Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 23, 1891, Image 1

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    “By P. GRAY MEEK.
Ink Slings.
He was pious, was WrrLiam LIvsEY,
To us he seemed good alway,
But we did not know
That some day be’d go
To Canada, to stay.
—Always in the soup—the seasoning
that spices it.
—Striped patterns are the prevailing
styles for republican officials.
—C(Considering ‘the courses taken by
MArsH, Livsey and other republican
patriots, this can be counted an off year
in many ways.
—QuAY admits that it all depends on
Philadelphia, and when the Quakers
are asked if it is WRIGHT? they say
“Yea, verily |”
—Oneof the peculiarities attendant
upon the change ofseason : When the
deer hound begins in its pants, mother
nature loses her bloomers.
—The replies of McCamaNT and
BoYER to the charges in the Governor’s
message show that filing answers do
not make them sharp or to the point.
—In New York the Tammany tiger
is creating consternation among the
republican forces, while in this state its
the republican lie’n that is amazing ev-
—-Itis said that frost has no effect on
anything that’s dry. This probably ac-
counts for the fact that some stump |
speakers are able to talk no matter how
cold the weather is.
—The famine scourged peasants of
Russia are eating their dogs as a last ex-
tremity.. Pennsylvania Republicanism
will eat something about as bad after
the third of next month.
The time is near at hand,
When street loafers must disband
And hie away to a slightly warmer clime ;
And the man who'se lied all summer,
With the n'mrod and the gunner,
Must surely take a “check” upon his time.
The airy tairy “fizz’
Of the soda water tank,
Is quiet for another season more ;
And the crooked little “biz”
Of the shaky savings bank
Has caused a notice to be posted on its doors
We have many sad reflections,
As the reddenin z autumn comes ,
When we think of summer picnics and their
For the plumber’s little bil-lets
And the 20al man’s monthly duns
Mean the pown shop for our beloved rus-
set shoes.
—CQCandidate MORRISON is unwittingly
destroying the business of one industry,
at least, by his letters scattered broad-
cast to the old soldiers of the state. Do
you see the point, oris it too deep for
—The typical American ‘‘rail-split-
ter’ is surely rooting its way into all
the marts of the world. Nothing will
keep our long snouted hogs out when
they once make up their minds to
get in.
— After the election there will be
those who will feel like going out be-
hind the barn and kicking themselves.
This is a prophecy. If you do not |
want it fulfilled in your case democrats, |
go out and Vote.
—Hon. LeoNARD RHONE, it is said
has written a letter against the demo-
cratic candidate for Auditor General.
Evidently Leonard don’t care who
knows he is wrong or he would not put |
himself on record against WRIGHT.
—~That the greenest things do not die
first is'evidenced by the fact that republi-
can fapers,green enough to believe that
the people put any confidence in their |
professed desire for a thorough investi-
gation of matters at Harrisburg, still
live. :
—Some people are never satisfied.
Out along the Yohiogheny river they
are complaining of too much sulphur
in their water. After awhile some of
the same chaps will be kicking because
there is too little water with their sul-
phur. r
—This has been a sensational season
in the finance world, in the political
world, in the sporting world and in the
social world. We wonder if BaLma-
found anything unusual exeiting either
of the other worlds.
—O’GrADY has about knocked Fas-
SETT out on the world’s fair question,
but neitherone of them seems to have
had as bright a conception of tha proper
place to hold it as did the little school
bcy who says: “The proper place is
around the waist.”
—It is said that BouLANGER left a
letter in which he stated that he wished
to die in war, whereupn a hard hearted
_ VOL. 36.
, .
Creatures of the Same Ring.
