Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 25, 1891, Image 4

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    Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Sep't. 25, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - EpirTor
em— ES
Democratic County Committee, 1891
Ne Waiereeermnnnnnns .. W. 8. Galbraith
Bt i ... Joseph Wise
” ARE 5 9g Ponkp
Centre Hall Borough.. . John T. Lee
Howard Borough..... . H. A. Moore
Fileshiite rons. A. M. Butler
Mitheim Borough. ... A.C. Musser
Philipsburg, ny ames A. Lukens
..... Frank Hess
..oes Bo M.Griest
. Eugene Meeker
.. Harvey Benner
..... Philip Confer
... T. F. Adams
.. J. N. Krumrine
. N.J. McCloskey
Daniel Dreibelbis
Geo. W. Keichline
. Chas. W. Fisher
James P. Grove
.... Geo. B. Shaffer
weesee Bilis Lytle
.. 3. W. Keller
W.T. Leathers
Henry Hale
P oe N: P.
“WL Biron E.E. Ardery
Taylor. W. T. Hoover
Union . Chas. H. Rush
Walker .. D. A. Dietrick
Worth. .. 0.D.Eberts
L.A SCHAEFFER, Chairman.
Democratic State Ticket.
of Lehigh county.
of Erie county.
Chas. R. Buckalew. | Chauncey F. Black.
Geo. A. Jenks. : Geo. M. Dallas.
Bam’l. G. Thompson. David W. Sellers.
Henry N. Scott. Robt. E. Monaghan.
Win. %. McLean. F. M. Vandling.
Jno. Latta. Rodger Sherman.
William Weihe. i Thos. Lazare.
8amuel Griffith. i Grant Weidman.
Geo. W. Zeigler. i R. Morgan Root.
Subject to action of district conference.
Jury Commissioner. —GEORGE BOWER.
A Sufficient Example.
The disclosures made by Auditor
General McCamant in his testimony
before the legislative investigating com-
mittee last week would be amusingly
ludicrous if they did not display such a
miserable performance of the trust
committed to him. The result of his
examination amounted to an acknowl
edgment of incompetency, if not an
admission of guilt.
When BarpsLEy, whom the Audi-
tor General knew to be a scamp,
became angry when urged to pay over
long standing arrearages of State
money, Mr. McCamant admits that he
let the delinquent have his own way.
But at the same time he says he was
receiving certain personal courtesies
from the officer whom he unlawfully
allowed to withhold State funds that
were overdue. The Auditor General
has a neck that could not be suited
with ties in Harrisburg and Mr.
Barpsiey kindly got them of the
right size in Philadelphia and sent
them to his friend in the Auditor Gen-
eral’s office. There was similar kind-
ness in the matter of “handkerchiefs,”
“nice fruit,” “onyx clocks,” and other
little courtesies. And synchronously
with the reception of these favors Mr.
McCamant was arranging with the de-
linquent city treasurer for the adver
tising of the Mercantile Appraisers’
lists with an eye to the payment of
‘#arge political debts,” as he admits in
his examination, in the payment of
which the State was fleeced to the
amount of thousands of dollars.
There could not be a more scandal-
ous exhibit of official dereliction than
is made by Mr. McCamant’s admis
pions, It isthe next thing toa confes-
pion of guilt. This case furnishes
a striking illustration of the corrupt
influences which Republican State offi-
eials,of good repute before their election,
find themselves unable ta withstand.
Their integrity is forced to yield to the
demand for the payment of “large po-
litical debts.” It wouldn't be right to
subject General Greece's reputation to
such a pressure. It would ber shame
to wreck it in that way. McCaMANT's
case furnishes an example sufficiently
a covetous eye on the Hawaiian, com _
monly known as the Sandwich Islands,
They would make a most advantageous
station for the British naval force in the
Pacific ocean, and as John Bull looks
sharply after such advantages, it can
not be doubted that he would like
to have the islands in question’
Undoubtedly the United States would
object, and this objection may be the
only thing that will prevent England
from seizing such a prize.
