Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 25, 1891, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Sept
Great American Traveler.
Here Isa Worthy Successor of the Late
Lamented Daniel Pratt.
He was a great traveler.
There is a man in Nashville who has
traveled the length and breadth of the
United States, from Maine to Mexico,
from New York to San Franciseo, and
did not pay a dime for his passage, and
he rode half the way in a first-class pas-
senger coach, the other half in box cars
and as “blind baggage.”
At present this distinguished traveler
is registered at the work house.
Everybody in Nashville knows him,
especially the policemen. An American
reporter’ called on the traveler yester-
day and found him ina mood to recite
various reminiscences, some of them of
thrilling interest.
“T reckon,’ said he, “I am about as
well known in the big cities of the
country as little Ben of grandfatber’s
hat fame, and when the authorities of
the place hear I am coming on a visit
they receive me with open arms, al-
though they don’t have a brass band to
play martial music and have me ride in,
a carriage. The mayor doesn’t make a
speech of welcome, but the address of
the police judge is impressive when he
scowls at me and jerks out, ‘Thirty
days on the rock pile.’
“There's a secret in getting about
ibe country on your face, and even
when it’s known some fellows hayen’t
sense enough to work the racket.
Every time I leave Nashville I rig up
ina new suit and get a pass tosome
town about forty miles away. I never
fall in with a crowd of bums, tor it’s
always bast to travel by yourself.
“When I start from one town to an-
other I generally strike the cannonball
jrains and find out what kind of a
crew they carry.
men I ride between the mail car and
%ender. If the trainmen are ‘tough’ on
a fellow I crawl under the trucks
and hang on, or sometimes I get on top
of a passenger coach and lie down by
the lights. Riding the trucks is dan-
gerous, and if a fellow don’t know
how it’s done he’sa goner. You have
io cramp yourself up in a peculiar po-
sition, hold your feet up and never
move during the ride. Sometimes I
ride the brake rods. That’s the easiest |
and safest way to travel when you're
ont on the beat. IL get a plank with a
{had just returned to
Ifit's a good set of |
nail 1n each end so it. won’t slip, put it
under the rod and straddle it. When
1 get in the passenger coach I put up
a pitiful tale about being an unfortunate
railroad man and having lost my papers
and I generally get my ride.
“T made $50 once, and it was the
easiest money that ever came into my
hands. Major Clarfee was the passen-
ger agent of the Atchison, Topeka and
Santa Fe road, and I went to him, in
Fort Worth, told him I was an unfortu-
nate and I wanted to get out of town.
He gave me a pass to some point about
thirty miles up the road, and I left that
night. When I went into the coach
who should I see but Major Clarfee.
He motioned for me to have a seat by
him, and commenced asking about me,
and how I managed to get about.
‘Why, Major,” I have ({raveled
over your road a thousand times and
never paid a cent or had a pass, nor
beat my way.” At this the old man
pricked up his ears, for he thought he
would catch some one of his conductors
at some underhand trick.
“How do you do it ?”’ the major asked
“That’s a secret,’ I said.
“Cl give you $20 to put me on to
it»? 3
« ‘Make it fifty,” said I.
“¢Done,” and he passed over the
oT onev.
“ «Well, Major, I walk.’
“He saw I had him, and he didn't
kick ; but he cocked his eye and looked
at me a long time. ‘When get hungry
{goto the biggest hotel in the city,
give the clerk a pitiful song and dance,
and I get a square meal. Sometimes
they take me up in the dining room
and sometimes they give me a hand-
out. I have eaten at the Palmer house
in Chicago, at the Ponce de Leon in St.
Augustine, at the Fifth Avenue in New
York, and in fact, the finest hotels in
the country on that scheme.
“The life is 8 checkered one, but I
like it, and I guess I will always be a
The Horse Power of Whales.
Sir William Turner, the present emi-
nent professor of anatomy in the Uni-
versity of Edinburg, Scotland, has given
much attention to the study of whales,
their structure, habits, etc. He esti-
mates that the great Greenland whale
{average length 50 feet) attains a maxi-
mam speed while swimmiuag of ten miles
an hour; the “Finner” whale (maxi-
mum length 85 feet) often making
twelve to fourteen miles an hour. Mr.