The only reason any one hears from
a Republican why Greece and MoRRI-
son should be elected, is that they are
men of good character. This is possi-
bly so, at least as far as GREGG i8 cou-
cerned; bat, even if it were not,n0 Demo-
crat has attempted to take advantage
of any personal short coming, either of
them may have, nor is it necessary to
do so. The people have learned that
it is not always the men whose person-
al purity is paraded before the public
with the greatest vehemence, who
mage the most honest or efficient offi-
cials. Jouy BARDSLEY was known
and talked of as “honest Jon~N Barbs
LEY.” The time for which he was
elected has not yet expired and he is
in the penitentiary for being one of the
moss villianous thieves that ever rob-
bed a community or disgraced an of
fice. The present Auditor General,
who is a man on trial for neglect of of-
| ficial daties, and for compiicity in the
BarpsLEY steals, was held up to the
voters, when a candidate for the possi:
tion he now occupies, as one of the
best of citizens, a most faithful and
conscientious christian ~~ gentlemen,
whose experience in the office as chief
clerk, proved his fitness and honesty,
and whose election was: to secare to
the people an efficient, faithful and
worthy official.
The moral character of both of these
men was just as good as that of either
Gree or Morrison. Their standing
for integrity of character was just as
high ; their fitness to fill the positions
equally recognized. And yet what
have the people got for trusting to
their qualifications alone? They
have been robbed, deceived and dis-
graced. No punishment that can ever
be meted out to these men, will remove
the stain their conduct, as officials,
has brought upon the Staie. No sea-
tence that any court or tribunal may
pass will return the money that has
been lost to the tax-papers, or restore |
to the commonwealth the good name it
had betore their transactions came to
The disgrace that has fallen upon
the people of Pennsylvavia and the
"nor could minutes of th& proceedings
losses that the tax-payers will be re-
quired to make up, are not the result
of any lack of sufficient evidence of
good character in the candidates at the
time of the election, to have insured an
‘honest fulfillment of the duties of these
offices. It is not because of any per-
sonal objections that might have been
made against them, or any individual
faults or weaknesses that might have
been brought to light; but 's the di-
rect, distinct and undeniable consequence
of the overwhelming force and influence
lof a corrupt ring of which these two men
were but the creatures.
They were chosen by the ring, as its
candidates because, of their good char:
acters. It was their way to blind the
people. The two candidates now on
the Republican ticket, were chosen in
the same way, by the same ring, for
the same reason and same purposes.
He would be the veriest fool, who
would imagine that a political ring,
such as has dominated the politics of
this state for thirty years past, would
place men upon their ticket whose pri-
vate character would be sources of
weaknesses toit. It is votes thering
is after when it makes its ticket. It
looks ont for the stealings after it has
fooled the people by having them vote
for its candidates because they are
men of good character. =
When Gree and Morrison were
selected as the standard bearers of the
Republican State ring, it was because
they were recognized as men, who,
while not chargeable with any parti-
cular moral turpitude, were kuown as
individuals whose connections, asso-
ciation, and inclinations were such,
that if elected, they would be “simply
clay in the potter's hands,” to be
moulded into such measures and for
such purposes as their political spous-
wit, who has more respect for his calling | TS might wish.
than for the gentle sex, remarks that
he ought to have stayed with his wife
awhile longer.
-—A Philadelphia paper has an arti-
cle. headed “Our New Experience.”
‘We have not read'it, but presume it re-
fers to the experience they are exper-
iencing under the management of an
honest city treasurer. This would be
about the newest experience a citizen of
that city could have,
It is not at the private character of
either of the Republican candidates
that the people are asked to strike. Tt
is at the power, and influence and cor-
ruption of a most foul and accursed
ring, that hides behind these candi-
dates and seeks a longer control of of-
ficial patronage and a continued op-
portunity to rob and wrong the people.
It is against the power of the same
ring that made BarpsLey and McCay-
ANT and controled their actions, and
that now seeks to make and will con-
trol the actions of Gree and MoRRI-
soN, that the people are asked to vote.
It is not against these men as individ:
uals that any one is laboring, but
against them as the selection, the re-
presentatives, the creatures of the Re-
publican State ring.
—— If you think official precedents
that rob you ot over one and a half
million dollars, in a single year, are
good things, just continue voting for
the republican precedents, that have
done this. Greece and Morrison are
the “precedent” candidates. They
will keep matters moving along in
the same old ruts. Y
No Honesty About It.
