Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 09, 1891, Image 2

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 9, 1891.
Under the bending mountain skies
1 lay, with half-shut, dreamy eyes.
In the sweetest month of spring— §
When a little cloud eame, so soft and white,
It seemed but a fieecy streak of light,
Or the flash of an angel's wing.
I had marked the mountain’s fitful mood,
Its tall head wrapped in a flame-red hood,
Or its base in a misty shroud ;
But through all its cliffs where sunbeams
And in all its shifting light and shade,
There was nothing like the cloud.
So fair, so far, it seemed to float,
With the airy grace ot a white winged boat,
$8andithe deep, biue sky for a sea.
t might have been that an angel crew
‘Were voyaging the distant blue
With the. Pilot of Galilee.
O winsome ship of the upper sea,
My fettered thoughts look up to thee,
In thy supernal place,
And longs thine airy deck to tread,
Thy cloudland eharted eourse to thread
Through realms of trackless space.
In vain does blinded science guess
The texture of thy dewy dress
With earthly mechanism !
I view thee through another glass,
And make thy borrowed beauty pass
Through faney’s finer prism.
But, ah! no cloud-compelling Jove
Will hear the prayers I breathe above
To stay thy wayward flight ;
And while I strain my yearning eye
Thy trailling banners through the sky
Are bidding me good-night. . a
— William Rice Sims, in Lippinooti.
The season at the White Mountains
was at its height.
The great hotel and many cottages
scattered in every direction were filled
to overflowing with gay and joyous
guests, :
No one location had a larger share
of these “birds of passage” than Beth-
lehem, standing on its lofty hill with
the grand old mountain rising all
about it,
Every hotel, boarding-house and cot-
tage was filled with guests, and every
day and evening something was plan-
ned and carried out for their entertain-
ment. :
One day it was a ride or tramp to
one of the many points of interest lying
ic every direction, and in the evening
a ball, or hop, or parlor theatricals at
one house or the other. Pleasure for
the few days, or the few weeks, reigned
One evening two young men were
seated on the broad veranda of the
The great hotel was filled to reple-
tion, and gay promenaders passed and
repassed before them to the sound of
the music which came floating out on
the evening air.
One of the men, the darker of the
two, at length broke the silence which
had for several minutes existed be-
tween them by saying :
“I think we shall have a good day
for our tramp to-morrow. It doesn’t
look now as though we should get rain
again for some days.”
“I hope it will not be too hot, Thur-
low. It's along way up to the Black
ravine, and for part of the way we shall
find no shade at all. I was up there
two vears ago and found it no easy
/ “I guess we are good for it, Hartley.
Wedido't take a back seat for any-
body when we were doing the Alps to-
; gether. Englishmen pride themselves
on their power of endarance, on foot,
but for once they had to give in to the |
_ Americans.”
“I remember the party very well.
They were loth to give up, but they
had to when we left them so far be-
+ bind.”
“Quite a little party are going up
also, to-morrow, I understand—ladies
. and gentlemen—some from here and
some from Sinelair.”
“Yes; but they will ride more than
half the way and that makes the dif-
ference. I thought you would like to
go along with them.”
“But I had no invitation. Did
“Isn’t that a good reason why we
-should tramp by ourselves 7”
“Yes; but Maud Ashley is to be
-one of the party. I've seen the time
when you would have moved Heaven
-and earth that you might be one of
‘the party.”
“But I would not have to perform so
-small a job as that, I should surely
‘have had a pressing invitation to go.”
“Thurlow ?”
“Well 1”
“Why was it that you and Maud
‘broke off with each other? At one
time I would have wagered my life
‘that you would have made a match
of it.”
“There was another who had more
gold and more influence. than I,” he
said in a bitter tone. “God knows I
loved that woman as I never shall an-
| was not wholly so.
“Then I would have married ber iu
spite of pe
“Hinsh { Here she comes !’
