Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 04, 1891, Image 1
RAR SRILA A K BY P.. GRAY ME Ink Slings. - ‘ —After CampBeLL gets well it will be McKINLEY'S turn to get sick. —1It will be a good day for Chili and the United States when Minister EGAN is called back. —The wonderful enthusiasm for Gen- eral GREGG seems to have imitated the mercury and taken a tumble, —Down in Delaware they are having too much of a good thing—even the pigs turn up their snouts at peaches. —The President experiences an em- barrassment in having a boy who is al- lowed to monkey with a printing press, —~Canada shows so light an increase in population that she hardly presents a decent prize to be gobbled by the American eagle. --Big crops and good prices are caleu- lated to make the farmers smile, and when they smile the whole country is likely to be happy. —Mexico will be largely represented at the Chicago Fair if there isn't a revo- lution on her hands to employ herat ten- tion at that time. -—Now that BALMACEDA is out of a job it is a wonder that some enterprising manager isn’t after him for the Ameri- can lecture platform. —If Mr. BLAINE is in as good health as his friends represent him to be in, he should be at his post of duty doing work for the pay he gets. --The American hog is expected to make an entrance into Germany very shortly. It is a tight fence that the American hog can’t get through. ~-The New York Herald devotes two pages to an expose of the Raum refriga- tor scheme. The impression left on its reader’s minds is that it is a cold steal. —-It is supposed that JAY GouLb has surrendered control of the Union Paci- fic Railroad because he finds it a cream- pot that is no longer worth skimming. —Has anybody heard of Chairman ANDREWS lately? The Chairman of the Repubiican Committee seems to have been mislaid or else he has strayed or was stolen. —They are charging ten cents admis- sion into the house in which McKINLEY was born, the money to be used to help elect him Governor. This is collecting the fat in driblets. —The victors in Chile have no debts of friendship to cancel. They won their battles without aid or comfort from the outside world in general and the United States in particular. —Di1az, President of Mexico, is re- ported as trying to assume dictatorial powers. The way BALMACEDA has been treated should warn him that this is not a good year for dictators. ---With one million dollars a day flowing to’this country from Europe in exchange for our grain, prosperity should turn on us one of its broadest smiles. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody. —Major McKINLEY is making as much of a straddle on the silver question as have the Pennsylvania Republicans, and yet he does not run as much risk of being split in two by it as by the tariff question. —The Republicans of Pennsylvania, who havee put a soldier on their ticket for political effect, will have occasion to discover that the people just now are more anxious to punish embezzlers than to reward soldiers. —The head of the Republican clubs for which (JAck DALrzeLL and Jack Rosinsoxn are contending, has the ap- pearance of a jack-pot for which two tricky political gamblers are playing an interesting game. —General CANTO, who whipped BAL- MACEDA, is the hero of the hour in South America, but as things go in that coun- try it can’t be possible that CANTO will refrain from setting up as a dictator on the first opportunity, --The arrogance with which RusseLn Raggson demanded and was granted the use of a government vessel contrary | to regulations, is evidence that the American people are bound to have his unpleasant personality intruded upon their attention. —The organ grinder has fallen upon evil days. He has been suppressed in a large number of countries, but the Briton seems inclined to Jet him stay. For the sake of harmony on this continent it is hoped that Great Britain will throw the | protecting folds of her flag around him | and keep him forever. —When a man makes up his mind to | got out of jail, there doesn’t seem to be mn em mccn— | ——When a Berks county Republi.’ { anything in the way of an ordinary pri- - son which will hold him. Eugene! O'HARA, the “roughest man in New York,” took the risk of a fall of eighty feet in his escape from Jefferson Market prison, in that city. It was evidently a case of liberty or death with him, and, with the usual luck which seems to at- tend some of Satan’s imps, liberty won. i STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. "VOL. 86, BELLEF ONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 4, 1891. NO. 34. The People’s Contest. The contest in Pennsylvania this year will emphatically be the people’s contest, It will be the people against the political gamblers and party ma- chine managers who have worked the State government and used the State Treasury for their own individual profit. The carefuland honest citizen should not, and we believe, will not consider the issueas one that is to determine whether a Republican or a Democrat shall fill the office of Auditor General or State Treasurer, but rather whether the books shall be opened and examin- ed—whether they shall go'into new hands that they may be overhauled and a statement presented to the people. There has been thieving going on— embezzlers have been at work, and the