The reader of the daily papers of the
State, will remember, how unanimous
was the sentiment among republican
organs, that Governor. Parrison’s call
for an extraordinary session of the Sen-
ate, was nothing but an effort to make
political capital out ot the condition of
affairs existing between the State of-
ficesand the looted Philadelphia Treas-
ury; they will remember also,how sud-
denly these same organs began to hedge,
as soon as they discovered that the
people were not to be hoodwinked with
this kind of an explanation, and bow
vigorously they have since pretended,
that they, and the party] they represent,
tavored the most thorough, complete
and exhaustive examination of all the
circumstances connzcted with the dis-
graceful scandals.
How much honesty there is in this
last position 18 shown by the efforis of |
. . . |
their representatives in the Senate, on
Thursday last, to block all proceedings
by refusing to recogaize authority in
any one io pay out of the Treasury
such money necessity would require to
meet the legitimate expenses of the in-
vestigation, and the earnestness with
which the republican press has backed
them up in this position.
Without money, witnesses could not be
subpeenied, stenographers could not be
| secured, the testimony of those willing
to be sworn could not be taken down,
be kept, and without these, what
would an investization amouat to ?
The simple fact, that atiera commit-
tee of their own choosing, had reported
as its opinion tnat money for the pur-
poses needed, could be drawn from the
treasury without the formality of au
appropriation, they still refused to go
ahead, shows plainer than any words
of ours can, the hypocritical position
they occupy.
That the extraordinary session of
the Senate, was not at that time
brought to a sudden close, without any
turther effort, to uncover the crooked:
ness whieh it was called to examine in-
to, is due solely to the fact that the At-
torney General wrote out and present.
ed to the Senate an opinion, setting
forth that the expenses contemplated
could be met and that he wonld advise
the State Treasurer to pay them when
warrents were properly drawn for that
This single instance, without the aid
of argument or words, shows the hol-
lowness of the pretense made. by the
republican press and leaders, that they
desired a complete showing up of the
questionable transaction between their
two accused officials and the confessed
republican thief of Philadelphia. [It
is a pointer as to what the public may
expect; and that is—a covering up as
far as possible of republican official
crimes against the State and the peo-
ple, and the whitewashing of those
who have been guilty of committing
them. !
When you have finished read-
ing the message of Gov. Pattison, ‘sent
yon last week in the shape of a supple-
ment to the Warcayax, hand it to
your republican neighbor and ask him
to peruse it carefully. Just at this
time a year, there is no more interest-
ing orinstructive matter, a tax-pa yer
can get hold of. | ; :
Any Democrat who remains
away’ from the polls at the coming
election, gives a half a vote fora contin
uation of repablican precedents which
during the past year have robbed the
state of over one million and a'hall of
“they have followed the same methods
“We Told You So.”
For twenty years the Democratic
press of the State has been laboring to
convince the tax-payers that a corrupt
Republican ring was in control of af-
fairs at Harrisburg, and for twenty
years it has been met with the same
cry, from those in power, that the
charge was a partisan lie gotten up to
influence voters on the eve of election.
The return of the vote at each election,
showed that the people, who were in-
terested, placed more reliance: in ‘the
denial made by the triends of those in
power, than they did in the charges
preferred by Democratic newspapers
and speakers.
But all things have an end, and
with the end of ring rule in Peunsylva-
nia, comes the plainest and most con-
vincing proofs, of the truth of the
charges made by Democrats, of the
neglect and carzlessness and corruption
in vogue at Harrisburg daring all this
long period. Aud the evidence of the
truth of these charges is not from any
De mocratic heresay, it is not from any
individual investigation ; it is not the
work of any partisan effort, but the
sworn confession of republican office
holders themselves.
Every reader of a newspaper, since
an investigation of matters connecting
the Auditor Gereral’s and State Treas-
urer’s offices with the BARDSLEY steals
has been going on, are familiar with
the excuses of the Republican Auditor
General and State Treasurer, for their
neglect of duty and arrangements with
BarpsLEY, whereby the State has lost
over one and a half million dollars,
| that they were following precedents set
by those who had filled these offices before
Lt is the only excuse the two ac-
cused officials, who are now before the
| bar of the Senate, charged with neglect
| of duty; with carelessness in the trans
Laction of public business; with open
| and wilful violation of laws regulating
| their departments, and with such com-
| plicity with Jory BARDSLEY, in his ef-
forts to rob, that he was enabled to get
"away with a million anl a half of State
money and al nost that much mor: be-
longing to the people of Philadelphia,
| have. They plead “precedent,” as a
| reason for neglect and rascality, and
"ask to be exanerated of blame, because
practiced by their predesessors.”