A small gay coterie passed by where
they were sitting. They were laughing
and chatting, and Mand Ashley seem.
ed the gayest of the little group. If
she saw Chester Thurlow she gave no
sign that she did so. No laok of re-
cognition came athwart her beautiful
‘I'he next morning gaye promise of a
beantifu) day to follow, Thurles aud
Hartley were actir early,
It was a long, hard tramp to the
head of the Black ravine, and the
clamber to the summit of the great
cliffs which overhang it. By starting
in good time they would have the ad-
vantage of the cool of the day. An
early breakfast had been ordered the
night before, and as soon as it was dis-
patched, and a goodly lunch bestowed
in their knapsacks, they started off be-
fore many of the guests had showed
themselves out of their rooms,
Half of their upward tramp was
over, when they came to a spot where
-arude path branched off to the right
from the rough wagon road that they
had been pursuing. High above them
they could see the deep depression in
the mountain which went by the name
of the Black ravine. A hard, long
tramp was before them yet, but they
felt as though it would be boys’ play,
for they were used to this sort of climb-
ing. A
% sparkling brook came out from
under a rock, and here they quenched
their thirst and rested for a short time.
The sound of wagon wheels and the
ring of happy voices down the road
told them that the party was approach-
ing. This was a signal for them to go
on, for they did not wish to mingle or
to be in the way of those that had said
plainly enough that their company
was not wanted.
Thurlow knew that Hugh Tilden
would be there, and that if he could
help it he would not be five minutes
away from the side of Maud. He
knew something of him of old and felt
that the girl was giving herself to a
man with whom she could never be
happy. People would have said that
this was jealousy on his part, but it
If they were mar-
ried, in due time, it would be shown
that they were not fitted for each other,
Upward they clambered, following a
rude path which had been cut along
side one edge of the ravine, The sun
beat down upon them and there was
hardly a breath of air. But this they
did not mind, and in due time they
reached the head of the ravine and
rested in the shadow of the great rocks
which towered above their heads.
These they had yet to surmount and
then the end of their tramp would be
reached. ;
This, a little later, was "accomplish-
ed, and they gazed around them upon
the wild, half-eavage scenery which
lay upon every hand.
A little later and again the sound of
voices and of laughter was wafted up-
ward to their ears. The party reached
the head of the ravine and was about
to clamber up over the cliffs the way
they had come.
They knew that the ladies had no
easy task before them, and that they
had some little time to stay before they
moved aside, or farther on, if they still
wished to avoid them. 5
So they lingered, taking in the view
until the forms of the party appeared
in sight only a short distance below
“Come, Hartley, there are some
stunted trees out yonder where we can
find shade. We will take refuge there
until they are gone.
“I'll make the move for your sake,
Thurlow; but mind, I won’t do it
again. We have as good a right here
as they, and if Miss Maud Ashley
doesn’t want to meet you she can go
in some other direction. If it were my
case I should stay here, and if she
wanted to cut me in the presence of
the rest of the party she would be at
liberty to do so. You can afford to do
it if she can.”
Thurlow made no answer but start-
ed off in the direction he had indicated.
He could not bear the thought of be-
ing slighted by the woman who in the
past had been so dear to him:
In the shade made by the gnarled
and stunted trees they partook of the
lunch they had brought, dividing their
time between the wild scenery about
them and watching the movements of
the party on the brow of the cliff.
In this way the time passed until
Thurlow, on looking at his watch, ob-
served that it was nearly time for them
to be starting homeward.
“Will you wait until they are gone ?”
said Hartley. “I think they are about
starting. Their moving about looks
like it.”
Hardly had these words left his lips
when a cry of mortal terror fell upon
their ears.
They sprung to their feet and gazed
out toward the party on the cliffs.
One of their cumber was missing.
Horror stricken they gazed for an 1n-
stant into each other's face, and then,
with the utmost speed they could com-
mand, they flew in the direction of the
“What has happened?’ they cried
to the awe struck group, each of whom
bad ventured as near to the edge of
the cliff as they dared and were look-
ing down into the fearful abyss below.
“Maud Ashley bas fallen over!”
was the answer from pale lips.
Thurlow uttered a ery which came
from the inmost recesses of his heart.
Then with a powerful effort he master-
ed himself, and sprung to the path
leading down to the edge of the ravine.
“She has gone to the bottom,” said
Hugh Tilden, as he carefully made his
way after him. She has fallen upon a
shelf in the rocks, and we can hear
her crying for help.”
Thurlow turned for an instant and
gave him a look which should have
erushed him into the earth, and then
sped on his downward way, followed
close by Hartley, who almost thrust
Tilden from the path as he passed him.
In a few moments he was opposite
the spot where Maud was clinging for
her life to the narrow shelf of rock on
which she had fallen and which had
saved her from instant death.
“Have courage, Maud, I will be with
you in a moment. Here, ITartley,
lend me your hand until I cross this
slippery rock.”
The latter did as requested and then
with a bound Thurlow gained the shelf
and grasped Maud by the choulder.
For a moment it seemed that they
would both loose their balance and go
plunging down to the fearful depths
below, but they held their footing and
braced themselves up against the rock
behind them.
“Are you much hurt, Miss Ashley 2"
he said,
“No, thanks to this bed of moss,”
she answered. “But why Miss Ash-
ley?” Why don’t you call me Maud,
as of old 7”
“May I have the right to do so?"
“Yes, you always had.”
“Maud, will you be my wife?”
“Yes, dearest, if we leave this place
alive.” ?
“And Hugh Tilden ?"
*Do not mention his name to me.
| fastened about Maud, and Thurlow
| Then, with a spring, she caught the |
A Fearful Arraignment.
He has no claim upon me. I am
if you will tak
Jone and Yours alone, yo 2 From the Democratic State Platform.
“Thank God, my darling! Now let We arraign and condemn the Repub-
us make our escape from this spot as | lican Legislature for having refused to
soon as possible. If we are careful we | enforce the Constitution by appropriate
can do it without harm to either.” | legislation ; for having failed to pass
Hartley and Tilden were looking on. | honest and equitable apportionment bills,
They could uot hegre what passed be as required by the Constitution ; for
tween the two, but the former was sat- peg
isfied that all had been made right at having ignored the demands of labor for
last. ? relief by law ; for having denied the
“Take the wraps the ladies have and | righteous popular demand for such laws
your coats and tie them together, mak. as would distribute the burdens of public
i ul Tone 2 i a aad taxation equally upon all clases of pro-
Thurlow. | perty, end for having refused to reform
This was soon done. long-existing abuses mn the mercantile
"appraisement laws, as recommended by
| the Democratic Executive in 1885.
outstretched hand of Hartley and was | W¢ i condom, 2h Pople
safe. A minute more and Thurlow | lican Auditor-General for having per-
stood by her side, and then a shout of | mitted John Bardsley, the Republican
joy went up frow the throats of all at | Treasurer of Philodelphia city and
their deliverance j JO iho
Ford | county, to embezzle $500,000 of State
There was joy in Bethlehem that | tax collected by him, which he was per-
night. The Maplewood was thronged : :
1 it seemed re all the town was | mitted {0 retain for a long period after
| the same was due and payable.
there. Joy was in the hearts of all
We arraign and condemn (he Repub-
but one—Hugh Tilden. The day’s |
tramp had an ending for him that be lican Auditor-General for having per-
0,70 way 1elished, miited John Bardsley, the Republican
Treasurer of Philadelphia city and
county, to embezzle more than $360,000
of State license moneys collected by him,
| which he was permitled to retain for a
long period after the same was due and
We arraign and condemn the Repub-
lican Auditor-General for having con-
spired with John Bardsley, the Republi-
can Treasurer of Philadelphia city and
county, to appoint and retain corrupt
Mercantile Appraisers, who abused
their offices for their own private pecu-
niary advantage, robbed the State of its
Just revenues, and imposed the Common-
wealth hundreds of thousands of dollars
of needless costs, and we demand the
dismissal of the Mercantile Appraisers
of Philadelphia.
We arraign and condemn the Repub-
lican Auditor-General for having con-
spired with John Bardsley, the Repub-
lican Treasurer of Philadelphia city
and county, to speculate in public adver-
tising and for having received from the
publishers of the sane bribes to influ-
ence their official conduct in placing such
We arraign and condemn the Repub-
lican State Treasurer for wilfully and
knowingly permitting Bardsley to retain
in his possession over $1,000,000 taxes
collected for and owing to the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania, by reason of
which dereliction a large portion of the
money has been lost to the people.