Turrer, in one of his lectures, said that
he and John Henderson, of Glasgow,
the well known builder of the Anchor
Line steam ships, had spent much time
in trying to arrive at a satisfactory con-
clusidn gs ta the harse power exerted by
large speciesjof the whale in making a
speed of twelve miles an hour. As a
base for their conclusions they took the
size and dimensions of the great ‘‘Fin-
ner,’ which was stranded on the shore
at Longuiddry some years ago. It was
80 feet long, weighed 74 tons and had a
tail which was 20 feet across at the ex-
ireme end of its flanges. With these
data, Messrs. Turner and Henderson cal-
culated that a wlhnle of (he dimensions
mentioned, in order to attain a speed of
twelve miles an hour, must exercise a
propelling force of 145 horse power!
The population of France is now
38,095,150, while that of the United
Kingdom is 37,740,283. At the be-
ginning of ths present century France
bad twenty-seven millions to the sixteen
millions of the British Isles. Every de-
cade since has diminished the distance
between the two nations, which are
now running a neck-and-neck race,
with a certainty that before the next
French census is taken France will have
fallen behind Great Britain.
The Fighting Alstons., ataS gh
A Family Once Well Known in "the
South for I's Dueling.
In the days of southern wealth and
chivalry before the war, when every
true gentleman maiatained his honor
by the rules of the code, the Alston
family became famous for the many
bloody duels which its members fought,
says the N. Y. Evening Sun, The male
members of the family through five gen-
erations all died with their boots on, but
most of them had killed their men in a
fair fight before they fell.
The Alstons were all brave men, as
the word was understood in that sec-
tion, and the slightest insult to one
of them would bring a challenge to mor-
tal combat.
The first of the Alstons settled in
North Carolina nearly a century ago,
and for many years the family was
prominent in the Carolinas, Florida,
and Georgia. The last of the famous
family of fighting Alstons, as they
were called, was Col. Bob Alston of
Georgia. He was killed in an im-
promptuduel with a man named Cox
fought in the state treasurer’s office in
the capitol at Atlanta fifteen or twenty
years ago.
The Alstons were all rich. They
owned large and fertile plantations
and thousands of slaves.. The young
men were educated at Yale and Har-
vard, with a finishing course of study
in Paris or Berlin. The women were
as brave as the men, and believed in
fighting duels to keep the family repu-
tation unsullied. An Alston who failed
to challenge the man who insulted him
or spoke disrespectfully of any member
of his family would have been driven
from home in disgrace.
One incident, remembered by many
old southerners, will illustrate the
fighting qualities of the Alstons, men
and women. RT
A young scion of the noble famil
the . beautiful
family home in Florida from Paris
where he had completed his studies. At
a ball one night he over-heard a young
man speaking in rather a disrespectful
manner to a young lady, a guest of his
Young Alston ascertained the name
of the man, and next day sent him a
challenge to fight a duel. Then he
told his mother what he had done. She
threw her arms about his neck and ex-
claimed: “My son,I am proud of you.
You are a true Alston. I will give a
dinner in your honor immediately after
| the duel, and I am sure you will kill
your opponent.”
The duel was arranged to take place
at sunset the following day,and Mrs.
Alston issued many invitations to an
elaborate dinner to be given in honor
of her brave young son immediately
after he had killed his man in his. first
The guests were all assembled at the
Alston mansion, and dinner was ready
to be served, when the young man was
brought home dead. He had been shot
through the heart at the first fire.
His mother kissed the pale, cold face
tenderly, and without a tear dimming
her eye, she turned to her horror-
stricken guests and said : “He is dead,
but he was an Alston brave and true.”