Is there anything that could open
“the eyes of tax-payers to the truth of
the charges, made for years past by the
' Democratic press, like the plea of “pre
cedent’’ eutered a3 an excuse for the
“unlawful acts of MoCamant and Boy-
ER. They admit that they have not
fulfilled the requirements of the law ;
I they admit that they allowed the
State's money to remain in the hands
of speculating officials after it should
have been paid into the treasury ; they
almit that they paid commission for
collections before those , collections
‘were made; they admit that millions
apan millions of dollars of ‘the State's
money were transferred, and juggled
with, between banks and bankers for
the purpose of private gain; they ad.
mit that they knowingly and wilfully
refused to carry out the provisions of
the law passed for the protection of the
State fands; they admit that they gave
to Barpsuey $450,000 of school funds,
six months before it was due and while
the city of Philadelphia was indebted
to the State over one million of dollars.
These things they admit and Barps-
LEY'S check stubs show that he was
not unmindful of their kindness, and
ag an excuse for all this wrong, this neg-
lect, this violation of - official oaths,
indirect robbing of the people, the pub-
lic is enlightened with the fact that
these are not new methods, but the us-
ual, recognized manner of conducting
the affairs of these two important of-
fices—that the same thing has been go-
ing on for years, and because it has
been going on in this way, there was
no wrong in continuing it.
Tax-payers, we ask you to consider
these matters calmly and dispassion-
ately and to answer yourselves if the
charges of the Democratic papers have
not been proven...
How much longer do you intend to
be robbed? A vote to justify the pre-
cedent of the past is a vote to coutinue
them in the future, If you want a
continnance of this kind of rule, vote
for (Greco and, Morrison. They. re-
present the precedent behind which
McCamant and Boyer seek to excuse
the wrongd (ligy Tiave “Committed and |
permittedy oi Bon ein ada |
16 aiai i sGgaUa
What Three Great Papers Have Said in
Favor ofa Constitutional Convention.
From the Philadelphia Times:
“Ex-Governor Pattison yesterday sound-
ed the keynote of Reform in Pennsyl-
vania when he declared that Ballot
Reform must be promptly obtained by
a Constitutional Convention. With
the open, insolent demand of the ma-
chine bosses upon the Reading Rail-
road corportion, to deliver its thousands
of voters to the boss candidate for gov-
ernor as the price of a municipal fran-
chise that the bosses claim the right to
auction, the call for a Constitutional
Convention will sweep the state like a
hurricane. Mr. Pattison sounded the
keynote of Ballot Reform in the follow-
ing pointed declarations :
“We have a painful and impressive
object lesson on the mockery of the
treedom and integrity of the ballot, in
the demand of the desperate political
bosses of the state upon a great corpor-
ation to deliver its thousands of voters
to the candidates of the bosses, as the
price of obtaining a franchise from. the
city that every legitimate business in-
terest has long asked for in vain. Ev-
en the municipal grants of our metropo-
lis are held as the property of political
masters to barter the votes of working-
men, to be delivered by orders from
“There is but one sure remedy for this
great wrong to industrial voters, and this
is by an immediate convention to revise
our fundmental law, and absolutely pro-
tect the integrity and secrecy of every bal-
lot ; and every candidate for the legis-
lature should be at once interrogated,
and required to answer categorically
whether he will vote for such a conven-
tion to assure the next important elec
“It needs,” says the Times comment-
ing upon the above, “‘onlysuch a start-
ling illustration of the assumption of
the machine bosses, that the votes of
workingmen are regarded merely as a
trading commodity, and the voters as
only helpless chattels, to arouse the
whole industrial people of the state to
an overwhelminz demand for a Consti-
tational Convention.
When the Philadelphia Press (Rep.)
was contending honestly last fall for a
Constitutional Convention, it used the
following strong lanzuave in its edition
of Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1890 :
The extent to whicn ‘ballot refosin:
has been vitalized in this state within
the past year is a striking evidence of
tie popalar feeling on the subject. It
was thoroughly alive in the minds of
the people in the late campaign; but it
could not be made an issue between the
parties, since both declared for it in
their platforms. If there was any dif:
ference it was one of mere assumption.
