Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 02, 1891, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 2, 1891.
Nother, watch the little feet,
Climbing o’er the garden wall,
Bounding through the busy street,
Ranging cellar, shed, and hall.
Never count the moments lots,
Never mind the time it costs ;
‘Little feet will go astray ;
Guide them, mother, while you may.
Mother, watch the little hand,
Picking berries by the way,
Making houses in the sand
Tossing up the fragrant hay.
Never dare the question ask,
“Why to me this weary task ?”
These same little hands may prove
Messengers of light and love.
Rother, watch the little tongue,”
Prattling eloquent and wild,
What is said and what is sung
By the happy, joyous child.
«Catch the word while yet unspoken,
Stop the vow befors tis Lroken ;
"This same tougue may yet proclaim
Dlessings on the Saviour’s name.
Mother, watch the little heart,
Beating soft and warm for you ;
Wholesome lessons now impart,
Keep, O keep that young heart true.
Extracting every weed,
« Sowing good and precious seed ;
Harvest rich you then may see
Ripening for eternity.
Southern Exposition at Raleigh, N. C
Permanent Exhibit of Southern Pro-
ducts and Industries.
The Exposition of Southern products
and industries is no new or novel under-
taking, since the one held in Atlanta in
18831, and that subsequently at New Or-
leans, not to speak of that at Boston in
‘which the South was conspicuously rep-
resented, and amply demonstrated what
a store of treasures in natural and ecre-
ated wealth the South possesses, if the
touch stone of local pride and of united
interest be applied to evole them. Yet,
though these Expositions were so splen-
didly illustrated, though they were so
largely visited by people of all sections,
-and though the display was so surpris-
ingly rich and beautiful, the good re-
sults have to some extent failed of the
full appreciation of the Southern people;
and while so many Northern men, en-
lightened by their observation, instruct-
ed by information and acquiring confi-
dence by amicable intercourse with the
Southern people of their respective
States, might have impressed this ex-
perience on others, yet a large body of
the Northern people remain in ignor-
ance of the true value and condition of
the South, adhere to preconceived pre-
judices, or cherish the distrust engender-
2d by long years of non-intercourse or
partisan misrepresentation.
~ Itis to renew the impressions made
by the former Expositions referred to,
to enlarge the sphere of beneficent in-
“uence, to give still further proof of
Southern advancement and the growing
development of long latent resources,
and again to invite our Northern breth-
ren to the ample participation in all
that so greatly blesses us, that the Ex-
position in Raleigh is to open its doors
and invite all, from all our sections to
anter freely therein.
This is to be done under the auspices
of the Southern Inter-State Immigra-
tion Bureau ; and that Bureau owes its
being to the Southern Inter-State Im-
migration Convention held in Mont-
gomery, Ala., on December 12th, 1888,
<onfirmed by a similar Convention held
in Asheville, N. O., beginning Decem-
ber 17th, 1890.
The South gladly invites a Northern
invasion made in the interest of peace
and fraternity. Loyal to its own cus-
toms and institutions, true to its honor-
able past, it would gladly forget in the
happy career expanding before it, that
there had ever been occasion for draw-
ing the sword. It upholds the olive
branch as the banner under which it
will always choose to march.
While the Scuth not only extends
this welcome to the North, and urges
its acceptance, it is not unmindful that
it has a duty to itself to perform ; recall-
ed and inforced by the coming, as well
23 by the preceding Expositions, It has
been reproached for its indolence, cen-
sured for its want of sagacity, and ridi-
culed for its insensibility to its good for-
fortune. The South is to prove
that it was neither indolence,
stupidity, mor insensibi it; that kept
her in the back ground. Before
the war her energies were applied to
‘the great advantage of the whole civil
ized world. After the war, conditions
‘were changed, ruin was upon her, and
poverty for a time pressed upon all her
energies: The South will prove in these
Expositions how much of her ill fortune
she has retrieved through ber own en-
ergy and intelligence, how readily and
successfully she fell into new channels,
how sagaciously and prosperously she
applied her new resources. And the
xposition will give confidence to the
steps she is newly treading, and strength-
en her to further and more magnificent
«efforts. She will not only be the fore-
most in agriculture, she will stand as
the equal in manufactures; she will be
the rival in mining and metallurgy.