people want to have the whole bad business exposed. They can’t ‘expect that these evils ‘will be exposed by those who committed them. The Quays, the CooprErs, the Haxpy SairHs, the Bovers, the McCayaxts and the BArRDSLEYS, are not the men who want the books to be opened and the evidence given to the people as to how the mooey in the treasury has been used. Therefore the utter folly of continuing in the Auditor General's office, and at the head of the Treasury, officers who would be under such in- fluence. Machine officers are not the oues to show up the rottenness of the ma- chine. Individually Morrison and GREGG may be reputable men, but they owe their nominations to machine influ- ence. affiliation with the party bosses— his connection with them is so strong that he could not break away from to do so, and he has never given any sire. and even an honest disposition on his determination of the desperate treasury gamblers to keep the booksclosed and prevent investigation. The developments in the BARDSLEY case show the rottenness that prevails in Republican financial management. The plowshare of investigation ust be rua through both the Auditor Gen- eral’s and the State Treasnrer’s offices, and the subsoil turned up and exposed to the sunlight of official scrutiny. It wouldn't do for the plow to be a “ma- chine” plow. Machine men would be out of place between its handles. The people are now interested in hav- ing men in those two offices who will not be afraid that their friends will be hurt'if the books are examined, and who will enforce the law in the settle- ment of accounts without fear, favor or affection. We have not such men there now, and we would not have them there if Quay’s machine eandidates should be elected. The Germans have been experiment- ing with bicycles with a view to the use of them in the army, and with suc- cess, judging by a recent report that many vere to be made for the army. The first experiment of this kind in the United States was at the encamp- ment of the Connecticat National Guard. Lieutenant Bowen was pleas- ed with it, and in his report to the War Department recommended an experi- ment by the regulars. A man on a bicycle can go where he could not on a j borgse. The suggestion is that the bicycle could be used to advantage by ! the bearers of dispatches, and also by | skirmishers and forces sent to recon- noiter. The cyclists of the Connecti- ent Goard were armed with revolvers and revolving carbines. Now that {war is daily becoming more and { more a matter of machines, the Lien- | tenant's recommendation ought to re- ceive attention at the Department. ————————— can Convention refuses to condemn two of the three delegates who voted at the Harrisburg Convention against General | Grrca, the claim of the Republican { organs that their candidate is popular | at home shows falsehood upon its face. i rE ——————— ! EAA, ———Subscribe for the Warcuman. Morrisox is noted for his long | their influence even if he should desire ! evidence of his entertaining sach a de- | General Grea is uiterly inex- | perienced in political and official life, | part would be unavailing against the | False Campaign Issues. Major McKinrey is making his fight for Governor of Ohio chiefly on the question of free coinage. He is throwing himself into the fight as a stalwart opponent of the free silver policy, with an apparent obliviousness of the fact that the people at this time are more interested in the question of tariff taxation than they are in anything relating to coinage. They feel the pinch of taxation on their necessaries and are not troubling themselves as to whether their dollars are made of paper, or of silver, or of gold. Tariff reform is really the great issue before the country, but the Major is shy of it and spreads himself on the silver ques- tion. The latter is not a party issue, for there are Republicans as well as Democrats who are in favor of free sil- ver, butit is the tariff, entering every household in the country and pinching wherever there ig a buyer to be pinch- ed, that constitutes the issue upon which the two parties are distinctly di- vided. In abandoning the tariff asa cam- paign question McKiNLey abandons the issue which he was chiefly instru- mental in raising. In turning his back upon his own offspring and posing as the champion of “honest money” he | shows himself to be more ofa dema- gogue than a statesman, This is par- ticularly shown by his attempt 10 strengthen his position as an honest money advocate by quoting Mr. CLEVE: LaND's anti-silver letter, in the face of the fact that a few months ago he de- nounced Mr. CLEVELAND in a speech at discredited ove of our great products {and had increased the price of gold.” | At that time the Major had not fully HE how unpopular his tariff | hal become among the farmers and { housekeepers of Ohio, and that it would be necessary to divert their at- | tention with the free-silver bugaboo, inclining him to take the position which he had condemned Mr. Creve- | LaxD for taking. This raising of false issues in a cam- | paign is a very common habit among | Republican leaders. It will be done | this year in Pennsylvania, as it has | been done freqaently before. The vital | issue before the people of this State is | whether the State government shall be purely or corruptly, honestly or dis- honestly administered; whether the | State Treasury shall be made the prey ot speculators and embezzlers, and their evil deeds be concealed by keep- ing the State Auditor's and Treasurer's offices in the hands of incumbents who are under the control of the machine managers? It is purely a State issue involving no other than State inter ests. But those who want to conceal the misapplication and embezzlement of State funds will endeavor to divert public attention from treasury investi- gation by raising a clatter on the sub- ject of the tariff, and by vominating a soldier to keep alive the old war senti- ment. But when thieves are raiding the public treasury tariff interests and war sentiments are out of place. ——The Republican journals are at their old tricks. This time last year they were predicting thata Democratic victory would ruin every industry in Pennsylvania, and now they are claim- ing that the defeat of McKiNLEY in Ohio will mean ruin for the entire country. Cordial A ceeptance. Kagland is very cordial in accepting the invitation to attend the Columbian Fair. The Queen herself takes a live- ly interest in it. In the commission she has issued to the council of the Soziety for the Encouargament of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, she de- clares it to be her “wish that the ex- hibition should afford a full and suit- able representation of the industry, agriculture and fine arts of Great Britain,” and that she “earnestly de- sires to promote the success of the ex- hibition.” The British government has made a grant of $125,000 to defray the expenses of the exhibit, and it is thought the exhibitors themselves will contribute at least $1,000,000 more for the same purpose. Austria, Italy and Germany are rather backward, because of the feeling of leading industries on reason to believe that those countries will be fulty represented, Toledo as'the President who “had. Mr. Powderly as a Republican Can- didate. There is something inconsistent in Mr. Powperry’s accepting the Repub- lican nomination as a candidate for delegate-at-large to the constitutional convention. It was only a few weeks ago that he declined the appointment of a World's Fair eommissioner on the ground that it was a “political posi- tion” and that as the head of the Knights of Labor it did not become him to occupy such a position. While we congratulate him on the interest he appears to manifest in the improve- ment of our State constitution, we are at a loss to see in what way there is more politics in a World's Fair than in constitutional convention. In fact in neither of them should there be any politics. But he says he is moved to take the nomination for the constitutional convention by his desire for ballot re- form. Surely Mr, PowbperLY ought to know that the party which has put him in nomination does not want bal- lot reform. In the last Legislature they resorted to every artifice to defeat the movement for an improved ballot law. They don’t want any other elec- toral system than the one under which they have in time past bribed and in. timidated enough voters to secure them the control of the State. The proposition to adopt the Australian plan of voting has at every turn been met by the opposition ofthe Republi- can leaders. Under such circumstances it is not possible that when they se- lected Mr. PowDERLY as one of their candidates for delegate-at-large they did so out of consideration for the in- fluence he would exert in bringing about ballot reform. Howeyer con- scientious his actions may be to that end he cannot expect to have the co- operation of his Republican colleagues in the conyention. The motive of the Rapublican ma- chine managers in putting the leader of the Knights of Labor on their ticket is quite obvious. They expect thatin return for this honor the workingmen of the State will rush in a body to the support of their machine-made ticket for Auditor General and State Treas- urer. Thisis the only reason for the nomination of Mr. Powperry: It cer- tainly was not made in the interest of ballot reform, for that is the kind of reform which the machine managers particularly object to. The Democrats and Farmers’ Alliance of Minnesota are arranging for a fasion for next year's work, on the basis of a joint electoral ticket, the Democrats to have the United States senator and the Alliance the governor. The Democrats last fall on governor polled in Minnesota 85,844 votes and the Alliance 58,114, or a total of 143,- 958, against 88,111 Republican. The State gave Harrison a plurality of 38, 000. As the policy of the Democratic party offers greater advantages to the Western farmers than is offered by the . arty of monopolistic tendencies, there is no reason why such a combination should not be satisfactory. The Chilian Rebels Ahead. It is announced by telegram from Chili that the forces of President Bac- MACEDA have been routed and that the victory of the congressional party is complete. During the progress of this civil contest the people of the United States have been treated to two utterly diverse stories. One, and the most widely cirenfated, was (0 the effiot that Barmacepa is a bratal tyrant who ig- nored the laws, overturned the liber ties of the people, in defense of whizh the congressional party took ap arms. The other was that