When the people understood undoubt-
edly was that both parties were pled ged
to a system which shall provide an
absolutely secret ballot and a method
by which the voter can cast his ballot
without divulging to any one what it
may be. If that is true, and we believe
it to be, it is re liculous for the Demo-
crats to caim that the election ot Pat-
tison is a distinct trinmph for ballot re-
form. If the people had supposed the
reform was only to be accomplished by
Democratic success they would have
chosen a Democratic legislature, also,
for the accomplishment of the reform
will depend more upon the legislat ure
than upon the executive.
Undoubtly the most direct and
effective way to gat at this matter is by
means of a Constitutional Convention,
and we are prepared to see both parties
unite for this when the legislature
meets. The marked ballot feature
needs to be removed and the constitu-
tion so changed that ‘among other
things an effective registration law can
be passed, one under which, in the city
districts at least, the votershall person-
ally appear to have his name enrolled.
There are some other constitutional
changes not related to ballot reform
which it is also desirable to make, so
that in general a Coustitutional con-
vention commends itself.
The Journal of the Knights of Labor
‘in. ‘one of the articles demanding a
Constitutional Convention says :
“There is now no controversy as to
the great need for the proposed reform,
for it is conceded on all sides that it is
a. matter of absolute necessity and we
say and insist a matter of first import.
ant. Iuis undeniably true that there
is no real.secrecy in the present system
of elections obtaining in the Keystone
State. The numbering of the ballots,
as at present demanded by the Cousti-
tution, makes it easy for election offi- |
cers at the numerous. polling places to
kaow just how any. and every man
votes, and it is well understood. that
all systems of balloting were designed
to: secure to the voter freedom and
gecrecy in his choice of ticket and pret
erence for candidates, ¥ * * I¢iapro-
posed on the one hand to amend by
legislative enactment the same to be
submitted © to popular ratification.
Without wishing . to go into a. lengthy
argument, it may as well be under
stood, at onee that, though we possess:
ed every assurance of the good, inten-
tions of those who argue this mode of
procedure, the fact remains that this |
is not thestraight and speedy’ method.
# % # We merely cannot afford to de-
lay so, important a reform.
Buiipyuila used gpd ; slay
i i i Se UI i eee]
Spawls from the Keystone.
— Swarthmore College has 200 students. ~~
| Chester's school sayings fund amounts to
$10,987. .
—State Board of Agriculture at Clarion on
October 2]. 3 BN gTatied
—Jamestown’s new Baptist church will be
dedicated io day. Rati
—The American Public Health Association
is in session at Kansas City, Mo. a
—The Shamokin Times advocates a free read=
ing roo.u for that prosperous town,
—Chartered : Bedford Creamery Company»
of Bedford county ; capital stock, $6000. "
—*“Better advertising rates” were discussed
by Lehigh Valley editors at Allentown.
—Lancaster county farmers’ tobacco erops
are selling like hot cakes on a cold day.
—Street railway magnates from all parts of
America convened at Pittsburg this week.
—A Lehigh Valley train ran down: James
Conway at Coplay, Lehigh county, Monday.
—Since October 1, 1885, just 1,870 marriage
licenses have been issued in Indiana county,
—Hulmeville has a. new barber who attracts
customers by playing on musical instruments,
—Gas in a coal chute slowly smothered
John Curry Menday, at Bast Colliery, Ash.
—Walter Alexander Jones, colored, was
nearly killed by walking off a fast train near
—Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Hutchinson has
sought in vain for Livsey or any trace of him
at Pittsburg. :
—Shenandoah police captured twelve poker.
players and confiscated the $1500 in cash they
had up on the game.
—Chieago cabinetmakers have abandoned a
strike and gone to work at the o'd terms—ten
hours and piece work.
— The Nebraska will be
heard in the United States Supreme Court
on the first Monday in September.
—Adams’ Express Agent Claude Fritz, of
New York, was knocked down and robbed of
all the cash in his pockets at Allentown. :
—R. A. Rigg said such ungentlemanly things
to Reading girls that the girl's fathers tried to
drown him after the fellow was arrested.