——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN,
«... C. A. Faulkner
"Isaac M.Orndorf
Knights of Labor Who Won't Be De-
It will be remembered that a com-
mittee of the Knights of Labor was
sent to Harrisburg to attend to labor
interests during the session of the Leg-
islature. The duty assigned them was,
in its relation to legislation, intended
for the benefit of working people. Ic
is generally known to what extent the
labor interest was served by the Legis-
lature. The mostimportant measures
asked for were refused, while the few
that were granted are of doubtful effi-
The majority of the Labor commit-
tee sent to Harrisburg, headed by Capt.
M. H. BUTLER, was influenced to make
a report of their mission which in its
most essential features conflicted with
facts. It misrepresented the responsi-
bility for the failure of labor legislation
and attempted to shield the party that
declined to legislate for the benefit of
the working class, putting the blame
where 1t did not belong, The report
had every appearance of being pur-
Last Saturday, at the Knights of
Labor convention in Philadelphia, this
report was considered and rejected as
being unworthy of aeceptande on ac
count of its misrepresentations. The
convention, being sufficiently acquaint-
ed with what had taken place at Har-
risburg, knew that BoTLER's report
was a lying statement. It was well
aware that the Republicans in the
Legislature had a kindlier feeling for
the interest of corporations and mon-
opolies than for the welfare of the
working class, and that they alone
were responsible for the failure of
much needed and long asked for labor
bills. The convention therefore threw
aside BurLer’s majority report and
accepted that of the minority, which
contained what it knew to be facts.
This convention did several other
good and proper things. It declined
to endorse PowDERLY as a delegate to
the constitutional convention, it being
apparent that he had been smuggled
on the Republican State ticket for that
office with no other object than to get
the labor vote for the Republican Au-
ditor General and State Treasurer. It
also refused to authorize the employ-
ment of speakers by the Knights of
Labor, ostensibly in favor of a consti
tutional convention, but for the real ob-
ject of helping to elect the Republican
State ticket. At the same time it
passed a resolution favoring a constitu-
tional convention, but it didn’t appear
to fancy a constitutional convention
that would be under Republican con-
The action of the convention showed
its determination to sit down very hard
on Mr. PowperLY's design to lead the
Kuights into the camp of a party
that never failed to betray labor
when the money interest, the corpora:
tions and the monopolists were to be
——There is an irate woman after
Major MoKinLey. Her name is
Herexy M. Gouger, of Indiana, and
what excites her anger is the “robber
tariff.” She is on the stump in Ohio
making speeches, and in one she let off
in fine style at Findley, the other day,
to an audience of 2000 people, she
attacked the McKinley bill, which she
characterized as ‘a robber tax upon
the people.” Mrs. GouGer has evi-
dently been doing some shopping late-
ly, and, like other woinen who have
shopped since the Major got in his lit-
tle bill, she has discovered, in the in-
creased prices, that the tariff is a tax.
Is she not correct in calling it “a rob-
ber tax upou the people 2”
Porter's Dilemma.
Porter's work of manufacturing a
census of the United States has been
expensive. He 1s far from the comple-
tion of his job of fixing the figures for
a party purpose, yet finds that the ap
propriation of $7,000,000 set apart for
expenses has been exhausted. The
thing being in this situation census
agents have been ordered to suspend
their work notwithstanding its incom.
pleteness, and a large number of clerks
have been dismissed. The census of
the country’s manufacturing and in-
dustrial interests has been left just
about half finished, and in quarters
which had a right to look for better
management great indignation is ex-
pressed that the big appropriation has
been frittered away on subjects that in
ny way increase the value of the cen.
sus, while others of the highest impor.
taace are left in an unfinished condi-
tion, with the money all gone.
Porter is certainly in a dilemma,
for the money needed to complete the
consus must come from a Democratic
congress which will not be ready to
graut 1t until they have inquired into
the manner in which the Superinten-
dant has done his work. That his
work will not stand close investigation |
makes the situation awkward for
The Return ot Captured Flags.
The New York Zribune suggests
that the United States government
should return to Mexico the flage
which were captured from her by our
troops during the war of 1846-48, and
that the next congress should take
steps to that end. This suggestion is
so well thought of by the Philadelphia
Press that it endorses it enthusiastical-
ly, saying : “No step could be happier
and none more likely to add to the
peace of the two nations than for the
United States to return the Mexican
flags and guns it has.”
The papers that urge this thing to
be done as an act that would soothe the
unfriendly feeling that may linger in
in the Mexican breast as a relic of the
war we had with them, are both Re-
publican. They want to make friendly
amends to the Mexican greasers, yet, a
few years ago, when it was suggested
during CLEVELAND'S administration
that it would be a friendly act to return
to the Southern people—our own fellow
citizens—the flags that had been cap-
tured from them in an unfortunate civ-
il contest, there wasn’t a Republican
paper that didu’t set up a howl
against the proposition. As they re-
presented it, it was the next thing to
treason to do an act that might soothe
the bitterness that war had caused be -
tween brothers, but the return of
flags captured from a foreign enemy is
in their opinion praiseworthy in its ob
ject and tendency, 1n that it would hea®
the wounds caused by a conflict that
took place some forty years ago.
At the time the clamor was raised
about the return of the “rebel flags”
every discerning person was able to
see that it was intended for nothing
eise than to produce a ‘bloody-shirt”
——The religious sentiment of the
city of Reading, this State, has been
shocked, and its educational circles ex-
cited, by the action of the school-board
to exclude the reading of the Bible
from the common schools, to be sub-
stituted by the reading of Shakespeare.
The majority of the Supplies Commit.
tee re ported in favor of this change,
but whether it will be effected is doubt"
tul in view of the opposition of public
sentiment to what seems to be an irre-
ligious innovation. SHAKESPEARE'S
plays are good in their place, but they
are not of a character to take the place
of the Bible.
He Should Stick to His Tariff.
Major McKINLEY is certainly in a
bad way in his campaign operations.
He finds his high tariff unpopular, and
consequently shirks it and resorts to
the silver question as his best hold,
posing as the friend of honest money.
But he is unfortunate in the position he
now takes as the opponent of free sil-
ver. Governor CamMpBELL takes him in
hand and shows him up as having sup
ported by his votes in congress a num-
bar of propositions fora more liberal use
of silver in our monetary system, and
particularly that he voted for the 75-
cent Bland Dollar. If there ever was
any dishonesty in the employment of
silver as a circulating medium it cer-
tainly was to be found in the forcing of
a T5-cent doilar to represent the value
of 100 cents and Major McKINLEY vot-
ed for that kind of a dollar. Now he
appears as the opponent of free silver
and the friend of honest money. The
Major, shoved off his tariff base, ex-
periences an embarrassment in finding
something to stand on. He finds rath-
er inconsistent and insecure footing
on the silver question. He should
stick to his tariff and take the chance
it may afford him.
A Dangerous Idea.
The idea of nationalizing the militia
of the States and placing the whole un-
der the Secretary of War, is a bad one
and should be dropped at once. It
wonld have the effect of converting a
citizen soldiery into what would be toc
dangerously like a standing army.
The militia should be strictly a state
organization ; it should be under state
management and control ; it should re-
ceive its inspiration from the senti-
ment of state sovereignty ; it should be
pervaded by state pride. Its connec-
tion with the general goverament
should be only incidental, when called
into service for the national defense.
It is not out of place for the militia
to be encouraged by the general gov.
ernment in improving iis discipline
and promoting its efficiency, but there
would be an element of danger in con-
solidating the state soldiers into a na-
tional force. Let them remain a citizen
soldiery, belonging to and controlled
by the respective states, and Ameri.
can liberty will never suffer at their
——Late accounts from Massachu-
setts Bay bring the gratifying intelli-
gence that this summer will not pass
over without that picturesque and in.
Por- | teresting reptile, the sea-serpent, mak-
ing its appearance on our coast.
An Explanation Forthcoming.
We are requested to announce that |
Mr. James ScHOFIELD is preparing a
statement concerning the affairs of the
Overseer’s office, which will effectually |
close the mouths of the braggarts who |
have nothing better to do than impute |
dishonesty to his public career. The !
the citizens of Bellefonte will have an
The deception practiced by the Ga-
zotte in publishing a statement of Mr.
ScHOFIELD'S account made out by Re’
publican opponents and rivals, did very
well when it knew he was too far
away to contradict, but now since his
return the true state of affairs will be
given and every eatry up to July 17th,
1891, verified.
The Democratic primary elec-
tions in Philadelphia last week were
attended with unusual harmony, a cir-
cumstance that portends success.
There was never a time when there
was such good reason for harmony and
union among the Democrats of the city,
and such cause for the disintegrating
effect of dissatisfaction and want of
confidence among the Republicans.