And with her numerous navigable riv-
ers, her extensive railroads and her fine
-accessible sea-ports, she can fairly enter
‘in successtal rivalry with her sister seca
‘tions in the profitable pursuit of com-
The Exhibit will be opened during
the month of July, and is designed to
be permanent. During October and
November a grand Exposition will be
held and excursions run from every sec-
‘tion of the civilized world ; and it will
be advertised as no Exposition has been
advertised heretofore. It will remain
in Raleigh until the first of January,
1892; from thence it will be removed to
Washington City or Richmond, or re-
main in Raleigh, as circumstances gov-
ern ; wherever exhibited to remain dur-
ing 1892; thence, in 1898, it will be
taken to Chicago, and constitute a part
of the great Columbian display. Its
future location will be decided by the
next Southern Inter-State Immigration
Convention, But wherever placed,
there it will be permanent.
For information concerning the work
of the Southern [nter-State Immigra-
tion Bureau or the Exposition, address
J. T, Patrick, Secretary, Raleigh, N. C.
~——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN,
Petroleums Rise.
Story of the Discovery and Growth of
the Oil Fields.
Very few people are cognizant even
in Western Pennsylvania of the rapidity
of development in th: petroleum busi-
ness from the time, thirty-seven years
ago, when it was known as Seneca oil.
"Active operations began in 1858, when
Col. Drake, of New Haven, was em-
ployed to sink an artesian well for Bis-
sell & Eveleth, who had leased the Ti-
tusville oil springs in 1854 from Brewer,
‘Watson & Co., paying them $5,09 for a
ninety-nine year lease.
A few years before the land had been
traded to a man name Chase for a cow.
At first Bissell & Eveleth had trenches
dug, which filled with water and oil,
and this was pumped into vates. The
well drilled by Drake struck oil at a
depth of 69} feet. In September it
pumped forty barrels a duy, which sold
at 50 cents a gallon. It began to hurt
the coal distillers who made oil
from shale and cannel coal.
in December, 1859, a well was struck at
the Buchanan farm, near Rouseville, but
it was a small one, Mr. Harper states
that the first crude oil delivered in Pitts-
burg was from the Albion well, on the
Allegheny river, owned by’ Phillips,
Frew & Co. This well made fifty bar-
relsaday. The oil sold at 30 cents a
gallon, with the provision that the bar-
rels be returned. The machinery, sup-
plies and men necessary to drill the well
were shipped in the old canal packet
Crystal Palace.
In 1860 the petroleum trade began to
be recognized as a business worth some-
thing more than curious mention, but
its magnitude had not impressed itself,
for the people rated production of crude
in gallons and not in barrels. There
were no oil exchanges torouse public ut-
tention. Some big exchanges to rouse
public attention. Some big wells made
their appearance, but not many. The
Hamilton-McClintock, two miles above
Oil City, started off at sixty gallons a
minute, and was worth 22 cents a gal-
lon at the wells. The Economites began
to rake in Shekels at Tidioute, and re-
fineries began to spring up in various
places Crude sold in this city at 60 cents
a gallon.
Royalty to land owners, now ranging
from one-eight to one-fourth delivered
in pipe lines, then ranged from one-
fourth to three-fourths, and the oil was
furnished to the land owner in iron
hooped barrels, which ranged in price
from $2.50 to $3-25 each. This arrange-
ment bankrupted some operators in 1862
when the price of crude dropped to 10
cents a barrel, and they allowed many
thousands of barrels to flow into Oil
creek and down the Allegheny river.
As Senator Ingalls might say, their
iridescent dreams of wealth were speed-
ily dissipated. In September three-
quarters of the oil in barrels furnished
by the operators was paid for the lease
of a lot seventy-five feet front at Titus-
In 1861 the greatest wells ever struck
were broughtin on Oil creek. One in
Butler county on the Marshall farm,
some years ago made a larger flow at the
outset, but it did not hold out long, The
breeaking out of the rebellion and conse-
quent panic prostrated petroleum busi-
ness in the early part of the year, but a
revival of the industry took place dur-
ing the summer as the prospect began
to grow for increased uses for oil. In
August there were 800 wells between
Oil City and Titusville. In September
the Philips No. 2, on the Tarr farm, was
struck. Its first day’s production was
4,000 barrels. The Empire was also
flowing 2,500 a day. The: oil was so
plenty that wells were plugged, when
they could be thus restrained; but many
thousands of barrels were allowed to run
into the creek, and the Allegheny river
was covered with oil for many miies be-
low Franklin.