What Chaff is For,
The chaff which surrounds all kinds
of grain has very important economic
uses. In its wild state this chaff saves
the seed from exposure to weather,
sometimes in severe seasons only one
or two grains escaping damage by win-
ter’s exposure. When first cultivated
most kinds of grain had doubtless much
more abundant chaff than new. The
original wild Indian corn in which each
grain has a husk of its own, is an il-
lustration of this. But chaff even now
serves a very important purpose. It
allows the grain to dry out in stacks
and mows, without heating so as to
injure the seed. Grain threshed be-
fore this drying out is accomplished
heats much more injuriously ‘in’ the
granary. :
Sometimes in threshing oats that
have been drawn in wet, we have seen
the straw blackened by heating around
the bands, while the heaps kept sepa-
rate by the chaff showed each grain
‘bright an uninjured. Wheat that has
astrong bearded chaff'is usually a strong
grower, as its generating poweris less
apt to be destroyed by heating in the
mow. This fact secures the continued
popularity of these sorts, despite the
unpleasantness of working among
bearded grain. Reaping machines
that bind grain with twine as soon as
cut, make the chaff even more necessa-
ry. Itis not any more difficult to work
among, and it does help to keep grain
from being injured through imperfect
drying before mowing away.—Ameri-
can Cultivator.
In Melbourne there .is a woman
who rejoices in the somewhat inhar-
monious name of Fraulein Lepper. The
good fraulein has devoted herself to a
forlorn hope—a crusade against tea. She,
is herself a tea teetotaler, and she called
recently a meeting of lady abstainers.
In a speech she said that she considered
that, in her opinion, next to alcohol the
greatest master of human will and de-
stroyer of vitality is tea, and then she
went on to say that tea belonged to the
same class of drink as alcohol.” She af-
firmed that 1t acted like alcohol on the
nervous system, though manifesting it-
self outwardly in aa entirely different
way. Alcohol acts as a stimulant, ac-
cording to Fraulein Lepper, while tea
acts as a sedative. The former prevents
life by inducing excessive action. The
latter prevents life by destroying it. A
serios of terribleeyperiments with theine
wound up the lecture, and the speaker
proved, to her own satisfaction at least,
that the Chinese herb is altogethér per-
nicious when tuken into the human sys-
——Mrs. May Wright Sewell, Presi-
dent of the American Federation of
Women’s clubs, is at present at Paris,
studying the women’s societies and or-
ganizations of that city. She intends to
profit by the occasion of the Chicago Ex-
hibition to summon an! international
congress of women for the consideration
of various questions of peace, temper-
ance, public morality and, above all,
the development of women’s rights.
Jerry Simpson’s Mule.
| The Latest Campaign Story of the Kan-
sas Statesman.
One of the best stories of the year is
told by Jerry Simpson, popularly known
as the “Sockless Socrates of Medicine
Lodge.” He had been talking about
the Alliance vote, when he compared
the astute politician to the Kansas
mule, says the Atlanta Constitution.
“Out ip Kansas,” said he, “there is
a boy who had taught his mule to
squat when he touched him on the
flank with his heels, and one day when
he was riding beside an Englishman
the mule suddenly sat down on his
haunches. ‘What's the matter with
your mule? said the Englishman,
‘Why,’ said the boy, “he’s a setter;
don’t you see that rabbit out there?
The Englishman was much astonished.
They rode on a while and the mule
squatted again. ‘What's he doing
now?’ said the Englishman. ‘He's
gettin’ again,’ said the boy. ‘Don’t
you see that flock of quail? By this
time the Englishman was dying to own
the mule. An animal he could ride
that was also a setter would be price-
less to such a Nimrod as he. He of
fered to buy the mule, but the boy
didn’t waut to seil him. Finally he
consented to ‘swap the mule for the
Englishman's fine bay horse and $100
to boot. The Englishman mounted
the mule, the boy mounted the horse
‘and’ they rode on together. After
awhile they came to a creek, and the
‘Edglishman drew up his feet to keep
them from getting wet. About half
way through the water got so deep that
he had to draw his feet up to the mule’s
flank, As soon as the bcot heels
touched the mule’s flank he squatted
right in. the middle of the creek.
What's the matter with your blarsted
y | mule now 2! said the Englishman. ‘I
-told you he was a setter,’ and he’s just
as-.good for suckers as for anything
Boxing for Boys.
There is absolutely nothing in the
way of recreation so beneficial in every
respect to a boy as boxing. I am posi-
tive—and I know whereof I write, for
as boy and man I have tried them all,
fencing, wrestling, rowing, swimming,
riding—that no one of them has the
many advantages of boxing. As an
all-round developer it is unequaled;
not one of the boy’s muscles remains
inactive; back, stomach,legs, arm,s all
are called upon for vigorous service.