We arraign and condemn the Repub-
lican State Treasurer for having con-
spired with John Bardsley, the Repub-
lican Treasurer of Philadelpha, to se-
cure to him the payment of $425,000
of the public school fund, long in ad-
vance of the usual time, and when Bard-
sley was already known to the State
Treasurer to be a defaulter for over
$500,000, which sum thus improvident-
ly paid to Bardsley was bf him embez-
zled, to the loss of Philadelphia city
and the shame and scandal of the State.
We arraign and condemn the Repub-
lican State Treasurer and the Republi-
can Auditor General for having con-
spired to pay to John Bardsley, the Re-
publican Treasurer of Philadelphia city
and county. on December 389, 1890,
$150,000 out of the State Treasury,
ostensibly on account of Philadelphia
county's share of the personal property
tax ; but actually before that tax had
been paid into the State Treasury, and
when John Bardsley was already a de-
Sfaulter and embezzler to the amount of
Woman's Rights.
The end was
steadied her out as far as possible.
Sick-Room Suggestions.
Never stand or sitat the head of the
bed, or where the patient will be
obliged to turn both his eyes to see
you ; place yourself where he can look
into your face. I have seen people
enter a sick-roora and take their stand
out of sight, under the mistaken im-
pression that they would not attract
attention ; but invalids are peculiarly
sensitive to an unseen presence, and
they will turn their head, or even try
to raise themselves -on the pillow in
the effort to ascertain who has come into
the room.
Keep a small table spread with a
white cloth, upon which to lay glasses,
spoons and bottles ; this should be, if
possible, in an adjoining room, or if
that is not feasible, as far as can be
from the bed. Always use the same
utensils, washing them as soon as pos-
sible after using, for if they are carried
away, in nine cases out of ten the
article that you need will not be on
hand when required; and waiting at
such times is almost tortue. It is well
to have a napkin, or soft towel, always
at hand.
Ask your physician to write out his
directions ; do ‘not depend upon your
memory. You will find it & great as-
sistance to keep a daily record, both for
your own use and for the information
of the doctor. The following is merely
a suggestion : 1 p. m., quinine ; 2 p. m.
beef tea.
If the patient is sleeping quietly
when the hour for medicine, or nourish-
ment arrives, except in very extreme
cases, it is better not to waken him, as
few remedies are so valuable as sleep.
This, however, is a point for your
physician to decide.
_ Follow implicitly the physicians direc-
tions. :
A Petrified Horse Found.
There was recently taken from a small
creek near Stringtown, I T., a genuine
curiosity in the shape of a petrified
horse, which had, beyond doubt, been
lying in the bed of the stream for many
years. The creek, which is known as
Mason’s Ford, has been dwindling away
for some time, owing to the failure of
the springs by which it 1s fed, and is
now but a shallow rivulet, and 8 num-
ber of Indian relics, human bones, ete.,
have been taken from its bed.
The horse was nearly covered by a
deposit of sand and loose limestone, and
was discovered only by chance, some
boys wading in the creek catching sight
ofa portion of one leg. Examining this
it was found to have turned entirely into
stone, which led to the whole being dug
out and carried to shore. The horse, a
large, white one, seems to be the work
of a cunning sculptor, so completely
bas the petrification been, even the
hairs of the mane and tall being convert-
ed into stone.
In the neck and piercing one of the
largest veins is an arrow, in all proba-
bility the cause ofits death, and which
probably struck it as it stood on the
banks of the creek, into which it rolled
in its death agony. Its sides still show
the marks of a saddle and its flanks are
cutas by spurs and with desperation,
but no brand or other mark gives a clew
to its rider.
Inremoving it from the stream one
hoof was unfortunately broken off, but
with this exception itis perfect. It is
now on exhibition in Stringtown, but is
shortly to be presented to the Smithson-
ian Institute, though several agents
for dime museums have endeavored to
secure it for their enterprises.