The Woodford well on the Tarr farm
was struck in December and made 3,000
barrels a day Thic well ruined the
Philips No. 2, and in turn was ruined.
The water was not cased off in those
days, and when the tubing was drawn
at the Phillips the Wocdf rltezan flow-
ing b.s. The same trouble developed
at that time on the upper end of the
Blood farm. 1t is said the boring of the
Woodford well was instigated by pure
hoggery, with intent to ruin the Philips
No. 2. Theattempt was successful, but
it didn’t pay the owners of the Wood-
ford. The Coquette was also one of the
old time spouters of great renown. She
was owned by Dr, Egbert, who now does
business at 96 Fourth avenue, this city.
The year 1862 was more memorable
for trade agitation regarding oil than
for large wells. The market in this
country broke down this year, though a
gallon of refined cost in this city as much
as a barrel of crude does to-day. The
cost of hauling was immense, and pipe
line projects began to take shape.
The teamster and their friends in the
oil country were a powerful party, and
they opposed the pipe line proposition,
and some lines were destroyed in places
and there werzariots. Congress proposed
tolay a tax of five cents a gallon on
crude, more than twice what it sells for
now, and ten cents a gallon on refined,
and meetings of producers were held to
protest. Titusville was then ihe center
for the producers. The cost of sending
a barrel ot oil to New: York was $7.45,
and steamboats charged $2 a barrel for
bringing it from Oil City to Pittsburg.
Crude ranged in price this year from 10
cents in January to $2.25 per barrel in
December at wells. Some people were
ruined and otbers made colossal fortunes
thereby, but the Standard hadn't been
born, and the surplus was only 100,000
barrefs in October. — Pittsburg Dispatch.
Tue Best Lire Poricy.—It's not
the Tontine plan, or Endowment plan,
or Ten years’ renewal plan. It’s not
adding your few dollars to the hundreds
of millions that the insurance companies
boast of. It’s a better investment than
any of those. It is investing a few dol-
lars in that Standard Remedy, the
“Golden Medical Discovery,” a cure for
Consumption, in its early stages, and all
throat and lung troubles.
The world would be much better
than it is if men would live up to their
Operations spread down Oil creek, and
Dangerous Felt Hats.
New York Sun.
“Everybody knows how terribly ex-
plosive nitro-glycerine is under concus-
sion.” said a dealer in oil well supplies’
from Bradford, Pa., “but few know the
lasting properities of the explosive, and
how next to impossible 1t is to destroy
its deadly qualities. In manufacturing
nitro-glycerine one of the processes is to
strain it through felt,usually the crown
of old hats, they having been found not
only the most convenient and effective
for the purpose, but also preferable for
economy. This felt is burned up after
using, to do away with all danger that
undoubtedly would result from careless
handling of it afterward.
“At one of the factories in the north-
ern oil field once an employee resolved
to test the life of nitro-glycerine, and he
took a hat crown that had been used as
a strainer, washed it thoroughly, and
then put it through a course of treat-
ment with alkalies. He laid the felt
away on a shelf out of the reach and
knowledge of any one else in the factory
It lay there two years, and one day the
man happened to think ofit and took it
down. Workers about nitro-glycerine
are notoriously reckless, but the most
careful and timid man would scarcely
have had any fear of this two-year-old
strainer, especially after the treatment
it had received. The workman had no
idea that there could possibly remain in
the felt the slightest suspicion of danger,
and to show that the stuff had been an-
nihilated he put the felt on the iron arm
on the tinner’s bench, where the cans
for holding the explosive are soldered,
and struck it with a hammer. The re-
sult was a surprise to that factory. An
explosion followed that broke both arms
of the workman, stunned three other
men. hurled the heavy iron arm though
a two-foot wall, and wrecked the tinning
¢:Nitro-glycerine can’t be annihilated,
and from the careless manner in which
it has been handled ever since it came in
use in the oil regions itis a wonder that
there is a town standing in the whole
A Great Country, and How to Reach It.