Baryacepa is a patriot, a friend of the people, while the leaders of the congressional party are aristocrats, enemies of liberty and infsympathy with the monarchical gov- ernments of Europe. On the one side it was declared that the rebellion was instigated by the enemies of the péo- ple; on the other side it was said to be the last recourse of the people them- selves in defense of their freedom. Nearly ail the Ameri:an newspapers have manifested a friendly spirit to- ward the revolutionists ; bat in the face of such conflicting testimony it was ex- the MaKinley bill, but still there is! told the truth. tremely difficult to decide which side The congressional par- ty having won, we will snon know what the policy of the leaders is to be, The Democratic Society. The Democratic Society of Pennsyl- vania, the organization which 18 doing so much in solidifying and strengthening the Democratic party: in this State, will hold its next meet- ing on the 30th of September, These annual assemblages increase -in the number of attendants at every meeting and their usefulness increases in proportion. The great meeting at Reading last year inaugurated the cam- paign which elected Goveraor Parri- son, It is expected that the assembly of this year will be equally large and equally important in its results. The place of the Democratic socie- ties in the regular party organization of the State has been sufficiently de- termined to demonstrate the value of such an auxiliary force: While they are regularly incorporated with the or- ganizaticn, they perform a function and exercise an influencejwhich have only recently been felt in American polities. Chairman Brice and Chairman Kerr unite with the officials of the National Association of Democratic Clubs and of the Democratic society of this State in urging the formation of Democratic societies in every political subdivision of the Commonwealth. : All societies should endeavor to have the names of their deputies to the: gen- eral assembly at Pittsburg in the hands of Secretary Joux D. Woryax, United States Hotel, Harrisburg, at least a week before the time ot meeting, al- though the names will be received up to the day thereof. New societies should forward to the secretary a full list of officers and members as soon as organized, and also of the deputies to the general assembly. Each society is entitled to one member of the general committee and the deputies should be prepared to hand in the name of the member upon assembling at Pittsburg. Each society is entitled te one deputy at large and to one additional deputy for every twenty-five members in good standing, as certified by the secretary. A primary Democratic society be- comes a member of the Democratic Society of Pennsylvania, entitled to’ representation in the general assembly and in committees, by simply report- ing its organization to the secretary with officers and membership-and di- recting the name to be enrolled. No fees are exacted. SC — England is showing a strong disposition to take a prominent part in the Chicago exposition, and the other European nations will in all probabili- ty be represented by their best products. In fact in this age of commercial com- petition they cannot afford co be ab- sent. There will be a large influx of visitors from all parts of the world to Chicago 1n 1893, perhaps more than to any other exhibition which has yet been given. Unharmonious Harmony. The harmony prevailing among the Republicans of Pennsylvania is of the discordant variety. Nowhere has it cropped out more jarringly than in the contest that has been going on all sum- mer for the leadership of the Republi- can League between Roninson and Darzenn. The fur has been flying during the past three months as pro- fusely as in the contest of the cele- ; brated Kilkenny felines. The Harris. | burg Telegraph, organ of the Republi. can machine at the State capital, sav- | agely denounces Darziin as “a com- bination of arrogance and impudence,” and advises the leaguers at their Seran- ton convention to ‘‘take him by he nape of the neck and pitch him. out of the convention, as the party can get along without such mischief breeders.” On the other hand there is another faction which regards RopinsoN with equal hostility and would be delighted to have him pitched overboard. What- ever way this League fight may ter- minate there is going to be sore heads. When President HarrISON ap- pointed Patrick Ean as United States Minister to Chili it was probably with the intention of currying favor with the Irish-Americans and of winning votes for the Republican party, Whatever may havebeen his intention, Eeax has now proved himself to be a decided failure, and his recall is an imperative necessity. The administration is only receiving its dnes for the manner in which it acted in appointing Egan, d eT on? ». Spawls from the Ke, als Erm + 2% k sa ~ : ? i ay —Rains- have endangered Berks county potatoes. $5 ho trend ab _- is 5 —All'thé ‘Lehigh’ Tron Com pany’s furdaceg near Allentown are running. ‘ LAL 40 MERAY AH —The Auditor General denies that Cumbera land’s County Treasurer is delinquent.’ . —John Gerlach, of Lockersyille, fell from a hay loft-on Saturday and broke his neck. —A man with a counterfeit $102 bill isropers ating in the coal regions about Hazleton. —A floor fell from under, Allentown _Salvas tionists on Sunday evening. Nobody] was hurt. Bint null ot ! ! —Willie Frantz, aged 12, of Scrantony. as accidentally shot in’ the thigh by) a ‘young cousin. : —A large company attended “Bathany day exercises at the Orphans Home near Wome, elsdorf. 5 —All vegetables yet in the ground have been badly damaged by incessant rains near Ashland. .. aot —Michaal Fritz, of Friedensburg, celebrated his 94th birthday. He #4 still actively engaged in business.” filha —Samuel Reese, oi Burnt Cabins, _has the brag calf; it is four mouths old and ‘weighs 470 pounds. : —A train’ of eighteen carloads of pickles was the odd shipment sent from Pittsburg ta Kansas City, ja: —Frank, the 9-year-old son of W, F. Bennes thum, of Reading, is missing, and supposed to be drowned. —Ella Ardut, a prety 16-year-old : girl of Annville, died suddenly at her uncles? s-hotel at Grantville. —For a leg lost in a mine Joseph Simmiski, of Nanticoke, sues the Susquehanna Coal Coma pany for $5000. * —A pump good for1000 gallons: a minute keeps the Black Diamond mines at.Luzerne tree from water. ) —Reading,s Council has refused to permit the City Passenger Railway to suhstitute the trolley for horses. —Mount Gretna will be the permanent summer headquarters of the Stoverdale:Camp Meeting Association. —For embezzling the funds of Andrew J. Cox, of Philadelpdia, John J. Pierson has been arrested at Lancaster. —Thomas Edwards, married, a miner at the" Logan Colliery, Centralia, was caught-under a rush of coal and killed. ; —Repairs on the washed-out branches of the Reading Railroad in the Lebanon Valley are approaching completion. : —Mary Burke, of Lebanon, was stricken, with dizziness and fell, breaking her nose and disfiguring her face badly, —Teams {rom State militia , will. contest at Monnt Gretna on Thursday and Saturday for superiority in rifle shooting. —An excursion train ran over and killed Edwin C. Foget, of Alburtis,. Lehigh county, while sleeping off a spree. —A thirteen year old tramp. arrested st Norristown, has been all over: the country since he was eight years old. —The oldest man in the State is said to be. Jacob Sieel, of Fayette county. On Octobex- 19th, he will be 103 years old. ‘—Inspector of rifle practice: Herman is ar« ranging fur regimental and brigade prize cons tests at Mount Gretna next week. i —Eva Christian, an emigrant, who has been missing since August 3, hasbeen found living’ with Hungarians at Shenandoah. —One of the largest cranes ever killed in Bucks county was slain a few days ago by Als fred Evans. It measured six feet. —Mrs. Peter Cammings, of Scranton, while, returning from a funeral on Tuesday was thrown from her carriage and killed. —John Walsh, a minor, was ,probably fatally injured in the mines at Pittstown Tuesday by a premature explosion of a blast. —Putoff an East Allentown electic car. fo, disorderly conduct, Jacob Reichard spitefully , cut down an electric pole, and was arrested, . —John Jones, of Taylorville, Luzerne couns ty, was committed to jail charged by David J, Davis with wronging, his 14-year-old daughter, —W. Holmes Mason, of Marietta, has a tos bacco leaf of the Pennsylvania seed variety, which measures 4 inches long and 26. inches wide. —A Lebanon. electric car broke {through both gates of tha Readiag railroad at a Lebane on crossing and crushed itself against a ballast train, —The probabls murder and robbery of a stranger near Pine Grove, who died covered with bruises on Sunday, is as much a mystery as ever. — David. de Hart, of Reading, had seventys seven descendants present to help him celea brate the ninety-first anniversary of his birth last week. For eviction with her three children dur- ing a. heavy rain-storm Mrs. Josiah Hunter, of Allentown, has sued her late landlord for $5000: damages. —A boy named Clyde Young, while playing about a saw mill at Derry, was instantly killed ‘by a huge log rolling over him and crushing ‘his body to a pulp. —Mrs. Finlay Ross, of Carbondale, cut’ her throat on Tuesday night with a razor, dying instantly. Despondency and domestic trou bles were the causes. —Dr.Z X. Snyder, of Indiana, who was aps pointed by Governor Pattison as Superingens Jent of Public Tnstraction, has given noice of his accoptance of a position in Gueeley Col. —Miss Kate Alleman, of Fontana, Lebanon county, died Monday from injuries received by being thown from a buggy while returning fromthe Mound Greta Farmers’ Encamps ment. —Yesterday, at Susquehanna, Mrs. James Hamm secured a verdict of $3112.50 against the Dalaware and Hudson Company, for ejecta ing her husband from a veain, which resulted in his being killed. : In consequence of protracted rains lea d- ing brick manufacturers at Reading have heen able to male no brick since August 20, Stocks are depleted. With continued wet weather pric 2s may rise next season from 50 to $1. —Chris Magee denies that the Republicans will give him charge of the campaizsn in the West, and that collector Cooper will ran the Eastern end of the fight. The responsibility has been shouldered upon Lieutenant Governs or Watres. —A preliminary injunction has been awarce ad restraining the Plymouth township (Lu- zerne county) School Board from changing the text books used in the schools. The grounds alleged are that the meeting at whioh : the change was made was illegal.