An Interesting Experiment About to
' Be Tried in New Zealand.
Although New Zealand lies within
the extreme southwestern boundary of
the Western Hemsphere its relations are
almost purely Oriental, and such are its
associations in the minds of the reading
public. Hence, it is somewhat of an as-
tonisher to Occidental minds to learn
that Sir George Gray, the new Premier
of New Zealand, proposes that a new
legislative chamber shall be formed,
which shall be the principal of two leg-
islative bodies, and most interesting of
all, shall be composed entirely of wom-
en. By this plan women would not on-
ly be given their “rights,” but would be
placed where some of them, perhaps,
imagine they belong, in authority over
the men.
There is one other Oriental couniry
where this rule is practiced in a modified
form—the Kingdom of Corea, in which
women not only choose and divorce
their husbands, but practice a form of
polygamy common no where else in the
world, every women being entitled to
~tfour or five husbands, while few of tle
men are fortunate in undisputed pos-
session of an entire wife.
Government. however,
Why Russia Welds aloof,
ViENNA, September 80.—The St.
Petersburg correspondent of the Polit-
itical Correspondence of this city tele-
graphs that the reason for Russia's de-
claration to co-operate with the rest of
the powers, nealing China to an ac-
count for the recent outrages upon for-
eigners is that Russia does not desire to
streagthen England’s influence in Asia,
and also because the Russian govern-
ment is of the opinion that the disturbed
condition of China will assist in extend-
ing Russian commerce in the direction
of the projected Siberian railroads.
Take eight eggs and one teacup of brend
crumbs coaked in milk. Beat the ewes
the same way as for the plain omelette.
Put the bread crumbs into a bowl and
pour all the milk on them that they will
take up. Str them with the yolks of
the eges and a little salt ; then add the
whites and proceed as for plain ome-
is left to the
with iron hand each in the small com-
munity which she is the head. Woman's
righters the world over will watch the
New Zealand experiment with anxious
——Miss Fisher, of North Carolina,
the lady who once wrote many novels
under the name of “Christian Reid,” is
now Mrs. Tiernan and publishes no
more. Sheis the daughter of the Col-
onel Fisher who gave his name to Tort
EE —————————
——The proprietors of Ely’s Cream
Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all)
but a remedy for catarrh, cold in the
head and huy fever. Tt is nota liquid
or a snuff. is easily applied into the nos-
trils. Tt gives reliof at once.
SE ————————
——After all, the best way to know
the real merit-of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is
to try it yourself. Be sure to get
A man whose soul is harrowed is
not necessarily a cultured individual.
| roads.
The General |
men, the women being satisfied to role |
Better Roads.
The Engineering Magazine takes up
the subject of road-making in the Unit-
ed states to point out how much bad
roads have cost this country. It insists
that the United States has the poorest
roads of any civilized country,’ and that
it does not understand road-building in
least, the American idea of improving a
country road being to shovel more dirt
on it.
The roads in England, France, and
Germany are constructed quite differ-
ently. England’s roads seventy years
ago were like ours, but it recognized
bow much they cost it and went to
work to construct better ones, and it did
not, like us, stop thi- work as soon as it
began the construction of railroads ; on
the contrary, it has recognized that pub-
lic highways are just as necessary as
railroads. It was in 1820 that attention
was called to the bad condition of the
English roads, and Parliament then
passed the General Highways Act, un-
der which New Kugland has since been
working, until now its roads are the
equal of any in Europe—and even those
in, Ireland are far ahead of ours.
As for France, it has always recogniz-
ed the importance and necessity of good
roads, and bas to-day 130,000 miles of
macadamized highways, and spends
$18,000,000 a year on them. Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium
all have adopted the same system and
Lave excellent roads, The principals
which control the policy of Governmen-
tal control of these roads are that the
public road, like the public Post Office
and the Court House, is public property
established by law for the use of all the
people, and that the true resources of
the country are brought out by the con-
struction and maintenance of good roads
under an intelligent head.
We once built good roads in this
country—most of them constructed by
lottery money—but unfortunately gave
up this work when the railroad era
came upon us, apparently believing
that the railroads would suffice to do all
our transportation. Latterly we have
awakened to the fact that this is a mis-
take, and now we are shouting for bet-
ter highways. In Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and New Hampshire the im-
provement of our roads has been urged
injthe Legislatures by the Governors
in New York and Massachusetts it has
also been brought before the Legisla-
tures, and in Georgia, Louisiana, and
other States there has been a vigorous
popular agitation for better roads. We
are doing to day just what England did
in 1820, when "it recognized the bad
condition of its highways and took steps
to improve them.
The American mistake is to believe
that the railroads take the place of good
roads. This is far from the truth. The
cost of transportation isin no wise re-
duced, and the effect of the railroad is to
completely destroy the agricultural
value of property any distance from it
by making the cost of transportation so
high over the bad roads as to render
farming unprofitable. The unanimous
experience of all the European nations
is that the maintenance of the common
roads 1p the very best condition is neces-
sary, and their experience ought certain-
ly to satisfy us on this point.
It is calculated that the lower cost of
transportation and the improved value
of farm property would pay for the
reads in a few years, and that if one
tenth of the money expended on rail-
roads had been put on public highways,
the agricultural classes of the country
would be far better off to-day, the inter-
ior towns and villages would not be suf-
fering and there would be no reports of
decayed and deserted farms, such as
come to us every day from all portions
of the country. :
However, now that the agitation has
begun, now that we recognize our defi-
ciency in this matter, we are on the
right path to success. We are seventy
years behind England, however, in this
matter, but we have the benefit of its
experience and of the many improve-
ments made in road building in the last
half century. But the needed improve-
ments should be pressed as vigorously as
possible. —New Orleans Times-Demo-
me ———
Forests Aflame.
Terrible Fires in the Nothwest, and
Several Cities in Danger.
PINE Cry, Minn.,Sept. 30.— Terrible
fires are raging in northwestern Minne-
sota, much timber land having been
destroyed. The loss to farmers will be
high. Two school houses were destroy-
ed Tuesday, the pupils barely escaping
with their lives. The teachers bravely
led their little bands to places of safety.
The loss will amount to $700 an hour at
the rate the flames are now raging, and
it is useless to attempt to extinguish
them. The fire is approaching Pine
City, and 500 men are fighting them.
Heavy timber fires are raging on the
Red Lake reservation near Milaca and
Esterbrooks, A Great Northern crew
has beer sent out on a special train to
fight the flames. The country is sparse-
ly settled and the farmers are completely
atthe mercy of the flames. Matters
have been made worse by a cyclone
storm near Alexandria. northwest of
the town gigantic trees were broken like
twigs and buorled into the lake and
Farmers through North Dakota
have suspended the threshing operations
and all are busy forming fire-breaks to
protect their property. The railroads
are also taking every precaution to pre-
vent the spreading of fires. Furrows
are ploughed along the border of the
right of the way, and between these fur-
rows and the track the grass is all burn-
ed. ,
A special from West Superior, Wis,
says that the city is shrouded in smoke,
from destructive forest fires, south and
eust, The village of Comstock, Barren
2ounty, is nearly destroyed: A special
from Bradley, S. D., says that the whole
of the business portion of the city is in
ashes. Nine stores, one church, one
hotel and one residence burned. Loss
forty thousand. Word from Vilas says
that town and the surrounding country
were greatly damaged by prairie fires
Tuesday afternoon. It was only by
hard work that the town was saved from
total destruction. The fire was driven
by the wind blowing forty miles an
hour and everything in its course was
wiped out. No estimate of the damage
can be had, but it is especially heavy to
grain and farm property.
Ee ——————————
Snap Shots tor Women,
Do not introduce proverbs and can’t
No woman is really beautiful until
she is old.
Most women
want to be men.
Sweethearts and wives are entirely
different women.
The newest combination is old rose
and dim blue.
The newest millinery flower is the
yellow primrose. : .
The newest shade in straw is bee-
tlee’-wing green.
Women are apt to critcise women
with undue severity,
The newest color is golden yellow
shading into mauve.
