Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 02, 1891, Image 4

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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 2, 189L
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Epiror
Democratic County Committee, 1891
vee W. 8. Galbraith
. Joseph Wise
. John Dunlap
... John T. Lee
Bellefonte, No W..
“ S. W.
. Ww. Ww
Centre Hall Borou
Howard Borough. ... H. A. Moore
Milespurg Borong .. A. M. Butler
Milheis Sronphy: gar A. bite]
i it . James A.
LL iat Dh ~ C. A, Faulkner
£0 3d W.. ... Frank Hess
Unionville Borough.. ... B. M.Griest
Burngide.......c.eeeeee Eugene Meeker
Benner. A Harvey Benner
Boggs, . Philip Confer
CER W. .. T. F. Adems
oo G. H. Leyman
College, E. P. .. W. H. Mokle
aE. . J. N. Krumrine
Curtis roo ell, Nay
. Daniel Dreibelbis
Fergieon 55 Geno: Beishiine
2» P.. ... Chas. W. Fisher
¥ 5 . James P. Grove
Isaac M.Ornderf
Haines, EP .. Geo. B. Shaffer
ltmoon... vo... Bilis Lytle
Halim. . J. W. Keller
Howar W.T. Leathers
Huston... .... Hepry Hale
Liberty. . Alfred Bitner
Marion John J. Shaffer
Miles . W. J. Carlin
Patton. P. A. Sellers
Penn... «.. J.C. Stover
.. 8. W. Smith
Polity * Ere Jas. B. Spangler
Jas. Dumbleton
William Hutton
SP... {
Snow Shoe, W...P. Thomas Turbidy
h E. ... John D. Brown
Spring, 8. P...... Jerry Donovan
“END .. James Carson
ew. P. ... E.E. Ardery
Taylor... . W.T. Hoover
Union . Chas. H. Rush
Walker . D. A. Dietrick
orth. 0. D. Eberts
"Democratic State Ticket.
of Lehigh county.
of Erie county.
Chas. R. Buckalew. Chauncey F. Black.
Geo. A. Jenks. Geo. M. Dallas.
Sam’l. G. Thompson. David W. Sellers.
Henry N. Scott. Robt. E. Monaghan.
‘Win. S. McLean. F. M. Vandling.
Jno. Latta. : Rodger Sherman.
William Weihe. i Thos. Lazare.
Samuel Griffith. i Grant Weidman.
Geo. W. Zeigler. R. Morgan Root.
ELLIS L. 0}VIS.—Bel'efonte, WM. BIGLER.
Jury Commissioner—GEORGE BOWER.
The Boulanger Suicide.
The tragic end of General BoULAN-
GER, the exiled french disorganizer,
which occurred at Brussels, on Wedunes-
day afternoon, is but a fitting climax
to a fitful and almost successful career,
Not having the courage to survive her,
who sacrificed herself for him, he shot
himself dead upon the grave of his
nistress, MapaMe DE DBONNEMAIN.
The fact that it was a deliberately
planned suicide js evidence that the
man, whose political aspirations were
blighted by the withdrawal of his mis-
tress’ financial support and his banish-
ment from his native land, bad given
up all hope. for the success of the par-
ty which, so nearly, followed his exal-
ted leadership to victory.
General Bouranger was called a
pop-in-jay and bombast, but whatever fie:
the disparagement cast upon him; the
French will remember that his erafti-
ness almost turned their fickle heads to
the destruction of their Republic, and
that had his leadership been crowned
with success France would have known
a ruler whose arbitrary power would
have eclipsed even that of NAPOLEON.
un smarter a—
— Governor Parmisox las now
performed his duty io calling the Sen-
ate to consider the State scandals. No
matter what that body may do the
Executive must be exonerated, from
further responsibility until the Senate
presents its findings. The Governor
cannot force justice; he has merely
iven it a chance to assert itself and,
if the Senate refuses to follow the Gov-
ernor’s lead. that will probably be the
end of the matter for the time being.
The question of inefficient water sup-
ply, for Bellefonte; which has been
agitating the minds of our borough
fathers for some time, has been temp-
orarily hushed by the erection of a
stand pipe at the reservoir. Just
whether the results have heen satis
factory or not we are as yet unable to
state, but upon interviewing some of
the residents of Bast Linn stredt, who
were the principal complainants about
the scarcity of water, we found that
some of them noticed a very material
inerease in the pressure after Saturday,
~white-otlters could not -say that their
supply has been any better.
We have never made special study
of Hydraulics, and consequently know
very little about the various means for
increasing a town's water supply, but
we beleive if Council had laid larger
mains and then directed the engineer
at the Water Works to pump with one
engine, directly into the pipes, instead
of squandering money in a stand pipe,
which is ‘hardly large enough to doser-
vice as a smoke stack on a third class
traction engine, the result would have
been. a very material change in the
pressure all over town.
The Gazette Answerec. A Statement
Which Will St at Rest all the Ly-
ing Tongues.
It will be remembered that during
my absence, this summer, the Gazett e,
on the 17th of July, made one of its
accustonied, venomous ckarges against
my management, of the overseer of the
poor department of Bellefonte borough.
The substance of that article is con-
tained in the following paragraph :
“Ag stated before, when Schofield went into
office, early in 1886. the borough overseer of
the poor department was out of«ebt, while
now, after a iittle overfive years service, he
has saddled on the taxpayers a known debt of
$6,465.71 and the half has not been told.”
In addition to the above there was
published a long list of unpaid accounts
(?) by which they attempt to show that
when I resigned I left an indebteduess
of $6,465.71 ; also that I used the funds
of the office for the purpose ot buying
Democratic votes.
We will now consider the first
charge: * When Schofield went into office
in 1886, the borough overseer of the poor
department was out of debt.” This was
an absolute falsehood. The auditors’
statement of Bellefonte borough, for
the year ending March 5, 1883, will
show that I paid:
E. J. Pruner, judgment note...
(Paid the year before)
Coms. of Centre Co., asylum debt.
Total debt paid, $2,114.98
The amounts were published in the
different auditors’ statements and were
known to McCrure and FepLER, who
were guilty of a deliberate and malic-
ious italsehood whea they made this
charge. This disposes of lie No. 1.
. The second charge is: “After a little
over five years' service he has saddled on
the taxpayers a known debt of $6,465.71.”
McCLurE was elected overseer of Poor
in the spring of 1888. The auditors’
statement for the year 1887 shows that
the cash balance in my bands was
$178.44. The statement for 1888 shows
that the assets, over all liabilities,
amounted to $378.72. This clearly
shows that the overseer department,
while under} my exclusive control, was
not mismanaged. This also shows
that this department was in a good
financial standing when McCLURE be-
gan his illustrious (?) official career.
Now what is the change that has tak-
en place since 1888, when McCLURE
aad the postmaster attempted to run
this department? This postmaster
published a list of names showing the
amount of outstanding orders and un-
paid bills, when I resigned,that amount
ed to $6,465.71,and how much more
they have gathered since July 17th it
is hard to tell, but I wish to impress
one fact on the minds of the already
over-burdened tax payers of Bellefonte,
and that is, neither the Gazetic nor its
overseer audit my accounts. This
function belongs, only, to a republican
board of borough auditors.
The entire town was canvassed to
gather up these unpaid bills and ac:
counts, many of which are excessive
and others unfair. I am charged with
an Insane; Asylum bill of $848.77, up
to date, June 20, 1891, at the Comms.
The correct amount on March
5th, '91, was $909.37, I receiving a
credit of $205.08 before a board of ar
bitration, they allowing a credit of an
old bill of $95 due the borough ; the
other credit of $110.30 was the placicg
of a charge from the borough to the
county. The statement of March 2nd,
shows the borough was in debt to the
‘county $704.30. To have been at least
fair, McCLurE should have cut this
bill in two, as it was a general borough
‘debt.and he was (trying) to act also as
an overseer and was justly entitled fo
‘assume one-half of the borough's obli-
gations. But this would be too much
to ack of the “Shadow” who trains
with a dishonest postmaster.
Tt now becomes my duty to show the
borough's assets: The following is a
correct statement of our unpublished
assets which will wipe out the malic
jous statement of the Gazetie:
(Boro Statement '91 Shows.)
Ant of cash in hands of S. D. Ray......§1,540.81
Am’t in hands of MecCIUTE...eeervaenrs 291.60
The following are amounts due the Boro
and collectable.
Mes. Lydd Joliastaa, Sqriag EWP
James Carr, Mitllin county... +e
260 60
Mrs. Bayer, Walker twp....... 60.00
James Culva, Snow Shoe twp 63.08
Lida Sheridan... 175.50
Sarah Sheridan.. 124.00
Mrs. Jarett..ceeensessssy erases 275.98
Charles Spearley, Patton twp A 75.00
Sacob. Smith, AlO0nR wrrrrpsressasmrumessssm: , 18300
Errors found on bills.
C. J: Lose..........0e. 5.55
Hoover & Miller. 42.00
James Schofield ...cciveeeene 125.00
D. ¥. Fortney, double ehar: 50.00
Gerbrick & Hale...
V.J. Bauer & Co..
fI, P. Harris; double cliarge
Total credits $8,342.69
In addition to the above total there
are other credits to follow. From this
it will readily be seen thatthe actual
indebtedness of the poor department,
on June 20, '91, was $3,123.02, instead
of "$6,465.71 ‘as published by” Waxa-
MAKER'S employee. This disposes of
lie No. 2.
As ‘all persons know the past year
was one of unusual distress, owing to
the closing of the furnaces and factor-
ies, which threw many out of employ-
ment and compelled them to call upon
Ce —
“the poor department for relief, which
made the necessary expenditures larger
| than ever. In this situation I acted
| for the best interests of the people, by
| giving employment to the many, all
{ of whom were willing to work. On
{ this account the bill of £42.50 at Har-
ris & Co's. store, was contracted, for
tools and dynamite used in the quarries,
for breaking stone for our streets. I
almost three months, and as a result I
have turned over 737 loads of broken
stone for our streets. This cost about
$650; it will be seen on the borough
statement that I received a credit of
$200 for the same, leaving a net loss
of almost $400 to my department; but
more stone were broken aud as a re-
dition than ever. The stone and tools
have been regularly turned over to
ThoMAs SHAUGHENSY, strect commis
sioner. Must Ibe censured for this?
I am satisfied with what I have done.
From all of this it will be seen that
McCLure was not justified in laying
purposes. The duplicate assessed at
8 mills will give him $8,500 this year
to meet the actual indebtedness of
$3,123.02, leaving a balance in his
hands of $5.376.98 for what—to pay
the $400 doctor bills he contracted
last year, and at the same time for
keeping others on his list to secure
their support for a re-election.
When!I resigned the property pur:
chased by me and placed in the poor
house, and there to-day, and turned
over to McCLURE, consists of : furni-
ture and carpets $40; stoves $33;
beds and bedding $20; miscellaneous
utensils £20—total value $115.00, £50
of this amount having been turned in
during the last year.
The picture is not so black as re.
ported in the Gazette, but McCLURE
will have more money to handle this
year than I had in any two. Surely
the peopie will resent this extrava-
gance and extortion on the part of Me-
CLuke, the great reformer. I would
like to ask where the tax collector
was when McCrLure laid 8 mills; for
last year the same tax collector took
great pains in explaining my extrava-
gance in laying 6 mille. He told the
taxpayers that McCrure could run
the office on 5 mills; no doubt he is
very busy now in explaining to some
why McCLURE must raise the millage
to 8 this year—but next year, of course,
it will be less.
hear that some of my supposed demo-
cratic friends were so ready to believe
the statements as published in the Ga-
2otte. These friends believe they once
gaved the borough from ruin, but it is
well known that while they were sav-
ing the borough, they took good care
to keep an open eye on No. 1.
My accounts are in the hands of my
lenemies—the postmaster and the
“Shadow that can hide behind a broom
handle’’—and it this crew can find one
dollar spent for any other purpose than
to help those that were in need, at the
time the order was given, ['will pay all
‘of it back to the “Shadow” and 100
per cent in addition. : &
Now comelon with your charges and
back them up with facts. While you
are getting ready I will ask the taxpay-
ers tollet me know when the Gazetle
‘was ever able to prove anything in re-
gard to, my official management? I
will show, in a short time, to the prop:
erly owners what ‘it has cost them to
elect McCLURE overseer of the poor. :
Yours Resp,
Something More.
Will you permit me the privilege
of making a few more statements,
through the columns of your paper, to
the taxpayers of Bellefonte, in answer to
anarticlelpublished in the daily Gazette
of September 16th, showing other state-
ments of indebtedness against the over:
seer department of the borough, and,
in addition,a number of other questions
propounded for information. In the
first place I wish to state that I am
not respousible for any charges or fig-
ures that may be published in the Gea
In order to insure a speedy and cor-
yeot answer to all these questions and
charges, if the combination,from whom
the information on which the "article
was based, will please sign the name
so that I may know if I have a respou-
sible pacty to deal. with. I will an.
swer the question and meet the charges
most cheerfully, if the following is
complied with:
First, will the Gazette state where jt
got the $500 item in favor of JAMES
Second, will Joux M. KEewHLINE
state who the $37 of taxes are for ?
Third," what Rowe ‘&' Bros., book
account is for?
Fourth, what the Danville
account of $500 is for ? J
Fifth: From when and to when
does tha $175 rent item run?
gave work to about thirty families for |
silt our streets are now in better con- |
the exhorbitant tax of 8 mills for poor |
I was astonished upon my return to |
In conclusion I wish to state that all
my accounts with the borough will
shortly be turned over to the borough
! auditors, as it is not my purpose to
stand in the way of the light being
turned on. And now come on with
your Neal order racket as you have
said you would do.
—— It seems strange that Governor
Parison should be required to call a
Republican Senate to impeach the
integrity of Republican officials chosen
by a Republican State, and yet it is the
only resource he has to fall back on.
If the Senate should fail to thoroughly
investigate every charge brought
against the Auditor General and State
Treasurer, it will have betrayed the
confidence and trust reposed in it by
the suffrages of our people.
A State Senate Call.
M Camant and Boyer on Trial.
HARRISBURG, Sept. 30.—The follow-
ing was issued from the executive de-
| partment Saturday :
«In the name and by the authority of
(he commonwealth of Pennsylvania :
«WHEREAS, The constitution pro-
vides in article VI, section 4, that all
officers elected by the people, except
governor, lieutenant governor, members
of the general assembly and judges of
the courts of record learned in the law,
shall be removed by the governor for
reasonable cause, after due notice and
full hearing, on the address of two thirds
of the senate;
«WHEREAS, Grave charges have
been preferred, involving the auditor
general and state treasurer and most
seriously reflecting upon the manner in
which their official duties have been
performed ; :
«WHEREAS, & is proper that diligent
inquiry should be made to ascertain
whether or not ‘reasonable cause’ does
exist for their removal ;
«WHEREAS, There is in the public
mind a profound conviction that the of-
ficials referred to and some of their sub-
ordinates have been greatly inefficient,
shamefully negligent and entirely want-
ing in due fidelity ;
«WHEREAS, It is the prevailing opin-
ion that some of the officials connected
with these offices have been guilty of
absolute faithlessness and downright
dishonesty in violation of their oaths of
office and of the criminal laws of the
«WHEREAS, If any one of the
charges so made should be established,
appropriate action looking to the re-
moval of the officials involved should be
taken by the senate of the common-
wealth of Pennsylvania, as a duty to
the people of the state, whose good
name has been dishonored and whose
money has been stolen, squandered and
lost ;
«Whereas, John Bardsley, late treas-
urer of the city and county of Philadel-
phia, is now a convict in the eastern
penitentiary tor embezzlement and nis-
use of public money, a large portion ot
which would have been in the state
treasury long prior to an exposure of his
transactions had those charged with the
administration of the duties of auditor
general and state treasurer performed
them with due fidelity.
«WHEREAS, John Bardsley’s stub-
born refusal to disclose any information
whatever as to the conduet of these of-
ficials has compelled the abandonment
of proposed criminal prosecutions at
least for a time;
«WHEREAS, A proper inquiry by
the senate may develop evidence suf-
ficient to satisfy its members that ‘rea-
sonable cause’ exists for the removal of
we auditor general and state treasurer,
an : i
«WHEREAS, Under the constitution
the duty and responsibility of making
diligent inquiry and of taking appropri-
ate action in the premises are devolved
upon the senate and the power vested in
the executive to give the senate the op-
portunity to act; :
«Now, therefore, I, Robert E. Patti-
son, governor of the commonwealth, in
the discharge of what I conceive to be
my duty to ‘take care that the laws be
faithfully executed’ and by virtue of
the power vested in me by the constitu-
tion to convene the senate in extra r-
dinary session ny proclamation for the
transaction of executive business, hereby
convene the senate of the common-
wealth of Pennsylvania in extraordinary
session on Tuesday, the thirteenth day
of October, anno domini, one thousand,
eight hundred and ninety-one.
“Given under my hand and the great
seal of the State at the city of Harris-
burg, this twenty-sixth day of Septem-
ber, in the year of our Lord, one thous-
and, eight hundred and ninety-one, and
of the commonwealth the one hundred
and sixteenth.
«By the Governor. .
“WiLzzam F Harrimy,
«Sec’y of the Commonwealth of Pa.”
Executive CHAMBER,
| Harrisburg, Sept. 26th, 1891.
The followine letter has been address-
ed to George Handy Smithy chairman
of the joint committee to investigate the
{offices of Auditor General and State
Dear Sik. —Recent disclosures atfect-
ing the administration of the duties of
j te offices of Auditor General and the
| State Treasurer, particularly the letters
and other documentary evidence recent-
I 1v produced in the court of quarter Ses-
| sions of the county of Philadelphia, and
subsequently made public, justify me in
asking that you permit the Attorney
| General of the commonwealth to assist
in the investigation directed to be made
| by yofir committee under the terms of
| the joint resolutions approved January
| 26, 1891, and May 27, 1891, by the ex-
amination of such witnesses as may Aap-
{ pear or be deemed proper to produce be-
! fore your committee.
«As the evidence already made public
seriously involves officials charged with
faithful and efficient administration of
two of the principal offices of the execu-
tive department of the State government
and as it is my constitutional duty to
‘take care that the laws be faithfully ex-
ecuted,’ I deem it proper to sid in the
inquiry contemplated by the terms of
the joint resolution under which you
and your colleagues are proceeding.
«T have requested the attorney gener-
al to appear at the next meeting of your
committee, which I am informed will be
held on the 28th instant, and I trust and
believe that every facility will be afford-
ed him. He will, I am sure, be prepar-
ed to attend the sessions of your com-
mittee from day to day until a thorough
and systematic investigation of the of-
fices which are the subject of inquiry is
completed. Tu
«Yours respectfully,
Auditor General McCamant does not
care to talk much about the governor's
proclamation, but contents himself with
saying : “I regard it as purely political
and that is about all it is. It is a move-
ment to get Mr. Boyer and me out of
office. The governor could appoint,and
of course, he would appoint Democrats.
I am in no way disconcected over it,and
I shall be here all the time. I shall not
evade any process.”
State Treasurer Boyer was at Atlantic
City when he heard the news. When
asked what he thought of it, he said:
“This news is astounding to me, and I
can in no way account for such a call.
My conduct as state treasurer has been
in no way open for censure as far as I
am aware ; in fact I was led to suppose
from the action of certain officials it had
been most exemplary.”
When asked if he understood that his
connection ‘with the handling of the
Philadelphia funds had led to his being
included in the proclamation, the treas-
urer replied: “That alone is the only
cause that, as far as I am aware, would
be possible. But that seems out of the
question, too, when the members of the
legislative investigating committee com-
plimented me on my work only a few
weeks ago. This was before [left for
Canada. I returned on Saturday last,
and went to Harrisburg on Tuesday. I
saw several of the state officials, includ-
ing Mr. McCamant. Nothing was
mentioned of a call of the legislature.
Again, on meeting some of the commit-
tee, they complimented me on the show-
ing my statement and books made.”
Funeral of W. L. Scott.
Ex-President Cleveland Attends the Ob-
sequies of His Old Friend.
Erie, Sept. 30.—The funeral of the
late Hon. William L. Scott took place
from his late residence Thursday after-
noon, Rev. Messrs. Huske and Price,
of the Episcopal church, officiating.
Among the most noted of the many
distinguished persons present were ex-
President Grover Cleveland, Hon.
Daniel S. Lamont, Governor Pattison,
President Roberts,of the Pennsylvania
railroad ; Adjutant General McClel-
land, President Hughitt, of the Chi-
cago and Northwestern road, and As-
sistant Secretary of State, Tilden: The
services were plain, but very impres-
sive, and the largest number followed
the remains to the cemetery of any
funeral that has ever occurred, in this
— “He is aging very rapidly, is he
not ?"’ i
«Well—at the usual rate.
onds to the minute.”
Sixty sec
“Arways” ‘Dots For
Always—speak the truth.
Always—love your friends.
Always—Tlove your parents.
Always—love your brother and sis:
Always—obey your parents quickly.
Always—hehave well in company :
Always—act well at home.
Always—be kind to all persons.
Always—tell your mamma all your
Always—heed your mamma's ad-
vice. | :
Always—have a pleasant smile for
all. ; ;
‘Always—think of others
Always—be generous to the poor.
Always—be polite to every one.
Always—keep your dolls neat and
Always—get your lessons as per-
fectly as you can.— The Doll's Dress-
maker, 1
The Business Men’s Carnival which
was held in the Opera House last night
attracted an immense audience. The
house was packed, from pit to gallery,
with people all anxious to see the grand
trades display gotten up by the Young
| Men’s Christian Association, for the
‘benefit of which it was given.
who so gracefully represented the
WATCHMAN was the best performer on
the stage. She delighted the vast audi-
ence with her ease and grace, and niany
exclamations of delight were elicited by
our cute little Watchman. The list of
industeies with their representatives
were as follows :
M. Fauble, rire wed ity ane,
McCargar,.. ..Fannie Kniceley,
Keller,......... ...Hattie: Wagner,
Wm. Lyon,...... ...Mary Hunter,
Lyon & Co,..... wasnliizzie Allen,
W. T. Achenbach,.
Jared Harper,
H. H. Berr,....
James Schofield,
Pansy Blanchard,
...0live Steele»
Mattie Faxon,
Annie Curtin»
.....Corg Dreifuss,
COlCy erererssisseenmerisnicsiinsinsosyunarnsses Sallie Knapp,
Eureka,. Martha Lane,
Gazette,............ ....Helen Malin,
Li@VANYy 2 vanevonsstsssensatessiintessoionse Blaine Feidler,
James Potter,. Daniel Keller,
Joe Parscw,iili.... du. ara McGinnis,
PF. B. Stover... Lary Kramer,
Boiler Works, ..Nellie Ryan,
Watchman,........ )aisy Heverly,
Ottilie Hughes,
Brow... io ceertisses nde iden fe Lyon, >
.Sahra Campbell,
Gas and Steam WOKS, eevee
G. I’. Bash, veeeeennnn Louise Calloway,
A. G. Morris & Sons,
W. McClure, Nell Valentine
Lose & Co,. Gertie Bloomindale”
Telephone Co,...cevvemrinnsisiaiinn, Freda Baum,
McSulley,...... Mary Mec=ulley,
Roundiree,..cusis bis ciiiscivectasn Annie Bartley,
Gertie Kramer,
Mott, areNSasiicatiiaassiviesanrraraions {em Christ,
Maggie Steele
OHEA ui cc iineiiinnns caus Gregg Curtin,
Nighthart,.. .Myrtle Longacre,
Sarkedsh Edith Otto,
Glenn,........ Mable Fauble,
MeQuistion,.. .Myra Carson,
Hd. BOWE, ceeresessersinrssireraseenrnrssarers Wm. Flack,
Gheen,....... Blanche Underwood,
Blackford, eeeenGrace Black ford,
B. Stranh il, eesti, ......Kate Jones,
Post Office, Uncle Sam’s boys,
Naginey,.........ies cee essen Kate Benner,
Dr. Ward,........ gone ....Lily Kuntz,
Emanuel Brown,. ...Ida Showers,
K. Brown,....... Lizzie Murray,
J. 1. McClure,.....u.......
Logan Machine Works,..
8s J40CD, erase sopesens
Montgomery & Co,
Axe Works, ....uneeee
R. A. Beck. ‘
W. Hankin, coon teresnie neon: ..Lena Baum,
Bellefonte Fuel & Suupply Co,.....Bertie Noll,
C. T. Gerbrick, ...Adeline Harris,
Frank Galbraith... .Urilla Bossner,
Williams Penmanship, ..Mollie Crotty,
Nolan & Bro,.. Kate Swaverley
..Maud Hepburn
re. Edith Holtz,
...Kate Sheffler,
..Bella McCumpsy,
Luther Hughes,
.Jay Woodcock,
....Chase Kase,
..Paul Fortney,
...Paul Houck,
Joseph & Co,..
M. Graham,. Robt. Stuart,
Mills,..... N. Pennington,
Aikens lary Sourbeck,
Electric Light,..
Snyder Sisters,..
Garman & Lukenbach,..
F. Cuningham,.........
Hoover & Miller,
W. Myers,...
se cherss Lulu Hoy»
..Maud Campbell,
M. Boutier,
Liddie Whippo,
Jennie Longacre,
..Bessie Stropp,
..Lily Maitland,
...Agnes Wagner
Jennie Hull,
Waite, Rhoda Gunsollus,
Jackson Crider & Hastings,..Lottie Crittenden,
Brockerhoft House,........ ...Anna Shutt,
Bush House,..... ..Blanche Long,
PraVOIeT iirivissenisavsiniosnionns g feasst Lizzie Taylor,
Abe Baum, .euiinnns piece ori Fannie Baum
Centre D'emocrat,. ...Isabella Taylor,
Daily News,...... Blanche McGarvey,
Telegraph,.. ...Fannie Elmore,
Sourbeck,.... .Mamie Jamison,
Brockerhoff Mills,.......cevanersrasans Maggie Teats,
E. K. Rhoads,.. Bertha Atwood,
Georgie Krebbs,
suevesry Mary Steele,
..Louise Kellerman,
....Alice Dorworth,
M. Cunningham.........
Jenkins & Ling'e,..
Patishy ila Grace McBride,
McCalley,... Mabel Gramley,
Ed Garman ...Clara Waite,
McCalmont,... Mary Wright,
TF. P: Green,........... Tessie Peters,
Phenix Planing Mill Emma Sheffer,
Shuey,...... ul ld diial Lide Benner,
Jno. Anderson, ..Nellie Anderson,
J. A. Harper, ... ...Mabel Cowdrick,
Adams: EXpress,........iiuinienn Tessie Lyon,
Twitmire,... ...Ella Twitmire,
P. R. R,..... Marguerite Potter,
Jackson & Co, . Grace Lukenbach,
A. J. Cruse, ...Aurora Moore,
Ed Powers,......... ......Mary Haffer,
First National Bank, Rebecca Blanchard,
DP; B. Grider & SoB,..iiniresrinniio: Meda Boggs,
he Clara Meese
WHHEIDSON, ickrsisis cursis es stobiin {Sry Underwood,
Miss Graham, Mamie Gentzel,
Racket. li, 2/0 ....Maud Spigelmyer,
Beazer, ll niin i ebdd Grace Ginter,
Achenbach Bakery,..... ..Gertie Bouse,
Bellefonte Supply House ...Maggie Bell,
Schreyer... ..Mary DeSilva,
ZelAE, Lives rs viraniinn adits sen iast Jennie Irvin,
Wiiliams & Co, Hannah Hamilton,
Dr. Rhone, +... Rosa Levy,
J. Meese,.. Tillie Wilson,
reed Carrie Noli,
Emma Krider,
..Maud Harper,
elen Hastings,
Fred Meek,
May Taylor,
Shaeffer,.... Aad hal OhdS Nol
‘The work of getting up the jubilee
T i pit
The enterialoment opened with an must have been a most stupendous: task
overture, by the State Callege orchestra, | and the successful manner/in. whieh'it
d th he di y i -
Se i Hh i was carried out reflects the greatest
iy aL EX J | credit on Messrs Will Furst and Jas.
eicht commercial houses in Bellefonte eid a
re SC ante a > BE te | Hughes, whose untiring efforts and zeal,
y, y hey were class | * } a > }
8 PI y | for the welfare of the Y. M. C. A., have
four divisions and between each division,
a specialty was introduced which relieved
placed the association under obligations
to them for about five hundred dollars,
he whele ofthe m vhich mi § :
the ®ac gpotowiny wo might aie receipts of the entertainment. The
have attended it.
solos, ete. added variety to the perfor-
mance and the grand allegorical march-
es and drills at the end of each division
on the program, evoked round, after
round of applause.
The girls were all dressed in a suit
characteristic of the industry which they
represented and many unique costumes’
were worn. They appeared on the
stage and advertised their firm and then
joined in the drill.
provided handsome costumes for their
representatives, but we think that Miss I will be
Daisy Heverly, the pretty little lady,
Trius uartettes ! ;
7 9 | young ladies who had charge of the cos-
Many of the firms | tory
tumes and drilling displayed much
originality in their work and deserve the
congratulations of every Bellefonte cit-
izen and to the College Orchestra, which
furnished such delightful musie, no lit-
tle of the success of the evening is due.
On the wholeit was one of the grand-
est entertainments ever given in the
town and that it was entirely satisfac-
to every one was the unanimous
Tonight “O’Flynn in Mexico”
the attraction at the Opera