Owing to the great amount of interest
shown in the northwestern states, and
especially in Montana and Washington,
the Northern Pacific Railroad has pre-
pared two folders, entitled ‘Golden Mon-
tana’ and “Fruitful Washington,”
which contain a great many interesting
and valuable details in reference to cli-
mate, topography, agriculture, stock-
raising, mining, lumbering, govern-
ment and railroad lands, homesteads and
other subjects of interest to the capita-
list, business man or settler. These
folders can now be obtained on applica-
tion to the General Passenger Agent of
the road.
It should be borne in mind by travel-
ers to the Northwest that, among other
things, the Northern Pacific Railroad
offers the following advantages: It is
the direct line to principal points in
Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana,
Idaho, Oregon and Washington ; Ithas
two trains daily to Helena and Butte,
Mont.” Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle,
Wash., and Portland, Ore; It has com-
plete equipment of Pullman first class
sleeping cars, dining cars, day coaches,
Pullman tourist and free colonist sleep-
ers, the cars being new, comfortable and
neat; It has through sleeping car ser-
vice every day from Chicago, Ill, to
Montana and Pacific Coast points, of
Pullman first-class and tourist sleeping
cars in connection with the Wisconsin
Central line, and vestibuled first-class
sleepers via C. M. & St. P. Ry; It
passes through the grandest scenery of
seven states and the great young cities
of the northwest; The service 1s com-
plete in every respect, the “Yellowstone
Park and Dining Car Route’ being, in
fact, a thoroughly first-class line to trav-
el over.
District Passenger Agents of the Com-
pany will supply publications referred
to above, with maps, time tables, rates
or other special information; or com-
munications addressed to Chas. 8. Fee,
G. P. & T. A. St. Paul Minn., will re-
ceive prompt attention. tf
APPLE MARMALADE.— Wipe the ap-
ples well : do not pare, but core and
slice them ; have ready a sirup made of
three pounds of sugar to a pint of water
and a half tea spoonful of ginger ; boil
quickly five minutes ; add the sliced ap-
ples to the sirup and boil quickly halt ap
hour ; stir often and do not allow it to
scorch ; after cooking an hour the mix-
ture should be rather stiff and jellified ;
allow three pounds of sugar to six ap-
old Honesty Tobacco.
Will be found & combination not always to be
had iu a fine quality,
Look for this on each plug:
It you wre looking furan extra sweet piece of
Don't fail to give
A fair trial. Ask your dealer for it, Don’t
take any other.
36 38 1t Louisville, Ky.
We extend a most cordial invitation te our
patrons and the public, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will
be made in the large room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has been
added to my factory and will be used exclu-
sively for the sale of harness, being the first
exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as
heretofore the custom has been to sell goods
in the room in which they were made. This
elegant room has been refitted and ‘furnished
with glass cases in which the harness can be
nicely displayed and still kept away from
heat and dust, the enemies of long wear in
leather. Our factory now occupies a room
16x74 feet and the store 20x60 added makes it
the largest establishment of its kind outside
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
We are prepared to offer better bargains in
the future than we have done in the past and
we want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
you will buy. Our profits are not large, but
by selling lots of goods we can afford to live in
Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle
philanthropy. It is purely business. We are
not making much, but trade is growing and
that is what we are intrested in now. Profits
will take care of themseives.
When other houses discharged their work-
men during the winter they were all put to
work in my factory, nevertheless the big (2)
houses of this city and county would smile if
we compared ourselves to them, but we do not
mean to be go odious, except to venture the as-
section that none of them can say, as we can
CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story.
The following are Fg constantly on hand.
50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, prices from
$8.00 to $15.00 and upwards, LARGE
set$25.00 and upwards, 500 HORSE
COLLARS from $1,50 to $5,00
each, over $100.00 worth of
$400 worth of Fly Nets sold cheap
$150 worth of whips
from 15¢ to $3.00 each,
Horse Brushes,Cury Combs
Sponges, Chamois, RIDING
Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low
prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand
for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25c per
pound. We keep everythingto be found in a
ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two
shops in the same town to catch trade—NO
SELLING OUT for the want of trade or prices.
Four harness-makers at steady work this win-
ter, This is our idea of protection to labor,
when other houses discharged their hands,
they soon found work with us.
Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa.
33 37
Farmer's Supplies.
SF reduced from 40 to “pg
30 cts.—all other repairs re-
duced accordingly.
CHILLED PLOWS are the best
bevel landside plow on earthj;
prices reduced.
The Aspenwall is the most eomplete potato
planter ever made. Farmers who have them
plant their own crops and realize from $25.00 to
$30.00 per year from their paighbory who will-
ingly pay $1.00 per acre for the use of an] As-
penwall Planter.
HARROWS—7he Farmer's Friend “Horse
Shoe Luck Spring Tooth Harrow, seventeen
teeth, one side of which can be used as a
single cultivator.
Allen’s Celebrated Cultivators, Garden
Tools and Seed Drills, which were practi-
cally exhibited at the Granger's Picnic.
latest improved.
at cut prices. Farmers who harvest fifteen or
more tons ot hay cannot afford to do without
one of our Hay Tedders, which are built with
a fork outside of each wheel, the same tedder
can be operated by one or two horses.
CHAMPION Wagons, are superior in
neat build, fine finish and durabilily:
» “The Boss,” Bent Wood, Oval
Chur N8—;,d Union Churns. Our sale of
churns is constantly increasing,
Our steel and wood wheelbarrows are adapt
ed to all kinds of work of which we have a
large assortment at very low prices.
A large stock of
Flower Pots and Urns,
Agricuitural Salt, our Champion Twenty-five
Dollar Phosphate; Lister's best make ; Buffalo
Honest Phiospnate for nse on barley, corn, po-
tatoes, and wheat, as well as Mapes Potato Fer-
tilizer, all of which have the highest reputa-
tion for producing an honest return for the
money invested.
Our large trade justifies us in buying our
supplies in large quantities, hence we buy at
the lowes t prices, which enables us to sell at
interest of every farmer in Central Pennsylva-
nia to examine our stock before purchasing.
We take great pleasure in entertaining
farmers. It does not cost anything to examine
the articles we have on exhibition.
Hale Building, Bellefonte, Pa.
UT Business Managers.
35 4 1y
driers and fruit evaporators which
can be used on stoves also ; larger evaporators
with heater attachment forsale by
36-33-3t Hale Building, Bellefonte. Pa,
Railway Guide.
rps D. & 0. C.
Four trips per Week Between
Petoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and Lake
Huron Ports.
Every Evening Between
Sunday Trips during June, July, August and
September Only.
Rates and Excursion Tickets will be furnished :
by your Ticket Agent, or address
E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A, Detroit, Mich.
Dec. 14th, 1890,
Leave Bellefonte, 4.55 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone
6.103. m.,at Altona, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts:
burg, 12.45 b. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.558, m.. at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., af Pitts.
og 6.50 p: m
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
5.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55.
wueav. Bellefonte, 4.55 a. m., arrive at Tyrone.
5.10, at Harrisburg. 9.20 a. m., at Philadel
phia, 1216 p. m.
Leave Belletonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at
Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m,
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6..40at Harrisburg at 10.00 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 4.25 a. m..
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Belle onte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 11.00 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 10.10 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha~
ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.25 p. m., at
Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p. m.,
at Harrisburg, 3.13 p.m. at Philadelphia at
6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.25
m., leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte
at 6.10 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
at 9.20 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m,
Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m, » ir
Leave Bellefonte, 2.00 p. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 4.25 a. m.
36 14 Tm *
Ei3e 80 unl 2 En
poNTERS. PLETE yr pee S
ir MONTANA, Washington, Oregon | P-M.| A.M. | A. wm. |Arr. Lv. A. M. [pu |p. Mm.