—Carlisie butchers indignantly threaten to
sue the Board of Health if it shall insist upon
th e removal of their slaughter houses.
— Parties fram Scranton are looking over the
grounds at Nicholson with the intention, it is
said, of locating a system of water works.
— While out gunning on Sunday, Heister
Kleckner, aged 19, of New Ringgold, Schuyl.
kill county, accidentally shot and killed him-®
—W. J. Askell, of New York, purchased’ the
Mount McGregor Railroad for $28,500, subject
to a $160,000 mortgage, Monday, at a referee's
—The new water works at Towanda will cost
$110,000 and the water is brought from the
Ellenberger springs, a distance of twelve
—A snake with two fully developed heads
and ten feet long was killed by Julius Bow.
man and Henry Bhein, of Fullerton, Lehigh
county, on Sunday. 3 :
— Matilda Calvin has begun suit at Findlay,
0., against the parents of her husband for
$15,000 damage for their alienating the affag”
tions of her husband. )
—A break for liberty was made by William
Burkhart, a prisoner at Lebanon, when he
learned thft he was to answer a charge of
burglary at Columbia.
— The Gazette says Dushore merchants are
handling an immense amount - of butter this
fall, and that there isa growing demand for
Sullivan county butter.
The Erie ha« decided to abandon the pro,
ject of building a tunnel through the Moosic
mountains to shorten the main line, the cost
being estimated at $4,000.000.
_An inquest over the body of Hannah A,
Warren, of near Stroudsburg, who was found
dead at her father’s house, reveals that sha
was the victim of malpractice.
—At the morning session of the Presbyterian
Synod in Scranton, an animated discussion
wasindulged in, regarding the propriety of
Congress appropriating money to Roman
Catholic schools.
Two hundred and fifty seven eriminal
cases are set down for trial in the Lackawanna
October courts, and at the recent session of
the Naturalization Court six hundred and ten
persons were made citizens in two days.
The regular session of the Bucks county
teachers was held in Doylestown, at which
over 300 members were present. Papers on
subjects pertaining to school matters wera
read, and an entertainment held in the
—By {he explosion of an engine on the
Frackville Branch about seven miles from
Pottsville, Henry Wagner, the engineer, and
Mahlon Keith and Charles Hornicker, brake.
men, were instantly killed, and Charles . Bow-
ers was fatally injured.
—Frank C. Hutchinson, of the Allegheny
National Bank, of Pittsburg, was fatally injured
while driving with his family in Colorado
Springs. His wife and daughter were slightly
cut and bruised. The accident was caused by
the upsetting of his carriage.’
—H. C. Wintermoyer was arrested Monday
at Middletown, Dauphin county, and given a
hearing before United States Commissioner
Wolfe, on a charge of passing counterfeit
money, some of which was found on his per
son. He was held for a further hearing.
In the United States Court; at Pittsburg,
Porter Worl, a young school, teacher, of West
. moreland county, was sentenced to pay a fine
of $300 and undergo an imprisonment of six
| months for having impersonated an internal
revenue officer and collecting money “legally
due the State.
—Insarance Commissioner Luper made a ree
port to the ‘Attorney General on mutual fire
companies in the state. It appears that sev-
eral are illegally carrying on business, some
i have little orno assets, ani others apparently
have no directors, , It is expected that lega
action will be taken by Mr, Heusel. 1
—Suit was entered by the Anti-Fee Grab-
| bing Askociation of Lancastet, against Register
|'of Wills George 8. Geyer and his Deputy, Is-
| rael Carpenter. The officials are charged with
| taking illegal tees for letters testamentary in
| a recent estate! Similar charges have also
| been instituted against’ the Prothonotary and
| Recorder. .
Justice Mitchell, of the Supreme Court;
‘rendered’ an opinion refusing to ‘interfere
{| with the “decision of ‘Court of Oyer and Ter.
miner in the case of John’ MéManus of Phila-
dslphia, convietoed of murder in tho. first de.
gree. Thapower of juries’ in criminal oases
! wag ‘elaarly defined, and three conclusions
. given forthe Supreme Court's verdict.
Won apton | !