A woman is seldom prosaic until she
1s some man’s mother-in-law-
To keep your own secret is wisdom
to expect others to keep it is folly.
The newest sleeve is wid~and full at
the top, but not so high as fomerly.
A flirtation is a smile to-day, a cry
to-morrow and a blush every day there-
The newest umbrella handle is in
beach wood, with pierced monogram
in gold.
It is not too long, for it cannot ex-
pect to be lifted also. It clears the
The newest hat is the flat picture-
shape of black horsehair trimmed with
yellow flowers.
To remove grease stains from chil-
dren’s clothing, wash 1t out, while
fresh, with alcohol.
Cautiously avoid relating in one
house any follies or faults you may
hear or see another.
On meeting a friend in any public
place do not boisterously salute or pro-
claim her name aloud.
The newest bonnet is a small jet
coronet with a tiny bunch of flowers in
front and a large one behind.
Always bow when meeting acquaint.
ances in the street. To courtesy is not
gracefully consistent with locomotion.
It is in general bad taste for ladies
to kiss each other in the presence of
gentlemen with whom they are but
slightly acquainted.
The uaderdress adjusts itself to the
situation with a care which indicates
that the arrangement is expected to be
more than temporary,
The most noticeable change the au-
tumn dress will inpress upon you is its
more respectful attitude toward the un-
derskirt. For some time past the un-
skirt has not counted.
The sweeping back breadth must
frequently be lifted ; it must always be
lifted when a woman is out of doors.
This means that the underdress must
be handsome enough to show.
Tt is made usually of the same ma-
terial as the outer dress and some-
times it is adorned with a velvet strip
cut in Vandykes, or again it carries a
lace flounce or a series of narrow ruf-
It has uot been recognized in polite
society, but is recognized now—and :
trimmed. This recognition has a
meaning; it means that the train has
attached itself to the street dress to
The newest way to arrange a lace
flounce is to festoon it twice across the
front of the skirt, first half way down
and then near the edge, turning over
the top in a hem and running in a rib-
bon.—New York Fashion Bazar
It is not good taste for a lady to say
“Yes, sir,” and “No, sir,” to a gentle-
man, or frequently to introduce the
word “sir” at the end of her sentence,
unless she desires to be cxceedingly re-
served toward the one with whom she
Abjure punning and exercising even
the most refined raillery. The latter
requires both observation and talent,
and most people mistake satire for rail-
lery. The one may be the offspring of
a vicious, the former must be of an en-
lightened and benevolent mind.
are ambitions; they
It is vot contrary to good breeding
to laugh in company, and even to
laugh heartily when there is anything
amusing going on; this is nothing
more than being sociable. To remain
prim and precise cn such occasions is
sheer affection. Avoid, however, what
is called the ‘‘horse-laugh.”
After we are informed of the health
of the persons we are visiting it is prop-
er to inquire of them in relation to that
of their families ; and in case of ab-
sence of near relations, if they have
heard from them lately, and if the
news is favorable. They on their part
usually ask the same of us.
It is proper to vary the phraseology
of questions concerning another’s health
as much as possible, and to abstain
fram (hem toward & saperior or a per
son with whom yon are but little ac-
‘quainted, as such inquires presuppose
some degree of intimacy. Custom for-
bids a lady to make these inquiries un-
less he is very ill or aged.
Rather be silent than talk nonsense
unless you have that agreeable art,
possessed by some women, of invest
ing little nothings with an air of grace
and interest. This most enviable art
is, indeed, very desirable in a hostess,
as it often fills up disagreeable pauses,
aud serves as a prelude for the intro-
duction of more intellectual matter.
M. DeCandolie, a French investiga.
tor, has come to the conclusion from
his researches that women have a
larger proportion of brown eyes than
men. He also finds that where both
parents have eyes of a like color the
chances are eighty-eight to twelve that
their children, when they arrive at the
age of 10 (when the color of the eyes is
fixed), will have eyes of the same col-
or. When the parents have eyes of
different colors the chances are fifty-
five to forty-five in favor of brown as
against blue or gray eyes in the chil-