It can hardly be possible that party
allegiance and the influence of parti-
san prejudice can blind the reputable
Republicans of Philadelphia to the
hopeless debauchery of the city gov-
ernment under their party, and render
them indifferent to its continuance
which would be ensured by the election
of officers bound to be governed by a
systematically corrupt gang of machine
politicians. If, in the face of devel
opments recently made, Philadelpbia
will give her usual Republican majori-
ty, she will be pointed to as a com-
munity irremediably de moralized.
Hereafter Every Voter in Centre County
Must Look Out for Himself.
We have been handed the following
agreement entered into by the chairmen
of the respective county commit-
tees of this county, with the request
to publish. We give it place with
pleasure and call the attention of voters
of both parties to its conditions. Those
who have friends away from home, or
know of persons who have not paid
their taxes, should call their attention
to this new departure, in order that
there may be no disappointment about
it when voting time comes. The fol-
lowing is the statement and agree-
ment :
It has been the custom of the Couu-
ty Committees of Centre county for sev-
eral years past to examine the lists of
tax-payers each year and to pay the
poll tax of all voters who have neglect-
ed to pay their own tax. The amount
of this tax is so small to the individual
that no voter could possibly complain
of paying it himself, and yet the total
amount is a very considerable expense
to the county organizations. It has al-
80 been the custom of the Committees
to spend a large amount of money each
year in procuring railroad tickets to
send to absent voters so that they could
come home to vote on Election Day.
This has perhaps been the greatest ex-
pense in the conduct of the campaigns
of the last few years. A fair proportion
of the money so speat each year has
been simply wasted and has produced
no results in swelling the vote of the
two parties, for the reason that a con-
siderable number of the tickets so sent
have not been used by the yoters, or
have never reached them.
The money to pay their expenses has
been raised by subscription each year
and the subscribers to the fund are gen-
erally the same people in each and ev-
ery year. The money is made up
among a tew who take an interest in
the politics of the County or State, as
the case may be. Ifall persons inter-
ested in politics would make even a
small subscription to the County fund,
the money could be easily raised, but
coming as it does upon thesame people
each year, itisa burden to them, and
such a burden as they should not be
asked to bear.
Every voter should have sufficient pa-
triotism and care for the weltare of his
country to come home to vote and to
pay whatever expense there may be in
reaching the polls; but, even if absent
voters have not sufficient interest to do
this, the chances are that the number
of Republican and Democratic votes
not polled would be equally divided
amongst these absentees.
This question has been under discus-
sion for some time and the chairmen of
the respective committees have entered
nto an agreement, the terms ot which
are given below. All party workers
and all members of the county com-
wittees are earnestly requested to
abide by the terms of this agreement
and to consider it as binding on them
as if they had signed the same along
with the Chairmen of the Committees.
As an agreement of this kind can only
be a question of honor, it must appeal
10 the conscience of all the party work-
ers in the county t(o see that it is car-
ried into effect and that it is violated
in wo particular by their assistance or
connivance, The agreement is as fol-
lows :
It is agreed by and between L. A.
Shaffer, Chairman of the Democratic
County Committee of the county of
Centre, and John M. Dale, chairman
of the Republican County Committee
of the county of Centre, as follows, to |
wit :
First. The respective County Com- /
miilces agree ww poll tax shall be
paid by them dus iz the present year
to enable deling sunt tax-payers to vote
on the day of tiie rext election on the
third day of November, 1891.
SecoND. Its also agreed that the
county Commiutees shall pay for no
railroad tickets to enable absent voters
of either party to go to their respective
homes for the purpose of voting on el-
accounts of the office will be given in | €ction day; but, in case such absent
: : |W f ishi i
full with both sides entered, and then | voters furnishingto the County Commiy)
tees sufficient money to purchase a
I ticket for themselves at the reduced
opportunity of deciding for themselves |
which officer's books are the straight- ? ! ?
> lin that event the tickets will be pur-
rate granted by the Railroad Company
to the respective committees, then and
chased and sent to the voters by the
| CountyiCommittees,
[i is also farther understood and
asreed that this agreement is to bind
not only the Chairmen of the respec-
tive County Committees but also all
members of their Committe; and all
voters of both parties are also earnestly
requested to abide by its terms.
Wi ness our hands, this twenty-
fourth day of September, 1891.
Chairman Dem. Co. Com.
Jno. M. DaLg,
Chairman Rep. Co. Com.
Turn On the Light.
Up to the time of hearing before
Judges Fell and Gorden on the charges
against Auditor General McCamant, the
recent exposures of corrupt practice in
office related only to officials in Phila-
delphia. Late Treasurer Bardsley and
the Mercantile Appraisers only, were
proceeded against criminally. In those
exposures the people outside of Phila-
deiphia therefore have not taken the in-
tense interest that must be excited by
the charges now made affecting the of-
fice of the Auditor General of the State.
At the recent hearing before the two
judges it was developed that District
Attorney Graham is in possession of
most damaging proof of official unfaith-
fulness. The evidence consists of book
entries and checks made ‘by Bardsley,
and letters written by Auditor General
McCamant and Mr. Livsey to Bardsley.
Bardsley in the criminal proceeding re-
fused to answer any questions relating to
these checks and entries, declaring that
his “self-respect ghd regard for his fami-
ly” forbid his making any further dis-
closures. Auditor General McCamant,
the only other witness to the facts, can
not be called as a witness against him-
self, and hence, as a legal prosecution,
the proceeding falls for the time being.
Now, however, let the people of Penn-
sylvania have the facts. Let the sus-
spected State officials be arraigned be-
fare the bar of public opinion... What
are the account and entries in Bardsley’s
hand writing which he refuses even to
look at in court? What do the mutilt-
ed check stubs show ? Let the public
see the McCamant and Livsey letters—
all of them.
‘While the law permits the Auditor
General to be silent in a legal proceed-
ing, the people, whose servant he is,
have a right to demand that he shall
speak. Did Mr. McCamant receive
$7154.42 trom Mr. Bardsley, as shown
in his accounts? If so, where did the
money come from, and what was it paid
for? What say you, Mr. Auditor Gen-
eral? ‘What were the “favors you re-
ceived” from Mr. Bardsley for which you
thank him in your letters, correspond-
ing in date with the mysterious Bards-
ley eheck stubs ? Did District Attorney
Graham present {0 Judges Fell and Gor-
don all of the McCamant letters he had
befere him ?
The people of the state are entitled to
know all that can be known on the
question of the integrity of the state of-
ficials. Ifit be true that the corruption
that bas overwhelmed the public service
in Philadelphia extends to state officials,
the people have aright to know that
fact, and to know it now. Let there be
ueither concealment or delay in this
matter. Speak out, gentlemen !
——The Lock Haven Public Schools
will open a saving banks this, Friday,
——One hundred and fifty-seven
criminal cases were down for trial at the
Clearfield September term of Court.
—— Gen. Hastings will deliver his
lecture on “Reminiscences of the Johns-
town Flood” in the Philipsburg Opera
House to-night.
——H. Tilburg, of Bellefonte avenue,
Lock Haven, picked red raspberries
vesterday in his garden, which were
fully ripened and developed, being the
second crop on the vines this year.
Accept OUR THANKS.—On Wednes-
day morning Mr. Hezekiah Hoy pre-
sented us with a bushel of the nicest
mellow apples that any one could wish
to see, and ever since tho printers in the
WATCHMAN have been feasting on the
luscious fruit. Like the Indians, we
have had to lousen our string several
times in order to hold as many as we
wanted to eat. Thanks, Mr. Hoy, your
present was very acceptable, indeed.
House AND BarN BurNED.—On
Tuesday about noon, the farm house,
two and one half miles above Union-
ville, occupied by Mr. Thomas Irvin
aad family, was discovered to be on fire
and before anything could be done the
flames spread to the barn adjoining,
consuming both in a very few moments.
Mr. Irvin and his workmen were out
in the field when the fire broke out,con-
sequently but little of the contents of
either house or barn was saved. The
loss is rather an unfortunate one, com-
ing just when the crops had been all
garnered and everything made ready
for winter, but we are pleased to learn
that the property was fully insured.
A defective flue was the cause of the
Bardner and Lucy T. Martin, both of
Howard ; Elmer Linbert, of Aarons-
burg, and Kate Rochey of Filmore ;
W. K. Cunningham, of Ohio, and Lot-
tie R. Loneberger, of Pleasant Gap;
H. E. Sheckengast, of Potter township,
and Mattie M. Weaver, of Gregg;
John Madigan, of Philipsburg, aud
Sallie A. Hart, of Clearfield Co; Harry
Austin and Mollie Smith, both of Mijes-
burg, Alfred G. Hagyard and Annie
G. Wright, both of Philipsburg ; Harry
E. Jenkins and Jennie S. Lukenbach,
both of Bellefonte.
TaE Opp FELLOWS’ Big Da¥.--On
the 14th of October next, the I. O. O.
F. of this place will formally dedicate
its hall to the use of the order. For two
years meetings have been held in the
rooms, but a formal dedication has nev-
er been made.
It will be the occasion for two big
meetings, one in the hall and the other
in the Opera House. The latter will
be addressed by Mayor W. F. Reeder,
D. F. Fortney and Past Grand Sire, J.
B. Nicholson, of Philadelphia. A
grand street parade of the visiting camps,
with bands, etc., will be one of the
features of the day.
Let every one decorate and extend a
hearty welcome to the visiting Odd
Fellows, so that they shall be properly
impressed with our town and feel like
returning often.
Lock Haven Democrat of Wednesday
gives the following account of the con-
ference which went there to select dele-
gates to the Constitional convention ;
“The Democratic conference to name
two senatorial delegates to the State
Constitutional Convention, met herd to-
day, Clinton, Clearfield and Centre
counties being represented. The follow-
ing are the names of the candidates and
the conferrees from the several counties :
Clinton—William H. Clough, repre-
sented by S. W. Caldwell, this city ;
John U, Shaffer, Renovo, and B. F.
Geary, this city.
Clearfield— William Bigler, represen-
ted by A. Reed, of Clearfield; W. C.
Pentz, of Du Bois, and Charles Dickin-
gon, of Osceola Mills.
Centre—Ellis L. Orvis, represented
by J. H. Holt, Snow Shoe; W. J.
Singer, Bellefonte, and John A. Wood-
ward, Howard. .
The conference met in the Judge's
chamber at2 o’clock and on motion,
which was seconded, Hon. John A,
‘Woodward was elected President ot the
body, and Hon. John U. Shaffer, Sec-
retary. The three candidates, Messrs.
Clough, Bigler and Orvis were then
placed in nomination by their respective
couferrees, after which the conference
adjourned for twenty minutes.
Conference re-assembled at the expira-
tion of the recess and proceeded to bal-
lot, each conferree voting for persons,
as follow: Bigler 9. Orvis 5, and
Clough 4. Messrs. William Bigler, of
Clearfield, and Ellis L. Orvis, of Centre,
having received the necessary number
of votes, were declared elected delegates
to Censtitutional Convention and their
selection was made unanimous.
Conference then adjourned sine die.
Sunday morning last a wreck occurred
at Greensburg which resulted in the
the death of Charles Rogers, eldest son
of Mr. Geo. Rogers, the engineer and
inventor of this place. Charley will
be remembered as assistant engineer at
the Nail Works several years ago and
was a young man respected by every
one who knew him.
He met his death as follows: Shortly
after the death of his first wife who was
a Miss Roan, of Coleville, he went to
Altoona and seoured a position as fire-
man on the Western division of the
Pennsylvania railroad, running regular-
ly until the accident occurred. There
was a wreck near Greensburg and A.
C. Wadsworth, the engineer, did not see
it until it was too late to stop: His en-
gine plunged right into the debris and
before he had time to realize what was
the matter he jwas hurled over into a
field. When he got up he at first start-
ed to run away, but thinking of his fire-
man he returned to find Charley pin-
{foned underjthe monster engine. Halp
was quickly called and it took fifty
men working like tigers for four hours
before the poor boy could be gotten out.
Persons who were there say they never
saw such bravery exhibited by any one,
Not once did jan expression of pain es-
cape his lips and the only words he
uttered were of encouragement to the
men who were working to liberate him,
but when he was lifted out so great had
been the strain that he tainted away.
A superficial examination showed
that his left arm was crushed from the
shoulder down and it was amputated
afterwards at the West Penn Hospital
where he was taken from the wreck.
The strain was too much for him, how-
ever, and he] died yesterday, Thursday
morning, at three o’clock. His father
was with him when he breathed his
A wife and one child are left to mourn
the loss of a fond and loved husband
and father.