But what I consider its best feature in
its recommendation for hoys is the very
thorough drilling which the disposi-
tion of the boy must undergo. If alad
is quick to lose his temper, boxing will
cure him ; it will teach him that no
one who lets his temper get the better
of him will become an expert sparrer :
it will speedily convince him of the
absolute necessity of keeping cool and
in entire possession of his wits in order
to sustain his efforts and avoid defeat.
The boxer who cannot control his tem-
per is practically at the mercy of a cool
skillful opponent. One cannot spar
successfully and become flustrated, = A
boxer must ever be on the alert, his
wits constantly alive, looking for an
opportunity of assault, he must be able
to act instantly and with cool’ delibera-
tion, as distinguished from wild, undi-
rected action. He need-do no running
to develop the muscles of his legs or
his lungs; these are all continuously
in‘action.— Harper's Young People.
Pigmies vs. Giants.
‘Lilliputian as they arein size (being
no larger than mustard seeds), they
achieve results their Brobdingnagian
‘opponents utterly fall in, We refer to
the efficacy of the powerful preparation
known as Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets,
compared with that of their gigantic
competitors, the old-style pill. Try the
little giants, when dyspepsia, liver com-
plaint, constipation, biliousness, or any
kindred ills assail you, and you'll make
no mistake—they’ll disappear at once.
; :
—=—A German authority says that al-
most a third of all humanity— that is
'400,000,000—speak the Chinese lan-
guage. Then the Hindu language is
spoken by more than 100,000,000. In
the third place stands the English spok-
en by almost 100,000,000. Fourth, the
Russian, with 89,000,000, while the Ger-
man language is spoken by 57,000,000
tongues and the Spanish by ebout 48,-
000,000, Of the European languages
the French is fifth in place.
Old Honesty Tobacco.
is indeed a luxury.
Comes as near being a perfect piece of PLUG
TOBACCO as it is possible to get to it, and
is known as a
Among dealers these goods are on the
market in only one shape, 3x12
full 16 oz. plug— the
most convenient
“to cut in
Pocket pieces or carry Whoie.
Louisville, Ky.
36 37 1t
i Saddlery.
We extend a most cordial invitation tc our
patrons and the puablie, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will
be made in the !arge room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spiii:g street, It has been
added to ray factory and will be used execli-
sively for the sale of harness, being the first
exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as
heretofore the custom has been to sell goods
in the room in which they were made. This
elegant room has been refitted and furnished
with glass cases in which the harness can be
nicely displayed and still kept away. from
heat and. dust, the enemies ot long wear in
leather. Our factory now occupies a room
16x74 feet and the store 20x60 added makes it
the largest establishment of its kind outside :
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
We are prepared to offer better bargains in
the future than we have done in the past and
we want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
you will buy. Our profits are not large, but
by selling lots of goods we can afford to live in
Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle
philanthropy. It is purely business. We are
not making much, but. trade is growing and
that is what we are intrested in now. Profits
will tale care of themseives.
When other houses discharged their work-
men during the winter they were all put to
work in my factory, nevertheless the big (?)
houses of this city and county would smile if
we compared ourselves to them, but we do not
mean to be so odious, except to venture the as-
section that none of them can say, as we can
CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story.
The following are kept constantly on hand.
50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, prices from
£8.00 to $15.00 and upwards, LARGE
set$25.00 and upwards, 500 HORS
COLLARS from $1,50 to 85,00
each, over $100.00 worth of
$400 worth of Fly Nete sold cheap
8150 worth of whips
from 15¢ to $3.00 each,
Horse Brushes,Cury Combs
Sponges, Chamois, RIDING
Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low
prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand
for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25¢ per
pound. We keep everything to be found in a
ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two
shops in the same town to catch trade—NO
SELLING OUT for the want of trade or prices.
Four harness-makers at steady work this win-
ter, This is our idea of protection to labor,
when other honses discharged their hands,
they soon found work with us.
33 37 Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa.
Farmer's Supplies.
BEND _¢¥ * Ly DuOvs
& 54 o
o> SHARES 2 4%,
> reduced from 40 to Cog
30 ets.—all other repairs re-
duced accordingly.
CHILLED PLOWS are the best
bevel landside plow on earth;
prices reduced.
The Aspenwall is the most complete potato
planter ever made. Farmers who have them
plant their own crops and realize from $25.00 to
$30.00 per year from their neighbors, who will-
ingly pay $1.00 per acre for the use of an; As-
penwall Planter,
HARROWS—7he Farmer's Friend” Horse
Shoe Lueck Spring Tooth Harrow, seventeen
teeth, one side of which can be used as a
single cultivator.
Allen’s Celebrated Cultivators, Garden
Tools and Seed Drills, which were practi-
cally exhibited at the Granger's Picnic.
latest improved.
at cut prices. Farmers who harvest fifteen or
more tons ot hay cannot afford to do without
one of our Hay Tedders, which are built with
a fork outside of each wheel, the same tedder
can be operated by one or two horses.
CHAMPION Wagons, are superior in
neat build, fine finish and durabilily:
» “The Boss,” Bent Wood, Oval
Churns—1} Union Churns. Our wale of
churns is constantly increasing.
Our steel and wood wheelbarrows are adapt
ed to all kinds of work of which we have a
large assortment at very low prices.
A large stock of
< 4
ara R
Flower Pots and Urns.
1 i t FERTILIZERS, } § 1
Agricuitural Salt, our Champion Twenty-five
Dollar Phosphate; Lister's best make: Buffalo
Honest Phosphate for nse on barley, corn, po-
tatoes, and wheat, as well as Mapes Potato Fer-
tilizer, all of which have the highest repunta-
tion for producing an honest return for the
money invested.
. Gur Jarge trade justifies us in buying our
supplies in large quantities, hence we huy at
the lowest prices, which enables us to sell at
the lowest prices; therefore, it will be to the
interest of every farmer in Centra) Pen opr.
nia to examine our stock before purchasing.
We take great pleasure in entertaining
farmers. 1t does not cost anything to examine
the articles we have on exhibition,
Hale Building, Bellefonte, Pa.
NL en } Business Managers.
35 4 1y
driers and fruit evaporators which
can be used on stoves also ; larger evaporators
with heater attachment for sale by
36-33.3t Hale Building, Bellefonte. Pa.
Ape D. £0 C
Four trips per Week Between
Petoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and Lake
Huron Ports.
Every Evening Between
Sunday Trips during June, July, August and
September Only,
Rates and Excursion Tickets will be furnished
by your Ticket Agent, or address
E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A, Detroit, Mich.
36 14 Tm rae A ay
MONTANA, Washington, Oregon
and California reached quickly
and cheaply via Great Northern
Railway Line.
Ask your local ticket agent for
round trip tickets to any point in
the West or Pacific Coast via the
Great Northern,
THE leading pleasure, fishing and
. hunting resorts of the Park Re-
gion of Minnesota, of Lake Superior
and the Rocky Mountains reached
easiest on the various lines of the
Great Northern from St. Paul.
FARMERS, stock raisers and busi-
. bess men will find choice loca-
tions in the Red River, Milk River
and Sun River valleys, at Great
Falls, and in Belt mining towns, the
Sweet Grass Hills, and along the
Pacific extension of the Great
Northern in the Flathead and other
valleys of Montana.
THE Great Northern reaches more
points in Minnesota and North
Dakota than any other railway. It
is the main route to Lake Minne-
tonka and. Hotel Lafayette,
MAPS and other publications sent
free, and letters of inquiry an-
«swered, by F.I. Whitney, G. P. &
T. A.,G. N. Ry., St Paul, Minn.
36 32 tf
Flour, Feed, &c.
:- Manufacturers of -:-
And Dealers in
23~The highest market price paid for
sesererss WHEAT ........RYE......... CORN ..cvene
Music Boxes.
Sale rooms and Headquarters for the Uni.
ted States at
No Music Boxes without Gautchi’s Patent
Safety tune change can be guaranteed.
Old and damaged Music boxes carefully re-
paired. Send 5 cent stamp for catalogue and
Music box owners please send or call for
Patent Improvement Circular.
3349 1v
Iuminating Oil. :
{ows ACME.
It gives a Brilliant Light.
It will not Smoke tha Chimnev. .... . _. _}
It will Not Char the Wiel.
It has a High Fire Test.
It does Not Explode.
1t is without an equal
We stake our reputation as refiners that
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
34 35 1y Williamsport, Pa.
For sale a retail by W. T. TWITMIRE
Railway Guide.
: Dec. 14th, 1890.
Leave Belleionte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.66 a. m., at Altocna, 7.45 ga, m., at Pitts.
burg, 12.45 p. m. .
Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.559. mt Altoona, 145 p. m., af Pifts.
ourg, 6.50 p: m
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
5.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55.
weave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
5.55, at Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philade].
phia, 1.25 p. m. :
Leave Belletonte 10.25 a, m., arrive. at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m. at
Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. ) 3
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6..40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 4.25 a. 1.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.30 p. m,, at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 11.00 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 10.10 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 up m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 5.30. p. m.; illiamsport, 6.25 p. m., at
Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m
, Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
at Harrisburg, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelp
6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
hein my donve Williamsport, 12.25
., leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m. i
Philadelphia at 6.50 om. = 2TTIve at
Leave Bellefonte at 6.10 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg at 9.20 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. mn,
Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m.
Lass De 2 m.,, arrive at Lewis
urg, 5.45, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m.. ila-
a at'4.25 a. m. 5.44300, Pulls
yo 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p. m.
: Ea at
2 | B 2 g |B 2
52 5 Dec. 14, BE Bul &
= | > ® 1890 = Eel ®
£ Bg = . 5 a =
[E™ EB £7 §
P.M.| A.M. | A, wm. (Arr. Lv. A. Mm. p.m |p nm
6 40| 11 55 6 55|... Tyrone 8 10[3'10| 7 15
6 33] 11 48 6 48\.E.Tyrone.. 8173 17| 7 22
6 29] 11 43| 6 #4|.....Vail...... 82013 20 7 28
6 25 11 38) 6 40 Bald Eagle| 8 253 24| 7 33
6 19/ 11 321 6 33|.....Dix...... 8 30/3 30| 7 39
6 15/ 11 29 6 30|... Fowler 8 3213 83| 7 42
6 13| 11 26| 6 28 ..Hannah...| 8 36/3 37] 7 46
6 06 11 17| 6 21 Pt. Matilda.| 8 43/3 44 7 55
559 11 09| 6 13 ..Martha....| 8 51/3 52| 8 05
550 10 59 6 05/....Julian....| 859401 8 15
5 41| 10 43{ 5 55.Unionviile., 9 10/4 10, 8 25
533| 10 38) 548..S.8. Int...| 918418] § 35
5301 10 35 5 45 .Milesburg | 9 22/4 20| 8 39
5 20) 10 25| 5 35.Bellefonte.| 9 32/4 30 8 49
5 10| 10 12 5 2 .Milesburg,| 9 47/4 40| 9 o1
6 02) 10 01| 5 18,....Curtin....| 10 01/4 47 9 11
4 55 956 b14/.Mt. Eagle. 10 06/4 55] 9 17
449] 948) 5 07|..Howard... 10 16/5 02| 9 27
440) 937) 459 .Eagleville.| 10 30/5 10| 9 40
438 934 456 Bch. Creek.! 10 35/5 13] 9 45
426) 922 446. Mill Hall...| 10 50/5 24 10 01
4230 919 443 Flemin’ton.| 10 54/5 27 10 05
420 915 440 Lek. Haven 11 00/5 30| 10 10
P.M.| A. M. [A M.| | A. M. |A.ML| P, M.
Fig Ea
Z| Neg Dec. 14 o | &
Eins ls 390. 8 F
(B21 8 1890. gs |
£8" F ia"
P.M.| P. M. bh M. | Lv. AT.1a M.A. mm [e. M
725 315 820). Tyrone...| 650 11 45/6 17
732) 322 827LE. Tyrone. 6 43] 11 38/6 10
738] 321 831...Vail 6 37| 11 34/6 04
7 48) 3 36| 8 41/.Vanscoyoc.| 627] 11 25/5 55
755 342 845|.Gardners..| 6 25| 11 21/5 52
8 02| 350 855 Mt.Pleasant| 6 16] 11 12/5 46
8 10, 3 58 9 05..Summit...| 6 09! 11 05/5 40
8 14/ 4 03] 9 10{Sand.Ridge| 6 05] 11 00/5 34
8 16/ 4 05, 912i... Retort....| 6 03} 10 55/5 31
819 4 06| 9 15|..Powelton... 6 01) 10 52/5 30
8 25| 4 14] 9 24|..0sceola...| 5 52| 10 45/5 20
8 35| 4 20] 9 32/..Boynton...| 5 46] 10 39/5 14
8 40| 4 24 9 37|..Stéiners...| 5 43) 10 35/5 09
842) 430 940 Philipsbu’g| 5 41| 10 32/5 07
8 46| 4 34| 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37] 1026/4 59
862 440 952 Blue Bali. 33 10 224 55
8 58 4 49| 9 59 Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 15/4 49
9 05| 4 57] 10 07|....Bigler..... 522/10 07/4 41
9 12/ 5 02 10 14.Woodland..| 5 17] 10 004 36
9 19/ 508) 10 22|...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 52/4 30
9 23} 512/10 27. Leonard...| 509) 9 484 25
9 30, 5 18| 10 34|.Clearfield..| 5 04 9 10s 17
9 38. 5 20| 10 44. Riverview. 4 58 9 31/4 10
9 421 b 26| 10 49 Sus. Bridge 4 54) 9 26/4 00
950 535 10 65 Curwerlsv’e| 4 50, 9 20/4 06
P.M. P.M. | A. | Am Am (eo
~ Time Table in effect on and after
Dec. i4, 1890.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday.
6 45 a. m;
. 00 p. m,
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 a. m,
ois: 5 25 p.m.
' To take effect Dee, 14, 1890.
111 | 103 114 112
P. M. | A. M. A Myf PW,
e158] 53500... Montandon........ 920] 545
2025.6 20]...iii.s Lewisburg........ 9 10| 5 36
Fair Ground.......}.. shia addi .t
5 6 30 ..Biehl.... 9,00 62
240/ 635 Vicksburg........| 853] 5 20
2 50f 645 <Mifflinburg.. 8431 510
3 05] 7 00. Millmont. 8 271! 4.55
34 7 817) 446
338 71 753 122
4 00] 7 53...........Coburn...........;. 7:30] 4 00
4 17) 8 10/....Rising Springs 712) 343
4 30| 8 24|......Centre Hall.. 6 58 328
4 37 8 32. 6 51] 843
4 43; 8 37]... 643 316
4 48 8 42)... 6 38; 311
A 52 "848... 6 34) 307
4 57| 8 51/.....Dale Summit. 629 303
5.06 9 00... Pleasant Gap......| 6 19 2 53
515 9 10/. Bellefonte.........| 610 2 45
P. M. [As Bn ' A.M [P.M
Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montandon
with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea
. Shore Express East.
E | worn] ® |B
5 | 1890. y H
Bs L 2
| Anew
5 (5/....8cotia 921, 4 4Tl.cvee
5 25|.Fairbrook.[: 9 09 4:27...
5 37/Pa.Furnace| 8 56 4 15/..
z 5 44|..Hostler...| 8 50] 4 08]..
10 46| 5 3. Marengo. 8 43] 4 (lui!
10 52| 5 57|.Lovevilie..! 8 37| 3 55|.....
(10 58] 6 G4 FurnaceRd| 8:31| 349|.....
11 02] 6 08 Dungarvin.| 8 27) Zl...
11110, 6 18|.. “Mark. '8 10! 8'ag
11 20{ 6 28/Pennington| 8 10, 3 30
11 32{ 6 40(...Stover..... EEE EY
| 11 40| 6 50/...Tyrone....| 7 80/' 8:10]
To take effect May 12, 1890.
Fre \ =. 5
] And ow
| 6 00] 300
607 309
6 111 318
| 616 319
“| 810 82
i ea
.[ 626 330
. 532 336
: . 638 843
5 39) 8 33..Mattern Junction. 6 i 3 45
8 2 «..Matterns...... { 3 83
WStormstown. | 3 b9
8 09 Red Bank.. | 4 09
5 24) 7 25|......Krumrine........| 7 00| 4 59
5 20] 7 20|Lv.State College. Ar| 7 04 5 04
Philadelphia Cara.
4 Dealers in
420 Market Street: