in the field, in- creases her Democratic majority by thousands; when Iowa, for a second time, repudiates republicanism because of its broken promises and pernicious doctrine; and Ohio is compelled to make a campaign, and resort to methods, snch as were never before known or experienced, to save a disas- trous defeat to the party in power, is there not reason for Democrats to re- joice, and look forward to 1892 with renewed hope and courage. In all the States in which elections | ality, a Democratic gain of 511. | Treasurer, 800 plurality. Cameron County-—Gregg, Republican, 100 plarali y, a Democratic gain of 26. | Morrison, Republican, 100 plurality. Clearfield County— Wright, Demo- crat, 1.000 plaraiity. a Republican gain of 538. Tilden, Democrat, 1,000 plurality. I'he majority against the constitutional convention will reach + 800. Chester County—Gregg, Republican, for auditor geweral, 2,000 plurality, a Democratic gain of 1,011. Morrison, Republican, tor state treasurer, 2,000 plurality. Overwhelming majority against the constitutional convention. Talbot, Republican, is probably de- feated for the state senate by 500. Ciinton Conaty— Wright, 500 plura- lity, a Democratic gain ot 130. Tilden, | Democratic, 425 plurality. Tne majori- ty against the constitutional convention is large. Grow, (Rep) elected Register and Recorder. Columbia County— Wright, Demo- crat, for auditor geveral, 1,750 plor- Til- den, Democrat, for state ‘treasurer, 1,800 plurality. Majority against con- stitutional convention about 1,000. Cumberland County—Wright, Demo- crat, 1,200 plarality ; a Democratic Cl Agi p'urality. The majority against the cmstitutional convention 1s about 1.000. Jetterson County—Gregzg and Morri- sounty, Juniata Connty—Grese, Repuhii- an, for auditor general, 50 vluraiity, Democratic: gain of 147. iid a. Democrat for state treasurer, 100 majority. Lancaster Countv—Grerg, Repnbli- can, 8500 plurality; a Revublicin gain of 2,776 ; Morrison, Republican, 8.500 plurality. A large majority against constitutional convention. The jndgeship fizht was close, but Livings: ton. (Rep) was elected. a Greg in this county will be: 2a, Morrison 1700. Lackawanna County—-Wright,Demo- a Democratic gain of 700. Tide, Democrat, for state treasurer, 500 pln ralitv. Majority in favor of consi tional convention ahout 1.000. Lebanon County—Gregy, Republi- can, 1,650 plurality, a Republican gain ot 357. Morrison, Republican, 1,650 plurality. The majority against con- stitational convention will reach 4,000. Lehigh County— Wright, Democrat, 3,000 plurality ; a Democratic gain of 1,068. Tilden, Democrat, 2,900 plu- rality. Lycoming County—Wright, Demo- crat, 1,100 plurality, a Republican gain ot 591. Tilden, Democrat, 1.200 plura- lity. The majority against constitu- tional convention is abour 2,000, Montgomery County—-Wright, Demo- crat, 300 plurality, a Democratic gain of 345. Tilden, Democrat 450 plura- lity. The majority against the consti- tutional convention is 6,000. Montour County — Wright, Demo- crat, 500 plurality, a R:publican gain ot 68. Tilden, Democrat, 550 plu- rality. McKean County —Cirege and Morri- i so will each xet a majority of 575. Mercer County—The majorities in this connty will be : Grezg, 800; Mor- rison 775. Monroe County— Wright (Dem) for vor General, 1800 plurality; a Lawrence County—The majorities | 1800; | erat, tor auditor general, 500 pluraliiy ; | BELLEFONTE, PA. NOVEMBER 6, 1891.