B= aud California reached quickly | 6 40( 11 55 6 10,...Tyrone....[ 8 10(3'10| 7 15
and cheaply via Great Northern | 6 83| 11 48| 6 08|.E.Tyrone.| 817/317] 7 22
Railway Line. 6 29) 11 43] 5 59|......Vail...... 8203 20| 7 28
Ask your local ticket agent for | 6 25 11 38 5 55/Bald Eagle 8 25/3 24| 7 33
round trip tickets to any point in | 6 19| 11 32] 5 49/...... Dix...... 830/330) 7 39
the West or Pacific Coast via the | 6 15] 11 29| 5 47!... Fowler 8 323 33| 742
Great Northern, 6 13| 11 26| 5 45... Hannah... 8 363 87 7 46
by 6 06| 11 17) 5 38 Pt. Matilda. 8 43/3 44| 7 55
%a~>| THE leading pleasure, fishing and | 6 59] 11 09] 5 31|...Martha....; 8 51,3 52 8 05
. hunting resorts of the Park Re- | 5 50| 10 59] 5 23|....Julian,.... 8 59/4 01/ 8 15
gion of Minnesota, of Lake Superior | 5 41] 10 48| 5 15|.Unionville.] 9 10/4 10 8 25
and the Rocky Moumains reached | 5 33| 10 38/ 5 08/...8.8. Int...| 9 18/4 18 8 35
easiest on the various lines of the | 5 30 10 35| 5 05 .Milesburg | 9 22/4 20| 8 39
Great Northern from St. Paul. 5 20{ 10 25) 4 55. Bellefonte. 9 32/4 30, 8 49
510 10 12 45|.Milesburg.| 9 4714 40| 9 01
43>] FARMERS, stock raisers and busi- | 5 02] 10 01] 4 38|....Curtin....| 10 01/4 47 9 11
. pess men will find choice loca- | 4 55] 9 56] 4 £5). Mt. Eagle..| 10 06{4 55| 9 17
tions in the Red River, Milk River | 4 49] 9 48) 4 30(...Howard...| 10 16/5 02| 9 27
and Sun River valleys, at Great |4 40| 9 37 4 22 Eagleville. 10 30/5 10| 9 40
Falls, and in Belt mining towns, the | 4 38) 9 34 4 19/Beh. Creek.| 10 35/5 13| 9 45
Sweet Grass Hills, and along the 4260 922 4 11)..Mill Hall...| 10 5015 24| 10 01
Pacific extension of the Great | 4 23] 919] 4 09 Flemin’ton., 10 54/5 27| 10 05
Northern in the Flathead and other | 4 20] 9 15, 4 05 Leck. Haven 11 00/5 30| 10 1¢
valleys of Montana. P.M. A. Mm [A Mm] | M. [A.M P. Mm.
£3 THE Great Northern reaches more 1 C
points in Minnesota and North TYROXS § CLEARPIRID!
Dakota than any other railway. It| NORTEWARD. SOUTHWARD.
is the main route to Lake Minne- | # | & 2 g
tonka and Hotel Lafayette. gs | gE 2 Li 5 | 88 | E
B = ’ =
B= MAPS and other publications sent | # 7 i 2
free, and letters of inquiry an- T—
swered, by F.I. Whitney, G. P. & | P-3.| P. . | A. M. | Ly. Ar. A. M. | AM. PH
T. A.,G. N. Ry., St Paul, Minn. 7 25| 315 8 20|..Tyrone....| 6 50| 11 45/6 17
36 32 tf 7321 322 S'ovLE. Tyrone. 6 43] 11 38/6 10
7.38] 13.27] 8 3h... Vail...... 6 37) 11 34/6 04
y 48| 3 2 3 a Yanscovee. 6 27) 11.25/5 56
55| 8 .Gardpers...| 6 25) 11 21/5 52
Flour, Feed, &c. 802 350 8055Mt.Pleasant| 6 16|'11 12/5 46
8 10, 3 58 9 05|..Summit...| 6 09] 11 05/5 40
814 403 910 Sand. Ridge 6 05{ 11 00/5 34
8 16| 4 05] 9 12]... Retort....., 6 03] 10 55/5 31
ERBERICH, HALE & CO., 819) 4 06 9 15. Powelton...| 6 01| 10 52/5 30
: 8 25| 4 14| 9 24|...Osceola...| 5 52| 10 45/5 20
3 2 5 2 3 % Boynion.,, 5 46( 10 39(5 14
woteiners...! 5 43| 10 35/5 09
~——BELLEFONTE, PA.— 8 42| 4 30! 9 40|Philipshu’g| 5 41] 10 32/5 07
8 46{ 4 34| 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 26/4 59
8 52| 4 40| 9 52|.Blue Ball. 5 33| 10 22/4 55
8 oe 3 o i 2 NY aceion, 5 28) 10 15/4 49
i 2 9 ....Bigler....| 5 22] 10 07/4 41
# Manufacturers of -: 912 5 02| 10 14. Woodland.!| 5 17| 10 00/4 36
F-L-0-U-R 9 19| 5 08} 10 22|...Barvett....| 5 12| 9 52/4 30
and 9 23| 5 12| 10 27(..Leonard...| 5 09] 9 48/4 25
i, Poni yy tio 9 30 5 18] 10 34|.Clearfield..| 5 04| 9 40/4 17
’ 9 38] 6 20] 10 44|..Riverview.| 4 58 9 31/4 10
9 42) 5 26| 10 49 Sus. Bridge| 4 5%] 9 26/4 00
9 50| 5 35{ 10 55|Curwensv’e| 4 50| 9 20/4 06
‘And Dealers in P.M.| P. M. | A, M. A M.A Mm (Py
AF~The highest market price paid for
vieivers WHEAT ........RYE..........CORN-.,.......
28.1 vere ANDureeeoi OATS... 00cree
Music Boxes.
y oF i
Sale rooms and Headquarters for the Uni.
ted States at
No Music Boxes without Gautchi’s Patent
Safety tune change can be guaranteed.
Old and damaged Music boxes carefully re-
paired. Send 5 cent stamp for catalogue and
Time Table in effect on and after
Dec. 14, 1890.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m:
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 a. m.
To take effect July 19, 1891.
111 103 114 | 112
PY Ay . | P.M.
2 15 5 50|. 4 55
225] 620 445
9 00] 4 87
2 40 6 35|. 8 53] 432
2 50f 6 45]. 843 422
3 05] T 00. 827 409
3 14] 708]. 817 4(2
3.38 719....... Cherry Run. 753] 338
3 58 7 53|..........Coburn.... 730 318
4 15| 8 10}....Risin i 712 302
4 28] 8 24|.... 6 58) 247
434 832 6 51] 240
4 40] 8 37 6 43| 232
4 45) 8 42|.. 638) 227
4 49; 8 46, 634 223
4 53! 8 51 629] 218
5 02) 9 00]. 619) 208
510] 910 6 10] 2 00
P.M. | A.M. A. MPM
Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montandon
with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea
Shore Express East.
ARD. U End.
Music box owners please send or call for WESTWARD bper End RAST vanD
Patent Improvement Circular. 8 = May 12, H =
3349 1y 2] als 1890. lB
he PB 2 fo
IMuminating Oil. | 951) 5 (5{w..ScOtiRunn| 9 21| 4 47
...| 10 21} 5 25|.Fairbrook., 9 09| 4 27
..| 10 28} 5 87|Pa.Furnace| 8 56] 415
io 1 3 5 44 ig 8 50] 408
«=f 10 5 50!...Marengo..| 8 43] 4 (1
ft ACME, ..| 10 52 5 57|..Loveville..| 8 37 355
..| 10 58 6 04) FurnaceRd| 8 31| 3 49
.{ 11 62{ 6 08{Dungarvin.{ 8 27 3 46
a 11 10{ 6 13|..W.Mark..., 8 19| 3 38
11 20) 6 28) Pennington 8.10). 3 30
11 32] 6 40]..Stover....| 7 58] 318
THE BEST. ... tivo otis | 11 40] 6 ae] 7 2 310
To take effect May 12, 1890.
6 2 1
P. M. | A.M. PM
mT 6 20| 9 10, 3 00
613 9 03 3 08
6 08] 859 313
6 a 8 54 319
It gives a Brilliant Light. 559 851 323
is will not Smoke the Chimney. 557) 848 3 26
It will Not Char the Wieck. : 553 84 3 30
It has a High Fire Test. 547 840 3 36
It does Not Explode. 543 836 343
5 39) 833 845
3 2 3 53
9 3 59
It is without an equal io a
524! 72 rine. | T00 459
AS A SAFETY FAMILY OIL. 5 20] 7 20|Lv..State College. Ar| 7 04] 5 04
We stalze our reputation as refiners that
Philadelphia Card.
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
84 35 1y Williamsport, Pa.
For sale a retail by W. T. TWiTMIRE
KE vanp W. MILLER,
Dealers in
429 Market Street: